The Straits Times, 12 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1897. NO. 19,378.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 771 1 f f BOBNBO COMPANY, LIMITKO a^ M itii Uf* Aamnim. jior-ki I'aioß Fin. In.umne. SOOM7 i«l«av <*■"»)■ *«a**r^ I.i1 .i- |„fe Amnm Socirty. v In-IiFMCe Coßptay. Mdtsal Bisiai N»Ti(f«tion I'l.mpAny r^Mkui \Jf* r Conipuiy uiUM <\.uip»njt. Limited. Jin of uw Compuim, mr tlm ol TIIK HukNEO COM- k <'** STEAMSHIP
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    • 1260 1 i^^BUCHANAN WHISKY Siil« IS THE BEST. SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. j rUTTTTT) Same as lomaa to tbe Hrn sks ok LnBM ami Commons axd to all good T.omxin Cm kh. 81/1^ NOTICES. JOSEPH BiUOTT'S Of Highest Quality, m d Havhig ll T II C Greatest Durability a fheiefore
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    • 746 1 LNSURAXCBi HONGKONG KIBE IN<ri:.\N( K COMI'ANY, I.IMITKU Cnpitnl mbaeribaH $2,fKm.noO. Amount paii up Imi.MiO. Keseiv fund ,1/NtyttA Hch.l Ofllee,— llouckor.g. General .Mni.iyers. .M,"l«. JaHUING, MATHEBUN A CO. (51'THHIE A Co. 'PHI LONDON AND I.ANCASII IBE 1 FIHK I.NSIKANCE COMPANY. Capital C&lffJHO I'Mid up Capital L'l:',7.« Reserve Fund 67(i,:j-"^ The un,ler^i.,Mieil,
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    • 414 1 INSIKAMIvS. SLN INSI'KVN( K OFFICE, LONDON tST.MILISHKII 1710. Insnraiic effeetod u|inn almost every .lesenpti.iii of property at tlie current r»te> of premium. Total sum insured in IHfl-J. £-.tai,M>i.nni). do IKHI, i:(T.(.7l«'.<H«i. do IfW). I „«s< •< 1,1 M do IKM) t .;:;-< '.««i.iH' Hinenpore Aarnta, RIIINKMANN A Co. 'IMIEyLEKN INSLKANt
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    • 414 1 1? A N K S. THK NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITKI) Authnri»ed Capital I'l.OdO.OnM SuliDcrihed Capital IC 600,000 Heah OrncE:— Hongkong. roi'KT OF DIRKCTOKS:D. *****.-B, Es,,. man Kit Shag, Es<|. 11. Stolterfoht, F.sq. Chow Tung Shan, Esq. Kuan If ni (Tiucn, Ksq. Chikf Manackb: Geo. W. F. I'layfair. Interest on
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    • 898 1 SORE THROAT QUICKLY CURED. NOT long ago In speaking of sore throat and thp difficulty frequently experienced In caring It, Mr. J. E. Thomas, of Uniondale, P»., told how he had often cured it inhix family. We give It in his own words I have frequently used Chamberlain's Pain Balm
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  • 516 2 SIM.*POKK. ll'tll NoVCVtiER. 1«97. PRODfTCE (Ibile* ure evrrrclai to ont p.m.) fianMer buyers u.oo Copra Huh g ri 0. .10 t'uuiianak b.js haver, Black i 9 -r.. do Whit«,(o%) 34.75. >nuo Floor SarHwsk n 3.00. lo Ilrunui g.s.-,. f.-arl Sago 3.55 I oflc*. Bali, picked 88 00. coffee Palfinl.«ng.
