The Straits Times, 8 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1897. NO. 19,375.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 698 1 f p, g HOBNtO COMPANT, LIMITED l«nl I.if* Atranuoa. Soriridi U«ioo Fir. Insnruo* Soci«ty I ,'.,n,p«T (Kir.). t«uru<» Societj. ln«unu>oi I omp»ny. \fiiTu*l St<4un CoapuT. ,m lj»ir»r ll««<r rompao.r l^dos Compuiy, I.imitad. „ir« of theme Oomp«ni««, see the i,t of THE BORNEO COMSIKAMSHIP COMPANIES. Coil VKB Ql'lY, i Wiiarviii,
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    • 2400 1 I^BUCHANAN WHISKY 3fjlj§JPl |A il 13 C O "T* Bommpoin-EHK ..-^^^sot Int DLOI. KATZ BROS, SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. j TAfTTX'T) Same as supplied to the Houses op Lords and Commons and to all oood London Clubs. 31/12 -conn WHISKY 18 THE I NIVERSAL £3 gJ2 BKVKUAfiK. ftim
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    • 635 1 JBANKS. < THE NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITKI). r Authorised Capital £1,000,000 > Subscribed Capital 600,000 Head Office Hongkong. COURT OF DIRECTORS:— I>. Gilliee, Eaq. Chan Kit Shag, la* H. Stolterfoht, Esq. Chow Tung Shan, Esq. Kwan Hoi Chuen, Esq. Chief Manager: Geo. W. F. Playfair. Interest on Fixed Deposits,
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    • 917 1 A UOOD EXAMPLE. r PHEexampleofW.W. Brewer, justice ol 1 the peace and a prominent citizen of Mt. Jewett, Pa., ig worthy of emulation. He says: "I never leave home without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and I'iarrhtpa Remedy nnd always recommend J% my friend 9 II the >*•* <?
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  • 505 2 Hikcmporii. C>li November, 1897. produce (ltnti:* are correcteil to one p.m.) Oambier, fi.lo. Copra Bali 8.60. do Poulmnak fi 20. 'I', pper, Black 1U.50. do White, (6%) 34.50. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.00 do Brunei 2.35. IV.irl Sago 3.65 Coffee, Bali, picked 89.00. Coffee Palembang, picked 37.60. Oolee, I.iberian, No.
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  • 134 2 nr Peratr. Time. To-Morrow. IVntinnnk Sri I'ontimiak, 7 a.m. T,1,,,. U a.m. O.;li Qtmymtdt, 11 a.m. Hongkong Cktlydra. 1 p.m. Amuy via port* Hock Kia,t. 1 p.m. I IlaiiKkok Medina, 2 p.m. I Klimg via ports H. Hrn Ouan, 8 p.m. .Malacca via poil- ftllftlM. 8 p.m. nVkalis&BaKan
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  • 88 2 Rom Eoaons ity tin- Qermaa m. Bourn, due on Wednesday. From China fly the I". AO. s.s. Thamtt, ilue on Tuesday. i.ert Singapore Due in I.ond S,>pt l'hili P. (t 0. (lit SUtli Ort Sill M. H. Ocl ***** Oct IMb P. A X»v tml Oet IBUI
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  • 236 2 .U:KIVAI.H. Per BandjermatHn bout LabuM: .M r-. I'.uiin'iiiiri-. Hint Qrima*. Iii Vonmrtt from Sarawak :—Bi»bop 11..-,.. Mr. i)i>iiun, iin.l Mi** Deehon. IVru.s. Rom* from Knniiuoii.-iinl PenangM.--,- H. Grand, and Mr. and Mr* GreenIjerg. Par s. Jf olocui from Taluk Ansonvia port*: Sir. and Hre. dimming, Mr nml Mr-
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  • 23 2 On the (Sth in«i., at Osborne House' (iwendoline, beloved only daughter of Fkkokkkk and Kitik Leukkkb. aged f> monthi and 10 days.
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  • 15 2 iiubteriptwn rales and atlvertiting rales may be found on th* fourth page.}
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  • 32 2 MONDAY, 8th NOV., 1887. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. CRICKET. btoddart's team in victoria. Lomlon, S//i Xoiemhr. Stoddart's team is playing a Victorian team at Melbourne. The latter have made UTIJ runs for six wickets.
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  • 15 2 DIPLOMATIC AGENCY. Russia intends shortly to establish a diplomatic agency in Siam.
