The Straits Times, 13 April 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The StraitS Times. ESTABLISHED, 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13. 1898. NO. 19.503
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 788 1 „vir. BOKMEO COMPANY, LIMITED I H Standard Life Amunnoa. >„r«ii* Vni-n Kir.. Insurance Soeiety A*l«. A«nir«K» Compsnj (Fire). 11,,. y. .uiulilo Lite A«.unu»». socieij. i i'h> c>«« ManDo lasuranoK Companj. IT,. China M«W^ St«uii Navigation lomrany. I ,tt,nha» l-g»r IW Company TIK, M»ntu»» Ina«rsao» Ompeiij, Limited. BW parti, uUr- of
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    • 820 1 STEAMSHIP COMI'AMI-X I 'UMN M.1.1 Kr. I'Akh'l VAAUI MA A1 S( H., I 11.l Under contract with the Nolbarlands India Ooieannmit. .■■sllll ii.i 1. H-.i ii i- J.V., CoLLYIR Qpiv. Bteamer Kroi K«|wiei W 111 Ik- Itespauhed for On Gm.Pcl. s.,iirai,:,ya. Apl. II Bourabays, Macassar, Timer etc. Apl 18.
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    • 451 1 U KSTEIfN AUSTRALIA. Tin: w. s. .wv. i-,,, i.t,,., an ,i ,h, s. c mn troin sinpi port In Ue-l-in Au-tmlii. .I intervalol nl-.ui 17. lavs, -aliiii" at the. follotviin. cons: Derliv, Kin-'- Hound (tnt port foi Klmborley iioldii. Ids). Bapomt (Boebuct ut). I.ail iHMiround-. Cossack l|mrt fo, Coi-l.iiriien-id
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    • 638 1 INSURANCES. 'IMIK LONDON AN!> LANCASHIKB 1 riBE IKSHTLAHCK cnMI'ANY. Capital e,lfMoo Paid up Capital 215,750 l;,— it,- Fund i.r,,,::-:, Tho un.k-mißneil. Agenta for toe Company, are pnpared toaeeapt :ire risks at BODStsUS Co. rpilK (iIINA TKADKi: l\Mi:i.vK J. (X)MPANY. LIMITED. C:.pifil •iinWibed. JS.non.ooO. amaßt .':M up BOMOH Baasrrs fmmi i,'»i'
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    • 805 1 INSURANCES. r PIIK gI'KKN INS! h'ANCK COMPANY HOY.U. IN'srUANCK COMPANY. HomeOfflcCJ: Qtrm tmr/BAna Btoumaa, LtsamfWH. The iiiid, Tsisiicl. AfeMt for the alwe Coinpant. are pr,;..:n-d lo tiike risks ut lliio<;l,\Nl>T Co. THE STRAITS INSI'KAJJCB OOUTAXT, 1.1MITKI). aausuone is»s. IIFAI. OmO. riIKCIPOKII. Capital Fatty mbscribad *3,nnn.n(Ki Capital I'aid-up li(K).(»l() Reemre Fuade
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    • 687 1 BANKS. HOROKOM ANIi iHAHOBAI BANKING C()KI\)KMT(IN. pa i D-ur ea rn al »hi.(uo.M«>. 1.-K-KUVK IiNU t \000,(i(K). RKSKItVK I.I.UiII.ITY OKI lonoonn roils ..110,000,000. CouBT <.p Diuctou^-. 11,,, J J Bau4avnia i'h,i><» k 3«*t, !.-<i. Daren i lT,')i*). N. A. Biis«', E«i. A BAI r. Ks., cniF.r MAirAOaa. Bomsom^-T, .la.-ksos, F.m.
