The Straits Times, 26 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2(5, 1897. NO. 19,31)0.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 847 1 qiMSBOBNEO COMPANY. LIMITED «sß.Urd» Aasnranej.. f" K Fir. ln.n»ao, Soo*, I Awnranos OopaaT (Fire). Ir ol»a Mario- In»nra»t» (omnanj ZX£ «»t»l st— N.T>grt,o. C^apMX- I »m l*g»r Ifc-r Cumpaaj. Ih, Mantiao lasunuioa lompuj, l.tsitM. v narticaWs of these Companies, ■*> tha UTT <* THK B6BSKO COMJV, vv. I.IMITKI)
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    • 1116 1 i BUCHANAN WHISKY NOTICES. Gold Medals:*. ls'.'b 16.-I*. i JOSEPH 6ILLOTT'S Of Highest Quality, and Havi,i s I) f* 0 Greatest Durability arc Therefore II P■ CHEAPEST. |_t If fj c. f-:i1,'12 CONDENSED Mill i^ WI -'**#b i lle "Milkmaid" Brand is gup.rr.nle, dru Wks*SS*9 contain all the cream
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    • 991 1 SOLD BY ALL LICENSED RPIRIT DEALERS. Samk as srn-i.n:i. to the House* or Lord* and Comhons and to ail g<x>d Loxdok Ci.i'rs. INSUKANCES. HONGKONG KIKE IXSrRAXOK COMPANY, LIMIT HI). Cnpilal sul.seril)Cd $2,000,0(10. Amount paid up 400.0J0. K.'«eive fund I4MOM. Head Office.— Honßkong. (inneral Man.i(;er«, Messrs. XUaCtnm Mvt.ii.son 4 Co. GOTH
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    • 281 1 INSURANCES. THBQCKKN INBCRANOB COMPANY ROYAL INSIIiANCE 00MPART. gi-EEX iKSt'EAXIE MI'ILDIXGB. I.IVCKI-OOU Company, an- pn'parctl to take risks al HOIKiI.ANDT 4 Co. IMI E STRAITS I NSUK A N C K COMPANY, LIMITED. I ilil.:.!iu, 18RS. Head Ofhce, SmoArOBE. Capital Fully Subscribed 55,000,000 Capital Paid-up (s»),l»») Reserve Funds 183,2-JO Balance of
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    • 467 1 BOLK IMTOUTKRH KATZ BROS, LIMITED. BANKS. TIIK NATIONAL HANK Of CHINA I.IMITKI). Aulhorised Capital 11,000.000 Suhscribed Capital t WIO.OOO Hi: ii> limn: Hongkong. COVKT Of PIKK.TORS:D. (Jillies, Esq. Chun Kit BBaC Esq. H.Ktolterfoht. 88% Chon Tung Shan, Esq. II..: 1 I--, Chief Man laaa Geo. W. F. Playfair. Interest
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    • 675 1 TVOHOTTLESOrREDTHIS rAsrwj^j^yftSa^jg .•'j-ve'r.'.", ough I -ried nun-™- B^^SBKnS el^'d 10 a" "Koim «»*>--. Holland, Va. For sale by all daalm. TIIKDISPBSSARY •S'.n^ipore, Gtwral Agent. FOR SALE- KMPM)YMKNT«TO L ET; ANDPERSONALS rinTimlßcnta a line; 2nd and 3rd It*' advertisement close act, in thla tTP*. can be inserted Stimes for|l.o6 $IM; a
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    • 38 2 WEST AFRIC A. Mm ADVANCE. London. -Mil, Wmmmr. ii. liter's corres|>ondent at Lagos telegraphs that a French expedition has arrived at Nikki. The I iovernor of I lahomey has started for the Hinterland there with a considerable force.
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    • 29 2 QaaVaVUI NAVAI. COMMANH. It is conlirnied that I'riuce Henn will command a squadron of cruisers which, >„i\. from (M-rmany loi Cliin.i. on the l«th Dawaaab*
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    • 36 2 VI..I.KNCK AS I) FltiHTlNti. Indcsciihal.le scenes of violence pro taking ph la tU« Austiian Keiehnath at I'arliament. Al OM Mltin.;, there «as a haud-to-hand lighl among the member.- for a .piarter ol an hour.
