The Straits Times, 15 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1897. NO. 1^-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 854 1 rput UORNEOCOHPANV. LIMITED ri'llt. Standard Life Aaauranor. Nonrioli Union Fir* Inmrmncs Sooutj A-antnc CompMJ (Pir«). niiulil" Life AjannUHX Soantj. Th. Oamm M«rin.. Imtnmnoo Cnmpsn) i nn» Mutual St^m Nsri|r»tii>a Compan]-. T>. T.<tenh»m Iji«™ Iteur Companj. ■y^ Kantimt- ißaoranc* Cotupaay. Limited. Mjf nrtKUlan of th«M Cumpunia*. ss* the full J™rttoso»«t of
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    • 297 1 NOTICES. '/\RCIIIDtt. J. I). A. TEREIRA. ■aanonaoaw and flokkit. Col IK. 1, .11 AND ExroRTKR or ()R<HII>B. Orders for Boutiuct Sprays, Ac, 4c, Carefully and promptly executed. Cheapest House in the Trade. NURSERY AND RESIDENCE, OXLEY ROAD, Mi J. Ktrmat ios.ssti> olrmm Htmlr nrrfni aa AQENTS IN EN3IAND. [«MMW In
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    • 688 1 INSURANCES. nOXUKONO IIUK INSCHAXIK COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital MilKt-rilml Ji',ooo,ooo. Amount laid up 400,040. Rewrvc fiiml ,l l 0M,O4». Hlll.l OUi. ll.i|i B i..illK. livnrral M.,n;u Metajl JMIM Mathisox A Co. 11l IHKIK i Co. rpHK LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIXE DIBUEAIICI COMPANY. Capital O.ltojN Fkid u|> Capital L'l^'.TW) ■vim rud
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    • 421 1 OOH l.\sii:\xcK OFFICE, U'MiuN In-unin. eltected upon almost nvr< <Ipri|.|ion of property at the current Ma <lv IHBl! V\n,laaflUO i do iBno, i'.v.i^co.oar: do inks, UKJmft Singapore Agents. PRIXKMANX A fpiIK(JIKK\ IXSI'HAXCE l o" AN X KOW UKIUIKh IX TH< v Roy vi. ixsr u.vxrK cum*HonH'Offlcos t^t'EEs 111.1I 1 1
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    • 378 1 BANKS. tuwATIONAI. ItANK OF I'M IN I lllt I.1MITK1). .'ih,., .c.i Capital 11,000,000 subscribed Capital L UW.OOO I HEADOF»KK:-Ilongkon(!. COURT OF DIREOTOKH:D. (iillics, E-.|. Chan Kit shag. Esq. H. Stolterfoht, Es,|. Chow Tung Shan, Eaq. Kwan Hoi Chuen, F.'<]. Cmir Makaoir: 0«). W. F. Playfair. Interest on Filed Deposits, For
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    • 343 1 rf< l sT c^4^^^Hav^ jS)» hi my ii i.a«t 'U^^^^^^Han «T»i inn Hl ™!W 1 o falli nß d It an ior«' know tba 3^^^^H ialhencl r hoß*. Ml. l.y ail deal. 4 B tJsPE-NS*^ 11lr marmi I-/*-*-' at j~T I" p-HatPM)YMI'" v tch'ktSwdfeksonai nu a llae; b t0 >
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  • 18 2 Ov the IMk in-t»ut. nl H.,ngki.n(!, Mil ill Joa4jbu Varau Riiikiho. •>.( yitfjfU. Age.l »< years. D.'.-ply r.-rretl. ,j.
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  • 62 2 MONDAY, 15TH NOV, 1897. REUTERS TELEGRAMS RUSSIAN POLICY. TIKKKV TIIISKATKNKD CenJam, Ktf Tinaihr Kii-si.i ha- informed the Turki-h liovcrnmeiit, that, if any portion of the Qteafe war indemnity is laid out on arinameiiL-. -lie will deniatnl payment of the arrears ol the Kus<o-Turkish war indeuinity. It is believed the
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  • 30 2 lIKIVCHMKNT CUT Off. Thirty live Bkht, under I i.ative ollicer, have been cut oil by tribesmen in the Kurrani Valley. The whole of the detachment was killed.
