The Straits Times, 23 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2:3, 1897. NO. 19,387.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 880 1 rpill BOBNIO COMPANY. LIMITED ,!in r. HUMiu* Lifs Aasnnaoe. b»sn Soeietj. IZ Oossa Maria* las«~.<» Coxpuj. K cak* M«t«al Bt«ai Navigation Compaaj. k T ,«-ka«Lvr-B^'l«"P"7 p. luntuas lassMSW. Coaipaaj, Liautsd. i nwticnlan of thoe Ceaipaaiaa, sea the »|V.rt.«.m-tit of TUX 1IORNKI) COM- I.miTKI) Agent.. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. (IPIBI, C.,1 I VI.X
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    • 770 1 j, Lj BUCHANAN WHISKY WsM»MWE»^sna:ißK^;'.'ff3BMß»alsg I f"** I I BT^% P™ lo Tnt dlol. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I\E KONINKI.IJKK PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU I'ndei ontrnet with Ihe Netherlands India fiovemment. AiienUal ,Si«w;.t.: SHIP Ai.l .M V. I/.1K.1. PaPsHIJ Co.. S>-.1, COU.VM Qt'AT._ Steamer From Eipected Will be Deepalcbod far On DtCmtMtirr. BaUTia. Soy.
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    • 502 1 BUITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIUATION COMPANY, LIMITED. TO PKNANG, RANIKK>N, A CALCUTTA. I ii-.-.-r I iieCiiipani's steamer- is intended 10 leave Taujong Pagar Wharf every week I'oswngers and Cargo are UioktMl by the alove steamers at through rates to all iwrts in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports. Mauritius',
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    • 1159 1 BOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. Same as supplied to the Houses or Lobds aid Commons and to all good Londox Clcbs. INSURANCES. noNGKONG FIP.E INSIRANCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Caj.ilal subs, ribed |-.'.000,000. Amount iwid up 400,010. I RaMTVe hind „l,nu8,0l». Head Office, HoncLong. lieneral Managers, Messrs. Jaiii>in»:, M M HI
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    • 242 1 INSURANCES. tJI.'N INSI'RANCE OFFICE, LONDON n ESTABMSIIBIi 1710. description of pro|ierty at the current rates of premium. Total sum insured in INK, l.m 5.» i,.,, do 1K»1, £S7.l,;i».ffl>i. do IKIO, l.'tt;i..'«<l.i««i do l--'. 1. 1. Singaiwre Agents, P.UINKMANN A Co. rpilE QI'EEN INSI'RANCE COMPANY I NOW MI.X..M, IN 1 I'llll
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    • 825 1 BOLK IMPOnTEKS KATZ BROS, LIMITED. 81/ IS BANKS. THK NATIONAI, BANK OF CHINA I.IMITKI). Authorised Capital tl,0W,0(!0 Subscribed Capital t 600,000 Head Office -Hongkong. COURT OF DIRECTORS: I). Oillies, Esq. Chan Kit Shag, Esq. H. .-t.-lt.-i f.dit, Esq. Chow Tung Shan, I: q Knan Hoi Chuen, E*]. cm. i Maraukk:
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    • 687 1 what cured her. For sale b\ all dealer*. THEDISPESSARY. Sinqapor*. Gt^ral .I^"' FOR BALK- KMrU)^^:^TO LET; ANDPERSONALB l«r tiii is.-anU a line; Jnd and Srd tin!.?, JoSnU Tlin. 4th to mh time. cenU a line; to lSlb timers cenU^a cna^e a i'^ rW i» l •jj»«g Zr.7Tlr.rtia.moDt, eloae 1 i
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  • 88 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 23rd NOV., 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. INDIA BILLS. Kctablishzd 1831. PRICK U CENTS. SuitMrxplum rate* and adcertisiiig rules man U/ouvi on the fuvrlh p.<gt.\ AXoIHKR IHt'R ajnl Sotrmhf,: Tenders, to be opened oil the 211 til iu-tant, liavr ban invitod for a frcth MMoaf India Dill' The Hills
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 51 2 AU STRALI AN CA LAMITIES. FIliK AT MKI.HOUIIXK. laaaaa, tmd ifiaala gnat lire in the business quarter „l Melbourne has done ilama-.-. e.tim.ilad at fully one million of pounds sterling. HI URII'AXK IX VICTORIA. A duslstoiin in the north west (Kirtion of the colony of Victoria has wrecked several towns