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    • 33 2 Hi.llllNl. IN ALBANIA. A revolt has broken out in Albania, a province of Kuro|>oan Turkey. Severe lighting between Albanians and Turks is reported, with heavy loss on 1 1 sides.
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  • 91 2 Tin: cost c.f iiKitntainiii): Singapore town roads next year is «ct down at Si>7,lKm, .111 bMM of ST.Oiki beyond tlie sum B|wnl this year. The cost of suburban road* i» to be increased from tatflUß to S.-|7,(WU. t'yclists will be glad to hear that mori- money is to he e.\--[mii.l.
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  • 114 2 I ii k Municipal I'nwidciit is tOfrt a ii-i' <>l&.Vi a m<>nth.inakini.'tlii' salary Mm The Batntary is to pi S;i7.' n I Hlllf-W TlioViiiancia] Assistant is to rise from Sski to HH Dm salary i Mr. Own, as Kir.' UricniUSuiHiiniondcnt, is to bp doubliil from Sioo to fcwo a month.
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  • 389 2 i Mb Hi iikinsiiaw yesterday madi certain very points. 11. In 1,1 tha pilot, willi a i-vilili. :ilf siii.|h!lulhl would still 1.,. a licensed pilot, mid muk Ml l»- ponilbad for uUli| as a licensed pilot ■ml. til.- "-"TIMlin was fin the MMwUd to make aMoa ii.-ar. Tin Council declined
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  • 166 2 The Pnaob MM IkiMlv striking out int. i tin- ilispuliMl NijriT territory. They laim rari trarli which lie at I )>.- lack. rfdMl^Hlid MdCoaal Colonies. Ifca ino-i Nn| pginl ■< stake is Nikki on tha NiaWwhaY*, two years ago, Captail. l.iijrar.l, on MulfoftiM Ni^-r (oinpany. 1u.i.1,' a U.-.lty with lII,'
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  • 10 2 Tmk Strait- Settlements PostalCuide for 1 -H- has been issued.
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  • 14 2 I'k.h.i X, exchange, and share prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 13 2 Till next Criminal Assi/e at Singapore, is fixed for the I lib January.
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  • 12 2 Tn« Straits Trading Company advertises the date for the payment of a
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  • 11 2 The British India Steam Navigation Company advertises Christmas holiday sea-trip rates.
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  • 18 2 1 iik Presbyterian Church was again entered last night, hut the thieves found nothing, and left empty handed.
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  • 22 2 Tiik Ikmlv of an adult Macao, was found in Ik* five f.wt way ill Itnelioro Koad. at nil early hour this morning.
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  • 23 2 A IMH, last night, devoured a calf belonging lo Mr. Crane at Tainpenis. Mr. Owen is out to day looking for the ti-.-er.
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  • 19 2 Missws Katz Brothers advertise a large and varied assortment of gmids at their cheap sale U-ginning tin December Ist.
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  • 16 2 Thf Tho-nix Assurance Company, t Co, arc the Sinjapore agents, send a wall calendar for
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  • 17 2 Tiik I'-.rtuguese Baaaaaal 77-..,,.,.---/tni/mi arrived here this afternoon from Macao. She leaves for Sourabaya on Wednesday next.
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  • 24 2 ACiiinajian, in l'ernk, who committed murder there, when insane, has h.-.-i; released from prison on becoming sane, and sent away to China by (ioverniuent.
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  • 28 2 Yksteudat, a liquor »hop-kee|ier, residing in South llridcc ltoud, was lined twenty dollars and costs, for selling li.pior' after the hour of closing specified in the In cii-c
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  • 26 2 OM-: hundred and forty-six <leaths Wan r. irisicred in Singa|, in the week i-ndftig on Saturday last, with a ratio ofM.TI per thousand.