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  • 25 2 TREATY SIG.NKD. Russia, Japan, and the Cnited States have signed a treaty for the protection of the seal fisheries in Retiring Sea.
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  • 23 2 NEGOTIATIONS AT A STANDSTILL The Peace negotiations between Greece and Turkey at Constantinople have made no progress since the 26th October.
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  • 29 2 Fok India there is being advocated a gold standard with subsidiary silver coins just the scheme that the subcommittee of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce have evolved for Singapore.
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  • 40 2 Mk Henry Ueokue, the Socialist candidate for the Mayoralty of Now York, died of apoplexy before the election. As Mr. George's supporter* probably voted for Mr. Van Wyck, that may have been the cause of Mr. Van Wyck's huge majority.
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  • 60 2 Mk. AMOR ff I Illlliaf is among the passengers booked for Europe by the mail which he joins at I'enang. We publish to-dp^his views about the currency scheme. The publication of the interview is to be regarded for Mr. llutteubach is always ingenious as Mr. Huttenbacli's "P. P. C." card.
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  • 9 2 The next Assize here opens on the 16th instant.
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  • 9 2 Kirn. Menelik of Abyssinia has been made a Q.C.M.Q.
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  • 10 2 Thk Straits BJgtt will be published at noon on Wednesday.
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  • 8 2 Thk I'ahang Corporation advertises for a competent surveyor.
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  • 14 2 To-.MoHKow, being a public holiday, than will be no issue of the Str»ili Times.
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  • 13 2 A Cum clerk and interpreter ig advertised for in Mm I'olice Qfier, I'ahang
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  • 13 2 Mr. Noki. Thottkk wan married on Hth October -as see our advertising columns.
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  • 16 2 Mkssks. Katz Bhos. advertise the arrival of a large stock of tennis, cricket, and cycle gear.
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  • 16 2 Two surveyors and two draughtsmen are advertised for to work on the railway at Batu Qajah.
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  • 20 2 The other day, a hand-cart ran over a Chinaman's toe in Rochore Road. The Chinaman has since died of lockjaw
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  • 23 2 Mh. Frank Lincoln, the entertainer, will arrive here this week en route to Hongkong. He will give one or two entertainments in Singapore.
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  • 21 2 Tiik Commercial Vnion Assurance Company advertise a reward of •1,800 for information leading to the arrest of certain alleged incendiaries here.
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  • 27 2 Fkivatk (1 Wild, a deserter from the llille. Brigade at I'enaug. was arrested at Madras on the 19th October, and handed over to the military authorities there.
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  • 29 2 Thk Wireless TMagnpfa and Signal Company of London, which are interested in Signor Marconi's inventions for telegraphing without wires, have died a specification of the invention here.
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  • 42 2 Tiik Russian Volunteer Kleet steamer Kntlruiini, which passed through Singapore in September on her way to i >ili--a, wa* wrecked on Elha reef, near I'erini, on the l:tth October. The crew and paaaaagan remained on the reef, awaiting assistance from l'erim.
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  • 39 2 An extraordinary general meeting of the I'unjom Mining Company was held at Hongkong on the HBth October, at which it was decided to reconstruct the Company. A new company will be registered, .-tyled the I'unjom Mining Co., Ltd.
