The Straits Times, 22 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED! IB3L SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1807. NO. 19,20 a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 951 1 fi'llK HOKNKO COMPANY, LIM11KI) i.-,d<ir,l Lift AMunuioe. N.rwich Union Fir* Inauranoe Sooi«ty Company (Fire). table Mfo Ansumnce Basfclj itaal st.vun BaMgaMsa Ooasfatt} I r tt.'tihnin Lag! lt«er Company. i" In uraace Oompany. tsMM, I r |ii,li,uUni of th.'s.. <■"],, |.hi,,,-«. >cc the nsnl "t J'HK BOBNBO COM-i-ivr. LIHITBD. Attenta STEAMSHIP
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    • 938 1 HANKS. THK NATIONAL BANK <>K CHINA, I.I.MITKI > Authorise,! C.-ipit.'il U iiii.i.'i >nl.-rii1....l Capital t MMH 1 1 K ai > Oin, i: HonKkoiiK. COVBT OK DIBKCTOB8: I>. (iilli.-x. Baa. ihan Kit shun. Rau. 11. Htolterfobt, K-.i. cl.ow Toa Khan, K-., Kwu Hoi ci,,,,.,,, X-,,. Canr m tmtmm Qa*.W. F.
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    • 797 1 KOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; AJN T D_PER3O>TALS. i -i, ir. rent- a line; 2nd and 3rd timea, 10 cents a line; 4th to «th times 6 ecnts a line; 7th to 18th times Scents a line; afterwards,!! cents a line; but no i harge lesa tban onn dollar.
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  • 453 2 LATER MAKKFI QVUIATMW& Sisciaidbe, Mbd Ai-uii.. tM7. PRODUCE. Oambier f lf>. ilo Cut>p No 1 I" do do So 2, MO Com Bali •In Pontiiinak, MO, l'< I r. Black 1400. Sntn FlourSarawak,..'i'nninal. do Brunei -'.-•'> Pawl Bago :i-«. Coflee, Bali. pi. ked „38.00. Coffin! Paleinl>an(t, pi.-k-i Coflee, Libcrian,
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  • 47 2 SHARES WANTED Municipal Oebentun-i. 6 Do. Do. Taniong ftgar Rond:*. Hen rrys K.vcr Dock Cc riinjom-. Rtralts lea Co. Maynard i Co Rauba, Contributory. ■OB BALbj. Singapore Int. Co i ln Uqaidationt, Htraits Fir,- In- Co, !>■• Jelehus. Pahang Corporation Hbaraa. HOMEKVILLK a i.INK, Baahaafje >v ghaee awoken
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  • 262 2 MA I LS CLOSE. I h.; f.ralr. Ti.ut. ro-MoBjMW. Sarawak Pervavrik, 7 m.ih. c.iii \i;i port- />'.«,! Umh, in a.m. H'kong A Japan D.Uekwun, 11 a.m. Hongkong inn, 11a.m. I'.-kini ria aortt l p.m. Billiton A Ptianak 0. Wktttm* Ipm r. Amod vi.. porti >■- iim, 2 p.m. Malacca a
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  • 22 2 . Ai Koala Lumpur, on April Ifltb, Juhi Wi 1 1 pom>, ein. i Surveyor, Irlangaf. igti ■>>■ II. > and Australian papen pl.-.-i-.--copy.
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  • 123 2 PASSENGER LIST. twin lv. l-. r*nmi uoi.i llaaganai Mr I.-i tupjiiv ii-oin KUag via pojta: Mr.and Mr*. Cuthlieruon, Mr. and Mn Kin-.-v. Mr. and Mr-. Ami limn-/. M,—.-. Payne, (tollwaj Smith, Uollay, Abraaw. Barker, Peak, Bird, and Cap. Carey, p,., Sumatra from Dell Mi Stem 11.-,I 1 I. A i>.
