The Straits Times, 20 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHEDi IB3L SINGAPORE TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1897. NO. 19,206.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 930 1 fii.i BOBMBO COMI'ANT, LIMITKIi r I 'M K StAJiilArd Life Auuranoe. N r.i.l. Union Fire Insurance Society. „,-..iii,eron,,«ny (Fir*). ,1.1,. Life A»surar.<» Society M i. :n.. Insuraneu Cotnpauy. lutiml St««m Navigation C.impany. .i Ufa Hoer Company. I \l:n itime In uninc* Company, I, itinte.l. i nartionlan of those Companies, sco
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    • 857 1 k^ BUCHANAN WHISKY '"^slte IS THE BEST I \m* I I ll— Ik-P I— i W I KATZ BROB SOLD BY ALL LICENSKD SPIRIT DKALKKB. laUil MftuMj to riiK Hol°BKB of Lords and Commons and vo all good London Clcbs. Hl/1- NOTICES. 11 lIIKII> SMOKE "HELIOS" 'j£fa? MANILA CIGARS 1
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    • 667 1 INSURANCES. rpHEM MMNKINSI UANCKi HY. 1.1 D Caiitai. flllMiailMa tl.dK 1,000. CHI'ITAI.I'AIIH "I-. tHI.KH KIM I:VK. t.V«).(K»I Die naderalgnad, having baaa appointed Agent at SiiiKlipore for tlieiil.oveColnpanv. is prepnie.l to a.-.M'pt risks l.v First Classtea rs an.l sailing Vessels. FRANK RITCHIE, A^ent TH V. •■aill ..SSIKANCK COMI'AXY of I OBTDOBT.
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    • 318 1 INSCHANCKS. fUSION INSURANCE OFFICE, \S LIMITED. Capiui SuhKribed\ Amount pKid up inrifvo. Eiwrie fund 1.200,000. Hue Omca. II .m.,,m Th« UTI-JeTViLTTI.^. ti 1 1, tf LaMl R,.J...i. .1 4<™t» „t tho nhoT* r u ni'«nj. an. pT»pai».l to a.^l-1 Marine K^ki at current ratM A Bonn. i« »nnu»!lT l*i.|
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    • 377 1 BANKS. THI NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA, I.IMITKK Authorised Capital 11,000,000 Mil.-. rilHMl Capital f nOO.OOO Head Ofkkk Hongkong. COl RT OF DIRECTORS. D. CillU-s, K-.|. Chan Kit Shaß, r.-i 11. Stolterfoht. Ewi. Chow Tung Hhnn. Es., Kwan Hoi Chuen. Es.|. Chikf Manaof.r: Ceo. W. F. Playfair. I merest on Fixpd
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    • 758 1 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; ANTJPERSONALS [1«T TIMI, IS cents a line; 2nd and 3rd times, 10 cents a line; 4th tooth times S cents a line 7th to 18th times 8 cents a line; afterwards, 2 cents a line; bat no charge less than one dollar. Thus a Ikrm
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  • 444 2 . IATm MAKKKI UIKJTATIO.NB, sis,.\iuke, anii Ai-i;ii-. IM«7. PRODUCE. Oambtar B.W do Culie No 1 10.00. do .lo So J 'iilira liali 8.7& do l'ontiiiuak MO. I.-l per. Illnck 1400. 4acoFloarBarawsk,..Domlaal.. do Itrnnei »JO. Pearl Baas MB. CofToe, B»li, ptekad :i«.i«>. Coffee PaleinliniiK, ptekad I 1 Oil Coffee, Übariaa.
