The Straits Times, 10 May 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 dl •iff fftMf tt ESTABLISHED, m\. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY X), 1897. NO. 19^23.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 983 1 'I'HE UOKNEO COMI'ANT.LIMITE I lI X Stan.lard Life Assurance 1 Norwich Union Fire Insurance Socintv Atl»» Auuranos Company (Fire) I 1 K,|uit«ble Life Assurance Society Mar.neln.uraneoC.imi^nT The China Mutual SU«m Narration Covpaai The TnW lai 1 1 Uj»r Bear Ossafiay Tlie MssMaaa In.mrance Company, Limitffld. K..r pirtirulars of thnan C.iinliani.w
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    • 804 1 i^BUCHANAN WHISKY ?^gijig^^P^Pipglß| IQ\ "»jw |j ana gaaa^ ga— SOLK IMPORTED lUL Dug I katz bros. SOLD BY ALL LICENBKD SI'IKIT DsUUsW ixii-r-pi, Same A- SfPHLIKD TO THE HOU«KB Of l.nmi." AND COMMONS AND Xl ALL <HK>D LoSDON CLUBS. \J 'SPECIAL CREAM' ■■■■m,u,.»a« l£sM MU inroitiiKs m»k mi-: si k
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    • 345 1 OCEAN STKAM SUM- COM PAN V Kast INDIAN OCEAN BTBAM ■HIT COMPANY. Ltd. AM) nkukki.anum hk BfOOMTAABT MAATSCHAI'II.I IM KAAN. The Company s IaMsMM are ilespatcheil (raai Lrvarpool oatwarda for tlu- Strait-. mid Japan, and from Japan limneward* for London ev.-ry ten .lays, aad ha a.'.ommodation for third skies
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    • 637 1 WOTICKB. MBfflMD CONDENSED MILK Tho "Milkmaid' Brand is guarantoi c] contain all the cream of the orlginnl milk I. itOKDENSED MUJ the P roc ess of lianiifncture nothing but wati i *fc %c^i is removed, nothing but thn hf-Ht refined Hk -HoH sugar added. j&jß Avoid low-p-iccd brands Irom which
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    • 427 1 INSIKANCI-X CIaBTUB INHITKANCB OKFICK LIMITED. Capiui Suhacrihed »».fion.ryyi. Amount paid up 6nn,o'O. B««erT« fund 1 Juonuo Hsad Orrics. HoNOßniaa. Tha undersifrn. d. harinif b*4*n apiv.i*<t.-4 A nt» .if th* n'.ifp I '..nij.uny, ar« lirri»i. I to accept Marine K.-ks at eurreni rat- A H nu, is annually i-aidf.i all c>Btrinuton..rtn»ine«
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    • 567 1 HANKS. THK NATIONAL HANK OK CHINA I.IMITKD Authorised Capital ti.iwu.iui Hoheer il Capital ioo.kih HkadHkhi >::- lloiiKkniiK. col'KT OF DIBECTOBH I>. tiillies. E».). Chan Kit Sli.iu. Ban. 11. ftoMarfbaf, Ks.,. i how Tung shnn. K-i K' tfal Clnieii Ks.| Ciiikk Mawi.kk- <.co. \V. F. PlayjUr. li.t.i.ston Fixed Oepositi-. For 12
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    • 783 1 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENT TO LET ANDPERBONALB. 'Ist timk, IS cents a line; 2nd and 3rd I times, lucent* a line; 4th to 6th timea 6 renta a line; 7th to 18th time* 8 centa a line; afterward*, 2 cent* a linn; l>ut no .-harge leat than one dollar. Thua a
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  • 462 2 LATEST HAKIM QUOTATIONS .ic*, Nn Kay.MBT PRODtTUE. Jambicr f .Y!i">. kB U ft.70. 'iannk ■•)■> f > r lilwk do White, i 8870. te i knvSanwrak 170. do Hrunei iV:,. I (HO J<l. off.'o. Kali, piehad 40.00. "offec- PalemLanit. picked 4C.00. 'offee. I.iberian. No. 1 MO email
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  • 49 2 3IIAREB M ANTED. M i ipnl Del luret B Do. 1).. I B Sen 1'iy- Rivei U Punjoauk Htraita Co. Maynsrd .v L'o. itor)-. FOB SALE. Singapore Ina < I i u r ire In-. Co. I Do Jelebua. l'nhi\ng( >■-'.; i-.;:\ n.i.h t OUXX, Exi-hnnin A f har.- Rrok<
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  • 111 2 rat r-r»tr. IM* Te-MowMMr. Bangkok > Omm, Bangkok ion, i .v Auioy (lit i nd Japan BtmtrHck, Penao« ««m feoaog :iml I >• 1 1 CnUifu, I: Hani via porU N iourabaya wi |i >i i >/i .1 ..■■1. 1 hi |».r>- I- n I'alonibans U^pk an.
