The Straits Times, 22 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1897. NO. 19,38tJ.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 910 1 mi BORNUO COMPAHT. LIMITID r r«TIF Standanl Life Assmaaos. S,.rwich Union Fira Insnranos Bociaty Atla# AMttrsliee Compaay (Fit*). j^ K-imUble Lift. Asanmaos Hocisty. TI».V«a JUrui» lannruini Company. n. .hiaa M«t*al Stom Narii^tion Company. ■n, Tottsaaaas La»w HWr Company. n.t Msntiis* ißsaraao* lompany. Limited. Wm particnlan. of thnss O>mpani«s, see toe
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    • 1150 1 A BUCHANAN WHISKY Is^jg^fe iQ TLJCT DCCT Lmm^&sszamss&zjm Q Iri t DLO I KATZ BROS, SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. LIMITED Same At srrrnEn to the Hoctn or Lords and Commons and to all good London Ci.i'm. pj HMNBi WHISKY is THE I'NIVEKSAL yj This y..n can do hy
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    • 428 1 NOTICES. To LIOAL PBICTITIOKBM CHAULKS VKJAU. SHORTIIANI) WUITEIt HAS Privy C.iiiK-il. QajaaCa Bench, and mtlllMj fxporicnce. Been in tlirre l.i'Risliitive Councils, and hol.l» croik'ntials from tliu Homo Treasury. For tyi>cwrittcn transcript!!, apply to CHAKLKS VHiAK. u.e. lft, Malacca Street. JOHNLHTLE&CO., LDIITED. CHRISTMAS 1897. COSAQUES: FROM TOM SMITH, LONDON. The largest
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    • 657 1 INSURANCES. nOKQKOHG FIUE INSI U..NCK COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital sulmribed 1i.000.000. Amount paid up 4110,040. 1! rye fund 1,056,04' J. Head Office. Hongkong. Oeneral Manager?, Messrs. IABOB, Mathesox A Co. GUTHRIE A Co. THE LONDON AND I.ANCASHIKK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capilal Paid up Capital. HITM Rescn c Fund «7(t,V>.') The
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    • 309 1 INSURANCES. L-l N INSIKANCK dFIICK. LONDON 0 fstm-.i.isiiki> 1710. Insurances efiivted upon almost every ile-eriplio.iof property at the current rate» ToWl sum insured in IHB2, £»)1 HOO.OOO. do IWI. i'STII.riIO.OOO. do I- i:;'.i .vi'.ud do IBrt> f.'i' Singa|H)re Agents, BKINKMANN I Co. rpilE VI'EEN INSIRANCE COMPANY ROYAL INSCKANCE COMPANY. Home
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    • 400 1 BANKS. THK NATIONAL BANK Of CHINA LIMITED. Authorised Capital a 1,0(10,000 Subscribed Capital t 500,000 Hi.. Omca Houjkonc COURT OF DIRECTORS:— I). Gillies, Esq. Chan Kit Shag. Esq. H. Ktolterfoht, Es.|. Chow Tuni: Shan, Esq. Kw.-in Hoi Chucn, Esq. CIIIRF MaNAOKR Geo. W. F. Playfair. Interest on Fixed Deposit*, For
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    • 659 1 C HR()X.CDIABBJI^ 0F BU VRF.EDFOR.'. nn ifaS^For o»er' V South Africa. Jaj^*; 1 r from reiiiedie.. yet found no re iM. notii-edan adverti*'nient I" -nllin. attention to Cham berlal^s co^ Cholera and Dtorrh«j h .lf of K< K ,!r K !:,ebva.ld.-.le r FOR SALK- K.MPM)YMENTSTO l ET; ANDPERSON AW tl.80;
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  • 17 2 Established: IK)!. PRICK U CENTS. Sul*aripti<,n rule* av,l timKUtf rntrt may fmwlon the fourth page]
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  • 33 2 MONDAY, 22ND NOV, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE LONDON FIRE. VAST U'lUI, to lilt- pn-atcbt then' aoH tin- QfHl Kure BtIWi tad Alili-r-^iti' Street. Kvi"y I'lijiini' in Ixmilun was engaged in rxtinguisliiiiK tho lire.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 92 2 I'EA< KFtl. AS«I'I!AN< Kf>. Count (iolm-liowiki, Mm Aii»tn>-lliiu-•Sirian Minister tor Korean I Mil, hal delivered a speech ti> tlic delegations from the. Austrian and llun-arian l'nlliaini'tits MMBhM at Vi.mia 11,- MMMd tliom that tlw lionour of Lurupi- was pl.-ilg.-d to settle tliu Cretan i|tiestiun. Count (inlluluurski wbU Hip
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  • 211 2 TmsCovcrnment of Federated Malaya havcexperimentally taken steps to facilitate immigration thither from India. They have for that purpo-e entered into augreemciitwitlitueltrilish India Steam Navigation Company. The negotiations ol ihe (loverninent with the Oaaaaaaj were directed to ensure the Company's steamers. anying assisted agricultural lalHiurers from India to the
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  • 35 2 Mn.'stiven and Mi. Vadc have tied forth, Sepoy Lines (iold Medal. They played with the greens under water; but it is hoped they will get weather when they play oil' their tie, next Saturday.