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  • 152 2 hut Per air. Time. To-Mokuow. liangkok Hecate, 7 a.m. liatu t'iiliat «oon Sun I, It a.m. Kub« via ports Tricite, 1 i n in. Japan via port* Puk Ling, II a.m. I'enaiiK and U'lmy Ltlimbru, 1 p.m. IViuiiiK I'ulciitia -"hi Asm, apm l'i-llnii|{ and Deli Ci'lypnv,' 2p n,
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  • 100 2 KkomKiroi-k:— By the M. If. a.*. Sobtfir, duo on Monday irilb date- to the Mth October. KkumChina: iiy llieCifi'iiiauH.u. .vi duo on Sunday. siu-uporu Dii :in London Arrived Sept 2xl v V. 4 0. i let imli Oct. i.iili ii.i Si b M. U. v. t .iOth
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  • 186 2 TO AKIIIVK. Full SINI.AHOKK !Vi M. M s Salort from UsneUleS :4th Oet:-.\lr. un.l Mrs-Glltoher, and .\Ii«» Webb, Mr. Hoorweu, lir. and Mr,. May nard, Mr. Devoiqe. Mr. un.l Mrs. Ku.u/lV .11, i child, Mr. &Tuerster. Vat MM i.k. Sugknhm from Mantillas, Oct. 31:- Mr. Hickart IVr If.
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  • 19 2 UBTABLIBRKD: 1881. PRICK 15 CKNTB [tiuhtrription rate* ami adrerfiriiU} rare* may lie founii on the fourth pagt.]
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  • 81 2 FRIDAY. 12th NOW, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. ELECTION. POLUN^AT I.IVKKI'OOI.. London, lStn Nor. The election in r-Ve Exchangii Divi sion of Liverpool to TS'J the vacanev earned by the appointmV't of Mr J C. Bighain, the late merhtar, to judgesliip, has been held. >• Mr. M learthur. Unionist, wa»«get«< by a,"
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  • 18 2 BURDEN ON EfiYlT. The expenditure on tlm sTilelzpo dition is seriously crip].ling all the Kgvptian departments.
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  • 24 2 INTEBIOB MARCH. Colonel Northeott and stafl' h/ie arrived at Cape Coast Castle, andJlave gone inland with eleven 1 .1r ii I>l carriers.
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  • 430 2 I NTER-COLONIAL SPORTS In a note upo^ 'Ihe inter-Colonin Cricket and Bi*W Matches on Wedne-- day, we pv.'Taiked that if the Htrait were t; n'ucceed as against all Chin i bwin at cricket and with the rill it would be an achievement of whirl j to be proud. On Wednesday,
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  • 161 2 The Yellow Curse," as the Nutul folks most impolitely term the Chinese, has gained foothold on British vessels .is sea-cooks, i liii, sea cooks have in, l. 1, made such headway, that the London sea-going cooks and steamers nave decided to form a. Sea-cooks' Union lO check furtherCtUMM encroachments. Hut
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  • 5 2 Th« FmWtno leave* to-morrow morn-
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  • 9 2 Tbk Defences of Singapore will be manned on Saturday.
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  • 15 2 An evening service will be held nt St. Matthew's Church on Sunday, at 8 o'clock.
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  • 14 2 Tiik Senior Boarding Olh'cer, Mr. Denninon, has returned to duty from leave in India.
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  • 21 2 Thic Chess Club meets to-morrow night in the upper room of the Town Hull, owing to the lower room being unavailable.
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  • 32 2 It is reported that the Opium monopoly at Hongkong for the three ensuing years has been farmed for abovit >;»2,000 per annum, being SO.OOO more •ban what the present holder U paying
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  • 39 2 The debate. "That Straits Youths be t rained and encouraged to go in for other kinds of employment than clciiral, which was postponed last Friday, is to be held al the Prinsep Street Chapel, at t) o'clock this evening.
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  • 28 2 Mb. Miller of Barganny House reports that his servant luis disappeared with thirty dollars of Mr. Miller's and twenty-four dollars and ten shillings belonging to Mr. Risk.
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  • 39 2 Last January, tho man Kho Chye, of rikisha strike notoriety, was banished Yesterday he was discovered by Mr Hooper in the town and was promptly arrested. The penalty for returning trom banishment is penal servitude for life.
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  • 44 2 Yistkuday, a bullock cart driver, knocked down .1 'rikislm driver in Carl.ll Koad, and fractured his Ing, The injured man was removed to hospital, and the Kling driver arrostrd. The man was before tho inagi-tiate thi* morning, and the case was adjourned.