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  • 50 2 TIKKKY YIKI.IM TO TIIRKAIS. (living to the representations of Uussia, the reoi (.-.lunation of the Turkish navy ha- been postponed. liussia lias I'l.-.titi'd a Xote to the Turkish (Government. This Note demands from Turkey, the paymi-nt/.f arrears of war hide ity amourtiiig lo one million of pounds frani
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  • 373 2 Tiik decision of Mr. Justice Collyer, yesterday, in theaetiun, K. .1. Xansonv. the Municipal Commissioners, places tlio Commissioners in a very absurd and embarrassing pmltfttn lliietly slated, the plaiiitill's case was that the Municipal Commissioners had no power to repay his bond, in the Loan of ISM,
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  • 105 2 llli: tftmaa H,n1,,,l xvas published at 11.1011 today, and with it there will be the three pi.toiial shoots of I'.n.n,-. Kii.dn La or. aad Ipoh. C,,ns,-.|uenl on the re.ent enlarsenielit of the naas, and tl,.- greater ipiantily of news now printed daily, it has baaa fuuud aaaaanvy to
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  • 160 2 Hi -1.(..mis. .(..mis. one of win. I. has proved M stoatinjllll* 111 North West Victoria, are an invariable li.iracl. -ristie of summer ti in that netiaa of Australia Thai portion nf llm i nhajr iiiwriwi iifa wide plain, sometime- sandy and fr.-.|uent!y ban of ragetatioa. It was lons d.-cinod watte,
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  • 26 2 The Imm (iovernnwit will apologise for an outrage by Siamese soldiers on Mr. K. V Kcllett.'a Tnitcd States consular oAoial, and will ininwh the guilty parties.
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  • 81 2 As had hei-n anticipated, Ki:«si;i ha« summ.-irily cheeked Turkish naval ambition. So long aa the Sultan confined himself to tinkering the unw.iworthy vessels of the Turkish Xavy, Uussia let him alone. Hut, the moment the .Sultan sought to utilise the (ireek war indemnity by ordering war vessels in (iernuny, Russia
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  • 7 2 A analytical cheiuisi is >,lvertise<l for.
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  • 15 2 IV.ilii i i:. eichange. and share prices, and the mail list, are on pogo 4.
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  • 14 2 •MM the Baaaaagan by the Ai,c,,;i this inorniug, were Mrs. Laiaa and Miss Sharp.
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  • 18 2 Tur M M Saa**a*a left Coiotnbo on Monday and is' due here on Saturday if»\t at" about noon.
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  • 18 2 Tin: resolutions for recoli«tnicting the Punjoin Mining Company were conlit,.,. .1 by the shareholders on the MB instant.
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  • 28 2 A HWTUAI.L match (Soeker) was played at Shanghai on the l-th inst bi-tween teams representing H.M S ifaanh and Hfa*. The KfM won by S goals to I.
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  • 25 2 Mtssim. Hong Tele (live and Co., advertise an auction of unclaimed ph-dged articles „t the Chief Police iflice, from the Ist to the 7th December.
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  • 27 2 Minima Crauu lirothers advertise an auction of land and houses in North Canal Koad, 1-orong Teluk, and Armenian Street at their saleroom on the tad of December.
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  • 28 2 11. M.5. fl»»»»*<s arrived M Manila on the Mb November from r-ingapore The latter being considered a su-pe.ted IMirt, the vessel was suhjecti-d to three days quarantine observation.
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  • 35 2 Tiik ehingay procession, fays a orres|Kiiident. lias I v the came of raising the prices of ordinal v f.....l stuffs in the markets during the last two days, some fifty percent.