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  • 99 2 Thk S. C. C. eiickctinatch.l'rol'esHioiis i In- Rait. concluded on Saturday. Tin profoaaioni mada97 and 86 for H wickets, against i"7 Em I wiekatt com [died by the Rest. In-tho match 8. c. C. 2nd XI BarKill,- Brigade, tin- lattar woo l>y \i\ ruaa, tha scores lining 7« and
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  • 55 2 Thb Police tailor, Kwong Hin, reports that he gave to a Chinaman, named May Ah Hin, on the 4th inst.a qoaamty of jewellery valued at S2H9 to cloan. Yesterday, lie went to nee how the work was progressing, but found that the man's house was closed, and
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  • 68 2 Ybsteruay, a party of live young men wont to Pulo Obin with the intention of shooting pig. They had seven don with them. On beating some bush, a pfa was moved and shot. They then pa I on to another likely spot, and, on beating it, raised
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  • 64 2 At eight o'clock, this awing, boatwithtive Chinamen in it approached Johnston's Pier. A chinting searched the boat, and found opium worth one hundred and fifty dollars in it. One of the men is said to have claimed it. nnd was arrested. Before the magistrate, he denied that it
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  • 121 2 A severe cyclone was experienced at Chittagong on the :mh October. It was the worst known for the past twenty years, and extensive damage was done to crops, houses, and trees. Both the tea and salt industries have apparently been greatly damaged. All the tea bushes at
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  • 203 2 Om Saturday night, this highly popular entertainment was well patronised by the public. An elaborate programme called forth the best talent at the disposal of the management, nnd thr artistes were by no means sparing in their efforts to phase the audience. The efforts were duly appreciated, and
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  • 257 2 THE 111. .11 l OMMIBBIMNER ON TIIK KEDEHATIo.N. The Saiajaatr OawnaaisiU Cfnartfi of the sth hist, publishes the deepafc li sent to the Secretary of State by the High Commissioner, covering the Ivcm-dent-deneral's Report on the Federated Malay States for the year l»90. In this despatch, his
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  • 343 2 the tuamt ummr v no would is now in nnirat Tin Japanese man-of-war Ytukima I'll route from England, where she was built, to Japan, arrived at Singapore to-day. The trials of the Yathima pre vious to her departure for Japan Mam to have been ran satisfactory The armament
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  • 174 2 THK mum t. BOtNMCDRti 7V/«</r«)/i] lloiujhimj, afnarinj Tiik livst math in the series of Intel-Colonial Ciicket inati hes at Hongkong commenced tnday, between Hongkong and the Stiaits Settleincuts. The weather was fine, but dull. The Straits batted Brat on a fast wicket, Glaaaford putting on ten more than
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  • 427 2 BoM months ago, wo announced that the Tanjong Pagai Dock Company bad ddiJi-d to light its wharves, docks, warehouses, and roads by electricity Tba InataUatiOß is now practically cm pletad, and a nnmber of auccessful" triii] inns" ben been carried out, at one of which
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  • 293 2 VIGOUR AND nUUIEM PBOIOtBD, In the session of tba Natherlands Parliament of 2Mh September, ai important statement was made con cerning the policy of tba new Ministi with regard to Acbeen. In thecoursi of the debate on the address ol raplj to the Qoaan'i opening ipeech,
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  • 51 2 Ik Qlbnnib, of the Siug i| ore M >"■ cipal Health \>< partnient, arrival morning l>y the llangts from and Captains .Vleiander m arrived bom I'enaug paasengars booked to Leave on Wednesday are M A. Huttenbach, who embarks ul l'< and Mr. VV.M Robertson foi Lieut. Col and
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  • 53 2 Tin: two i vi „i the R who daaertod fot Klondyke -«<»■■ da) ago, have been brought ara now in the guard rooiu court martial Oue of tlwfi deserted early in the year, m>l emvll'd himaalf in thi European i"l> (ant, K..r this, be »entem v oourt-martial to eighty-foui
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 567 2 NOTICES. H\KMSTON'S<JRA X 1 < IRCUK .\M'll''iAl.Mi:NA<;EKllil'K\Vll.llA.NlMAW. \m/iiiki: ms'.i. Hi mmim Age cannot irither, nor rmttffm stale. Our intinitr; variety nkw AitnsTKs nw isnn Kn;-i AiikiKimiof Wii.l.tK BWIW l.c.U IM. I.* I'KTITF. ASSIR AM. UN. The two Bmalle*! BquectriaDi In ihi- World. Pint appearance of Nellie Harniston-Lovc I h Sn.»ll<-t
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    • 463 2 LATEST ADW.RTISEMENT. WANTKD for Kailway Work, two fully i|iutlified surveyors, and two (Iraughtfunen. Apply, stating experience nd nalary required, to Wm. Hniith. <-. E, Kin Oaiali, I'i-rak. ttyii I SIRVKYOR WA.MKH I.y tIM. Paining Corporation Ltd., a ooaapetenl surveyor. Salary %'Xto per month, an<l furnished house. I Apply to the
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    • 36 2 SHARES_U ANTED. Municipal Debentures Do. Do. 6%. Tnnjong Pagar Bonds. New Prye Kiver Dock Co. I'unjoms. Straits lee Co. Maynard Co. I. .uiis, Contriliutory. roa sale. l'engeiang Planting shares. SO.MEKVIU.E ii GUNN, Exchanste A Bhare Hrok.n--.
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    • 44 2 TROTTIR-WiiiT£— On Ulh October, at St. George's, Hanover-iquam, ll evrv Nokl COKTI.ANDT TkoTTEK, l'oMma«tiT lirnerai of the Straits Settlements, eldest son of Henry Trott«r, late Auditor-General of t lip name Colony, to Eleanor Florence. youngost daughter of the late Thoinaa White, of South Shields.