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  • 44 2 In his r.poit 00 itaul. Mi. Whytc. a.tinu naanapr, aajpa of Urn lai.-t cru-hin- ol which «c have already puh-li-h.d the result: "This is an improvement. «hieh 1 have eveiy reason to expect Mill lie kept U|> if not illl. piovclu in the future"
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  • 78 2 Tin. I ■oloiiial (iovi'inmoiil .on, muni cateslhat: His Majesty the King of Siam has arrived at Aden He will leached IVnang on the morninc of the 6th, ami will stay there, in Older thai the royal yacht may coal. His Maic-ty will leave IVnnng on UteMhfe* Binga| trbereliswill aniva
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  • 171 2 Tiik locality of the vast lire in London l- fairly well lixed hy the 111. --sages of Saturday and ol to-day, llaiinseli Street.. lewin Micl. Wells Str.vt. and St. Nicholas S.|iiarc he parallel to each other running cast and wc-t between Fore Street and Alderssate street. Koi.'Sttct liai batman, and
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  • 9 2 Thi Slrailt Bmlgti will be published o-morrow at uo.>n.
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  • 8 2 Maior (ikskral Jones-Vaughan has jrived from Brindisi. I
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  • 15 2 Piiom -i 1:, exchange, and share pricea, md the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 11 2 Tiik Austrian cruisor l'arther arrived j MM, yesterday afternoon, from Bang10k.
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  • 16 2 Tin: C K. T. S. Concert announced „r Wednesday next has been post;>oned until further notice.
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  • 18 2 Amoni; the passengers by the P. 0. ilir;np,rt, yesterday morning, were !)r, Mrs and Miss Simon from Penang.
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  • 19 2 Tiik Mail despatched from Binga|H>ro lo London, via Brindisi, on the 27th October, is expected to be delivered today.
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  • 20 2 A China boy employed »t the Tangliu Club complains to the Police that, last night, he waa robbed of (TO
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  • 26 2 Mkssr». Powell and Co., advertise an auction of building allotments and houses in Chin Swee and Havelock I! .id", at their sale-room on the Bth December.
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  • 28 2 It is reported that Mr. Doug.ll is pretnnthM a bat to the highest scorer of the Selangor contingent that wont to MonAong. The prile falls to Mr. <.1.,5-1,.1,1.
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  • 29 2 K Malay, named Tunkii Zikal, I, longing to Pontianak, says that last night some thieves boarded his boat in the harbour and stole money and goods worth 51 42.
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  • 29 2 Two Malays named Benji andJimol, have been charged with the murder of the cortHiral of the sappers, Rihadeen. Tha hearing of the case is fixed for the •ad proximo.
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  • 28 2 TH MVifey thai hears that Miss Rodger, daughter of the Resident of Selangor, is engaged to l>e married to Captain HerWrl, who waa recently A.v.< to the Governor.
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  • 33 2 AiiiL an I'LAKts Circus, at present performing in Java, is cxi led here some time during next month. Wilsons Ir.ll-. also, will probably arrive in Singapore, ill the course of a few weeks.
