The Straits Times, 21 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED, 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 1897. NO. 19,207.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 951 1 ,pnK HORNKO COMrANT.LIMITKI) ri^HK stan.lar.l Life AMDranon. V -,i»,rl, I'ni.m Kir., liuurnncn 5,.,i..t v 'II." ..lllp-.1.v I Kirn I i i',- Umumaes SooMf Marina Inraraaoi Coatuaaj Btsaa Rav%atua Ooapaaj aham U|M li««-r Otmaeaj [I in Km., .'.impiiiij-, l.iiait.«l. us ..f thex Ootnpasie d,,. al "t THE HORNKO COM- IMIIi:H.
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    • 653 1 i BUCHANAN WHISKY I W I I lv LJ I— W I SOLD BY ALL UOBMD SFIKIT I)K M.KKS. IVAI/i DIVV k BaMBAI st 11-i.iKii n nu Hoires ok L(ibi>B and Commons and 10 all good LaaaOM CLtTM, ttfli (££2, SCOTCH whisky 1 THi I IVERBAL AI.WAV.- I' KINK lIX
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    • 369 1 SCOTTISH ORIENTAL BTEAMBHJI' COMPANY, I.IMITKD. Km. 1 'i..Mi I. ink l!f.i»i:i.N Baxc.k.ik AM. lI.IMiKONO. j. s. V ftut, Capt. r. HU ton-. Kong 1i.,,1. Capt. Joalin, MM roi rh fir. Capt. Primrose, i Ki,u.,i 1 pt.Fowli r.ljCli l!,n, 1 hula I V. rt, c:»pt. Plgot, l."l: 1 i.,, 1
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    • 684 1 [NSURANCE& 'IMIMM \lilNK!Nsl l:\Ml.c«iV 1.1 D Cai-itai. Si ii-i -Piiiii.i.. fl.i«in.i««i. Capital i -aiki i 1 1 •**>,<«»». lii m:vk. VHOfIBU 11,,- iimlaislgaeaT. Bering aeea arpateted Ap-nt lit Bingaporefortheabovi CoVnpanr, la prepared to accepi risks bj First <"!;,- Steamers and willing V, FRANK RITCHIE, Agent. rTiBI PBdITII issTKAXCi; 1 COMTANV
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    • 1066 1 INSriJANCIX CiftHTOI INSI'KANCE OFFICE, LI.MIIKD. Capital suhM-ribed fa.eon.nuo. An.onnt f»id up enn.nOO. aV-juTT* fund i 2no 000. IliinOrn H ni, ..s j Th» i.n-lr i-ii. .i. havinir been ai.r. i>.'..| A«Mas th. nlK>Te Co.,,i«ny. are prepare.! f t -<*pt ,M;.rii«. Slat, it hi -nt rate. A Borv* :i »nn,,al!T „.I
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    • 813 1 HANKS. THE NATIONAL BANK <>K CHINA, LIMITED Authorised Capital ce 1 .000,000 Kubscribed Capital .'^m., Hkai. on-i. i Hongkong. COUBT OF DIBBCTOBH: D. Oilllee, lea. Chan Kit tibae. Bag ll.stolt.-ifoht K-.i. Chow Tuni; Shan. X-, Kwaa l'"i i l n. K-| Ciiikp Maxaiiir li.-i. W. K. Plavfair. Inten'St on Fixed
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    • 782 1 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; ANDPERSONALB. [Ist time, lfi centß a line; 2nd and 3rd times, 10 centn a line; 4th toftthtimeH S rents a line; 7th to 18th times 3 cents a line; afterward',^ ,-entn a line; but no rhargo le»a than one dollar. Thu« a thitr lint advertisement,
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  • 486 2 COMMERCIAL. LATH HARUCI ivl uTATKiNS. Siv'.u-oi.L. l'Ut Atkil, IW7. PRODUCE. itnii.l.i.-r. 0.10. do Oulie No 1 10.00. do do No S>, 5.40. Oonra Bali, .-i7.v .In Pontianak, HO IV) per, Black I 4(«). -wo Flour Sui riM.-ik ..n.)iiiiniil. 2M. do Brunei, Ut, Penrl Sa^o 3..V.. Coflee, Bali, picked 8«.(IO. Coflee
