The Straits Times, 1 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER L 1897. NO. 19,3(59.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 619 1 Hl »0B!««0COM^AHT.LllIITKD T' lK rfc.tfr^^~K. 8oc«y TW "tfSln.r Cmnpany. st.«m NaTig»tn»n <k.m|«ny. r i'omr«! Emm of them Ouwaam, we the BORNKO <X)M- OOMPANIRB. 1) Iff,-, X, COI.LYEK Q;'AV, l V iiAKVio, N«w H*Rnoi-a SAVIGATKH (i)MI'AXY. lll'A!f, I'EKANO, I hi v, Adim, Eoypt, i,! kutar, Malta, VEICI 1. ri.VMOITH, .M.
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    • 2448 1 ii, BUCHANAN WHISKY HSBHWI IC TLJCr DCOT SOLE IMPORTERS I Q |nt DLw I KATZ BROS, SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. LIMITED. Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords and Commons and to all good London Clubs. si/12 INSURANCES. SUN INSL'KAXCE OFFICE, LONDON ESTABLISHED 1710. Insurances effected upon
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    • 389 1 BANKS. THE NATIONAL BANK OK CHINA LIMITED. Authorised Capiti.l 11,(100,000 Subscribed Capital 600,000 Head Officb Hongkong. COURT OF DIEECTORH:f). Olllies, B»<!. Ohan Kit Shag, E«g. H. Slolterfoht, Esq. Chow Tung Shan, Esq. K wan Hoi Chuen, Esq. Chief Managir: Geo. W. F. Playfair. Interest on Fixed Depotit*, For 12 months
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    • 897 1 IT Cl'RKl) HIS BOY OF ROLT. MY boy, A years of age, was recently taken with a Revere attack of croup ••in,] I thought sure that I would lose him. I had tan (Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ■dvartiasd nn<l concluded to try it, and am happy to say that after two
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  • 506 2 Binoapobb, lrr Novimbek, 1807. PRODUCE (ICatet are corrected to one p.m.) Gsmbier f 6.30. Copra Bali o\7o. do l'ontianak, 6.30. Pepper, 81ack,. .buyers. 19.01. do White, (5%) 37.00. Sajro Flour Sarawak, S.OO. do Brunei, 2.26. IWI Bago 5.70. Coflee, Bali, picked „39.00. Coffee Palembang, picked „37.50. Cofloe, Liberian, No.
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  • 131 2 for Per tlr. Tim*. To-Mokkow. Saigon Charon, 11 a.m. Cberibon A ffanai I'nwng, 11 a.m. Pnlcmbang Carolina, Noon. Billitnn A Ftiunak H Whatt hin, 1 p.m. P. Laut via port 9 Xienhuijt, 2 p.m. Madias via ports .SVeunrfro, 2 p.m. Klang via ports H. Hin (Jvan, 3 p.m.
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  • 109 2 I'"kom Ki'Koi'K: By tha P. AO. s.s. flnngu, 'In.' on Nov. -i|, with the mail from Europe of the l«h October. She I, rings replies In the mails which left Singapore on the l">th and LOth Beat. From China:— By the M. M. s.s. due on Tuesday.
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  • 240 2 ARRIVALS. Per s. I Tin dufiis from IVnnng: MajMn Do Grout, hihl Van Kmden. nnd Mrs. Collis. Per 8. s. Centaur from Ijangkuk —Mr. and Mrs. I.oftus. Messrs. Hawks, Ferguson, J. G. UgH, hikl T. ti. Kiggs. IVr 8. 8. Han Hin O*M from Klaus via ports :-Mr.
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  • 18 2 Established: 1831. PRICK 15 CENTS. [Subscriptvm rattt and advertiting ratet nwy hefotmd on the fourth page.]
