The Straits Times, 25 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED, 18a. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1897. NO. 19,3 W.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 887 1 HORNKO COMPANT. LIMITED .!vu- Uh Assuisnos. I Ssras ral« Kr. Insnnaea Soetetr A^,,nuic« CanfttJ (r'ire) 1 hTK.,u,uU» la*. Sucirtj. ]Z ,CL> M«^" I««~» Co»p.ny. iihiM st 1 N«»i«ationComi)aiiT. Z T 'ttrtih»i» '-««»r !<»' Company M.ritua. In^uraao. I'ompanj, I.imitnl. i mrtioolart of thoss Conpanies, st»> tJw ■■..^T-111 <* THK W'KNKO COMrIM
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    • 713 1 BUCHANAN WHKKY A^& IS THE BEST. NlI-AMSlill' I \K KONINKI.I.IKK PAXBTTAAKT M It .1, i trad with Ibe .Ne '-'i1,V,.,;..,,,i Mill- A,.). 5, V. I A st,. oi 1 B»pect«d W i:n,i.-si,i. .Nov. M, 1:,., Ii t'« Owl „.-o,iral.a>a. l.'l. Bonraba Ma.; gaak Dell Ml Paaah. I; i.,,. i. a
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    • 388 1 DOMPANHgL hULATBCBAmj Netherlands li.lia (iovemment. I Alii .1. DUMitU 4 Co., :!-3, COLI.YEE QCAV. W 111 lie Despatched for On hi. Fata Laat, (Mat, IVrouw, ilongaa, and Baaggalii Nov. iv. aya. Boelelanc, uapasaa, llima, icaasar, Timor ate. gg. Bila, Aaaaban, Dell, and Bat W. :,l ii.-ril.oii. Samarann, riouralmvs. I Moluccas.
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    • 876 1 SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIUIT DEALERS. Same as sirruEn to tiik Houses op Lords and Couvons and to all aooa Ouat [TOXGKOXG FIRK INSURANCE I 1 COMPACT, I.'.MMKIi. <Vi; «i1..-..Tib«! *.».000.(»>0. llWlfM lip 410.0111. I: >.■ fund IflM.iwi. Head ofHt-f. -H<Wf>un(. Qmnl Mnn:i,\'crB, Mt'csn*. Jabiiini;. ■fAtn "N Co. (il'Tlilili: r
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    • 639 1 ri-<i>' INSI RAHCE COMPANI l.i I. COMPACT. Qram Inrats Buiuimoj, l.m am i Tlio uodanlgoed, Acaota for it... above I \>iii[..i!i\. juijtart'il In Urn n-k- at iiurrnt rMH. lIOIXiI.AXDT Co. rpH E S T Ii A I T S I XSrK A NT K 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1883. HSU
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    • 442 1 ■ou mroHna KATZ BROS, LIMITED. HANKS. I THK NATIONAL HANK Of CHINA I.I.MITKI). Authorise.l Capital Ii.IXtO.OTK) Babsarlbed Capital i- .-^w.ouo Hiiah Umc-E i— Haagkaag. OOTJKT OF DIBECTOB8: I I>. Oillies. Ksi). Chan Kit gbaf, E«... H. Mollerfohi. Es,|. Chow Tuiir Bhaß, Bkf. Kuan Hoi Chiion, Esq. CHitr Haraom: Oeo. W.
