The Straits Times, 30 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1897. NO. 19,31)3.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 897 1 rjmt BOBNIO COMPANT. LIKITID ,f fflF otaaJarl Lif. aasanuKS. Sim A— c o<-psaj (Fir.). iiTgo«SisU«s Ass»»Bes BoOTty. J£* o^Mltaria* laiuraaos Costpsay JC.-kias »»t«»l SU— N.Tigatioß Compaay. Jj;T<«s»l-»I-«»'B«»Compaay. 1 JUnti— la..raao.r CT .paay,j..autsa. Mrticvlsrt of Uism Companies, sse tb* V 'i,,T^»»-t THK »»"!<EO COMr,>T, LIMITED AifrnU "steamship companies I Orne*, Cou.tsb
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    • 1472 1 jk BUCHANAN WHISKY tSSSSffI jJaMftl IC\ "f" II P" S m af^ T" ■^.."JL"^! 1 IO I nL DLv I STKAMSHII' COMPANIES. I VK KONINKI.IJKK PAKKTVAAKT MAATSCHAPPIJ DMer cetrlrari wNa the Ifi tliiisioils lmllo Bitti— o*t A.nnit nl Simgoftn: t-mr Act kit, iaih J. Uutitit 4 C 0. t'omut <j«ay.
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    • 898 1 SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DKALER3. SAHK AJ SI'I'I'I.IKIi TO THE Hni'SES Of 1.0RH3 AND CoilllON'S AND TU ALL GOOD 1.. .M«is Cl 11- NOTICES. ELECTRIC IBAXWAI& ELECTRIC POWER FOR .MINES. BAGXALL 111LLES Electrical Engineers, MA, taffies I'aUce. I U. C. til. til. JO.sKI'II HAKBB. I Cuxrt. tionh: A Vienna
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    • 717 1 INSURANCES. miiß QUEEN IN.-TUANVK COM lAN V ROY A I. INBI rRAHCB COMPA H V. BomOlm 111,' iiii.l t^ij;ih«l. AgcliU for th.' above r.iTiii-anv. fir.- i>,v|..irii" lo take risks at current rates. ■ooounn Co. TH I I I INHUK A N C B COMPANY, LIMITED. IlK.\l> OmcK, SISUAPOKE. Capital Fully
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    • 465 1 HOLK I M 1-ni: IKK.KATZ BROS, LIMITED. 31/1 J BANKS. THE NATIONAL HANK OF CHINA LI MITE I). Authorised Capital 11,000,000 Subscribed Cnpital 600,000 II ni' Orrici :-Hongkong. COURT OF DI RECTORS I). CHlllse, Es<,. Chan Kit Hhnt, F-i 11. st.dter r.iht 1 "how Tung Shan. E«.|. Kwai Chuen, Esq.