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  • 109 2 Kik.m Kt Bon: By Jh«> M. M. r,,>.. J du<- on the 15th Mai with lUlei la tbi ttrd ApriL Fkuv (him I'.v the P. .v a -v ViVt< V ..Tn.-.!,,. .i ■fl MI1LM|> 'I.' Ill I..III.I.I M ,i ard M. M. tpril l-ili Mar 31*1 I
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  • 222 2 u.l:l\ u lv, from M.i i Mr, I'm. i i oi o trow Deli Me»»r». I i -i from London Mr, I'ayior. i a from Ti-luk Au-.c via l-..i i Mi. Mi-. Matuew. Mr. and Mr*. .-t HI.,,.!, aud Mi. U'atoon I'., i from Cak-tta ami I'.ii.h,'.
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  • Kl > ' JgJ' bnuM: UK. PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, I'th MAY. H»7. UnTtm TKLBOBAMB.
    • 137 2 >ri{MissioN(>F rm; (IRREKB. THE MtBUI KKOM rIMHU, bsMsjs, Mi- Wat T.i 'iieek- I. :t. It PhanSM, .|Uantiti.- af mmjm of warand |m«Ws*js, beal rh ssearnl gaaaj and Ml flMk afMM*i aenaaal aMMi THE -ITIATION AT MMs The popular feeling at Athen- i^ IMI warlike. anJ the anti-dynastic agitation there ha-
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    • 37 2 liKi l.AK\TI"N IIV UK. I HA.MIIKKI A1V Mr .Chain) rl.iin ha- .-x^r. 1 'h.opteiM that lli.' r.|H-al <■( tiM AIkih Iiiiiuijratiuii Law l.y tin- Transvaal I'.il li:ii,n-nt will i.r«-;itl> kIii-yc tlitte—iow batwMa Britain Md tin Tran?-
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    • 236 2 Tin. r. treat Ir ,in Phar-ala and the subsequent disaeten haw* sesnsjirhai huiniil.-d Qtask arids BaMni now Man to witUdiaw her troops Irom Crete. ,011 csioii >he scorned to make a f.-w weeks ago. But ■i.c "I, .'--i i. MMM foo late to satisfy the Powers. Qneee hadaeAed
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    • 378 2 Ipie local newi ofthe me i-> the result of the met crushing at Raah. It lia.l been in ,-l anxiou-ly await, -.1 by many and, therefore, tbe telegraphic system of la* Fedarated Malay >tat.- broke down, a- it ir.-,|ueiitiv di»-H ii- of mt,re-t. Th* hews that has
      378 words
  • 30 2 TnKMunicipalelictkmfortheßocliore War,! i- aiwMMMI to-day without any aratf -icn-' >>f >■* it.-m.-nt Mr Nan9on Ml only raii-li'lat.-. and at I I he had secured J-i votes. To ei*et Mail only :»< votej.
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  • 9 2 Tm flliisili will 1» puidishwl i at noon to-niorri.w
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  • 11 2 (AITAIN KkEI'ERI. K M CLOSI i- promot.-.l to M M nor.
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  • 13 2 A XI KTHEK list Of book- MOBd U) tb« RaMM Library is adwrtised
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  • 13 2 Tm morninit. Mr Marriott lined five in. il IM dollars i-:k'i faf |MMf
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  • 18 2 Mi:^h». M< Alihtkr* Co advertise an in. r. "i f tln-ir doOar ).rii'.'^. VWMfM MS fall in inliaiiL'.'
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  • 15 2 Til Municipality advertise for a European Chief Clerk, t. -my -rarily. in the Becretarjr'i OaVa.
