The Straits Times, 16 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER Hi. 1897. NO. 19,381.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 890 1 rrrat BOKNBOCOMPAitY.LIMITED rplIK Standard Lifn Asaoranm. S,.nri<Ji Union Fin lnsuraao* Sociatj AtU* Aiwur*no« <\>mp«ny (Fir«). ,M.. 1..f« imnaoa Society. Barhm lin-urwn*- rump*njr. I Massal SU«m N»v,^mti..n i',,rap»ny. ,m lj>i,~r lu^r I'omuMy. Tlm> Mwitiio,- Inuuraaoe l>>ni)MUiy, Limit**!. Par nftrtiruUni of tlirw, Companuw. sin. lh« lull „iv..rt,-in.'nl ol HIE BOKNEO COMPIKT, LIMITED
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    • 297 1 /■vltcll 1 1) S. J. P. A. I'KUKIRA. HOKTin-LTrKIiIT ASI> tw.l-i I COLLEtTOK AND X.XI uj. tK OF (Mn 1111- -< »i.l. i for Itouquct Sprays, dc, Ac, Carefully nnd promptly bmM. Chrapml House in tho Trade. ■UMBKT AND ttSIDKHCE, OX LEY HOAl). ptADTION TO FITIPOWNKKS AND \S CAITAINS. HAHTJFX-S
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    • 668 1 ixsmxax HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Canllal sul.nriLed t'flon.nm. Amount paid up 40n.0«>. Kcwrve Ittod 1,1i0«,U4». llmuioinv... Hoogkoaf. (i.Miiral Manor. M. .1 ini'lvl:. H ATIII.fON ilo. I.i in 1:1 1: ,v Co, rpilK LONDON AND i.ANCASHIKK 1 RBI INSLKANCK COSII'ANY. Capital* MM7JOO l'aidup Capital »15,7«0 Baaanl had «7«,5.v. TJm un.!.TMj.'ncil,
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    • 406 1 INSI'RANCKS. SIN INSI UANCK OFKICK, I.IINIHIN I-HIMI.SMKI. 1710. Inaaranoai eflattad u[>on niin,»i avary deserlption uf projK'rty iit the i-urtvnb r;it.-s uf [,i.-liiiilin. Total sum Ineared in Iggg, ilo 1891, £»7»,700,0ai. ilo 1880, tJBI./SOO.OOO. <lo i-s,i. E538.900,000. glaganera Aganta, huinkmann a Oe, rpHXQUEEH INsl kanck cii.MrANV BOYAL INsr'u'vNcK COMPART. ItniiiTssiiißi
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    • 376 1 1! A N.K S. I TMK NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA I.I.MITKI). Authorise.l fapilal 1-1,000,(101) sul.scril.ed Capital i: M«i,,..i BTasaOfna: llon^konx. OOtBT OK IHIiKCTiIKS:- n. (iiilies. Bas, Chan Dl Bhag, Ban II MoMorfoht, Esq. chow Tung shan, Bsq. Kwan Hoi Chuen, Esq. Oam Maxackk: Oeo. W. K. Playfair. Interest on Fitnl
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    • 494 1 pains nrigi^; ta |>AI»8 IN IHK < "^t;,, aeol'uh'" 'lalin. Su.'h J'-''" 1 and sboaM II old to't-ii'l I 1 1 pain B«l nl use II Hi""'- (I ri1 ViVKing ii»« F^iSir^sS-^ 3 FOR SALE- EMPM)Y»ffiN™' [Itr ti.^ 1« «nu lloe jtod andW times, 10 cents line 4th to «lh
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  • 18 2 X.-: li.: 1:1:1. 183!. PRICE U CENTS. [Sultrriplim role* m/iri7i«i/io rule) may It/ouvl on tht/mirlk pnq:\
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  • 117 2 TUESDAY, 16TH NOV,1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. NILE EXPEDITION. ANTilllilllSll BCataOmM, l.minu», i«(/, ffaaaaW. The Paria correspondent of the Ihubj Man reports that Prince Henri of Orleans is busy preparing for another eX|Hilition to N. K. Africa. The emadMon includes a corpn of veteran BauSM foldicrs from West Africa. Tho ol
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 232 2 Tiik schemes of Prise* Henri af Orleans to frustrate the object of the Nilo Kx|H(lition neerl not ha ink. v seriously. The I'rince has been advor-. tising himself extensively of late, and lias HMgU to gain a name as an African SXplon r and an eueniy of Britain.