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    • 602 1 NOTICES. r\KCii i us J li A l-KKKIIIA. llobtici ltcsjr a*i> Florist. i rOacmnt. dr.i-r- for Bouquet Spr ri Can fully and promptl) executed. Cl. ap.'.l House in the Trade. Mlisl:i;i Oli KKSIDKNCK oM.i:Y ROAD, EABTKIiN UOHTtaSI AM.: AQEXOt cu'iiASV. UaIITKD. A: lOaaMal tIJKrfK Advnn, 'mc of l 1 -lioldn,
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    • 747 1 .KI-TKCT IS MAin K\AAH S, 8.1 SAYS ;tMOMAst FI.ASHMtN 1..-;, tl,- ttcli-knntvii merchanl and pr,,prietor of Fm-hvw- Muni, Bawa'fniH, when speaking al.out «me initan.-e- wu.-ii- he nave ChamWrlain s 'oh, .Cholera, and hiarrlma Remed) H' 1 -ftiii: Hftvr tmii'ti ptouUfß im testifying so the beneficial neults 1 hat-.■\|s-ri..|i,.-d from Clianil.erlams
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  • 139 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 13th APRIL, 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE SENATE DECLARES FOR WAR Kstarushed: 1831. I'RICK U CENTS. [AVvmpfuwi rate* owl rule- rtitiiig ntlrt Tjuty I* foHf.'l oil the fourlii pnqt.\ THE RRBKLS BBVMI THE OFFERED A KM IST ICE. Lon.lo,>, 11th April. It is believed that the Foreign Relations
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 360 2 The Foreign Relations Committee <.f the V. S. Senate almost declares t.-r war. There i« no other meaning to be attached to the Cominitti-e's straight .in«wer to the Presidents s, doubtful mes«age. The Cuban question has thus entered on a stage only short of a declaration of
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  • 201 2 A Hava- nleixnn. published in anoth -r c'lumn. explain-, why the sen- „scd upon M. Z.U had been iaah«j at Z >la was tried at tl,e A--iffi' Hal of the Seine, two months ago, for libellinir the French arinv. lie h.i maintained that the military ahtafa had
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  • 8 2 r kksii ii.itno" appear in the Annual Hcgira."
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  • 13 2 Prodi'ck, exchange, and share prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 17 2 Messr*. Kati Brothers advertise that they have just received a large stock of perfumery and toilet requisites.
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  • 30 2 The M. M. MelUurnc left Saigon at 7 a. m. yesterday, and is ,lu<' here on Fri lay next, about daylight. She will probably be despatched at 4 p. m.
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  • 36 2 •jfinaaj Powell .t Co. advertise an auction sale of horm:s at Mr. Abram't stables on the lxth inst, and also an auction of land and houses near Tanjong Pagar at their sale-room on the 11th May.
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  • 44 2 A ITBBC ago, Sergeant Rainbow, arrested Yong Seng for gambling. On searching him be was found to be in possession of six waiseng lottery tickets. Yesterday, the man was brought before Mr. Howard, and fined fifteen doll.ii>, in default three weeks.
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  • 67 2 Yestkkiiay afternoon, an audacious art of robbery was committed in Church Street. Two Chinese women were passing along the street in a rikisha. One of them wore valuable earrings. A Chinaman approached tho vehicle, ililv snatched me of the gems, and boiled. A comi<lerablu crowd followed him, but
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  • 169 2 APPROACHING DKPAKTIRZ On the Kb instant, Mr John Barrett, the I'nited States Minister Iteridcnt in Siani, held I farewell reception at the Legation, Bangkok, exclusively for Siamese. Then' was a very large attendanca of Princes and the leading noblemen, including th* King of Bkun'l full lir ithcrs.
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  • 232 2 This morning, Goh Kirn Chang was charged with being the occupier of a iiiiiiioii gaming house at Tiong liahru on thu :ird imtant for assisting in the management of a public lottery and tor purchasing uublic lottery tickets (i di Chye Seng, Wi Ah Teh, and Wi Choon
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  • 260 2 In the report on the Batang I'adang di s trict for IxB7, it is noted that, there, the Bukit Mas Company liave done excellent work under the management of Mr. Chappel Five thousand two hundred and sixty-six tons of ore were crushed, yielding gold to the value
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  • 162 2 Till: s s. Aaaaa left Honskonu yesterday afternoon, and is expected to arrive here at daylight on Monday next, the 18th instant The w. //.'("i" with a cargo of rice from Rangoon for Kobe in Japan, arriveil on Monday and coaled here, leaving for her destination yesterday. Messrs.
