The Straits Times, 28 May 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The S traits Time s. ESTABLISHED, 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1897. NO. 19,238.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 959 1 rrw* BOBHEO COMPANY. LIMITED I I Y. -t«a<Urd Lif« Asraruo*. *onrk* Union Fin hmia Soouty. Alia* A*aw*nm Compaay (Fii»). Th. S,«iUNr Uf. iratm 8oo»i*y. The OMU Maria* t— laaui Coaspuy. TV Cfcia* Mataal SUaua Nangatioa Conpuy. ■nham U««r Bw Company TV MaritiiM fa«-a»m Company, Limitad. I r pvtioaUn of th«M
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    • 668 1 INSURANCPS. rpil E M AUIX 1 1 BBOKa HCB COY., LTD Cawtal Si-bm kibed, £1,000,000. CAriTALiMiDrr, £180,000. Keskrvf., £800,000 The undersigned, having been appointed Agent at Singapore tor the above Company, is prepared to auecpt risks by First Clasx Steamem and wiling Vessels. FRANK kITCHIE, Agent. THE PHtENIX ABSUBANCE COMPANY
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    • 275 1 INSURANCES. CANTOS INBURANOB OFFICE. UHITED. CapiUl Suhwribed »2,600,fXVi. Amount paid tip smi.wo. B«Mrre fund t.iOo,ooa Hbad Omo, H.m oiono. Th* ondenignad, haring been appointed A'^ntu of tb* above Company, an prepared to acoept Marin* Rink* at current rataa. I Bonn* I* annual] v paid to all contributor, of bonnes* whether
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    • 494 1 HANKS. THE NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA. LIMITED. Authorised Capital £1,000,000 Subscribed Capital 600,000 Head Office Hongkong. COURT OF DIRECTORS:— D. Gillies, K-i- Chan Kit Shag, Esq. 11. Stolterfoht, Eso. Chow Tung Shan, Em]. Kwan Hoi Chueu, Eaq. Chief Manager: Oeo. \V. F. Playfair. Interest on Fixed Deposits, For 12 month*
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    • 807 1 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; ANDJERBONALS Ixt timb, IB cents a line; 2nd and .Irl time*, 10 cent* a line 4th to 6th time* f> cent* a line; 7th to 18th time* Scent* a line; afterward*, 2 cent* a line; but no charge lea* than one dollar. Tbq* a tkrm
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  • 481 2 UlOt MAKKhH ULOTATIONB. < Sinoapork, 28th May, 1897. IMtODUCE. Sambier, f 5.8.".. 3opra Bali, 6.66. do Pontianak, 6.Kfi. I'epper, Black, 15 S7f do White, (5%) 21.76. <ngo Flour Sarawak 2.75. do Brunei, 2.12 J. Pearl Sago S.'2'i. noffee, Bali, picked ,38.00. Coffee PBlembang. picked „40.00. Coffee, Liberian, Xo. 1
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  • 108 2 For Per ttr. Timt, To-Mokkow. Bangkok MnaMeft II a.m. Bangkok Hydra, 2 p.m. Brunei Bundjerinatsin, 2 p.iu. Labuan via portr Hecate, p.m. IS'gkalis A Bagan, Ho Tuny, A p.m. Malacca A Klang Sappho, 4 p.m. Deli Sumatra, 4 p.m. P'kalan Brandan Fleto I p.m. P'kalan Brandan BsreaaeM 4
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  • 112 2 From Ei'rope By the M. M. s.b. (keaHim. with dates to the 7th May, due on Ist June. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 7th Apl. From Cjiisa By the German mail s.«. P. Heiurich, due on Saturday. eft Singapore Due in
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  • 48 2 Municipal Debentures 6%. Do. Do. 6%. Tanjong Pagar Bonds. New Prye River Dock Co. Punioms. Straits Ice Co. Maynard A Co. Raubs, Contributory. FOR SALE. Singapore Ins. Co. (In Liquidation). Straits Fire Ins. Co. Do. Jelebus. Pahang Corporation Shares. SOMERVILLE A GUXX, Exchange A Share Brokers
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  • 209 2 PASSEN GER LIST. ARRIVALS. s. PtHtnkula from Calcutta and Penaug: Messrs. Chas. Hutcheson, A. Mac Donald, Rev. G. Kern, Messrs. C. Junghuhu. C. H. Cham. Rev. Bro. Gabriel, Mrs, Honiton, Mrs. Finlaysou, Messrs. Staineg, David, and C. O. Laing. Pel- s. Hrcuba from l.abuan Capt. Ferguson, Mr. Bwaa, and
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  • 19 2 Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. [Suhtcription rate* and advertising ruXti may be found on the fourth page.}
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  • 58 2 FRIDAY, 28TH MAY, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE PEACE. TIRKIBH CONDITIONS. liondtm, 2*lh May. It is stated that the Turkish Govorn- ment has decided to prolong the armistice indefinitely. But it refuses even to discuss the pro- posed relinquishment of Thessaly to the Greeks. The other points in dispute the Turkish
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 7 2 The Cretan insurgents are again active.
