The Straits Times, 6 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 0, 1898. NO. 19,548.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 885 1 ,p,,r BOBNEO COMPANY. LIIHTID i <• I.if, a-oranoa. 1 SJr-ick Oalo. Fi» U.««. 80.M7 ifla. »«.ra»»' Coa^aay (ft~). tSuSS' Lil* Aa«r«a Sooirty. rC i»i«a X*™. In«™™» Company n". ihina M<i»«eJ steam NaTigation oaspany. I™ r ,tt»nhs». H— 1 <'»™Pa»y. TU alaritiaie laiaraac Company. Limltsd. i i»rtioulars of tl»«, CompaniM. see
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    • 1277 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I'ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agenlt al Singapore SHIP AoEXCY, late J. DaEXIieLS A Co.. i-3, CoLLTBB Quay. Steamer hn.rn Expected Will I* Despatched lor Od /V Carj</i.H>i. Batavia. June ■>. BaUvia, Cheribon, Snmarang SourabayaT B'maiwin, Pulu Laut an' Cotei Juue 4 <!.O.\Ja,ob.
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    • 676 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital f2,;2T,000 Paid up Capital 212,780 Reserve Fund H7< ;,B.v> The undersigned. Agents tor tbe Com I pany, a-e prepnr.'d to accept firo risks at h Co. 'I'm gUU ■ii l.- INSI'KINCE 1 00KPAVT, LIMITED. Capital Snbsorib™! Jl.imil.iK*.. Am.mut Ml up XOO.UOn.
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    • 630 1 INSURANCES. 'pHEyIKKN INSI'HASCE COMPANY ROYAL INSUKANCK COMPANY. The un.l.r-iKn.,l. tMOM lor the abov,I Company, are prepared to take risks at current rates. lI'IOOI.ANDT A Co. 1-<H E STRAITS INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. ESTABLISHED Head Ovfi.e. Sinuapore. Capital Fully Sul.-irilwd «.I,onoooo Capital Paid-up 800,000 Reserve Funds 168,?!X) 1 Balance of Working Accouot
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    • 449 1 NOTICES, STOP. THINK AND CONSIDER WHAT oII.t you. StMirity In your li. I, Knviltnn from Thefts, tin-.-inninvvniion „i Ram Box. AUthete blemini iipon alrth will I m< yours by iiiv,*tin| in on« d ourdanaatkauitaaol bran padlocki Bii in nuinbtr. l| inch «i/., »ith lour viiryini; hran, imperial protector and *t.-,l
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    • 576 1 ■EKKKCT is MARVELLOUS" IBeMlloW wbnv h» K nvi> Chaml'rrlniirHr vi.l ||»v,. i,,,,,!, pi,,, i hni l Diarrhaei Braxd; Whenever notnili Hi,. mnr1 'n*",l l "!'u'' ln lv ip *'»"l» UnUM Kt.MM't uld '11-rywheri'' m Dispxnw s i KOR SAI.K EMPLOYMENTS' To I R-AffDPBRSONALS liniei, 10 n- lino 4th to Mfc
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  • 25 2 Straits Times MONDAY, 6TH JUNE 1895. ILOILO ALL WELL. KsTAKUSHttK IKJI. PUICK II CENTS. |6'u'.KTip/um rtitei an/I atlrertlting raltl rmiy l»-fwiul on the fourth paqt.\
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  • 50 2 MONDAY. 6TH JUNE,1898 ILOILO ALL WELL A vksski. baa arrived at llonskon? I with letter* from lloilo up tothe:;"th of May. lloil i was then safe and.|uict. Tiie uii.^on hail been strengthened by about a thousand soldiers withdrawn from Capri an 1 other stations Proviatons were rather scarce and dear.