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    • 600 1 \j ing PTP. 10 lEiini Irani Un.eba.-t-. K()H SALB- KMI'W)YMKNTSTO IET; ANDPERSONALS [In Tim, 15 cent, s Hn« M andSrd line; afterwards,! cents a line charge less than one dollar. Tha» m ;^^.ver,^.^c.o»^io^P;; OBBJ Ihs inserted .limit's lorBl.i" I1.J0: a fortnight for »3.04 or one monw for»i. Afterwards tU a
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  • 64 2 TUE SDAY, 30th NOV, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE GERMAN NAVY. nomn imiiw fna«W -'I"'/. .Y,,,y,,,/,v. The (.eniian Naxal Hill, to be laid bcfoiu the Reichstag. haslH-<-n published. It provides lor building -even battleships and nine cruisers before the clo»e of IKS. This building programme will increase the- annual expenditure on
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 248 2 Tiik that a conference has liecn agreed to between the employers and the men in the Engineering dispute will Id: re eived uilh great gratification hy everybody interested in Britain's industrial welfare. The telegram anaonhdng the fact gave- no particulars other than that the •confern.,,' was to consist of
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  • 266 2 Tiik (.ernian KmiH-ror's naval ambition has. it seems, shrunk to more moderate proportions. Last March, the Secretary to thu Imperial Admiralty, laid before the lUMntag a building programme which simply stupefied the Budget Committee of that body. The programme asked for was "In IM)7-8> two gunboats, and one torpedo division
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  • 248 2 A coaaauumpmn studs u u iuterov tins letter on tlie i|iic»tion uftlir Munirips! markets. That letter, written with the objivt of demmistratins the enhanced tost of living to nil eh(M in Singapore, is an impeachment of tin' bnaing qrctam ndoptod by the Mknicipattty in rafaHon to the ■jtkaU. In the
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  • 76 2 Tn t Stnilt Budget was published today at noon. The Bwlgtt is enlarged as a consequence of the enlargement of the Srr.n7« 7'.W». This week's livdgtl consists of M pages, and it contains s< columns of news, besides a quantity of advertisements. Tho price of the Hu,i r l is
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  • 102 2 DMM the heading "Cricket c. Justice," the I'inang liazrltt publishes some unreasonable comments on Mr. Justice ii's recent brief holiday Xow, it has to be remembered that four judges are a very full judicial stall for the Colony. Further, although the Chief Justice ison long leave, the appointment of
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  • 10 2 A ukwaki> for the recovery of certain bicycles is advertised.
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  • 15 2 Piioui t r., exchange, and share pricf», and the mail list, arc on page 4.
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  • 12 2 TiiK(ioverninent invites tenders for the construction of military quarters on Pearls Hill.
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  • 15 2 Messrs. Powtu. ,1- Co., advertiss an auction of Saigon rice at the Borneo Wharf, to-morrow.
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  • 17 2 This is St. Andrew's Day. The Scotsmen of Singapore are not observing the day by any festmty.
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  • 20 2 Tin; dead bodies of two adult Chinese were found this morning; one at Johnston's I'ier, the other at Borne,, Wharf.
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  • 21 2 Tiik linn of Yeo Heng Moh Co., ol Singapore anil its branches in Burinah arc advertised as having dissolved nart nership.
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  • 19 2 Ykmkiidav, a Chinaman, in sentenced to a month's imprisonment, for stealing New Year cards from Messrs. Kelly and Walsh's.
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  • 22 2 A GOKfJM in connection with the Church of England Teni|K-rancc Society will be held at the Boustcad Institute, to-morrow evening, at MUt).
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  • 20 2 Mi: (J. K. Adamsok, the retiring Muuici|uil Conimissionerat I'enang.does not reek re-election. Dr. Avetoom has been nominated for the vacancy.
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  • 22 2 Ykstkkiiav, two men, for being in possession of some cooking utensils belonging to Captain t'raufurd, wcie sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 31 2 Tiik I', i Cham,, with the mail from Europe of the 12th November, left Colombo 1 1 p .m. yesterday and may be expected here on Sunday afternoon the .->th December.
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  • 30 2 At Third Street. Hongkong, on the nighl olthe I'.frd instant, a lire which broke out in a dwelling house, resulted in one man and two women being burned lo death.
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  • 34 2 Ykstkkday, two men of the Artillery, were fined live dollars, in default, fourteen days each, for causing hurt to a 'rikisha puller by striking him and loosening a tooth.
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  • 30 2 TllK s. llmna rejiorts having, in Lat. U.ou K. longitude »5,.4y X., signalled the sailing ship (ilracoiut, bound I loin Singapore to Cluttagong, six days out, all well.
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  • 34 2 Vkstekday, two Chinamen, were fined one hundred dollars, in default, three months each, for being connected with the management of a wha-way lottery in Kiver Valley Koad, on the L'lllli instant.
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  • 36 2 UN EMPLOYED ENGINEERS. NoTurriisTANDiNu that several engineers have liecli here for month* unahle to obtain employment, their numbers, writes a correspondent, are tiling added to by arrivals from Calcutta and Hongkong, also in search of employment.
