The Straits Times, 13 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: )m. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1897. NO. 19,37!).
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 697 1 goIt.NKO IOKPiHI.LIMITgD ft' t ouikUtilU'* Assamaos. iTwS. Cst« Fin. ludiuw Soci_y „..1. I_» _-«»O_ TV M^^ ji^-in* I_»umnOß Compuir IV 'I!™. Hut— J 8U N Ti mtlon Comply. ..p_iy. 185--»o« Oomp-iy. Limited. f th«H> (.'ompuioa, ge« the r_l UOKNKO COM- 1 t»— «i SHIP COMPANIES. OfH< X, I'OLLYIK VjDiY, I.
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    • 2440 1 jh^A BUCHANAN WHISKY ijd'zSjix .W^StSf. t O m T m i !P" £__S C O "T™ bolk importkus IO IHL DLO I KATZ BROS, SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. LDIITED^ Same as sci-pued to thk Houses of Lords and Commons and to all good London Clubs. Si/l' 2 [XSntANCES.
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    • 402 1 HANKS. THE NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITKI). Authorised Capital v ii,ooo,ooi> Subscribed Capital 500,00(1 Hiad Office Hongkong. COURT OF DIRECTORS:— D. Oillies, Esq. Chan Kit Hhag, KH. Stolterfoht, Esq. Cho<v Tung Shan, Esq. Kwan Hoi Chuen, Esq. Chiif Manaoer Oeo. W. F. Playfair. Interest on Fixed Deposits, For li Mi,.:iiV
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    • 919 1 Ai\ INFALLIBLE CURE FOR DYSENTERY I MOST cheerfully recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholorn, and Diarrhoea Kemedy. I have useil it in my family for tlie past six years, and pronounce it the beet proprietary medicine on tbe maiket. My little son ha. l a severe case of dysen j tery. and
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  • 523 2 HIKCAPUKK. l.'Uh Nr.VKMHCH. 1897. I'KODUCK linlet are rorrtcled to one p.m.) Oomhlsc buyera 6.95. t Copra Ilali, H.-V>. <lo I'uriti.invk, H3.n Pepper, niack y.uiy. do White, (S%) ;»4.TS. .■siil'o linn Sarawak, 300 do Brunei 374 Feed Baas aj,* Coffee, Bali, picked „38.00. »"o«ee PalembanK, picked „37.00. Cuflee, l.ioerian, No.
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  • 218 2 Hot Per »lr. Tin*. To-Dav. Knaatan via ports Jlemjlcolit, 3 p.m. Muat Kidu Vawj, 3 p.m. Trinijganu via ports If. U (he II up, 3 p in. Cotie via porta Sri I'eyatan, 3 p.m. luiiragiri henuil, 3 p.m. LaLiUau via ports Hunditrmatim, 3 p.m. Hull viu poru McAlittrr,
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  • 109 2 Kko.m Xi koik Hy the SI. SI. ks >,i/,i.-,,, due on Moudav w'illi dates to Hi,- S,\ h O rtober. l- kom China By Ihedetiuaa s>. flnrtu diii' on Sunday. I. "It Smtiipore Dili? in LoDdC S,-pt 281 ll P. it 0. Oi-t L'litll u, -i Mb
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  • 69 2 UHUU li i l'"itnk<,t,i (rein Calcutta and Peniing: Messrs. B. Giuote, J. Pnul, Mtll Hi*-, Messrs. A. Karr, H. 1) HossoeU, uutl GosliiiL'. A. l.orb. Pert. Siak from Deli -Mr. ilnia, and Mr. Root, wife and three children. Per >. SatwHn from Fremantle: Mn. lloeley Fart. a. httma
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  • 73 2 Foil rtI.NIiAI'OKE Per M. M. s Halm r from MaraeUlei 1 MthOet: Mr. and Hn.Ontchar.aad Mi--Wehb. Mr. Hoorwer, Mr. hm.i Mrs. If ay. sard, Mr Darolne Mr. and Mr,. Kneui b, child. Mr. I-:. Poerater. Per MM a.. Sagkalun from Marseille*, (ii-l :i Mi 111. kart. l-.i
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  • 36 2 On the 11th instant, at the Cathedral of the Oood Shepherd, Singapore, WII.LUM Euwakd Nash, Huperintenrient, Mains and Scrviee». Bingaporr, to Alexiva Margceritk Marie, the only daughter of the late E. Lcmorcior of Rouom, Normandy.
