The Straits Times, 24 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times

  • 481 2 LATM MAUKKT ULOTATKiNS. tfINUAKIBI, 24TH AlMilt.. 18W7. PRODfTCR. Oamilir h.-jo. do Culie No 1 10.00. do M So i B.4<>. Copra Kali, b"h. ,!o I'ontiiiiiak 5.40. Hepiier, Black 14M. Sa((oFl,)urSaiawak, 2.W. <lo ltrunei Us\, Pearl Sago S-W-Coffee, Bali, picked 36.00. Cofloe Palcmbaiif!, picked 40.00. Coffee, Libcrian. No. 1 35.00
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  • 48 2 Municipal Debenture- I Do. Do. OXTnnjong I'agar Bonds. New Prye Kiver Dock Co. Punjoms. Straits Ice Co. Maraatd A Osv Baabs, Coatrtbatory. F(»R BALE. Singapore Ins. Cu. (In Liquidation,. Straits Fire Ins. Co. Do. Mmm Pnhang OotMtasiM ttharsa SOMKRVILLK A Of NX. ■MBMM A- Share UroL.r-
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  • 265 2 MAILS CLOSE. fr>r Per ,tr. T,,,,,. Mmmt. Naafkj via perta tAwWa, :i p.m. M .in BMtjiaWj p.m. Muar Klaa »*««</. :t p.i.i. B'gkali^ A BagAii, Ho Tang 3 p.m. Bangkok T u nU,ukjol<l. I p.m. Japau yin port- SbMbWsJL 8 p.m. Peimng i Jl"ik A'lVi.i, 4 p.m. Malacca A Klang
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    • 26 2 . •is tiit- anii in-i..nt in.- MsMMee.No. li, Uuaen Street, William Cobby, Marias km, l Ligbtboiue Bngioeer, afjsd klyean sad r month*. (Mauritlui papers pleaas sopy),
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  • 20 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. KsTABLIBHKI>: IH.'(!. PRICE 10 CENTS. Sulitrriptum rale* aiul adiYrturiny ratn nuiy lie fnuiul on the fourth page.]
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    Reuter  -  6 words
  • 58 2 THE WAR. tiik Mam hium km-x. tflMMs, W>> April The (ireek- are gradually falling back upon Larissa, after desperate fighting. THK Tl KKIHH FLKKT. I' ItSKA WORTHY saI'ADBOMS. Both tho Turkish wpiadrons are still in the Dardanelles. The Captains of MsfiPHMai have all signed a circular lettor to tho Turki«b
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  • 22 2 AtrRMPI ox TIIK KIN,*'N MPK. Aii MMMaU attpmpt lids been made to stab King Humbert on hi* driviiiir to the races.
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  • 87 2 SOUTH AFRICA. HHiri-H «yl ADRON AT IIKI.AOOA HAY. Kiglit vessels of the C.i|ie Squadron have arrived at Oelagoa Bay. Aiimihai. Kawson's Mpiadron of nine \.ssels arrived unexpectedly at Durban, a week ago. Conjecture grew rife an to it- destination, whieli had b.eii kept secret. That destination seems to be Delagoa
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  • 101 2 A sK,.>Nl> attempt IsM MM made M tUe Kin:' f Italy's life The previous one took place at Naples in N,,\ ember. I -7s, the weapon used being a poniard. The King m said to be personally popular among his subjects. But tiie Government has been -obudly administered I hat
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  • 299 2 Hnrra mhmM the TmMm (MM ni.iy ha on land, and >.i tar they haw linn moderately ■"luiosfiil, it is |.rettv evident that they will aehievu M victory on I In- -ex Tli.- OMN ships mu-t remain masters of the whole ill tin- smith-extern watir-. lor there is no Turki-h licet
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  • 15 2 I iik I' a- <> BdUiaM r ihbiil a.m.. to-day, and is due here tomorrow aftcn
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  • 19 2 Mil U I'M I'l.-r.M take- charge of the Amtrn Hungarian RoMukta at Bwflapon, during the absence of Consul Brandt.
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  • 20 2 Tiir. Knu'li-hnicn ol IVnang and In. lino* W.lleslcy decided up,,,, holding the St. Ccoiges Ball M the IN-nan.-Town Hall, votcnlav
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  • 32 2 Tm Municipality advertise- th;,, th,. election ..I a Conimis.sioiicr for Rochore ward rtM Mr. T Sli.lfoid, C.M.O resigned, will take place at the Munici Ml "iili.e. on Monday, the loth of May.