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  • 50 2 1 ins Tiling Inspectors Mb and lti.kson Agri a Chinaman with obstructing tbt roadway with building tnulcri.'ils. Hi- had h;i<U [in nut to use lour feet of the road, hut it expired on tin.' I'sth instant. He had monopolized fourteen feet, and was lined ten dollars, or fourteen days.
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  • 62 2 At seven oVloek this morning, a Russian sailor in the Central I'olice t-tatiun discovered in the act ol attempting to bang himself, and was at once jocund. He was taken to the Chief tab* Officer, lnit was in nieh' an excited state that nothing could he
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  • 54 2 HNRMT, at the Assizes, tin- whole •lay «as occupied in hearing the charge ••I murdi r against Omkn, a Kling, and "I iihcltmeut of the inuidi-r, against Nammylani ajul \nguswauii. The Inrther baariaf postponed till to morrow. This morning, Tan Ah Chua, was cbargad with using as
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  • 59 2 VOTUUT, the Siamese ConaulOwMnd, Mr John Anderson, ralK-d upon the aptain of thu .1/../.../ Unja- MMMM Hi,, iibu.,l ..alutM, and I' )l' S "ri» ;aW :lU0 nid h >' Al)t to the-Olhcer Commanding the Troops. DM latter visit was- returned, this morning, by the captains of lioth
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  • 72 2 < ax nothing be done, asks the Nmm -II- t« put a stop to the evil practice, calledsnipenetting,whichhasalu.gether •lentroye.l the snipe-shooting in Singapore, .cm. l seems likely to reduce the *l wl in tlu: Province ahnost to a similar < ondilion St rong language ami a warm reception ,lo
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  • 652 2 •miot'S <iiar«». Kahlert and Dr. Von Krudy i were brought before Mr. Howard, this afternoon, and charged, on remand, by Frederick Dreiss with cheating in respect to the value of the Medical Office," and inducing him to deliver to them *!i.i>m Mr. J. I' Joaquira appeared
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  • 71 2 At Hongkong, a Committee of the legislative Council has reported on certain applications for increase of salary from officers in the publi, nr lea of that Colony. The Committee adItut they laid down, as a guiding principle, that it would be desirable, in the public interest that a
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  • 144 2 MR. HHVI ni(OWN> MBttL It is reiHirted from Seoul, that the Itritish Consul! ieneral has asked for the instructions of his (ioTcrnment in reference to the course to be taken b\ Mr. Hrown, the Financial AdviscT. Mr. Hrown refuses to accept notiei' of dismissal from the Corean
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  • 210 2 "READING" BISCUI TS. ham ix rtrTimw A sr.w industry, writes a convepoodent, appears, to 1,,-nv sprung up of late in Singapore, in the niiiiiiif.ii ture „l bis, nils, which ar.- packed in I in, „f various sizes, and labelled in exact imitation of the uenuiiie .irti.leas exiKirled to all parts
