The Straits Times, 15 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTARLISIIKI): \m. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL l\ 1897. NO. 19,203.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 997 1 fI'HK HOK.NKO COMI'A.NT, I.IMITtH r I'HK StaD.Urd Life Auurmnoe. Norviob Union Fire Insuruos »ooi»t; Silas iMiun CompMy (Fir«>). attsM* I. if" Auntuw Issiasj Tl iVoan Marino liuurancu (ompanv Tli.- I'liina Mutual Stoam N'avifrltion rnmp«nj. Tl Fevtsaaaai L*k« Beer Company. Th- MuritiDi* Insurance Company. Limitol. P*t purt i.-uUrn of them CompanieH,
      997 words
    • 1239 1 jL^ BUCHANAN WHISKY I W I I ll— I— P I— Vna# HOLD BY ALL LICENSKD SPIRIT DKALKKS. Sameab si I'l'Lieu to tiik HorgES ok Lobds and Commons and to all oood LmbMM Clubs.. l| r NOTICES. SMOKE "HELIOS" MANILA CIGARS FACTO EY AT MANILA. lilt AN I t
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    • 706 1 INSURANCES. rpiIKMAKINICIN-I li VM V< <iV I.TI' Cinui sin-, mn tIjOOOMK lAiiTAMAinri. LlHi.imo. Raaam,noo^Klo Tho Bmdersispted, bawtng 1 1 aapointed Ag.'nt ai Wii|t|iiiiii fur Inn sliiits rnmniinj i i- BMtjsjsaal to a,-. ••■pi riaks l.v Kn-t Class me- "i -..i Hitina v. PBANK UTCHIB, Afltnt. milE I'IItKNIX ASSI KANfK X
      706 words
    • 337 1 INSCHANCIX CA.NTON INPf'RANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital f-' Am unt |«i t up fino/ioO. Rwrrrn fund \MnjOUO. II iii, OVMSBt 11-, v „s Th« un.lereipn-d. having; bern spp.,;nt^l I Ar™t» nf the s»wi»» Ciim,«ay, ar« t a<^).« M»rin. Kisks »t ,u r i »nt rates A Item i» snr..i»MT |-»,4 t..
      337 words
    • 869 1 11 A NX S. THK NATIONAL HANK OF CHINA. I.I.MIIKD Authorise. l I' fijNsVOOO Cobecribed Capital C M6VOOO Hi:ai. OrrtCß: Hon^koiiK. idl'ltT t)F DIRECTORS: I D. (HlUea, Baa. Chan Kit tUuig, Bsq. 1 11. Stolterfobt, Bsq. Chow Tuna Bhsn, B»|. Kwan II .1..1.11. K».|. CHIKK Mm— <.co. W. K. I'layfKir.
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    • 800 1 FOX SALE; EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; AND^ERSONALS. [Ist timb, 15 cents a line; 2nd and Brd Mines, 10 cents a lino; 4th to flth times 6 cents a line; 7th to 18th time* 3 cents a line afterwards, '2 cent* a line but no charge leu than one dollar. Thua a
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  • 381 2 I.VIKST MARKET QUOTATIONS. BnMMwa, Un Ana, i««7. PRODUCE. Oambler I ti.l.v do (niio Xo l 1000. do do No a M.40. Copra Ball a PontUaak .'.-'^i r ip Black ::i-4>. J nn»wnk...ri>tiiinnl 6 il"," 'pickedl KM Coffee Pulciniifi'i)!. picked 4C.00. Coffee, l.iljf rimi. No. 1 Tapioca mull Klhlm- i
    381 words
  • 55 2 Municipal Dabralam I Ho. Do. 6%. ranjong Pkgar It mU». N.« Iry l.nvr Dock Co. till!. 111-. Htniti lee Co. UayiiuyJ Co RaulM, i ootributory. FOB BALE. Bingapora In-. Co, tin Uqa lal on) Mi-.-ni- Fir.' In,. Co. Do I 1 Corp ition Hbaiw, BOIf KRVILLK A UUXX.