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  • 18 2 Wimt.i morrow.- sy,-,,,'. Run, than will be i-siied three pictorial atllllal illustrative of l'.nang, Kuala Lmnpi.r. and lpoh.
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  • 44 2 BacACII of pi. -sure of news and idveitisements, our ploduce. ex. -hange .md share quotation*, with the lists, will bo band on the back page braid- thr. •hipping. It m,y b. couveniont for a time to prim tin- commercial intelligence on thai pig".
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  • 35 2 Tiik HuMMbythiamailooDtafauiOaM interesting from its Shanghai .nes|Hin.leul, arho has alrc.idy won ing China life. The correspondent is to ha Mr. Bland, a brother of Mi. Bland of tat Strata Civil s, r vice.
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  • 7 2 TiiK.sVm* lSm>,jt was published at noon to-day.
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  • 10 2 Tm: plague ei -iiinuos increasing both in Poonaand B mbqr.
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  • 16 2 n i- aUeged that the largo mining and plantinc community of rank prefer a ebeap dollar.
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  • 15 2 The French man-uf-war Hutfriu, carrying |tuu and 100 men, Ikuiirnved at I'eiiang. bound for Baigon.
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  • 19 2 Mmu I'.avm.i. a i\>. idnttiM H ■action of old Shughai portaaa lUnDs, m (bail ulrnmin. no (M 18W Inat
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  • 18 2 Caitms Lawwi from durabaaa mine*, by way of Rauh and P»kan, mm uaongtbaurink b) 1 1.. ■l.-<+i., t
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  • 20 2 Tm >:i n,- and tho Hongkong Football Club were t.i bay« played football in.iteli at i mi o'efciek jwnrdajp ■ftaraoon
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  • 27 2 Dk. Ed. Bcduii baa been appointad V. S Con-iil al Canton 1 1 >M pie-vio':-lv .-It Allloy. Mil. l i< ex. -eedinulv populai i;. the Vat K:ist.
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  • 33 2 Tit-. BomM c..ti,..1i.-» in Parak int lid to I 1. 1 hs I. j.-. ■m. Tit and schools in Tjiping, provided lubacriutioiu bo rais 10 aiw Ida HM a iujlil.i tor two year.
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  • 27 2 This case again-t Dr. Von Krudy nn.l another was to have been heard this afternoon. On application, however, the Magistrate adjourned the hearing until Tuesday nest.
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  • 34 2 It is reported that tho German mission in Shantung province ( m attacked early this month. One laMimiJ was murdered, and another WM mining at the date of hut advices.
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  • 40 2 Ok the .Itli instant, tho number of persons on famine relief throughout India had di creased to a little ov, r three quarters of a million. Relief works are expected to »top at the end of this month.
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  • 45 2 The total value of the trade of Calcutta with the Straits Settlements fell off in the DMt year by three per cent., the decrease occurring in the iiii|Hirt:ition of tin, lac, and •.iijsir, and in the exportation of opium and jute manufactures
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  • 40 2 A MKKTixii of the Municipal Commissioners will bo held on Thursday afternoon. The items on tho agenda in. hide iho question of water supply to Gnaw Road, a petition from milk seller*, and tho Municipal subscription totlieV-riiiaiient .Memorial.
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  • 48 2 Wmtmmm the opinion of the Gov- rnment of India that it will succeed sborlly in keeping yp rupee I'lchangc at sixteenpence, a liank in Bombay han indented for a larce quantity of English apvorolga*, in Mm anticipation that aiehaaga will rise to this point very shortly.
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  • 29 2 IN. i U, Etafln Hot. I, f,,r a' f.'wN tnlv. Mr. N. ImN lias bMB is to a.lviM- pMMOSM to surt of s|Hxtacles or eycglasst'S liould usb.
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  • 48 2 In dealing with .in appeal afiun-t a maetsterial darlatnn. the AetiDf CUaf Justice took oeeaeion to remark, yesterd:.y,, if tin- Magistrates u-ed Chinese symbol* i,, their records the) nnuht tOKivo tho translation of them. Neither the Juki nor counsel could Ban anything of tho characters.