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  • 55 2 Viiis morning, an Eurasian, named (iuj>deiioi,i:li, was l\ tie-. 1 fifty <lollars. or th/V week?, for amusing liiniself, yrsterlay, by breaking sundry articles of fuliiiturc, the property of an elder!) w- low woman named Taylor. It wa ■fated that the defendant was very excited, and terrified
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  • 55 2 The annual examination of the Cheang Jimllean" Kree .School w,i^ concluded yesterday, the percentage ,>■ passes obtained being fair. We understand that Mr. Cheang Jim Heun spends nearly $I,^oo every year for the upkeep of this school, which has over a hundred boys on the roll,
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  • 60 2 A Chinaman named Ang Ho ha- •ported to the police that, j esterilay, he •It his house in llavelock Ruad and .Vent to collect four hunilreii anil lill) lolhirs in Keach Ko.ul. When he got uere, lie found that his servant had inticiputed him, and, with a forged
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  • 66 2 TilK wreck of the s s. I'oh Hi,, (hum was successfully biowu-up, last Saturday afternoon, in the I'enik BJver It will be rcuieiiibered tiiat the I'oh lII* O*NM was run down there by the s.s. Xeera about a year ago, two miles from Tcluk Alison. The wreck siood
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  • 66 2 A Chixamam, named K.iu Ah I'liav, a cashier al No. 19 North Cinulai Boad, ays that, on Wednesday afternoon, he .vas accosted by two men, who robbed lisa of a lifty dollar note, nineteen dollars in silver and some copper. Mr. liell, the Chief I'olice OuVcr, was on the
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  • 72 2 Tin* morning, Mr H. C Jantz prosecuted his Hjlam boy for stealing a suit of clothes and trying to pawn them He was arrested by a detective. The garments were World eighteen dollar-.. Tub prisoner had but just been dismissed from anothei situation on suspicion of having
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  • 72 2 Mr Frank lakuui, the Humourist, will give an ent.itaiinnent in that character at the Town Hall, to-morrow night. The programme comprise* musical travesties and social satire* of an original kind. Judging from the favouiaole criti'iues and notices of Mr. Lincoln's mimicry and humour in the United States, Kurope,
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  • 213 2 Thih morning, eigut Chirjameo and one woman were ciiaiged before Mr. Wolferstan with gang robbery, and receiving stolen property at Mr. Nathan's house at i'aasir Itis, mi the -'9th of October. Mr. Newland appeared lor the Crown. Abubaker said ht. was mamlore to Mr. Nathan On
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  • 34 2 INTERCOLONIAL CRICKET UONQKONO v. SHANGHAI. [fly Telegram] llnngkbvq, Thttrr'lny, ftjg m In the match bi'twet-n Shanghai and Hongkong, the former, in then ii rs t innings, scored I7:J to which Hongkong replied with in."
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  • 53 2 COMI'I.KTK Vl.lllHY KOK TMK SI 'UAH'S. MMMN tonajsj me. TVtjfrisji] llmvjkimg, Tluirtilcnj, ;..'i 1, Hongkong has fired off in tho Inter Colonial Kill Match The total agora mi Ml The Straits Team has thus secured the Championship of the Far East, Shanghai only scoring 860. The Straits
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  • 692 2 Ran week, there will be issued three shiH'ii, printed in colours, showing vie»' ot I'enaiig. of Kuala Lumpur, and of lpjh and the sheets will be issued, on the same day, as supplement* to the Strmiit Times, to the 1 Mm* anil to tho Malay Muil, respectively.