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  • 55 2 Ykstekpay morning, a bag of soap was entrusted to a rikisha puller tv convey to a 1 jrtain place, but he seems to have dispo ed of it on the way. He said that a man claimed the bag and hu gave it up. He was
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  • 41 2 Tins morning, three Chinamen were Uought baton Mr. WolfersUn, on the charge of picking the pocket of Manaaaiboo Merican eftUl in banknotes iv Kliug Street, on Saturday morning The case was remitted to the Court of two Magistrates. Bail aM
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  • 49 2 UN Saturday, the S. C. C. cricket match, I'ublic'Schools v. The Hest,' was to have l>een playcdontheS.C.C. urooii.l "The 1:. -t went iv lirst, hut rain bought play to au end with the score at I" for 1 wicket, K I. Reid not out JJ, I'lumpton, not out
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  • 51 2 Tuts morning, a Chinaman was found smoking in the dock of the Second Court when Mr. Wulferstan was on the bench. He was.liarged with disorderly conduct, and pleaded that he did not think there was any harm in smoking in the Court. He waa fined two
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  • 54 2 STEAM FERRY TENDERS. A vekv feeble response, aays the Ftaaaf Qaaalle, has baaa made hy the Kngin'eering establishments in the bat, to the notice calling lor tenders by Urn l'erak (Jovernment for Steam Ferry Boata m connection with the PaaaaaJ llailway Service. There is only one from Singapore, while the
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  • 54 2 Bicycle stealing seems to be Retting common. Another ease is reported from Telok Kurau, where the I'olice have been informed that two bieyclet have been stolen. The Police, in regard to the dilliculties ol identification, suggest that tha owners of bicycles, would do well to place some private
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  • 67 2 Tins morning, Captain Craufurd held an enquiry Ino the circumstances att.nduii; the drowning of a Chinese seaman belonging to the a. s. Oolong at II. 1 Ho in the Philippines on the llth instant. Several witnesses were examined who stated that the man was employed making the
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  • 84 2 Mk T. (ifii.ii, chiuf warder at the Sin.-aporc I'rison, roos home shortly on twanra months h'avi- of abwn.t', prior to retireiucnt on pension after seventeen years service. It was expci-tcd that lie would have left on Friday last, but, for some reason or other, the tnatiai of his
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  • 191 2 \\y N«TCI to announce tlit- death of Mi 1! Tiesilian, assistant accountant at t!i.' Hoaakoaf ami Shanghai Bank. Hi.' death occurred at tin- Qaa*. ral Hospital, at Heron o'cluck on Saturday night. The deceased guutlt;. man had ban ill for al...iit a fallnhflll with f.'v.T. and
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  • 58 2 We are asked to state that, in presenting the ease for Thomas fcssen, charged with attempted suicide, "Mr Van Cuylenberg said the circumstances which led to the unfortunate event were, that the prisoner had been without sleep for four nights previous to the 19th of October, and
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  • 69 2 Tiiirk are more than five hundred Municipal summons cases on the hie of the Second Court for hearing to-mor-row. Three hundred of these belong to the week ended on tbe 15th instant, and were not Mat The Magistrate al this Court certainly has his hands lull for,
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  • 82 2 Thk Principal of the Rallies C.irls' School desires to thank most h.arlily the numerous parents and friends, who turned out on such a wet night to give their aiipiwrt by their kindly presence. She desires to express her appreciation Of the hearts support they have given the
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  • 87 2 At half|vast six o'clock on Satuilay morning, a Kling. named Pulosamv. was arrested at Man Mean, for being drunk and disorderly. When brought liefore the Magis.rate the same morning he was considered I.) be still too drunk for the case to proceed. Be Baa, accordingly, sent back
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  • 81 2 Bishoi' Hose was the celebrant at the Choral Kncharisl, yesterday morning, at St. Andrew's Cathedral. There wa- a large congregation. There was also a good attendance at the evening service, when the Bishop was the preacher He leaves lor Sarawak this week The Kcv. W. K Hmlgkinson pro.