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  • 37 2 Tills morning, a Chinaman who was arrested yesterday for tr.«pa«s at Tanjong l'agar Dock, urged that he had hi en taken into custody because he refused to givethe watchman two cents. The man was cautioned.
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  • 40 2 ill v Kl.Ni; Baa and Chia King Heng were y.-.-terday charged with causing hurt to a Malay servant. They were lined ten and twenty dollars respectively. in default, fourteen days and one iuonth. The lines wen- paid.
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  • 43 2 A KOOl lill.l. match wa- played on me old gaol ground yesterday afternoon. lietween a team of the •Bafts**** of Messrs. Hilcy, llargreaves and Coy., and a team from St. Joseph Institution, resulting in a victory for the latter by three goals.
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  • 50 2 Unnsn. Inspector llentigof the Jinnkislia Depart nt arrested rikisha peon, Xo. in the act of taking live cents from a rikisha puller in .South llridge I! Ihe man. who was formerly in. the I'ahang BOB** force, was sentenced, this morning to fourteen days rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 55 2 1 is Sunday morning, Tay Swee Tong, was arrested on Ixiard the 6'iVun, in Singapore harbour, in pi, --.--ion of a tub containing smuggled chundu to the value of one hundred and tell dollars. Yrntenlny, he aaa brought In-fore Mr. WoHantaa,aad lined ataoaaaad dollars, or three months. He
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  • 67 2 VtBBBBkaT, Sergeant Collins arrested a Chinaiuan for throwing three mm. .11 cakes into the lixkup ut the p..h. court This mornini:, tlie man was brought before Mr. Howard who anqulrad if the pfanaaHJ were allowu.l any foinl while awaiting dis|iosal l.y the Magistrate. Serjeant Collins said they illicit
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  • 73 2 MUNICIPAL SUM MONSES. Tiik seem- in Mr. Wolferstaii s oaert this morning lialni-a diwription. lletweeii live ami six liuiulrrd -as.--, had to he heard, and as many Banoß* tried to crowd the court liy dint of miisiular argument tlie paaaia were kept in some son ..I older. Chief 1,,5p.-et,!r Mayhew
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  • 108 2 The I'erak Sugar Cultivation oinpany has isnued its iwelfth annual report to l>e laid Ma the shareholders at Shanghai to-morrow. The re|mrt .overs only a period of aisht in. .nil,- Tlie awwilllla for the eicht months show a profit on •onoag a.e.mnt of Tls lOIWI whirl, is
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  • 113 2 mimil \tVVS I -HUM 110M.k0.M.. Ax aasaaßag star* i- told of Baaariab rhililiihiw at °lnga|tirti A 11mbi*ii 1 1.-rk entered a Hta tor the recent, and named his horse Apiinuldo.' which banana n b* Urn name uf the rehel leader in tin- Philippines. This
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  • 360 2 ALLKUATIOXB W BbWM ■MM Knhlort and Dr. Von Krudy were brought babn Mr Howard, tins afternoon, nnd charged of Kr.sleruk Dr.-iss for alleged cheating in respect to the ratH of the "Medical Office, and inducini; him to deliver to them SD.iltHi. The allegation- of the
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  • 58 2 ALLEGED BURG LARY. At fouro'eloek this morning, a Malay, named Hadji Mahomed Salleh, residing at No. LW Syed Alwee lioad, was aroused lie gave chase and tin- men separated He follow,-! and arrested one. named Amin The box is said to. lain twentyone Java notes, two hundred and eighty guilders,