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  • 148 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY, 22ND APRIL, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. hsTAHI.I.xHKH HI. (Mi ICE 10 CENTS [HwkimifHtm ralrt mul nilrertisi'iy rultr aaaj Ufmmk >.i. Hmfmmtk }>«</<•• 1 THE WAR. TIKKS Vlrl'iiKllM >. MB aiimv nsjou ill, i.t> r illff.l. -JJiul April. The Turkn have carri.d all the position!; onmmiidiin: the road
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 32 2 OPIUM IN FORMOSA. Ostlu- Ut April, the reflation- giving licwises to MNWomcm of opium were put into operation »t la.p.h. Formosa. Four thousand licenses Ml granted in the course of the day
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  • 32 2 THE GOVERNOR PRESIDES. Thh Anglo-Chinese Boarding -Sclio; 1 reopening ceremony takes 1; ace ta .hciiewbi.ilding.o.V Orchard Koad on the tttk inst.. at 4.:t0 P.m. Sir < liarl, ■■< B. Mitchi-11 will preside on theoccu-ion
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  • 31 2 FROM SELANGOR. „-te,day afternoon from ft«bj( 11.- „,,,>/,„. >„„,>/,„. viz: Mr. ami Ml*. Cutt |«lM>.ndNlt KiM-y. M; an.l Mrs. Anthonfes, alesers Barker. I ayne liallwcy. Smitli. llolley. Al.nims. ami IVak. anil Ca|»t. Carey.
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  • 50 2 DROWNED. Two Malays left hMll ye-t,rday morning toe* wood on an adjac.,, island On the way Link, tli.-ir l.oat was 1-y M|MB an.l capsized. Both MM were thrown into tin- water, md one MM drown. -.1. The -wivivor afterwards recovered the body i«>d reported tin- occiirrcn. to the police.
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  • 80 2 A BRUTAL AFFAIR. Vkstkiii.ay af!Prn,«>n. a Malay .on stable found a |W ejjrijg pil-ou- lv „,,1-ide .i hoaae m N.-il Bo«d He ealMa orporal. an.l tli-y ,1,-,ov, r," that the voiinu' giH had lu-en l.randed mi the body by a heated instrument alterth. inaiineiofbr.-in.liiu',attl.- Tin.-.-men were arre-te 1 in eonneetioii
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  • 364 2 THE TURKISH ADVANCE. Tiih lurk- h.ive ,p-;i,-kly followed up their •aceeaaia iarcsaajlha Maluna pans, where the (iiv.k- had m.M fenred attaik. The M duna and two other |>as- 1,,-,- sJoaigsiwa stand high aha** tha Tiie-<alian plain, and, at the outbreak of war,tbeTurkshad occupied commanding positions on the tops of these
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  • 8 2 A i-iiAi th ai. miner adverti-,- ininiiij! wnaflnnmi
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  • 11 2 I.IIiFWAN lice has an.-iiu l.tlli-n, 1.. day's price beiag oarjr tm
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  • 12 2 Tin .lohorc (iiiv.'niiiii-nt invitee ti-u--den f'r!lu- Opium an. l Spirit Farms tlnrc
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  • 14 2 Mr Kusnua plays I.ii-m. Am-li.- r.,, ili<- lawn t. in.,- ehampioualiip thin att" moon
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  • 14 2 MESSRS. Ku/ Baa* .<<l\. i tir..- M arrival uf lr.->li 1- n, i|,,.;, Uulurtna
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  • 15 2 Tv MMiaaii all '7,,,,,, th,- pip"-r publiihed at Shanghai. Dow appean m a ilaily.
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  • 16 2 Tbeatrioal Coy. horn Java advertiaa their npwiini to-nighl oppOHtC Hill HtfMt, MM th, 1,,- Work-
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  • 19 2 Till Philippine (invcllilnelll la- pi,, liibited tha importation ofarnii niin n- o| and alcohol into th, Sujii iWUMI
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  • 22 2 Ihi. In) aod pfthf Hamil rWamiiliiu railway in l'or«a turned on ihu £md March by II K y,. el,,- >■„,, Governor of rTaoiJ.
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  • 27 2 A, ul robbers ttn* l> a gold nun, al Coolgardie, W.-t Auatnlia the other day. Tl,,y broke into (be railway station, and carried „11 fI 1
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  • 25 2 H»»ll Hon.. Tn (in 1. ,1 Co. advertise ai, am u..n sale ..i freehold property fronting the Singapore nv.-i Mat» 1. on the. '-111 instunl
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  • 25 2 luk Telegraph Coniuaa) uotif) ih.i private lutegrajM in Code foi Miation* in Uneoe uru forbidilun, until further notice, by older of tbo (ilcck Uovuril lIICIII.
