The Straits Times, 11 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE,. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1897. NO. 19,377.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 688 1 t 0 K1««0 COIIPAI. If. LIMITKO J c.^MriUl* Ajuumnoe. 1 V^ict l'm»» ft" 'nromoi SooMt „o.p«.y (Kr.). ..i i I. iff AnoimnOß Society. TV •^Tjliraw lMum»«> Company. rr. MatM> StM* N«TiK«t ino Company. '<««" Bmt Company Z%utti»> fMaiaaes Comply. Limits. of the» (^rnpaaiM, we Urn ni ol THE UOENEO COM-
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    • 928 1 i^^BUCHANAN WHISKY jyjrfjf I A SMs-sst ssssss^ s«— A sssasts BOLE IMPORTERS |O IHL DLO I KATZBROS, SOLD BY ALL LICENBED SPIRIT DEALEBB. LIMITED. Same as sippi.ikd to the Houses or Lords and Commons and to all oood London Clubs. 31/1-' STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I\E KONJNKUJKE PAKETVAARI MAATHCHAPPIJ Vnder contract with
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    • 410 1 i/l)K]llSII INDIA STEAM NAVIOA1> riOH COM PAMY, LIMITED.' TO PKNAMi, RANGOON, A CALCUTTA. Oneof I he Company's st eamers is intended tn leave Tanjoog Paj;ar Wharf every week Passengers anil Cargo arc booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East
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    • 687 1 INSURANCES. HOXGKONO FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital subscribed $2,000,000. Amount paid up 400,040. Reserve fund „1,060,049. Head Office,— Hongkong. General Managers, Messrs. Jakdink, Mathesok A Co. GUTHRIE 4 Co. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital 212,760 Reserve Fund 676,365 The undersigned, Agents for the
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    • 351 1 INSURANCES. SUN INSURANCE OFFICE, LONDON KSTAIU.I.-HI.P 1710. Insurances effected upon almost every description of property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1802, £381,800,000. do IHOI, £373,700,000. do 1800, £3»!1 ,800,000. do 1889, £338,900,000. Singapore Agents, BKINKMANN 4 Co. rpHE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY 1 HOW MERGED IH
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    • 588 1 RANKS. THK NATIONAL HANK nX CHINA LIMITED. Authorised Capital £1,000,000 tjubscrihed Capital U* < Head Office H om-kong. COUET OF DIEECTOEB:— D. Gillies, Esq. Chan Kit slum, Ee<|. H. Stolterfoht, Esq. Chow Tung Shan, Es.j. KwanHoiChuen.Ksq. Chief Managkr: Geo. W. F. Playfair. Interest on Fixed Deposits, For 12 months 1.;
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    • 913 1 I SORE THROAT QUICKLY CURED. I X OT lon( L tgo in *P* al n K ore throat il ami the difficulty frequently eiperl•iw in curing It, Mr. J. E. Thorn**, of Uniondale, Pa., told how he had often cured it in hi* family. We give it in his own
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  • 506 2 SlHbirOKß. 11th N.IW.MMKK, 1897. PBODTTUE (hatet are corrected to one p.m.) Uambier buyers f e.OO Copra iiali, a.50. ilo Pontisnak, 6.^5' P«pper, Black ifl.v). do White, (15%) 84.76. S.-WO Flour Surswsk S.OO. no Brunei 2.% pwiaap SM Cotlce, B«h, picked 8800 Cotf«e Pnl-mbiuiK, picked „87.00. Cofff-e,^, No. 1
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  • 113 2 for Km ttr. Tint. To-Mokrow. Amoy via ports Gtenfalloch, 11 a.m. •Se|>:iiiK& Jutfra H. Timor, 1 p.m. Billiton P'twnak 11. ll'. Soon, Noon Malacca and Klang IMaritr, 3 p.n> Sadong Vyiirr, 8 p.m Bali via ports McAlisttr, 8 p.m Saturday. Bangkok Hecate, 7 a .m PonaiiK and li'ljH.v
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  • 106 2 KkomKi koI'K: -By t li.- M Ms, ftnUull due on Monday will, date* to th« Nth' October. Kko.m China J!y I he) icriniiu M. facim I line on Suinlay. efl Singapore Due iv 1.,, n «l s«-pt Jrtih P. S, Out i'itli Ort .'.Mi M. M o,
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  • 242 2 UOIWIt Par, from Klmitf ria porti Mrs. Whyte, Maura. Fraser, Lolt. U. K Groom, O. Sulliv.iu. W.lliord. an.l Martin IVr 8. 1. Sumatra from Deli :->|r. A. Preudweiler, I»r. Eme-t Mann \.n Mean, J. detrains, Van K»de, P. Po»thume ■rife an.l chihi. J'cr I. I. IswWnaa froi.i
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  • 20 2 Establish kd: 1831. PRICK 15 CBNTB. [tiuUeriptioH rate» and advertising rater m<ty Im found on tin fourth page.]