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  • 49 2 SHARES WANTED. Municipal lM.enlare-6 Do. Do. a liinjoiiK I'anar Bon. la. N. Unre Biver U.k.l; Cu. Paaiaeaa. Straits Ice Co. Majroard Jt Co, Baabs, Contribalorjr. FOB BALK Bingapore Ins. Co. (In Uqnidation). Mian- Fire las. t',. 1 De. ISHMBV Pshaag Corporatioo share-. HOMKKVILLI a (iI'XX. ■mkaam 1 ghoN Hrok.>i>
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  • 117 2 MAILS CLOSE. For I'tr ,tr. Ti,,,,. To-MoKl.ow. I. Uiirwin Asram, ...m. Bangkok Bonm II a.m. i'.'uiuik'l Fislsfis, XOOll. Munri Malacca aT«*ms, 1 p.m. >.-|Miii« riaportl )<:,T,,,.0r. 1 p.m. Malacca Klang HmAh, Itaja. IV, mil* :ii|.| Deli It, -J p.m. 1 ■■■-it- 1. M, p.m. Hongkong :t pjn. C.jtie vi.-i porU
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  • 115 2 MAILS TO ARRIVE. PhomKi i.oii -Ityilie r. Ait. ,:,h,U, t due on -'^il 1 1-1,1,1 mil, datea 1.. the tad instant >h briagi repHsi le Ins mail arhk-fl I. 1 Mnsßasra ...i las M KhomThiha: B) tasP aO, v, in vmm lue ..11 ruewiav. Hingaii ,i. !>., ■mi Load Mm
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  • 219 2 PASSENGER LIST. m.i:i\ Hl'.r MM. 1.1. 4'n Ir.mi BttBOJMr. 0. A. Luck From Yokohama aff. Brown Fi 111 II ingkoog: -UenL F. 0. Hi Mi- (i- h, and Mr. A. Lewis, 1,.,- .\...-.i from I'eiiiing Mr. T. i". Bogsardt. I'ei l.'nl 1 1 .111 rriugganu M.. s. Boberti. Ml vkii
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  • 20 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. K.-iTAHI.ISHED: 183!. PRICE 10 CENTS. [Sulwriptiou ratt* aiul tuirertuing rate* may l# fonit/l on the /mirth page.]
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  • 96 2 WEDNESDAY, 21ST APRIL, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE WAR. DK-iIKKATK It ATTI.K. INVA-lON SW ALIIANIA. /.■■iuL,n, rU< .Ipn7. A desperate battle in th. Keveni puff ba- r.-ulterl in the Turks r.tre.itinir across the frontier with irr.-at loss. A Greek force from Kpirus is advancing on Janiua in Albania. The Duke of
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 348 2 THE CAMPAIGN. lilKst-iie of the Turko-Greek campaign lies mainly in north-east Oaasam. in the province of 1-i.risxa, the shores of which face the Gulf of Suloiiica. lie- lore Ike outbreak of war, the Greek commander* held conimandins posi- tioii^ tlnr. in emaj force The) feaied 111. -I an attack by
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  • 138 2 Fsjaa the si,-,i,t- Ttmm Faad have, to-day, remitted ■j-'.no'i to th.- Indian Famine K lief Fund at ilcutta. That make-., to 1 al remit tan. c oi Vlo.ixm ti .111 UmShmili TimmlTmmi. The remittance rate w.i- |ii.'].tlie-umi.'oiiu'a- MM This su,,i is -lightly larp-r than the actual am unit liiat we
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  • 229 2 <•( i Hongkong eetiespoao>«l t.legra|Ji* t.-day to the tile, t that plague has assumed an opieVmit 1 bra m Hva la* awl Formosa, sad Uml the Hong koag Uovemmenl coaridor lbs dang** to ih loay io be m real that they have prohibited immigratiga from those places. Hongkong, sf nrarte.