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  • 53 2 MONDAY, Ist NOVEMBER, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. CRICKET. STODOART'S TEAM V. ADELAIDE. London, \tt Noremlitr In the match between Stoddart's team and an Australian team at Adelaide, the first innings has closed. The Adelaide team made 409 runs, to which Hill contributed 200 runs. The English team made 475 runs, Ranjitsinghji
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 44 2 DEEP-SEA SKAMNO. The conference of representatives from Japan, Russia and the United States, held at Washington to discuss Urn Behring .Sea Seal Question, hag come to a decision. It has agreed upon a suspension or material limitation of all pelagic sealing.
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  • 31 2 FIBTHKK BRITISH SI CCEWKS. Sir William Lockhart's force has captured the Arhunga I'ass with trifling loss. Tho troops Jare now descending into the Afridi section^of the Tirah plateau.
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  • 26 2 The Norwegian (iovernmeut intends to despatch a steamer in search of Andrce, the explorer who sought to reach the North Pole in a balloon.
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  • 13 2 The Anglo-French West Africa Commission has held its first regular sitting.
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  • 12 2 The Egyptian occupation of Kassala has been definitively decided upon.
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  • 365 2 The Sealing Conference at which, owing to the refusal of the British Government to send a delegate, only Japan, Russia and the L'r.ited States are represented, has come to a decision. That decision cannot bind the British Government whose interests are, however, inferentially affected. To understand the matter,
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  • 56 2 '>N Saturday, we announced that Captain A. 8. Vanrenen, of the Lincohnshire Itegimcnt, was to marry, in October, Louisa Frances, aUaat daughter of Mr. K. E. Isenionger, late of the Civil Service, Straits Stttlement.s. To that we have to add that the happy bridegroom is to be appointed a Wing
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  • 10 2 11. M. S. I'lwer left this morning, for the westward.
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  • 9 2 The Straits lluilyet will be published at noun, to-morrow.
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  • 10 2 111. MS. Utu/iun arrived licit onSatu i!b> afternoon, from Hongkong.
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  • 13 2 Two R. A. men of Singapore are supposed to have deserted for Klondyke
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  • 18 2 A 'rikisha puller was thin morning, fined five dollars, in default, seven days, for assaulting a 'rikisha peon.
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  • 16 2 Messrs. Powell Co. advertise an auction of damaged goods, at their saleroom, to-morrow ana following Aafß,
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  • 17 2 It is advertised that Messrs. Behu Meyer Co. have been appointed Agents for the Siak Timber Company.
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  • 22 2 M busks. Crane Brothers advortiso an auction sale of furniture re L.J. Chalet, in bankruptcy, at Robinson Road, on the Mb inst.
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  • 23 2 Thk dead body of a Chinese pauper, was found on Saturday, at I'yah Kcbch, and another on the beach at Tanjong Rhu yesterday.
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  • 20 2 Hakmston's circus advertise a complete change of programme for to-night. There will be, also, a matinee performance on Wednesday next.
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  • 23 2 A petition setting forth the grievan. of the Bangkok cattle traders was presented to the British Consular Authorities there, on the 22nd Oct.
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  • 25 2 In consequence ofthe death of the Duchoss of Teck, Officers, when in uniform, are to wear mourning tintil the 7th November inclusive, according to regulations.
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  • 32 2 The M. M. Company's steamer Sydney left .Saigon at 1 a.m. yesterday, and is due here tomorrow at dayliglit. She will probably be despatched at 2 or 3 p.m. the same day.
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  • 29 2 The Ceylon Chess Club has been successfully inaugurated, and it has decided to indent for chessmen and boards. A handicap tournament for v prize is to be started immediately.
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  • 38 2 Dynamite is reported to have been sent to Teluk Anson, to blow up the wreck of the s.s. l'vh Hin Oman, now under water, about two miles from the port. The work is done by the Perak government.
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  • 32 2 The Band of Mm Rifle Brigade will play in the Gardens on Tuesday, the lltli inst. at p. m and on Wednesday, the 17th inst. at .>. p. in.
