The Straits Times, 1 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1. 1898. NO. 19,544.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 721 1 IE B0»»«OC01IP*»T.U«ITtO lU **i. .StoW* Aibmoi Society. Tl> SiMmw lareraoos Comfenjr. r f Mafia! »t-» HaTigiiiCciif. fSnrl LIMITED A«e»U. STKAMSIHI' COMPANIES. I J OmCI, COLLTRR QUAY gfUl NAVIGATION OQHPAIIT. MAMM W C»1"A. Jarall, j*—* «TU>», I»»U, *>««■»"*. *""5 EOY 1 llKHCuim, Venics, Plymouth, and London. ttoU Co»linrntal and j< mtrican
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    • 690 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. jTTONINKLIJKK PAKKTVAART MAATSCHAPPU In. ler contract itith the Netherlands India Government. Atjfnli al Singajtorr: Ship Agency, late .1. I)AEM>ELf Co., 2-3, Colltik Qdat. sie.-.m.r from Expected Will be Despatched for on Itivnn. Itatavia. May .10. H.itavin Cherilioii SHninning.,T Soumhava. June .«f. VajiruHhit. Penang. -J». Pen (Heii-leh, FadanC a'ud
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    • 744 1 BgITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIUA TlOi COMI'ANY, LIMITED. TO pesanu, i:ax<;oos, 4 Calcutta OneoftheCompa-iyssteaniers is intended lo leave Taiijonj. l'aiar Wlmrf every week PtmaOftn and Cure.) are liooked by th«! •ton MMI nt through rates to nil pull, in India ami Ceylon, also to Ka»l African Ports, Mauritius or London. TO
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    • 687 1 INSURANCES. r-piIK LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CapiUl £-2, !J7,.'j00 ra',l up Cupital L' 12,700 Reserve Fund H7B.3SG The anilereiKneil, A«ents for the Company, an.- prepare.! to a.,-ejit fire risks at pi *i"o'u'"tk.u> Co. rpilL IHIXA TRADER- INSCEA^•CK 1 COMPANY. LIMITED. .'npit'.l Subscribed $I,OOn.<HX. Ain.unt laid up ftOu.nOO.
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    • 268 1 INSUR.\NCES. 'PHK QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Home Offices: l|in> Isai-EANCE Bl'll i,|>'.,s, I.iviui f. 'I The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks at HOOOLANDT A Co. THE STRAITS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. •■-tun 'num. 18X3. Head Orrici. Hinoapou. Capital Fully subscribed M.OOu.l"'" Capital Paid-up
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    • 990 1 NOTICES. STOP. THINK AND CONSIDER WHAT we otlcr you S«-urity m your hxtnes. Kree.l,ni from Theftß, the circumvention of Baal Bux. All these kvaaaaaji ii| on .lirth will bataaat youm by inventing in one it \uir domestic suites of braf« pedlodu, six in number, I inch size, with four varying
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    • 763 1 AN OPEN LETIKR Jubtmljior,, I.lth Janwjlfm. CMAH%aaLAIR MIDI.INL COMPANY, />j .Voiik.. faaa, V I .1 <K.NII.KMKN.-Karly last year I was VI advised by a tvellknown nurse to use Chamberlain's Colic, cholera, and Dianh.ea. Remedy Khciievertroublod with Diarrh.i-a, Dyillilaij, or lohr. I have since used it a great many times in
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  • 18 2 K«iAt:i.lSHl!li: 1831. PRICK IS CENTS. ,S.t:.i,-rpti,,f. rattt and adivrtiring tiiiet may U/autut on tin fourth paq».\
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  • 106 2 WEDNESDAY, 1st JUNE, 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THK HOSTILK FLBR& SPANISH SHIPS TO BB ATTACKED. CAPTIRI OR DMTRfCTIO.N. \,t The Slaiuhrd publishes a telegram from Washington to the effect that the luited .States Secretary to the Navy has cabled to Admiral Schley, who is blockading the Spanish fleet under Admiral Cervera
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 1072 2 Thkih is some chame now of the long ex|>ccled naval battle in Cuban waters being fought very soon. The Spanish Heel under Admiral Cervcra. which left Capo Verde a few weeks ago to raise the blockade of Cuba, is now in imminent danger of capture or
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  • 38 2 Thk homeward mail steami r Bmfmt, due hereto-morrowmorning at H o'clock, will proceed alongside the Tnnjong I'agar wharf, at Seition No 1 or :i. The mail by the lltn'jal closes at 8 a.m. on Friday
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  • 38 2 All. contributions of clothing etc fur the Jumble Sale of the Church Work Association, should be sent in nut later than Friday next, to Mrs Evan*. Calmar House, Orange (irove, or to the Chinese Protectorate.