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  • 1116 2 BY HlTCill CLIFFORD AND FRANK ATIIKLBTAXK BWKTTESHAM TAKT IV :TH« I.ITTIK»"|>' A!ID "r Till appearance of Part IV of this Dictionary indicates Hint tli«- I.mhm.l author* h.ivi' thought MM of the idea lUiiTiT ■draacad bj than in iLm „,,|i they contemplated in M.irrh MM.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 357 2 NOTICES. KXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. j lIUoIM-luron of „n h.Mir H^nmttin-M** i>ktoxatoim ■Drnvn n UCIM llMm'i'n'. MTATIMIS «"*•<•?' »i" a JST,Jt"m •»> °™m« ornuMv roi TDK BOfTXEO COMPACT, I.l l>. HOLE HMI iuiim mat'-. Mmt, >■><> »oraw KAVIC ALWAII IN hIIXIK AM TIIK ABOVK. sTJTwM. JHUtNKTTS Mi!,rjTo'.\s. l>n.l'r. InnUt IwiMnium
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    • 948 2 NOTICE& THK STIiAITSTI! A DISC; COMPANY, I.IMITKD KOTICE 1" HOLDERS OT HUM WAKRASTS. ON |,r.Miit»li..n .if Coupon No. «t Ih, ..iii|*n>'-om.e. nr.iltlieChartcr.-d II ii. k nf't. AoPtnlw, »n.l I Inn*, on am I afl.-r the '.tilli Ntn.'lnl»-r, l"« 7. Holder. »,ii recein |«i i»-r Okopoa, baing n ,livi,l.-n.l fit
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    • 244 2 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS, LIMITED. Ban TO ANNOI NCI; TIIK .\KlilV.\L Of THK FOLLOWING FOB (lIHISTMAS. CADHIb'YS HiK'oI.ATK CKKAMS. in Air Tight Tins: Walnuts, Sultana-. Almonds. ASSORTKD,, Uiagor, U ids. Vanilla, Deaaart, Duchcne, Pales CHOOUUTE (KKAMfS IS FANCY IWXBS. (KXTS JO *:'.">.i«i. Cadbury's Cocoa in Tins. Melican Chocolates Powder in
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    • 860 2 _LATEST ADMIRTISEMEXT. IJ<IFTY ilollnm Kewnr.l will Ik- |wi.l for inf.. i t'ii mn Icmling to the recovery of two bir.i.Vs-t. ilen from Telolt Kurnuon the 30th RoTombar. fl) A Huml.-rliKlit ron.lsl.-r, Ra.M,IM. A Popular Rover" li(iht roadster. Applj L> It. S.. e.'o Alraiu Timr: 4/ia PALAN(jriN' AND HAKNKSS EM
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  • 728 3 AfJJMi MUNICIPAL KXTOKTIOK. T.t TWF EDITOR OK THK ftTRAIT* TIME*." Sin, Having < i rvl t in two previous letters with tlindifficultiMi experienced h; two particular pcctinm of the comaaattf in ll"- mUm of living, I would I. glad if you roulil aaaa* for a
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  • 148 3 kl nainisa to Urn native accounts luyslbe Smtk CUaa 1>.,,h, Ibe fmglao I.. it th Ki.i.s li.-n. Hay. re, cnth Iby Hi, (Jenaaa naeL possaased ■ogaaaaJ all. and.-nh aportMa of the had been completed, the pleas which had been drawn over •■>■■. yean ago, kg Major
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  • 40 3 1 -Colonel II I Kailhfuli. ISC resigned roumend of the '■'■"..1.-int by M:i|.». J M A BaUl «U«Hl|m granted the local rank L, »t -(\,i,, M ,-l Captain K. 1.. IV ¥*&r now becsjßMl F ""«uiaiidtt| therr|:iiiiciit.