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  • 124 2 CRICKET. wn roit sai.ANo <■>». (Sptrial telegram far lie Stmilt Times.) A'uoii Lumpur, Ml April. SELjkSGOR ha» won thr cricket match by an innings and seventy fix run< [In the first innings Selangor made a score of in, the Regiment Muring L»:l The Regimental cricket team were
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  • 101 2 Mitchell's Newspaper Press Directory" for the year \*m, supplier i v ,-t quantity of information regarding the newspapers of the world. Apart from the purely directory information, which is carefully revised and is very accurate, there is an interesting article upon London local papers, hy Mr Wuiler
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  • 293 2 Kuala KM. Tiikkk has been quite a chapter of tragedy, in our part of the world lately First, the brutal murder of Omnr. the only dhoby in Tain pin His murderer is still at large, and the whole thine seems likely to remain a mystery, as Omar
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  • 320 2 ?WIT< IIIIACIC Ari-I.tLATIOV i:i:i •>! A meeting of the Licensinn Justices ■aa* held, yesterday afternoon, in the oflice of the Inspector-General of Police. l'reseut Colonel I'enncfather. Dr. KIIU, Captain Boldero, and Mr. Antliuni-z. An application was made fora license for a bar at the switchback railway in Beea*.
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  • 269 2 TO THE KIIITOB ur THE STRAITS TISHW." Sir,— From time to time HM and bullock drina in bruuclit bafara the courts uluJlajad witli driving animals unlit for work. Tha mm in line.l irlt UK alternative of imprison! it On one occasion this option was not allowed. Very
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  • 98 2 how Tn« ■BBBMi was qcashro. (/Taro* MniwaK) I'ari., 4/n April Tim Appeal Court quashed the sentence passed upon M. Zola, without sending the a*e for retrial The Court held that thu court martial alleged tV, have been liMlod by M Z,la shoi.H tor* pr,.se,-,,tc,l hi,,,, in place
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  • 120 2 A ipatial meeting of tbe Simian,,,. Land Company was bald al the Mi;,' .f M.--1- Drew and Napier at noon t... lay, to ap|Kiint a new Uquidator in place of Mr. J. li. OtthbartaW iC were ptaatOt; Mr. Stringer (Chairman) M— i Mams, Robert- M,,i r i,'
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  • 828 2 iirtoht rox 1897. Tiik report aa tin; I'ir.ik state railways fur 1H97 lias been pul,li-1,,5l 1, states that tbe aaaaafjai 1.-nitth of open Baaa .it aha en.l „f IN; miler., the section feato C'bemor ti Bunaal siput baTiag been opened i .r trallicon the 'itli July. On the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 473 2 NOTICES. I XOIiKLS EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LI). Minuhwluiw of vnuan aa ii.mii i.KI.AI IM-: DVNAMIIK BLMOM '.I I wink DnOHATOM auajanjat ■AICTI FIV.K laa I il CTWC BLABTim itTAIAXn > n vi oiiiiiiiirroßK, UPAlUNaraaawrii to vi oraaaa oaaaaao ro» TIIK BMUTKO OOHPAUT, LTD. ■OU AOKNTH. N.itiT.-»», Mi»m, .l aT D
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    • 345 2 ■N<)Hci;.x NOTICE OVUm m> aaeeoee la Coma, Mr C, W. Uir.l hoi, ls my general power ofiiiton j htm i ßirr I'AIXLK-SS DKXTISTItY. Da. STKI'HKNs. Dtwnar, nu BTcnm t< sin. .Mont. PKBS MOPBBATB. Unit, r* Ittmd, fovrr Mawis. KKl.t.v Wai.sii, Ltb) TIIK SXBATTH DKVKLOI'MENT COMPANY. LIMITED. inn i- limn Road.