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    • 674 1 a-, ,,,-,0,,R1. ltne.l >' nl 011 e r ,h. ei^rr^^^Kr^'WLs Holland, V.i. For sale iV all dealare, THE DIBPEHBAEY, 1 TOR BALK- KMPLOYMKNTST()IKT;ANDPERSOXALS ■IsTTtui, lownt. line; SfaClfl I lines, 10 cents a line; 4th to 6th times S cents a line; :i h o 18th timM^S oents^a ch'arit^lMs'ThM"' one'dol"!*?. Thus
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  • 118 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 25th Nov., 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. TROUBLE IN BRITISH AFRICA. Established: ML P&IC1 13 CENTS. I [mimn/Hm rale* and mheHuing mitt uuiy Ufimd m the fourth pagt] Mt TINY ON TIIK KAST COAST. lIAKIi FIUIITIMI. l,;,ui,,ii, ->M flaawatar. A numlier of mutinous Somlauese soldiers, aided by Malioninicdan brigands,
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 43 2 UKIKNII'IN Of EUUOOAD. It i- rejjorlcd that Prince Henry or Prussia will coimnaud the squadron ordered to China. It is believed that Germany is resolved to retain the port of Kiaothau. Pin,,.- Henrj i- the brother of the Kmparor William.
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  • 233 2 [JaoQA from whence conies news of mutiny and battle is a district in Uganda on the north shore of Lake Victoria Ryama, buadradeafatUai from thecoa-t. F'nuii Mouihassa on the coast, a railway to I'g^ «."»7 mih'S long. i- under construction. Uganda i.part of the Kritish Kast Afri.a
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  • 33 2 IKb conesiKjiident -J,' who has been dealing hi yesterdays paper and in t. .lavs with "tin! cost of living,'. argues that back gharry tales si Id he increased. We think he is right.
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  • 213 2 At the date of last mail, an authoritative life of Sir Stamford Raflfeeby Mr. Damatrini Boalgar, an j experienced author, was on the eve of I piihli.ation. Mr. Boulger has already puhlished several historical works regarding the lar but. lie nvaaaai now to tell ill the /.[I,- of Katlles
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  • 58 2 We publish some amusing matter about the Strait-, under the heading "As others Baa l'» It seems that tigers prowl round the bungalows at night that the Asiatic retailers heat the ■aaaajaaa stores j that there soon will i.c no chance for the Britisher in trade, and generally that tilings
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  • 106 2 Tins afternoon at legislative Council the Pilgrims Ships Bill was read a third time. It was notified that the Netherlands Government had definitely decided to adhere to the Venice convention thus placing Dutch ships in the same position as English ships. The Third Reading had been postponed in order to
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  • 128 2 TnK movement for adoptinga gold dol-' lar in the Straits Settlements is viewed with close attention at Saigon. There* too. the .adoption of a gold standard throughout French Indo-Cliina on the basis of the French currency system has long been urged. It is pointed out that the Far Kast, must,
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  • 11 2 I'iik new Lady Arnold (Japanese) is about 32 years of age.
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  • 13 2 I'iionirr, exchange, and share prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 15 2 I'.ftA. .Nsur.i.i). the property of Major Call, mi, is advertised to he let or sold.
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  • 17 2 THB brother of the Kmperor is named brtbe command of the German fleet vw the QUaa station.
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  • 11 2 sioner for l'enang takes place there on the 7th of December.
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  • 17 2 Tim tioverntnent invites tenders for supplying canvas Imots, and for making clothing for the Singapore Police Force.
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  • 20 2 tnof Hoaa,wan left for Sarawak, on Tuesday, is expected to return to Singapore about the aajmoaag of the coming year.
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  • 28 2 THM morning, a Hylamhoy forfcitml, hy order of the First Court, a month's wages amounting to $4."i*i for leaving th.. service of Mr. A. J. I'hipps without notice.
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  • 29 2 It is ofliciallv notified that Mr. Alfred BaU Vennim:. State Treasurer. Manger, ha- bean appointed Secretary 1.. I ;..v..rm I ..r P.-rak. with elleet from the Ist September, 1*97.
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  • 41 2 Tub Captain of the s. Eaiaaa reports having passed the har.pie y,,rii. r ,;i of LODdon, from CarditV to Singapore 101' days out, at Cape Kachado hearing K. H W. true distant 14 at tO a. m. on the 24th inst.