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  • 49 2 SHARES WANTED. Municipal I>..|,entur.-» 67. Do. Do. 6 ranjong Paaar Bonda. Xew Pry* Kiver Dock Co. Piiiij..,,,-. KtraiU 1,.- c... Maynard A Co. Baubs, Contributor)-. KUK SAI.K. Bingapore Ins. Co. (In Uqaidatlon). strau- Fire In*. Co. It., Tniatia*. Pahang Corporation Hnara*. MtMKUVII.LK A (JINN. i:\. ka**j* >v Mmm Brefcan
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  • 121 2 r ,ir. Tkmt. To-MoKKOH. Bataviaa H'marang 7 K. Pabang riaporta ftw/aaa, II a.m. Han, I -.i ti.. t .\,,,,i .1,.,,. p.m. kUangvla porta Bom 8m -.'p.,,,. rtourattaya via port* *rr* Moar BngtatU, .1 p.m. rVaangand Dell 11- 1,., 3 p.m. Maeawui tin porn Uillrlm, :i p.m. K 1
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  • 98 2 MAILS TO ARRIVE. I'kom Kikoii:: llvtlie'l' .to.-.-. ■■hilln ,iv -'.ill iu-iant nli date* to tha tod Instant Bhe I. ring- raplie* t., ihe mail whieb left Bhasapore on Urn :ir.l .•ft Singapore One in Um<*< \rriv..,l M.n-.Mh N. 11. 1.. Apl. tad Apl Mar. Mh M. 11. liar, rt l
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  • 207 2 PASSENGER LIST. it1.1H1..-. Per Ma I r.iuk Aomm vih porti M, ltavid«OD,Bo>)ert«>a Kn,,x Laurie, Falrhunt. rVixell, Bebuck HoogIsndt, l>- Bordes, Mr. and Mr-, si— Mr mii.l Mi UaeKie, Hon. Dr. l.iin Boon Keuo and Mr. Latham. P.-i- from Uuu |fi Mlllll. VV I'M .1.1, 1.1 i H.,,k..h. Per M. M
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  • 18 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. K.ITAnI.ISHKD IHL PRICE 10 CENTS \5,,1,i,-r!plion rate* undadeertieingrulet may It foutvl on the fourth page]
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  • 47 2 TUESDAY, 20TH APRIL 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE WAR. OSMCn ANNOI N.KUK.NT. Loud;,,, Mlh April. M Delyannis. the (ireek IVeinier. ha- announced to BM Chamber of Deputies at Athens that. Turkey having declared war. Owses accepts the clmllenge. The Im-iim.ui Milliner at Athens protects the Turks in (ireece.
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  • 46 2 TURKISH SUCCESS. riIIKTV HoIKH KHiUTIXO. The Turka are matsters of the Mului.a r.iThere. th.-v carried the Greek bloekboawaa at OS* point of the bayonet after severe righting which lasted for thiity hourTba tiglitiiig extended for many miles the frontier, twenty thousand I nun being engaged
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  • 226 2 NAVAL OPERATIONS. raavasM n boim, I'i,\, -a, a town in Kpirus, whirli baa been bombarded by a Creek llolilla, lies in ruins, and th. batteries there have 1..,-,, ill ill Tiik Turko-(ir,ek frontier, UM pr.--,-lit -eat of war. extend* in a roughly s.-mi-, ii, ulai lii vet nearly two degree*
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  • 156 2 tt"« pubiis],,-,i yesterday a full ntport af th* da> ri, in^-at Halastgsr, and BM publish t .-day a full t.-|.ort ol the ta oiid days raring Th.-c reports annby mail We have also to hand teleftaphk reports af tln-e day-' raring. the telegrams three in all being 1.-layed In
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  • 9 2 Tiik SlntiU Ituilgtl wa- published ut 8008 to i.iy
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  • 12 2 Tiik hoin.-ward mail by the F.m.-.-t 6'iutuM eluaea at f> this svasHssg
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  • 14 2 Ii is advertised thai Kdiaon's Kin.-to-SCOpe will be exhibited nightly i;, the Towa Hall.
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  • 16 2 II a Griffin Consolation R „t Kuala Lnmpiii.'on the third day. tha ,r I.ill tttO
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  • 14 2 rHßtennia h.impio,,.hip ti.- t,..,1av ia confined to the Municipal stall K-e Ir. Ml,] Ifeid
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  • 18 2 l!^ the />,•-,' Simmu Coasssl lad Mi- t Itran.ll and Mi>s K. nder, and Mr Buckley go t.. MaiaaQka
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  • 23 2 liik sale of buUdina lots at Tanjonc Katoag tix.,l for Knday n.-xt st Cram lu.tioii i has be.-n post|K)neU to the «th inst.
