The Straits Times, 26 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISIIEDi 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 26. W7. NO. 19,211.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 957 1 riWB HOUNKO OOKPABT, LIMITtU ri'HK smndard Life Aaturuice. N. rwu-h Union Kin> lni«uranc«i Society maosOossjMuv (Ifcf). I Istnraaet 3edaty in,- In mail, t ioanaaj Mutu.i! st. .-mi Ka*igatka Ooaqaaj psay [a Ulan, -'Mijiiinv. l-luut.-l. iompanias, sss tl s tiatfDtat ot TIIK BORNEO COM-:MI|-|:n. Ait-m-. STKAMSHIT COMPANIES, p On ii i,
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    • 1036 1 AN AN WHISKY 0 Vs# 111 Ibbbbb sbbbb# Baal Va# 1/ 1 1"/ DIJMV KAIZ l)K0\ soLI) BT Al.l. I.ICKNskd BFIBIT DKALBML Same as st ni.iKD to iv Hoims 0» I.okm and Commons ami im ai.i. g.hjd Lmmmi t'l.ißc I 1 bCOTCH WHISKY I- THI I'MVKKSAL LjJL I t^'^TTp" f^m
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    • 729 1 iNsn:AX( i:s. rpHEM IKIXEINBIB \NiKiov. LTD "All 1 Al. M -11-. U1111.1,. li.(««l.. I'M I'M II Al |-\ll.l I.l I ■■■I 1.1 «l. lil- !.L\K. t'lllll.lltai Th- ■atenigaad, having been aapoaatad Afrat at Singapore for the a)>ov* Company. I kt araaarad to aocepl risks bj First e1..-- st-.- rs and
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    • 422 1 INSIi:.\N(KS. CIA MON INSURANCE OKKII K LIMIIKD. Cspit^l Sutweribed llMn.'V). Amount i«M up Bno.MiO, E«airT»fund Li-or-noo. jbatOma, r Th« nn.l. r»i;-n.,1. SBttaßJ been uppolnVl A.-^ntu of th* «I"T,' .'..Tn-^nj, «rf pr.'i,; i.. I I. Mirine Ili-k. at cui'.mtfafcw A 1^.n...-, m ..i^'iy |..u.t laal asaMMsts ofbuin. -k.'t'-i .1i»n,1,,,!.!...i or n
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    • 778 1 HANKS. Till: NATIONAL HANK <>K CHINA, Lmrrxn Aiillioriw.l Capiial 1 1 .i»ai.i»«i M11..-1i1...| Capital t GOQJOOO Mi to on 1, 1 Honskang. COURT OK DIBECTOB8: D, (Hllles, Esq. clmn Kit Hhac, Es.i H. Molt.-rfoht. Esq. Chan Tang Bhan, Emi Kvvnn Moi Chu-n. X.v, emu M uuon <...,..«■. r. PlayCau Iptarßßl
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    • 821 1 FOX SALE EMPLOYMENTS TO I ET; ANDJ'ERSONALS. I- 1 i mi- 1.1 ,-ni- a line; "ml and 3rd tunes, 10 cents a line; 4th to 6th times 6 <«mts a line; 7th to lHth times :i cents a lino; afterwanlx, L 1 MStl a line; but no -liarge lens than
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  • 463 2 COMMERCIAL UTBT MAIf K BT Q I iTATH INS. SINViAI'ORE L'..TII AlMilL. 1897. PRODTTCB. nemhtor f BJOI do Cnoe No 1 M.m do d.. No 2 l,i. Ooprs Kali MO. <!o I'onliaimk, fi.4O. I'opp.r. Illack U.MI ■»iijf.) Fl'.iirSnriw:ik, nominal. tM. iio Brunei, MB. IVarl Smko MB, i'oHv. Bali. pi.k.Ml *!.no.