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  • 43 2 SATURDAY,13rd NOV., 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS THE NIGERTROUBLES. KREM II MODERATION London, VMh Snrrmhgr. The French comments upon lx>nl Salisbury's speech at the fiuildhnll are very moderate. These comments dwell'with eniphanis upon the desire in France for a friendly agreement on the Niger question.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 50 2 Keuter's correspondent has reached Suakiin from Berber. The route between Sunkini, on Ike Ui'd s,;i. mi, l Berber, on the Rita, bad been closed by the sfaMieU. No Kuropi-an hail piißspd along it staee INKI. Berber has only just I'.'.-n recovered Irv an Egyptian tones from the MlßllßJll]
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  • 14 2 Tn Miinicipal by-laws with reaped to water supply are notilied in the Oorernment Gazette.
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  • 17 2 It is reVorted that tli« Ceylon Government inteVl, in future, to officer the I'olice fromMic Civil Service.
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  • 21 2 On hundreoNjid sixty-eight deaths were registered here, in the week ending on Saturday last, wiV^a ratio of 43.3:? per thousand. >v
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  • 24 2 There will be a PapVchase on Wednesdny next, the 17tli lWant, a' OraMS Grove, at it p.m. The iiWh will be al Irwell Bank.
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  • 27 2 Tiik Hon. J. M. Allii,«on, and .MV Allnison, and Mrs. K Diinman, ary passengers by the I*. <fc s. s. JfitiatM due here on the lath instant.
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  • 26 2 A iiKt Thu telegram to Indian papers nets Mr. Van Wyck's majority at the New York .Mayoralty election at B,f>Uo, instead of »o,olß> as previously reported.
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  • 35 2 FiKTHtu >-v i iliicl- was takiTi in the Passir Kis robbery ease yesterday after- noun, with the result that ihe womaiw an, 1 live of the men were committed fo« trial. f
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  • 59 2 The last Penang Assizu of tlvTyear will be opened on Tuesday nuxlf before Mr. Justice Law. The caK-ndar is expected to be a heavy one/ .So far L'l MM have been >■ mit/i TO-NIGHT'S hJ^KTAINMKXT. Tiik bookiujn»r Mr. Frank>'<>lm'peiTonn<m»<?toni{rlit ia quite exceptionaL^vry few seats now remaining a^jaXiinle.
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  • 29 2 This morning, Inspector Fairhurst charged a Malay aaaaad Senega with house-brciking at Karimun within the jurisdict'on of Netherlands India. The case was postponed for further evidence
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  • 37 2 I'm. latest defensive tmggestion at Penang is tin- ffrrmatitl i of a European Shooting Club to include other nationalities than Hi it ish, and to be organised into a kind of armed special constable force.
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  • 42 2 It has been settled that Dr. Von Xi mly shall endorse his draft on the bank, in favour of the Manager, and that the Manager shall place the sum of SIo.OUO to the credit of tho Colonial Treasurer.
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  • 37 2 Mk. P. J. Sproile is appointed a Magistrate at Penang, Messrs. II Marriott and Ralph Scott are appointed Deputy I^and Revenue Collectors at Malacca, and Mr. C. Michell acts as Collector ot Land Revenue at Singapore.
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  • 43 2 Thih morning, Kho Chye, who was banished last January for being engaged in the 'rikisha strike, was brought before Mr. Howard, charged with returning from banishment. The police ask, ,1 for n postponement till Tuesday, the 10th instant. This was grunted.
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  • 45 2 A mwrnw of tha creditors of L J. C'hatcr, pineiipplu preserver, brick manufacturer, n, was held ywelenley ■ftemoon, in theom. f the Official Atwjgntt The m entjng declined to entertain the debtor's proposal that he hlioiilil pay a composition of twenty per cent.