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  • 33 2 flits says a correspondent: the dirty Bible that baa ao long been an object of aversion to persons taking the Christian oath in the Second I'olice Court has been rebound
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  • 36 2 I'm: general meeting of the Straits Trading Co., was held to-day, at which a dividend of ten per cent, and a bonus am per share were declared. The accounts presented were passed.
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  • 32 2 'Ink Royal Insurance Company and the London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, of tiuth of which ll.mstcad t Co., are the local Bfgaaa, send wall calendars and a diary for lsus.
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  • 39 2 Out Nts counsel bafauj unable to imam 111 Un Magistrate Court to-day, the further bearing of the ease against I'eh Tat and Kua Seeycna Sourajin, has heen postponed till two o'clock on the Cod December.
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  • 42 2 Pi:\ -KiiAi. Chinese traders in Singai>ore arc negotiating with the Hoss family lor the purpose of acquiring tin- right of trading with the Cocos islanders, in he. he denier, eoprn, coco-nut oil, pearls and other proddcta of the islands.
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  • 40 2 BREACH OF TRUS T. I'm- iiiomini;, a Javanese, a servant in the employ of Mr. James Wheatley, was -entenced to three months' rip.rous trust in respect to a silver tish knife, and fork, valued at S:lO entrusted to his Ban,
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  • 43 2 1 UK mad dlllllJlli from Si,, K aporn to London, via Itrindisi, on the inh Ootobar, was delivered on the -L'nd instant. The mail despatched from Singapore to Umdon. vi.i Marseille., on the tad November, is expected to bo delivered to-day.
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  • 136 2 imnhmi tmamut. liik .ludi.ial Commissioner. Mr 1. Jaokaoa. has dacUad an important I Inn.-.-c intestacy ,a-e at Kual.l l.nni|.,ir. Yap Ali'shak, a Chinaman bom in China, died, the other day, mt. -tale, in Selancor. The Senior Uagietrata, Mr. Venninc. held that, the dec,MM.,l beiag a nalin ..i china,
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  • 220 2 IIIHTB MMM This morning, in the Sujiremc Curl. before Mr. Justice Laaah, Mr. Frederick loiterer, Managing I>ir.K-tor of Messrs. I K.iti Bros. Ltd., aj.pln-d for a receiving order against Choj> Chin I've, piece good- and silk merchant. of Bead) lioad. Mr. F. M. Klliott (Messrs. Kodyk and Davidson)
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  • 181 2 Tins morning. Chief Insp,- -tor Jennings gave evidence before Mr O Sullivan against two Japanese men and a woman who were summoned for keeping so-called coll'cc shops, which were alleged to he ill reality brothels, lie «a,d that he and In-pector Dieksou visited three house- i
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  • 241 2 This morning, Mr. llrydges <>„ behalf of Mr. Nildett made an application before Mr. Justice U-iieh for an administration order in the. ba-il uptcv a.-aiu-t th tate of the late Hadji Ahmad Hin Kusop. Mr. For. and Mr. Kock opposed. Mr. l!rydg-s BaU the petition