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  • 30 2 Two West Indians, were lined two dollars each, or four days, for damaging a 'rikisba. They were also ordered to pay the fare of fifty cents.
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  • 28 2 A Chinaman, named Wee Ah Peng, was run over by a handcart on Saturday, and very seriously injured. The puller of the cart is in custody.
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  • 26 2 Slvkn Malay women and three men, were fined two dollars each for gam bling. Some other people arrested in Hongkong Street, were fined ten dollars.
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  • 42 2 A Javanese mandore in the employ of Mr. Choa Kirn Kcat at Balestier Road, has reported to the Police that during last night, his house was entered and his b>x confining property to the value of Sa&.'J stolen.
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  • 43 2 Ramie cultivation seems likely to be taken up in Ceylon at present there are five acres under the fibre near Kurunegala, and experiments will probably be made in different districts to test the actual cost of producing the ribbons and thojilasm-.
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  • 40 2 Active members of the Singapore Philharmonic Society arc informed that choir practice is suspended for one week, l'ractice will be resumed on Monday, Bth November, (when new music will be taken up), and be continued as usual thereafter.
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  • 52 2 Over $9,u00,000 worth of tin, in block aud ore, has been exported from Perak so far this year, paying a duty 51, 000,000. The total value of tin exported from Sclangor up to the 80th Sept. amounted to S7 ,7V(i,(tos, the weight being 249,541 piculs. The duty paid came
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  • 49 2 Mk. Hakkv Him. man, of the .S'i»m Obtraar, points out to us that we have erroneously stated that Dr. Nightingale has brought an action for libel agaiint the Biam Qttarinr, whereas Dr. Nightingale's action is against the Bnnfliilt Times. The mistake was an error of sub-editing.
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  • 50 2 Tin: following is taken from the Time) weekly edition Bth October. "1.. I. Cordeiro (Singapore Chess Club). We' note with much interest your double victory in the telegraph Batch with Hongkong. We thank you also for the games, and will try to lind room for them presently if suitable
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  • 54 2 On Monday hist, a Sikh. BflNatad at Penang for passing a counterfeit $100 note, said that he had received the note at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Singapore. Inquiries made at Singapore showed that the man's statement was true. The note is said to be cleverly and
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  • 75 2 A Cnm i ashier, was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect to six hundred dollars. He was sent to cash a draft on the Chartered Hank On this way back he said that his pocket was picked of notes for that amount. This morning, he ollVicd
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  • 77 2 It is alleged that CVylun QOMt Moor■mo and Chattiaa, chiefly, are doing bniinwi on an extensive stale in rubbishy teas which th«:y pack. locally and ship to the Straits Settlements They maided Minor lan lathii trade by merchants' peons and ti a-rouin servant*, and the
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  • 53 2 PkMM report has it that, lieu J>,.|. prat, a practical railway engine, T| mttmtU, from Java, who is personally known to tha Resident-! ienrral, Sir Fiank Sivettenham, has been enraged to report on the existing railway system of Perak, and to suggest the best means of extending it
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  • 56 2 I'm causing the death of a prisoner in the BOOM of torture, to extort a confession, two police sep.ns have hen, loatoni 'I i" death by Mr Kincaid, the Beaaioos Judaa at Batata. (India Th« chief roiislable and the In -ad i stable (nntives). lot abetment, have been
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  • 76 2 At eleven o'clock last Bight, I'ulii.. BomtaHf 188, whU i duty in Beach Road, saw I man standing on the beach He walked up to the num. and turned the light of bis lantern upon him. At thai veiv moment the man dropped down in lit.