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  • 9 2 Vmiu-iitn has been scratched for the Derby.
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  • 16 2 The first battalion of the Grenadier I iuards goes to Gibraltar in the autumn.
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  • 19 2 THE MISSION TO MENELEK. The British mission to Abyssinia hns met with a splendid reception from King Menelek.
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  • 13 2 Dr. Leyds has been re-elected Stato j Secretary of the Transvaal.
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  • 341 2 Mknei.ek, the King or Negus of Abyssinia, is now fast rising into importance. He finds the leading European Powers anxious to establish political relations with him. He bad thrown off vassalage to Italy, and had compelled her to recognise his independence. The moment Menelek grew powerful, France
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  • 50 2 We have, to-day, sent to the Indian Famine Relief Fund, at Calcutta, tin: sum of $461.73, 8aatiag a total remittance of 540.-15 1. 73, or Rs. 67,575.57. We have explained that the Strait* Times Fund is now closed, the publicattention being diverted to plans for celebrating the Queen's long reign.
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  • 48 2 Thh afternoon at Messrs. Crane Brothers' sale room the dwelling house, No. 15, Stamford Road, better known as the Johore House was sold by public auction. The prico realised, alter brisk bidding, was $9,100, the buyer being Sheid Shaik Alkali. Other properties in the vicinity were also sold.
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  • 7 2 Mils. Gkiuor Tavloh's jewellery has been stolen.
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  • 17 2 Messrs. Powell ano Co. advertise an auction of gin at their sale room on the 31st inst.
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  • 16 2 Tin; (iovernmont of Mauritius arc going to give their employees a week's holiday at the Jubilee
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  • 19 2 Win. Powell Co. advertise an auction sale of furniture at "The ot tago," Lloyd Howl, on the Oth June
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  • 22 2 Th« mail which left Singapore by the N. D. L. Bayern, on the 3rd inst., was delivered in London on the 27th
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  • 25 2 The two prizes given by H M. 8/•ii7«« will be presented to the winners, to-day, at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club at 6 p. m.
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  • 17 2 Mb. H. Trkoartiikn has bajM appointed Secretary ot the Widows and Orphans' Pension Fund, Federated Malay States.
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  • 25 2 Okdbks have been issued in the Bombay district that the plague stall' should be reduced by one-half, owina to the steady subsidence of the epidemic.
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  • 18 2 The Netherlands Consul-General invites tenders for specified supplies and necessaries to tho Government in the Residency of Rhio.
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  • 23 2 Onb hundred and sevonty-nine deaths were registered in Singapore daring the week ending on I.- Saturday, with a ratio of 45.08 per thousand.