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  • 195 2 MB. LOV'I a*i> riiK kink I.a-t night, a fairly good boune attended the performance. Mr. Uvu announced that he had buen fined one hundred dollar* fin having given prizen t i tin, people who attended the nho« Ma had been al a told that, il he gave any
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  • 101 2 \n aniioun, ■i-iiien! i> made l>y Shanghai journal the coal produced from the newly opened mines ul lli« Chin Vung Ho Mining (o- propi tlie South Taiwu range of hull noi fui from Ainoy has proved to 1 quality It i- auted thai a iiuantiM "i the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 633 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Manufacturer* of DYNAMITE i.FI.MtXJTK (iKI.ATI.NE DYNAMITE HI.AHIIMi OKI.ATINi; DKTOMATOBt KiroKTEKH OK: ALL »mr* OF ■Ann run AMD KKIHI.AKI I.NfJ APPARATUS Tub abovb KirLomvis, bbiro ill MianricTtTßti) ik Oiut Britain, iv mai>b to rim the hiuh TtirHMT or irmn ASDIA'BTY TIRTK IMI'MHIH BY THK RBITIKH (tOVIBHMINT,
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    • 887 2 LATEST ADVKKTISKMKXT. WAVTSD t&B HJUtOUL 4 nW CUM HOOK KKKI'F.K. Eurasian or OMMM: must Ik- able to -peak an I write KnglUli a knowledge ,1 BtMMM pnlerred. ,k bj letter to V. B H., c/o Slraili Timrt. WANTED t i^t M.IKIKII AI'OTIIE' AKY, to be A in charge of the
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    • 46 2 BHABEB WAHTMX Municipul Debenturos 6%. l>o Do. 6%. lanjong I'nuar Ilinls. New l'rye Kiver Dock Co. i'unjoms. Straits Ice Co. Haynaid i'o. Ifaubs, Contriliiitors. FUK SALK. I'engening Planting Mh«n« SOM XXVI LLI GUNN, Exchanj;e S a 0 Uiokjrs KOJt Iit.VKRAI. SIIIITI.NG NEWS SKt V AUE 4.
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    • 129 2 HlMiKHtviflK-Un th* lltb instant, at the Presbyterian Church, Sinffaporn. by the Rev. K. Stephen Walker, M.A., Lawrkkce Webster, Superintendent, Eastern Ritcnnion Telegraph Co.. Singapora, to Jkksii 111 vtk.k. only daughter of J*me> Bennio. OIHHgOW. M. 9. 8. (ntendad for th* -Imil. Ttm.. should k* written OB ot lII* p»r*r onlj
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  • 733 3 lUCWDAY, IITH NOVEMHF.R rKKSKST. „S I I U«L« S H.L,.I, y HELL.O.C.MA n I Bo« n( ili.' Troops i A. ting M BnwMeM, A.-ting Mi \.-:mn Colonial Tr<«-K-nif. K.»ilent-Coun-I IVnaog. V- tlof KcKidentK i AliX ill'lrr, R. X., I nfineer. ng n. .1 tor .< \> VanMM. iHK
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  • 545 3 THE WAURKX CIIAi.I.KNGE SHIELD. Ist koi m, R A. l- t CO, RIKI.K BRIGADE. Tiik taflBJS SBOSjld have met last nißlit on the Buiplanade to decide the above tie, I'm uwingtothe Rifles being unable to get togetbsi theii lull n. mi tl.eydecidal to scratch, and, consequently, be K. A.
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  • 70 3 The following stateaaeat snowt the position of the chief revenue account! „l .-in_M| i Muuiei|iality for the first nine months "I I»'j7, nnd how they compare with the same period in IMS:— Jany.-Sept. Jiinj -stepi it,-.- i.:( -i W4',3BU f lit '.< i 19 '.Hj,li".9 ;,IT. ,>-. ■.'•7:1
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  • 177 3 This morning, T. K-.-.-n. Chief Engi oeer uf t h.- Hong Leoag wai brought before Mr. Howard, on the charge of having attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat on board the s.s. llumj on the null of October. Mi St. wait appeared forth.' Crown. Vincent
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  • 284 3 OOLDKIKI.Ds NKAK I'KKIS'. Taara b»ve hem many rumours of rich goldfields in China trow tune to time and t is known thai in Manchuria, nnd the north iin<l KHrtb west of China, there exist many Bold* oi mineral wealth. In tbeee districts gold is known 1. 1 be