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  • 24 2 I m. I'MaSßgm tiallie on the Korat l>.'il»ayrsia,,,)issaidlo|.,t,,llvu|,to and even beyond, expe, tatioi."- The Roods trailie b to begins on th.- Ist Jum Ml'Xl
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  • 22 2 Mi-ii- llov,. Tr, k Cm v •Jvertfa* aasJaoflandsandhouaMoaT rhOBMOa Road and Mohan,,,! \H, l.ane. at their salaa roomi on the fcjth inatant.
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  • 22 2 iiiKlcK was a lire la-t nighi, N\, <- il Btreet, a nneral -1 U. II"-IV gutted The gSsjS 1 W.-r.: c,h.v tl uir^.
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  • 25 2 Ai.mikai. Busa of th.- Maaiaai N in Clearing Bangkok shortly via >„„,, I'"- to consul, the 1,,-, pye specialists, bis sight beinj to lie almost rone.
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  • 32 2 Till-. l\. .ceding,, of the |I I oiiimil for IM>« have been reissued with table of contents and an index iheab.,.,,,-.. ot whi.-l, in the Oral bad be.-n poim.-d nut by as
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  • 29 2 I I UM I.een ollieially annollll, ed to the nianteM Qovarnmenl thai Japan *j eetablisll a Consulate in Bangkok without d.-lay The .lapaiie-e Coiwiil for siaiu baa bwa appointed
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  • 30 2 Al a meeting «.t liliti-.1l Mlbjerl-, Kobe ou the aoth was decide, i \^< '1 1ebra.,,,,, „f ,1,,. S piuinonUJubUetthow should tak« the lorm mniply of an evening f tftl)
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  • 27 2 CATHEDRAL PUNKAH. So...:.oftheworshippersatSt..\n,hew< conTpUin that the punkahs at the lower end of the church were not ,n operation Z Sunday evenings service, winch was unusually largely attende.l.
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  • 23 2 CUTTING GOVERNMENT TIMBER. This morning, two Chinamen were finl-l fc.-, each, in three weeks The value of the timber is one dollar.
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  • 40 2 THE YEN. Tiik Japanese Currency LOT hwrtaf been passed, the eoinaue of hlv.;. v.-h i,, the Imperial Mint was ordered to be ",,,,,,,,,1 on and after the tMfa March. The Cirrenrv Law eotMl into operation on the Ist October next
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  • 42 2 KELANTAN. In K.lantan. widespread 11 Is have wrought such devastation, that rice has -one up to famine prires and rol.b.iy has become prevalent. The OMM Vr« PWM fears that the nfaery .imong the people there may lead to opaa revolt. ere long
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  • 51 2 PHILIPPINE REBELLION.« from Manila .ome to thj l:tlh instant, at whi, h date rebels still mf.-ted the piovin.e- of Hulacan and niMgir. where they have bad several augageroents with the troops. Eleven thousand raMs are reported to have laid down their arms in various provim c-, upon promise of
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  • 60 2 THEY WAITED. Tm morning, the remain" of the lute Mr. Christiansen were bstafnd, but, owing to vii important pmoa baing expected at the funeral. I delay of over an hour took place. The iin-at man did not appear, and the clergyman and a number of mourner* waited at the -euietery
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  • 64 2 QUARANTINE IN HONGKONG. S«wquaraatineregnlat ions are in force •at Ifonchnnc Bubonic plague i^ in.luded in the term inf. t i.»u- or contagious ,i-,-. By section 1 .\.ry re— d nrnvinis in the waters of the colony from any pott Of place at which any infectious or eoatagioa* diaeaaa prevailed at
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  • 80 2 THE LATE MR. J. WELLFORD. Mb, tan vYnjvms*, Urn Chiel Surveyor „f IakBaJOT, death at Kuala Lumpur, af hsryßgitis, '<■• announced the OHMf ,l.i> by t a.. joined Urn Balaant service ti An- ti.ilia in MM In.l. i him. the wnrey d.-partm.-iit th. n-. -a\> tha .l/'/./y Mai, rose in
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  • 98 2 A TROUBLESOME PATIENT. A (iiink-k boy, aufleriiu from a trac-imi.-.I .inn. «.i- prosecuted this morning by tha Iburitun ..t th.- General 11..---li'ital for tli.- tii. ii of spttnU, dressing. v. I pail "f druw.-i- l>r. l-'n -i ited that. ..n the <;tli instant, the lad -.i.lmitt.-d to the h...-|.ital. but
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  • 251 2 TIN MINING. tiik mh *noa i\ i omrui TnConfak ai**^ Maatrj and iti liownwari path is nielain -duly reading in (.' iii-h>|i.'i|.i r<. Rot mi many v. hi back, lia mm MO the lon, and the Carabh win—, laoawfa many of them an deep, showad •oaagnof biting. The li;ir«ly -ell-re.