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  • 134 2 THURSDAY, 11th NOV., 1897 REUTERS TELEGRAMS. AFRICAN DIFFICULTIES. OULDHALI. SPEECH BY LOKD I SALISBURY. udtaUMl or iiHiii-ii Ri.,ri T Jjondun, Ulli .Voi ember. Lord Sali^mi y delivered a speech »t the Guildhalrb^tii|uet. His Lordship i^ated, in the speech, that continuous al^J animated, but always friendly, negotiations were pro'.eeding with France,
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 29 2 WIN OVER VICTORIA. i In the match at Melbourne, tlii/'Yictorian team closed their second Minings with a scorn of runs. A StoilJart'a team won by tw/ wicki-ts.
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  • 61 2 HEAVT FDUITINf). A i i'coiu>«,itring fon:o under ItMlll Wrstin „*ott was attackeil while retiring. -'■"lie following were the resulting casualties:— Lieutenants Waddell and Maclntire and sixteen men killed. Lieutenant Kent and thirty men wounded -all of the Northampton Regiment. Lieutenants Ingham and Mercer and six men of
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  • 44 2 OFFICERS DECOKATKI). Colonel Adams and Lieutenants Fincastle and Costello have received the Victoria Cross, for gallantry in the Frontier War. 'Colonel Ailnui, and Lord FinuaMlr, rescued a wounded oftVer under a heavy rifle fire in the .Swat Valley, on the 17th August.'
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  • 24 2 sukvnaos ok nnat The railing for tenders for India Council Hills has been suspended for a further minimum period of four weeks.
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  • 754 2 The First Report of the Central Executive Committee of the Indian Famine Charitable Relief Fund, dealing with the operations of the Kuml from the let of January, until the .'JIHt of July, 1*97, has just been issued. Though a very full report, covering, with appendices, one
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  • 21 2 A coMoitATtLATiiKY telegram has been sent to the Straits team at Hongkong by Mr. P. Owen on behalf of the B.C.C.
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  • 105 2 This BitafDOM at Legislative Council the Third Heading of the Pilots Bill was postponed, on the initiative of the (iovernor, owing to a petition His Excellency has received from the Pilots on the subject. The Hill to enable the Municipal Cuiniiiihsionii^ kV acquire the existing Town Hall; the Bill to
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  • 15 2 The homeward mail by the (iei man steamer Sachsen closes at 2 p.m. on Monday.
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  • 18 2 Thk I. A- Company have issued a table showing the proposed movements of their mail steamers, next year.
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  • 24 2 A ITHI.Ii meeting is advertised to be held at the exchange, on the 17th last to arrange for the sports on New Years day.
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  • 20 2 Yebtkriiav, Mr. K. Howard was sworn, anil this morning assumed charge of the magisterial duties in the. third police court
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  • 27 2 The M. M. (Maws with the mail from Europe of the sgad October, left Colombo at I a. m. to-day, and is due here on Monday evening.