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  • 93 2 PLAGUE AND TEMPERATURE. lih Lowaov, ..I Hiiagknf, i.IN >" the thai the plague is well-known in Equatorial Africa. It haa Sonriebed in l'gan T~. »bich ia practically on the r.iiiat.,r. and ttxA above -,-a I- vcl with the n~'ial arWaooa temperature n, the -had.' af N dej: in the div
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  • 161 2 CHINA. i ii k iikm>ii mnßsSa T.n n mk Ci.a' DK Ma< Pon.u.i. .irri',,l at I antoii on the 19th in>t accompanied i,y hi< I'iivai.- S,-, r.tary. Mr. <iro>-v.'-nor and at oatee proceeded to the Britisa CoiiMilate It i- rumoured that II K. has made in|iii ries loiic.inim; some cargo
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  • 253 2 THE INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE. A i hki btHtute which will aagaga the attention of PatUaaMßt in tho next f.'W days, taya the in that wi.i'.h has been promulgated by Oriel College. Oxford, with regard to Indian Civil" Stud) ntl U lien the Ic. s man haa paaead the prdiminary ,ompetiti\e
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  • 333 2 A REMINISCENCE OF THE MUTINY. AmiiiKKi-oiiiireeord.- 1, 1, 1 1 1 n.,,,,1 ot Urn aays erf the Indian Mutiny boa been hroii^lii t,, light by on,- „t ii., Indian journal- It ha- 1,,.',. n in aoaae el the narrative* „i the Mutiny thai the yottny telegraphic »ipiall.r who •tack
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  • 1132 2 THE RESIDENT-GENERAL AND THE PLANTERS. a PKI'I TAIION AND AN ADDKK.S,-. (ffwm li')i>jrt'r.) 1 1> Tuesday afternoon, at tho Baiaßgoi Cluh. Mr. f. A. Swettenhaiii, the. Reei-dent-Oeseral, laetsWl deputation of the Tinted Haulers' Association of flu federated Malay States, and hn from them an address on 1,,-half of the \.-o,
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  • 95 2 THE PHILIPPLNES. li i- iindet-t Ibi tin thai ii,, A,, 'hl.i-hop',,l Manila i, lu-iii- twu in\ nation- t,, Ma, ln, l lm> ivcu.,l mi „i,|, i to pro, ,-c.l till on. and 11, ,1 lie will ellhcl ttill llougltoug or x Singapore in i to travel nume !■> tlie r'ren
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1227 2 LATEST VDVEKTISEMEXTS. INCH (LASS TAILORS, cq BREECHES MAKERS, sunn' MAKERS, f% lIOSIKHS. m:w noncAL UATTKKS. SI lIIM.S. tf\J M.« RIDING TWKEU) m a.MmoRDs. M.U SlllliTlM.S. ■r >l NSlllllNkAlil.l..' I M-.\\ uua iiai.i «J^ mini:. SEH PEAILBRAW, IBBAI lI A IS. KT< I H nr ANTED, by stboroughi] practical ll Miner.