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  • 1170 3 NF.US. NOTES. AND RKTORTS. THK lIONOKONG BANK AM) f 11 1 N Tin. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank with i winch tin- Chines,, (iovcnirneni has ix-en negotiating for a loan, havinf insisted on the imm.-tliate extension ol foreign tii.t.-niKcnirol to the likin at salt as aaeaeaan to render
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  • 784 3 I. ik Daily Tekgrapk pays the following e|.,.|,i. tit tribute to the late Colonel Cliird. V. 0. A p..,. i and faithful servant of his i;.i(Tn nml country and right valiant collier has pasaad away in Colonel John House Man km Chard, V. C, who
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  • 141 3 A 111 in, hut charmttu, waddkia took p1a.,,,tT.-,ipinKonT,,esdayi,,o,nin:.-la.t. •ays the UuerVieorrespnodent, in the quaint, modasl buitdinß.a little way removed from the hustle and noise of Urn town, which is known as the 14 Uospel Hall." The eontfartisu parline wan Mr. Ceoper, a Missionary who is ahont
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  • 180 3 KUA LA LANGAT. Is HM district nperl M Kuala Ungat, i.i Kehamr, for October, it is Dot«d application* for land lor idnnting bara bean ncotved from Moms. Miiiii.. an.l 'ar.-v at M.nili. and an apnHeaiioa for permission to taka up tin- whole of il»' lalaad uppoeila Jugm, received firam
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  • 49 3 Manvol Urn mesaben D/theKaaiki band (hat wai bseksn up mm months ■go, arbo have Iwen away ami employed mostly in Urn pan! fishery trade, htn MW V sjyi a t onespondent. returned to lilllgaJHail and. witli HIM l,e«h arrivals trom Manila, arc forming another l-aml
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  • 617 3 AN KNIiLISH OPINION. Tlia fact that the Federation Trcatv concluded Iwtwcen the Malay States under British nroteetion in July. 1K95. took pr»c- tieal effect in July. IWW. given, says the I financial rime: added inl.-r.-t to the i report! of the Residents ia these Stales for the
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  • 604 3 fora Urn dicumataaoai attending Mm iaai|liallllll of Colaßei .Shall, Chinese llisi..-. It.r for tli.- «r-""i— Oil. tri.-t i'( New Yoik, it looks as though the att. nipt to ezdude Urn Chinese from the United Slates wen l.rcukiic; down. If all the lawi MM on the Statute-book assdnat
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  • 567 3 WHY IS UK ALLOWED TO BXISTr A few days ago, writes a corres|K>ndent, the gist of a newspaper paragraph was given in the Strait* mil without comment. The writer of the original, a globe-trotter, prohahly, is said to have expressed himself to the effect Hint, in all
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  • 94 3 PUN JOMS. Tun Punjon, Mining n porl f..r October t.- that milling «v i trrli 1 on during NO days, crushing 117 tons of ore from the 'mine for a yield of Ma. O.i -is. and l.'.lJl' to,,- of old heading- and outcrop yielding I4S ozs. .-.O grs, of smelted
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  • 219 3 "C RICKET v. JUSTICE." in tax,. Mr. Justice Leaeht ilnsai i from the Ct.lonv, on crick.' or golf leave, the civil work Began the Supreme Court in Singapore assumed, says the 1..,.,)1,. all 111,--appearanoa of., 1.1,,, k. and, thoroupon our readers will scarcely cretiit il the kaaiasj Msa .ailed upon
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  • 385 3 Almost dnil> then appear l.ri.d hslanrai skasls telling sf a iiiiiiiiiism season. It is almo-i nn invariahle rule to liii'l that a company pnnosea lo pa] a ten per. em dividend an.l p.. 1 a 1,.« -urn 08l of it, H7 on i. a- to i lin- sxaaph