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  • 23 2 The Govc-nment invites tenders for the supply of milk to the Singapore Hospitals, and for the supply of stores for the Marine Department.
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  • 21 2 Caitain llarm.i. Mi- 11,,8p, Miss I Hose, Mrs Itiilin Jaci|iieiiiyus, an.l MiE. Holm .lai'.|ueinyiis arrived from Europe yesterday, by tlerman mail
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  • 26 2 Tiik plague increases at I'oona. Bbofav pore, and other places, in the interior of India. Two Kuropean tadaea have been attacked with the pssgoa at Bholapore.
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  • 29 2 Thk Muniiipal Haaaaamanl List lor next year, i- advertised ;i> now open fol iaspection al tha Municipal Offices Appeals against the Basaaemoul «ill be heard mi the Mad December.
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  • 46 2 Thk Muni<ipality advertises that tho election of -,i Commissioner for Central No. a Ward, to (ill the vacancy caused by the retirement id Mr. Tan Cheng Tuan by rotation on the list December next, will take place at the Municipal Office on the ath Dm ember
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  • 60 2 There was. a neord house but night, to witness Mr Robert Love's benefit l>erformance Bvety available place was occupied, and the ainlien. c was kept merry from start to finish, the performers beiii>; in tin ir best form. To-night a ajoU watch and anannounced to l<e given away
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  • 63 2 Ai two o'clock ye-t.-r.lay a1t,,,,.,,,,, al No IS, Carpenter Street, five men induce.! a itranger to accompany them upstairs. When there, they took five dollars from him, and threw him out of 'I. ewindow a taaos-corporal saw thin and Mucceeded in arreetini; one of the nun. The man
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  • 74 2 Mil l-iaiik Lincoln, the well kiun n humourist, has armed (row Iv, ,ih and will give one performani c Singapore. That will be on *uturda\ night, at the Town II .11 M, Lincoln stands among the very Bi t in hi pmfeesioai, an.l bis reputai i such, ban
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  • 334 2 i 1 Bl STKAITB v. HHANOHAI ANKTIIWR VICTORY TOR THK STRAITH [Hy telegram] Hongkong, Xov. loth, $M f, m The Straits innings have eoachaM fur l.'ts, as against 7<J made by Shanghai Boon aiaaaf onLb If ana m Curti'<, c Wailaceb Mmv aj Btevena, C K.irl.ri.lg.' I. Lanning
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  • 74 2 THE OCTOHKK ('III Sill No HKTTKK Ktm 1.1A TEi.KiiitAM from Kauli. dated yesterday evening, states: "Crusboiß ia lini.-ho.l. t,4tO tone >if stone rcalieed 1,750 ounces of smelted gold Toil gives nearly IS dwts. to the ton At the previous clean up, which finished on the I ith October,
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  • 90 2 Thi Peninsular an I i mtal Cora pany, have 01 lored a steamer of 10,000 tons, tin' htqtesl >rt l.iiilt for that famous line. Ships of such -i/.' have hitherto beeo reserved for the Atlantic trade, but, 119 the Germans. have 11. iw vessels of
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  • 121 2 Hnmhay, -Jr.l Nov., 8 M C'liArKK \u, who bad eonfeew i in mitting the roona murders, was i iken before the Districl Magistrate al I 1 ona, on the 3rd November, and chargetl'Witli the ararderof Mr, Rand, an.l the abetment of the maiden ..i Mi Lan