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  • 41 2 Tnr.iu: will ha I MpefCMM on We,l-iic-d.iv next, tin; L'-itli; meeting opposite the entrance toCliatswoith at la p m and linishing at Cree Hall. Mr > Murray will he glad M IN In, MM and all interested in Mnrr OMMMj tin- finish
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  • 57 2 PASSENGER LIST. AKKIVALs r. it,, i..,,,,,, i imm Amm vis ports:— Messrs. Lyons, l.mii/. K,,c. \:i mdoril, Mitclicll Dalian, Allen. Bhaw, mil, l I'liillip-. and Mi- A. I*, l'ereira. id Wall aft ■•in Hambnrg: Mr. sad Davidson, Mr. Oral, hen, mi. l Miss Hamuaaclier. I', i it. ill from I.
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  • 50 2 . The coolie depot returns for Selangor B ho W a great fa ling off in the number of Chinese immigrants, from which it U easily deducible that the inimnß indu|.try is not what it was. In 1890, the number of immigrants was lo,8:l«,and in 1h96 only E.OO-'.
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  • 46 2 RINDERPEST IN DELI. Thk Veterinary Surgeons in the Netherlands India Coveinment .service have been sent to investigate the recent outbreak of rinderpest in Deli, lliuy have come to the conclusion, it is MM, that the disease originated in the infected MlkMt, and had not teen imported.
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  • 49 2 TROUBLESOME SYCES. THE determined way in IffcWj svees of Chinese carnage and glmrn owners in I'enang insist upon faking more than a fair share of the road, causes Mt annoyance to the pub he there an.l will probably lead, says the /w/w'-WoV, tob,eachesofl>.cl,a.e. unless the offenders mend their v.ays
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  • 54 2 THE KUALA LUMPUR RACES. Thkhk was an oil" day s racing at Kuala Lumpur on the Mk to dee'.h' MlltlM matches .hat had "MB arranged. Mr. Tunnichlle i ndden by Mr I'ayne. beat Mr Baxendale s El BMM (owner up): and Mr. Ten Cbong Bong's fnum omm won a gnlhn
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  • 53 2 THE KORAT RAILWAY. TMJ Arbitration Court in respect of the Korat Railway dispute lias been sitting for MM weeks past in London. The BMM Otmrmrbmn that a telegram Ml m received in Bangkok that the Arbitrators have disagreed, and have had to appoint an umpire, choosing a (ionuan railway expert
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  • 60 2 THE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP. Tmkiik was no further play in tin 1 Championship tie (Kgerton r. Ain-lie) of the Tennis Tournament yesterday afternoon, owing to Mr. Kgerton being unable to get away from his official duties The game will be continued on Monday afternoon, when the Mh of the A class
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  • 96 2 THE LATE MR. O'BRIEN. AN sMJMw) BM belli yesterday after noon by the Coroner, Ot. T. C. Munli--ton, to enriuire into the cause of the recent sudden death of the lati Mr. 11. A. O'Brien, Acting Auditor-* l.neral The evidence of the (lovernment Analyst, supplemented by the evidence of those
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  • 252 2 MR. EGERTON'S SPEECH. TO THE KDIToK oh TIIK "STUAirs 11MK- Sib, -lam gratified at the wry full way ut whicli you have published my remarks at the Municipal meeting on Thursday. In a re,H,rt „f that len.tli. some errors are sure to creep in ami I ai»U you to allow
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  • 398 2 THE JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS. A Simuu ro iik iiei.h. A MEtiiMi of „t thcSm-a-I pore >|K.rting Clul, wa- held yesterday afiernooii, at the Cricket Club pavilion, to consider the advi-al.ility of holding a <iymkhana meeting in connection with tin let, rations in June Tl,, re MM not very large, of
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  • 1130 2 . 1 .jiisekvk, Mr. Kditor, that you report „t great length the meeting of plant,.,. in Selangor and the address that they presented to the Resident -General, mi tho sympathetic and huinorou- that t'Ue Kesident-Oeneral made to the planters but 1 do not observe. Sir, thai the K.-i.leiit-deneral
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1248 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FRENCH BAKERY. SWEETS AND PARISIAN BINS, Cun be had on Sunday morning, the 2oth. BM lOt, OBCHAKD BOAD. MUNICIPAL NOnCC >fOTICE i- hereliy giveß that iii term-, of Hections .I. :,ii, lS4, if tl.,' Municipal Ordinance XV Of l-l«i an elec tion of one Commissioner for Rochors (.No.