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  • 51 2 MuiiiripailKlH-iitiuvß 5 Do. Do. 6%. Tanjonf Pajsw U,.i»l». N.w Pijo Kiv.t I>.H.k <V runjoin-. Strait- lea Co. Majrnard >v- Co, K. nil-. C, nllll. I. lon KOK SAI.K. Hingapon [ns 00. iln l.i,|in l.iiioni. Strait- Fiiv In-. Co, Do. Mekm Pakang Corporation Hhares. HOHKRVILLI a (iINN riltsnsil ASharo
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  • 245 2 MAILS CLOSE. Hrn rVssr. r,.,,.. MbaM, Kobe via part* r«st«, a.m. *;ii>.',.n .Ir. II a.m. >.iii;,.ii via port- Q. Mwfmtl, 1 1 a.m. Labaaa UMU, II mm. H. and Pomiaiiiik W. t—m, 1 p.m. Siimarang I'maifl. 1 p.m. Bail I'ahat Mat lass, I p.m. Hobgkoog via ports V. \ergond, -J
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  • 252 2 PASSENGER LIST. AIiIUVAI>. Pa 1:1,1:,,, from Bombay: Mr. K. Joseph. 1 -'in Colombo: -Mr.' .1. de la Batie. From rVnang: Mr. aad Mrs. W, Evans, Upmi HchleKtv. Muugel, A. \V. I.PIIHII and M it f..rd. From London i Mr. itD 1 Urn M. < .1. Hiss Ank.-n. Miss Wall*. Mr.
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  • 16 2 STRAITS TIMES ■nbsWMsb*: MR. TKICE 10 CKNTS. [Suhtrriptimi rain andtulnrtising rain mmj l.p.fninul on Ihefwrth page.]
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    • 35 2 THE WAR KKTKKAT Off THK gfIsHPH, MJMJSJ lit, K IN VMM, tmmhm, Mih April. Tlie Qreeki havaavaMMai hnawsj and Lariasa, nn.l are concentrating at l'li.'irs;d;i. Th,' Turks have Ms] tbe Greek a. lvalue- in Upirus.
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    • 29 2 CMJtAM am. MSB MMJMarVB, The CMMJI and lireeks nre blockading the town of Candia. Colonel Cliermsi.l, the British military conimi-sioner in command at Candia. hns Mked for r.infor.-ementH
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    • 41 2 SOUTH AFRICA. MJUII AND TIIK RaMtVsAk The visit of Admiral Kaw-oifs MMJaV run to DmmM Hay 1- intended an a hint to (ti-rmanv and the Transvaal (iovernment that the Hriti-h Qotetßin. -nt IbwMjM to uphold the atsMS q»n in South Africa.
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  • 589 2 LEGAL APPOINTMENTS. Iris prakafch tint Mr Colly.T will ad M Chief Jnatiea; ami it in |„.~-iM.. tlmt Mr Bryilgi- will ad ;i- Altonii-v--ii.Mi, Tin- situation in regard to 111, s. t\v,i'u is is strain. -,1 for it turns on tli>- la, t tliat no (iov.-niin. -nt oiii. -i-r ii>
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  • 34 2 Tiik.n/,,,,7- im,,. MviU r'Miinj I tomorrow. I( eoatalaa the "V"- .I S,l.u^,,r 1;l ri., X an,i Uaited riant,-,-,' and .Icpntati,,,,. „f N)r 5uvt,,.,,. ham'» nth The price of the »«,/»< i- I" OHM, |,unt In-c
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  • 75 2 Piiarsaim, the town where the Greek army is foncentratinff, is i" Thosaaly, south of Larissn, on a l>rancli of the river Salamorm. I'liiirnala, better known by the name <>f I'harsalia, was the MM of the decisive battle between CMBJ and F'oiupey CW|» teen .enturies'aßO. It Hrn twenty four miles from
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  • 134 2 It !»|>|>ears that tho blWriaW ti Allllll CM— M BdMd are supplied with news by the Slrnih tkmm and the Bjsawf/aWiMI and it is proposed to a.M UM weekly edition of The Time*. the Principal iiiimiiiK fix' latt.-r a« the l.oinlon Timrr. There can be no doubt thai the Straits-born
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  • 177 2 Nkw YoUK and Brooklyn ar, now one itreat city. and the Lord Mayor of London has telegraphed his ongratulati,, us I to the Mayor of the MMM(d New York It is now the second aMJMI city in the world, and perhaps one would not he very far from the mark
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  • 12 2 The Straits Conversazioni, iv London is now definitely fixed for May 7th
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  • 19 2 Mr.T H.BIMMJM, Dentist.. idv rtisfß that he may M •■..nsiilt.-d at I: 1 No. 90, Hotel dn la I.lix
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  • 20 2 O. ToMIKI a«lv. rtis..- Ihat he has o)>cne.l a Japan. >c ,-urio and store at M, North Bri<U-«- Read.