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    • 6 2 lm: UK.NKKAI. BHlPriNti NKWS i I
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    • 92 2 M. 8. 8. intand^i for tb. Ml JWm h ld^* written cm om .i<W of th. only. Bj tb» nW l.rt of th»t condition. m.ny M 8 S »r» r.j«et«d tliat mi«htoll..r»i«itK.publi I h«d. All «3rert«iu» cuntr«U »r« .uSiect to th« <-oii.litn.n tl.»t th» Si •naffer m«T Inn the «J.frti»m»"'
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  • 1593 3 SELANGOR RACES. ,HIKI> DAY, MOMOAT, lUtii APBII. K OWH IKI'OHTEK). in d.nly downpour would seem to be ibluhed institution ben In Kuala I he weathi r waa glorious up [within three-quarters of an hour of on Monday Then, dowii ihe storm, and it continued with 11. until all the ben-lit
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  • 290 3 THEFT OF MIRRORS. Thw morning, Ab loot Raman, Omar, and Haji Tambv were brought before Mt Wilkinson, 1 iiarged »itli being 1 nn nornod in ttcaling and dUpocing i>i ase containing IH mirrors valued .it Sluti bvlonging to thf Trangalantu Trading Coy Inapoctor Fairhurst V |.|.,ii,..| to the court that
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  • 1724 3 PLANTERS IN COUNCIL. UNITED PLAimUW AfIfIUCUTIOM •IF TMK PIDBBATBO MALAY SIATKS. IHAUOI KM. .MKKTIXU AT KIAI.A I.IMI'tH (0| Reporter.) THBfirel gnnei maotlngnf the TTnil ml Planten A--.,. -iation of tin) Federated Malay 8 ,t. w.-i- bald in tbe Victoria Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, on Tweaday morning. to elect olßoersand paesraJea. Than
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  • 887 3 HOME NOTES. Ma losu taoaua, lha fuiioii- haraiat, Iblnki tha Qoeaaj of Bo—s— as, Car ssaaj >>Im;i.' lha graaAaal BMsaiaasa aaaeag Royaltica Kinfl alfon I Kpain la n..» tma yean old. II- <-..., ..1 1. onttni 1 ika HpsnWi eonatitation, whsahs 1- Iheee and ih- (j 11- ragsaey, lharabta, haj
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  • 100 3 S.V.A. CORPS ORDER. BSai I/../7. I. (Marly ofll— r lor aa— lng weak: fnd I.i. vi K Mill, ,n. gergl Kerriaon and Oimnsn Hllae and Oranam are transferred t" the ■aaarve. Mu-k, try practice will taJta alaea al U.i l,--t i-i Rangeon Baturdaj iwit, aitpja to enable Ibass wbe ha«a
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  • 240 3 TO ARRIVE. F,,, Ih, fnr hM,f l',. r f. A Oi a. a. .1,11. ting with tlir-i nmor HuhiUa al < ulonitn from I.. 1. |„i, M.ii.l, Mr 11. 1 N Ml- W.ll-. Ml 11; IM: M MiH V M,~ K..1..T1- Mty ,<| Mr- Hpink-, Mr. and Mm Haytol an
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 16 3 a. mm">kA^AmA. <G*!& Condy*s Ruidb l „J .11 N 1A32L1.U1 Condy's ii.. B. Wllfe .jp««c Uuokulllirnii.,.-.
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    • 855 3 AUCTION SALES. IfOTICE. r PHK -nle of Ituildinu -it- al A Thujouk Katong, Died lo tak- aasea .11 Friday, «rd April, 1- portpenatl lo Tbnndsy, ths L'f'tli April i-m? ■H (KANK 1!|{(». \,i.1i.,n,-r-. MI.X Of VKKV VAI I Mtl.K BEABIOI it- 1 1 trraa, HITtATH. VI TAN.H'M. K M(iN(,.