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  • 147 2 The Diamond Jubilee proposals will i come up at to-morrow's Municipal meeting. Mr. Etferton is to submit to the Commissioners a list of various proposals for a permanent memorial, and the Commissioners will probably select a half a dozen or so of these and launch them at the Governor. The
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  • 10 2 Tan Municipality advertises for an in-pe< tor of town cleansing.
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  • 16 2 A KKWARD is adverti-e.l any one who brhaji of lost Hwniaa cat to Abbotfford. Orchard Road.
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  • 17 2 Tiik extension of Hoat Quay IS a ■Object to be brought before the Muniipal Commissioners on Thursday
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  • 17 2 Mtssits. John I.ittlk Co. advertise a new supply of racing silks, fancy rooting*, dress suitings, ami shifting*.
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  • 24 2 Tiik I' A U. s, s. Suiula left I'enanp, j at 10 p. in yesterday, and may le I expected here at daylight, to-morrow.
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  • 23 2 Thk IVnang Turf Club, on the 14tli instant, Im the dates for the next race meeting there at the sth and 7th August.
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  • 27 2 Mk. I) Hhown and Mr. L C. Brown j received their discharge in Bankrui'tcy, lit Peasmg, OB Ike Uti instant, by order of Mr. Justice Ilyndnian Joins
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  • 35 2 Ir is proposed to Let up a gymkhana me. ung on .tome date in June A meeting to arrange this, if possible, will he held in the Ciickel Pavilion, on Friday, the -Jili'l, at .'> p.m.
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  • 26 2 POOR JACK Vlstkkhay, a blue-jacket WM eentenced to fourteen days' bard lal, .iir for being drunk uml iiicapabltt in Taajong I' lioad, on the 15th instant
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  • 42 2 JAPAN SILVER. Thk value of the total production of the silver miMt in Japan i- something under Vi.lHMi.tHNi ;i year, bat, in coii»e- 'pienee of the adoption of the gold standard, mines producing fl^oo,ooo a year arc now to I.c s|mt down.
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  • 42 2 TENNIS TOURNMENT. Thk S C tennis tournament in Dealing its dose, and the end of the week I >v ill Ml all the conipet itionooaapleted. To-morrow afternoon, at lialf-patt four. Mr. faaftas] will play Lieut. Ainslic (the holder) tor the Championship.
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  • 114 2 WHERE ARE THE POLICE Tins ssnmiwgi Mr WUkinson took bis seat on the !x-nch at 10.15. but, us usual, OMM not get on with his work, OWmg to thu absence of the police. Witnesses and others concerned HM valuable time in this way, while men are detained in cu-tody bßßgas
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  • 82 2 PUNJOMS. Mv I Y. V Vkhm.nh flniMjtiins Hkara report, dated llth instant, notes th.U I'linjoiim ***** miii- out nf favour and the lower ratt of S| 7;, f.ul-, to attract benmm, altaMMgh sales an reported at $4 IMP. a few -mall parcel- only l,,iv hilt changed hands during the week
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  • 92 2 MOHAMMEDAN LIBERALISM. .i hbum mifti \MON, the M.HIN'II Who left I hiuuik for Kngland on the Kith iiwlanl bvUts P-*O.e.i aWrfa «m Mr \l M Xoordin, an enlightenud Mohamme d.v. merchant in rVnanc, and bia •butrhtor, M,.s N0,,,. hi. M, Xoordin »ill aw..v in Kngmnd to, une hrn Miss N'oordin