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  • 16 2 TIIK MJM M,ituu,,qtni ot West Hartlepool paawd throiipli the harbour this inoining from w.-.t to east.
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  • 19 2 "it- -i- K.Bsmj Haac No U cirrular Read, advettiaee a atock of silks and silk handkerchiefs for sale.
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  • 31 2 I'lIK I ..iiiiaii mail s. /Vi,, left Colombo on the in-t:int. at 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i^r l t 1 1 1 i> mm b.-r.- on Vedneeday
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  • 20 2 Mk TaMDISAMVS Jim,,,j ha-. Ml tho Malay Mail, heen r.urch i-- 1 M Captain Car.-v. of Bincapece, for 'i"» •lollaiß.
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  • 20 2 Mb DUMMUMrMM 11. -'I think I am ajblt to eOßgratuUto invself 1 h.iv.- fail Iy inast.-r,-,! I lie ina.hiiie."
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  • 18 2 Tiik Maasjav (Jov.-min.iit ailiuiliaai that a ilraltfinan and a siirv.y,.i :m--»ant.-.l for the l'uldi.- Work. Departm, nt tbere.
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  • 25 2 A MKKTIN,. of the lllellll'.r- Ihurch Work A mlmii will 1., 1,, 1,1 at (ioveriun. Nt i1...i-.-. „11 Monday. M iv -ti• I at noon
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  • 24 2 Ii is reported at Itanckok. that the KiiiK.if Siam. I.elore h. 1,-ft lor Kliro|«, -i.-n.-.l a ,1.-,r,-.- lot the abolition torture in his UMJMM.
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  • 25 2 Ml taaaWaat Hartley. „.il- (mmmmQ are a.lvirti-.ed to be solil l>y auction at 4 p. in on Wednesday, the i'->tli instant, »t the works, Hochore.
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  • 26 2 Tiik aWaakaa transport Niaui Yore psraW arriv. ,1 iioui Odaaaa Ihia luorniiig r,,,,1, lor Vla.hwost,,, k She .11 ri.--i li«l men, I'll* women, ;ui,l :t;f.-| .hiMren
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  • 31 2 1 1 is MMTMi at FMMaJ that Mr ryl.ur K 'h. lorui.-rly coomihing medical ■■ili.-r t.. Use l»,-li Company, baa been appointed Veterinary fc»urgeon in under the N.-th.-iian,|s India Govern111.nt.
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  • 28 2 1 1 «ras run ov,-, in II, 5,,,.,., y hnl lo.k .art an.loneofh.-rf.vt «raa injured AaUatsMrcnan koUtobe to hlame throu K h, they hay,- heen arr.-st. -.1
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  • 21 2 Tarn M.n,,,,irn,. HwWwTkwl (omMMoMtl li.-I.i M > surnluapUataltd stofeeal Melbourne wi U .■.1,,,., lay. July 7ih. Kurtli.-r par '"•'1.,.-, w,llh, Imum] inouraflvertU-
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  • 39 2 H.M.S. "PHOENIX." M" H .1 six twn 4 i,.» •taut, 1,11.V> Umh, IIOU 1.,,r-.-,,,,H,r 'iu.i.-r rum,,,;,,,,! „f <\, mi1111 R p -'.1n;,,,. 1mv 1 Vl! t r lv >.v,>i,,, (1 rt. Sl.f is uM.lrr „i 1,,- 1,,, Hie China Station.