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  • 61 2 Tiik Hongkong Dath "nM considers that the Singa|Hirc Cli.indver of Commence lioll Currency Sub Committee ban underestimated the iiuiiilht of old dollars available for cni.-rsion. when the proposed token dollars come into circulation It thinks t hit conv.r-ion should clVect.-d at a few days notice. lv its
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  • 99 2 l.vsi mghtat the Town Hall a di. ss reh.-arsal was given of the drama. A Had I'eiiny and the comic op|M-n-tta, performed by a .ompany of local amateurs on Thursday and Saturday next in aid of the Tanglin Church ■*aa*. small charge was made lor admission, and there
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  • 119 2 ALLEGED FRAU D. Mil XoIIMAN Prentice, as*, I 111 the Itomco Company, (W)., has li.-d for and been granted a warrant lor the :ure-t „r Harold M Iv llanauer. It is alleged that II MX llanauer drew .1 eaillßl on the Hongkong and Shanghai Hank for.Vl.Viin favour ol the Banwak
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  • 148 2 .INK MONTH'S IUTHISuNMRNT. Tins inorniiiK, Thomas baa*, was brought up for judnment for bavin-nlli-mpted toeolumit sui. Ide by laMllia Ilia throat, 11,- Aetin K Chief Ju.ti.e said the prisoner had BManM guilty to the ahma. It was said that he had Iwen siilieriiiK from the eir.-.ts of
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  • 229 2 SINGAPOR E ROWING CLUB. A rut K-OAK1) HAiK. nmtt ßatwaaa Uliwgiiiu to tlie Mbbmmm mmlm ClaS aag OtifiaaUjf intended that oaa of tin; b« should represent the Civil S-rvioe attain*! The Kest, hut tin- former fuiiml .i.lilliculty in Mm up tlie l-..» toal iimltlie place iin.illy to f.,11 |g a
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  • 525 2 A gCHOM <>K COXVKRBION. JIDGMS.VT Yk«tehi>av afternoon, in the Suprrnie Court, before Ai-lin,;»tieeColl)vr. Iheeaso was heard; In r.- Muni, i|..,| M..n K :isf So. m:> for mm, <lm«i |3th lime. l*l«. Mwrm K J. S;,iim.ii plaintiff, mill lh« Mum. Coii.iMi-ion.-is of Hi.- Town of pan defendant. It
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  • 78 2 THE FIRE AT NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. M I X.-XI, IMKMiIAKISM Tiik Deputy President of the Mum. pal Commissioners has concluded Ins Inquiry int., th* canas of to* recent In .11 L'lii North liridge Road, I house baking ng to a chinaiuan Mr. barton'i I'm.ling is M follows: "The lire not
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  • 87 2 A 1 the legislative Council DMatiag on Tl.insday next, Dills on pilglin, ships and pilots are down for thud marling The Singapore Town Hall Hill has reached the second randuM stage Mr Murray will move, that tinHill should pass through its remain ing stages at the same sitting. The
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  • 356 2 "That -mall but st useful body, the China Assoeiatiun as the Mmrl,,. Irr 11m,,.1,,i,, iv.'intly called it bal published for the information ol iU linliili. Is 1 elt.iin 1 01 respondell.e allr. t ing lli.ii Mil.t.-I-. in anticipation .1 I the Annual Ue|H>rt. If the list of M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 473 2 xoheTTs KXI'LdSIVES COMPANY. LD. ■Km*""' 1 trnuum s»' ,uii«nso» iinrrmsi Mi. l^-i:''i:!;; l i "M.-rr.iie tuiiu" BaiTim.ASJi bam i OMPAST, Lift All. IHK ABOVK. gig WM. IU I.NK'ITS UB ItviliKlt m«\.\ LIONS i :!;r.h l l ;.'..'v;;.iV:;','v i ;i;,' rtl. aJ°a*d«n(rel«D( t,., sraahing our ■' ,V TIIK BOKJiBH i'Ml"\N\. 1.T1'..