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  • 22 2 Mk Dirbv. who has returned from the Hi. !'il'.iriL' (r,.M Mines, will now go to Ranb to take a timil glance round,
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  • 43 2 The Ferak I'ioneer o( the 22nd instant mentions that an elephant belonging to a Datu at Tanjong Kambutan escaped, the other day, and killed four Chinamen before it could be recaptured. On recovery, it was chained in its master's compound
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  • 64 2 A tiokess was destroyed, the other day, at Matang, in Perak, by poison, on her killing four men. She proved to be small with abnormally big feet and claws. This tigress measured eight feet one inch, and was, a regards coat, body and teeth, in splendid condition, contrary
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  • 53 2 The production of coffee in Liberia is increasing enormously. The coffee exported during the fiscal year, IX'JO, amounted to (JOO,O<X> IV, while the exports for the year ended June 30th, 1896, amounted to 3,000,000 lb. Farmers, merchants, and people generally have turned their attention to coffee-growing. Coffee is
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  • 73 2 At Harmston's Circus, last night, the performers went through the various events on the programme with ease and dexterity. Hearty applause greeted the riding and acrobatic tricks of the equestrian monkey, and the return aerial acts of the Sisters Warren. The modern Samson, G. Warren, rccji.iplishedfeatsof strength in
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  • 86 2 In Province Alcock, along the west coast of British North Borneo, the season for coffee was a good one last year. The increase of areas under cultivation on European estates has not been marked, but a new estate at Mempakad has been opened under Mr. S. Murray, late
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  • 86 2 STKIKK HY CmOK At Labaan, the coal coolies struck work from the 21st to the Mth April. at the prompting of Chinese there who felt dissatisfaction at the salt duty being re-imposed there. The Chinese shopkeepers also closed, and t'i;e market farmer followed suit. The pottM "oon had the
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  • 91 2 The members of the Kille ftrtprtn give a variety entertainment on Satur day evening in the Drill Hall (kindly lent for the occasion by the Officers of the S. V. A.) in aid of the new Church House, Tanglin. The programme is a very promising one, and the members
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  • 109 2 A Qt'ARANTi.NK Ordinance has been lately passed at Port Louis, the most Important clause of which deals with plague. In regard to an outbreak on a vessel bound for Port Louis it is masted that such vessel maybe refused ac I n i i.-si, to prwrtf— altogether
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  • 180 2 (Fnim a Cui-rrfpiniileal.) The condition of tho magistrates court is very bad. Perhaps there is no either imilditiK so much Mad l.y Urn public yt-t, is it safe to say, it makes, the least pretension to allbrd decani accommodation. A glance at the Interior will satisfy oven
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  • 169 2 Many friend*, both in and Potiee fotn of the StraiN, to lenrn that loapector Quin (Uedsn? denly in the §M| Canal on the inst while on his way ham earned holiday. No partieul., to hand, Init it is pfofaaUs tint \i Quin died from apoplexy or
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  • 159 2 ROBBERY AT MR. GRIGOR TAYLOR'S. A MAX i O.NCEALKII IN THE Koc.M A Will oeenrred in tin- early heun of this nioniinp at tlie residence of M r (irinor Taylor. It seems that Mr ud Hie. (iri;;or Taylor attended the dun,,. that was given last nijilit at ti Club and,
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  • 145 2 Thk l'cmk State Railway Depart ment in IS9B including survi (traction and the mßlltenancv and working of open lines, amounted to S»s,o»u. The total revenui by the department for the c paaaenaera, goods, etc., amounted to HOMN, of which 1484,770 \v:is from the Kinta Valley line, an.l
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  • 153 2 MB. VERMONT AND THK OOVBBS Ouk readers, says the PiesM (inzttte, on tuning to tiie of the proceedings of the Legisiatin Council meeting held on the 20th in will probably note, with some astonishment, the passage of arms between the Governor and the Hon. J. M Yarn it
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  • 177 2 TO THK Klilrolt OK THE STRAITS TIMES." Sin. The magiUon to your leading article of Saturday, to tract a Queen's Statue and Fountain on the il ■round as that allotted for the new Ton n Hall, is an excellent one. But, perhaps, it might be better still
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  • 311 2 Tbi report of the Committee I yc;ir elided :i!-t March, which i- t,. presented U> tbe annual general niceting on Monday is as follow- Vein- Committee have i.i,,,--reportiof tliiii the- Membership Society i- siiyhtlv larger than it |f.«:. notwithstanding the fact thai to the frequent departure* from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 876 2 NOTICES. PAUSES THEATRE North Bridge Road. Will play to-night: Their Famous Drama, entitle -d LAL QOHER. l:t/« gBTGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. rHK Annual Cencal meeting of the Society, will be held in the Town Hull, on next, the Mcl instant, at ■■!•"> p. m. A full attendance of members is
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    • 784 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HARMSTON'S GrBAND CEBOUB. *>**« „,;,Jln.';n::::,r,"^z Til MiiHT <'owniii([elininxofourefforts TO M(.H 1 (o |)|cagp R( tua ly a kjll( er ■rnvii'HT fK nrl <'n for ohilclron. and n IUI normal school for the whole IO ■IQIJT ""''on. Whore others sell >•>» ouiicos, we give tons." EI88D) BY TIIK OOCIDERT
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    • 19 2 On tho L'tith inst., at Osbornc House, Upper Wilkie Koad, the wife of Mr. hlWn l.hi'KKi.i:. of twin daughters.