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  • 23 2 CANADIAN MOTE. Sir Wilfrid l-aurier is now at Washington, negotiating with the United States lovurniucnt for the anaabakM of a reciprocity treaty.
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  • 14 2 Count lassini, the Hussian Ambassador nt l'ekin, lias been transferred to Washington.
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  • 790 2 LAZARUS JOSEPHUS CHATERS. >lv. LUBM .los,:|iluis C'hatcr lias baa Uh nii.j.-. t <,f mwMimlfa di»SMrioa in ,'uiiniii'R'lal rirclis dmfag Km lart few day!.. Mr. Uiatvr is, or until In- iilfil Iti- pctilioti. a |iini'iili|i|f |.t,'.-i lA't, a vanii-lt and disinl'citaiit mauiifaittiiir, md I brink maker. To conduct at unco surli
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  • 114 2 Ik order to relieve the increasing pressure of advertisements u|>on our news space, and. at the same time, to enable, us to handle with greater case the steadily increasing quantity of news matter, the AMaj Ksaes is from to-day enlarged. The enlargement has Iwen made by adding one column to
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  • 139 2 Tiik Straits Tfmm Chess Tournament ias l))^i won by Mr. A. 1.. Chittendcn, the -i-\i,l prize falling to Dr. T. II ■'tephcnsV It Ikis Ixt-ii gratifying 10 ratak -\ri, interest elicited by the loiirnnmeiit^ud to iword tho very III! alhill playVut has marked its course. Writing on^Jie 7th of October,
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  • 98 2 Iti s-i v has ~ummaiily cheeked Tur-ki-li naval ainhition. The Sultan hail; done his best to rcmmly naval shorw comings, the moment the war w'J CMemniU (In ineirn i. my oi mTmkUh llect. I'nscaworthy ve^P» were tinkered, and a cominiUa^Va* appointed to devise a uaval^V"rni si-lieini'. The Creek war irf^nmty
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  • 109 2 allow trade reciprocity between Canada l'.;\v.-en the two countries did prevail at one time, but the I'nitcd States put an end to it OB the ground that Canada reaped most advantage from the arrangement. s,ui;;hl the resumption of MdfMcMf always failed from the lnite.l States ('ana.lhin.lisiriminalion again-t llnci-li Hilled in
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  • 11 2 Tin: (Hrasb lh,,i r l will be puhlished at 111 to-morrow"^
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  • 9 2 The Pliilbarinonic Orchestra meets at UH p.m. Un Thursday.
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  • 11 2 COI.O.NKI. I'EX.VKKATHKI' returned Irom Pahang by the Jau'ij fe-grfim „v Saturday.
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  • 15 2 afanwa. MeAliatai A Co. advertise an B— iritasiaaiil of guns and rilles ami appertaining gear.
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  • 20 2 til N- practice will take place at Kerala Point and Teregeh on the I6tli inst., commencing at U a. in
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  • 17 2 A rain fund entertainment is advertised to be held at the Kallles Cirlh' School on Friday next,
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  • 16 2 Mismis Kat/ advertise their annual (ash clearance sale to commence on the Ist of December.
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  • 17 2 Bern hundred and thirty-flve daatha registered bare, last month, with a ratio of 41.1U pel -thousand
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  • 21 2 Tiik I. ,vo V laleftßongfcoa(at« p. in. on Saturday, and may be expected here at noon on Thursday, the l-th inst.