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    • 54 2 «...mi i.wii Hi....- i>n hull April, i-'Tlli snnivi rs*ry of the bride's parents' marriage) by Hi. Lord BUhop oi Singapore and Sarawak, assisted i.\ Ike Kcv. II c Hcllll.iMl. HasTBI lll>-^ OoMl'l KTZ to Katiivkim X.»- vi ii. Coitiln, niilv daughter of th« CotoabU Cfeasdaia, Ike Her. LC. Bio>, Penang.
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  • 3014 3 MR. SWETTENHAM'S ADDRESS TO THE PLANTERS. v\ in I KREBI l\u SPEECH, n 1.1. BXPOIIT.] •i Reporter.) I mi following is a v< r'.ritim report of ill < i.i*— ip< h, in reply to address presented to him on behalf t 1 1 it < -<J Coffee Planter* 1 Associaii
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  • 546 3 CORNWALL VS. MALAYA. \1.,!.,., SMm i > 11. ii patten of a receal date report „ii v Cornish M I". Hr.Strause, ban ;1 ,l lung i. i. mi' wit h tbe firrt 1.',,, I tli.' Tr. .i.-ury iiti.l the BoBM iil In tin ir private r a ;it the 11..U-I
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  • 684 3 FRENCH INDO-CHINA. tobacco TllE Chan far M Saigon, gives particu-lar-,,fan interview between M. Uouiner, the <io.ernor-(ieneral of French IndoChina, and M. Hall'ner, a I. ,tani al expert in the Government service, who takes a special intereßt in the cultivation of tobacco. M. Haffner sought to int-iest the Governor-General in that
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  • 28 3 JUBILEE FIREWORKS. Tma Peaaag Literary Aatoeiatioß intend to hold Diamond Jubilee Braworki dbplar, and have coli.'. ted«S,l7oforthep*rpoaa. Tat Chiii,-.' (on-iil C. 11. nil at Waga|WW .011--tributed tSOO.
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  • 122 3 AN UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT. no taa m« w i."i .anh? iin Thanday ereniM as Mr. Bmtfi KynnerJey wai rt-tunuM hoiuj about 1,. i1l i -;.-t -ix I'll ihr Or. haul [load, i ling .ut ontaining two Xi rpnnuu [laaaed M >• i> rapU '„,.,1. 1, 1 a,,.,,,, La.k. Hi Un ii.
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  • 228 3 APPOINTMENTS. „l \1.1.\1. I II UKW lU'l M' 1, i r I <■"■•''■; ii-tni.- 'I»llii«ing appointment*, witli tbe ■i•i „,1 „i the s,< n-iaiv ol Ktato, incoiue uc of the retire nt >>l the Huu I4e i; K. [•emonger, CokmiaJ Treawirer, t die effect from tbe i'»th m-urn Mi I
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  • 835 3 SP ORTING NOTES. Thb outside track was open this morning, and some fast work was indulged in liruin, after once round at a slow pace, was sent along For a mile at a littlo over half speed, moving very freely and in very good Btylo. So far, ho looks an
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 932 3 NKTHKKLAMiS INDIA ACIIUKN In Achcen. operation- have I D r.. mn,, 1 against Tnku I'mar. the Achinese chieftain. He had I n |"ir sued from Lohong, his place of refuge on the sea ,-oast. far into the mountains. The Dutch troops drove him into an inhospitable region, and had to
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    • 830 3 POR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS; IT) LET; AND PERSONALS. IST Tin, 1.",,, nts a line i!n.| nn.l M times, Ki— ni- h line j 4th to oth times, 6 —nt. h I :ih 1,. IMk Itaass, 8 eeats n line; sllei wauls, I easts llne;bat no charge less tfaaa one dollar. Tlnw.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 236 3 WKATHKK IKPOBI K,,,vU,,i,, K,rt,«u sTisjiasl, *M /"v. t« a.m. .t p.m .Hp.m RxMABKa Bar ai '<-M ii fcfil n Temp. TC.O 7-n -i jj a-. itn. rii.M ms ni t...i liir. of Win I M.w. S.W. Calm Max Temp MM Ss-S-S Mm TM u-^ Has. in sun I-"' 7 I*9
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  • SHIP 1 N •
    • 127 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. rjwlsrthia log the foi lions an- as -tr iteami Imi.— baruue; Brit.— British I B. L Staiaa; Fr. Fr.-mli (i-r. ian; Dut. Datch; jab.— .lohore; Q.C., General •areo d n. -.1.-ck pasaaagen; i lain!T.\'.W. t/uij..,,,- IMs.M\Vl,_.f I P. I).-Taniong Pagar Dock B.W. Bon Wharf; J.W.-JardineV Wlii»rf;> II
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    • 1007 4 Arkivau Bna N(a>n' ot Yl=tew>av. Amhii-it, Krit. str. KM to IS, Cspt R lajlbJ, Jit Ii Apl. From 1. An Q in.i MB .1 p. Wee Bta I AnseiMth Rds. Ban ttmm CtaaM, lint. LyOOS, MH Apl. From I (i.e., :.!:ilo;l d.|i. Bhii Bangk I" -K.I-. B Oms.