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  • 58 2 A t.le-rain from l.abuan reports that two American warships have been seen j a using in tha Bain AnMpohsfa. The ehjeet of «v.-li a erui-e must be to Inierrupl Upantah russhi cairytag asaaat I ,1,.- 1., lu.-n i i.c Philippines and Labuan Some |ii:rlieiilni> about the situation
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  • 92 2 OPERATIONS Dl PEDIIt. hktuei: tit rcn buccuses. The Dutch troops, it is telegraphed, continue to advance inland in I'edir. On Thursday last (Jnd instant), they 1 advanced to Ola (iap. and to the boundary ol'the district of Climnbtik. The Acliincsc offered but slight le-i-tailce Tuku Imar. the
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  • 40 2 mam ottbi ntu force. I Mi June. The field force now orj aaUng on the Nile for the advance on Khwtona will I.c twenty Illilllsaail -:r,.:u. The expedition ie expected to reach Khartoum about the beginning of October.
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  • 157 2 HATTERIKS DAMAOKD. hmh aaaonn. The Americana renewed the Nt of Santiago on Friday last (:ird instant) The American lire damaged the .Spanish batteries. The American ship afirHwn was alsu sent into the harbour, there, for the express purpo-c of blocking the channel at thecntianee She was
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  • 31 2 DI TY 01 Tl:\ The I'nitcd States Senate ha- passed a War Revenue Kill, with an amendment i.uiiL- tlie import duty on tea at ken cents a pound
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  • 300 2 BpAana naral incompetam hai bi an consistently maintained at >antiapo de Cuba, when mismanagemenl lias> wrecked Spanish hope-. Ibere, Admiral Cerrera'i Beat, vhwh aroused Ii hi^li expectations la Spain on learinxOapa Verde For Cuban waters, baa DM) wliat Mill be an inglorious biav The sii nan of wu
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  • 49 2 Ir will be noticed, in our news from Manila, that the (iovernor-Oeneral at Manila, be-iilcs rereivinß tele«raiihic notice when the American fleet Ml Honi:kon.-. ako had further advices when the llect naaaal Uolinao. In these circumstances the unprepariHl state in which the Spaniards were found is still more discreditable
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  • 77 2 Mk. Biimv of Haul, arrival at Sinpipore this in. ,111:111;. by tlie KamiL-ira Ksn. ltwill be noticed that the prices of Ilaub shares have advanced about ten per cent, from the time that the KamaI Aur.i Wiin.entere.lMalayanwaters.Thus, i doe« the magnetic influence of Mr.Bibby extend through the tropical waters Mr.
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  • 5 2 Tub Government advertises for a
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  • 9 2 Thebb will he races at Johore on Saturday, first.
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  • 8 2 Mnssna, Khan Brvdges advertise for a hill collector.
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  • 11 2 Tn k West Yorkshires talk of a torchlight tattoo next Saturday.
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  • 15 2 I'k.idi i X, exchange, and share prices and tlic mail hat, are on page 4.
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  • 11 2 Them: will be no moonlight music to-night because of the tieldday.
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  • 13 2 A keaard is advertised for the recovery of a lost gold chain bangle.
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  • 13 2 atnsaaa. Barlow and Co. advertise three cotl'ee estates in Negri Sembilan for sale.
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  • 17 2 Mnatni Qnaa ■aetaan advertise an auction sale of stock-in-trade at No. SI, Kobinson Road, on Thursday next.
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  • 18 2 A msaouTios of partnership between William Jardine and Liin Iloh I'oah in the Central Kngine Works is advertised
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  • 18 2 Ma. George Qflaaoar, consultinE enspnesr, Ins 1. ft Poaaaa toaasoass th* man.igei.ieut ..f th* Central Engine w.,lk^, Singapore.
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  • 23 2 Thk u-ual monthly Missionary Meeting will be held, this evening, at t'rinsep Street Chapel, at -o'clock. The speaker will b* Mr. C. I'liillips.