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  • 19 2 Tin: MM (Uattt, with the mails. pataad Halaoeaat ii.1.1 am. to-dny and si Id arrive this afternoon, at about
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  • 24 2 Tin: M. M. (•,/.,;,„„>„ l eft S:li( j,, n yesterday, and due here to-morrow at daylight. She will probably be despatched at :l p. m
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  • 18 2 Tin: Belangor OovammaM invite* tend,™ for mail services between Klailg and Kuala Selangor. and between Kajaug and Seremban
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  • 21 2 Uam Bommm >v o*. wkmttm a varied *tu.k -frtirilllg goods fur llirihtma-f ])iciunts. The list oilers v wida i,,r ,1i,,i,-,..
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  • 23 2 I An amateur dramatic perfonnao a in aid of tueTanglin Church House. advertiwd to lake place on the -.■.th andi'Tth instant, at p.m.
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  • 26 2 Tn mail rr Ifirwporr, with I.hiiiluii dates to the stb Oetobat I. it Colombo ;ii i p.m. on Bandar, tod is dot ban un Batuna; aftaraoao.
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  • 31 2 mi:/ .1 in, hi Hamatana via port! report! having, mi tl, c gth m!> t;,,,,, Banka straits, tpokao Urn liritish barqu* Vonorji (,7c. Wu dc»itc-il t v bu u-luiua all wi'Jl.
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  • 31 2 Wo^iiTvE Hi, aMai-ao woman. i-. cm Saturday. fin«l UK, in .lefaiilt »i* months, for Iwiiig in possession of *i;« worth of illi. it chandu. The tine was not paid.
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  • 35 2 I.IK Tosr, Ciit'AS, of 1(, Ang Si;mg Hill, complains to the Police to-day that, on the MB. in-t bis cou-tn came into the house and -tole his (Oman's) mother's hairpins, worth $l("(i.
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  • 32 2 With regard to the paaatehaat 00 Wednesday, it is intimated tint no invitations are being issued, but that Mr. Cuthbcrtson will be gMM all interested in pa|>erchases at the finish.
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  • 45 2 Nkaki.v I score of riki-ha pullers were brought up this morning for playing enrds. Sonic of them admitted tho the fact, others said they wen- looking on. They were lined two dollar*, or four days, each. This means more than half a weeks earning
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  • 44 2 A rolli-oared race will take place shortly between a civil servi. c ,rew and a private crew captained by the Secretary. Regular practice will be resumed on Tuesdaysan 1 r'ridayn, when a member of the Committee will attend to arrange crews.
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  • 41 2 TitKEt Mnlays. two of them w.iihii. stand charged with perjury, by giving false evidence in the court of two Magistrate* with intent to injure another. The ease was brought up this morning, and post,>oned till the Bad instant iaUWWaaoh,
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  • 44 2 J. LITTLE CO.(LD.) Miwri. Jolin l.ittlc tmi Oft (LA) mJ ii «i IJM nhf > mil mind ;»> n( V I'lirmtmas Roml*. T«>y» »f all kin.lIn.l si/cs take front ruiik|u.s, Eoeobt* irrains, liiiit unU, mils. iliwili«iHlNL'"*W. .';ni.l-|.:iint. I ilexes for MHBli swell tl..- tamptinf!