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  • 28 2 A os-iulhahi.e number of pa».«engers arrived by rh,- mail steamer ICstafr-v FJsieel from Pknang, Cofooibo, Hrindisi. and I.oiilon. Their MM are to be foi.D'l in otir r>a«»eiieor list.
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  • 29 2 Thkrk i- reearxsd Ihe tir-t i-^u.- of rtsfen'sf. an smrrtitirsitT printed an.l tstaatrnted journal, pahliahed in E-iinburirh ana Glasgow, and dealing ehisiy with s.-..tti-h matter-. The price is thna-fanaa.
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  • 31 2 A kike .i,',iirr.',l in thfl early hours uf thin morning at No .'"j. North Bridge Koad The premises «.-r npletely gftted and th^ hotass adjoining, No. JOf «:> J .lam:'.p<-l
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  • 53 2 ('•I.oMlio TUAM\VAV> Mk»!>rk. Bof!>TEAD BrotheMj Urn iMiceaaionairee for tha eoaatraetioa of Tramways in Coloaab have ebtained a -it i which to construe I thi works and buildings. It i« anticipate.) bj Messrs. Bowtoad Br,,s thai within tw.-lv.- month- from the l^t af Ma* ,ur inili-i uf tramway will l>e opene.i
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  • 93 2 THK KIP' h. HANI Mk P .1 l.iniiiAKii. advance aganl ■t the Hi|,,..rai,li Cosnpany, arrived in 4ingnpure to-emy fr..m I. I Ripograph re pn sect, animated Bjrurea tn motion taken l.y MMM OS life .h'.to^r.iph- M lor in-tan..' I street ,-ii.-. ..r a li it.-.- of ualry. or the iik.-
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  • 631 2 I'lIK I.AIiMCi; i^'K-l KB, IIILI. hl.Pl.IE- To Ml< VJ IMMMM IHt -THAir- TIMtr >lii. IYrhaps you will all )W me foi a It*. IMMfhl "ii Mr V,ilasejt'i *iH' before tln> tVwwil on the 1Mb April Mr Vermont -a\- "In ,'o;. I-! i i.:-» men, Penh 7*3, < nn- r
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  • 47 2 4+ *> 1 J-> OS r (O* J* v>^* r -r-=-^ y 4' j i» j&~ 4> v &Sy yj *}*4s* ft. }i fr\ ,ji U. > *,1 £f& £fj& *f& 4J &J* aW r^ S- j^~'jt* J Ihealov.' i- a tia:i-lation hsto Malay ,f f,-d«\'- War 111 -W-.
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  • 283 2 n li.i an ocaca to thk ton Tmc foilowing tatogi ana b dated Raab, „i "t .I'll M.iy, i,'it w:i- not I ;it Bing tp m till y a, m. ol tin' nth.i Miv Malay'- telegraphy, .uv,- |,|fvi,ji;-ly MggMtad, ii Dot I msTthn 1 .'f wh.-ii baate
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  • 27 2 A (.HiNAMiv ij.iiu.'.l T>.4 S«-k. against whoa an ordai of baniahment mi obtained in l-!<_'. baa )aat 1,.-.-n arrented am) will n.'W be daporlad
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  • 77 2 I- iy, 9Hh April Thi Municipal retunu fc.r the m in« -li,.w 28 „t plague and IU deaths, the t,,tal mortality from nil 1 during thi same peril 1 I Hi.- lat.-t returns bring the total* -.1.,-.- tl,,' outbruak to 11,023 easi and Ut.aiW deaths fhe X.i
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  • 111 2 \l>"l.l- KUXKKS c \-l I'm- ni irninc, AdoH Kiinke, who arrive.! in ctiatody by'< mall aras broughl before Mr Han charged «:th rrimiual Diiaapproprin 'i'" ree| tto tin- sums of «t *\.:t<»i, and MuO, and with criminul '•I. a. li ol trusl iii reapert t" l£l bril ral