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  • 92 2 Yksthhimy evening, a little l.Hore six o'clock, a pair of horses belonging to Mr. lx.w Cheng Hec. of .Vt, Boat (Juay, ran away, and c011i.1.-l will, two rikishas. The shaft of one of the 'rikishas penetrated the body of one of the horses, killing it on the s|«>t
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  • 99 2 Tiik man Kho Chve. who was l.ainshe.l last January, 111 connection with the 'rikisha strike returned, was arrested a week or so hack, and a preliminary enquiry was held by the Magistrate with a view to sending him to the Assizes. The penalty for his offence is penal
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  • 159 2 TA» Xt IIfAN AT HAXOKOK. Tan Xi Cm an was .inested on the I ".th instant, at Bangkok, on his arrival from Singa|Hire by the s.s. (i.mjon, and was 533 in the Mangkok Polka Station. Tan Xi Chuan was departed from Bfaajaaan on account of his
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  • 157 2 I Tills morning, the town was a scene of unusual liveliness owing to pi. para tions being made by the Teoehew. Kheli. Cantonese, and Hyl.llll elans to cany onl their annual religious pro. es-i"ii The institution is very ancient, and itobject is to shew reverence to the patron
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  • 201 2 It fa well-known that «mly a th-t claw entertainment .an Man Binaa pore society to haw* the comforl of the verandah fa the itawtlll of the Town Hall Mr. I.inroln 0:1 Saturday niglit, ;i tr.itn proved that his melo monologue is a flirt nlm aaloilallllliaill Lv attracting
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  • 881 2 CIIISKSK OPINION. Tins morning, representative of the Strait* Ttmm interviewed a prominent iiu-mUr of tl»' Chinese community on the suhject of Mm arafaaai gold standard for the Straits Srttlemrnts. Tint cent lonian, while willii-i; ««> cxnrcn an opinion, was gMfOH that his name should not yet I"
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  • 40 2 i- taid that, Mr indcnoß of th« I'.iak Public Worka Dei meat, is now in Japan, ha- been comni" ,i d to the s.mcea ol iv many a* au hundred dhobiea in Japan, or the Federated Native sutc»
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 381 2 NOTICES. NOBEITS KXPLOSIVES COMPANY. LD. Kgnuftr tor*r» 01 MVNAMI^ n,,Lmt tew p "'J',.". r »o«" "nl«»» H M miiir r i«io« «i'«iitt a»h sysi"S»— til THU M»I1*1T. THK BOHNKtI i ii.MI'A.NV, LTD. MJ MM «> nialr* hmni J»**, iii't Boro#o -MH.-K 1.1 JHKAUOVK. HBXHAM UOBB BEER imOBgBOCOWASr, I.TH, lou tan
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    • 789 2 NOTICES. NOTICK. rpllK .l«|iiin.— OMMhU »n«rtim I" ,i|»nf.l l.i Uh put'li. ■Ikilt from I i t 1 1- in nt S<< 1. Ifanwa l*U>f. Mr Mmori. Kali Hrothrri N 111 li I i» li.icl.>LMv.nlli»t. thcproliit.itniti of tin 1 iiii|Hirtntion nf L'Btllr „,i,, kcnaanaad Paaaiaaarln ni wU»Amman Hit" in»uni. m far
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    • 464 2 NOTICES. TOWN HALL AMATEUR DRAMATIC I'KKKoltMAMK n,].-r 11,,- .li«l.n((ui.|i.-.l iwlronaur of the Officer CMinman'linK thf (.irrnon, I UK IAS(;l!lV"iirROH BOOM ...!,i .1 Satunt-i'i. ymthibtr, -Jit* *J71», ulftp.m. Tilt. 1'ATIIt.TK I)KAMA lilt il led: A HAD l'KNNY ■V LISTOiu.. CHAKAITKKM. 'Imrle. Hyde... Mr. .1. Ifutiif K..bert«.n lldurd Hyil.-. ...Mr. l.imiri K
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    • 432 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS ADELPHI HALL. TIIK WoNDKI! »K TIIK KXTIKV KOIS A KKW RIGHTS uNI.V Two iMTfonirino-* ni^hth at X A :m p. m THEWClXIIKKFri.l'INKMATOORArH /Jon/ »w tteituj the (irml thmttf. Pm. «k Akmimoon. II.aki. ■•iii i-i m-. I i.-k.-t- to 1 I .li rri.-.l ill: I >..-:!■. 7.»'|. ■■> .V.B.-Thp