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  • 66 2 A MKKTiMi of the IVnsng Municipal ComnMuoan «a* bald Urn i-'il. iii-i.ini. to mmhUm A» Uu.le.-t for l^!i- Tl gßfalnl ft— m for nvxi y. ar was |tiit down at *C.H. 1 1 7, anil Uw gxpentUton at MUH No nxcW roifaofanTimpoftucawUl b* taken iff hail. l MSI
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  • 56 2 At tho ilon-koim Marino Court, on the Ulh inst.. J. Macl-igen, nuwtarmaster on board thcxtcamship Kaiaer-i--lliml. was sentenced to three week-' imprisonment with hard labour for refusing to obey the commands of the captain, and K'ichurd Fishwick. a seaman oil tho British ship Saint Xinrnn, was •antSDoad to
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  • 81 2 A TKi.KciiAM fr.nn tho Hankow correspondent ol the K. 0. Daily iVett* roceived on tlw .Mb inst staled tint I part] of flii— oiluors befanaag to Im Obnaoraa, while visiiinj; Woabaag in one of tlw ships Imatß Hying tho German enaian a few day* previoßaly, were stoned
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  • 81 2 II M.S. "lIATTI.KR" 1. CIIEHXI. U this match plarcd at C'hcfoo on tho lit anil L'ud inst., Clicfo,. beui tinRmttlen by :i> runs. Tin: mm mm Cfaafoo Inland Mi. tin- UaUler, 81 anil •■"< Tho mon pulle.l up considerably in tin anoad inning, lioldini:, hoivliiiL', and batting
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  • 97 2 Tins nuTiiing, Thomas Kssen, tho ■lii.-f Mfiaw of the {mmy. was ajiain brought up on I illiiig* •f baring <UaM to oommH »uicM* Di catuni Ins thrum. K .bert I'liikerion, 1 1><- second cnpii r of tin- i-tcuner, and Captain Kri|.|i, tin- aaaatar, im evidaoo* ta thceHect
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  • 101 2 IMRUKI FK.IM TUB mURS, tliu Minpiiv* <>f Uif l" al "Kn'.-illwiV vitL the Kmployvf^fb! 1 lit* iiii'iiiih'tx of llic on[jin»vrinj[ pro- I gunal d Borioi) li.«" that it U f.-liwi iT'iiii-<: iiioj-.- ultoaiv uufiuploj'eil to the I""' 1 iv ad -"i-tnuiml iiuu lioiup (or M.Ula i tor
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  • 265 2 Tub Kiztli criminal sessions of the year commenced, this morning, MBN Urn Acting Chief Justice. Ally Bin Muhomcd Yusuf who stood charged with using n MM document purporting to br nlaaoM •county, diil not appear when called, nor did his bailer, lladjie Zinan. ThebaUwai HlnaM. Tm i—lli iilin
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  • 41 2 IN HONOUR OF THE STRITS CRICKETERS. TIIEKK Will. M A SW.'Ki:i:. Mr a I. OPH InllmrtH thai .1 Hnukinj; I'oißiTt will b* (hrao to Urn thi'ir return from Hongkong. The Vi.k.t- will ba and »ill include r.Mtur.- eofcrii an<l tba I'ramaiit
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  • 84 2 THE SOLO STANDARD. AN.nnr.n nErK.riox raoal sn.vri:. A telegram from Tort ail Prince states (says the C litral News N,w York correspondent) that the Legislature ot' Hayti, a West Indian Republic, has Mtabliahed a goU aUndard. The Act proride* for a loan in the United States for nearly thr. illion
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  • 99 2 JAPANESE CRU ISERS IN COLLISION. Ox the ttth October, the ?*|iniai cruisers Iftrmfffm and Vtm collided oil' Nagahama in lyo province. The Fttfio. being seriously damaged, was beached in the hop* of preventing her from sinking No lives were loot. The thtlwMmn was comparatively uninjured. The Fan il .in armoor-clad