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  • 1024 3 THE CAPTAIN l\ THK OWNERS OF THE WII.I. o' THE WIHP. This morning at t lie Supreme Court Mot* the Acting Chief Justice, the further howteg m resumed af the act inn of Captain liusk, late B)Mtaj nftha S.S. IWBo Me ►flip, to recover 5481.9Q from Tan
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  • 54 3 <is Wednesday, mie of fie tv-» if a Dutch man-of-war in p->r shot himself. Somi difficulty mi experienced by the polite in obtainini information, and in getting the i■• 1 ashore for medical examination. Tin funeral took place in the en n there were four officer! and fort) vi
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  • 100 3 Tiik death rate for Baptombor w;i--15.29 ;|'-'mhi-1 18.36 in September. 1 --.Jr> Cholera, of whicfa then bad previously been only oneease in January and one in August, caused -I death* in September. I Hi' cases ware iporadlc and there is i■, liopo of its soon being m.ihi
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  • 1421 3 THE CHATER. BANKRUPTCY. PUBLIC EXAMINATION. THK BRICKFIELD TRANMCTIOS. 'iHKpublicexamination in bankruptcy of L. i., [>iu.-a,>|)lt; preeerrer, brick manufacturer, o;f., of Bencooleu tttnet, anil i'assir i'aujaug, was lielJ at the DmimiM Conn y— ttliaf afternoon, 'flic ■uiumuiy ot the debtor's statement "I affairs suhavi unsecured liabilities, expected to rank at
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  • 820 3 "STRAITS TIMES" TOUKXAMEST. j grotto piano. (Mr. <;. H Ueuten*) (Mr V 1.. C'hittenden) r-K 4 r-K 4 B B 4 B-B 4 Xi -K B 3 B— l Kts Bxl'(-h)(«) Kxß Ki-Kl-. (.:li) K-k. »q(6) yxß Q-B8 y-B8(ch) K-KJ(c) yxK(cli) Kt-y Outlet r-QKts Kt-yB3 Q-k't lft-QS(cB) K K»q
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  • 50 3 Tjii i ■ of India i» nmking ill in ce*saiy arrani m nta for nbw r vat ions oi tbe|. ..i tho iun next Januarj Koveral p irti i i ibaervers will be eni|ilu)od along tbi ions oountry where tbe eclipse will be I- -t mm
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  • 142 3 TELEORArH extension in the PhilipI mc islands has hei-n carried out by tM E. E. A. China Tetegraoh Cos steamer Sliernnl Outturn which left Singapore n the 14th Sept last. Tuburan on the west coast of Cebu was connected with K.-calante on the cast coast of Xegros; Uaeolod
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 880 3 BORNEO CO, (LTO). E.NTKRI'RtsB AT BANOKOK. The Siam Ohserver hears of a big scheme in liand hy the Borneo Co. to ensure a supply of cheap oil in Bangkok in a few months' >ime. Th. firm is said to be going in for new tanks. the largest in the place,
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    • 671 3 FOR SALE: EMPLOYMENTS: TO LET AND PERSONALS. Ist timk, 16 cents a line; 2nd and trd times, lOcAntaa line; 4th to flth times, 6 .■■■iits a line; 7th to 18tb time*, S cents a line; afterwards, 2 cents a line but no charge lees than one dollar. Thus, a Ihrrrtin*
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 194 3 WEATHKK UKI'ORT. Kandang K.rl;tu Hotpittil, Uth Soy, 1897. miim.Sp.m.Cp.m. Kf.mxkkx. Bar. 29.H0J fsX7fleMm4 Temp. .84 2 Wfl 710 *J \V. lilhTher TH2 790:*8S >. L.Kir, of Wind W. w.g.w.Calra M.m. Temp. ."5 Mm 74 9 2-i Max. in Sun 1481) p.> I'err. rad. 71 2 l.'.iuf.ill Nil. 7. a
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    • 232 4 C nder t his bead inn I fol 1..» inn ril.l.i lions are used str.— steamer »h.— ship |k).— barque Brit.— British V. S. United States Fr. French Ger.— German j Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— Johnrc; Ac., G. c, General areo d.p. deck passengers U. Uncertain T. V.