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  • 24 2 The Post Olli.e authorities have arranged a system wherel y the Engli-li M iii is sorted on the journey up from Klaugti' Kuala Lumpur
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  • 21 2 TIIK Singapore Ititle A--oeiati,.n ■poon BOmpetltion an Saturday afternoon was won by A. H. Linton. with K Anstifis a good second.
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  • 21 2 Oaum McCallum. the (Jovernor of Lagos, left for Kurope on fith May on furlough Colonel McCallum was unwell when he started.
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  • 27 2 BJLS, lii'lo and Ms, two cruiser, recently eon.missionod at Chatham, will shortly convey a new crew to China for II MS llarileur whose complement is 606 men
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  • 26 2 Mil. Vikrka, the Chief Clerk of the Audit OAce, .lecompanied by two juniors, left for Malacca o i Saturday last to audit tha Malacca public service
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  • 28 2 A sia(ai> woman, namrd Chen K All Cluw, rrpi.rts yesterday arternoon, while in rikisha in Xlin K Street, a Chinaman snutche.l lier diamond earrings valued at S2MO.
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  • 38 2 BIKOTTj the joikey, now out sj boapital, daains ta thaak the public for Ili.-ir liberal Bulwiri|ition», and to thank Mr Ahrams for his trouble in the matter of ciillertini! the money. He is recoverinft, but he seems weak.
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  • 40 2 0* Saturday afternoon, a cricket rnatnh,wa*psay*donth»B C Cpsnassi between Public .Schools r. the Hest. The Baal who went in first, retired after making lti« runs for live wickets, the Public ,,iN then soared IW runs for three wickets.
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  • 46 2 Vfmkuiiav afternoon, a PoHet con Stable saw a Malay carrying som, ferriage lamps along Kochore Bond. Or seeing the con-table, the man dropi>e< the lamps and ran »P»J. ChsaM U' given, but witliout resulting in n capture. Owaan an wanted IV tin lamp-.
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  • 195 2 aiHßa 1 1 m:i;ai. IMM IMIIH Catm Thk otbai day. Suparintsjvt—l Udl prosecuted Khoo Khean Hone, dark In the employ of Mr. Urn K.k Chuan. an Opium r'armor, before Mr Wilkinson, lor using instruments in LJgbl Street, Penang, contrary to tha Isni of liii Uosua, and IH "millinc to
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  • 856 2 PRESENTATION OK A TURKISH ORDER. Know Friday evening until Monday I morning, Johore was crowded with largeiufluxofKuropcnnvisitorswhowere the guests of the Mtaa of WWW. The i occasion of thn festivities wax the pre- i -.enlation tii tin- Sultan of Johorr, on be- j half of the Sultan
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  • 123 2 'In i < monsang, a Chinaman, named TanLini K.nt.Htr.idei .ii No. tLUyda Terrace, reported to tlie police that he and ten others had their usual ri, o yesterday evening, anonl 7 p.m. and that shortly afterwards, they became giddy as if they were euflaruig from the rile,
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  • 197 2 A nBLB day, will be hi-1.l tin» afterBoon in Urn vicinity of Isulin li,. invading (brce, uhd.r l.i.i it.-Col. <irantDalton, will ,m.i-i i.l -ix companies ol tha \V,.i Vorkibire Raßunent, and two di'tarliinuiitKiil'tlivU A .nitli^-7-i>r.EUiia. in- datading force, undai ii,,- cuminaad of Major K.C. Mills, will consist
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  • 224 2 TIIK Dafftmn NAHUAIIVK, This mail faassn now received ront.ii n UM Bras* corres|.omlent teleerar.i'.J] account, ofthe battle of Manila* K carefu comparison it can be »een tha Lnnlinh newspaper of Monday tgu* hud „uite»o^,Kl an account a, haa,; grsd.iWsofthaiehy The sT 11-rald r.lone had a better