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  • 116 2 The Hongkong weekly than BUrkel report, dated iMb inst.. aajl l'.lllj.lnhave continued weak with little ..r n business at $1 and 13.74, ekwina ..l taiMlwilhsellcM. The October ,lu-1,--ingjn t to hand shows a total result of about fttoa. smelted gold TkaMkw tag is the detailed report of the October
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  • 119 2 Mr. Juslice Loach, of the BtnUa Cricket team, appeared at the Magistrncy this morning (Nov. Dili), says the China Mail, to identify a pair of opera glasses, of which a chair 'coolie at the rSaak was .barged with being in unlawful possession Mr
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  • 276 2 THE MHMI A.M. TIIK POM. To judge from the report of Ilio .V. 0. Dan; dun, tan thu i l .I/,,;/ the Bhaafhai tatwaa But Meeting waa 'a frost.' owinn uianiitli to new ragulaUoßelntrodttced by the Race Club Com Illilti'i- limiting :i'ilili«M..iil.i ihrlii.iiul Btaad ud the Paddock. Our
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  • 785 2 PKMPnOITI FINANi KS. The QuteUHJI of Ccjlon. Sj r u/«k Hdfwary, oaoajai the s,. ks on o r ie 1..-gi«lative Council of C,.|,, |1V the 6th instant II K. in in- „,,,j, n tatcd that prosperity continued to Tl nJ] there, sothat nrrnnianj l.v kap* and bound*.
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  • 116 2 SATIsIA. rto.N IN CKM.OV. A MUUMHBa, the Si,- Ji.l.n bal returned to Col after haring beea docked al Singapore, which had toba retorted to Dwuig to the plague al B at bay. The tayi thai tin- .]..< kin^ at Hingapore was very by lory, md, if only tho
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  • 226 2 Fun a long time put, aan th< I h,n,, TtUgrapk, the police' have 1. receiving compalittta from Chin.-.- being assaulted by eyi lists, whom Ih. i. w.isi,.. poaaible chance ol catching. I" ■omaeaaaa the •heeuoen cany »lick« or riding whip*, with which thejrataili acroaa the face or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 471 2 NOTICES. EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. :rrr« of i.vwMiii „KM..MTK ri ITIXII I>V> IMITK s, I.M.INATORS > «or -vi n H /I in, «i...i> Bxnoai™*! L Tc«m. 1T »aa«»i>i ivi Akii.Tiiiiiiroaa.oiAEAß- HUALITY AIII) ,itiiiu omaau »o« uuntnuant HI, |;i,|;\! MI'.WV. I.TI 1. MILK A'.KNTS. mv. laja-aadlhra** SH \\M. BUBNBTTS AM. TIMIKII NIUiIO.W
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    • 586 2 NOTICES. jom little and company, ltd. toys: toys:: toys::: .11 si AUUIVKI) SI'I.KNIHIt ASSoKTMENT I OMI'Ji'ISIX*; Oaataaaa Dole, Baatar Mb, KidDolh. Wool 1...11-. India Uiibbel DoUa, Rag Dolls. China Doll-. lah* Dolls-. i nbreakable Doua, Muu.itur. D..11-, fee MAIL C ARTS, ill up 1., date 51y1... l.u:illtly Ul'liol--i. „-d .md
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    • 590 2 NOTICES. TOWN HALL. AMATEUR DUAMATIC I'KUFOKMANCE THF. TASOLJX CHLKCH HOUSE 1 7/.»<-«.f<i" i. *aturtlav.\,>rr,,ihrr. -MSA: 27f/i. .i/ll p.w. Tin: I'atiiktio Dkama entitled A HAD PENNY a*. Cnarlai Byd*....Mr. J. Hum. Robertaoa Hi.har.lHyde. ...Mr. Lionel E. K,,.k. Hnrry lio-divin Mr. I'onell l;..bin»on. Hopki,,- I A Xrrranlj Mr. W. ]'llllllp». M«x
