The Straits Times, 12 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHEDi 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1807. NO. WKM).
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 953 1 rpHE BORNEO COMPANT. LIMITED MMIE Standard Life Assurance. Norwicii UDi.>n Fir., tasataao* s.-uty iltln« AMttnince Colnpany (Fire). T I i; pntal.lx Life AH»ilran.»- S. H-i.-ty Maria* Irnuranc.. y— y Tlm China Miitu.-il st.«m Havigattoa Company Lager li-<-r f\ii|i«aj Ti- Maritta* in ui-Hi Osaaaaay, Uadtod. 1 1. 0i1. 11..1. of Hi.-
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    • 693 1 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY KMjy-MjfiaSi^Uißb I A^^ I I I—" f mm af% m V m SOI.K IMPORTKRS I IIC- DtW I KATZ BROS. SOLI) HY ALL LICKXSKD SPIRIT DKXLEKS. Samk as si ti-ued to tiik Hoi'ird cr I.obdb and Common's a n r<i am. good I/Ond >n Cum J SCOTCH
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    • 506 1 ,i I \s KTKAM >llll" c.i\ll>\N V f EAST INI'IA.N OCKAN RTEAM WHIP COMPANY. 1.t. 1. AMI Nl I I IJ .\NI'.-i 111-: STOOMVAAKT MAATst HAI'I'IJ OCEAAH. Th- Con peny'i steamers are .1. -pit. I Ivi i pool ontwardi for the Mraita, China mo.! Japan, and from Japan borne•ranli for
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    • 679 1 INSURANCES. 'IMIK.MAKINKINsrKANi KC'iY.. I.TK (ai itai. Si ■aCBIBBB. CIjOOO^M, I'AI'ITALI-AII'I tISI.IKKI. Kk.-I I;VK. L^W**' The iiiiileialtiiail. having beea appolated Agent Ht Hin«npore forth.. Hl.ov-Coinpanv, |i..p...e.i lo accept riskj by '-ir4t Clai". m-,,1,1. i-im.l sailing V-— lFUANK lilli 111... Atf-nt. rglll phu-:nix Mil i: I COMI-ANY Off I.'M'ON (EiT»n»in a
      679 words
    • 275 1 [NSPRANCE& CIANION INHIMMNCE OFFICE, inim Capital Salwrihed J?.wv>,o(yi. Amount [v\i.l up IV»v«iO. R>wrr» fnni t,2ODAX>. BaaaOrrca. Hoaoaoaa. Tin nil.Tßi^.-i. kaviag I»*b appointed k"M, nf the nl.'T- nv. ar#pn^«rt,| to inn- Ehts %t .in r.« r*t«a. A R>nus •■> -.w'li t I •eatHMasa of hn.inwa »h. »S r i*akr<aj*M*tß t.r n
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    • 807 1 B A N K s. Till- NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA, I.IMITKD Anihoii-e.i Capital i'l.nori.ioi Babaeribed Capital t .<«).00o Hbatj Oiticb: H1.n42k1.n4;. COURT OF DIRECTORS: H mill. Em. Chan K,t Shag, Bag. H. Btolterfoht, E*q. Chow Tung Shan, Es.|. Kwan lf..i cliii-ii. F-,|. CaUV Mimi.hi Baa, IT. F. I'layfair. Int. nut
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    • 785 1 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; ANDPERSONALB. Ist timk, 16 cents a line; 2nd and 3rd times, 1(1 cents a line; 4th to 6th time* S ennts a line; 7th to 18th times 3 cent* a line; afterwards, 2 cents a line; but no charge loss than one dollar. Thus a
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  • 417 2 I.ATI.SI MAKkl.l Ultil \T|i..\S SixiiiioKt-. Ifn \ii:ii is:r PRODIKJE. Gambler f gjn. do Culic So I 10.00. do do No 2 -.10 1 Copra liiili do Pontianak MO. I'epper. Ill:, k. l.;»<i. rtaaoFlourSarav\,,k. „,.minnl UO. do Brunei ;.:»i. Pearl Sago :t 10 Coffee, Hali. picked :*;.«i. Coffee Palemljtincr. picked..,,
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  • 37 2 S HARES WANTED. 6 Do. Do. 1 Kan Iv. 1. Punl Strain Ice Co POM SAI E. IUK. O ,1 I I|U I;, U., 111. Fire ln». 1 .1.-i 1 M.MI tVII I lil'NN Bhars Brok, 1-