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  • 2869 3 THE PROPOSED GOLD STANDARD. ;i WITH Ml lIITTKNISACH i, I I lIKS VNH I HF.IH aoLOTKNT. A. M 'f I- I re-, ntative of tinrviewed Mr Huttenibji• t "i the pnpo* .l n \"i the Colony c of Ins departure for llntteobaea eoaaaated t< > ll lilt he |.i.itited i
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  • 47 3 Last. 1- i iday's Qovernmml Qaulte noti!ies that the orders of banishment dated the 7th June. 1 by whkfa Kan Tee and Clihoa I'icii uliu.-i Chheog Hiang were ordered to be banished lor life, were carried into eSeet on the :«.ith i lotober, 1887.
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  • 316 3 Ql NNK.; PHIIXIFB BEATS lIIBEOOBO. ViiiEuPAv, a rifle natch wm tixeil at the li.ili.-stii-r liange between the Civil and Military members of tho .Singapore. lutur-Colonial Killc Lain. Lb\n has generally been the rule when the team in the great match has been cj nally divided. The roaiilt was
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  • 1426 3 ACTION AT UARGAI. THE SAMPAGHA PASS CARRIK). All»haiiu>, iiwi October. In the engagement at Dargai on the 20th, (he tribesmen fought in a most determined MM and their position was not earned until it had three times been assaulted. They were then driven from the hills, which
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  • 745 3 (fr.,,n At 'TmmtfCkfkm^i turn, li-ith October. The French Chamber of Deputies, by M against 76 votf>9. lias rejected the Socialist motion to reduce the dutien on cereals. Cairo, 24th October. The British squadron which arrived at Alexandria last week hn» left that port. Madkii., 24th October. 11
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  • 97 3 FORTUNE TELEGRAM 'S. "INFLUENCE A M.v to man, named Tan Ah Hens, nh. i~ an assistant iii pawnbrokei (hop, at N\>. .".I. New Bridge ttoad, \\su infurnied the I'olice liiat, ontbedOtb of October, 1..' niul a fortune teller on Hong Lain Uraen. Tho fortune teller „v hi ad iv Ii
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  • 1135 3 THE MAIL NKWB, NOTES, AND RKPORTH FOOTBALL Ai.i. the teams in the Pbel Dhriaiofl of tliu Football League were engaged on Hth ult. By an easy victory over Bury, Sheffield United maintained thfir |Kisition at the hmd of the League, and have now icond t liirt n points as against
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  • 48 3 1'm. k üßicera and un [ineers ..i tin al day, for 80 rise ..I pa) I ignin i thi ownem otiured IS The ltlip'B people 1. 111-ed tO igU for the lowei rate, and the higher rate was conceded by the owner-, ll Mi I I
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  • 60 3 Thkre in received the first report of the Central Executive Committee of th«Indian Famine Charitable llelief Kund covering the dated from January to July. From Page 14 of the report, we gather that the first money received from any iiiiarter outside of India was from the Slmil*
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  • 157 3 NOVKMIIKH MONTHLY MKDAI N. I'rentke 4-< M H x H.) A. .Mm kn> M I'l MH 4 85 A. A. Gunn IH 43 M 1 <8 W. 0. Southani 51 53 104 1« C. Bmm M !0| 121 .1. 11. Kli-uin 47 49 96 6 90 A.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 418 3 In ffcasrtlaii— n-<flWif DELIGHTFUL INVIGORATING t Condys Fluid IN Till! II (111 Supplier 0i0.,k a, fuiiUinu.l i in Sea Water. gypy>i)yr".:-''".^ siiiirixf.. INDOCHINA BTBAM NAVIGATIOR OOMPAHY, IIMII BD. FOB HOSGKOMU. rpilK ('..n.piiiv- -learner r II 11. Y l'll .l I 1..V.7 tun-. Captala Oass, havlag I. II CalcntU on the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 242 3 VTSATHU BJEPOBT. (iSHShSBf K.rhmt 11,*),i1,,1, ~th Hrn, MR, Spjn.i9p.rn. HimikkBar. 59.8e0a9.80e 39.88-'! T.-mp. H5 3 KOO 800 -A W.BMbThrr 7M.S 7H.-J 7mo Dir.ofWind X.W. N.K. N.W. o.Ef Max. Temp. W.# J: Mio... 74H g^l Max. in SunlM.7 h T-rr. red. 72 WO g* Rainfall Nil WKATHKH TKLKGBAM (E. E.