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  • 71 2 OUTWARD MAIL. liik mail •.ifiiiu. i i. ih olombn «P >" on Monday and may be *spi*ted M 1; 'y.. ningtheawhin* W.II-, Mr and Mr. Me,,,,.,, y litken, Miss Robertson Macdonald, Mr and Mr».Hpinkl, aiulMni II ivleraii 1 Iwo children, I'aton M r f ,fa .V"" 1 l r<
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  • 104 2 THE FAR EAST TRADE. ">NSI I.AX l\ul my Thk KaU ci,,;,,,,.-!, tl M ■jrlM Unnai,. II |>, 1, <■,„..,., Canton, who was appointed tv im ti gaM the conditiuiu „t r;l 1M '"'.''■'•••l«".l'-t> K..1,,.|-..rS| li ll i:u tin- month after spending ih7 monthi ia Japan M, it,,,,.,,, i, »l*^nop«Mtoaseertaintheconditioii of
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  • 42 2 THE PLAGUE. Ol TBKEAK AT iWATOW ANH FORMOSA. (Special Telejrani to the BMb ISstM Hongkong, 2l*t April Thk i lague BM hroken out in epidemic form at Swatow sad in Formosa. The immigration of Chinese Iron; there has been prohibited at Hongkong
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  • 126 2 . Mil OMBM AT KI^ALA M Mil H {TtUgrmm fnm from Htforttr.) IWaiay s/lsnuwn The first g*Mral meeting »f the I'nited Planter-' Association of the Federated Malay Stales was bald this morning. The meeting was a large one and very repre-entative of planting interests! aWw) regulating the Amo ciation
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  • 115 2 FOOCHOW. comviai cum KtKKHia.Mi to the recent Oonsnlm ehaajfM at Fooebow, the correspondent of the Surth-Cltimi Ihiilii \eu\' at that port say-: -For some time past thi or.linarv.lutiesof H. M.'s CtMUttl at thia port bare hern tu—iiliiwid comparatively light, ami it appears probal le that they will eoaUim so as
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  • 126 2 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS' HOME. unrra nra m io m don at tiik muun nra Sin, The petition of which you published the text in roar issue ol yi--t«Tiliiy"sil;iti', and whi< li, as ttntedl your coi-It -pwi'liiit. M aiMr.--. .1 to the (hainiiaii ol tin- BoMiatl ami Sailors' HoflM t'oiiiiiiiitf.-,
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  • 524 2 THE SHANGHAI RIOTS. Tilt oHK.IN The China Mail givee particular! tin- wln-ili.:iii..K riots at Shanghai, whi< at tin- trouble mum fn iin I ri. it- eul taxation. The M there bad doted with :i Prehiuinarj to meeting thi«, thi mm ft* ».i- raised tYi.:,. 4' t-. •!<«' ca«fa :i in.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 646 2 NOTICES. NOTICE, N Kill Kill. ANDS CUNSI I.ATK OENEBAL, STBAITB SETTLEMENTS ON the Mtb April next, an auction will take place at Pslsmbsog, f..i aeeonirt of the N. -Hi. -rial, 1-In.lia I i.iv.i inn. -nt. of ;,i 1 90 cubic metres of "Lilian" Ensideroxylon Zwageril beams, num. l timber, planks,
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    • 757 2 LATEST AOVEKTISEMENTS. T WTKD for BSWSSUI in Hnn(ikok, competent Knfineer. Apply by ml r -luting ojualiflestlonsand reft reneei ■A. co Strati, Tit.itr. Magapore, lid April. Mfl l'l i CiTOBEKEEPSB for Bafinesrißf Rstab- ii i. -Hi. iranted at ones, sHhar lan or Chinese, and one haTlna |,r.--vi, mi- experience in Engineerin|
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    • 9 2 I'm; OUf ERA I, bUirWJia NKW-"k-1. I Alii. 4.