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    • 737 2 LVTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CIIINKSK (IIIU.S K'HOOI.. r| „-ual half yearly Sale of BjaM and Eaaey articles, in aid of the funds of th- abovt School, will take place. Qod willing, in the I"|>|mt Koom of the Towa Hall. on Friday.lheMthoi Honaaner. Sale coinnieni-e* at 4 o'clock, in the afternoon. CMaeee QMS'
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    • 158 2 O\ OctoWr > l»t. at Pownton Parish Church, Salisbury. F.n-land. by tho Key. P. K Clrter, Canon of l 'anterbury, and the Kcv. C. H. 11,.»i.|..ii of Cuy "Hospital, Hkmiv II,..K. s,, n ofthe late Rev. John C01.Ti.1i;... Chaplain of the Ventnor Royal OonaaaapMea HoajHal, and atanaa F.ikim.r Him,
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  • 1915 3 INTER-COLONIAL CRICKET. IMF. sikaits v. ■OMBDOM urt: HMMH Imw VBTMA4T, »t |>ulili--hi«l, fmni tli. /v...-. f..1l rauattofthi SirmiU inninfi intha auteb Urn sir.iit v rlongfcory T.i -.lay. I lie M1,,, paprr.mgiyei d«Uued nporl of tin jfnnftkont, iniinii;v It, i.-l lalmiaim the raault ..t" this, ami Urn othai '„,,1,,.-. we
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  • 401 3 UXJTIK«I !l!i: I ABOO. A thoroughly trustworthy correspondent writes m (tho l[onflnmg nifgmM from foochow c eraing the di«graceful looting of cargo of the Kamoa by natives as follows:- V.w Hi.' whole thing is over, the inquiry .it the Harbour OBce in faii aw\ the Court
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  • 100 3 iii:ai i i *a 01 in i offieia] note ohvukUad to the PMaoonrorninßtiiocyrluneal I litta tuna ißmnthci tours which liave reached I'alc ntla ol btwil lon of life on the islands of Kutubdin an I Moltcal. TheM |>hice« and I lie coa«< haw been rniled by
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  • 1400 3 THE MAIL. ■m,aprn, and mn XKW OKIEM'AI. HANK. A i.kseiiai. meeting of the lhar» j li iMon in this Kink was held on th« HeHri of its affair* from tin? liquidator Mr. T. A. Wclton. as liquidator, informed Ihe meeting that the Kales at 1-i-t innue to tin' Assets ■■Ihlllmi
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  • 287 3 It i- with racy much runt, says the HoKfha*o Daiig ftmroftne lot li inst.. thai ban to announce the death of „,,,-t Mi.-ri'fjifiil. and iiKi-t |»>piilur of Hongkong 1 buuneu nun. Tin t,,w- wai receive-! by vug bom Hongkong in ISB7 ud Mcand v ,i|. |K.iritni.iil as
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  • 138 3 ST. »M*fiVJ I ATIIi:i)UAI. PIPO. Duaiira t Iki f.irly hours of Sunday mominK, tome thieve* made tucomsful raid upon the leaden rain pip. -at St. /Udiew'i Cathedral, and it it intimated thai nearly two picula of lead were cut and taken away. Tlioro are •ome twenty pipea
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  • 39 3 Tut following i« the programme of the Band performance at the Gardeut, to-morrow evening, at Mar.1,... »*TkDtloi Bbei Finale "A Giieitj Ulrl ..!,»■■> V'alM Etincelles"... JIVi/./m./; "Bamlßitcanoat ■■< Iralau.l OoTotta MBOMtliai A'oii.n.n Tolka »s« Mo D»d« Solomon
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  • 234 3 Viiava. 4th Noranbrr. Th» Rcicliantlh resumed witling ht the I iir»ttimeto<layfincetheprotracte.l s itm; I of the 21Hh ultimo. Tlio Herman NationaliiU renewed their turbulence by howling I and yelling for many hours in order to lor >r..|i.rii;in^; the cowprouiiM*' with probably prorogue ">e Keiehtrath. I/wno*, sth November.