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    • 1206 4 AKBIVAU HIHCI NOO5 Of Yi:-TKKI>AY. Iti/suUa, Brit. »tr. 1 ,0*5 tons, oap4 Sh.'ldrii"k, lltli Nov. From Kaiikooii, 4th Nov. Srala. Hoastead and Co. U ti'tujkuli; Brit. »tr. 90 tons dipt Hoinlry. 12>U Nov. From Munr, lit!, Xov. O.c, and 7d p \\>e Bin and Co. For Must,
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    • 456 4 I Name, port, probable, dale of arrii'iif. nnd name, ol a</enls. A. Api-ar, Bongkong, Hot I" .s,v m Achilles, L'poi.l, Nov 18; W. kfansfleld. An. .hi, Hoiujkong, Xov M; P. (I. Bawean, B'masain. (fov n Daeadate, Bantam, Batavia Xov 16; Daendels, BenTanue, London, Mot S8 P. Simons. Borinidii,
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    • 130 4 5 Vkm«l'B Rams, i Tons. Qtnua Fkom Kailkd. ntniTi~»Kio Soy 11 IJycull. Mfcrtr. 10U Sbeldrkk Rangoon Noi IBooMMd and Co II goby H l« Bruce Palembang Not 10 Wee Bin Co. II l'«nang Btr. SM lUwlin K ».,n B«nianuig N o v ST. K.Tiai 11 (jriesH ttr. Sue Wood
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    • 101 4 iuik. VMmftVua FuaAßio C.U I UN l>l -IHIII.A Nov II Sri TanjonK I'innnt; Dm ~n v Nam Bud] Brit Mr. \j Ban Wlmit Boon ill li l<crigkali~ |(r 1J llatavior itr. I^' (ili-nfullovh -i. U' Hr.ul.- sti. 11 Sinu.ipurv hir. \i Vynor Sar. »ir. 12 Kbnen Our ilr. la
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1129 4 NOTICI S. Tkt malt courtiient ant moll •nil»«puo of a. I luxitnt ('III If CONSTIPATION HEADACHE -CONGESTIONS Wmaiu t,»ii»OTr.<;i>*.Bi.Ho«<i«»i'.tiu-Ch«nip«, p»i»A»OAU.CHi>iirrt. JAMES WATSON cV COS SCOTCH WHISK IKS AKKTHE WTTALI K IN THB HABEEI: y Sll.OO VWkX GaM, DOW PAID. v' X u'. SPECIAL RRBERVR. DOMINIE. 10 TEARS OLD. n»c*«, dctti-aib.
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    • 226 4 NOTICKS. g^""^"*^ M^^7TaZllaiaia»»m'^ Sweet Scents from flowers, RIGAUD'S WHITE VIOLCTS. RIGAUO'S wmiti note. RIGAUD'S WHITS JASMIN. RIGAUD'S white lilac RIGAUD'S whiti imt. BIG AUD tC', fCKfumtM, Paris JOIM'UINTINU. All the ty|H! in the BtrmU* Tune* Ofli. t '.a new, and the job-priuting department i» HiraugeU lv do work quickly aud
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    • 397 4 NOTICES. CAUTION TO HHMiiWNEBS AMD CAPTAINS. KAHTIEV* AN I I-FOUI.INO COMPOSITION. Other aWBM iliaa our origmal manntaotures are now bold. The genuine nnd only Composition with whu-h Mr RuHUtßbimmlf uatanyconnee tion is HarvmakiTb Rahtjihs, and pack- j sges are marked will these words, and the trade mark— so open band
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    • 726 4 NOTICES. I "TIMES" AND "Bri)(iKT r Sln-il* Ti,n,,,*.K a your, or *L', month, or fifteen ivnti a copy. Post Free. p>i a quarter. Straits HuHi/ri, poot fr t:i< a, or tf> a qirirtcr, or 40 cant* a The advertising rate* are: first j lime, 16 cents a line: "ml
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    • 19 4 NOTICES. KNVELOPKB. AT THE "SmAITS TJMB 4 (tFIKR THE PATRIOT ENVELOPE, 1,000 SI. 10; sent free by Post 51.50.
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    • 34 4 NOTICES. (iOLDEIV RAUB WITH -1 MAI"9 AND A STATISTICAL T uu.f; Price I »iif Ilnllar ti> lie had at the Strait* Thm 0f1i. ..r from Kelly and Walsh (l.ul Little 4 Co. (Ltd.)
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