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  • 985 3 MR. GLADSTONESLETTER. [gW« ABOUT Tt -11KKY AMI 808 fr. ni Mr QlxUtOM on -i1,.. I'risis, addressed to the Dak* of published hi pamphlet M i .I'd 11 Mm ray recently, and i,i the present critical juncture. .in gentleman explain* that from this intrjr indnwi bin the 1 ink.- in print
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  • 1439 3 MORE FROM THE MAIL. NOTES AND NKWs. a oreat taum bm Thereat MmOM „f the Berlin Exhibition last year Is being erected at tin- Übeervatory of QranewaM fur the observation of the star?. The remarkable instrument is a novelty, and reeet iDies long cannon on its carriage. Ihe tube is
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  • 305 3 HONGKONG BANK. TIIK MMDR AT KANOOON. When the mCh of the Heagfcoagnd Shanghai Bitk wew opened at Rangoon in the Bth instnnt. a mum of at-oul IN. 7">."<>o was BMH trOSB > ltl Hie key of the I'i'-' MM IH ili|.ositej is usual in the null safe, Urn key at
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  • 457 3 LITERARY NOTES. S.-v.ral aril. M I'n.l.sM.r I>i uimiiimihl ■ill appear m Urn April ingwlniia bj riuftWOl Mii.-iili-ii-r. "f <;.'. inllio Hookmam, by l»r. Walker in Ike Biyaflw, 'imi i.y Dr. Bobertaoa Ni.oll in th0Cm- i:.n.n. Hit ll.n> llnminoii'l hM "tilt, ti I account of .-vo'ii- in Jithaaaaa urn daring tha
    457 words
  • 93 3 Yesterday, a 'rikisha fare in the form of a Chinaman, wishing to discharge his man, called another puller, engaged him, and induced him to part with a dollar, until he, the borrower, should reach home. Having paid off the first puller. be travelled about until he was
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  • 188 3 SIR CLAUDE MACDONALD. THE lIIIITIsII MIMHTER ON TOIH. Sin C'laiue M.\<donald. the British Minister at P.kin. arrived at Hongkong on the U'tb instant, on board H. M. S. WmnimtU, lO visit Canton and the )irineipal Treaty Ports of China. He left Pekin on the Iftto of last month, and proceeded
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  • 1157 3 HOME NOTES. MILLIE: "If- always in damp plaeef I MMkMMM fTMT, tart it. papa?-" I'npn: Vw, my t» y." "I-i that 111.- rea--..ii th-y lookiik.- utnlm-llas pafar" An Au-tr;ili:in i.m.-i- hM liil up"ii Hip i.l.nnf trn.-intMh-lat.-.t ■Urtlff*"upon tliin piece of M»M n«iiiß dWMMI InHai of mk. 11.- Mhwi
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  • 79 3 S. C. C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. YKSTKKDWS KK-II.TS. OUOTOMV, Kgerton 1;,, i Sam BeM. A CUM »IS<iI.EH. Freer leal Whit... turn mmum. Scuular v. 8. Joa'paim. tuiif.U II i Ltm Im.l ill. l.Wriglil aii.Ui.jduin >■■■!! Si —.n iin.l C.-.r- 1 1 1 1L" 1 1 H «1 TIKS KOK TODAI a
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  • 275 3 HOMEWARD BOUND. TIIK ANNCAI. —Hit TIIK I. A >'. MAIL IV, IIMM. IWfc A|.iil Mr and Mr- Mi—. Mr .1 (iralnni; Mr. J. M Mutrav. Mr A C. BotnefTilte, Mr I. M. BWOB, Ml M»J Mr- M MrDerrick and eWM, Mrs Mbit FTnea i'enang: -Key. Mr. Bill's and Mr*. IV,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1054 3 NOTICES. W. DALLAIf. JOOKKY BK<iS to notify that trom l-t April, 1*37, there will lie a reduction in the price of CRUBHKD FOOD, CRUSHED BARLEY, INDIAN oats. INDIAN HUAN. and I'ADDY. Koek's, (>IV Orchard Uoad. THETT Of TREASURE. (INK TIIOI'SANIi Dl'll-AKs ItKHAH... QTHIIIiI a ease cntaiiiint seven TT thousand
      1,054 words