    55 words
  • 5 2 I'■ Up in.
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  • 115 2 Kkok Xi i...ik: Bj IheM. M. 1',,,,,,. i l"ili April uiili ilatea lo the Mm ■>■ Mi. to Urn innil wblfli Iffl Hingapon! on Iht MM Kbom iiiMJt B] Hi.' M M.a.l /;.>, I i| l>un in Lon<lon Urived i 1 Mm. Ititli M |«th M Ma
    115 words
  • 276 2 \l.l:l\ itM. r „n Hongkong: .Mr. .1. I-M in,.. I 'am i Calcutta and Penan M .1 ,1 ,i Under, and Mr. and M U IVi I oiV >iii Deli M.---I- I Idnian. I" ABRIVK rJWtfc Fur h:.,,t, V i P. 4 O. i S« ida fron
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  • 16 2 WniMumm: 1831. IMUCE 10 CENTS may I* fouivi on Ike fourth prj, 1
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  • 61 2 THURSDAY, 15TH APRIL, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE FRONTIER RAID. OMHUMemsi HMan Ltmtmt, UM Aj.,-,1 Nuiliiiii: «i, liniii' i, v t known of the rMttlt* ul tlir im-.i-ioii \,y the Greek VoluntetTs.who had ammiUm frontier. Tlio Greeks maintain that the invn im hiivo tak.n Baltino ami Bozovo aii'l ar<' a'lvancinjr victoriously.
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 26 2 ftUMI BM I'arl.yiii- .-.,11(11,111- MM lit i'uwvrs an. l Tiirk.v „i, tl.r Mil.|.-.-t of, tk» >-itiiari<>ii r.niiiiiH micliaiipccl owini; tip the Turcu-Grwk «lil!iiu!ty
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  • 45 2 ra nwm am, The Iniul- i>f the Chwfc,uer Ml nearly exhausted It tffmn tlint tlie only MMMffM is i In- i.iisini: <if an internal loan. Hut tin- loan can mily 1,.- ruiMxl hy proroUag »ar with TWfcay, ami tlms ■pp—HlH to (ir.ilc pa'rii.ti-iii
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  • 880 2 VbrbßMT, we | an urti.-lv entitled "Will CoAmj I'ay by A 11.-it.iiin- ln\.-t..r. T,,-, lay. >.■ -h-h t«.. lattan m Mm earn Mwject, uhi-h i«. iii.l I, inl.-r.-r-t i,..t oajj t Urn Malay IVnin-ula, l.nt la UM m.-i.-haiit-. .in I mi.-tor- of <ini:ai><>riTboar of •om>c, an-
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  • 392 2 Mk. MMAMM took In- seat, to-day, at l.eni*lativr Ciiiiin'il in MBNMJM k Mr. Slielford, resigned, That is a very propel arrangement. Jur-t a at", Mr llonaardt. who was departing from Iht Ookajf f.T ,1 ft MMMM t.nly. 1. II. in Mr. Shellords two letterwUtmmi i"
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  • 34 2 A i tlii- ;itl.rin.uii's nu<.<tiim „i lt L (Uativc Council, Mr ivm,, v mm •won in .1- \itin- ColoMal Tnwm Mi T C H'.L' i.,,,k lit— -,at rid Mr T HmU nl, rmigwi d
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  • 21 2 TiiKiii. i.- la s t Ueurge'i Ball .it Penanj un .-t („-,,r i; Day \i- lh< re M h|Hihw«n in Singaporv
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  • 22 2 TIIK (i.iv.rriiiiint ;i,|v.-rli-i .in .in. ti..n sal.- of Crowu lands .it i |..k at 111.' Lam) oili,-,., un tl,,- nil M.\ i,.