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  • 263 3 ram, nth kTonmker. Bforti continue to !>c made for m» lllhmlhn Uf 111 l ■> tt Captain Divmii-, the military convict in Cayenne. The Council of Ministers nt l'aris has reported t!i it the conviction of Dreyfus was in accordance with the evidence and with ttte law. Itreyfus'*
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  • 907 3 MI1.ITAUY OPERATIONS. A1U1UMD, l»l N..-..-H.I Alter the kibmim, Paa bad bseacrwM*, the Valleys in Maidan and Ua-iil. Um ■ssunerquarten tin- \fri.iis. lny Lcforo Sir William J.oekharl. TheM hive now liwn entered lad ha has Urn lifted (ha ITirah in four day- fi,,,,i hawing ki Valley. TbeaaaewUli which
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  • 70 3 PorCalnitUvia porta, Antacota,on loth .\.,v Uomteod I <:.. Antwerp via porta. ITacaaa Dora, due ITih N..v.. Fatpnon Biraon»a Co. London nml Liverpool, Oolong, .lv.- l-ih Hongkong, Hormida, line IMh Nov.. Ueyor ACo. Java porta. Saua dnr nth Nov.. Bontead Co. \Vj--iiTii tualralia, Saladli |31>I Nov.,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 If"*'"*'" mm n 3 DELIGHTFUL INVIGORATING J Condy's Fluid I in "m: ,-.m,i. J Sap I :-tJ 1 cyi t7< '!*r y; r u aarr i'(»i:sai.i: i:mi'l.ovm i;ms: to let; and personals. In iihs, IScenti i Una; Ind ud r ,i Umot, lOccnUa lino; Mb IoHUI i:pi.- .-.mi- .i line;
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    • 252 3 NOTICES. M C ALISTER CO RIFLES, Hamnierlc?* Rreech-I.oad-ins Double Barrel liuns each s»:. .no lircccli-Loading DoiiMn Barrel Hammer (.Juns from Slo.oo to M&00«aok Kn*rh-l.uading Single Batr.t M;ii-I mi SportiiiK Killes ni.liVtl.ini Breech-Loading Hook Rilles &0.110 QMekaßßaak Nnt'ety Rifles 815.00 '.mi Can's nl solid brown lo.iilur, with strong bras>id«lock MM iun
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 217 3 WKATHKIt BSPORT. k'andaaj Krrbau llotpiltil. Vttk V«.1»7. '■< (Lin. p.m. 9 p.m. UtMl t k». Bar. -J».BIHXMU»iM4iI T«mp. SOU MO \V. BlliThor 77 0 77.U 7SII I~ IMrofWiiM K.E. uw. Calm Sf sett. iii Eswas f] lUinfnll 140 S~ WKATHKi; TKI.KCiIi.YM (K. K. .1. A- (d Tilt graph Co.) HONGKONG.
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  • 501 4 SIM.«IOKE 10th NIUICMI;' R, 1897. J'RODUCE (Uiites are cameled to \2M pm.) Oambier 5.90. Copra Bali 6.50. do Pontianak o.B*. Pepper, Black 19.00. do Whit*, (5Ji) 34.50. Sa C o Flour Sarawak, S.OTI. do Brunei S.SSJ. Pearl Sayo S.RR Coffee, Bali, picked „34.00. Coffee Palembung, picked \mMk\ i 'offoe,
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  • 38 4 Municipal Delienture» 0%. Do. |)o. e%. TanjonK Pimar Bonds. New Pryo Hivor Dock Co. l'linmms. Straits Ice Co. Maynard 4 Co. Ii in!,-, Contributory. FOR KALE. Pengerani; PUnting Sharea. SOMEKVfLLE 4 GUNN I.v I- Share Brokers
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    • 93 4 r*r »ir. itmt. To-Momtutr. Itntnvin <l<nlai'try, 7 a in l>janilm- A'um it*!, »a.m. OaU» K.S.dwm, 11a.m. Hani 1'nlial Ainq Ann, p m Mnnihi V Hollo y-.7,,.n,., 1 I'n.lnnx vin ports .W. Hlfll— »l U1 haw D<^li llibr, I' li I" ii I .N7.I/1-, •■lim Hmw rig porU rabbi,
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    • 106 4 Fkom Xt kc.l'e :-By the M. M. s.s. Mas* due on Monday with dates to the aoth October. FBo>iCHIKX:-BytheP. io.s.s. Ancona duo on Tuosdny. ■ft Rlngapon Duo in l,on<lon A-rivi>d BeM iwli I' A t ifilli Oct 'Jlllh n.i .Mh M. M 41.-t auih Oot 4 .'71h
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    • 177 4 Per s lUb, from till I ataasal Graidhai t. ami Da Woor I'.rs s. BUaaka from Macassar:- Mr. VanKngers Per s ».Sri />„„„, from Baßan Messrs. H. X Ki.ll.'v. and A. Dethoui-P.-r MM s. '.i/. from Vokoliama: Mr. (i. (i. Carey. From Kobe Per at at (atatii from
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    • 216 4 t'nilorihis heading tho following ahhreTiaI tionaare u-od Mr steamer sh— fhip bq.-b»rque; Brit.-British U.S. I'mted I States; Fr. Fronch Oer.-(Jerniaii; Dut. I Dutch; Joh.— Johoro; Ac, 11. c.. flanaul I cargo d.p. deck pagnenirers I'.— Uni-or-Uin T. F. W.-Tanjonß IVar Wharf T P. D.— Taninng I'agar Dook
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    • 1255 4 Arkiviu Si»i-« Noon or Ykktshhay. Ban Smq (Sunn, Brit. »tr. ,M)-.» tons, Oapt l.vonn, IMb Wo». From folio, 10th Nov. ltnttans, II dp. Han Seng and IV. For llanckok 17th— R<1". NUtata, M. M. Mr. Ifm tons, r.ipi I^urrisilu*, Itith Nov. From Slian^hai, ''111 Nov. Oa M. M.