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  • 75 2 The Society for the promotion of Female K duration in the East has at last found a successor to the late Miss Cookc, who. it 'will be remembered, for many yean fwenniad the position of Direetret tv the Chiimae Girb' School here Mis- Qage Brown arrived from
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  • 199 2 Ykmkhhay aftornooii, tlie pupils in the Convent oaf* a dramatic entertainment. Tin) title of the play, which was of a religions character, was "Pabiola hi tin' atacoiiibs of Koine." It was given in honour of th« Emml day (.f tlic Kitiht Bar. Ur. Kii-, Biahop of Malacca.
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  • 1385 2 The Standard of 13th October rli«cusseg at lomo length the various Jubilee Addresses sent to Her MnjeMy from all parts of the world, and incidentally the Stnntiarii pays mo quite a pretty compliment. It selects for its special commendation a sentence from the address of theChetties of
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  • 980 2 Till, l ArrAIN V, TIIK ciWNEIIS Of THK WILL O' THE WltP." Yesterday, ut tiia Supreme Court before the Acting Chiel .lustire. the further hearing Srai retumod of the action of Cap'ain Husk, late master of the s. s. Will v ilf rWjp, to recovei *4»1.y0 from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 694 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Manufacturer* of: DYH \MITK i.XI H.NITK OKI.ATIXK UYXAMIIK BI.APTINf! QKLATIHI liKIOXATORS lM Ul III"* OF iatsti 1 1 vi. 4*ll KI.KCIHIi ,HI. \s |\i, APPARATUS Thi IBOVI Kimohivkh, bkinu ai.i KtH'-MCTI KtU IB dKIAT IIkITAI.V, AKC MAIil-. TO Ttm TH« 111. .11 BMBMBU 0» lIKITV
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    • 900 2 NOTICES. I KXTKAiiRIUNAHY ATIBJCIHW! I TOW* BALI to-sight, saturday,) only::: ISM Swi-mli-r at n'rhn-k MB. FRANK UNGOLN, THE WOULD -KAMED BtWOOBM WILL '.IV. K IN njii isu. HmooMtFa. MELOMON'OLOGUE i vn i.twnmtnt. i 'ii-i^ting of M v. Ti;.\v.. tm imi B S.\' i IHKKIS, All. be huofcn) ■< M. --i.
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    • 514 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT, j \NTKI> in the P. W. R Hingaporo, >* Ihe temporary services of a clerk of works, salary flfio.'pcr month. For partieuliara, apply to the Hapt. woi k» and Surv, Singapore. Applications to entertained up to toth Vovember, 18W7. .1. DO T. BOGLE, l.ieul ('ol 11. K and
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    • 36 2 BHABEB WAHTKD. Municipal Ueljentures 6%. Do. Do. 6%. Tenjoag Pacer B )inls. New I'rye Uiver I»ock Co. Ponloma. Straits Ice Co. Ifajraard A <'o. Baubs, Contributory. FOR .s.VI.K. IVngerang l'lanting .shares. SO.MKKVII.LE GUNK, Kxi-rmnne Share ltrok.ii'B
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  • 2882 3 lIFPOBO-I M\I.AYAN IMVi BMiSj ttr..n«li a wil.lcr- •i. taa Tu:l. l..nt lf t by thrir l.latinn tir#« enV among vr.-»'n 1 ■sea .i. t tie- Peninsula, t. |i i loot is a rich, .1 of de( aye. l the damp earth is i, and sodden i
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  • 417 3 Simla. 3r,l November. T. -lay's newt from the Tiniii lores dees not report any further flgbtlng. General 1.... kli.-irt i- iMie.'iinp.'ii iv tlie Kambar Kliei country close to liagh where tribal meet-' iugi are usually held. The Maiduu Valley ia extensive, well cultivated, and tblekl] itudded with
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  • 42 3 HONGKONG r. SHANGHAI. Ho.NOKOvr, WIN BY TWO WICKETS. [By Telegram.] Hongkong, Frulny, 5.10 pJn. Hongkong have scored 162, and 201 for 9 wickets in their second innings, thus defeating Shanghai by two wickets. The Shanghai scores were 173 and I*9.