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  • 228 2 An aiiiiising account ha-, sal received by private letter from Sulu of the mortal fear displayr.l 1,, t S(.ani«h (iovernor there Fearing ia American invasion, or hi- life in iro:,:mlv Iron, UM friends of tIKWc he QS MM little while back, he n S im-t- bbneoH en
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  • 158 2 i »M' 11. SKT AT X Fonnnsja it was aaaborisatrnf; intimated at Colombo that all aft bens, whs war wanted with tha basfceat and bad oe.a.-iou to board llSSmnis SM ressatl arriving from plague nil., t.-l ports, should undergo inoculation cat plague -eriiin. Thai su|mestU.ndidiiol like with the
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  • 414 2 The I'crak anil Selanßor cri.krt MM which li.-td nut played an ml" mat. h at Koala Loaapar, aw iiiiTt.iin.-i ilhti- !>>• the Baeidaal <«■ anal aa Hrn Irtnaaaaaa. ana n nai aanaai anau At the olOße of tli*' luik h. says 111 Jtf..iiy il'iil,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 238 2 NOTICES. I NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. •Ml IK ■■Mil. 'lEi.vrixt in ,mmi RLASTIMi i BI ITINI i'h,' i"i.W ITi> im. Java, and l!irn.-o COUK OVB SIDEROSTHEM PAIN" ■Ko}i AM) STEEL i l.'l SI |> tKVEXTIVE <-■*•■'"'• in in r..-t. I owl kOBXI ROB THE BOR.VEOI OMPAXV. LTD. RITCHIE'S OLD SCOTCH
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    • 304 2 NOTICKS. I'AIM.KSS IH.NTISTKY. i, RTKPHKm, Damn Ml. 1" -1V..110K1. i KRATE, Ki. lin i WusH, LTD.) j NOTICK. tl- I \> MUINE COMTE ACa OF 41 EXANUI I 1 _:ib day U \.limui .ti wn John I, 1 Boberl li, ol the snid 1 10 the I Ulle I" I
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    • 529 2 NOTICES. SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIKTV. CROIAI I OKHnWKALOOXCm. win aetrreaal theTm Hall. on nUrexey, M J, ADiranaoa, W. i Fan Flaa of the Hall at the THE VICTORIA THEATRICAL COY. TO-NIGHT, XE r.-i. IBM. UontenaotColonel B. i. Ho nel ih ir 1 n^i»- lor- mi, la. s <,t' Rlngapor* i ALJ
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    • 855 2 LATEST APVKKTISKMKNTS. WAXTKP. ■aaMaai l).-i..-m i.r.--Tantona l'»K»r l><x-k W*. Prn Kiv,. r llrvk C>. Share*. Friweraiui .Wave Ltd. Debt KDU Bi I.E. Straits Steamship Coy. Share*. Sporting CluiiH Dm. KkASF.K Co.. u. E. botaaam and Share HrokerK I U'AMKII. a goo.) Hill fllMllllll I \pi.!v to KHOBY .V BBYD01 il.
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    • 91 2 M '.r '..r IJ,^ M-.11 1 Ttwui •ki.nil I writttn n one »iJ« of Uj« n»M-r only. By th^ nuclct at tint mt.llti.m. mu.T M S S. «r. njecinl tl ,1 nnrht rttbfrwiiw bo pobli-hprt. All i*Hr*rtw;i|r r«ntn.ot« »r» "nl>i*rt U> th« oon.titi»n tbat it" Mtniwr ht I*..i the fcftvfrtiwnicnt
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  • 766 3 ,M OTMD tmWUM OF FRKIGHTH. i am is n.x»l aVeal of talk in Singa- jut the rise of freights announced bt ths ronfereni c steamers an from the „,.1,,1y. Themcrea^s to be 7 per m i v n ev.ards. and there i« aUo to be iiureasc outwards. To-day,
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  • 47 3 Amc\,. the passengers, by the I. A- 0. on Saturday afternoon, was Mr. t:\ Carey of Selangor. Mr. A. Stuart. tbs Registrar of Imports and Exports, Un Stuart and Captain Lyons of the Federated Malay police tone, arrived today by the EaaatsM Mum from Europe
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  • 79 3 pi.aoi -k nrimtwr Hi V. I-: Davidson, the Mayor of Colombo, caused a proclamation to be made throughout the town by beat of tom-tom on the 28th May to the effect it he is prepared to pay two cents fw pvm dead rat produced before the Municipality
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  • 224 3 Vnr llrnn HsiU with oil from Polo SembUan, arrived on l-' and coaled it I'nl.. Itram, leaving for Hongkong wi Saturdaj l he rVnofa arrived from Uoii yeeter- I 'li over 1,400 tons coal fol Hi wrdt, and went alongside the Pulo irharfthis morning, to duKharge. flic OSS.