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  • 37 2 Mkssks. J P. Carncgy, and J. W. W, llogan, are said to be the two successful candidates of the five .i|wtliccariiv,wlio presented themselves last month lor examination for promotion to higher grades in the service.
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  • 40 2 I>\ Wednesday, a Chinaman at tiie fourth mile on the Bukit Timah Koad was plucking fruit from a iaiubti tree when he fell. He was brought in to the (iencral Hospital, and died yesterday morning from his injuries.
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  • 42 2 Owimi to the continual obstruction by carts at the junction of Boat (Jnay and Bonhans Btraaa, Mr. Tan Jiak Ki.n ..||.-.»1.-J 10 the l-oliee. This wwiilim anumlier of hullock art .1 livers were lined nominally for such obstruction.
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  • 40 2 Tin: BaM dixiri.'t/iii tho vi.inity of Itaub is now aaWal to hooni. Several i-laiun ar,' now being prospected .111.1 Urn r.-^ulis ham Urn UgMjr aatia-f.iL-l.irv. l'linty of koo«1 payinK stuff i» said to have been founil \l,il.iy m.,;i.
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  • 50 2 Dram thfiarly hours, tins morning, on, i- Ihlaiaa aaMM an entrame into th.- li.ii-k premise* of a house in Queen Strut, ,-in.l cut i-l.'ar MMf with a *****11--lier ol peese, ducks, and fowln, which Urn owner had tak.'ii considerable>!.- to fatten for the coming Chrintman feast.
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  • 55 2 TllK whole of was taken up la hcarinK tha abam „f criminal knaah of trust, against Tuck H.h.i, Too, and Yco Yok They were ■nilllllrf. This morninc Wee Kirn pleaded not pmlty to a charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt t.i Tay I'oh Kirn. l.y knockiiiK out
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  • 61 2 At live ■Aolotk yesterday evpnine, live TtadMn w«n r,shi,, R pukat iwat at l'liln Obin, wh..|. tlin-.- of thru, w.-re stru.-k hy H-Matag kill,',l. I In.- of tboa* Miu.k fi-ll into ill,' aaa, and Ui Ihhlv has not him reiovcri-d Thu •»»li,-s of t th.-rs mi
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  • 61 2 THE SPRI NG TIDES. Tma BMBaam n hirp' area of tho Imvlyilij; portion of Qu tuwl m 1, 11.-, in, 1,,» uintiT Wiilor, owing to f.ill in Urn .ountrv alalllllll Taj. L in.- m :i-n,, torliravy ipriai ti<i>->. iin.i naU month Ha will 1,,. l.i K 1,,. r rh,-v ;iiim:
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  • 58 2 MUN ICIPAL APPOINTMENTS. Missus. A. fientlo and T. Solut arc MCbJmM to l». Municipal Commissioners for Ku%apon with effect from the Ist January. 1888 Mr A Qtattoa ii re-appointed to 1m I'resident of tho Municipal Cnmnrlarinaßi of Tlaaarinc* with etlect from the Nt January 1-H---Mr w barton *U eoaHßM td'aot
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  • 62 2 I 'im> .nomine, H. I- K, -slar Muni. dpali market kaapac m bnuabl baton Mr. Howard .hi t»-,, .hari-esofroceivinj; illi-isil gratifications lor nmiltiii" to .■v-ivi.,. his oili.-ial f tions. Mr/l-'ort wdo appeared forth* proaacuttoa, said he clul not tu.|, tv t-o mi with la* am ■athaaaa badabaaay Ih-.ii eoatieM