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  • 28 2 To M..nii"«. being I Krirfay tin-re will INI 11.. jwtM th, </, j <>ii S;it unlay, tin r «ill 1,,. lubud at i' mi the usual Katimlu) I hour
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  • 28 2 I'm lifteuntli crdinurv rum-rU -titix ..I tli<' .1.1.1, ii fining I I radiiiß I i>y l.i.j iidvcrtipitl in 1,. Wdm lli.i l.x 1,.,,,., i; ..i S| 0 nesl
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  • 35 2 Al 'ill." Ol I.Mji-1,,", uf lVn.n.r iind I Win.-, \V.||,.|,.\. |„l,| I'l'llilllL'. OU tin- Mil in. I .it w „j, t.. give .1 ball then un SI i. In tin- L'.lr.l „f.\|,ii|
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  • 26 2 I'KKIAIi \1 i. .S- kt(J M..1.U.. Ihirhui lire .1, .■.,,!> .it KiMla Kane a. Onlen t... tl,. 1 I--- than t«.-, lt uultiUoM lwv« 1,.-,,
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  • 43 2 At Rufoon, on .".ill Ipril, it i,. cuvvredUial l(~ 73.0UU, 1.,-i.|. Ri i.v.-,. li; in the HungkuiiK and 5i,.,i,-1,.u 1;.,,,k lli>' inoiwy waa chii Hy iv .1. ri,,. •ufeWUol 1.,,.,, tuiien -m Hi.' nianacerii n aiw M-naiii vhoi-aanoi 1.. fu „,,1
    43 words
  • 43 2 Tm I'ii.ik i;, „t i. mi, Uioi Urn 1'.. 11.. in» notiaiation Dili .vi- wihliuiK to .i|.|,ml ii,.,,, the i.i.lwent foruiud CMei v Governuwui ,|,,,,,i,|. Mlld^ m U) i, ,,,,,,.,K,1 -„1.,,,-f mtokmtoH E.UieHighComumwui.e' UMk« n i.|.,.—i,t',t,,,|,, t:. PNfM 'l>aiin,l, totlu-lUc.Kk-iiiC.ciM,.,!
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  • 1001 2 Tiik Managers Kei>ort for the livweeks ending on 7tli April, 1H97. runs as follows MINING. Aw) Sfdion.- lii the 220 feet level the work of extending tb« dHUrent levels j^ proceeding satisfactorily. In the main level KoinK Wtb, we IM not yet »n, iiili'il in cutting Urn main on'
    1,001 words
  • 80 2 I'll" wing, two M.-.hv »Übl.i were charged before Mr Wilkinson for ming i niuinal force. The complainant vat a fi.hvendor He on Tuesday called to the door of Kandang Ktrbau I »lice Station by of the defendants, ■>n;l. a< he rouk] not tell bii Bthul tin I ii'
    80 words
  • 76 2 Tl Of .In- 5.1, iusto.ll Bivm |..uii, ulai- uf a tiger limit il lih.l > "Blvie, who 1,,, l ;,],,,,,|v Phot i»nn> ..I 1,,,,,,. „r e .HtaVti-.! in ;i;V"' V" l ""Bl«ir.uit,M, »l within liin-.-i, ll 'l mortally with l.lllleta, null, an, l l«ft, from Ins.V,- TjwtiKei
    76 words
  • 58 2 '"»Ka<lJiii,a«entfoi tli< 1 '"I Unrtenol NY* V..,1, lv "thei Jay in v |„.ul .1,.,,, 1,.. >, ..U- 5,,,,,, be 1,1, hil.l "'J'", 1 1 «»ori.liia v wine day, the lotri keeiM-i m.'-i »lv. I, W latter I. a lM 1 1 iilready •J.n.l Hi-. i "'i: ""•>•'«)
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  • 46 2 I i liwt, Ihu Hot. l 1 i"-'M,i...i v J, »...-k i,,.. (11l 1 w«) uul ho wa--,,,, nniovii, tlu- ■'•-li-.. 1 i I,|1 ,|f JIl tryuiK tv l,iJ« '"'"-'l' liv i-oai Iff. M 1 "'"'>l lo four moutlii rii >u> uipruouurai
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 665 2 NOTICES. TOWN HALL POLLARD'S LILLIPUTIAN OPERA COMPANY TO SIGHT! TO M'Hir: THURSDAY, LOTH \l'f;il.: H If. 8. IMNAFoKK. SATURDAY AFTEKVOON, Qfi \Mi MAI INKK. tOt I'IIII.KKKS II M. I'l.N K< >l: I i Mldron hall p to til parti of the Doom Opm .s. Ovmturi i i-. m. LKHCLO Ilt-t—