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    • 101 2 M S. 8. intancfed far th# StntU T*m*» ■hoaid h* written cm on* u^b of U* puxr only Ih iht t arct^t of that ron.lition nnnv M S. 8. im r*)«f t*l v tb*t mirht oUi*rwi«* U> i.nW:-hr.i All »'lT«rti'ititr <" "itr»<-t« ftn> «abi«et to tbt oomU* ttoo t h»t
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  • 1082 3 yIKSTI'iN t'F CONVKKSIUN i afternoon, in the Supreme *****, t Chief JuetieeCoUyer, the beard; In n Municipal \i Ha >'•'■'' ht wMO, datiM ,1, June. MM, between K. J. ...ntiir, ami the Municipal j J|Ml -loners of the Town of Sing;,. It is an originating i
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  • 1293 3 RA UB. THE MONTHLY KKI-OKT. THK A. lii Mining Managers Keiwit for the four weeks ending on 18th NoveniU-r. l-» 7, is ai follows: KtOl Hol.l. -."M L.VF.i. lh. .M:,,a Weal i cat baa been extended 4.y .luring the i, ..mi1l mal:iiiga total di«tan, c from Ihv slmf o, IW.
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  • 1143 3 NKWS. NOTKS, AND REPORTS. thk a D. o. At 1 meeting of the Straits SettlenuMits Association, held on L'Mh tilt a lung report from th* Branch Asfociatiou ;it Singapore was lead on the prevalence ••I venereal disease in the Settlement. Tha meeting was unanimously of j opinion that
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  • 2161 3 (From thr Time, of Ceylon.) Loxuos, !>th November. The Timn, discussing the policy of hastening the advance on Khartoum in view of the French advance on the Upper Sile. says it h.i>. been clearly intimated to the French Government that Great Britain will consider such proceeding in
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  • 69 3 DIAMOND J UBILEE MEMORIAL. "li- ..I -1 1.. i.:i ih-x Previous Total SCI.H3I 11. H. The Sultan «00 H. 11. Tungku Khalid 900 Dato Rintara Dalam 100 The I'uku Siilieman 100 J. Campbell Kerr 100 DiitoSn Still U'liitja 60 The I'nku Mat ISO T. Raw-son Kerr to Total 182,961 In
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  • 145 3 I'I.AV IX A H.OOI>. Thk annual gold me.lal was played .111 Saturday last, only the silver ii.,, lists being eligible to compete. On account of UM heavy rain, only four membon played. In Messrs Stivcn and Vados aseond round and Dra. Klli. and Van I^jngi nberg
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  • 208 3 MATCH V.IIII siiiril ArsrllAl.lA TAU. earn. oVaaWa\Mi (Molrr. Tiik weather was Barfed anrl the match waa largely attended. l.yon« waa ohoaan captain lie won the toss and went to the wicket*. Tha feature of the days play was Clem Hill's spleinliil pi.'rforiiiuiiiv id' not out. The liehliin: was
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  • 191 3 FM i,,,(,i«,' from Banal nt 1 Mr. an.l Mrs llcugin. IVr s. S. a, Jftrm from ElUf via |.ons;_ M.-.r. .1..:i.,i|.|,i. :,.|.l Shi.-,,: IVi A I.. ,11 from Muar: Mr. Ma. 1,, rtoom IVr aWowM from T.luk kntoa rli porU: Mi w d Urt.Tre.loo, Mr. and Mr». Fi-hcr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 272 3 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. \i;k now siiowixt; A VAUIKD STOCK OP STERLING SILVER GOODS. sriTAitLK roi CHRISTMAS I'KESENTS. Brushes and combs, sterling silver backs Military brushes in, sterling silver backs. t.lass pomade |iots, »i|v<r tops (Mass pull' boxes, silver tops Smelling salt bottles, silver tui s. Children's silk fork and
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    • 545 3 cents a line; 7th to !«tn tim but no line, afterwards. 3 'j l Thu ,,'a charge less than M ,'hi. Ivpe, lin, advertisement, low se k can I- hMeffc»l»t*a»»JfU"^ h 11.-O; a forlnmht for »-J h for |3. Afterwards, |1J raonin.i lh, PtaM harul ed<m» fi"' I™° ftitlt fag,).