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  • 53 2 The umuil half-yearly s;ilr of wN ■■d fancy articles, in aiil of lh« tmi.lof the Chinese (iirls' Sclkhil. »i.l take „la.eintl,e nppa re f kb. Cnm Hall.nn Friday, the i-ilth. TheM Mf ■■Mail I oVlim k in the riltnM, Thccilve.tisenient of til.- Mb is heM over for
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  • 54 2 On l-riday. a nmj man. named („KHlen..uj;li. was lined litty doll.n- fol hreakillgtlu- furniture beluncini! to Mrs Taylor This mornins. Mrs. Taylor applied for a summon., again* him. praying that QoeeVnoogh might be bound over to keep the peace for six months, as she was afraid he
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  • 82 2 TllK c -ali'iiclar for tin' AMbst, ttmumtm ii^ sitiin^« iMunot, eoatuin> twenty -liv.- .-.i-.-s. OfthlW, lour arc for murder; two for ittaMtad ■doUa; four for g:inp rolilirry; IfefM for usint! as BMHOM n h|M i]...uinciit: one for HMBtaMnni sola; thnv tor liutiB«brcukiiig; tint" fur llllMllm ■lid forp'ry;
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  • 97 2 Sink men, nn^liy Malay-, van UTMtad. afternoon, 111 -l:ilui Hiillin. km eoek-fl|ktiiiK. «im- of thi ptitonwi is tin- gnat local uithoritj m this kin.l of mart. Kiflit lnr.l- m r. ii, -In ly the poliea iiui' <>l tlirm km I.liii.! hive i>t tlir iiii-n nilmitli'l Ilu chwp bafan
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  • 88 2 ■mat gun Mk. (luh lloon Ki:iip, nanafv of Mr. I«ng ('heak's rice mills at PMMDf, intends lo ptoend to Colombo, in ordai to make arrangements to upoli Btiaha rice to that port. It upam that, a lew years ap i, rice and liy tin- KHngi m imptiiti'il Ironi
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  • 98 2 TMK nm KXIVKT. I DWIIU i.tiks have ariM-n l»:tui'.n (ha IC.ti.ili of IVrlak a.i.l Urn RaaUenl ol KUie (Aefeaan Coast). Bona muting iv,-.-iitlytn,,k nlacewithin Kdiatanitorr,' ■adth* Bwiifam dwraMJ tbe, ol Padak with (batman*. The R^jahdenied it. Urn 1 >ut<-li am horitii-s have rel uaed MM ttill.lHKl Of lII,'
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  • 160 2 HaVuxi LoaoouL Urn buoooriat, krpt wooded boon In one naaj roar ufniriri Dl the fining to the ••ml ol lii* iifrfuriii.uni: at the Town Hall, un Satunlay nigbl It a peal l»rf..riiiiiii«o. Kv ni,,,,lv laughed, ud !«H)|)lcl;m K 1,,-,1 thai the t<-ai> ran.mtof tliiiri-v.s
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  • 55 2 Tiik Udf 1.,,,,,1,-,, brought from Singgora. on Saturday. II K. Pliva Bukham, Chief CommMoner „f sin pora. his privale Secretary, and t*o i-t .in r Coniinissionera: and II K Phya Sfongcheek, Ooverooc of Mongcheek. They Will leave by the mail f,,r ColomUi to meet the King of Si
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  • 64 2 A Hoard d OBUati will saeanUeal the Orderly Room, TangUn, at v an, on Wednesday, the !7il> m-t and will atlerw.u,!- proceed to Kort Cannina aad Blakang Man. tot the purpoei „"t reporting in certain -it,- .it the aboti places for the erection of buildings pr., poaad in
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  • 103 2 l mill;- AHMirrKlv At Uanb. ,:i the l-t in-tanl. I Tamfl Public Works el 'clerk, named Duray, wn» acquitted on ebargaa eitortioq and receiving illegal gratifications 11.. had held feast a! wbih the resent had made him presents of money. Tho evidence failed to establial that the present*
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  • 185 2 0a Saturday ni^lii. meal and iaatiumental ooneart wai |rivag at tliu Temperance Club, 11.11 Su.-.t. tha object balsa i" laid th. fund* of toe uutitu tion. The room waa »vll Iliad, and v elaborate proeTamme, consisting ol ■election! >m tM pianofort*, ml ilui't-. cliv--. raemtlona. mm nstri
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  • 284 2 nil: Tub official lYiillttlns fjvfi [rtirtimilrr ol m lul .nr.iiiiit.T- with rebel luiuiU. Hut the rxti-nt of nU-11i,.,, may batter jndyad I <un the intention ..r tin- Borne Govern nt. mentioned in i hi' Cotuniott Urn STth October, to raise more ii yto cope witli ii Tli.II.