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    • 327 2 LATEST ADVEKTiSEMEXiS. 1 THE iKI.KItr MINING AND rRAbING COMPANY, LIMITED, rpHI Kiftwiitii Ordinary General MMtiaa 1 <.f th.- above Company will be on -..Hula, the l-t M.-iy. at nooa, m lbs Exchange H it-, f'.r lh«j>urp the half year endml 2nd K.'l'ni'.,T.T- c tin- (feneral \genU, on |tbe condll r
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    • 4 2 IOK UENKUAL >HliTlX(i NEWH
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    • 91 2 H 8. 8. intwicted for th« Strailt Timtt •boold b« »ritt«i on on. .id. of th. p«n.r only. By th. negli-'t o( th»t condition. m«tiy SI 8. S. »r« r»)«KIUd tbat nnrht oth»rwiM b« publi«h«rf. All ».]» contract. »re.uhi«ct to th« conditi..n that th« M»n*r>>r m»y l««ve tha »d»»rtl««iii«nt out
      91 words

  • 178 3 him BWTOB OF THB RUB timi>ik Tlir article jrou published mdci the title "Will Coffee interesting to mf, chiefly ah „,,',,i |o i loHon in the j real tact thai 1 1 i-r l- to the interest of the ~ii. ui- ami <>f Malaya At time when
    178 words
  • 305 3 -in, it is certainly interesting to moider whether coffee in the Malay mu-iiln ii to I" 1 a profitable invest .n t in Mil 1 Intuit 1 but I <lo not think i ,i it i« entirely a matter of figures ilations Figures,
    305 words
  • 245 3 ,111. LONDON MABKKI Saundei on and (Jo's. London coffue r, port for the month ondins on Man n shows that, for picked ipot quotations »too I, then, at -t leal that date in 189.1. mured liaga Liberian Joli ire, pan vi ii, n. had reaJinedOO i I At m Singapore,
    245 words
  • 119 3 I1»KI XX IM PBBAK. utioii may be made of some ilarly wull-vund j-ollimj hi wlatv nenr Hopmiß. iimtributed I it nnbornu Thw i»noe liaa iin R a bettor |iri.-e in r?inga,n, othoi pnidii.fd in the Hie high valu.' |ilai(!il on it il Lolourand not to any sure w .ft
    119 words
  • 70 3 Xi inu man was arrested last j"^ 1 I fot drunkennesß, ami wa» i-yed to the Kandang Kerbau I)! the night, i' l 1 1 1 I id cut liis I loth into ami that he liad iiiadt; a detci itteni] tto commit suicide ittt-ntpl he was not
    70 words
  • 100 3 1 1« ih< 7tli iiiht., an indignation inw;t SI inghui resident was held |llOBlill(! BVef In I'l "i I:, olutions weru pa- .a i tioii ol the 1- and that ol the Municipal i surrendering to the mob, illii upon the Council to enforce i,t
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  • 766 3 AWHIAI.I.-M IN TIIK MIII.M ATiu: Batavia Nieutrtblad says ;i n| war. tin will shortly despatched to Etna Bay, in Netherlands New kiinea, to punish certain cannibal* win. had, as dieted, committed m outrage on an Australian cutter, the in that quarter, it appean thai the tie,
    766 words
  • 29 3 ihi BUITOB 01 mi- "CHIMA HAII 'llettte, II Wllll ll •'J,.'*,," llltl --f..rtw..|.iiw I wo Id i, ,ld on :111 i exerciwol bound t-o"»iui Vourstruly, mnoua
    29 words
  • 908 3 Singapore, Itth Afrit, i "-K7 In tin' -linrpholilcrx of thr .lil.l.ii Mm int and Trading Company, Limited. YourV our Directors bag lo MtaH a datemiMi' "f the <'(iiii|i;iiivV account* for th< period from August Bth, 1898, to Fel.ruan -'■i.i. 1887, being Urn taeoad half o( th< •■iuhtli raw of
    908 words
  • 25 3 Onkoodnd mmi liMtjtktm 4mtka won iv i.-tfi.'il :a Bingßpora during tinweek tmliiip mi Satunlny last I 'Inr;i t i< > pm thiMisaiul stuoil .it tljM.