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  • 85 2 1 1 IK DLAMOXU H l;ii I I riON El I II.N I'm: program ul Ihu Diiiniouil JtiLiK-o in I wan to Ir tin.,. ral meeting of the Iwl 1 at I The Oovernoi ill.- AUUitss to froni the v I K1.H,,|."t11, 1.-lt t.. the Bihliuii, wo il i-t.uti,- i.l
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 654 2 NOTICES. SINGAPORE PHILIIARMOXIT' SOCffiTY. a OBAND COKCBBI hili. M MB is UK TOWS HA i.l. 11 Mny [Ma, < oosisting of the Instofio E L I And Mi- .-]l:iii,'oii- ttelsctioas Parti ular- I.i'. i MayCfd, a. a SINGAPORE si'MHTIVi (1.11!. MPBINO BACE MEKTINa. i Oth, ThurmUy HI I ickets „i
      654 words
    • 873 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. i granci IN" on q g nf tli- hli :u ear prl from thi« date. A new prtee list will shottl) be I-»U""1 McALISTBR a i o M MM i MCHICIPAL ROTICI riinK Municipal OommisstoMn ol .-•mI Kap'.i- t jtii i <• tli- -rmi-r, tcniporariT) for al.out -i*
      873 words
    • 100 2 M. 8. 8. ,lt!,'l*l for tl.» Ktrmt, Timn thoM >.» mitten <m on* »id« of th« |*p« only tb« n^le^t of that oon.litioo. M. S 8. »r. re)«-t*l th«t miirht otli«rwi«* bo pohh«b»d. All «.|rerti«init c.«tr»ct« *ro ■abject tn the fon-li-Uon th«t the Miiumtt n»y the »A" rt»».iiert oat of
      100 words

  • 1083 3 lII K GIANO SENG" AND PENANU" collision. MARINE OOI'KT <>K BNQCIBY. Maiiinf Court of Knc|iiirv into tin. umMani ci of the collision between ,i Beng (Capt. Koll.-tt) u<j (Capl Taylor), in the iit« of Rhio, on tin L'Mh ult was held to-day Tlic Court waa constituted follows Mi A. W.
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  • 114 3 "I- M.W i;uiiK> Mat Mic. prepared in an authorilaliui ■iv it. ilium thai the Hiring publishing lx» ii enro-dinul) proliflc. "f mv I Iv and uuw edition! no [ewer Mian •Ml have 1,,-, U»ued during March. Thai i probablj :i i. .ii.l. and ret Hi.' facl ii hanllv Ui I-
    114 words
  • 844 3 From the report Iwmd by Urn K<v <■ C K.I-... the Principal I ChineM s, i,,,,,], rot l;ist y.-.-ir. Man 1 commenting upon it .-t n< l tlm -pirit which inspired it, I beg you will permit I it to be
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  • 47 3 10l Nl> DROWNED \ii..i t m 30 yeaterday morning. Ibe 1 ....1y of b Royal Artilleryman, i.l.niiHud v that of Gunner Wooda, waa found drowned the m* wall it,, the Rnffloi School. It ia pro- the unfortunate man fell into tli.. water during the previoui nighl
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  • 180 3 i- well known, tit- Queen p wwuea many volume) of autograph*, which the highly value. No) long ago, one -i the inslili of honour cultivated talent for graphelogy, and aniuiod her Royal mi— Iren by i rit'u-wlng these autograph* of relebrated men and w n, The
    180 words
  • 1973 3 NOTES, NKWs, \NI> KKTORTS. THE WAU.A' E COUJKTTIOH. It i- understood that thfi Oovrrniii. hi have decided to parchaaetbe frwhold "i Hertford Bow*, *o then ill be no ii' < t id remove Mm Wai-l-i Ait CoUoctiow. Joel hciiupathnd to "IK .IOIIN Ml IK. '•I i-l.'iiw i-
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  • 81 3 l'vi:;s. lili M.-i\. In tin' afternoon, to-day, a am 4n imv.-.i ckartt) HMaat haM by I'll- of aigk rank in I'aii-i.'in it\. thirty pirnai perished aad thbty Mv,. ■on -nil. i from mtcm wwMda. M«M .ii-| ,-in'i>rii..\i..i to b» lying iiii.i'.r til--ruin-. May Da) |>a--t'.l "II .|iii'tl> af