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  • 960 3 Tm BMfiobm of the Chinese (Jlirintian Aeem iitinn. hud a lively hoar 1 debate last night, .it the Princes Street Chapel. The Mibjeet chosen lor disHHtBIHI was t lint .Straits youths should ho trained and BMOUMajed to go in fol other kinds of employment than
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  • 120 3 WEST A USTRAI LIA. THK SOLD YIKI.II. Tiik u'ulilli.Us of Wp-t Au-t liili.i :n. officially reported to be am (he export offoll il in, n .i-iiu :ii niiirvelluusruU'. Ip to the end of Bop lumber, this year, the export «;>- 151,0-J nilieaa, valued at (1,713,978 and thun very proepei t
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  • 1048 3 THE HUME fIOVKRNMENT. Mh. Ckemer, the Minister for tin .I. itiit-H, lias declared in the Statet (General, that the Finance Minister ii II 'll. mil is opposed to raising a loar for Netherlands India at present. Tin Minister forthe Colonies also announced that the Government intended to ™c
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  • 75 3 Wi, bear, ieyi the Huang i bat, „i the nn-.-tiii'j of the 'li u-r. of the I School held on Monday, Mr. W. llargreavea, na the energetic popular Mead-Matter, was granted six months' leave from January next, thai, a* a mark of their appreciation the valuable servioes
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  • 31 3 A wkalthy money-lender of Calcutta was, the other day, buried alive by a friend who was looking after him in his illness, the friend walking off with all valuables.
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  • 50 3 With reference to section 3 of Ordinance XV of 1807 ("An Ordinance for the Incorporation of the Resident Oneral of the Federated Malay States"), the Governor has appointed Mr. William Hood Treacher, c. M. 0., to act in the Ollice of Resident-General of the Federated Malay states.
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  • 75 3 At Rangoon, on the Bth instant, the quantity of old crop, still remaining in millers' hands, was very tritline, and what was offering wag being picked up at Rs.2fJoto Ra. 869-8, A sharp drop in Strait" exchange had the effect of causing the Chinese to withdraw completely from
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  • 181 3 {Via stasjMM). I.oNDOW, ".th November. Sir Michael Hicks Beach, speaking at Sheffield, saM he thought that IIISSIL reforms in Army administration were required before any increase in the Army, ensuring adequate return-* for the large expenditure. Mr. Balfour. speaking at Norwich, denied that the OofSjrnßßSßl hnd directly
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 284 3 TO-MuukoW'.s CHURCH SERVICES. Twknty-Ski umi Si m>AV i ii.n TmNin. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Si. ANimtw's ('ATiihin.'.vi. SßßVtl as To-Moki.. ir. 7j{. in.. Matin-. 7. 0 a. m.. Holy F.ii.-h-oi-i and Bern 4 p. in.. Benrtet l>l the Catechism. 0.0 p. in.. EvensßßH ;-wl Sermon. St. .MArriiK»- rir ii. a p.
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    • 390 3 I FORSALK; EMPLOYMENTS; T< > LKT AND PERSONALS. l-r tivk, Ift cent* a line; 2nd and 3rd tunes, 10 cents* line 4th to 6th times, 6 ■.tilhs line, 7th to 18th times, 3 cents* line; afterwards, '2 cents n line; but no .hdiye lens than one dollar. Thus, a thrrrliar