    25 words
  • 78 3 Tin* noming, ;lli uiii'urtiiiiiiti- ;<"'- lint oecumd on board Urn ■teamea I'oltbm, no* in dock, ft Chinaman, whn wa* (•••irryiiii; a plank MTOM tin 1 pin^w;iy. miaaed his footiag ami Ml oo t<> |i:iint<r who «.i~ ;it work (M thr cil' tin- reaaaL Bolk un v wit.- Maaipttatad
    78 words
  • 98 3 il K Cham Ytn-tuuM, >i»-i-iul .\mbaaaadof li"in China toQueeai Victoria** .luhilri- icnniiiiiials in Lwdoa, arrivt-d .it Shanghai with his olli'ial ratiaut OB Ihf.-lr.l in^t. Ho w;is to j.Hii the Km- i iv. 1 bvthMtteMDM ti> Vaacourer. L r ponaniral al N> York, ilif.MinL-t.i\\ill-t.t\ tberafortwoorthree «Mki before
    98 words
  • 265 3 Tin. Ioi>f4ooked-|M it. ko Road km i,,,n begun. TbeoM bridle path fro* Kajangna* been ;ilm..>t impassable fci ■mm time, ami ha> caused M little inconvenience to lbs planter! wbo liavc taken up land there during the last two Man The fount eofce m the Rate i itatei looks
    265 words
  • 275 3 ■i a mm "i iK Nlliy u K aill -rl-iiii'-l. Wltl "I'll nil. l.i-i nurht. The bouiic O|*rii tud v Andnw'p U M n Mtitc uf tlic heavy nun, v i 1, ...1 awenil l< '1 ill to mm ill.- urtuin raiw d, wliU-li fail '1 n«
    275 words
  • 56 3 KAI.I. IN TIN EXIfIKT* I'm: IVnik annual Mdl returns for l*9«miti' exports shew a fullinjr i offof ftLBS7,7S4. Ainoiii! tli- it*ns that ■haw a fiilliiiL' off in VMM Ml tin and ntMmfcetafM tin. 5>7:t.977; tin-cie. S I <>.:tii:t. I'lic Import! indicate a falling ofl" amounting to $5>67,4.'»2,
    56 words
  • 44 3 I UK Buml of lk» Killc Brigade will play tin- iV.llouinn pmgfMMM in tlic Botanical Gardras, thin .veiling, at 9 1..,k Hank Oa lh« Koa.i Ov.t On Sunli^lil Hll'l /'orUr Valae.. Eaptna ..H'uW<»«/*M Reminiteencd-Of all ifattom O*4/n$ DUM ..I'»» il>'s lVtii'uurn....4"'i""'.