    81 words
  • 245 3 Till". SAVIN". s HANKS IN I«M W HUMS WHIM Tin Annual flaring* Bank*' report for 10M -tit.- that, unoetheee institution! were established in the three Snl, menu, 0,444 account! have been opened, iiu.l i:t..-,m; depoeitt have bera received for an aggregate -urn ol 11,590,473 The withdrawal* number 17,418 tor •1,602,044,
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  • 23 3 w. Uaiullold A- Co. Chili* aii.l.lii|«ui. Pakliny, dwslal M»>. Borneo Co. -i. hrtenburg. ttatoWnotfar/, Jut l»ili Mai Borneo Co
    23 words
  • 636 3 (From the Timer of Ceylon. ST. PFTERsRtRO, -.'"til April A r.tuyn han.|ii"t M |hM last night in I honour of the hfnrillaMt Tin 1 Currxcliangcil mo«t cordial toa«t» with Ili» Mujmty, pledging continued fr!end-lnp mid the common aim of peace. 1/isnos. 2*th April. The City and Sul'iirtian
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  • 43 3 UOONLICm Ml »I< I'Hik.HAMMK f.'l til.- liar.l.n- ..11 > .1 in -.lay UM ll'tli M.uvii I-.. Chawl i:r..n/.. .1..'.. i^.Ttur... l(iM-r..f Yean" UddML' \,,1... The Shop Girl CmrpK. Selection.. Sini-liiti.' and Kain h1u,.,. Song l.i-- Folif- WmUtm/tt, t ..rnct Polka. S»y Au Kevoir". IftMMa
    43 words
  • 102 3 hui uui N v I- 1 IoAKu. I \IN I'IMI\»TIOK HI In In Hi In I (1.1. IVnlaiiH -in tiaug Mtlliwn Ca.Hr Viuli-l I i i i>,. M l-.ii. II II i. U l ml i la I i i.. i -i, ii Urn ti ii l>ul tti -Ir
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 442 3 NOTICES. hi»Ma> opened branch RKWAKD tM reward m «.ffrr«-d i.v Mm iin<l(T«i K M.«I for iiiformat i..n leading to the nodiag of Ec Ban !Vng, I.Tk recently in their employ. KHRAHIM SI lIMAN r... Hi', x, m,,|;,,.,. h si n-.i. devoks mourn KKWAKI) OK MO OHKUKP i- mm mm, b
      442 words
    • 626 3 FOR SALE: EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; AND PERSONALS. of iwtmtM, ISeetft a line; i-nd an.l .Ir.l rharft leas than one dollar. Tlmm, a /Arr.. "rrertleement, clow set, In this type, '"-.-rt.-.l t,,,,, .,f,, r (l .nf,;»w,rk for f<>rtm«lit f<>i gftMj ...i,. monlb f rM Ml«rw«»de, $1| a moth.] Tkm mhtrtimmtnU wOt
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 263 3 WKATIIKl; Khl'OKT Kmdm* Ma il;,,,,i,,i, M a. in lu.liJL bum H:ir 29 BKJ SW.C7U SHMW8 T.nip 7n.u "in ITjD \V HIl.Th.r 77jO TSuO 7«iO Wr.ofWiBd B.W. M.W. B.W. Max. Temp. Min na Nil in Sun 1420 I.Ti.r.-i.l. MuO Kiundill M i:\illKi: ntUBGKAM (K .1. a TWmmmI 1 w« 1;...,. II
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  • 321 4 J KI.AU 5 Vessel's Xamk. A TWH Caiius Ki.i. IT* h Utimbro Mai. -tr. Mul H.i-ilo i I'iiiiola (ior. itr. 878 Han I N:nj~li:in Hrit btr. ISM Btovell Benvolrlieb Itrit »tr. Jim Ctert 8 Mi'llnvn Cn-tl. I7lii Hill M.ii.l.iv- -tr .'finKi Tow.-ll H 1; (i Meyer Cut. *tr.
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    • 105 4 smiTixc. in p<>k i. t'ndtvthiMhemliniithefollowiiiKsMireviau. in'- an- u«ed:-Htr otodiner Kh.— shin Ixj. liaruiif, Brit.-Hriti*li 0. ft t'nit.-.l States; Fr. Fren.h Uer.— (Wnian Put.; Joh.— Joboro; A.-., (i <• O.'ii.-nl la.n; T I 1 W Tui^ll I' Wh:irf I. V l> Tuni.ini; I'.iß'ir l>.» k;B W. |torn.-n Wlmrf; J. W.