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  • 46 2 Yhstmday, Police Sergeant Padmore instituted a search at 1 1. Circular Road, for oil. The premises were licensed for fifty cases, and oil search being made 14."> cases of kerosene were found. A lire was burning quite close to the oil at the lime.
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  • 60 2 The Malay States Coffee Company met at Colombo, on the 21st May, with Mr. W. U. Kingsbury in the hair It was decided not to extend further in collee after this year, but to plant ewoanuta through all the code*. The report of the directors
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  • 48 2 /,.</,»,! t:,,yu,e,rin:j notes that the district of Tanjore, in South India, furnishes nearly all the free immigration from the south of India to the Strain Settlements, where the demand for the Kling coolie is an ever increasing quantity. Ceylon, on the other hand. districts of Madura\md Tinnc'v'eTly
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  • 63 2 Mr. Sisson reports that toineone broke into his hou»e at 2.10 a.m this morning, by means of a ladder belonging to the people residing next door The thief or thie»es stole a pair of gold sleevelinks, valued al«ii,a bla, -k yv -ling skirt, a passage ticket for I'enang, and
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  • 69 2 Ua the night of the .-tilth inst a Chinaman named Chiang Kay, living at :-j, JoUon Road, went the HiUaha l)e|*t, No SI, Johon Ifoad and saw a man named Wong ('lining from whom he demanded some money owing to him. Words arose, and the latter,
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  • 85 2 lim Ceylon tea planters arp preparing for a c.iiiipaixn to puab Hie sale ol their product in Austria. The tir-t step aM been taken by the Planters' Association ol that ialaad deciding to pnaaal the Kni|..-ior of Austria witli suitable gift on the i'c casion of his Jubileeto
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  • 94 2 Tnts afternoon, a Special r Meeting was held at the s """I Chamber of Commerce to r rerisod rule, pawed atthela,? m*> Present: s""^X^H Mown. John Anderson \V It i* 1 1 A. D. Laspc, Miller, and other, At the moJon of \fp m seconded by Mr
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  • 44 2 cnnnois.eun of the framnt of „.,-r nhieb have Keen £55 tobMOO jiii.e, win. h are H len pr nmlcut Mitotheiw,ui»itei.ha.l..hv,,, l ..I MialwTy inaWiiiam atSd The fl:iv,ur af both Manila J Havana rtfUl ii asU fc) hTaS*2 liiiitated bf tbi-e "|'.iper dpn
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  • 90 2 AIIMIKAL TO 111: TMED. It is stated that Admiral Montoio wh B commanded the Spanish fleet at Sanili istobeeourt-iiiartialledforhi.|*| uv at the battle off Cavitr. the Spaniards accusiug him of tninmanncfnirnt ml blaming him for E T«TSS*2 of Ihe situation of thc endiingcnng the live« of Ike
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  • 108 2 MM kor MR The Siamese Customs Department has compiled returns of the (oMbi entered and cleared at DBBfIQ I-i-t year. fts;l vessels rnteieil. and .VI dean d, as compan-d with 4BS entrrfd and 470 cleared in HO* The toaaaai of the vessels cleared last year was 4OJH in
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  • 295 2 Hii E. V. S. 1 >uai 11 has deliver*! > series of lectures on gutta perdu beam tho Society of Arts of Ixindon Th lecturer estimated that at Last tut tons of gutia natfca have been Head for submarine cables alone, and a further all, .wan, c, amounting probably