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 182 3 WKATHKU KKPORT. Kawdawa Krrtxiu II Hal A..r, JS97. p.m. Bar. J.i •.'">- '.1' "ill 2U.H75 Temp. TM s'.U Tii" W. IllbTher T«.O "(I Si li.r.olWinl SK. N.K. N.K. 1ei1.),. Mi 2^ Mm 717 Max. in 5un117...S E4 Terr. ra.l. 7:! 7 liainfall .01 WKATHKi: TKI.KviKA.M IM. A. V. Trltgraph
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  • 440 4 giiroirou. SSn.l Notkieb, \m:. PRODUCE (Kales an mrrtded U VIM y.«.) Gambler buyen t «.7S. Copra Bali ■To l'onuanak Pepper, Black, IK.7S. Jo White, (5%) S4MI Sago Flour Sarawak IWI. do Brunei^ j-,,.1 sjuio S-AA Coffpe Baii' picked. 34.00. *j > d° < di*"l»t vuMj,'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. I** do mcd. Daks,
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  • 108 4 To-Mr»£oV MaOil Til.rr, 9 a.m. fmrnMrth rfai Mrti Sai-idin. ioa.m. Hillitou Pltauak H. H. Noon, Noon. Sarawak p.m. >. ■!> i A M.-i. i .ir |U M,', Hon./ II,: '.'p.m. Kolw yin |X>rli> /'<■:,. 3 p.m. Klaii^ via ports if. //in 6'tuin, p.m. I'.-nii'i- Sri Bttiutjur, 3 p.m.
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  • 96 4 <!u« on Saturday witll the mail from Kur..i«. nf ihi' .'.lll Nov. Shi- hringa replirs to tin' mail* which left Singapore on sxtli s. hi. bii.l Blh(M. I immliiina: Ilythel'. *<>. An-niia. <lue on Tui'nilav. CM I.lth P.* <>. Nov2n.| (VI l-lli K. 1). 1.. Not mil
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  • 79 4 n v. I mm lIIIK. IM' SIIII'V Ntvi:. I««»«M«K. KnoMUHIUK IIKSTIX- RkHlu. -Ml is. ATION N.KKt. Km lo Kill ttn«gMiii sliarp Sot lOlMnvin Rotlrnlam i 13'Bril -.Milvi-rton Inl.iiv.'h July 1". New V. irk Aujrr f.o. Nor bq.'Fooocrml (iun.lorM-n Inly I'iCimlifl Ranckok I.Mii'.i h. c.f XVVIor PrmtlM (M l.'llxiiiiluii nri.lonr
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  • 369 4 V'EHfkL'n Name A Ton* Captaih From Hailed Comiqxie* Bm. Nm 90 Sii Pontianak Hut Mr. 33R Primage Pontlanak Xov 17 Vong Bun s<n K •JO Bii llnmlim Mr. "'II Kink Coti.' Rot 14 Wee Bin ami Co ■Jil (Vniaur lint Mr UM ifcinn.ilyn.< Bnnßkok Nov ITIW. Ma.i»hildiCo. ■M K.i
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    • 163 4 Ond»rthiih««<iingthetollowing»bbri!Tia- lioniar* aa»d «tr— nt*an»r sh.-«hip j bq-baramj Bril.-British U. 8. United Mt»t*«; Kr. Frpnch O«r.—Oerman; Dut.-- Dutch Joh.—Jobon; 4c, O. c, Orneral j carno d.p.—d»ck pa»»n|ji>rs U- I! iwrtaiJT T. If. W.-Ta^jciOK Pa«»r Wharf; T. P. D.—TanjooK Pairar Dork B. W. Borneo Wharf; J.W.-J»rdin«> Wharf;N.H.»\Soir Harbour