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  • 46 2 FOUND DEAD. I Mnaman was found v.-sfrVl-iv MaraimiiithsNm Bridge ;l ,i B11( •••w.i, .ant to hospital, bul ,i,.,i «y. 'i, i. lin WU t' >IMI. I ,1,1,1 ■ill|, Ml- khll «4 •hhongh ti,.,-, ari ,r,,rk m,.I,'U, .■>,MtlM-l, ,lv, vi in,,u,>t will be Siuw. y lias v
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  • 40 2 LAW UNION AND CROWS INSURANCE. TMB .iiiihul 1,-p.ui of t1,,.. li, U« I in,-,, andCruwu Kreand I if« In-Mi.,,,,,. Couipany (of which M CMra pn.,.....^,,,. life aaeurancee wai 1.1;.,,, i 1. and Dolioiai went situ•TMutaa i Ibebasei to onl) Xm,«i;
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  • 721 2 EDUCATION IN 1896. MX. ■LCIJSj'I vikws Mh. J. H Kuim, tho Acting liip., tor of S.hools, in his report for 1894 notes that few criticisms upon the n. Iv ln, an. .11 Code, drafted by him, had been received. He. gathers from Hi,-.,. ■■r 1 1 i i 1 1
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  • 40 2 TUBA-FISHING. Oa Saturday, two men were sent. 1 io a month's imprisonment each 1 r p liaoning number of Bah by meani I the ro,,t in ;l private tank at Jalan Beaar, on tbe ibind instant, with intent lotted them
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  • 54 2 BANGKOK CATTLE. A IJ(AHA.\ri\K I.HItAAN, I Tim Won Matw .-ninplaiiieontinued ezcluaion of Bangk. k at Hingapoic It s a> thai H has been tt 1 plague for Im ulli". and thai „nlv h.-altln animal- I up-country are admitted Uier. 1 th.-s.-.-ir, •iinistan.-es .that jourt '"•'k it why Singapore ia still
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  • 96 2 ROBBERIES. mai km small robb.ri.reportcd to the police this m A Malay employed a board 11 hring al the arfaarf eomplaineil during the uight, a cabin hwl 1 atered and a box, containing ni'.l oil,,. 1 tl,in_... „i ti,,- valm bad been opened and tin abstracted syce who I Kiv.-i
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  • 143 2 A LIBEL CASE. OMB y it v buuk n<* In Ibe BrttiaJi Consular Court, I: kok, ..ii the BOUi instant, Mr x m eouuwl for Mr. Bidoidw a] law, .iit, ,1 two actions l'!i<- action*, are 1 1 proprietors of the T and the China Vaii On tli r| b
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 944 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HI: TEHG HACK co. CHOP" JIKNO WATT In llnnhnifilry. Hi.- undersigned bava received laatruaUeat To sell l,y PUBLIC AUCTION, Al No. -VS CIX. ILAK ROM. On rVufaf, 11,, will, April, 1807. '.1/ 10 JOB. M. All thr Mo, kin-trade comprising: I)KINTS. SliiningH, Drills, Tea Cloth", mi, l Mi*
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    • 919 2 LATEST ADVEBTISEMEm BBLAKOOB (KiVKHNMKNT ADKAKISMAN an, l BVBVBTOI H reqnlrsd in the I',- Works Department, BeUngor. Saiarf tnamosto, with quartan free of rent, if available. Applications, wbicli sßoald state inf.iiati.,iialit\..'X|MTieneeaiid present employnseat, and be aooompaaied i.y reeeat leetV iiiruiial-. will be received at Uss Ciovcrnti.ent Becretan Ofll.-e, Selangor, up to
      919 words