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  • 77 2 SIAM' S NAVAL AMBITIONS. Iris stated that the Kaag of Biam'l two sons, who arc at present Naval students in Knglnnd, will he a.. i panied to Siam to their instructors in naval sciuiKe. The Kins is anxious to huildupa navy. He was sei/.^l with this ambition a few years
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  • 73 2 Till! practice of raising money from ■OaaM invited for the porpoaa to feasts has becoinu very prevalent among eartain Asiatic official* in Selangor. The Superintendent of Posts and Telegraphs there ohjects to it, and is said to have issued a departmental circular in which he speaks of these
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  • 67 2 Tin. niornins, Inspector Mnwnl nmiiueada pawnbroker, named Lam Konc, residinaat 7l' South Bridge Road, for receiving into pawn, in onatravantion of the I'awnhn.kers' Ordinance clothes bearing the sta. Ip 11. C. I) Inspector Jones of the Hackney Carriage Department shewed thai a Mariana pan namad Maji.l bia
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  • 85 2 His many friend* wiUtamel taken* »f tin; death uf Captain William WepaaM, late ataater of the Aim. Four noatheago, Mr. Monaatt weal la the GoMral Hospital luflenns from OBBOH in the baa. ami he tuoeumbedto that malady, Uul nighl Captain Moppet) was .",7 years of age
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  • 94 2 sl\ MONTHS .»M, TKX .IT-. "s the l-th instant, a Chinaman an old oSander, was arraeted by the deteethree in *t. Andrews Cathedral yard in the act <it removing the bottom i-..iti..n uf a /in,, rain pipe Thi- morning, he was brought baton Mr. Wolfer-Un and charged with
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  • 746 2 HKruKK WHAT Jl Mil I'm: adiouriieil public examination in liankiuptcv of 1.. J. Chatcr, piaaaMla pnNmi and brick Banufaetumr, iras t dot ii to be taken this morning Mora Mr. .lu-ti. Lack. Mr. KIliH (Mann. Drew and Kapler) and Hr. Van Coj-leobuTg appeared for tli.- creditors. Mr. Antbooisx,
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  • 56 2 YnrraoAY, Un 1...k waa diacharged, on a charp of hou-ehreakinn. This morning, Quak Boob Teo and Xoo Vok wai placed in the dock on a charge of criminal breaen of trust and theft, in reaped to a .|u:,ntny of jawaltary livened 111 pawn ill B shop in N-leKle
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  • 139 2 Ir II repotted that at th id ..f tba year, many of the HaOtnM of Hana ■hope to aeraral pejta of the town an to be withdrawn, where it bj thouglil ll" rear.- t „„>■ for tba Made of till ■even] localitiaa as at pneenl Tin
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  • 134 2 SY CE' S ALLEGE D PERJUR Y. 1.,-t ».-.:<. wanrnnl of urr.-t ni against Captain Krlpp for mi: 1... ling to anawei ;i lummoaa bet* i in«tani i.■ iyee named Adiakalam Ibruaaull Captain Kiii.i. -un. -n.1. -i.-l and produced evidence to .hen thai lie bad paid :oinpluinanl twent, dul
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 433 2 NOTICES. EXPLOSIVES COMPLY, LD. HVKAMITI ..KI 1.-MH IYVAMIIK Bli-H M..NAIOKS ">"'. V. MK ,IKI. M IfflM M'l'MlMC- jj,,,, ggrvanaVj mimo all *".tiw«»»t"<--: raaaaawaa,a««aa». "'i».!rH n «io oriniu orriuu roa HUB Tail BiBOT. lIIK BUR.VEO i "MI'ANV. LTD. Ml MaaTM. Mam and Borneo n w»,s in htock All tMI AHOVK. SIB