      1,255 words
    • 442 4 BTeenMl diite of arrivtlt, and ii. i i,..r. .'hiii.!. Dec s MauHeld. Ipcar, 110ii;k..,, Nov 17: S t M v hillca, 1. 1 1 N." IT W. Maii-liol.i Vu'.mi.i. Hongko^ Sot*4; P. 0 in. llm.i-m, N.a I" |i:i,.|,.|,!.. Helloua, Hongkong, Dec S7 Kautcnlwrg ivenue, London, Not l' 3
      442 words
    • 133 4 rf 1 Fiji. l'i«i'»Si«' t I •>!•:,! rm Sim A Km. Xov 14 J01,,, Riin-y Am bq TOO BoMrl M nog Oet »UcAll.ter*Ca Ift Bun S'liir tiuan lint Btr, l,\un~ Golla Nnv m i;, SenUklui. B.MilrJ SOW P»ol Utn.lDo.Ocl 'l M Muni", l«jouvm«l6 "rii.str. US |Edmond«» ranug N,,v la
      133 words
    • 94 4 DiTK. VB.-SHLS X»»t huUU C.UHIS lATC iw U Hffm Brit sir. Hunter Kft w Ss£ !J KianV,,,, X Si KiinuVh *j rriBfCUU Kir. Shim n W Kirn. Aim «ir. Mmi W ri'ntakntu H tr. 'it'll w udyV.nt.nii s,', r 5,',,", I 1 a taiuu mm.,,. Ptai rtr. Don 0
      94 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 524 4 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. COMPLETE HOUSE ITli.MsiMls. i. i I In. iv .ill lluMM'liulil n-'inibitu.^ ill Furniture.. lrunni'>ni;nry Electro l'latr. mnn. i;lli: K»i; < uMI'LKTi: 11.1.l VI UA IKI) < Al.\LO<;| K tafcwwirtfcw m application. VTI h 1.u.t1; O hinncr Sets, /'"'^pl^H! x Dessert Sets, *&**V Tea Sets. UttHWSn
      524 words
    • 1001 4 NOTICES. NOTICK. NX- vi:ai: mucts. hrn, t FVBUC meetrngwUl he held lathe .V Km !i:iii!> .on W.'dni-sday, tin* 17th rTorember, at B o'clock |>. in., to asaha ;ii!..:,u'«n,''tit- for holding the N.-\v V,-ar S|K>rls All int. -n-t.-d in Hi,- Sports lire 1 Inriled to attend. r. own, Actf. Hon. S.-i
      1,001 words
    • 333 4 GRIMAULTS SYRUP HYPO-PHOSPHITE of LIME FOR DISEASES OF JH£ CHEST All sufTrrinK from Catarrh, Consumption. Obstinate Coughs or Cold* ami [huso affected with diseases of the Chest. Lungs and Bronchial Tubes, should lake UIIiULT'S SYR. Pcf BTPO-PBOSPHITEjfUir Prescribe I by the leading medical authorities in all countries for the last
      333 words