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  • 54 4 h Fuo j I V.....VK.,,, 0., T.,» t*,. 0..«0, m ,fe Ai2£.E-|p£3& ianka Out Mr 184 V« l'.lp, n li n g X..v [in, '"h n sSI tea. a. Br 1^: sssst S^e SfiSfflt M, Brit •tr. IS7I Cm f»l?utt» Set 30Bou."il v DH ABB ttr. 101 Mo».
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    • 196 4 Cn<|prthiKhwdinKtherollowingabl>revin lion* are used «tr. nt^ainpr j »h. "hip bq.— barqnej Brit.— British T. B. United State*; Fir. French; Oer.— Oerman Dut. Dutch; Joh.— Jobore; Ac., G. c, General cargo d. p. dock piu>»enßcrs U. Uncertain; T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. r. I).— Tanjong Pagar
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    • 1169 4 AEBIVILB BIHCI IXOOK Ot H.ITIRDAY. Atlral Brit. *tr. 1.472 tons, C«pt Major. 7th Sox. From P. Brandan, Mb Nov. Oil. T. C. For Hongkong *th W Banjltmauin, Brit. str. Ml tons, f'apt Huswll, 6th Nov. From>uan, 3rd Hot. Q.c, mnd M d.p. W. Mansfield Co. Foi
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    • 451 4 name, port, prooaoie itatr of arnml, m, name ol agenti. I A. Apcar, Hongkoag, Nov IT A .lull.-. L'pooJ, Nov !:i W. Mantfleld. Ancona, Hongkong, Nov M; P. t U I Bawoan, liniassin, Nov II Daendi H.-uitaiTi, Bateria, N,,v I i, Daendel I Benvcnuu. London. Nov H p.
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    • 39 4 f JMWPW»m«iS Al;Kr K|l M K oEDBBi D.T,., *,o .W*.W CoslMANl>Kit "Si FK(Mw|(KKK Dj AIL'S »Etn 1.,,,,,],.."; s', 1 5* i huJta SOI)» bq.BUHu 'J 1 SS on R kon »»wVork lKL spin^ y Vr gg-S; a I.
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    • 84 4 Dat,, YESV ES L ',N AMK FLA iA -T ,<. 11WN Dcnit kTio.i S YOn Brit., t r. M,n^ -f H Astral K r •^'■Tl'-i'l "'•"cm o or' r X" i. J J goNtte Uekmm sr i 1 1 8 UMHMnr,, j.",. J r r V Uut A iii..\
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 803 4 NOTICKS. ELLWOOD'S patent AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS A HOUSEHOLD \V(»i:i» in INDIA. Worn is iiic BtaV by Air Awarded The On I 11 1 OoLB kdai.. TnCtmlnn laad thk Cn—iw im lUX Loctoii, IBM ELLWOOD'S P.UNT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS m. 4 th. -"1/2 JAMES WATSON COS SCOTCH WHISKIES All THI Ml \AI.I I
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    • 95 4 ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS. ELECTRIC POWER FOR MIXES. BAGNALL4 HiLLUS Klectrioul Engineer. ■t" A, Rattles Palace ii. c. to, tb. G.OTOMUNE& COMPANY. Have received a oewlyarrived consignment of Japanese (woods. (Hhistmas cards::: chirBtmaB cards!!! CHRISTMAS CARDS!!! BEBT KUBBOIDKRKD BCREKNB BRONZK \V.\i;i> \A>l> AND OKIMONOfi BILKAND COTTON KIMONOS, HM'i: L\D WHITE sunns n
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    • 332 4 NOTICES. 1^ Relieves the sealfJlF^F CURES all discharges Irom the genitoI the /^^ilKy^^ans in either I be<i sl x n us-:; 43 HOURS [unlikethcsi.ii ls a I dai oil of thi- _f^^K>l|_^_r_k specihe I Bazars. itissii-^^^lU^A for peri'.r to <: ''~Bria_H^_^BC. I paiba. Cubeb, I or Injections, land causes I
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    • 123 4 I NOTICES. 1 [riley,hargreaves| SOLE AGENTS FOR Royal Psycho Cycles FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BY STAKt.KY Brotrcrs, Coventry. By Spii'ial Koyal Warrant of Appointment MAKERS To HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. A Large Consignment of High Grade Cycles Roadster*, Light Roadster*, Racer* and Ladiet 1807 Patten, i. HAVE JUST BEEN UNPACKED
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