    44 words
  • 181 3 VKSTKHKAVS KKsl I.Ts A CUM MM While v. S. Ml (ui.f.h. Fiver v. l.iut.m. H CUM IMUi \V 1r,,!f.. v M.Aitlmr. itinf.h. i UM NMIM Beoular r. Oi ifcam (aaM). dad v. Rodeaae (unfd). K.i'l K.lliu. A I UM l>"l lll.KiKlliot mill Miixu.'ll v MMtp—dtlHW. II CUM
    181 words
  • 55 3 Koi Hongkong, >"/-.•,...,.. in. i ii..,i-t.;i. I i < I', uaiiKiiiid ("nli-uttd Iii/HImih;/, ilu* I6lh April, Unrkii-. J M llaiiilmm mi I in- ii, IH Ju< ITlli liirii. (iilttllMi, W i I HuiikImi ilnl Vfiil. ll.lii, Meyer .v I'o. i i i »Wi \|""l-i:...,-i. ii. -t
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 lender Feet, Hul (•>•!, lv rill Mil Condy's Fluid. i\}M r Condy's FJuid
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    • 784 3 AUCTION SALES. AitTlo.N BALI ok DAMAOBDOOOBa, na,i ,1,//,(i.i. M ,1 II SU.K-K.MIM thtmmaf, 17(1 April, tA lAJO learn ktaua, il eaeet eottea aaoda,! easei umbrella fraatea, :t eases tapestry, keaa ,\vav.*. I eaeat la, a, M easea latrite, iT, a-,--, coinlrii-.-il milk Tmmiuf, MM Afrit, ai 11 a. at ,")<l
      784 words
    • 398 3 F( >U BALE; KMPIjOYM KNTS; TO LET: AND PERSONALS. Ihttimk, Matati a Ha*; fad ami .'lnl Ulnae, lOeaataa line 4th to Wh UaMa, I sealea Hne;7th to IMb llroea, :ionnt»H lino; aftarwarda, I oeati line; hat no rharge less then one dollar. Thus, a thrrrUrn advertisement, close set, In thlatype,
      398 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 273 3 UKATIIKU UFOn X „..<., |Mm lh- r .i''i. Ml HW. i in in. Bbmabu. Car. '-"I 9* I W '■«*> I ■•inn. MJ WJ S A'.BIbThw 8O5 -"ii 74J -i I'ir ...i Win.l S E S t B.E. MS SluTMk (0.0 E r Min 741 -B Uu in Sun
      273 words

    • 79 4 1 Under this heading the followi iignburevintious are used :—«tr—steamer; »h—ship bq.-barqaej Brit.-Britinh V. 8. United State* ;Fr. French; O«r.-<»erman; DutDutch; Job.—Jobore; 4c, U. c, (ieneral cargo d.p.-detk passengers; U-Unccr- tain T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf; 1. 1 P. D.-Taniong Pagar Dock B.W. Borneo I Wharf; J.
      79 words
    • 127 4 If.hiytnia, H. W* ITU. 3,t«0 tons MI er.u H guns, 91*10 h. 11. Capt. Pudding, l->tn Mar From Kngland, 6th Feb. Senior Naval Officer. I.'—Kds. hln ile Luzon, Span. cru. 1,100 tons. 14. cpw, 10 guns, 2,«00 h.p. Capt Banete. 2nd \pl. From Colon bo, »)th Mar. Spani-h Consul.
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    • 1164 4 Akkivhj. Hixc'l Noom of TMM HanlMwj, Dut. str. 01 ton-. Captain, I.OHUS, IStli Apl. From BanHjermMsin llth \i>l. (i.e.. A 74 d.p. Kk Liong Chan. For Borneo. D -X.l*. y,,n Whnll Svon, Brit, str 199 tons. Cnpt Itouse. 14th Apl. From Pontianak, IStB Apl. (i.e., and 33 d.p.