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  • 107 2 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. i i m mm "K Tin: "nun nutM Sik With ri-li-r.-n. t T l „.n.,-,.,|,| v.llual.l.- journal nip ln thi> till. I 1,. (•;i|»t allinli'il to l, v your .11. i, Ballon' Home, lad rum thiu l..!|'jim".'|, '""lli.-iVi'V. Then mcmm wben wittier h,-iun.ii.-i>, (or the mjldier,
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  • 974 2 no. n-flummoi sum; lih (<•■,, .tunicl.) (bY MHS Al-11l STA M ttir.l ]t would tw somewhat Lnridi inquire whether appetite MM impelling motive: but, I „v.r mow, Urn Javanese ■MidooM iii Urn performance „r ritM. Not only cardinal event- ut human life. l.irths and
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  • 65 2 THE DIAMOND QUADRILLE CLUB. 1 laetubers of thii Clul h known m the Artillery <i uulrilli Bava .i verj »u< i essful ilaiui I i 1 a Botmtead Institute I'l I 1"' wit i-onsiderably ovei i 111I 11 wl joyed tli< ii iiiiuieintuly, tlu civilian rlrni. ul v ''> Promineut.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 807 2 NOTICES. NOTICK. I'HK .IKI.KHf MINIHO AXD THADIMI COMPANY, I.IMITKD. 'IMIK Fifteenth Ordinary Oaawal Martina 1 of the above Company will b* bold sn Saturday, th* Ist May. At noon, at the Exchange R na, for the purpose of receiving the Directors' report of accounta for the half year ended Snd
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    • 7 2 Kolt IiKNKIt.M. MIII'I-I.Nti M:\VS HKE I'AUK i.
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  • 1521 3 SELANGOR RACKS. DAY, BATt RDAY, ITlll Ai'KII. ■i 11 OWN REPORTKB. rdav, the second day of the opened fine and 1 «i i^lit, and ol another pleasant afternoon foe m high. But, alas, the earlier ol the morning \\;i> not to tx ■■t Threatening clouds gatbere< the ti for the
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  • 113 3 FISH AND POLLY. Trl following il a siimmaiy of a -or respondent'! letter -orr. -p.iident -oniphiins of Ike fraadl [ier|M!trated at Tduk Ayer Market bf the i-!iin..ii-..-r-. in Kupplying stale iced li-h to their customers. He aaya that, yesterday morning, ha purchased |U0 worth. bul bad to throw h away
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  • 196 3 ran bold PBruon. A i West Australia.-iseii-eationaldiscovery wasmadeon the Imli March, on a depoait of pure gold Leing ■truck at the Great 1i0u1.1.-i Mine The u..!d i- stly in the form of sponge. In the course of a few hours 7'i pounds weight of gold had
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  • 268 3 53 PER CENT. DIVIDEND. Mi; (ii w.i i:- Tknwnt pre-ideil naj the 25th March at the Ciiibmi tree! llot.-l. London, over the 17th ordinary t the Mysore Gold I Co and, in moving the adoption of the report, -aid that thederalop-m,-lit of the mine had been attended he mighl almoet
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  • 43 3 TIMBER SUPPLY. College Cooiwr 1 11.11. i.-.i-l I „,,|.rr nl ilie Imperial InMitul tfce u the Empiro during the jtmwi .11-. 01 .1 mi m annual i>" n im total "I 19,135,000/. I'ariiiL' l-'.'l the rtive expi ndii uro, i upplj Ihe whole