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  • 56 2 M tunm laa Kussiaii oflitinl ■ho nn la Mr McLean Brown as Hnan ialAdvteor to the Coroan (torero mant, draws a salary of 3,000 noa i yir. l! i- stipulated bUnooaaaof b»« Ui.--i.ui TheCWMoaoTornnunl has umder eonaideratioo propoaaJ i,,r ii,.- lUmI of all faaa*ji employ."* in
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  • 1138 2 LAST NIGHT' S THEATRICALS. -A BAM PKSXY AND TIIK. "CRIMSON SCARF." An amateur dramatic performance was given at the Town Hall, last night, in aid of the Tanglin Church House The audience was large, and it was appreciative. People were, also, more than usually interested lie.-ause tile performer!., as a
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  • 897 2 TIIK WAUKKX CHAI.I.KNiiK H1IIKI.1). KMI-HXAI 801 Sl>: 8. C AMI A CO, HULK KKIOAIIK This tie in tin- aKive gaaananaaaal was played last night, on the Ksplanade, before a large crowd of afMaaam, rnfortimatcly owing to the heavy rnin du:iim the previous night, and also the heavy aboWOn .!«irit.-
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  • 84 2 VaaTULMI ovotiin" -..vs pondout, a rikislia puller ni goini ■long Prioaap Street, witli Klin*, and hi* «.f,-;,« kw wli.-.i ha ran nd on into a oow. The sudden conclusion il.r.u- liioi down with tin- mull Urn hrai wpra I brown rabid*, aod Uio woman i I'lul
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 255 2 NOTICES^ ""NOW COMPANY, LD. ssS%»"~--*"JSTSr ElTiw»~" p itt I"™" 1 «I»UTT MD „lj]» t«n «'»«rr. n KtHSBO OOMPASV, LTD. Ml AuhMv AU. Tilt ABoVK. ivSrnf LAGS BEER 1 r ji. Mm uiarki-t I I" Ml.VP|,,roaH<m Krwctmrurr, i/rn., BULMER'S BBFOBD6BIKI CYDER. In OmMM I" 11 1 'l'"> rt riif mnoooviiT,,
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    • 512 2 NOTICES. TOWN HALL. AMATEUB HKAMATIC I'KKFoKMANCK I' r Ihe dhUlnfalsaid patronnite of the Oftii'tT < "i 'in iimtr l ing tlu* (tArriion, IHK TAJraUH (■I'II'RCH llul SK T»..r«/n«* ,S«lKrrf..y. .\fr,nUr »Va X-27/t. Th I'y.ini.T!, Dmuu nil n led A HAD PINNY Ohartas Hyde... Mr 1. aTaas* BnlialHiM Richard Hvl.- Mr
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    • 907 2 LATEST ADVKHTISEMENT. WANTKI). A BTIIRK KKKPKK flii uke akaaaa of aaaaMas, atoring.and I delivering piece good". Good testimonials and vcurity re..uire<l. by letter to KAT/ BRUTHkn, IdMITKI). ?7 11. Prnnonm wixm.—A young j aaaaaaaaaa, ajal "ill. In raaaW 1,,1-in.— aaporUae*. ffpsaks Engllab, Kr Ii Oaman, Italian. Mnlay. A Amhi.i.
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    • 363 2 LATEST ADVEBTISEMEXTK KATZ BROTMRS, LDIITED. GREAT CASH CLEARANCE SALE. COOENGB DEC. Ist. DRAPERY DiFABTMENT. I'.n Ii Silk- froi., M iMitofc'.io |K-ryd. China Silk Mixturoa,*l.UsoatlW peryd Kancy l)n-s Material-. Black Double Width »l.oeyd. \VoolCreiom..l>oul,le\\i,llh.7.-cent-'yil. Blue Kancy Material. Double Width. 7.-. touts yd. Coloured Velveteens. from al-tf yd. Silk Vahvas, from Sl'
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  • 2619 3 111 l 11-IHV v.-.tii NOVKMRER. H r TnSnaM^ taOßMua 'in Hiv.ii Hit. iiu.i.. i- W. SmylKynri.T-lry, A.-ting i o|.iti.«i htntn, H I .1. M A.ting AltoniM nninl Hoo Colonel Ilogl.-. K.I, A. ting ■uai Baglaeer. t I. IViim-y, A.-ling Colonial Trc«II r r»w. II I
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  • 93 3 loxrii.Ait jniuMcnoa. Tut: Barm .</ OauH* prittubai Urn t.M „i Kot« <-x. n^.-.l between Britain and Bum extending Urn operation, in Siam. oftue treaty uftha 3rd Sei.ti4nbor, ItWS. The romill of the lu-gotUtiooi is that six more BiameM province! luve bam bn»iii< oadn 1 1.0 prorkioDi