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  • 881 3 NKWS FROM SPANISH SOURCES nit iiliK THE BATTUE. A M of the Manila fliaHMfl have com, lo hand, for the first time since the outbreak of hostilities. The dates extend from the 2Jn<l April to the KM May War broke out on the M April. ami news of
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  • 206 3 I r would appear thai the B. 1.8. N. Co i i a »as lo>i through an accident, whilst rendoring assistance to the tauhda. which belonga to the tame Company. The voyaging from Calcutta to Hans i, broke lier abaft, and was taken in towonUieSird Hay
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  • 659 3 NOTES. NEWS, AND COMMENTS. BPORT. Three of the four chief matches set for decision came to an abrupt termination on 10th May, the wickets, owing to the overnight rain, assisting the bowlers considerably in most eases. At lords. the County Palatine cut up badly liefore the Club and
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  • 308 3 TUP KINAI. PAVMIVT OK rHE INOEMMTI The final payment of the indemnity in terms of the Bhlntnnnealrl Treaty took place on Tth M;ij (tin- .lne day >th I»>iiiK fllMaVrf) The balance of tlie indamaity and one year's OOCUpalion expanses of WVi-hai-Wei were paid to the Japanese (iovernment at
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  • 654 3 tiik pioht at ctaraut Tim fonboal law arrived at Kay Wastontbe I«U May, bringing wn of a aespsrato attack on Cardenas, delivered by the gunboats ir.7,m«.jf..« and Hwtont and to* tropedo-boat i, v»i i; h entered 1 1..- bay t.i attack tliren Spanish gunboats under tUo cover oTthe
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  • 456 3 nicr.vKTiuK ok rwoenum puns* Tiik s. i CaMmin the oilier day took awn fro.v Colombo Mr. W. Cordon Brown and Mr. B. L Watson, who weal to thu Strait- to take up rubber cultivation in I'eiak. Mr. Gordon Brown, until a little ovi r s month
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  • 134 3 At the annual Reneral meeting of the Commercial Union Assurance Company, held in London, on May 4th, the accounts for i.^'ir showed a slight decrease in the premium income, a large decreaae in tosses, and a substantial addition to the liiv Fund The net lire premium income
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  • 72 3 Owora to Uie races the Uontlily Uedal for May was ii. .t played off til) Jane Itb. Theresall was as Follows: Eicon w 8 at Vads 4-i 4l' 1 W ,t i-. l). Jeoes i" 4t 4 liaclarea 4; II i Hiddletoo W II M linjioi
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  • 791 3 Loxi-os. 241 h May. RIPLYIXO toa.|U.-stion in the House of Commons. Lord C. Hamilton said the Government o( India has taken no steps M establish a gold -tandard, and it b) Uslinciiy aaderstoed that lbsguaetalbanwwing powers ill- glllltSlJ o( Slate will Dot iis...l hraoi Ii I puipOSSi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 600 3 NOT] 1... I new, the 1 ropioal i .1 circulates Phi Wwd every week en tbs issnartnn ol tba mail steamer fur Bnrope, contains every Item ol intereaMnn news culled from the ilaily Timiinf rr.,l,m. Circulating in China, India, the Hals; AreMpsssna, BtnitsSsttlemenU.Osntrai Africa, AuatraInsia. Natal. Brazil, and nil oilier