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    • 949 2 AUCTION SALES. -Ml. c,| licit SKlliil Ii I I KMIIItK. m Pin in i il ivMin ma iiili omwwMMO ut ■'<" f m. aad «fie.iinr.i-. W X..-1 n M.-l M M.IIMA. hRAWINU BOOM -C 1..1 bed room retailor*, no" U-.1-t.-ivl.: .lininc lalile, ■id I, ilinaai wagoaa, paakaha, a, tion
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    • 550 2 NOTICES. TOWN HALL AMATEUB DRAMATIC I'KUKiiKMANt K ruder the .li-lingiiisli.-.l p H tr..ii.,c.- of the oni.-.-r Commnn. ling the Oarrron, THE TANIiI.IN (lUKCM HOUSE 7V./"-'<l"A Siilrnlii.i. \t,n,,,lrr, •_>.-,H <t27»' I ill :> Till: IVvnini., cut, lied. A BAD PENNY Cauawnaa i-h.i.h- ...\h. Ilium,. lt.l,erts..n Hi. 1mr.111y.1.... Mr. Lionel
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    • 548 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. rpilK BMMthh Bffriag mreting of the 1 Chunb Work Association will l»--held at Hi.- Hiirlles (iirls' School, on We.lne»d«.v. De. ,ii, Ist. at 4 p. ni. 1/li EMMKKSON'S TIFFIN UOOMS \l.i 1 1. ii.ii Mead eaaajetiag In the Billiard Tounmnient ilmidi.-np ire nqaaaM 1., .-i--.-inl.le lit the »1.0,
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    • 112 2 At M.,-. ut Tincci, I-rovinc- Wdl.-ley, on the 2Utb in-t the ivh.-of L KOliil.n Ks cin-si-uiM-, of a aaa. M 8. K. intends! for UV fitrn,l, Tc»" »!.,-il.! t» writt«« w Bi-I« of the ]>*ncr onlr. By the neirlo-t of th«t <vii,.;it,oo. •«•> M S S. .r. reiwlnl Uut micrht
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  • 757 3 (.ITTA OMXBCTMoT. Tlir WEALTH TI..MAV KTKAMMOI' OMMOMBH >OlF' I I IllfJ I'rkaa, L'lW \,.r,.,,,U r Tntio Hdm Man and Mi-i Akir, to II li.-i .lav as .lu.ntiii" na before Urn Judicial i.-onuiiiraioiK-r I, i rhanjeof muroYr, have wwrd lh€ Temerioh lo.k-.ip and ban notiincc bean re-captaM.
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  • 230 3 A IKII.KM I. 11, ITR« I Ml" i-nrn-nt iiiiihlht of tin- him"l »|>|«>wi .in article on Tho lint rtml (ri»i» in Ci-nminy From nil •■UI«.r:U« of atati«t!e* thl nritrr ..n.uii wmahaiom which amount u> a malatiaa. Qcrauui ""WoMic dnrontant, which beconiw 1 aav»rn,i fm year, in
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  • 11 3 I VlctarM laMitatiaa n Kui* ■lii- tWwigvv
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  • 1584 3 m -i i:\ns sktti.kments. i' Trtii > lUn'j Ci'.'i t hikihiU nt .U..r.i» .1./,,,/,., Iramro— tvlti.-h ia Hi,. lll<wt important It* Btraitl s, Hill.- K.,||-|| a th.'s,, 'ittKTII Hi. .--trait-. .11 Mftliu-.-a lVMinng. Hi-- part n.-\t in iiir-.rtmi, l>>in K sitmtnlat thr. Huwf. OttHt •och as
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  • 64 3 lunmr will lacra KMriaad »n N.\ nth. :iiiiliMtirt>y Xi«. ISGomnaa* i:,-i.,n f >iv. it..*., from Koxbnd tb llibiallar, uuJ the Ui Uu. iiui-Uar U>u;i.. Kn-lMill., Malta. She will all.'l-vvmi-.U utkatbe Ir-i 80. Royal [animtnr Regt.. bom Malta to H-Bintrtmt the ID Ud. Wart V,nk-I.iiv K.-^t from Hongkong
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  • 113 3 Mi:. .1. T. Vuaoa'i Hongkong Shan report, datad ITth hutaat, lays: Ponjonu li»v« been <I.ii.- during the ■reek at ta.7S, *l .'.<•, ■v1.;."., imd Slim, t-loiineal si. in. iliiMi-m of Krip not in their own nameeehouM not* that, at n meeting heU on tb« lath Instant, it wea uTaoged
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  • 146 3 A hkkk MB, a Illlnnae ital>a m arrested tor being in ponenluq >f illicit ehanda alleged to be worth 51,0.-»»i. It uas iftenrarda dieoorered to In treacle, \wtliasinall .|.l.Llilit\- of olUßdu ill a bladder iawrUd in the tins. fteterday, furtbor ertdeaea m tak*. and a