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    • 334 4 VESSELS EXPECTED ,'iomf, port, probablt data of arm i minir Hi sweats. ;i ngkong, May tl P. A I). Nvilney, Ma) IS BouaU remantlei Apl Jl. Boi f..v in. Hongkong, May 2; Behn Meyi M I. P. i I) i nvoi Maj 10; I 1 I -,ni .In. Hongkong, May
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    • 71 4 I WmmtoMtam, tea. Outau Q Kki A|.l -■I \.in\o Marii Jap —KM J jft, Mm H ¥3 f. Ho ian L'l Vmli, -'i Ban 1'.... 14 Hjr« i Ji \Vnllv m iMn ii ul Ml .-ill I I. C i v H Kkong \,.i i.-,. I i i V|>l
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    • 76 4 CLEARANCES. i>Aik. Vi,.!.,:, Hktu li \at tti 1 lIA I S Dm Api .'.i li.i Dousl i -'I Ki.mAim M lii-lm -'4 tiliuin Ann -I Kian Yang -M >H|.|.h,, -I Bengknli, -'i ltaiijernia«.in -i Kutaang IN I Rub) Dardauui s ,ir., "I Ci|,.|,,~ Brit. Mr. h ~ir. ttr. •tr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 375 4 NOTICES. J' KAfIAISiGA of Japan TOILET WATER IppnrJMti hr n Matt pertat <~ind the Winij of tomfort and frr.- MM v.l. ;< h it imparts to tbe skin Kananga Extract A DBUCIOI C1! in 1 >■: FOR THI HANDKI M HIEF RIOAUDi C", 8, ruo Vivicnn- 1 APIS A M
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    • 650 4 CIAUTIO.V TO BITIP W.NEBB AND CAPTAIK& KAHI.IKN s \>. 1 1 |01 I.IXO OOIIPOBITION. Othar makes than oar a igioal nmnutacloresare no« sold. The Reoaineand only CompoeltlM witb which Mr. Kahi im hii If ha-anyionnec tion i« llAir.MAxx- RiHTJEBS, nnd pai-k--rißcs an- marked with these wonln, and we trad mark
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    • 425 4 NOTK ES. Tiic best srsfsuatiea lor preservinit. rctlcr-iig. mt kaaaH*yia| tbc hair is Ayer's Hair Vigor. lip free from (landiuß, h. ill ti nl Ii oms bunion", aud prct.uiM.l- ball IroiM falling omi Warn th. ii Ii bei on dry, -.liin, faded texture snil promotes Dew and vi> i,i, ,n
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    • 1156 4 NOTICES, so'jrg watch 1. s i"... 11 11. IK lii; 1.,\. XXI- Hi il. M. TIIK VIKK.N. Speciallj 11 nf.iiiiin.,l and rceomBoaadad for use in ths Bart, Hks-on's Si k. hi .-iiikm.iii I IKI. I)' U \nll A Uol i K< i. 1. h Uall 1 Ii:-mi. 1 meter
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    • 787 4 AUCTION SALES. NOTICE. rnu -mi. oi MMta| ilia* s.iuniv hi I Tanjong Katoag, Bled to takr place on Friday 13rd April. It po>tponr.i lo rimr-.h.v. theSMk April. 1807. IB CHAM HKO.-v, An. uojitx-r,. BALI nX VKKV VALUABLE SEASIDE jii ii.Kis.. mn, HITIATKI) AT TAIMO3G KA'ioN'.. ill,. oadanigaad lia.i' baan la
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    • 105 4 JWTICES. TIMES "AND B l I>f i XT." Straits Times, post fn r. |H a year, or *-v o month, or ten ci-ni- m copy Straits H,U;'t, post (re.-, IWayaar, s« H q aartat or 40 .-tints a copy. Tli- adTorUaing ratei nrt- lir»t tim«, 16 cnnt« a line tad
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    • 31 4 NOTICES. W. DAI.I.VN. JOCKKY. 81-;(i.s t, notify thai trooa Ist April 1897, |I|C v -i" tin- price ol CBUBHID I CRUSHED BARLEY, INDIAN OATs IMIAN BRAN, and PADD> Vt Road, OffOrchai
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