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  • 144 2 a IB AJIOOI DBI 1 .slam Tiik Diatrid Court ..f Colombo on the :<rd blatant, began the hearing ol a divorce caae Lewu v Lewii flu plaintiff,JeesieTheodoraLewii,inßtituti tl an action (bra disaolution ..r marriasi against her busband, Mr Paul Uwi», •■I Belangor, on the ground of adulterj bad
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  • 227 2 C. E. T.S CONCERT. A awcSOTwaa givenlaal ni^rlit undei the auspices of the Church of Knglun.J femperance Society al the Bon iMHtute. Admlsaion was free, ami considering the ihurtneaa of the given, there wai larga attendan A programme was opened l>y a I' 1 1 »oJo M Ata Turea," brill
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 419 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KXTRAOBDINART AITIJA* I K».\ TOWM WALL n\E NIOHT. SATIRDAY. ONLY!!! VMh November at 0 o'clock. MR FRANK LINCOLN, IHK. WOKI.l) TAMED HUMOURIST, Will (.IVE A < (lIM'.INAL H "MO. O. t, JiELO-MOSOLOOUI KNTKKIAINMK.VT. Consisting of How ai. Tkavkstiks and Social Satires. TICKETS, $2 All. Baas* bmj lie bs*M
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    • 698 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT. lI'A.VTKII fr <m Mm 1M of January ii. xl. Iv h Kuropean linn, ft Chine*' or Kirasimi clerk; mu-i be thoroUKhly acquainted with book-keeping and have good knowledge of general office work. Apply. Mating "ilarv required, to 17 11 V. X., c/ 0 StraiU Time*. \\TANTEI).— Hoard and
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    • 48 2 S II A RBB WASTED. Municipal Debentures 6 l>o. Do. 6%. lanjong PtJEBI ItomlK. New Prye Itiver Dock Co. I'm joms. Straits Ice Co. Mayimrd 4 Cn. Kuubs, Contrihutory. FOR SALK. I'ongeranK Planting Slmres. aOMKKVII.LE GUXN ExclmiiKe A Share Ilrokaru. FOB VXEiiAL bllll'i Imi NBW v I'Aut: i
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    • 57 2 Atkinson-Havward.— At St. (ieorge's (inn.!,. Penanx, on the rlth instant, bj the Rev. H. C. Henham. Acting Colonial Chaplain. lUmiv Sihtke* Atkinson to FioREMU Tecelia, eldest daughter ol Thomas Haywabd, Esq., of Birmingham. THE "STRAITS TIMES" HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IX ASIA BRITISH INDIA EXCEPTEI) NO OTHER
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  • 495 3 K OUMOI I'ROHK(-UTEI). 111 NDKED DOLLARS. liing, Mr Robert I^ove Mr O'Sullivan in bvjsjbbOM issued at the Chief l'olico Ofliccr, tot 1 lottery at Kaaaatoa's iv night Iratj that osj or -•.mt defendant had irryingon a |mbli'- lottery lon ."> of ;id. that on lanM date, he deilare.l
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  • 251 3 IHI YEl.l.oW CM Ml < ivcd the following letter i- truiii a Chinese resident in Natal The enclosure is headed ■w Curse" I A), West Street. l'irter Maritzburg. Natal, 7th October. 1»»7. ITOI Of TIIK "STKAIT> HIOI." Hen with I beg to Mad you a tliee s
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  • 78 3 cx MM -V' 1 1 f tnc h> 1>; 17 mi!.-- an firewood cheap and oil plentl- would it take to gel from Raub mi ;i |<n> ■niiiai with a China boyeitj valve and there being bow and twenty .1 Kuala Lumpur to 1 r l v 1
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  • 1320 3 TIIK ACTION AT DARGAI. OPERATIONS IN TIRAH. TII« AMEER AND THE IHMMMI Lahore, _'-t li Oct. Kegarding the. Chagni Kotal fight on the i Liitli. an ufli.rr in tl»> fight say* th»t the p..-iti.,u hud he taken t.y frontal .lUck alone. The Saroha height" present t.-v»rd» <