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  • 2119 3 TIIK HPKIMi MKKTIXG 1 \l, Till -KdliAY, MAT 27T11 r;li weatbec favoured the «flem'..ns rndag veslirday; and, no having f alien «iti. I- Saturday, tinn i-X' elletit condition Both I- ainl Kroiin.l, then- filliiu olf in tin ,itt, mlani-e, which ,iite Up to tin _avcrai.'e, if not
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  • 497 3  -  XA.NTHOS IJV Thk racing yesterday was ev-.-11. Nt, ■ad we were treated to some splendid finish, s. worth going tbng way to see Pour of the Tuesday's winnen Mored ■gain, although, in the Tan ;lin Cup and Head Btakee, they only .jut got home. Coniretmnpi won i
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  • 1878 3 Mks. KnUMUI was neatly dressed in a white drill Eton jacket, the skirt being 'of the same material with a mauve silk vest, and a touuo to match in white straw trimmed with violets. Mrs. Leach camo in a pale g.een figured silk blouse and a
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  • 448 3 THIRD DAY, SATURDAY, 2»th MAY First Rack. OPEN GRIFFIN HANDICAP.-Value S300 and a Sweepstake of 85 to go to the second horse. A Handicap for all Griffins that have started at this meeting. Entrance 110.- Distance, R. C. Mexsrs. N. P. and J. I*. Joanuini'M Tommy Bet Mb.
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  • 54 3 Simjupore, 27th Mny. 1807. J. I Irderly Officer for the eneOSßf week 2nd Lieut, F. G. Benjatielil. t Mr. c. K. Brodrwell bavlag been duly Bleated i- posted as a gunner to E. SubdMaioa. 3. Parades:— fiymna-ium class will be held on Monday and Thursday
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 39 3 Tki tjtraitt Budget, to to pubtuhad ,t T;., 1,,, ,,,,1 noon, udl coaUuu ttiffnll mill leiii'enJ atmmi qftki race BMtMnf umd L/'drew ni raaaj." Condi mm bt fm u-tinlnl, pwt free, direct Jro,,i tie- lljinr ft cent) f>tr i»p«
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    • 130 3 i Condy's Fluid I Vsei In all Hospitals. V lUOTB < g CARIIE.LOfiOII.IriJECfIOM Condy's Fluid? With iliaf B<x> k ol UiKctlono. tt .ioskimi BAKEH. CONI* "THIN KK AND V'IKVNA lll:KMi IIAKKH HROfl to inform the l.alie- Mill C-ntl.- of Biutpipore that be hat opened I Confection, rj aud Vienna Baken
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    • 1082 3 NOTICES. r PriE interest of Mrs. Marie Hiltermann j J. in our firms here and in I,ondon, i-'-d on fie Ist of January last, on which i date, Mr. Felix l'aul Hflt.-i ukimii was I admitted a partner. I uc. HMNKMAXN */oft SIXGAPOUE GAS I.IMITKI) WE aro now DTJfatwd lo
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    • 696 3 H HI SALE; KM 1»IX )YM KM S; TO LKT; AM) PERSONALS. Ihttime, 15 cent* line; 2nd an. l Inl times, 10 rents a line; 4th to ttth time*. 6 conts a line; 7th to 18th timed, 3 cent* a line; afterward*. 2 conts a line hut no ehaiyalMi than
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 243 3 WEATHER REPORT. ICandung Kerbau Honpital, -J7th Muy, 1957. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Kemakks. Bar. S9.c J l2H.BJ!)itl.BO5 Temp. 80.0 85.0 83.0 \V. BlbTher 79.5" 80.0 7^4 >. Dir.ofWiml Ul. S.E. B, 2 I Mnx.Temp. 59.1 Mm... 70.3 #J| Max. in Sun 154 0 -5 "5 Terr. rad. 68.9
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    • 158 4 Uuder tliitf Leadingthe following abbreviations are used: str. stoamer; sh. ship bq.— barque: Brit.— British U.S. United States Fr. French Qer. German Dut.— Dutch; Job.— Jobore; Ac, O. c, Umnral .\ariro d.p.— deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D.— Tanjong Pagar Dock