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    • 1428 4 Akriviu Nisei Nook of Sati kday. Brnrotlich, Itrit. Mr. 1».1»J4 ton*. Capt Clark. Hth Mi From London. 3ril Apl. U.c, l\ Simon- Co. For Hongkong. lOtii -\V. Bani.i, Dut. sir. 124 tons. Capt Vos, (Hli May. From i'Bl.mlmntf, »th Mav.lly, 11 dm Min('hinSw<-v. For I'alenibanß. U'lh R«l». l:-.-d
      1,428 words
    • 460 4 I ssi;i.s EXPECTKH Mtmt, port, probahlr date of arri' < .< name ut it-fat*. Kptat, H— gkan g, Mm 14; g. j m Aden, Hongkong. Mnv U A <> \i.i.mi..i. China, Ma] SO: Hananehl Augsburg. Hydney, Ha) 16, \l irr ll:in!:i!n. Bourabava, Hay J7 Da«n<l. Bayera, Europe, July IS;
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    • 137 4 I'.VSSKII SI M>\ ss >IK\I I- wl K IRKI\ Kh i.pi; ORDKKK PLao Dail.. »m. Mil 1 1 N Km. I '"«>! INi'l I rHOMWHSIU DtHTIN HABKI SAILING \,.l .uiN.,i 1..v Vigelan.l aoNadbar.Tjerimai SONcM >'<n Tentouia »Am. -li. K.-ilui iUßril lihi v Hawluyj aoNurb'noFjikilMid SOUt'i bar Bcuwalbe
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 525 4 NOTICRB, ELLWOOD'S patent AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS A INHSKHOI.D WORD in INDIA. Wukn in thi: Kast by am Awarded The Offk'EKb, Tall O*LB Mkiiai. I'BI Civil. SEllVllKillul THK Co'.N.'S. KM I I H.K, I.()SIH)N, IKIJ ELLWOOD'S paunt AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS c. ni. 4 th. Sfll FRENCH BAKERY. H\s ahrayt in si... k a
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    • 226 4 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE* Ott LIMITED. Dressmakers Milliners. SEW TRIMMED HATS ,v TOQUES* INTRIMMKD STK.WV MATS NEW rUVWSKI NKW ÜBBOKB NKW LACKS DRUSS MATERIALS IN LATEST style* Cashmeres, (irenadin.s, Gmms, Silk Canvas, Wool Cmvm, Silks, fame} (ihict- Silks, I'eam'u S<ii<-, Bwabs, Satin M. pvcill.nx. IWh-- silks and Satins. Dress Tweeds Face
      226 words
    • 700 4 NOTICES. The best preparation for preserving, restoring, and beautifying the hair la Ayer's Hair Vigor. It baaaa the scalp feea from dandruff, Ik ,K IfMMaaaaM liuinors, aud prc*aa*l the h.iir (roni fulliug out. When the h.iir Iconics dry. thiu. faded, or gray, it restores theongiuul color and texture ami promotes
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    • 234 4 NOTICES. I Relieves the seal'dßvW CURES all discharges Iro.n the gcniiofrom J^F7w^k UUniTy I" the /"l^jlEK^gans in either best BfajHBlJH" 1 ■run JuMimM 48 HOURS wood Unlikethesan- is a dal oil ol Bazarvtis- for perior i i i SfaM Wcystitis p«ib*,«:.i.-i.'!i, V/fllMw or Injections, a n J ciuik no inconveniences
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    • 107 4 NOTICES. Cllnl 1 K. HENO lIOXO. No. 14 and in, Cmri-LtK Koah, BOMAfaaa DEALER in silks of all similes and colours for ladies nnd children's .In .v. Ladies and (i.-nf- silk hand k.-iehi.-N in great variety. Price* lower than those in any other house. Inunction invited. Trial solicited. 25,5 AUSTRALIAN
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    • 101 4 NOTICES. a R. LAMBEBT CO, PHOTOGBAPHEBS. By Appointment, to H. M. THE KINO OF SIAM AKD TO H. H. THE SULTAN OF JOHORE. Latest photographs taken of pui,|;,. interest, iin.l copies of these are to be bad on application I. H. E. Mon»cigi,.-irZ;,l,--ki, the Papa Delegate, and group of Chinese
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