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  • 594 3 FOOTBALL WASHER CHALUVOE SHIELD, H. c, c 88m 09. k. a. Tun teams met List evening on the Esplanade, U> replay the first round of (he above Shield, which last week ended in a dim* of no goals. The ground m in excellent condition, and fair number of spectators lined
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  • 175 3 DmtUU of the cyclone nhow that the havoc wruiiL'ht i- even wona khan was anticipated. Than is liar.lly a home standing, ami the largest trees wan uprooted. The English v, --.'I- ,-sc-:i|icil w it 1 1 slight damage, but twelve native cralt are reported to have
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  • 2154 3 (From the Times of Ceylon.") I.ONKOS, 3M October. Is a ipeech liy Mr. I^onanl Courtney «t Fowey, hi- «aid that, while deprecating the policy of the forward school, he believed I the evidence was wanting to connect the present rising on the Indian Frontier with what wns
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  • 57 3 H.S.M.S /iW- (formerly <ii,0,,, liiimlil) has been converted into a modern gunboat. On the 20th instant, slip is to leavo Bangkok for Singapore to receive her armament of four 9 pounder Armstrong gun*, similar to the small ones on the Mahu (%ihkri, and two large guns, also
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  • 65 3 Mk. Zerner, of the Union Hotel, reports that on the 9th instant, he rode from High Street to Battery Road in a 'rikisha He afterwards found that he had le."t in the vehicle purse containingtwo diamond rings, and two packages of diamond!*, the whole worth >:i,ik«i. He mentioned
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  • 65 3 A Jatanesk nawspapei Wels sun that Japan will have no difficulty in dealing with the silver ;/<■» now being withdrawn from circulation. Forty millions will be required fill niaotmgfl purposes alone, the new subsidiary coinage absorbing this quantity. Cores will require silver for her own doneatic purposes. Formosa will
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  • 86 3 AI.I.KOKI) INADEyIATK I-x l Tins morning, an instanler ■ummoU was served upoi Mr. Kahlort and Dr. Von Krudy to appear at the police office, to arrange for more secure bail than that now given. The police are not satisfied with the bank draft now in the
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  • 103 3 I'iik I 'urn mi oassM*aeks lur b s rule fen'; also a Lieutenant-Ctover-nor also p<|iial rank with Bombay and Madias. The argument begins al>out the scarcity ot" police-officers and continues thus Anyhow. :vs we have remarked before, the Settlement p->y- tor four officers, to the
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  • 132 3 Ar Tiincumalee, in Ceylon, on the Ist n.-tant, Lieut. S.T.Armitage of H. M.S. OatMO* oomsaitted suicide. The man-of-war was in harbour al the lime. Two •shots wtrc heard below, and Lieut. Armhage was (bond tying in his cabin dead with two shut through his chest, both having
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 22 3 IMCi3ESTIC:i 1 Sl'l !Ml I W I t Condy's VI J B.ok Hi. Intntonbayin; "Cn'lOY S rtjia. CQltayAVUttt'l. of tM<M. f« -'J.
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    • 170 3 .v 1 of VALD u-i B HOUSEHOLD H KM II WK fti Tiik i mfebty 01 T. Ql lU>, Es«*. VI nil. *****.l Wwd.n:- Ql IBTUH <M-ii\ I.IM-. Saturday, ia<* Vo« 'I'HK ondersig I are Instructed by 1 ijio, rfgu to Mil hj Auction, at hii quarter. Bepoj I on
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    • 763 3 FOR SALE: E M P I X >YM ENTS: TO LXX; AND PERSONAL* l-i iimk, 16 cents a line; 2nd and Srd times, 10 cents* lino 4th to Bth time*, ft cents a line; Till to IHth times, 3 cenU a I i in' afterwards, cents a line but no