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  • 125 3 I'm: Saoretan oftl* hugoat HUh Co, i-orroitß t'ho utati-meiita nvanliiig Company mad* by Mr .1 Y. V. Vanon in In- Hongkong Jure circular, quoted in oar yesterdaya issu.'. At the' extraordinary nooal nioaMagoftbareholdan baU on tba 13th imt, no date n mentioned v liavlng I I Bxed for
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  • 125 3 II ivai telegram to Urn IMb LusUnt, riate (ieneral I'ellieiu lioa boon charjwd l>y Uoverninenl toenutiira into Hi.- Krtertuuy affair. Bttorhan had bwn named l>v tba Dnyfn luinly v lII.' r.Mi cnillv' )>:.rlv in tin- .riim for uhirli (aplani Ilivylus lia.l !.<fn MOt.ii.r.l. The l>n>thi'i' of
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  • 132 3 inn mat tw THI UoiukoU Dm% JMCTtIWi Kiaochau Bay, which haa ban wbad by the titffmana, as being rituated on tfa iouUi coaal "I ill.- Biiontunft proin,.mm v 111 In 36 N an. l long. I." I Tlio l»y i> a inasnilicaoi >l»it ol watoi Urn
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  • 1099 3 rKTITinS FROM THE SINr.ATORK PILOTS. Thi Singapore pilots feel aggrieved at the Pilot*' Bill, whirl, pMMI the Council \.-t.-i,lny. They embodied their objections in the following ]•< -I n ion I That :li -...I. ■nli.t II "I your I ilion.'rs hu. most regrettably, only recently been drawn
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  • 178 3 1\ mmiil part* of the town, writes, many new tenement bouaas have ipruug up, of late, superior l.i tin- .ipliimy r I,.«n a~ -liop-luin-,-. Tii.r.- i- evidently deaira a* the par) of investors in hmi-.' property Mi build what in known in Hongkong and Kowl ai
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  • 1036 3 THE ESTIMATKS FOR IIWK. AXOTtIKR NEW LOAN. Am >. m in.-, r ii, of the Municipal Commiuiuners wu held yesterday afternoon, to consider the estimate? for IMH. There wero present Mr. Egcrton (Ih-puty President), Mr. Evans, Mr. MM, Mr Meyer. Mr. Mow.. Mr. Nanson, Mr Choa (Uang Tye,
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  • 107 3 Tims morning, Mr. T. I Bada. of Ifeaen. GilUUan Wood and Co swilled h> the Act in, Chief Justice to l\, •edfroni wiving on Urn iurv, on the pound thai bi had alraadj ban Mm iiionnlllnv,. „.<,1,i,- inp ih,. M |r yrar 11,. pointed oi.l
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  • 56 3 li-i- notified in („,|.,vV "i i n MM j Uaulle thai ml alion baa b ivnm, from ih« Contui-G«iMnl hi lh« Ketliprlaiid. ol Singupore, th»( Urn l.'l-..1.11.i1i..,,, t( rr the Strait* into Acheenandit, P, „,,i,,,,; Vi ,,«i,i,. amm ..11 Urn lath iwtaat, M thai MtUewilll i:nili-iv..;i.iii:iraiiliiii! i.r
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  • 61 3 NEW JAPANESE CRUI SER. liik latest addition to tliaJapuMM "7"""*1 ithoMli \..v,.,nbrr.l,v Urn hunch* ofthocnifa* AkmU. Th« M..,,hi v MaiJ twia•crew eniiaaf of to BMtm in hulk U.TH in.-r r.-s baua, LBO m, tr. dnil s ■*dhpbom«Btßiidisoaobon» |K.»-.T»iilias|M-c.l<>f if* kastoaaboof. llir ariiiaiiMiit«illcoiiviati,r M x i- tiuiKre c|»i, k-lirirm pirns,