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    • 792 2 NOTICES. >• I,- h,-i.-l.>Kiv..t mat. the pn.hi- billon „l Hi.-' impnrlation ot cattle tchwa »n.l IV|»-M.1.-M. Ie« aas withdrawn mi imli in.tant. an far a« rogar<l« .in Ing from tli. Strait* Srttlenwn»». wbteh cattle, fseapUag 1i0n..-, will l<-SgiaAak-a. A -yHX. 1,,,,. ul llsailisl for the g. S SniKa|«.rr. ITU
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    • 590 2 NOTICES. TOWN HALL. AMATEUR DUAMATK PKKKOIIMANC'K rnd.-r the diMinpuislied patronafte of the OBMBT CoiiimanditiK the (iarrivon. IHK IAXIiI.IN (HIRCH MM r>iind*» I isoda*, jr«s*s*Vjr, tMa *»Tb\ al II p« Tn Patiikti, Dkama entitled: A iAD I'KNNV Charley Hide... Mr. I. Hum.- BofasTMaa Ki.hanl Hvd.-. Mr. l.ioiM-l K. Koek. Ham (hNHlwin
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    • 680 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTKI) AKII.IY .|Ui\lißo<l ANALYTICAL CHK.MIST. Apply bj l.lUr only. •tating lenni to: 1 1. W Mrnil. IfcM OSce. I>OAKI> nil' l MHMiIMi. »«nu-.l in 1> prunte family, by two young nun. (mtn' n«i»unt«l. Apply to til. th. II t, .-> »W,. TWI. I'AWNBKOKKIIS (IRI>IN ANCKS, m*m ihkb. a
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  • 3871 3 TH E CONQUERING CRICKETERS RETURN. [-„> wi'tnrio'iM Strait* ti'.ini. trailing "I plory, nlurni'd frcmi lion;: koM Ihis MiominK on Imaril tin- P, 1 i > iteafntr iw>* n0 mi anier, Tiioucn t x|Niti'*l until nciii. arm.'d ;i]<>ncj .mi *itlia.<>:vhanil, nn,l baaajMad )i ipprn.-nli with siuiit! t r i ii
    3,871 words
  • 56 3 A health l<> the Strait.! (M lil.-M them I the) tavo shown u> orbal men tu do, llvuniiv. pluck rad oadenourandeom- IM.I.'-Iii|. linn Utd tim, Thi'v hnv.. luk.-ll the i-.l k o ..II <.ur l..,»lina. they ban a) m to bUiMtkeychooH, III. ha\c IK»>U-.I llr all iiiim.l Hie m»i|»> ;.n.l
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  • 24 3 Chptail Tnllx.l, Hi.- 8.>0.1-n:itnr.-.| giant. worthy ■>••:••■ uf lmnl»i.rkiii|! I n. Xn.l iVl"!l'f..r.l im.l Hn«wud Bnkkaek, nrh nn.hill DrUwmgood loiholrwmjr, wnii Cartb, Woodnrth nod MactaH*"
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  • 41 3 muAn -iv lo'-wm-li -liould Ami fcnoihar liirr— M fftffll MWt <> ll>l tt») bive let! in th<- South Iwfaiwl, M.mi lik.- Anthony, Voolm,' Plfaad winlie'and tin- .1.-inon iior(..ini.T l>.--Why'Avn Jim (Vllui- DOOM .apwio n t.Min t<> doom li.'iv anil |h« Hoagkoif
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  • 161 3 liui K r,.ivn li.-iv t.». ulna Kutmtm uu.l tii.kil K"f> d<»n> Iffoiv U-. BhJI mwM tin.l inm-.n uui in Urn boU in »>•! itM ha khml] eaaU l\.i k.' i 11,1 moiv It-wU all thiii);' lh<Upm> DockfaH only pl«y. And metit who'rf not in ll'u- ]V>ck>ird. ■n IoM lo get
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  • 848 3 (fr0.,,.. tbi»j«ri>llfcj Km iaafettcn oi tiir Bnnßtaa ™ntingent have, at k'ligth. decided to np|iri>»i h the Secretary of State for the Colonieswith avicw to a reconsideration of thfir position, their duties, and the •UK luments attached to the oflice they I hold. This rank sf the police
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  • 52 3 Tm iii..riiii.a. a rhim-.-.- prim nuub an npulicattoa lo withdraw ■> charge <>f kiUuapping mode auollwr Cliinaiiiaii. lII.' relalim of llw 1.it1.-i li i.l :r-\. iuil> Hi. I -hoiil.l I- 1.1M111..1 rraiiiCbiua, an.lili.- i■■ i. VMUtuIM. A* the |Mili.-i> ni-.-.l fa ..liiwiitin-.. Mr. Howard aUowad Iba