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  • 366 2 -mi: i.v -imi'l.k mi lAU M hk-i iiiiii'.N Tins ioi 'ning, in the Supreme Court, anting Chief Justice I'ollyet an judgment in tl ase of Meyer Hr.iV. M. M. N din and Co This w^.an action to recover damages in raepc Of U alleged breach of contra.!
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 398 2 NOT]CEv____Vl EXPLOSIVES COMPA^Y, LD. lM !l.1D'"" >l: Fll iNITI '„'m DETOSATOBB >U I,|MII ■ifBI i SvTtt^L I lIVTHI IIKII.-U mi, lurm tkt» IM ,airo»i, nuAajmteat 'fa r orniLtu fok ""ti'iVi''"^"" IIMI ANV R IUENTB. K 11.1. IHKABOVB. BEER IJCPAXT, 1.T1'.. ■MM aVaaam HBEEFXHiDSHIRE CYDER. ,nd qnarta. pt- >1..... Till. BOISI
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    • 659 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT. I TOWN HALL AMATEUR y\M.\Ji( nUUNMtKAMI 'SlAMil.lN CHI XCII H"l tf V '""\-.,,1,,r.1:!,'\,,,,,,,b, r .3Z,k&-rilt. PinlTK Drama Vl> I'KNNY M-.l'Viv.i. I> V""m'. w i'""ii''immTJS OotMftea Mr. XIV Ki-mlikw Mr .1 H\' Km. la Mr U.,11\ "">"" Mr. I'. •■irfe 'I" Bcriklino Mr. l.iun.'l V"""" Btanca Mr-. II K.-n\
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    • 260 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I fINSON&CO.' NOW SHOWING YAKIKI) STOCK m sriTAULK rot lI RISTMAS PRESENTS. Bnulies and a«ta, sterling silver I Military liruslies in ra*', stcrlinK I vilvor backs. pomade pots, silver top*. ''k^ViH' Iwies, silver tops. I s «"«Hi\ ;a i l bottles, silver top*. I'iiMren s syk f or
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    • 31 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL KATZ BBOdflßtt LIMITED. I CLEARANCE SALE. 'XXUMENCINGNoN DEC. Ist. Prices off (jUhmls Advertised at a latci Date-. DARIiAINS. 1 1 MIMJALNS. On Dec. Ist. KATZ RRO&, LTD. sisoAiout:.
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  • 1274 3 INTER COLONIAL CRICKET. „IK. STBAIW HOSOKOMfI ANI> Ml I Will 1 1 .1 HKIi ISKKAT VICTOKY FOIiTHK 1 mim iaM .V... Hi.-., I o tin- Strait* 111. 'I t.-am rcprr lio«fkoa«M>4Bhanabd Tfca leadid exhibition, ud be |M« "1,,,,,,,,! to-day (Monday). I'reaent 111 l CIIMIIINMIIIN HKFKATKH. 1 oomfataMdtaaßwan afliliiuiiai I
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  • 584 3 IKiNdKdNi; OPINION. TIIK IKlMiKUMl DAILY I'HEM." Tii!. c..ininitt i-i Hi.' *ineap..n. <hamherof C o mnier.eai.]>.iiitedtocaaa**er»Be )l "■■'.l,,''lZ,l "l',,,T"l Mh NowmUn. at 'i I Um pM ■lalltala m><< UM J-adation nfth- dollar to the position of a token eoill. Silver lui- OaMOfl I" be a rtabk muni i.i
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  • 59 3 oonrt martial was held at HongItong, on the sth instant, on boarf II M s I ..i,i-../. whan Montasue ['enfold, A-i-ia,,t PayuiastcrolllMS. .■.«a-charaedwiihiiii»a|ipr.'priii-ting public ni...,cy. The charge being read ovidenw wai taken at aoaM length. Aid the court found ilie charge proved I'n-oii.-r waiavntancadto lose is in.