    • 857 3 Vi )K SALE; EMPLOYMENTS; TnI.KTiANDI'KRSONALS. Isttimf. l.">,ents a line; 2nd and Srd times, in.. -hn a line; 4th to Hth times, ft cents a line; 7th to ]nth times. .8 centa a line; afterwards, :> cent- a line bill no charge less than nne dollar. Tliun, a ndverti-cnicnt. close
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 176 3 WKATHKK KKI'OKI A-...,./..,i./ r«r*M v*ri,SM .1/. 9 pjn. RtMABU. w itn.riirr 7M Tin) i yt: Dm ■'< Wm.i Nr. S.i; i hlii. f5» Mk». in Sun 154.0 EtatefaU Nil. KATHKR TKLJCGBAM I/-. K .4. .1- P, T' li <'■ ■> .1.-1,.../. lIONOKONQ. Kinl-r. 3 Lion of Wind oi
      176 words

    • 149 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. rn.l.-rthi«ilH-a<lingth« following abl.rcviarionn an' Moil -tr it.-anmr »h. "lup On ,?ar.,n,. Br,t .-Hriti.l,; C. S. rn.t.d SJiiea; p>. French jGer.- (i.-rman Dm Dut.-h: Joli.—lohor.-; A.'.. •.•■■•nil -irvo .1 11 dock paaaangers; I. -I ,a,n" r P. W- -T,injon«^rWhyf;T. p. fanjong Pagar Dock ;H- W f I"'""-"
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    • 1292 4 TRADING VESSELS. ABBIVALB SlXfB NOON OF tSTKi;I>*Y. inuira Brit. »tr. ton*, ("apt Kent. JDthApL From Swatow. ll tli April. <*. .»I7 dp. BouiU'a.l Rud Co. For IVn.ii-. ■HHMhL Brit. »tr. t.m* M S.dlnr-. •JOth A|d. Muar l»th A,. 1 <ir I MH .i.p W.i Bin and 0» Iw, "''Jwti
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    • 496 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. ,l .<* I'lir,', [iift'iit'l* 1 fifltt fit flrriioi. c»-.<i MM H'tent*. \i. -:ir. f I :i[.-;iit.-i. A|.l S. aiul Ifosyi \d.n. Hongkong, Ma; 17 P. A O. ttutralind, Fiwmantle, Apl Boustead Hr n-liii Hongkong, Apl :M ;U. Woo.]. Barern, Hongkong, M.>\ B-hn Meyer Borneo. London, Bay lj P.
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    • 49 4 A RRIVALS MmAiKmm *T ta, AI %IK Fk iv| >a]ik| iNMiiSll ■US I lU<i ri,' l 1 1 g*»Bon Ipl i;iuut. •-■I Suit-,,, iint.H,. *M Beotl BMu Pkbat Apl SO Woe U i'!'i a i I( H ,T"" Xt" v>i v •Jl S.-,, ;1 ,,,t| Ku. taSr^s, L Vl
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    • 104 4 l>ATfc. Vis,ti.-s KAMi:X AM i: Ki.v.,vKh. Cv- T .\is DnruiATtoa V,,|i i'l a I n SSL rS: SSB. g£ assr SE2» rtf! Hhimnwn gjR 1 8 1 Koii«.M :T. 1 Chopwd g"£ i;;;:L Sr, PMUMMk Mr. 1M,,, ft»*S Ku-.-ir. H»ron.kj P| u 1 g" »f. Bruhu r r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 772 4 NOTICES. 1 lanoline^Bl -3^/1 *^ti Toilet Soap from til Chemists M I ri.--ii--nejitst»i« nh.imtitDtn.-v >o """"'""iLl^H^lJBBBHBBBiM FRENCH BAKERY, Special doss Huns will be supplied t<> order GOOD I Xl DAY. ton 209, ORCHARD ROAD ,1 A M HS WAT SON COS BCOTCB WHISKIES \KK I III; 8881 \.\1.l I. IN
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    • 1073 4 \<»l ICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE 'ortifythe! imjpnst Disease "COQI HEALTH. ES3ENCZ or. :tkact cr r-^ •■\a.*,oa sine* 1829. fov... 1 *ii^» g MBr CT T I AM I™i ImW MCtMOM, AUTMOIiITIta th« moil ™K^; iVta, DEBILITY, ERUPTIONS, WEAK uio LAfJGUiI} FEELINGS, ovi 6O YsWro' WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. fIMPOATAMT EVIDENCE
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    • 835 4 NOTICESr Ayer's Sarsaparilla. tt: Cttmm 1 1 m1 with A >' er Sirsapar; hi-the MM thoronßhly reliable alterative m rompounded. F,,r scrofula. Iwils, ulci-r^. sore». car-him.-1.-s. pimples.»-s, ami all dlsorden utHlnaHi i» vitiated Mood, tins wUIHm is a spwillc. Aver* S-irsaparllU is equally lieneMri as I r.'iiieily tm catarrh,
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