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  • 72 3 COPPE R AND IRON. Ol W.tilni-wlny, I Chinaman mm* to a ihop topee in Boekon Boad, and Hbad for ntm in "*»r lor Iwo fifty .-••lit r«.ll- of copper. The matUt nu willed and tho binuuu l.n Urn Ujop. file »l p i ihen i.,,,k t tliej contain ol ofthe
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  • 76 3 CHES S IN SI NGAPORE. J B Xl V. M.-l'limv ;i:'i.'l VV. rriii' K T.E. M.I.- B. 11. Burton. P. v. m.»«... J. 11. Bleph i 10 m m. They arc 1..1 Hoior mil junior partners the Hinior narlaw i" "longed di.«gr ...i.i rith hi. junior h, to uymowto m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 13 3 riSiSTION] .■i r ■>. UH ii rv ]O I ;!j I i U Co
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    • 977 3 sU.K OF Hlll'SKHOI.1) rTRSITVRK. S.ilur-lny. l'T/A AonW<*. I At l<Kk Villa I>, liutiti tio* HtuCommencing al 1 :m p. m. An.l afterward*. At Koklvm. Hoi st Horuu. Commencing ut J.IIO/i. i;i I VRAU INC K(K>.M an.l lull HWi furni. I 1/ lun*. iron bvMavgt; •lining tahlg, *idet»oar<l, .linner wlnrnis, punkahs,
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    • 455 3 11,.. lot «""''J n m r 8 round Iwains'aboaltfata***' J. A. WE VICQ. Con.uUteneral for the NelhwUnd.. M*««l»n>. I.MI. (KtoWr, 1H97. f NOTICE. I my Mm Aitomry to t.oh Tek I. lone «lnl«Ml Ihc 11*111 .Novcnilxr, Iwi. me 7m7aTn T 'n'l aaauiM '■'t"-''- Sinna|>ore, on an i.i, ,|7«. iiTlian
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 181 3 i:\TIIKU RBPOBT. Katutang btai Iliapitu:, ■•:,l!i \,.r, K47.|..iii.!l[..m. lUa.vliKK. llnr. i".i. I .i'«."rJ!'.-.vl-Jl).ir.T lemp. T7(l i-KI 77U -J.~^ \V. BliiTliiT UA 7<iO 1Z s >'• Dtr.otWlad i B sK S- >~ HulTmp. -i.' 7 BATHED rKLSOBAIt. ik. KA. < I pl) li '.N'ilC' ISO. 9UB. l« ...I N N.I.
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  • 421 4 Smoirou. 2«tm Noviviin, IWJ. PRODUCE (halet an comtled to MM p m Oinbtir Coinßali do I'ontisnak, Pepper, Black do White, <«) M.M. S««o FlourSarawak, MJ lo Brunei, M»i. Pcvl Simo S-fiO CoHr*. lUli. picked 3.1.00. CoHee I'ul.-mUnng. picked «>■•*>. rofW. Liberian. No. 1 »00. Tapioca, •mail Flake do do
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  • 158 4 MAI LS CLOSE. h«T IW .IT. Timr. Mmmb Iliii^kuk (Viilnur, 10 n in Pmngtalan Brudu SSmwi II v iitla via |Kjrl, It. Wkntt Hi,,, 1 p.m. Klanic turn s,,n 11, 1 p.m. Calcutta via port- AVr6iu/«f<i, n m Malacen and Klang Ku<irnir, I> p.m Malm-en 4 Klang Snjyko, 4
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  • 130 4 Kkom Ki k<mis:-ll> the M M. Tj^lffli •In.' ..u Sntur.hiy with the n la i| from Kin. .|H- of Hi.' MhNov. Sh.' hniiu- iviili.M to Hi.' until* win. h l.'fl Sini;.,|,.,i.- on l--.ii, S.'iil. iiii.l 6th tlrl. K11..M China: -By the M. H. Iheaniea clue 011 I
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  • 148 4 l\r a, i fiom I'aleiiiUng Mr. aii.l In. KMdw. IVi /..iJ,™,,,! from Madras :-Cai.t. A. 1i.,/;i.l, From IVn.u.J Mr. 1. IVii.-liaiM. rapi ltiiurmo, nn,l.Vlr. M.iri. From I'nndi.-li.-ry Mr. (imot MaUJ^d.* 1 kon K Mr I.i s,,Urom l».li:-l)r. V.,lv. Mr. P. into. IVr.. Imm IVIi:- Menri. H. V»
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    • 183 4 rn.lerlhiibeadingthe following al>l>r<v«ialiona «re uied:— Ktr -»l«un»r «h.— ship l«, l.«niuo; Brit.— British IT. 8. United sut**; Vr. French; Ger. German; l>ut.— Dutch Job.— Jobore, *c., O. c, General arm d.p.— deck pn««.-npr» IT— l'ncerUiJT T. IP. W.-Tinjonn P»pr Wharf; T. P. D— Tunjong P»f»r Dook B.