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  • 101 3 i |im W. ,lnc<.lay, a lana au.lieuce assembled at tin Town Hall, Paoang, TaUtam I inurfi or Living Picture carefully planned by aevmalol Uie lending ladlai and gentlemen of IVnang.inaidoftboJubOßel'BrßianenJ Menuirial in St. lioorgea Cburcb. II:.' uibleauz i-ivscnicd in Ihoflret part ol Uio programme weretii in
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  • 357 3 S. C. C. r. CIVIL •l.nil This two days' match was completed on Saturday, the B, C. C. winning on the lirst innings by 6 runs. Scores 8. 0. C KIBST I.NNI.VuS R. T. Bei.ll. Vallwrs J K. s. K/'kii-l l> \Volf.-r>tan ..3 V 1). Parsons <■ b
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  • 138 3 Thk eontaat bi On Autiunn Cup lijok place mi Saturday, at the Se[K)y Lines Uoif Club, and tlio following were the scores Cilllllilx'll II -14 W X 77 .1. H. Kli-iiin -10 47 *7 ("1 W i Boiitham M I'M Ml M Hi Fowlls B: A.
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  • 63 3 Tmk annual liinpiy CUatM |WOOM .mil laki-s place ni-xt 'MonJay at iuk.ii. Tin.- torn, curiad in state from liis ■faodain the Orchari Roafl caaafy. will be mat by Ika pneaadsa at Baad Btnat, and fram thence uuuwyai, «ith onat pomp, t» the Fijian Tempi.'. The ivinains
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  • 191 3 Per s. y.inrmt from ■HMIWIg* Dr. "lV from Singcra ii, ni coL r.-iiii.-fiuh.T. t'npi. iji«-»on, v .1 Barker. 11. K. Ptara i-lii.-f oii.iiii~~io«-v •-»■«"">• Akaorn, lviuile Decretory. Ho.) Hin. PhiUU Saw! As.-i-tiint I o,..iins-vinm-r linn Phra SoimiiiiHt. A--i-l:u't «-..iiiini— i.-n.M-. II K. l'livu MangcMek, liovernorof Mauiicliak.
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  • 208 3 STRAITS TIMKS TOI'RNAU EXT. 1 hk tournament was brought to a I close last Saturday evening, thr last (tame played Mag between A. Hood Hi -U anil W Moshergeii. The notable iNtm of the touriianiunt is the quality of thu games played, >omr of which maybe compared with those
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  • 753 3 While. Bla.-k. (Mr. .1. 11. Klmno. (He a. L OhHlan*in> 1 P— K 4 P -K.I ir-qi r-tji Sl'xf PxP 4 KI-KBS Xt K 113 Xt <J II 3 B-l} Xl 8 li-ij Ohm M Kt-K2 11x11 (.lit il Ktxß K»— BJ 10''.i»tlei< P-KR3 11 p-«j b s
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 726 3 LATEST ADVEKTISEMKMS. JOHN LITTLE 8b CO., LTD. I INKSI CRB«»I Chrlif— B" AUo. large «rf«rtafc^^ CHOCOU*" 1 rom J. I» Y Co A from Wo. AKSAI -|>-*.l 'BKMU.V Chocolate Nougat, Deiwert IfOOfat, rruit Sougat, IValinra vamlle. rralinet Kowi. FondaoU »impie». Almondi (tola. Cry»talli«d Fruit-. NUTS i ss-as ttSfe aleneia Shell
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 133 3 AKKANUKMKNTS. Monday, I.ytii Xuvohkk. Hieh Water, l.ilpms.v.A. bsra Camp. M.U. ootvard mail due. PbObarKonic Choir. 5 1". LO.Q.T. House. 7.:«. TIESDAY, KITH NoVKMHEU. High Water, -U7 a.m. \J» l.m. A>siz.'s. M. M. h.niictt-ar.l mail fas. Wbiinksdav, 1 7ni Xovkmbkh. High Water, ill a.m. Uood. l.ast Qnutar. BJS" pan.