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 715 3 DELICHTFUL t INViQORATINQ 1 Coiulys Fluid Supplier Iggg roteLcl Ii Sei Water. AUCTION SALES. IMPtIKTANT AldlnN SAI.K VAI.IAISI.K IUII.DIVi AI.I.OTMKMS ami nwKi.i.ivi worn situate in Cam feres. Beeaveei CmaCaauM Win Haa Basil axu Havii.k k Koaii ial back of PenrU Hill). (AT OVa SAI.K -WHIM.) Bawnlif, on»aslsr,atU(am LOTS. r or
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    • 652 3 NOTICES. CONVENT FANCY UA/AAR. THE ANNCAI. FANCY BAZAAR for the leneHt of the ORI'HASa at the Convent will he hold in the Town Hall, on Till usiiiv, the IRth In. snd on Fiiti.AV. the irth lii.-i.MiiKK, »t 9r m. The Si Its, ok earnestly solicits your chsrilv on 1-ehalf
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    • 191 3 FORSALK-KMPUnrM EN™ WSffl Unr; llttrwtrd: j'V ]w Th«t. SSmSZ mf.wwl.wa si IUJ)- fICHOOL. rvwna to nu^^u. r«iu«<'. U l,'ttl« ono. nf ,1... 1U1f1... 3W£. »*«g .n ll>ur«l»y.v.n!,>K. D<*»2fe*+ ,f HI n> to Klmit CM or hltlr km. II Hip lri.hiiKM «.iv« Kil.lly tli«- H»m«^rrnt 1 Will nil lh<»0 »^IO
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 196 3 WKATHKR RKPORT. Kmdmtg Krrba* HotpiM, «SH\ .Vm. 18n. Ha.m.Bp.m.f)p.m. JUimaris7 Bar. 1* .967 S9 DOS >$.m\ Temp. MM 78.8 W. D'lbTher 7S.IS 770 7SO S3 Uir.ofWindN.W. U.K. NE. f& Max. Temp. HIS Mm... V. 71.1 l*Z Max. in Sun ISi.O S >.T Terr.rsd. .722 S^ Rainfall .12 j) Tut Standard
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  • 506 4 SIXOATOBK, jt TlI 50VIMBKI, 1887. PRODUCE (Rale* art comdtd to VI M p.m.) Oambier, I 6,87 i. Copra Bali <f.». do Pontianak n-a. Pepper, Black 180 a do White, (V.) Sago FlourSnrawak i.s.V Jo Brunei... tj»\. Pearl Saco 5.4.1 Coffee, Bali, picked 3J.-W. Colleo Palembang. picked.... „;«'■''i Coffee,
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  • 86 4 fjr IW llr. Time. Tu-Mukkow. llalavin vinport- (.Wnrrry. 7 m. IVkim via|K>rt- h\,.,lr>,' 10 a.m. Penaog .< l>eli llebt, pin BMfkak 8. Omm. 2 p.m. FMHOI s,i liimljnr, 3 a.m. Mal.-i.-.-a 4 Klnnj; \eera, 4 p.m. T. Annon via |K>rts Malacca, 4pm KniKlnkan via p..i i- IWaM, 4
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  • 105 4 Kuom Kl-Korii:-liy tlm 1'. A U Cl,u,an iluo un HoodH "ill, th* mail from Kur..|«of tin- U'ili Nov. She l,ring» replies to Um mails I. -II Sinipiiiuiv on Utli ISIhud IMkOeL Kkom Ciiixa lly the M. M. «.s. ().yo,n>.. due on ru.h.lnv. Timk ItfH 0* Maiu
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  • 153 4 lVr La, Ommmm lTU from Balnvia-.M.-r- Jnm.-s Crui.k-lmnk. an.l Piiot Update. T. i (I, ]>h,a from Khun; via | .Mr- Hanson nn.l eliil.l. I.-,-, s. 1.,.1,.,1,»,l fr,,n. Kn-umntk M. i c i:. s Hall. A. Drake. Mr.- DonaldMom. 11. *itu.-..vT. 11. IMmiy T Pri..-. V. \V. Sh.-rnill. nn.l
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  • 147 4 Sj K ami N ami Tom Caftux Fkom tmm I Conwuuv. Kirn Nam Mviik Diiim-li. IM X,i, .kl.ii, Poutianak M .unit Watt :".> ti.-ii.Tnnl Pel l)ut itr. M 6 Kynbofg llmavin No. |i ;w „lel» and Co ill Ham Hook sia. gb. :H0 ißiuko llangkok N..v '4Siainis.- foii.iii :V
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    • 270 4 r nder this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh— ship l«i. -barque Brit.-Brilish V. 8. United Sa*>is-, Ft. French Ocr— German Dut.— Dofc-h Joh.^Jobore; 4e., 0. c. General cargo d.p.— deck passengers; U— UncerUiJT T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.-Taniong Pagar Dock
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    • 1486 4 A<ulnlinJ, Brit. >tr. MkW, C.iiit Mill', Sftlli Nov. From flaisanlla. 7th Nov. Ii and 1$ dp. Ihiu-lead A Co. For Frvmantlc, 4th W. Cnu .Soon, Dut, Btr. Sli loin. Cnplnin, SOth Not. From P,.ntianrk,i'7lli Nov. C..-.. and SO dp. Lim Assam. For Pon tian.-ik. Jnd-Rds. Caow /'»v«.