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  • 239 3 DUCH ESS OF TECK. A rounnonUtire nf the Central K«m was informed by Mr H.-rbtrt AUUuham. the ninreon who performed tha operation, thai tba Itaebeaa died bom tliilareof tfae heart. In May hist, Mr. illillgliMl usifulwed au u|n.T:ition fur •trangulated umbilical hernia, md though at the time it most •usoeut'ul
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  • 593 3 HACK (iHAKKV OWNKBS. TO THE KDITOK Of TIIK STRAITS TIMES." Sin, It seems evident that all classes oftlie community feel the burden which the cost of living .-Mails. The marine engineer* took the initiative, and demanded higtlW TafW Uw Municipal an>l (invornmt'iit subordinates obtained relief, and
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  • 339 3 NETHERLANDS- INDIA Warn rapid to Urn Jara may In' mentioned that on* of th.member* of the BUte*-Oeneral itronfdy disapproved a continuation o( tha me iacUnad to accept the reaponsibUity ul tin' beginning of thii war, for which ii. i i. asonal.lo motive I'niilil Im> given. According lo his opinion,
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  • 118 3 Mk. Daaetrioi Booker 1 of sir HUmfncd laflaa" ia finnlnl It will tell lor tin- first time Hi,' ■totyofthe louudin- of Bingapon from tha official reoordi of the Govarnmenl of India. The raloma will be illu.lrotod with, photogravure of Sir Btainfordt portrail in tha National Portrait
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  • 896 3 I From ,n,r VtiUntU) Corrrtpuiuint.) 1 MAT continues to strut about the Jtreo*.s of l'lkan. little caring fur the tunic that has been suddenly Ilinut upon him. as it were by Mr. Clifford"* -.end "Tale Malaya." Those who ■H in -t appreciate iill that Mr Clifford 111-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 794 3 NOTICE. I HEKKBY r.inirl the notice revoking 1 my Power of Attorney to Uoh Tek Lionit. .InUNt tha ll'th Nnvel'ulvr, lx»7. The •aid Uoh Tek l.ionjf. tins full power to Ann. at No. 7. BraMm M.'.-t. Si'npi^"! 1 on my l.lmlf n» ha baa lifr.t re done l>»U-d this iwh
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    • 183 3 NOTICES. TO LIGAI P1ACTITIOKI1& CHAULKS VICAR. SHOKTHANH WUITKI! 11 itudCliaiuury i'X|>tTii'i>i>' lloin in t lir. Legislative Coaadb, and hoUi rndi'ntimln from Iki Homo Tmmmf. Kor typewritten transcripts, apply ti> (HAKMvS VKJAK. 1% Maliiivn Street. j EMMERSONVS TIFFIN ROOMS. Onalar kmkjnm v ioj>. 4 BILUAKD TOURNAMENT II \N- DICAP, will 1...
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    • 289 3 FOUSAI.I: EMPLOYMENTS: 'or*&. Att^nl^'llM onlhi Tk,~ rill >* <mnd IKXI.KUS ISM IHi KOH «l" -Kiaii'K ItKTWKKX KAJAIH' AND BEREMBAN. mnniiiii mat***** o< Selimsor. up to noon oil SOtli t ?J fe 1. I y pony i»rt between Knjung »nd t mi mmmmn mtltmlam in roinjni lollm i-oiiilitinn. of tli- C>ntr».t
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 160 3 WKATIIKH BBPOBT. Wmttmt K, llotpilnl, MM .W. /SS7. »».in.3|..m.»p.m. Kkmakkk. Bar. -*s> Temp. tfSI BTJ 77.(1 <_- W. HiliTli.r 78.0 7!>..-> TiiO 1 IHr.olWlDd N.w. nr, m, Max. Temp. M<(i Sun I4M a >. 5 IVrr. rad. ..71'.' =J=.:"u Rainfall .us ll AliitAMiKMK.Vrs. Tiuksoav, L'.Vm Novuam High Water.