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    • 532 2 NOTICES. I Till-: VKTOKIA THKATRRAL CO. To-night, Vllh April. The Tiihsuianie opera: KASANAI-AJAIH I\Ni:AI.\M AjTP AN.IUMAXARA. To be followed by a farce. THE SENSATION Ol' THE SEASON. THE SWITCHBACK RAILWAY. Constructed on tbe most approvetl j.jim ipln. and under an experienced European Engineer. BEAGB ROAD. EIGHT WAVES. AITKIINOOX AT I
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    • 451 2 LATEST A DVEKTISKMENTS. WANTED. Tanjon* Pamir Dock I)eb?. Strait" Trailing Coy. Share». Mi.ynir.l A Coy. Sharps. Taiijonc Hncnr Ikiok Coy. Shares. Prye Hirer l>oek Coy. Sharo. FOP. SALE. SportineClubir Del*, tiiak Timber Coy. Shan't. PBASBK A Co. v. c. ExchaiiK" ami Shire Broker-. FOX ADELAIDE. MRI.KOCKNK. ,\ni> rcraxr. •I'lIK itaun
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    • 88 2 M. a. a. ,i,l-n...-l he the Mt 7-.-«.. ahoiiM I. KTittSTi m on* wt tfar> tiaUMir ittllr. Bt thr) Mfl.vt of that ooDditioo. t«jM.B.S, in T*;"«*fJ Uwt wurht nth*>r«.iM> i«> vnt))i*h»<l. All %n.>qt>j«r*. to the condition that the Manager auty tna ariT«rti*MMnt oat of tli« paper in om* of pr«*>i
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  • 879 3 HOW THK LITI'.iATION AK"SK Mk Jolin ll'irrett. tin- Inited States Biam. has published the undo!" the Arbitrator, Sir Nicholas I Ibiniicn. British Chief Justice for I .md .lapan, in tbe celebrateil by whnh the Cheek estate .in indemnity of 706, 7ai tieals (approximately £411,0011). and ibpred uusssislosi
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  • 85 3 lllEtpring liiunlxT of the r'.i." M.ill the April Bumber i- an specimen of an always ■a client magazine. The story ol I „n of Hent.-aii by Anthony Hope to be of in, -rc.i-r other article- and stone- In tinwriters of the day, including "ii Walter Besant, Mr
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  • 26 3 tlw perils tin. at.-i, in- tiicii ,lihoii'-'u'i.i'-|.in','ilc-'ai work now, tion i icoedsthedenund I l-o in bett«-r poailtnn toinani uuu-k.t by avoiding c-iu
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  • 346 3 Wiir.x we read in our yesterday's notes that So. \2 wa» backward, we felt indeed that this vaa I'elion on Ossa piled Our faithful slave therefore received orders, on no account, to rouae us from our nlaeid ilajubamtMl momiiiK. No more w-oi-.ld we risk our reputation, fin every
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  • 785 3 CYCLING IN ENGLAND ;.,,,,./oii, lv.-( March. mil ml reeognisloa of tin- value ..t" tin- cycle Is mra in tin antry ii- to t.e i-lnnrkal'le. the military nlltllomi vurywhere and at nil Unws refuse |>r, iininr\ ii— i-tnilee or offi ial IWimTnaja „,,-ni to military erclina; la any ibaps or rbrm,
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  • 1138 3 LAST STUDENTS AT OXFORD. A Lady correspondent of th« Oxford Slagnziw has lately been criticising the dress of the lady students in the Oxford colleges. A few of them look neat ami ti<h\" alu* says. but a larce |t. >■ portion lloaob along anyhow, with their hats and
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  • 1207 3 Artificial flowers favouring the natural blo<«oms as cloftely as may be are likely to pliv an important part in the seasons millinery. Foulard is already being spoken of an a likely material for the summer. If It is again worn, this will be the third season we have
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  • 59 3 REH'I.TS OF TVESDAY'S PLAY. cnAMriosmin- MBit. 1 Brsildell M Capt. Ainslie 3-6. «-2. 6-;'. A. CLASS MNdLEJ. Raiunie 1 v. Linton 3. (poslpooed.> TIKS FOB WEDNESDAY. A CLASS DOUBLE HANDIC*r. German and Linton v Tapt. White and Nasw. TIKS KM TIIIK.-DAY. A. i LASS DOUBLE IIASIIICAP FINAL. i.