    • 82 2 M. a B. MsbM for ti,. Msj* r.w. ahonld^b. written on one «i.l« of the p»«r only. Bj th» neirlwt of th»t wmdition. m»ny M. S.B. »re njtmva Alfa.lTcrti.inir n,,ntr»ot. »r. -ohirot t" tb. oon.lition th»t th« M»n^r«r m.y 1~»« M «.|i»rtia»niOTt SSJI of th. p»P»r in cm. of piww
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  • 1840 3 THE ANGLO-CHINESE BOARDING SCHOOL. KE OPENED I(Y IMK QOVIBROK, (is Saturday after n, Hia Excel the Governor formally raajpaned building of the Anglo-Chinese |l „-irding School. Bcllevue, which has n erected on a very hvounbla iniuanding sit,, off the Orel ard I liin.l Lambert'« carriage works I 00l had been
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  • 52 3 . Tin. Bangkok Timet bears thai the umpire chosen the Koral Rail* ii arbitration i- a Dutch expert in railu;iy onstrucl ion. He sruL however, have only to ui\ the final decision on such points a- were noi settled by the arbitrators, and mi the evidence already before
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  • 101 3 RINDERPEST IN SIAM. A v M:M.\,. M HSOAPOBE A i-iiA-h of tin- cattle disease ia Mam which niu-i load to wy grave rastuti i- the -;ilt intr and drying of diseased meal and the export of bidet and horns of animals that have died of the plague. the trade in
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  • 117 3 THEFT BY A SERVANT. Mi; Bsk I'h r«"! of Aii'-l' House, reports] to tin- i-.1i,,. .hi Friday, thai lie had losl two «10 banknotes ii" n locked ali.i.-iral. and suspected hi* boy, n Madrawic named Ariel Later, be repor ,ed thai he bad asmtained that 1,,!, boy had changed a
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  • 174 3 PAHANG. ,111 u-1 i.i- "i nit FU Ml: Cuwhdi report on Pahang for Mat.l, notes b considerable advanct in the apparent prosperity ol Iv |"al,anfcfiiue hit Iml visil Aftet puwiiiJFthrouKli the country, be v opini lial the dUtrew cauiwd by il Uin n.-o-i.ii.i' and February i- aaU-ulatedtobeco acutft Hnnatives will
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  • 750 3 SOTBS, NEWS. AM) RKI'oKTS. THE GOVEKNOH OK LAGOS It was repotted that Major McCallum the new (loveihor of Lagos, with liih stall, would 1 are lor West Africa on the ."t'i instant, proceeding to the colony in the steamship Allierlrillr. The new Governor had drawn up a detail
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  • 75 3 BANK ROBBERY AT RANGOON. llli: TIIIEK 1 AITUIKD KUABMM tlii! mbl.ery lit tin" Rangoon branch of thy Hongkong and sliaughai Hank, a native boy, hitherto sing, has been caught n.-nr Rangoon, in I nearly the whole amounl stolen iviii.-ii amounted to KtifiOO in notes iind mi lia> been leeowswi. The
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  • 351 3 FORGERY IN PERAK. cHiasu 1 i.i.iiks iMri 1, m 1: i > Ok th« 16th in-t.iut. ;i Cliim-w.-lork in 1 li.. l.iin.l Office, Tainiog, va/girea in cliarga for fotfan :m<l mahaill— i«nr. On the afternoon of that day, a rooeher tot iIOO »aj uraauMtod ■< hwThmmii lor payni'iit dj n
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  • 1409 3 TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. IVm the Timet i,f Ceylon.") LMMB, I lth April. The I'orte has sent a strong complaint to the lowers regarding the delays in settling Crete. In the final in the English Tup Competition, the Aston Villa Football Team beat the F.verton Team by three goals to two. Consols