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  • 486 4 Sis.ui-oaa. loth XovWRRK, 1887. PRODUCE (Kalet are corredtd to one p.m.) (iambier, I 6.90. Copra Bali B.SO. do Fontianak, B.3fi. Pepper, Black 10.00. I do White, (IX) S4.SO. Sago Flr,urBarawak, 3.00. do Brunei ».S7|. rearlSago 3.H5 Cofloe, Bali, picked .57.50. CoSee ralembang, picked.... 37.00. Coßee, I.iberian. Ko: 1 24.00.
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  • 35 4 Muni,-ipal Debentures 6 Do. Do. 6%. Tanjong Fogar Bon-la. Neiv I'ryo Kiver Dock Co. Strait- I, -i- Co. Maynard A Co. Uaiibs, Contributory. KOK MALE. rcngeranK Planting Shares. SOMF.KVIU.F. *GUXX, >:xchange Share Brokers
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    • 107 4 tor Frrtlr. Timr. To-MoHKuw. I'atmii A- SiiiK<»-» /.«•';< ImujiO 7 n m IMlvtaporti Si,,t, II a.m. Madia* rta part) Vttmmm "i>m U.iMH.-.n vin p,.l(s fV«r«t.rf«, :t Ktang via |Hjn» «m uwm, :i u, vin I MfcM, I i. in M'lok and 1' ..,ui« 4 t'lLli-mbang Carolina, 4
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    • 97 4 Fiiom Kruii-K By the M. M. s.a. S,,la;i,, 'Ii Monday u,th..latc- to |ka Mtk I N-tober. Fkosi China :-Bv tho M. M. s. s. CeaV ifuNiVu. due to-inorroii. oft SinßH|>ore Dun in London Ai rivci .■M'pt wP. A O. iti-t iiith Od Mt o. t .mi, M.
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    • 45 4 Foil ■IPIIIII— Par M. M. a. Balaafl from Mar--ille-■:M, (1.-t Mr. and Mr-.ti,it,h..r, and Mi-W-bb. Mr. Koorweg, Mr and Mr,. May. mini. Mr. Dai. .in.-. Mr. an,! Mr,. Klieu/I'e and child. Mr. K. Fo.-r-11-r. Pat .MM. Hmtkmlln from Marssillcs, 11,1 :;i .Mr. Btofari
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    • 247 4 VtsskL's Same lORb I inns Ki.u.m Sum i n»u.m i.- /.■inin.iai- r.i ii. -h. ax»> Fradrickaon Barry Dock Jab :»> lloustead and Co 13 HiDgkc|i Hul.«tr. \n.-.«lah lihio \m la Lady Lonfdcn llm.xr. 01* i Rlnfora N.,v KiHi..k Moli. Mr. M Bad) Mn»r Nov l2SV.-o|llin nndCo. 1" Edi UN
      247 words
    • 200 4 Under thi»heading the followingabbravialionaare uaed itr-ateamer >h.--ahip bq.-barque; Brit.-Britiah VS. Init.'l SUtea; Fr. French Oer.-Oerman Dut.-- Dutch; Job.— Joborc; Ac. (1 >•-. Beaaral I cargo d.p.— deck paftsengera; U.—UncerlaiJT T. V. W. Tanjon K f» Wharf T. P. IX— Tanjong Tagar Doi-k B. \V. llorm-n I Wharf
      200 words
    • 1241 4 AaßiTiuSixci Nook or Sat, UUT. n.i.ilo. Out. »tr. 1:4 tana. M Vos, Illh Nor. From fllaalliaill' I.llb N..v.(i..-.. an.l U <l.n. Chin Sow. For Muntok 17th -X.l». flnnMni. Put. «tr. I,la lon« Capl IV. v Mr, Nth Xov. From Hnt.-in.-i. l?th Nov. dr. ai:.i 1 1. DacadalaAC*.