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  • 47 3 |.!.ii-i-J t.i't'olf Mi. ll»w.irili'lial'i:i'<l wilh :it No. UffCroes Stnvt. SiTßrant Kniiibow proMcutad Tin- widenoe ihewed tickad wli.'n unrattad They iMiod this, but idmittad that tli.-y *«n staking money Oh of m taat one liuwlrril dollars, in ilof.iult. tlire« iiKintliii. Tlif Mm »in- Uapi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 470 3 'IX)Lirr:ANI)PKK^i I t 1 miu> lino. 7th t» line j but no linr; aft«*rwnr<lß, tliup. n thr*' j ELECTM^TRAMWAYS. KLECTKIO POWER FOR MINES. Kledrical Kiigineere, ■M A, Rallies Palace v. >-. tu. tl). t. NOTICES. JOSEPH BAKER. Cosn:.Tio«:R TMn BiKita. nJkHa mil, (Next to the Convent). AXXOI NCKS I'HK ARRIVAL
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 234 3 WKATHKR REPORT. r*uta*t rerbau UorpMal. 22W ITw, JM7. Up. in. lliti ,n». Bar. ..-jl>.lviO».BU«<.Rll Temp. Btt« 84JJ) 77.0 A W. HlbTher 78..1 7»H 7.-.0 s sjj Dir.ofWind N.E. N.K. Calm o 9, Max. Temp HJ "%S Mm 73.9 Max. in Sun 135.2 5 Jg Terr.rad. 71.1 iff Rainfall Nil.'
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  • 478 4 SiiuArou. HM Sot»««i«, 1»»T. J'RODIICK (liaiet an mrmted 13.90 p.m.) Ommbiar, buyers I *-7». Copra Bali B.W. do Pontianak 6.S* Peppar.Black 1&75. Jo White, (SX) 54.50. Sago Flour Sarawak, MB. do Brunei H S.WJ. Te^rl Sago »M Coffee, Ball, picked 33.00. Coffee Palerabang, picked.... W.M>. Coffee. Überian. No. 1
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  • 127 4 >'or Per air. Timr To-Mokrow. Djnmbie Ki'm Aha, a.m. P«aa>| M BatHtjur, 10 p.m. IN-kan via ports htitii ljoiuiiltn, 11a.m. S:nnaiang4>ibaya Hi,i Sang, 11a.m. Hkong and Amvy Huna Uunn, Him Mauritius Amii/o, 1 p.m. Cheribou A S'arAUg Pfnamj, '2 p.m. I'enang A Calcutta A. Ajie-tr, 2 p.m. Klbiik
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  • 117 4 From By the M. M. Sn.ihnlirn Am mi Knlurlnv With thr mail from Kur.ijH- of Hi,- .-.tli' Nov. shr l.rin([« renlirn to Hie imiils which loft Singapore on 38th S,pt. nn.1 /ill. (let. KkonCiiixa:— IlvtheM. M. U. ttoitnira, tluo on Tu.s.lay. TlHI I AIU K Or
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  • 111 4 •••■is.-. Otaaj Wms from Joana:-Mr. i Krutliotlcr. I Ivi HrVfiom Deli: Mr. V. Rvn v. Alkemarie. l'er s. Bmm to So<.ii from Pontianak Mi. 1;. .■liot-»l. I'er P *l>. v, .li. ;ma from Hongkon. Me- 1 E. W. Neiihninner, F. W. Tall.ot. Whill.y, A. B. Hublmck. J. 11.
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  • 179 4 i-.-n Vim A Tons Cutiix Fkou Siiiu Coxuaiut. Q RlO. S.» iff Trvm N.>r -Ir Tin ll;inn.-la.| Calt'ulU Nov Bm »ir. 7.17 .1;.. -uKm-i i Moii Soy H Borneo Coy Ltd. 11., sir. -'I:: llnii.iv N.n Yi.rV. ~|,l Buuotnul ami Co. tt Kuin Ann Bril 101 Mow Djuml.i.-
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    • 179 4 Under thin hradinK the following auurni* lions are owd :-atr »t««nior sh.— »hip bq -l«ro m Brit-British ;U. 9. Unitwl Sut»; ft-.;O«r.-G«rman; Dut. Dutch; Job.— Johore; *c., O. c. General cargo d.p.— 4eek piw»en((er» U.—UncertiiJT T. V. W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf T T D-Taniong Pagar l>ock B.