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  • 54 3 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. It i^ ii.. tili., l thai I.', ut.-iiaiil AC II liurtoii, ".A., w:is ivmoved In in tin' -i. k list „ii t.»e Mth inst. The li A. maaniag ,1. f. n..- will take I laeeon Ui-.lne-'lav n.-xt. the Jbih inst., :il 7 a in. iis under: Korts S.rapoii^',
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  • 133 3 SEPOY LINES GOLF CLUB. Tmk I'i.pi." prize for Ladies' Singles has hi-i-n won b* Mrs Mi-nwrtlnr Hooraa mm haadwi in as follows Mr-. HersweMMt M M 117 ■"> IM Mrs. Orbjor Taylor U M 11- Ms 11Mr-. llioinli.-ii.i MiltIhe SIS IM :i M Mi-- s.-il/inaiiii 711 74 144 li Ui
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  • 129 3 THE PLAGUE. mortality OTaMT. Omk MM, IMI April Tilt- plagM r.-tiiriH are atiout normal fi.'in Kurrachee, Poona. an.l Boesbsy, hut in Hyderabad and Sukkur the diaawM i- apt) idiag, aad than .u.-r.-por"- of Outbreaks :it niiiny f r< 1 1 I li. in Sind. Tin- atagne ha- beesi discovered n.-ar
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 23 3 vk.s.-Kl.s \|i\i:i;i I8K1) ru BAIL. □bina Js| Ham, sa '-ill April r.i.. i- n Jtimona A Co St. I'Mvnburg. hloit May. 11...
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    • 204 3 IfOTICBS, FRENCH BAKERY." SWEETS AND PABISIAiN BUNft Can be had on Sunday niornin^, the 26th. 206— 209, OSCBAKD ROAD HMI (LASS TAILORS. ty BUKHB MAKERS. fj HDRI MAKERS, j^ HOSIKK.S A^ in mm m HATICRK MJITIIfOri yiy m;\\ UDise rwEiu M \Mmu|;i>s. m;w miiimiv.s. il \SIIIMNK.\m.Ki MVi DKH lIAI.I O^
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    • 481 3 1n... iindei-i K n,,i. hare alwan in-. .|,i.ihl\ Hill 1.i1. .in- iirih, and ..ii hand. Tlidei- »ill I.c received at No t Kinta Road nn. l .>..>., inh Bridge Roa<l .1. AKAIN, Ar. lot.-, i aid Bunreyor I and Municipal Contrail... JA K< >XT rYsanger Krgeaeie* (Java). Kronilhellth Mar.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 275 3 UKATIIKK KKI'OKI KiMasay Ktrintu •sayaai, MVi WU. :i |i.m us. Kkmakkh. Bar. -I'.tt lo •.'!•.> l 2w.~»i Temp. -1.1 Tli.O >■- i >. \Y. ICll.Ther Hl.u *l() TliO Z~ 1 Ilir.ofWind \V. W, Calm t-SjjSs Max. Temp. -Ml 5 > 5 Max. in Sun IV! ff«J3 Terr. ml TIJ
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    • 144 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. (•nd.-rthtsli-admjftliefollowin(fal> lion" are u«>-d sir— st^anior oh.— chip Ui hnniut' Brit.-Britiah U.S. United States; Fr. French j Oer.— Chrmaoj I>ut.Dasch; Joh.-Johoro; 4-.-.. (i.e.. Oenerml .•iirjfo d.p.— 'leek uassongwrt II ocertain: T.l'. W.-Tanjonß Pagar Wharf: T. P. IV-Tanjonp I's^ar Dork ";W. Borneo Wharf; jTw.- JardincV\Vhaif;N. lIW N,-*s Harbour
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    • 1177 4 TRADING VESSELS AkMVAU Sisn Noon ok Saii ki.av. In..' taliuJ. Mi Ml .V>4t"llt-. Capt Mill-. ■:>tli April. From Fremeotle, It April. U Hd. p. HoU'toad t Co. I' vf. .tr.thu... M. M. str. M ton- Cmpi Baretae 'li April. From Haigon. *Brd \pril <;.... 7.1 p. M M For Saigon.