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  • 75 2 HK< i>.ND ISSIK Bt'RSt'KIIIEIi TWIrL OVKK. Aii'i.K'ATioNS for the second part of the issue of the Singapore four per cent Municipal Loan of 4500,0110 closed on Saturday. The issue, which consists of SUNi.iKMJin 1 ,0(K) mortgages of Sluu each, was subscribed more than twice over Tbesabeeribereatpar will
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  • 82 2 In a Court of BaiiUWtl eaae this morning, a Municipal employee was sued for money lent him before liibecunie a public servant. Mr. .1. D. Stuart who defended, contended that it did not matter that he wasimt a public servant when the money was lent, ilong as be
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  • 106 2 CHINAMAN Kll l l (In Friday night, a Chinaman, while walking from the gambling term to his hut near the waterworks two miles DUI of the town was attacked ami carried olfby a tiger. Tbe man, who cultivated a market garden in a twaaip mar the waterworks,
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  • 108 2 A GLOBE TROTTER ON WHARFAGE. I N an art iele in t lie <»f last month, entitled "My Peep at lVnang, Mr. Percy Cross Standing says When 1 Vai thorn, I'enang was actively agitating Cm a wharf of her own, to be erected (of course) at Government expense. And quite
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  • 135 2 It sometimes happens that sailors are lined in the police courts, and have DO money with them to pay. They n itur ally ask to be taken on board their i-hip This morning, Mr Wulteistan decided that the police should take tun im-n to Tanjong Pagar Wharf. He
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  • 153 2 At four o'clock yesterday afternoon, live Chineae in a tampan boarded ■> tongkang in the harbour, and itoleCTl in eaah, live tins „f „ii. one tin of biscuits, and other good* A nan on board gave an alaitn, and the Holi<-i boat started in pontut of thethieve The
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  • 233 2 Mi. Hi wilt, of Labuan givei in British North Borneo Htrald, the folio* ing particular:, oftht dm island wliicli was recently thrown up by irolcanii action, on the COM) there, tweaa MampakoJ and Lurobidan I' made its appearance on the 2UI ~'T teinhcr: The island, which i«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1049 2 LATEST ADVEBTISEMENTS. JHtOWNV POUBCBOWN BRAND. cU ,r£-i iMf W* wv ROBERT BROWN m <s HOPS ST* HOLM ST. GLASGOW SCOTLAND. SAME AS SUPPLIED TO H.R.H, the PRINCE or WALES. BRINKMANN CO., SOLE AGENTS FOR SIXGAI'URK NOTICE. SlCUOTlN«.ißprohit)iteil on the Perseverance Estate, Oaylang. 1/1 1 NUTICK. rpHK Japaucw Commercial Museum is
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    • 35 2 BHABEB WAFTED. Municipal Debentures 5%. Do. Do. 6%. Tanjoag Pagar Bonds. New I'rye River Dock Co. Punjoms. Straits Ice Co. Ifaynaid Co. Baaba, Contributory. FUR SALE. I'eugeraiig Planting Shares. HOMKRVII,LE ti GUKN. Exchange i.Snn:
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    • 108 2 Ox tbe Slat October, at Rogi«, v'luny Road, the wife of Frank Ritchie, of too. M S. S. intamUd for Urn Strait* Timi •boald U written on on* aid* of Urn p*p«r only. Br th« n«f lect of that oondition, many M S. S. mn nj«et*d that miffb' otherwiM bo
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  • 1949 3 ;n HONGKONG mum ailicl«B on i m mercial Invasion" by a Special Cot ..,/„.<■ llfnild of |o«li with German II ngkong the Straits ii Tin- writer litioa <if II j inii-l Ih; .f Statistic*. thai is iui'l i rsd« i .t 11 in, tad in n itive value
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  • 104 3 Tin Director-General of BUtUtiei estimate* that the area under nee cultivation in [ndia is. aubatantially in excea* of thai of 1896; and that the proapect* U v excellent in Madras and Bengal The siate of the Kuropean market! 1,,s I n causing the rice merchant* at Bangkok serioua
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  • 104 3 r. c. < v. s. k. a TmkS C. C., played the B. R.C on Saturday afternoon. The scores were: 5.1.l CO Hl.witi c liuxton b.Jan*i 0 a W sharp c. do. b. do 4 E.llaiw«Ul.b.w.b.Valberg Hardcaatle »t. Em i>. Finek ..11 V. D. Par*on*c smith b. Flock Out
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  • 1182 3 For once we have got through the week following Race Week without any matches being run. Possibly the wet weather is in a way responsible for this, as more than ono match was suggested, and but for the rain, would probably have some ofi'. Looking back on the
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    • 50 3 The noxt flagship for the Australian squadron istobethelst class cruiser Royal Arthur (Same class as the Oraflon). instead of the 2nd class Minerva and the iSV. George, 1st class cruiser, Flagship of the Cape Squadron will be relieved by the Dorit, a new 2nd class cruiser of 5,600 tons.