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    • 31 3 IIIK Al STRAI-I W HOIISK KKIHJBI rORY Kobk'i Road, Obcii v ft i W I'U.I.AN 01 \l ER .HI ill-he.l I. ijualit) and F.. -1..,.— rltb b«»tEugh<h Is m sißsrisnosd wgrkmtn.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 151 3 ArUUHQKMaTJITB. Mo.Mi.w. ".in Jon High Water. 11.:. p.m. Horse Auction Bl Abrains'i ."> IS. Bwitchback Railway I^o and p.m. I o. G.T. Church House. T.:m. Monthly Missionary Meeting. I'riii--epSlleet raise,. Tl,,. in. land* Tn:-D.iv. Till .It n. High Water 11.32 and 11.31 a.m. Sale Tell Chye I" I (■.on titi
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    • 71 3 WKAI'IIKI! RKPOKT. Km Hk Junt, 1888. Rimabks. I Bar. ».8M»».7*7.»,8i» Temp. «0 S?.O ;»0 w.Bfn.Tii." 78.] mo no j-s-IMr.olWin.i B.W B.W. S.W. a Max. Temp ITJ v._ Mm... T.", 0 \I Max. in S.,:i 141 0 E~i; Terr.m.l. rB.". J >.= Batnssll i"» "-i WKATHKK IKI.KCiIiA.M (K. K l.*o
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  • 489 4 gwoirou, tra- JtM, 18M. PRODUCE (Ratet an armeUd to 12 M p.m.) Qambier 5.36. Copra Bali 7.HS. do Pontiauak, 7.40. Pepper, Black, J1.60. do White, («X) 40.00 <«iio FlourParawak 3.10. do Branei, !>.ls. Pearl Sago 4.50. •ortee, Bali, picked Coffee Palembang, picked 31.00. Coffee, Liberian. So. 1 1 7.00.
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  • 41 4 Municipal Debentarm 6%. 'IVinjonc Piwar DaaaataN Bonds. New Prve River Dock Shares. M.iynar.l 4 Oo.'s Mr..,- I i■„ strait.. Tradinit Coy. FOR HALE. Penßerang Planting sharer Kraser A- Neave. l.ul. Htraita Mteamshiii I'm. somervilLe i. ounn, Eichanse Share Broken
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  • 100 4 MAILS TO ARRIVE. Fkom Ei'Korß:— l!y the M. M. OwaaaM mitli .i.-ii.-iii th<i Liiih May. due on the llthJuni'. Frum China -By the MM laatda on tin- 10th instant. ott Singapore Duo in I. .in. ion Arrire Apl Had P. A <>. May Iftlli May Uitll Apl h M. M.
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  • 190 4 AKIIIVALV. Per a, k. N ii/.l Troln Hniilburg M«««rO. Ilciiraiii. yi r vii.l 11,.1,..'1 Per aa, CB* troai Sourabaya: Mr. tw naudry. Fara.t,Jai BteOaea from Kl»ng via ports: Heaera.o. Kum. Briam, and Mm. Koilrigues. Per s s. W.i.l llTk.h 11,,, from I'ontianak:- Mr k.k... IVr^. Haailnl from Trieste
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  • 97 4 till 11,I 1 r ,lr. Thnr. To-Day. SS* lta tsZSZ 'IS. Muar A- Malacca Kian Ya.u, Spin, i'aknn via ports Warn, 3 p m. Sadong \'t/iar, H p.tu. Klnllfr via <>ortß 'I i. 4 p.m. Kobe via [oru IVn.Muxn 4 p.m. To-MoßKim'. BillitoD Ftianak H. Whatt Hi.., 11
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    • 158 4 Underthisheadlng the following abbreviations are used str —steamer sh.— ship bq.- -barque; Brit.— British I s. Tinted sutes Fr. French Oer.— German Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— Johore; 4c, O.e, General i-anro d.p.— deck passengers; U. Uncer- I tom; T. P. W.— ''aniong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.— Tanioag
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    • 1230 4 iaakHt, Brit. str. im tons. Capt Itozells, I 4th June. PVesk T. Aama, let June and I'.ti dp. Wee Bin and Co. K... I aaeaa Bth— Eds. Hro,i,(.Nor sir. l,sl!>ton«.Cnpt Tbrssweß, tßd June. 'From Antwerp. IM April l! c For Vl.-ldivo.lo.k, D W. Kan Hin Cuan, Brit. str.