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  • 394 2 IS MANILA BRITISH PROPERTY 1 Ax English contemporary contains .1 st.item. r.t to the effect that Manil.i really British fnymlf. Baak 1' 1 ment is, at any rate, novel, and the reproduction of I few of the writer raaaika. MaaUa. In- an built itnal 1.".7;t. was captured by the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 404 2 NOTICES. M KSSISS. C If. LAMBERT I <().. II t: i;i an ii' A< ii"n i: i oi.i.r.-noN Of lilt nil-l I'IIiiTiM.HAVIRKS. IN, II LIN,, KNI.I.ISH I.AMISCAI'K sir 1)1 Ks, Et... «li>. h they ne iiou oAarini I«»K BALE, 8.1 Tl i r I HO AX. i umruLLf ki:\mkii. Hainpinan
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    • 429 2 NOTICES JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. SINGAPORE. \\V have just received a new lot, of American Cooking Stoves, Lawn .Mowers. Yale Locks, <fee. NEW EIVAL Stove for Wood. Size of oven Hi j •17 < 10! Kire Hoi will take wood sol long. Xtf/0/0 at boh. 2 MiM NEW PARAGON Stove
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    • 558 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. Municipal Debenturei.. Un. .ins Pacar Ho, I. Debs. Pryu Kiver Dock I'oy. Shares. tmm and Neave Ltd. Debs. TOR SALK. straits Steamship Coy. Shares. Sporting Club Debs. FRABEK A Co.. v. c. Kxchango anil Share Brokers I WANTKD. AOUBT Cai*m UK »al»rv t,.;.ai. Apply betw-enthe hour. of
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    • 80 2 M. 8. 8. ioUeJ»I (or ta* Strom Tim., iho.ld»i. oa ti<U O< tk» >»* o«lr By Itt Mflact of tk»l ooaditioa. «»nj at. B.S. «n rsjwtrj tast m.(bt W. p>Mi>h«l. AU n»Mrt> sr» ntiwi to tka <r. tioa tkftt xh» ViM(ir u« »dTtrt.»»m«nt nl til r«P" P"~ "I
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  • 779 3 THE POSITION AT MANILA. run' MJIfOa K()B FOREIGNERS. „,i>«*roi«Di>r, writing to the the IM. May, from Uan'la mentions a report that Admiral „,w rv considers Iloilo andCebu pracn* Llultslhil. and has stated that had better not go to either of ihce ports is reported thai the Kr I; .h „,,nmunity
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  • 149 3 reeterdn, br the local agents of thr A|K-ar lineof st.Mui.'t-. advuing that the Ljpawniai would leave to-day. she le, therefore, due bare on Friday mornini:, the ;(rd m, tan* The fhm Maaa arrived this morning from Swatow, with Chinese [HlllWli»<^ sh.> went into quarantine. rheOHtrnml i-> reported to
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  • 559 3 THETAKINGOVKKOFWKI-HAI-WEI. The taking over of Wei-hai-wei by the British, has been put off until about the 7th June. The Japanese, it s stated, asked for a fortnights time to complete their evacuation of the place and the British authorities granted aa extension of four weeks from
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  • 390 3 Thefßan Customs trade returns at Bangkok, for last year, hive I n published. The Bangkok Kinai linds that theratonu show now steady ha. been the growth of trade than There was an advance of S.\OUO,IHK) in the exports in l-SIU, and last year the azpotti mounted from $30,38i,91S
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  • 33 3 Ox the -' May. when steamer l«i with about one thousand i lid ErosaSwatow, was quarantined oft* Bangkok, '"u l att.mpted to I mutiny und take, cbun of the »U|T^ A
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  • 884 3 (IKRMASY AND NEUTRALITY. I An inspired communication to the j Cologne Gazette, from Berlin brings forward the question of Germany's neutrality in the Spanish-American war. The immediate motive of the article is the alleged surprise in mllucutial circles in the United States at the absence of any