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 223 3 WKATHI.K RBFURI KmdmHt Tmhum Botp l«» 3 M» U Lm.3p.n Remakiu Bar. a9*1658.M7 ».e«a Temp. W8 WO >. L -2 W. H'lb fhor 760 771' 760 3 -„L' Dir. of WindN. W. nsw S.W. _=£-r Max. Temp. 88.1 Mm 748 S_fi Max. In Bun 188.0 Terr. nd. ...70S '-.-.->■ BaioiaU
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    • 224 4 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str— steamer sh.— ship bq.— barnue Brit.— British I.'. S. Unitod States; Fr. French Ger.— German; Dut Dutch; Joh.— Jobore; 4c, O. c, General cargo d.p. deck passengers; U.—l'neertain; T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. I).— Tanjong
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    • 1269 4 ABKIVALB MISI-1 SOI1» OK Y»T£KDAY. ylwiino, Oor, str. 772 tons, ("npt Hominrt. lltli Nov. From Labunn. 7tli Nov. BAM andConN 23 d.p. Borneo Coy. U-Rd*. Hayrrn, Oor. str. 3,1-.»8 ton-. ***** Prolini. Kith Not. From Bremen, Hth Nov. G.< B."hn Meyer and Co. For Shanghai, lltli B.W. Hern,
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    • 471 4 Namt, port, probabU dale of nrn'i'il, tmd name 0/ ayenti. A. Aptar, Honukong, Nov 17 S J|,,., Achilla*, L'pool, Nov U W. lUoafleld Ancona, Hongkong, Xor 24 P. ,v (i Biiwt'.in, K'niassin. HOT II P—ndill. ll.'iiiliuii. Ultima Nov lit. I >:i.-[i.i.-l B«nv.-nui\ Loodon, Nov P. Blmoni Bonil.iiv.
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    • 71 4 I VKLtNiIM. T To»s QtfUia Itall IiIUUD IkMM joVaUn Brit «r M M-.a, w U v, 1( k. 10 Utlmbro Itelrtr.l4ol B«l.ito I „«k k n p""';"^" 11 10 Bayern Uer. sir. 81*1 Prehm Bremen v II w.Moth, Wi .p .v. iwm. k';;;-, ml ;:r.: ii 1 11 Kon«
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    • 101 4 Datk. Vkssel'h Namk FlauAJCiu CiriAi.v I'KKIINAIIOS <ov 10 K. K. Atjeh Hut iti II Han Wl.att Hrn Bril Mr II lliou Pbya b i r II innm Baag hit 11 Hat* 11 Kara 11 I'akan I Bt r' II ReraiKlmi \>[\, ,|r I 1 Ci. Mill Hylnn.ll II Klovo
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 448 4 NOTICES. ELLWOOD'S patent AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS A ROUSKHULD WORD INDIA. Wobn i» ra« East by ail Awarded The Omc-EM, 1' nE old Mki *l TMiCiriLSmviclandTHKCooMUKENn I HE London, 1884 ELLWOOD'S paunt AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS 9, nr A th. 2\ .'2 JAMES WATSON COS SCOTCH WHISKIES AKK THE BEST VAI.I K IX THK
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    • 291 4 NOTICES. I For Coßstipatioa I and Biliousnessl I A ttm «nj •■(< 'r 'or udu. uj >MMm v I I Xt fcally t promptly upon ih< livtr .toßMcfa aaj I I lalt'tion Fruit Jullmn curt, h." i.v.l coaatipatiga. I I JULIEN, 8. rue Vlvlenne, PARIS R.nowoeJ Phjrticun. preterit* linmiult M.tico
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    • 387 4 NOTICES. JOSEPH RAKKK. cohpbctiossb and Vienna Buad Bakes BEOS to inform the Ladies and (lentlemen of Singapore that he ha* opened a Confectionery nn.l Vienna Bakery at No 8, Victoria Street, next to the Convent. Cakes and wedding oaken at motlerat* charge*, ami all other different kinds o. cake* of
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    • 561 4 NOTICES. TIMKB AND BUDGET.sirnili Time*, (30 a year, or t'-'i a mom h, or fift.-cn centt a copy. Pott Free, 18} a quarter. Slraitt KiuLi't. pott free, t-V a year, or $6 a quarter, or 40 centt a ropy. The advertising ratei are: flret time, IS cent* a line; 9nd
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