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    • 380 4 \.n.i^. p<,rt, probahU date of amrat. namt of at)fnts, Maria, Unml.urK, jne 11 Beho )lm. V ii II XX.ii.i:. .I:"- I"; S. Mom. AcL-i. NViv York. June. BoUJt.-a.l. ll.ll.mrat. <i.lomlio. June IX I. i 0. nanleai. B ban, June l)w»w. Iliyern. Hr.lii.-tl. .lun,' tt H.'lii) MfyK. lU'iiKiil. Coloiiilm.
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    • 137 4 Din. VtosiL'a Sin* 'FuuiKm QtMHi I>isti»tiox June 4 M TrinwtHUu Brit »tr. Sliiinmc-ii TlilMillll 4 Ko« »ir l);ivi.l>on Kiting 4 Hong Ij?ong str. Map haul I Sultan «lr. Clmpani Buu'via port" 4 110 l^on^' str. Auifus Tno^nnv an > K I MU »tr. tSSy H'lS^BhM«l»i«iMlJ«pW 4 i Htlx- »tr.
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    • 331 4 E VUMILK N«» r l'im:v FEOM (tULII. I'u'ii'll.iCKU. Ku. skuM Nor Mr HUM Hamburg Api :.< Boustead 4 Co. 4 Verau I..c i ii-,r, ham Bombay May :!.'> P. and O. Coy. I i'lkt )»>n fa* -ir IKM V llnr Silicon June 1 Bou»tead 4- Co. 4 Glass Bang
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 407 4 NOTICES. JOHN LITTI J E&CO.,Lp. SINGAPORE. We have just received ,-i new lot of American Cooking Stoves. Lawn Mowers, Yale Locks, fto. I er— NEW RIVAL Stove for Wood. ■i" I. tiox will take «n od SO] loof CO "o MEW PARAGON Stove for Wood. tttisc ovetiao «Mi nll Kir.'
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    • 239 4 NOTICES. M^^£|A Caj uli BVB BRB —superior I T^^U*JW Cnbel and I cure 1 the same diseases as these drugs I in forty-eight hours without ftatoajselilaaa«aaaai (WM) FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST. SRIMAULT'S SYRUP Of Hipo-Phosphite of Lime, f Prescribe.! in France for the Istt I niaiim imn. Oaanam Ceoaaaj
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    • 300 4 NOTICES. FRASER AND NEAVE, LIMITED, SIXGAI'OKK. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL DKSCKIITIOXS OF AERATED WATERS j OK FIUST QUALITY ONLY. THE COMPANY'S PRINTING DEPARTMENT is very compl.-t.-ly .-^nipped with I'lant of the most modern desi-riptiou and I'-inc. like th.- .Wku n Wilt— ftmmmmt, under sLilled ptaetteal managrment, the In-st class of work
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    • 212 4 ADOLF STKKNBKKIi, 61, VI.TOKIA .11.1.1 1. ADOLF STKIiMIKKU re»|m tfullv hrgs to inform the iiiildie of Singapore ihut he him tv-niHMied liis .-stiihlishinent at thvabowaddreaa. He alw <"■:■• to stat. Unit his .oiistiiiit endeavour will Ih- hy the ellen... (1 f but mire, snd the moderation .if Ins chaama. to
      212 words