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  • 151 3 TO Till! EDITOR OK Til K STRAUS TIM BS 80, Much adverse criticism has been expressed, presumably by permanent residents, about the Singapore roads, judging from what appears in the press from time to time; but my object in writing this is to draw attention to
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  • 439 3 In a recent article in the Si'ienlilic duuriean, byC. K. Holder.nn interesting account is given of the opium industry in America, of which 'he following is an detract. An attempt to raise the opium poppy has been in progress for several Jean in California. The hot ,1
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  • 395 3 MM MONEY WANTED. IAMPHI.ET entitled -'Tkr F.ich uf the Imperial hutlluk" has been brought out by Mr C l.angdon-Daues.afellowof that asso. iation. Tin' Imperial Institute wild founded in l~>7, as a Onsen's Jubilee memorial. In the main, the aims of the Institute may be said to be
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  • Article, Illustration
    994 3 (COHDCCTED BY KINO PAW!>") Addressed to King's Pawn.' Solution of rroblom No.3S <l.loyd)RC;7. P-Kt 8; B-R H K-Kt ;Px P dia. ah. *c. If eh Ac. forreet solu tions received from J. C'amsa, I.ondre«. 3il IK-tperandum. and C. N. n. "Black BUho,.- of th,- r»i»a who is a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 BOWABTH EBBHNE, LIMITED. IVII.. MKIIIANUAI. A.M' EI.KdKKAL KXGI.NKKHS. ACKNTS Foil BEDDAWAYB "CAMEL" HAH KLTlira Patent K.lg.lielts.aicl Bobber Ooedi ef every ipeeuication for all purposes THE HOBNBYAOKBOYD ki:i;iisim; oil ENGINE. Admitted le ha 111.- best and only reliable Oil Motor in the market. ITLSOMETKR ITMI>S, for .-ill porposes. MIMFOU'DS "FAVOUBmST AM'
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    • 626 3 UN is Ml"—— HIM DKY. (■MM for tire:it Hrit:nn> Louis Roederer, Carte Blanohe. j HRISKMAXS ft 00 A-Mi'f o< JOHN 1.1 1 TI.E CO.. LTD, 0/11 I AND MALAYA Haiku Muftiiw'Ufnii fflir* M& With the JuLilre SoDft H»; >!»'»>■ Peninsula" l'ru'l".! on .1 (I* K quaht\ o( Jlt'li'l"'* l| |Mr
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    • 478 3 FOR BALE: KM l'l.< »YM KNTfc TO LRT: AND PERSONALS. Imttimi. i:. .mil ii Bm; ?m1 and Jr.l t ilium. 10cent«» linn; 4lh to Mh timM. it in*n a lino; 7th to ]B(h tim.'». S ■»nt« line; aftenrarda, rsntu a |W;M Do Mm advertiwnwnt, ,-lon*. »i-t. in thin tyn». .■an
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 259 3 WKATHKK RKI-ORT Kmuianti AVrM« M..«j>Ua;, l»l .'k.^. 1W». 1* iv.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Rknakks. Bar i» "4.1 j».7 7 1 in *ri Tomp. 7"n MX) 7»0 ,85 ■/.mbTber 78.0 77.:. ?6» s a «i"^ Dir.otWin.l S. W. s. W. S. W. S o-o Max. Temp. SM *2"f* Mm 74«
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  • 507 4 gmoarou, Ist Jim, 1898. PRODUCE (li<il ft are eomettd to MJO p m. (lambier Copra Bali 7.86. do Pontianak, 7.40. Pepper, Black »76. do While, (6X) .HJ.76 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.1.1. do Hrunri.. H 2.1 A. Pearl Saira 4.K>. Coffee, Bali, picked smo. Coffee Falembang picked 11)00. Coffee, LiberiaiL
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  • 42 4 Municipal Debentures 5%. Tanjonit Pagar Delwnture Bondt. New Prye River Dock Shares. Mavnanl Co.'s Strail. Ice Co.'s straits Trading Coy. FOR SALE. rcngerang Plant in* shares, hraser i Boom Ltd. Straitt Steamship Coy somervilLe a guns, Exchange A Share Brok.