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    • 1636 4 Banlca Dut. »tr. IS4 ton«. Cnpt Vos,'Jlst Not. From r>leml*n|r. anh Nov. O.c, mid •JS cl.p. I.ioi Chin For Muiitok. •.'4HI -Rds. Hnn ataa, Ilrit. «tr. 199 ton.. Oipt imam Mai Nov. From KlanK. l!>lh Nov. IK) d.p. Wee Bin and Co. For Baafj M—Ms. dnntnli: Brit. «tr
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    • 402 4 Samf, port, )>rt)knl*tr ilatf of arrival, rtnrt name ol aumtM. lataaar, China, Daofj MaaaaaM A A| Hoatfkanf, Hot 17: **Mm \ii,-..ii.i. ll.maknnij. Ni.v :il; I. 4 (>. ll.llona. ll.mi:k..Mi:. I 1 K»uh-iil>rrn. Bore, Moil, din N.» m BornwCOT. 1i0n,.,.. 1...U.1.H1. .Inn I.I: i\ (I. Cillll. ,11. ll"ll-k,,l.f, .Illll.
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    • 95 4 i)iT«. famml»M»m tuaUm Ctntn nwimii Not :.ti Siiniatnt (i,. r CMMfI Dili 5 V"'"'^ 1 Hut sir. 1:...,1 nml T Anton 2 "vLoonK >ir 5i,..|.i,,.,,i TOukAuoa rU port* J,' 1 1 1 iiui.i,,,,-.,, v i; u ng.K.iri CmouUi I'ukHn nr. s.,,ti m S k l >' r 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. COMPLETE BOUSE PUBMSHHB Mas n-idy f"i km 1...t M«H| all Houwliol-1 requisite in Kurniture.. Ironmonßery Elettro Plat*. •aaaa, WUIIK H»i; < <»MI'LKII. lIJ.ISI KVIKIXATAI^MiIK <*«* "ill U- for. anl,d tree a,, plication. her. mill llluvtMit. a of uur leadiliK linev ~t Dinner Sets, "V^flP^H* Dessert
      341 words
    • 31 4 BC II I Us. I D v I'Fi;kii;\ .m. Ki. Order. f« Uououel Hpray*, te, carefully and promptly ancatao, Cbsmpasi Hook la Hie Trad*. Nt jc-iky ami iv»ini nci: I'.M.KY lOaA
      31 words
    • 189 4 J}K NS > N' S_W ATCHE 8 MaM'FAITOKY, LI'IHIATK HIL!. 1/>NI>ON. MAKER TO H. H. THE (JUISEM. ■pastaH} manufaeturfHl and rccoicni»'.i'l'''l for iim* in tho Knst. •FIELD" WATCH. A (iold Kfyless English Half Chrono BENSON'S "U'UOATE" WATCH. A ttire,-.|iiarter Plato English Lerar fully .■oiMpen^ati'd. Silver. i.V.V. Gold, £12.12». >p.-i'ial sites
      189 words
    • 138 4 NOTICES. SPECIAL f NOTICE. KATZ BKOTHER& LIMITED. ANNUAL I CASH CLEARANCE SALE. COMMENCING OK DEC. Ist. i PRICES OF GOODS Advertised at a later Date. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. On Dec. Ist. AT KATZ BROS., LTD. SINGAPORE. KATZ BROTHERS, LIMITED. i 11.-ivejust re.cued I laru'C slock „f: I'uiM>iu'\ t *lii>">»liitc i'rt'ani**
      138 words
    • 410 4 NOTICES. Relieve* the sol- 1 I ding pain at once I CURES I all discharges iromj urinary ■-I ■he flail£j4*' ih r I best Vfl9VnB slx I UtOR JUMUmW 43 hJUKS I Unlikeihcon dal .il of /m!\?tfi^^''i w i WtW^^l'-' no inconvcoicnci Beware nl^miU.'iMii/jjvltß I. HUE UVIEKNE. P*HIS m. w.
      410 words