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  • 490 4 S:s .irons. Mi Xovkjihe*, 180 T. PRODUCE (ltalr.< are eomtled to IL> :Kl pm.) lim.l.i.T 5.70. Copra Bali 8..V). do Pontianak 8.25. IVpper, ninck, MX ■lo White, <«%) 34.60. Src>Flouri»arawak S.M. no Brunei S.JUI. Pearl J«o .1.80 Offer. Bali, picked 3S.oa Coffee I-alcmlniiK. pick*).... 311.60. Coflee. l.ilirrian. So. 1
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  • 82 4 >■" l'rr $tr. Tim,. taUmmm Kn.lal A S.'iiul.iUn Aim Bam r«w^K 10a.',,,: Bangkok (..iinur, Noon Jii| via purls lTilhia. 1 p.,,,.' Malitcui anil Klnng Hatarirr 3 p,'"' gauDgAOaH "imniafc. lv I'lianak A Sn j riny'ianu Sim SATIKIUV. CalcotU TU port! H. Hhntt Hrn, I p.m. ('nh'lltln yin
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  • 100 4 Knew Kl'K(>l-K:-llytha M. M. Sa.ihuli',, ■In, S:ilui-.1.-iy with Ihi- (r Kuro|M-at til. .Ml, Nov. SI,,- l,rin K ivpli... L.i Hi.- nrnl, left BlD(^Wn ou Stt Kkumi'him: -ilytlioM.M.u. Ureanirn, iiiiK Taui.i Or M<iu Due 1..(t siiiKap.>n> I>UBinl^>ndon Arri»ed CM 13th 1\ AH. NoTSnd Nov !«h (lit l^lh
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  • 164 4 omit IVi Tilimioii iroin l.irerpooj -IIHHi .1.-l~'ii.nn.l llolhtN, 11. m ''■.i..i,;,- y fri Klang Tia •ioru- IVr- .->.,■.,.*» fn.n, KUn K vi. „,,rts, ,,,rts M. --i liiriß, <.r:n. nmi Joa.iiiini l'.'r I Bo M from lUoMV>Mr. Mattluus. l,r l l I. .l^r forCalt-utla: Mrs,. TO AUUIVK. I', i
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    • 134 4 (MvtM»k«dla|rtb>M)owtafibbfVriiHi Snmj im-irttlih s.Ynit'.'.'i Ntalw; Fr. Frsm-h; (tor. -Herman Pu' i-anro il.p.— nlet-k pasftcuffnra l\ -Viiwlain; T. P. W.-Tanjong PajMr Wharf; T. P. D.— T»njong Fn«»r H<xk B. W, llorneo Wh«rf; J. <V.-J«nlino»Wharf;N.H.\V.-Sew Marboar Wharf; N. H. 1). New H»rI tour I)<K-k P. B.— l'ulo Brani T.
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    • 1178 4 Akiivau Hikci Noon or laoaw. Ban Hhatt //in. Brit, ulr. lit.', tons. Cap 2.lth Not. Krnm Bill, ion. 2Snl Nov (i.e., nrl JiOd.p. StraitH Coj For l'ontianak. Win Bill SoMf.'u. Ilrit. Mr. 1..H-. r:>i> Ktralton, Hi Nov.».ir, ITt Nov. <li-.|.-.1.1.|>. W«a llin udOx Pa Ma.a.*ar.