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  • 91 4 >'»' l'"'tr Time m N. Uuinca i la ports Madia, 7 a m Batavia Itautan, 7 aim' Amov via ports .Vo,,j Yona 11 a_ra" Malacca A F Lin ffi i HH™. ipS: Padang via ports .1/. Vajinmkit -J p.m Malacca AKlang C*o«. Pkya, Jpm Penang A Colombo >•„„»„.
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  • 90 4 From Ki'bopi:— By the P. A- O IVmno «ith date- to the l.lth May, due on the Krom Ohio* Uy the P. AO. «..ii,<i/ due on the -nil June. l^ett MinKßpore Due in London ArriTed \|il iind P. 4 May IRIh Ma> li;ih Apl iTHi MM May
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  • 210 4 Per t. s. SM ftariinal from I'ontianakM. 11 Matthcs. I'er Bmm from Teluk Aimoa via ports: Mr. Btbbj. TO ARRIVE. [h'ur Umijapore). (f Hi. ha, Ea.l). I'ei P. Ad x1,.i,,.Mi from Undon April :*>: Se.ond Lieut. K. K Tin him, BorMOn U. V. A. Levinge. Per P. I
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  • 147 4 Under thia heading the following abbreviations are used: atr- -tteamer ah. ship bq.--barque; Brit— McHe; U. 8. United SUlm Ft. French Oer— German Dut.— Dutch; Jou.-Johore; Ac., G.c, General cargo dp.— deck pauongen; V— Uncertain T. P. W.-Taniong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D— Taniong Pagar Dock B.
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  • 1136 4 AtmiTiu Sixce Nook or TaMUMr. «a/on>r, firit. itr. M tons, apt I!ol«rt. -on. M June. From Klanij, .Kith May. O.c, andiSDd.p. Wee Din A Co. For Klan|(, 3rd-Rd«. Cantmi, P. 40. «tr. L'.Uil t,,n«, Cnpt Oreagor. Ist Juno. Yokohama. 14th May. O.c.TP.Ad. Coy. For l^ndon •Jnd-R.l. BmrmttrnM, (ier.
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  • 411 4 Haw, port, probable dale of ornro. 1 m taint ol r,.«ii. tx)Mo> A.turia, Hamburg, Jone 1 Behn Mrv.r. A. Apear. lloi K kon K June 10; S. A U'om Agri, New York. June. Boustead. Hal. in al. ColomlK), Juno IX ;P.A 0. Bantam, Miaya, June 30; Daendels. lla>,-ni.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 394 4 NOTICES. FRABEB AND NKAVK LIMITED, BIMQAPOKE. MAMIV II Kr.llS HI W.I. MS l:ininN.s 01 Ar.IiAIEH WATERS Of RBI ',il M IM IINI.Y. IHE COMPANY'S PRINTWO DEPARTMENT it »erv crtmplet.-lx r,|i,,|>|>ed «n I, Plant "f I in. -I moilern -i.-s. ription and DMaC. like 'Aw i |„,MaMi.M iin.l.-i .ki led practical
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    • 487 4 NOTICES. I For Constipation I and Bilionsnessi JPLIEW. 8. ru« Vl'vlfiine. PARIS B*now nf J PafaMtta rnatrika Cnmaul, Malico I MtTICO INJECTION la uaed' In recent I MATICO CAPSULES:, u.>ir.,:,chroplccat^ I SKKRAVALUra FSRKI BIKOUB '> I I N I N K. ■•■rtifi, Mt-'s notifying if |real iml» time, In'iiiy of
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    • 1015 4 NOTICES. NOTICE. TIMES OF CEYLON, (daily wlitionl The larcett and Ih-sI cinuinU-d newt- pajjat published in Oylon. as well at the i largely »U|,|K>rled by the European community of the Inland than the other papere eonib inert. In thin great oooln of Tropical Agriculture, the Tim,, of C,,,10n elaiiu. to
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    • 702 4 NOTICES. THE STRAITS TIMES AND I THE STRAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY ESTABLISHED 1831. I T.Lpkc,. Sc. 70. taitj Hill *Jdr tv -."Tim,., Siaoaroaa." The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, J British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penar.g, throughout all the Protected
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