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    • 1301 4 Auitiu Hikci Noon or Vnmiwt nV«l<in.;, Dili. Mr. 27S tons Oipt Voor. -.'.MM Nov. From P. Brandan. JSrJ Nov. nil. T. a Bogiutnlt. For P. Bran.lan. *7thRd». /(.in Umt, Put. «lr. 27.1 ton«. Captain Kolul-. 2Uth Nov. From Borneo, 2.-nd ■m M, in dp. Kk l.iong Chan. For
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    • 453 4 Namf, fort, probabU date of mrrirai, mi name of agenu. \],iv Urcmri, i>«.- lt| MaHMI AntCDOT, China. X.-.-7; Man»l..'l.l. \, VV A'lr.iha Nm HoiWfa.l Bslkma, HongfcMg, Dm --'7 iMdnbrn Bamrakr, raotaa, -North p. tHmum BonMO, 1...iii1..n. .Lan U: T.t 0. Onion, Houfkoac. Ju I P. .1 n. <v\l.»ii.
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    • 148 4 M I *LAv 5 Vtui'i NiMH A ro»«. i»hn S lUu Nov a 5 Ilmitiuig Dut. «lr. jVoor Kuby Hri! str. I |>t L^, 15 Ni.-iihu>- iUglnlt Twearrilli Hnt.ktr. Ufa ii r )V M ■.II W:illy o*r. Ktr. tM 11,. -"•> Sl "l' r -in lotvcld i>; CMrpao
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    • 28 4 >««. Vesul'h Name ftitlttw ( Dutixatiun 2 jl' 1 ilrii.nir. Mortar,ikoL S :"^r; Ell ggj M i!™" J ,"-.,m" 1 r ir kSSbWIm lr >"' HUDMtwI tadoaf
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 571 4 JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. COMPLETE HOUSE ITIiNIsiIEKS. V M 1,;,,,. ,1. lis. ry .ill 11-.i- 11..M rw|»i.ite« in Furniture,, Ironmongery Klectro Hate, ui;nKrc>i;'"Mi-Li:ri: n.nVn; aikim ataum.ik fc«-*dfc»- n U. hennitli, i.f unr lea.lin« MM Dessert Sets. > Grkwsware of all kinds. ••AIIH.KV" I'AITKKN NMHB VAB& M K.,i II I-
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    • 225 4 NOTICES. EABTBRN HORTOAOB All AGENCY OOUPAITT, LIMITED. Aothorl.ed Capital r.,a00,00D Bali- I HOO.i'O AdT»n. made upon If ortrage of Fn*> hold.. Hlo. k». Bhare>. and other approrad ascuntiet Slat.-. Municipal, and other Pnblic Loan, negotiated and latued upoo Urn London Market. PATSBSON. BIMONB A (i)., Agenta. G. OTOMUNE COMPANY. Have
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    • 36 4 HHAMB WAHTKP. Mun i|..'il 1 ■i.tiir...:, Do. Do. Tmijnng lteir Bonds. New I'rje Kivor Dock Co. 1-iiniomV Straits Ice Co. Maynanl Co. lUulis, CoDtributorv. KOK 8AI.E. Penp'ranj; I'laiitins SI1111P9. SUMKUVII.I.K AOUXN, Cnkaiai A Sharo Iti .1k.11
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