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  • 330 3 SPORTING NOTES. Tan dry ajaather.feaUrdaT, madeTerjr little iiii|iroveinent, if any. in tin- Mate of tho course. This mnrniiiL'. the inside track WM again the only oue Opan, and I noticed that 11 lot of horses were pulled ap tO I walk at the head CM the straifjht, opposite the 11
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  • 942 3 HOME NOTES. OM Kadaaaa <>liv<-io«, wlin 'ii^l. tin' „tli.T .lay. in I*;iri-. 1.-hvidh li.t lftr k -f.jrtun. 1 to MUMfOM ■Inirilii'H. w:i- w.ll- I known pt-r-onality in tlie l-Y.n.-li <-ri|.i««l. f,.r afc« BMd to likr n l"«!inr, mid nt Mm MMM time drive in :i very Eu-i-arriai:. 1 H-r Im-l.ail'l
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  • 103 3 S. c. c. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Mi iN HAYS KKSII.TS. MAMIIoN-lltf Rasrlea kaal Preer, I! I I. A-S -IN.I ITaaaMataaai l.y-l-v. I I.ASS -1N..1 i:Ulltlai hr«t S._.loa.|Uilil. im I'un TODA\. 1 IIAMII"\-III|-. Kg.iton v Sam Ha, a LaM aganii Kreir v. Whitr. c GUM anaatw S.-oular S. Jou.|uiin. A .lass mv
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  • 280 3 HOMEWARD BOUND. THK ANNUAL TIIK f. .V o MAIL. IVis* ,;k.--. L'-th April -Mr. and Mr-. Sli.ivv. Mr .1 Craliam: Mr. J. M.Muiiay. Mr AC, S, .1,1.1 villf, Mr. I. McKwea, Mr. and Mr-. Brawn, Mrs. Derrick and chiJd, Mr-, s.lii.- Proai IVnan^' X.-v Mr Hgjgi mt MiIticcs. IVr I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 m MM kiiilv i ißi 1 Sore Throats Indiiee-tion. ll.*****.u-. DevrhM. J f ..iiii.l- I'l. i ii I Condy's Pluid
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    • 703 3 NOTICES. TO IMPORTERS. LONDON in. -i. -haul- Bra op-n to triinxSet th- baying and forwarding of merchandise of rery <l— .ription at liberal t-rin-. l-t r-f-r-n-.-Addrew P. II 9CHRODEB a Ca, 119, Cheapside, London, 8.0. tu. th. A "i Knglnn.l THBFT <>|. TBKABUBI ONE TIKU BASII HOLLAIiS KtWAUO. nTHKBBAfI m
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    • 656 3 l'( )lt BALE; KMPLOTM KNTS; TO LET: AND PERSONALS. l-i iimk 1.. ..nt- I line; L'nd and 3rd inn--. 11l rent- n lino; Itli to 6tk tinie» t I nl- a line; 7th to l*th lhaos, ennt* a line; afterwards, feenta line; hut no charge less than on- dollar. Than,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 244 3 wkatiiki; REPORT KMtoaj A'"'"'" /sy; < i tn S p.m. 9p.m. BBMAkn. |>;ir »«795»*7039.*«« r.-mp dm w i \V. lfll.Tti.-r -mi «.O 7.1 |i,r „f Wi.i.l li.i Cairn Mix T.-iiii. M I Mm.. 74j0 ?iJ Mnx in Sun IJ&O Terr. r»«i. K&infall Nil- 7. WKAIHKI: TKI.KdKAM (I B. 4. A
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    • 137 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. 1n.1.-rthi f .h.-a.linKth.-followint!a>l.r»via- .1-...1: -tr. sfa.n.T. Ship ET-barqaej Brit RfUWkj D.B. i Fr. French ;G^; Mm l.ut.h' Joli.-Jolior^: A,-.. Q.e, Oeiiwal ■artfo ;'.!.[>.— dock pn«s.'nn.T« I', t n; r•ain- T P. \V. -Tanjona Pagar Wharf; T. I, raDWrWpsck;B. W.Borneo Wharf J W. -Jardin.- 1 Wharf ;N