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    • 743 3 By aid of tligir own victory and the ill-success which attended some of the i lub near the top of the League, Aston Villa wore on Saturday, October Ist, able once more to run into first place in the table of results. But at one period of their match
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  • 231 3 Tub following is the officers' list of H. M S. (Irajton, which arrived here on Sitt unlay-- to remain tor some time. She is of 7,:s- r >o tons and 10,000 ton*. The Grafluii came down from Hongkong in .'i (fays and 2.'l hours, ol which 7 hours wore
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  • 194 3 ACTION AT DABOAI. In the action at Dargai on the 1 -t!i October, when Sir W. Luckhart's force carried the Chagri Kotal pass, the enemy mustered 12,000 strong. They were found posted in great strength along the crest of the western heights. General Yeatman Biggs began the
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  • 80 3 FIRST SHIPMENT AT COLOMBO. Slmatras petroleum is being introduced to the Ceylon market, and the first shipment, consisting of 10,080 cases, arrived at Colombo by the steamer Decima, the other day. The importers sny that their firm at Calcutta alone import 10,000 cases monthly, and the demand for
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  • 157 3 The monthly medal was neaped for on Saturday scores: Dr. Ellis having already won a medal during the current year, it falls to Mr. Vade without having to play off the tic. The following gentlemen may play for the Annual Gold Medal, two rounds of the links,
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  • 705 3 CORHESPONDKNi E THEREANEST. Oorhesposdexck between the Penang Committee and the Acting Kesideut(.'ouucillor of Penang on the subject of the withdrawal of the garrison detachment from there lias been published. The Committee had been appointed at v public meeting held there, to protest against the withdrawal. The
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  • 151 3 This morning, Mr. O'Sullivan, as Commissioner of the Court of Requests gave judgment in favour of a tindal employed in navigating one of the lighterage tongkangs belonging to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Coy. This man is employed at twelve dollars a month, and is expected to make
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  • 391 3 tiOOD WORE BY SISOAI-OKK. Ox Saturday afternoon, at the Balestier Range tho Singapore. Team fired on the annual motc'i wth Hongkong and Shanghai, ardsi cceeued in compiling the remarkably good of JMI, an average of 03.4, out of a possible 1000. This is, curiously enough,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 992 3 I FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS: TO LET AND PERSONALS. [Ist time, 16 cent* a line; 2nd and 3rd times, 10 cent* a line 4th to Bth time*, ft cents a line; 7th to 18th timet, 3 cent* a line; afterward*, 2 eentit a line; but no charge leas than onedollnr. Thus,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 323 3 iTSATHU IBFOBT A.i .-c- Kerbau Hoipital, 3U/ fJM, IS*7. »a.m.3p.m.Hp.m. Kkmakks. liar. -MMl 21t.8W) l>H.!i.'>!) Temp. 7t5 9 86.6 80.U r'- r W. IflbThei 73 4 77.0 74 I J-fi I'ir.ofWind X.E. W. I'nlni |Z-J Max. Temp. H«.l <*■-'■ Mm... 750 Max. in Sun 143.0 Terr. rad. 72 7 Rainfall