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    • 474 4 Saint, port, probable date of arrival, mi./ tu»n« 0/ lUjrnU. \|i\. I.i. e, pool, Dec U; Mau-li.-hl. Intenor, i "ilna, 1 7 UaosttaM. ReUonn, Hn-i^oni;. I Ka.uKMil.en;. 1'.,-lim.,lir. Km. .l/11. ►hnrtty. I. Silnon>. Borneo. I I.hi. .Inn 1:1 P. An. c A]K-ur. fill. Mil:,. I Sarki. „U«.. Clinton.
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    • 108 4 <u/» 1 ..Mt: :i.. Can .l.v DuTurinoa ■ov a <'ov»<ioug« S!l IVhilla .10 I: ill ao Sri Trfanan :»l lli.n l'oirtiu.n (imn K Ann •10 I :i1|. ,.,,1' Cli.'lv.lm 30 Suit,,,, no Omaha .10 (kxliivcrv .10 II,:, k SO II. i l-inx SO Kugvnie S|«. .IT. OutaUtl l.iviTlHlul VII
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 222 4 KELLY WALSH, LTD < 'IIitISTMAK AND NHW XKAR OARDB. i liana aanamsn ..k nBUM CABJM, in. 'lulling a MMoUea „i eboiee Hand painted OOei. .IAI'ANESK HAM) I'AIVI'KH <A KI»S. K.4WH BPHIAL BKRIEB OV SIXttAFOOE CAItDS. MB sim, ix,, ii,. mi I KIIM.H. Sit „1 ten .Sll«j KELLV WALSH, LTD. JOILX
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    • 306 4 'notices. grimaults syrup OS* HYPO PHOSPHITE ol UME FOH DISEASES OF THE CHUT All sulTe linn fruni Catarrh, Consumption. Obstinate Coughs or Golds ami those alTccteil with diseases of the Chest, Lunga and Bronchial Tubes., MMt lake CRIUOLT S STRTJPefHTPO PIOSPIITEiIIIIE Prescrihe.l hy the 1.-...1 m.-.1i.-al aulhonties in all uutries
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    • 378 4 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS LIMITED. GREAT CASH CLEARANCE SALE. < oam DEC. Ist. DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. li'n-li .Silk- frm, i BUM to few per Ti. i hinasilk Mixture*, «l. Oß eeoti per yd. I- an, v Dress Material-. Donl.le Wi.lth -SI mi y.l. Wool Cnpona, Double XVidtb.TSceaUTd Blue Kin, y.Mateml. D.,iil,hWidth,
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    • 327 4 NOTICES. MARiE BRIZARD AND IODUB BORDEAUX. Brand; "I Curacao QuaJiU Anisette Hsruehino Superknre. Liqueuis J Bole Agrnt* for th. Straits, M. Ms. a. Ju il N k COMTK o*. "TIMES" AND "BUDGET.>l ■-•tin 7i Ml a year, or »J| a month or lifteen cents a copy. Post Free, tfi a
      327 words
    • 39 4 SHAREsTwAATED. Municipal Debenture* 6 Do. Do. fnnjong Paiar Bonili. Now 1'ryo lUver Dock Co. I'unjoms. Straits Ice Co. M.i i m:ii. I A Co. Haul™, Contributor-.'. FOR SALE. 1'cngpratiK I'lniiliiiR Slmiv*. BOMERVIU.K A GUNS, K»i li»ngr A Share Broken
      39 words