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  • 402 3 tiik ntmmm urn TIIK P. i 0. "CuifAX," -'!st Aiiril.— Messrs. Mactnscart and BelUj Mr. and Mrs. Dlekj Mrs. Leonie; Mr. K. K Steele; Mr. U. Ormrj Mrs. CMforTMor: Mr Adams; Mr. and Mrs. Itland and infant; Mrs. liaird and children. "Bmm*,* Sard April Mr. K.C. Kllin.
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  • 48 3 lorCal. unn and Pcniilg. .1 .in.lath Auril, sni-si.- A M..».-s. UongLoinjand Ulianghai, Siaw.doe ITib April. Gull a Co Hongkong. KulmAg, due 17th April, Bouileul A r... Maraeillei sad I ndon, »U -iue April. Bouatead ,v Co, SI I-el.-r-l.iirg. 7,1,,,'...r,due end of April. Borneo Co.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 GOLDEN BAUB WITH :i lUH AM' A STATI.ITUAL TAHU: Price: OoeDoNar: t be hail at the Shvjjh /",....< Ollice. M li-.iii K.llyanil Wal-h l.u\). or.lolm l.iltlc t Co (Ltd ENVELOPES. Al TDK -gnuns times' on** I UK I'MKIOI' ENVELOPE, 1,000 SI 10; s«nt free by Post 81.50.
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    • 363 3 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE& CO.. LD. s. s. M V ANTON." \\v lmve just received ex the above steamer n new stock of the following: the "sincapoue" jean helmet >ti:au hats bY iijtsk \i Dkraaßi AM'KUMiNS INKANTRV PATTKKN WATERPROOFS CIIESTERKIEI.D WATKIiPRooI COATS WHITE CANVAS SHOES CHOCOLATE CALK HHORB PATENT LKATHBB WALKING
      363 words
    • 301 3 KHISAI.I^KMI'I.OVMKNTS; TOI.I-Ti.VNDI'KHSONAI.S. I»T TIME. 1,1 conn a line; L'nd and M inn.-. lOeontaa Una Mbtoaablbnaa, aanlaa line; nb to IMb Uawa, s cenua cbarga less tnan i loUar, Tboa,'a Iha*. Mm BdvarHsamsnl, I. t. Intbistna, ,-an :i time:- for |l II .awri-ktor (I..Mi;a foitniulit for ?J(U or one month
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 249 3 WEATHKU REPORT. :,/.i:,.j K<rh.!,, Waaaaatl, jM Afrtl It. 'lam.3[>.in. » Hir. "4.1 BLJ MJ l'.-noi. -mi no >,-[ vi. UisTin-r 7M 7-, i run £=%c IHr.olWind N. km. N. Jge? Max. Tamp. h» I Ufifi Mm 75.0 f .IS Max. in Sun 147 0 g t m Terr.rad. TUB Sli*
      249 words

  • 413 4 SlHOirOU. I'lTH AlKlL, lHOe. PRODUCE (Jtnlet an corrtcted to 12.30 a.m. Oambier «"0. Copra Bali 7W. do Pontianak, Pepper, Black Jo White, (5%) ten Fl.-mrSanwad 500. do Brunei- Penrl Sago Toflco, finli. picked •>..*>. Coflcv Palombang, picked :«00 Taplooa. mil IUM,. 4 do do l-t quality do med. flake