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  • 274 4 I Flag VUBIL'B NAMI 4 I'.s- CAFTAIM FROM Saii.ii. C..»,|.,s k i, Rio Oat 30 (irafton H.M eru* 73.V) Junes Hongkong 0,.t MS. Naval Officer 30 Bonledi Brit str. 1-IMO Kuri(uliar London Oet MP. Simons and Co .to Ci'iitaur str. \J-J3 Bannatyno Bangkok Oet 27 W .'Mansfield 4Co :IO
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    • 180 4 Under tliU hevllngthe (ollowi ng abbroviationn are u»e<l «tr— «t««irn<>r »h.— «liip bq.— b»roue; Brit.— Britith I). S. United SUtea; Fr. French; Ger.— Herman OutDutch; Joh.— Johore; Ac, Q. c, B— tal cargo d.p. -divk pa»oengpr« U.— Un.wrUin T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf, T. P. D.— Taniong
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    • 1438 4 ABRiviu Siieri Noon of Sati uihv Ban Bin (lunn, Brit. itr. 199 ton«. C»pt i D'Cruze, Slat Oct. From Klang. 2Uth Oct. G.c, 9S d.p. Wee Bin ami Co. For Klang. Hanka, but. ttr. 124 tons, Capt Voi. 1-t Nov. From Palembang, 3l«t Oct. U.c, nu«l 81 d.p.
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    • 495 4 Same, port, probable dale of arrivni, atid name of agentt. Achilleß, L'pool. N'ov 10; W. Mansfield. Ancona. Hongkong, Doc *2; P. 4 0. Bawean, rVinas«in. Nov If; Dm Bantam, BaUrta, Ko* 16; Daendel Benvemie. I/eodon, Nov L.l P. Billion*, itavern, Burope, No* II Helm M. r. Bellona, Hamburg,
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    • 100 4 l)Art. Vehsklh Namk .Flai^Aßki Od Cnlvpso j Brit. sir. Nov 1 Am Herat slr i BNfWti i UMMg Keck k'iun itr. I I'ukan alr 1 Onnfa ltr 1 A Api-ar »tr' I IV.h Ann »tr. 1 W.ui.-ik.i Kt r 1 Juno Xi,. 1 Sri Kami jar l)ut ltr. 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 32 4 rr.nm.K SPECTACLES a nn.DERa y. I I 1 B m 'fi B Esl i a eg 5j g h ag 4 Is i v, «r 1 I I 5 tsl.u,.- UOMZAU sLPPUKD
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    • 707 4 SOTICEB. Relieves the seal- 1 «siEiM dinK pain at i '^yiXw CURES I yQMM^Kp a ;i discharges I the aenito-l I obtained .^ggcggßß^. I urinary r- I in either I I be*l WflH9H >lX I n JuJ \MM 48 HOURS I I I Unlike the sun- I Idal i^^l^^^WA
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    • 264 4 NOTICES. 1 RILEY,HARGREAVES SOLE AGENTS FOR Royal Psycho Cycles FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BY Stari.ey Bkothekh, Covknthy. yB Special Royal Warrantof Appointment MAKERS TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. A Large Consignment of High Grade Cycles Bo»d«t«ra, Light Roailiters, Racers and Ladies 1897 Patterns, HAVE JUST KEEN UNPACKED which rot Strength
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    • 28 4 NOTICES. CRAPE SHIRTS YlfhiteYamatoya Crape Shirts (<• WJO. TT Coloured Kioya Crape ShirU with Tie at Si .76. A large stock in hand. Y. SHIBUYA, U£. 40, High Street.
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    • 26 4 NOTICES. IVr dnz qti. SI I'KKlOR ('laret $2.«Owithont .lutv Margnux Superior Chateau Pey BerUad ?7 Baperlof Whiii' Dm 18/ IV i-|>l v at 9.1, RoMnnon Road.
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