      1,241 words
    • 474 4 Xamf. fort, probable ttatf. of arrival, mi name o/ ai/enu. lalenor, < bins, Deof: Mnn-n.M A. Anew, Hongkong, N..v IT; 8.4 Ho i \--li L'pool, No* IT W. Maii.ticlil. Vn...Mi II mgkong, Hot »4; P I <> Bawean, B'maaaln, H<n II Daeodek. Hellona, Hongkong, lv.- Butenberf. Heni.-nii.-. 1...11.1..11.
      474 words
    • 112 4 I'ASSKIi .-(MiA STRAITS OB UUUVED FOB OKDKJtt. Xli |i.n,: Da«. «i. tart Kami Ownuww. Faonwiiui i>k.,,v. Bi S.imiv. ATIUX MAKk Nov 4(1.t ■JwuMtolMk Lofwun Ocl II Probolinn \/..m-i i~, I\u,\ •JB.Puib; rhiux/a n.i v.i 5;,,,,.,,.,,,: w..,,. -> llrit »l 1.-J1...H.1 Kv.m- .lulv :l\.»v V..ii \iiiiti...' .Mint V 11,».|0un11.,«-|..y .Inly
      112 words
    • 67 4 i>»ti. Vi-ii.sNiii,; Fi.i...ti:i,. Cirun Dmum ill M Britßtr. Haekm 1:1 """I --m Mr! Ku [I H. mi; Wan gtr. gallm M l'aknn ,ir. Bcotl U Amlnr-l Mr U l.iU-11,. tr U H>.ulla -1:.1,1ri. k In < tlf mtrt ii. y r-tr Ban KoSwn Dul sir. (Mink lk hir. Intnltl
      67 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
      425 words
    • 218 4 J. MOTION CO. W A K MM AKK US. fSWRLLBES, opticians. KKI'AIHS UOHIILY l:\K<l TKIi. P'KVS MORTOAOK AHI DUT COMI'ANY, LIMITED. iiW.I Capital f'.fifonoo i-il«>.i t IWVJ.V) fi*> njion Vrrl;-*- rjf ln)i. .;m* Mflotlaftad nnd issued upon Umi.N, SISIoNs Co., ARcnU. mowira r.»i i; CU..WN Bum SCOTCH WHISKEY, THK
      218 words
    • 424 4 NOTICES. Relieves the sealaf^^klf^l^^'"^ 1 cc I ggaagCaßaNtilaa f^/3TVy cures all discharges Irom i genito''""''/T^laTi or-•Tt-.r. \MB*\W 48 HOURS rnlikcthc -ii is oil oi i] i4^WT|g^»m '-r ix |K Ba KV^JIuA lor Bey.are odmiUUjn^n^MllljM 8, RUt VIVIENNE, P*HIS HK3aS**?^"^TßrVa^fflS in. w. Sl/11 0. TO JUKI 26, High Street, II UK.
      424 words
    • 992 4 NOTICE^ NUI'K K. rpilK Japan I ' Mils-mi, i--1 iiaajiall to the public .'ailv from B a. :,i. C -.p. m.. at Xo. I, Uaffics Puna, u;-l«-i kor, late Messrs. K.I/ Broth, r p,.ii,i m. a. ilpfiHi NOTICK. Hi VKAI; Sl'llliTS, IHX. V PUBLlC meeUagwiU 1 h.hl ,n il, Ii
      992 words
    • 662 4 NOTICES. AMUMS'S HOKSE HEPOBITORY. RAG! HOUSES, CARRIAGE J IO USES, PONIES. A shipment .1 .-ixty lieail, ex R I DBXA, ju.-t landuJ in first rate condition, and most of them ready for iiiniiiuliatc use Amongst them are MTanl very baodanM pairs; also, several very btyli«h fobs anil I'oiius. Kveiy laeility
      662 words