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  • 31 4 Municipal DobenturCE A%. Do. Do. ex. Taniong Pacar Bonds. N.w l'ryc l:iv.>r !V>ck f!o.'*. FOR SAI.K. h^twnmt!* 1 I'ifisitiiijj SUurcs. strait" Sti-amnliip b mmnui t guns, btabaaai Share Brok.-r«
    31 words
  • 86 4 For Mr. MtaM. Bmkok Kninltrg, Noon. M ilncc* l.inRiji //?(<•.«. 1p.m. S.-|i.lis via [KirU llkR 1 p.m. llalu I'aliat MW| «oli, 1 p.m. hung linci lMi f<ilyj>«p, I p.m. Fivih mtlfl vi:i paitt Sultmi, '2 p.m. Juki Klmiti i 3 pjy > lUaifaaa, 3 p.m. Fkli II
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  • 92 4 Kkom EraorK—Bytha M. M. Urn, with ..n.- lo the -', March dnaon tba 17th April. ruov Cium: -fiylhe MM. WW». i hi 1 (I Mnr. L>7lh Mai IUi M. M Mar. LWh M.r ...I. S. II. I. Apl Jmi Slat lltli I' <i. Apl ;!i I Uu
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  • 28 4 umu 7 i m Bangkok -M.'s-r». gkan. aiidCartur. Mil, Ml from Baicon: -Mr Mi Ham Fi-*-h, and Holfl. V, from lVlus Anaon via tb Wright, Hag*.
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  • 176 4 I eon lln( V hi M.'r-.'.l -M»r.''l'i J7 i I', in v Sweltaoham. Mis- l; ,n A W Baan, Mr. and Mn Ur. Hvfman, .Mr Aimik. ,F.,rlh, F,,r fault per t to. Wnatwn, iniaaaijlag will. 1 1,,. -i...ini.r <;.i,i.|.«atCid.inii«i. from London SB: I Mi-. F.. C.
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    • 127 4 Uii.lerthi»h,.».iiii(jtliH(ollowini!atilii» Mad! -»tr.--<!rami'r; -li. -ship bnraaa: Itrit. British U.S. United 4&aa; Fr. Frem-h (ier— Urrman Dut. I fetch; Joh. -Jnhnrpi A... (1..-.. OaMrai aiaa d.p. daek naMaogara: IJ.— Onow am; TV. \V.-Ta,,,n,,... IV.-ar VVh irf I D.— lanionK I'aitar Po.-k B.W. BornM >'''iarf iTw.—Jardißa>Wnarf;N.H.W.--»>r Marlionr Wharf: N.
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    • 1188 4 Akuivau Hikci Nook of TtunMt. Cenrr.nil ML Hut. M tons, CnfMiH Rynbrrc lxtb Apl. Krom 9oorabaTa.*a Apl. hm.i l-j a. p. Uaandelaand Co. Kor li itnvia. C Ma, Ml Brit. utr. <>!!• ton«. C»pl I.yi.n-. 13th Apt. From Bangkok, »lh At>l. G.-., i.v.l 10 dp. W. ktaoataM »ml
      1,188 words
    • 355 4 \.i.,^, [H.rt. (inihiililr datt ol (irrit-i ntJ -ui.i^ nr agent*. A. Aa r.r. Hongkong, Apl 13 s. ,i Mo«m. Ilioao. Aj.l:»i: 11.- 1 ti M«-r. A.lna. Hambarg, Apl H.lm Memr. liillinat. CO ibO, JUIM 1^; P. Ucnildar, Hongkong, Apl IS; 0 Wood Bengal, Colombo, Apl M P. A-
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    • 133 4 :..v.. r»rt»i> Fbm hunt Om Xl IB! ,m n ill I i I. levl mIiI.. IV: ,r I.VII i l M kholl II Ho 1., im 1.1 Kalaadw Dm II Kaara i.i Blam \S Hydra I.i laabelU .i:ii. atr. S7W 'Townw.nd Antwerp M:ir II P.SUnoM IKll -ip. ~C. l!>