      1,164 words
    • 559 4 ,V«»i», p'irl, probable dnh of arm v, name o/ aumu. Apcar,Cai< uttn, Apl lM; s. nn.i Mom, A.l.n. Hongkong, .Mity 1". AO. \ll 1 1 .1 1 1 ■■< 1. I nil, anile, Apl 19; Bouitead Breconthire Hongkong, Apl 11:0 W, Berern, Hongkong, May I; Helm Mejci Benledi,
      559 words
    • 126 4 a H VKMhKL'B NiMH A N( r.u-luv z Kio. Ml Mum Uwaiom 14 SH|i|ihn .'Lit Wai, I l-i II li.iM What t Soon Mr ifiii Ml 138. B'ihipCn U Soootra l-.vctr. :i:ii!i 1',,,, A|l s s^' 'I" M ",>, Brit.»tr. -Til 1u ,n,,, BiTi.T'"'" *P' 8|« 18
      126 words
    • 139 4 Datl. Yamu.'t NAMt Pi V.AUi. 1 W TAIN Dmutm pi 14 Thy™ IS Ptmnm i.-. 4iwwu II Klint.-hnv II (iirmurllien-liir.-II liiiiiiiriix I l. r > Nonl II Dmlm I". Chun ia Job* it<>i/i. v ia (iiiitcini.piiMi I") I'nrol inn l"i Banjarmanin ifl Übov Phjri I l'l..|.|»T IS M«..lut! IS
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 675 4 NOTICES. ELLWOOD'S patent AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS A HOUBEHOLD \\<»Kl> in INDIA. W<M* IN THE Ka«T lIV All. AWABDBB TIIK OfnOBBM, TIIK QoLB Mkii.M.. I'llKClVll Sr.HVIi Kami TMK Cues."" KNil I U.K., 1.HM1...V. I -111 ELLWOOD'S paient AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS FRENCH BAKERY, Special (ross Huns will be supplied to order GOOD FRIDAY. 806
      675 words
    • 105 4 \i:t photography. Robert lenza 00. photogba r in; us II II THE KIM; OK 81AM '■i m:\mki-: PHOTOGRAPHS am. KN|.\l;i;i:mi;m>. Mni.\,.s nmi 7 1 m. nu sr, M rHKCOLtUDIOM CHUMUUKandaIM THE COLLODION-CHLORIDE I'I^K'KSS vi n ,mdio M INTRODUCED BY Is BINGAI'OKK I' Yi:.VK AGO to keeping qnnJlty. H. A BRA
      105 words
    • 481 4 I For Constipation and Biliousness I I «u bM promptly ufon thr tin it^miih ini limoiiiio fruit Ju/J*n cure* hal.t,..! nttipiti:*. I JULIEN, 8, rue Vlvlenne, PARIS Rfnown-d Phri.Jtn. r rf..r^- Cr, M.tico I imwlFrn.ive irmrJi in ihr nuimtnl ."Vii't"?!) I Ck.-.,n Ditcbari T:,« C.|.j1*.. i, Cepufca, I ATICO INJECTION
      481 words
    • 268 4 NOTICES. Weakened Vitality IMPOVERISHED Read wli! Ayer'.i Sarsaparilla did for the Rev. Z. 11.I 1 Wild-, a wellknown city missionary In New York and brother of the late eminent Judge Wilds: "I was for many yearn a Biifferer from boils Ml other eruptions of a like nature, MMi kf the
      268 words
    • 1101 4 NOTICES. ]Ji: XSO N'SJVATC II K S Masifaitoky, Li-ixiatb Hill, Ix>huon. MAKKK TO H. M. THE U.UEE.V Specially nianufacturwl anil recommended for use in the Bast. IIEXROX'B BPKCIAL STKKM. 1 II •FIELD" WATCH. A Uold Keyless English Half Chrono ""rtFNSoVS "H'DOATE" WATCH. A Isweaaaarter TUtc English Lever fully comw-n^iited. Silver,
      1,101 words