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 222 3 WKATHEK RBPOBT. Kandang Kerbau Hotpilnl, V2lh .Vut, W*7. »a.m.Sp.m 9 p.m. Kkmakks. liar. »J«8».784 I 2».88I Temp. Hf> M 87 0 79 fi >■ >. W. irihTh.-r 7H7 79 8 77 0 W«l Dir.ofWin.l N.W. N.W. xnw. _48 Max. Temp. 90.0 Mm 74 7 Sfc-i 1 Max. in S^n I
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    • 189 4 Vmttt IWetssa4saglk)efenen>Ugaßbia Hations iu-h unod:— str.— ntenmer »h:- »hip bq. iMirque Brit.- British U.S. Pnlted atstas; It. rVeneh:Oar. Gen taa; Dut. Dutch; Joh.— Johoir; Ac, 8. C (i nernl ■•argo d.p.— d«ck pame n gem ll.—Uncertain T. P. W. -TanjoiiK Pagur Wh rf; T. I. l>.— Taniiing
      189 words
    • 1267 4 AKHIVILB MINCZ NOOH Oy YkSTKKUAY. Amhertt, Brit. »tr. 108 toim, C.ipt Kozvlln, lS^li Xov. From I. ABSOB, 10th Hoy Qje., Hod. p. Wee Hin and Co. For T. An m nm Ma Bra ft s'.'O'i. Dut. «tr. IH ti>n», Capinin, I3lh X..v. From I'tu.liaiiak. nth Xov. t
      1,267 words
    • 480 4 Name, port, probable dale of arrival, ami A. Apuar, Hongkong, Xov 17 s t Koses Ailulli-s, I/pool, Nov IS W. itanstteld. Au.ona, IJuuvskoiiK. Mo* J4 P. t n Baweaa, n'msssih N..v 1 1 Daendels. Bantam, Bataria N..\ 16; Daendels. licllnii.'i. Hongkong; Dees? Bautenberg. Benrenoe. London, Wot -':t P,
      480 words
    • 156 4 tj Vumm/ii Namk. A Tohs. Captain Kir. 12 Hon« I.< i.nK Hrit.Htr. 1171 Fripp 13 Pttntakota »tr. UOB i <-i i I'! Biak i)ut str. Intvcld 19 Ko Soon »tr. Odlak l.i If. Viijiruiiliis sir «ll I'.irr.-I I:: -uln.liii Itnt gtr. 1107 Johmra ia Hye I^ong str. WS
      156 words
    • 137 4 D*TK. i —kl NIMK FLAoAkI.. IMm.v I>EBTINAIIUS Not It Snjiplio It McAlistor is Wiiio'n,,- wi p I* Kongst-p i.t J«oe ia itni.v 13 IVnann 13 CaWpso II PaUing is sui Bang U Uri--a II [adk II TrUat, B v rufcmi I.t Sumatra 13 fagaaU 13 Iti-lifl.' Brit tit H
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 479 4 NOTKIS. CUTICURA^^k UA 3 LUXURIANT LUSTROUS HAIR With rlMn, wholMoms 8o«lp, tn» from Itching, bloe.liug, ifl »f .1;, < nii'ioin, pr»duc*4 by warm thampooa with Cmctu 8oa», »nd tnqwn ll 1 iriu.cnMtMiofMbollienUMul purMt ol >kiu curu. Tl.n ireau... »ndh»lrolenuu,ic»lM,«ndd»ndru(f,iootli«tlrrlt«t«l»n.l 1t.1.n, K s.irlu^.rtlrauUtM tho h»lr MM**, nourtahti thercou »nd ni«i« tb«
      479 words
    • 321 4 "TIMK.S" AM) "BUDt.K'IV s 1 n HG s jear, or J2J a montl., or Bftesn cent? a copy. Peat Free, $>J irter. StraUi toOdgtt, post free, $ll a year, or It i quarter, or 40 conts ,<\. Hi,, advertising rates arst first It ..nis line; 2nd and 3rd times, 10
      321 words
    • 230 4 NOTICE^ F bTKRNBERG, I N Ml U DUU IN H«H IM> .-I:. M M•■ PCUTII \i i.,::., t*gi Heal r.viur iriD l« l>y tin; r .11 the riM ■deration In .n-ni an<l reUla that -u|.|.'.n which li- now re»M/10/M si;i;i; w Al.l.o's ■Mf v i;ili I'm. 1 It. i'D.~r oi
      230 words
    • 405 4 NOTICES. EAHTKRH MORTGAGB IHI AGENCY OOMHAHY, LIMITED. Auth.>ri'<M Capital f'.fIOO.OOO fctouiimil tjou.jfiO UWM mi. -If upon Mortgage of VittholdK.Slo.Lf, 'I; .r«-. and other approved wuritien Slat* Ha I i|.:!. hr.r. „v .-r Ntlle Low Baroflfd and inu^i u,.uii •i). i.ot>.i<-'i t i PATEUSU.N. SIMONS 4 Co. Iy~r CAUTION 1" HHII-'WSEBS
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    • 785 4 K NOTICES. E BRIZttM) AND BUUDQMM u.i.kkaUX. M.IT 1 m- QuallU iwite i. ras.hino I i|'*ri«ur«. uqucurs Bole Ap<-nt» for the Rtraita, ta.lh.AlL M"l\ r COMTE4 0* JOB-PRINTING. AM tin- type in the |M Time. Office is new, and the joh-printii>),' >ti'partni"nt It arranged to do work quickly en, l
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