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    • 1183 4 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Apenraile, Qor. str. 611 tone, Capt Iplaml, 27th May. From Labuan, .4th May. G.c, 28 d.p. Low Sum. U- Rds. Batarier, Brit. str. «16 tons, Capt Robertton, 28th May. From Penang, 26th May. G.e. 422 dp. Wee Bin and Co. For Penang. 30th—
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    • 428 4 Same, port, probable date of arrival, <m 4 name of agent: Achilles, L'pool, June 5; W. Kansfleld Antenor, China, .Tune 2; Mansfield. A. Aprar, Calcutta, June"; Skies* Ifosea HMH, Sourabaya, June 3; Doen<l<'K Bellona, Hongkong. July 7; .11; Benlawers. London, June 8: P. Simons. Bantam, Sourabava, May
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    • 224 4 g Klau 5 Vessel's Name. Tows Captain From Sailed ConsioNKiiN Q Rio. My 27 Sri Hong Ann Brit. str. 108 Rawlingson T. Anson M»v 24 Wee Bin ACo Vr aka ",v o COlt Hl'almt May 2<iWee Bin and Co 27 Hong Wan str. lHlßuxton Paknn M. lv 9wm Bin
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    • 113 4 Datb. Vkmski/s Namk Flau&Kiu| Captaim DESTINATION I lay 27 Nonl Nor. Btr. Hull 27 Frogner str. (iulli.lis.-n 27 Titan Dut str. (iardnur 27 Sri Tanjong Pinang str. Naeodkti 28 Sri Hong Ann Brit «tr. BawltoflMH M Kian Yang -ir Ku li 28 Dean gtr. Ha. mil, .n 2H
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 257 4 NOTICEB. FRENCH BAKERY. HAB always in stock a complete assortment of fancy cakes also, a special delirious Plum cake, which is sol. l liy the pound in order to facilitate the ■mailer demand. Brown Bread from a tn-li invoice of test German brown flour. The FRNNCH BAKKHY hat ipaelal facilities
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    • 308 4 NOTICES. James Vats on cos SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BrST VALWfN TIIB-MARKBT: V. V. < SI 1.00 PKR CASE, NB PAID. V. V. SPECIAL RESERVE. «3.00 pbr caje, duty mid DOMINIE. 10 YEARS OLD. •le.oo per cam, duty paid. OBTAINABLE FROM. RETAIL DEALERS, OR McALISTER Co,, hole agents Beautiful eyes
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    • 427 4 r 1 —ISM a^a^aillll— »l SweeJ Scents from flowers, RIGAUD'S WHITS VIOLITt. RIGAUD'S whiti Rots. RIGAUD'S white ja«»in. RIGAUD'S WHITE LILAC. RIGAUD'S whiti imt. RIG AUD t C; umiu Paris V J By 8p»clal Warrant Purveyors to th« ou»in and Empress of India. CELEBRATJCD PICKLES, SAUCES, JAMS, JELLIES, TART FRUITS,
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    • 226 4 JOHN LITTLE CO. LIMITED. Dressmakers ft Milliners. NEW TRIMMED HATS A TOQUES UNTRIMMED STRAW HATH NEW FLOWERS NEW RIBBONS NEW LACES. DRESS MATERIALS IN LATEST STYLES Cashmeres, Grenadines, Gauzes, Silk Canvas, Wool Canvas, Silks, Fancy Glace Silks, Peau de Soio, Surahs, Satin Merveilleux, Broche Silks and Satins. Dress Tweeds Face
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    • 45 4 NOTICES. DR. A. P. BOWES. DINTICT. HAB removed his office to No. 19, Battery Road. Above McAlister A Co.'s. cWE have this day opened a brnnili of our firm in Singapore. Offices 4, Robinson Road. BANDILANDS, BUTTERY A Co. Singapore, 6th May, 1897. r, B
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    • 37 4 NOTICES. w. daiaanT" JOCKKY BEOS to notify that from 1«| ri 1897, than will be a red,,, tio a in the price of CRUSHED KOOD CBUBHBD BARLKY, DfDIANOATs' INDIAN BRAN, and PADDY Kcx'k's Road, Off Orchard Road
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