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    • 1567 4 Aebitala Smci Noos or Yhi*tiird*y. A I..WS tons, ('apt Siind-la-re. L'2nd Nov. From HonßLoiiK. loth Nov. I).,- and 324 dp. Sarkies ami Most,. For*. 24th -\V. itnraivi !'.*(>. sir. I,WM ton-. Captain Mutlie. Mr.l No*. From Honffkon,:. Ml. So» tii'. I". <>■ For Colomlio. -'41 h W.
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    • 354 4 Xamr, port, prohabt* ilntr of arrival, nn> naint of affrntl. Viii'ii"'.' i. !>•■■■ ■'>: IfMaMd A. A|«-ar, Hongkong, Not 17 S. it Moim BcUooa, Hongkong, l>.c Kaut«ii>*rg. llor 1..,n.1..n.Jan 13; I. 4 Canton, lluiickonx. Jan 3 P. A <VU,,ii. Low !*■<■ 111; P.M. Cli\i.:in. C.l.Miihn, DeeH; <
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    • 145 4 Date. Vt.sstLs Xamb VubbWm Oman Dsstisatios Soy IS Hi-nKkalis Brit.»tr. 11.-n.lrv I'aUlnu |,o, t, *3 J*»"n »lr. linn PWUUU Ki.n V«m «r. Kmiath Uau Uiin llin(iu*n »lr. LVCnue Klaag vis pwta i 3 8n l>inKK»nu »tr. Shin n Mnlnr.-n H Ilnn WliMt Buon Btr. Roue million and Sala.lin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 470 4 NOTICES. IA MI> WATSON COS SCOTCH WHISKIES Ifl m BfeT VAI.IK IN THK MARKCT: •11.00 raa case, doty paid. II n o-K lAI. KMSKKVK. moo «»<•*«, paid. M< A LISTER Co.. holeaoekt* CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. a P. DE SILVA, „r», TIKIN" lEWKI.I.KR AM> KKALKR IN DIAMOND* AND HAHIfAi' 1 PKEIIOI S
      470 words
    • 249 4 -TIMES" ANO "BUDCiET." Slrail, 7Vw«.,sao a year, or a month, or fifteen cents a copy. Tost Free. $HJ a (eerier. Slraita Hudgrt, po.t free.. |ai a year, or S., a i|uarier. or 40 cent, a ropy. The adverti.inK rules are: rlrst time, in cent, a line; 2nd and Srd time.,
      249 words
    • 249 4 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. AUK NOW SHOWING A YAUIEI) STOCK m STERLING SILVER GOODS. BQKftJU Fol! (lIKISTMAS KK3BR& Itriishcs n, 1 i-uinbfc, sterliiit' silver baeka. Military brushes in case, sterling silver backs. I .last, pomade |>ots, silver toi>s. (ilhss pull' boxes, silver tops. Smelling salt bottles, silver tops. Children's silk fork
      249 words
      140 words
    • 543 4 'NOTICES. GRIMAULTS SYRUP HYPO-PHOSPHITE of UME FOR DISCASCS OF TH£ CHCIT All s-iiT.-r.i!.: from Catarrh, Consumption. Obstinate Coughs or Colds ami those alfected with diseases of tlie Chest. Lungs and Bronchial Tubes, should take KIIiOLT S STRIP ol HTPO PHOSPHITE iIUIE Prescribed hy the leading medical authorities in all eeeaMee
      543 words
    • 35 4 SHARKSJYANTED. Municipal Debenture. Do. Do. e%. Tnniong I'.-rar Bondn. New Prye Kivor Dock Co. Punioms. Struts Ice Co. >!:.■■ :i:ir.l A Co. Kaubs, Contributory. FOR KALE. rVDgi'mng Plant ing Shares. 8O.MKKVILLE OUNN, Elchsnge SI, are Broken
      35 words