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    • 691 3 r^OR BALE; EMPLOYM ENTB; TDLETsAKDPERfIONALB. Nt iimk. 1.", —i1l- a Haa); lai and .'tr.l limes, lOcentaa Haa «th to 6Ui thnaa, I iit*a line; 7th to Imi|, times, .'t epntu a line; after wai da, eenta s Has: bat no eliarge leaa thaa aoaaolkw. Than, a Oras-, rti- •ni.-iil.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 282 3 wKAiHKi: Rirom Kaaaaakj K-r'an ■aajsM^ asai .1, HaV. Kajß.Sp.ra.oiuß. Khmabkii. Mir. lii f>>.M J:'.-.V, J»M6 1 T-nip will MjQ hii.o H'll. Tlier 7'.i.-, 7«.n 7-1 jj. Hir.ofWind u-u k.-i Calm X\\ \,u.Ten,,. M.I JJt Mia 7i; i) >i ix. in Sun UU z frj T-rr. nid. MA Raiaaail Nil. w
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    • 133 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. Cuderthisli-adingthofollowingabbrcvia tionn are uwd :-str. -steamer sh ship l>q.- ban )U e j Brit.-British ;0. B. United States Fr. French Ger.-«erm»n Dut.Dutch; Joh.-Johore; Ac. 0. 0, <{ cargo; d.p. -deck passengers; I tain; T. V. W. Tanjong Pagar \Vharf; t. V D Taniong Pagar Dock ;B.\V Borneo
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    • 1356 4 TRADING VESSELS. AbkivalB Bih<:« Noos OF Ykhtkiiday. ban Hhalt Ilin, Brit. utr. ltC> tons, Capt OUen. IUX Mar. From l'ontiiinak. lWh \i)l Uo, and 11 d. p. Btritil» Steaui-lnp Coy. For Billitan and Pont innak. MM V'nro/ino Dut. fttr. i»i tons. Capt Ka— Ig, «nd Apl. From Klang -iUI ApL
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    • 492 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. IMtttlf Of ii'/'UN, I Va>«r, port, probable date of arriial, ami ar. cti|,.|ittn. Apl S6: S. and Mo-.-» iden, Hongkong, Mhv 17; P. 1 O, \u-lialind. Fr.-mantlf, Apl M: Bouitead. Breconahin- Hongkong, Apl 31; a Wood H.iv.-rn. Hongkong, May 2 8.-lin Merer Borneo. London, May 4. P, A
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    • 196 4 4 Flao 5 hMlklui a urn Camta a Km. A|.l ■.'1 Hum W| mll Hin Brit st, |Ut Ulten 1 Idsuml Mara Jan. Mr. law Curno« UtUwi Mtrtr. II- A.,,-,,.. 1 UB WhI.I k.-luml.-r lluv Kn 1 1, > Kacod»n K,,i.san K g tr |«M lmil (Hug Ann «v.
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    • 57 4 CLEARANCES. Katk. VhM N 4>lfc Kla,.AUu. i-ai-tm;, >ATt. In.mimi log A|.l lloruoo Hiimtr. Smith .>., v sir, r.tU\ ;i i 1> JE2 Bchuur u-iw I Bwirtr. Uellbcm Malacca and Klhih; Batu I'hl.hi Mv ii I 1 Brmndu rringnna »u.i Hongkong, B'hai and im" ICotx Porl Darwin i' Braodaa Paoang
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 583 4 NOTICES. ELLWOOD'S patent AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS A HOTJBEHOLH WORD INDIA. W.ili.N IN 1111 lA-1 lIV All AUAHIIKI. r,i f Orrv km-. Thi Goto Midal 1 nt I ivi i BOY* i::m,l mi i:mi 1. U.K., LrOVIXW, ISM ELLWOOD'S paient AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS FRENCH BAKERY, Bpeoi|J doss linns will !><• supplied to order
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    • 200 4 NOTICES. I For Constipation I and Biliousnessl A n.-t in 1 ••(< r.-i.- lor l.dit. md childr.l lo 'di.*i."<. V trull Jullm curt. tobilMl'lO—lpilie. 011.r..i lt..'b .nJ llcfc kmtttt JULIEN, 8, rue Vlvlenne, PARIS Retwwn.d I'hr.unn. pr.«r,b« Gnm.uli Mllico SraSc DbckariM. Tat Caarala, unuk. Cop.ib*. MATICO INJECTION is used in
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    • 686 4 NOTICES. Indigestion Loss of Strength And Appetite. The testimony of Mr. R. Dennis, Adelaide, South Australia, who was cured by Ayer'a Siirsapr*rill-., i like unto that of nv.ny thousands of others. He writes: "It is with very mm h pleasure thai I i,t t. to the inert hanaM I reiiiMd
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    • 1111 4 NOTICES. JOSEPH BAKKH. (ONi'KtTIOKEIt AHJ> VI«N»A ttKKKV BAIIH HK.iS loinfon.ilhel-adie!. and (ientle- of S,..g»| tlmt he has. mMd afonfectionerv and lennn Bahan at >n H Victoria Sln-et. next to the oinellt. Cakes nnd Redding take, at moderate Charges, ami all olfier different Uoda of lk e- of the Lest .|imllt>
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