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    • 1233 4 TRADING VESSELS Arkivals Sixes Noon of Ykstkkhay Railing, Hut -tr RM ton-. C»pt Wmit. rI'ttli Apl.' F...n, I". Hrnn.lan, tTtli Apl. Oil. I' c H.i«aanlt. I' -X.l«. Horn,:, Brit. str. 404 ton*. Capl *'">}<>■ ■mh Apl. From -Ml- <■' aad«tU» Low Fur Ba.inkok. Btaa r'.,,"r,>.8,,t ptr. ayim— »,flayl l'ai-n" IStkApL
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    • 507 4 .Van,,, port, prohablr dnh ul ur*,: i ntinit ut agent*. 4fear.CblcatU.Apl 38; 8. and Mosm Hongkong, May 27; P. A I). \n-t i-itliii-i. Fremantle, Apl 16; Bo Breeonabire, Hongkong, Apl 31 (i w Bayarn, Hongkong, Ma; i B. hn v i: i km, Say I•. P. 4 0
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    • 146 4 ARRIVALS. 5 Vwmmlt lm A,,l 1, AIImiIII l» CowrU 1■ Oenerttl Pal 19 Malaera 19 l.i-,,,, mm 18 ii l I. ii. k lit Born** 19 r JohaMM BetiUaf M> Sri Pontianak 19 Vorwarti v> Chon Ptaya X) .\, XI.AW ItN Captain Hiu. -tr MB Ktohia rtr. :tl.v. Panona I'm
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    • 102 4 CLEARANCES. Hatk. Vmni Nami PUfIMU C4RAU I'KSIIK \i i A|.l 19 Vim, 19 Ki.'in Vug IS Kan Ilin (iuun lly.lni W WlllOtheWiip M SirsH m Mac m Eugenic -.11 Hank,, in Km. -t Mm,. ii i -■■I^lial ii) Mi'lpuinene .ii Lt'tuuliru MM .t, I 11..,Unl.Mr. Knnnll, 111,,/,. rtr ii.inii.iuii,'
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 785 4 NOTICES. FRENCH BAKERY, Special Cr<v>K Buns will be supplied to order 1 1\ GOOD FRIDAY. MM 900, ORCHARD BOAD ,J AM KS WATSON COS SCOTCH WHISKIES AKK TIIK BEST VAI.I I-. IN TIIK MAKKKT: y v (j tILQQ MB < ase, MIT I'aiu. V. V. < SPECIAL R EBERV K.
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    • 1134 4 NOTICES. CEMENTIGHT. Vl'AlNTf..t redaeing tl»> teaperatan aador (?alvaiiize<l iron roofim; nn.l 0 l falranised Iron Buililin«« from c lo ll* •ahr. A non-conductor of Beat Of OoM, Impervious lo ilsinimwss, and nUo Fire i Proof. Bpeclall) Suitable tor the Corarißg of Bdildinga A protection again-t high and low temperatures. A
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    • 334 4 NOTICES. Pure, Rich Blood is the soil in which r.x.ts life, health, strength, happiness. The soil of the blood can U- drained or impoverished like any otter soil, ami can be fertilized and nourished in a similar way. You can get back the uld spring and snap. You can enjoy
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    • 704 4 NOTICES. GRIHAULTS SYRUP j HYPO-PHOSPHITE of LIME fOR DISEASES Of THE CHEST All sufTerintf from Catarrh, Conaumption. Obstinate Cougha or Colda ami those affected with diseases of the Chest, Lunga and Bronohial Tubes, should take SWIiDLT S STROPiIBYPOPHOSPBITEiILIK Prescribed hy the leading medical authorities in all cuntnes fur the last
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    • 27 4 NOTICES, A. NOBLE Honours. ham run:. EXPORTER of Higa da-- Ban Bacon. .i. Ls» Mm Avksi I Man hi Td as hail of ImiMin Marehanti IB 11/5
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