      1,178 words
    • 422 4 Kporl, prottaliu Half ol arnral, and name ol ai;rnli. il-CTBOOI, lit, I".'; MaiMi-1.1. iu'l. wlVl'l-i'ilia! nl.Tjk" 'iLi.I.M, i. Hongkong, Dee 17 KuuKiulkti;. In. K'nulzii. shortly. IV Simon*. i: 1..1U.*****. Jnn 13; P. 4 O. Carhar, Saigon, Nor -is; Douvtoml r.uilon. Hoogkong, Jan 3 P. *O. >■■> 1..11. 1.0n1.m,
      422 words
    • 66 4 J KUM. 5 Voni/i N*vs. Ton. 1 Caitai» Kuoa sum, Comiokk* fctota Btll sir. BoberUon iflui v~ „.,iv '■*'*> '111.111 Mr. _\»li 11,I 1 I ci. in- |-„i:; I',. \i,i -M W \t i I j< ■»j Sai.nti,. ttr -i w ,i i-i -it*. -M riijsli.-l 1 1 1
      66 words
    • 39 4 u««. Tammlittm WuatMta Otmu Dhcuuxioi ov Chow I'hya 1i,., IniK'Hrwllr >lr RroWU ';"""•'^hk «r. i..i:.u m rSSr* V«n Oulhoom Uui Ur. BrwLia.vcr M.ili. tand Ktani 111."'!, Muini.-ii.ii an.l Ju|.an Ho i.,: ud Btaaaclud ItaiiKkak H nn,lJi.|>a.i M „.,,,1.
      39 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 525 4 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. COMPLETE BOUSE FDENISBEBR ISNM l>'t. -1.-livt-ry all Huusfliol.l nqoWlai in Ktirnitim-.. troWM^Biy BfcltUu IMatr. r h 1 \\i;ll>: K'l; roMCLKIi: ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE I" S«w»*»fcM nnW i »'i har mill Uluatoal .1 B»« ofow badSni I Iliinit-r Sets. /"VJW^ifesH! Dessert Sets, GHawwue of IUDUtI PATTERN HNXEB
      525 words
    • 210 4 NOTICES. ELECTRIC IHAMWAI& ELECTRIC J'OWER FOR MIHE& BAONALL HILLU KI.-.tii,Ml ffllglfV ■V < A. Kalll.s Nn n. tu. ih. a. si:ki:avai.!.<)s i'Ki!Kn;iN(Us ijriMNK Ff3 trian Tonic of ParaV»i Han Bark and Iron over BW medkal USB nii.i." r iit the kiuiic 1- 1 'r 1 1 Flr^^~Sc3j Per Bottle: (1.D6;
      210 words
    • 310 4 NOTICES. For Constipation I and Biliousness I I JITLIEN, 8, run Vivienne, PARIS RcaownrJ Phvii.iim p.**cr.S< Grimault'i Milka MATICO INJECTION is used' in recent WATICO C»PS'JirS ■hronic cases WLEY.HAfifiBEAVBS ft 00Y. ELECTRICAL ft MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. KKAH STIiKKT. AM" 13, HATTKHY IJOAiI. Having arrnngod Iheit Kleeteteal stair under the Supervision ..f
      310 words
    • 37 4 H HABEB WAXTSD. Municipal Debentures 5%. Do. Do. ex. Tanjonc FIMH Bonds. New l'rve Kiver Dock Co. i'unjon.,. StraiU Ice (ro. Miiynnni A Co. Itiubs, Contributory. FOR SAF.E. Prageniig Planting sharps. Mi.MKUVII.I.K *0U.\N, K\.'h;uiL-c A Share llrokart
      37 words
    • 98 4 NOTICES. "TIMES" AND "BUDGET." Strait* Timei,%3o a year, or ?H a month. or flftrrn cents a ropy. l'°st a quarter. Slrotl« Hiulgrt, post frw. $-11 a year, or 15 i quarter, or 40 i-cnt* a copy. The advertising rates aro: first time, IS cenU a lioe: M and Sr.l times,
      98 words
    • 38 4 NOTICES. JOB-PRINTING. All the type in the Strain Timt, offl c ii nncl the jub-priiilini; .Iriwrtmpiil la mpl to <lo work quickly and wit There is it Bpeoial department (or book liinding and ittper-ruling. TIIK 'STKAITS TIMK.S" OFFICE.
      38 words