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    • 71 4 Dill. Visskl's NiM£ Ku..,(l;ii; (UfUII DlUitlJiTlOIl Apl I] V.uwnri* On -ir. Manai I:: CUnm Brllltr. Lowrj 1:: MiKiiia »tr. l>»ly' 13 linn I'i.Ii (iuan Hr. Btntlon U hkaa »tr. Hulop l: llunu-o «tr. Snuili u Bhii «ir. r»i« 1.1 Mr. gpaoi a It 1,-MoMale ur. Qonloo U F.M.thI
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 213 4 M (TICKS. riIASKK AM) NKAVK. LIMITED. MMiAI'tiKI m\m imii ki.i:> nr \i.i. [lEsrniPTlo: >F \i:i:\iki> watkks hi iini qo ui n i TIIK COMPANY'S I'KIXTIXC I I'AHTMENT is<rr\ .-..mp1.-t.-h pnuippwt'srith I'linl II *kMI and being, like lllr Vl r meot,tba beat rlassof work Is (:uaran!,-..d m m 100, BOBINBOHBOAD. .1
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    • 482 4 NOTKTS. I < y «|B j|- _^1 at. w. 4 tax. [SMAIL AND UAI.IKS-M MAMOHO KEBCHANTtt, MANITACTURINfI JEWELLERS, DEALEBfI IX PKECIOI'B KTONKS, 11..v. atra on rlewal N0. 82- I Bnu Ba Boad ACboks Bio, k iii:oiil-iii >. uixti. SOB. rEXI)ANI>. mOKLACXfI, s Ai:i' l'lNs. EARRIXOB, Bet with diamonds, robice. pearls,
      482 words
    • 290 4 IIiVA) in DICK, Glasgow. GREAT BTBEXQTfI b HlltAlilUTY, stroxu ueipphg power, i;ktk\tki.\ of st, ;;th. Perfect Uniformity throughout. I' 1..M.-, Afi'l-Y TO 3.. Sole Aoehtb. NOTICE. Tlfta OF CKYI.dN. (dallj o.lition) i:,..|:,,,..-. Ull.tli.-t.i! Iliit.-d n..« 8 .vi.n n. the ilsl iii Lhan tie other papers i> In Hi- oCrropknl Agriculture,
      290 words
    • 154 4 For Constipation I I and Biliousnessl I U 1 m..MT^Ti^TJT^ffHe! I JOLIEN. 8. rue Vivienne. PARIS B-nown J I'h* Am fMMCriW Grinuuir* Miti.o I inn ,<!-■. h' Ai me and I MATICO lIUECTiSK ia used' in recent I i rAPWIIATT* M,a"rs.llK«>WXl!l:()S BSIS WHISKEY. M..5.-r». HOON KEAT m. a?. 4
      154 words
    • 53 4 NOTICES. MOOXA TAKIK Ml STAN A 00, IS ,ir,,i \,<rth lln.ltK A'.KI,/. HAVK just Rn-atly BJaMBM thi-ir™. and |wiiii<«. and arp ahowiiig a n..w sKxk or uonds fn-h from tin- heal I KNIiLISII .KONTINKNIAI. HdfSKS: Udlea' Cycling Corwta and Kla»ti.-. Children'- Ooraata. Walkmi!lor-el-Ladies Hiding Coreets. An inspection is invited.
      53 words
    • 24 4 NOTICES. INDIAN KNOINKi^T" A» ILLDST«ATj;n Wtr.Kiv Jor»x», THEKKr(I<;NIZK|i,.|;, ;ANOF T ritOFKSSItIN rj INDIA If.fa '..mayld, nfc J,,,, m LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION PATDOYLKC.E. CALCrn.v
      24 words