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    • 474 4 VESSELS EXPECTED \ti"i', ]'"rt, pruiiabU dale ol arriiai t n,i i.n. Baaakaag Km 2" P. au. \n_-i.ur_-. Sydney, Mn\ 16, Borneo Kayern, Hongkong, May 2 Bcba Heyec B Loadoo, Mnv I P. AO. Ik-nvorlich. Antwerp, May H>; P. Bimooi 11. -iniKihr. Hongkong, May 10; P Bimoas Bogsuut, KacblDoUo, M»j l:
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    • 185 4 ARRIVALS. d r i At. E VMHiIM A VMM. t.n.s Km SAII.ll> 1 lint. Mr. aw i :iv "'I 1 Noi .tr. IOW Ilorgers.ii >ai "HI -tr. Km I, IS™ 11 -I Hud on ••■''>•"' -tr Bcotl .1 Melbridge r |855 11,.,.,.,, -V HiBGiUB ,-tr. |W Kutjni* DM. Mr! 186
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    • 126 4 I' M K IATK. Xamk Xi 1...VK1,. 1 Illus I 'y .'I Lii Li M M p.,. i- i ton I'aUn Dagnat >i. tadrewi Anthem laaballa Hf l Hnt«\ iir linn 5,.,, K uan Braeoiuhlr« Dariiw Uooa \V»,, aohilla Han Ko S i Walls Luceo KeUuUei Ihix Sionhuy* UeCarpentle,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 943 4 NOTICES. ELLWOOD'S PATENr AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS v HOUSEHOLD WORD [NDIA. uiin in THK Bam kv uj Awarded Tiik <>JH. He. I 11 1 OOLB MBOAL. Tn Civil Snvn land tri Cooko* am. I II K.. Loaixxi, 1881 ELLWOOD'S p»:iKr AM-CHAMBER HELMETS ni. 4 th. -J U JAM ES WATSON COS SCOTCH
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    • 505 4 WATCH M A K lilts. .1 i:\vi: 1. 1.1; its. nIT I < lANS. KKI'AIRH PROMPTLY EXECUTED VDOLF BTKHKBRRU, I'riIOUTEKER vn|. Di.u.l.H IN Rn vni. Si OHD HAKD I'I1:NI I, 1:,.. 51, VII l-.l:l\ STRUT. 4 Hulk HTKKNBEltOrenDectfull) begi I form the public of Bingapore that he I. a- re
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    • 850 4 AUCTION SALES. NOTICE, rpHI lie '-I BalMlag -it.- tilust« .-it 1 ba}ong Katong, Bead 10 take place f.ii Friday. L'.'.i'l April, i- postponed to Thursday, tbe Wth April, I«M I < KAXK BROS., Au. 1-. SAI.K >F KK-i V ILK \lSl.i: SEASIDE Bl i! nw .-111 .11- W TAN.Hi.\(. KAIoMi.inderslgned
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    • 187 4 NOTICES. *P/ yfThe Hit MiP^ Season.... !Bk/ Tl Ji -arsa-B^V-7^\!\ pitrilla. At thla W 'ii 1 1 II snc-i paaway S*i VWI and pain. W*rsim/>^ llot brace me Wl 1 n 7/fr^Ji Jlli lasting. T)o 7,///£-S'/^->...i feel run VjT down? Take HLJ"^ Sarsaparilta. OR. J C. AVER CO., Lswdl, Mm
      187 words
    • 740 4 NOTICES. Relieves the scily^WJ|7f« din K P aMl at once ■OMHhU^B and f^afrVVW CURES yjMm^Rp a fl discharges Irom the gen i 10- ri sasfPH^ r IH^IL*IA~ ineithei dm ImHH in ■not \?fl»m,f 48 HOURS I Santal-Midy Unlike the san- is a dal oil ot llK '»<KlJ|fJl^ SFtatK Baiar..: lor
      740 words