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  • 58 2 MAI LS CL OSE. *n*r. Tim-. To-lfoHinr. 9 1:1 I'anKknlan Bran lan r. J 9a 1 |0a ra. Soon. a p;. oak II U 1 p.,,,. I i ..m. I II a Spjn II i .(p.m. 4 I B I i p.m. i I p.m. I | iaports S |„.m
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  • 45 2 MA ILS TO ARRIVE. I II M. M 1.,,,1, 1 .late* >■■ th- r»|>lie« to Hie I 1 FkONl'H M M i Arrived M I '1,, imh BMb S. l>. I Apl. in Itli Aul. li'tl, I' ril 27th I M V|»nl M vii- I),
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  • 77 2 PASSE NGER LIST. M I'ei P.iU. 1 ■1 H. Shaw, W K'iutor. I'.lt. Kii-M 1. 1 1 ill I bo:— Mr. I v t nv. Krom r 1. 1. Iv K. I Bui Ir.F.tJ.I u,f\ r Pulhus M I I-. 1 \r 1; 1 v 1 1 II M Iv
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  • 116 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY, 12TH APRIL, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established: 183!. I'HICE 10 CENTS. [Siil.t.riptiun rale* awl atlrertiting rattt nuiij f,,u,ul ,jh the fourth p<ig'] UREHCE AMI TURKEY. m.iiTiMi on tick raoanaa. Ceaasa, MM April Ureell Land-, over two thousand ■troag, bare eroaeeatsM Turki-h fr,.>iti. r. Th.-.. bands iaohale Italian
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 677 2 BAILEY TH E PR OPHET. Mr. W. W. Bailey is i,.>ta satisfactory prophet. 11.- i- lnsatislactory. lican-i be paraaae nov.l methods afhaiawar BMthoea that are n..t r.t all in accord with the tradMoaa af prophecy In l»!l(. he -le, ted. f.,r r, -a-ori- not quite obvioue, to asaaaM the r..le
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  • 26 2 Law Mi.-, him. will be al 1,..,,., 1 U p m Hit Majesty ti... King ol Biam hai signified bisintcntii 11 nl Uillg prow 1,1
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  • 87 2 Faun tlie n l|iv "ved fcM*.«3, being suiui I i thai i,.u-p;,p,. r i,, r Indian Famine Fiuttl. Froa ih« U Vail we further stun oi >;■■. from 1 ontrihutioa tin "'d 't!i. -i iuuw have be. n eceived ftrum various uiurvea i,-,.,,, ""<■ to lime; and we hope thai
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  • 9 2 Tnr Strailt Budget will be published at noon to-morrow.
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  • 6 2 Tiik Hindu new year aaaaajacea to-day.
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  • 10 2 Mk. BsVJUaaa goes home by tin? week's P. O. mail.
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  • 10 2 Mu. K. (i Pawn has aMaaaed charge of the Treasury.
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  • 14 2 H M. S DaaaasiaJ arrived at Hongj kong from Yokohama on the tad instant.
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  • 23 2 Thk at M Ttwn left Colombo at II a. 111. to-day and HI be expected here on Saturday the 17th inst abool a
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  • 19 2 Coio.\j:i. Walkek has left for Hongkonn in the (W«»w«'W. Thit ie nol Colonel Walker of the Malay State* (iiiides
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  • 27 2 The S. R. C. played tlie K. K at .Ticket on Saturday. The S R. C. won hy one run, the respective -cor,- hiin^ -tj and 4).
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  • 20 2 Maaam FmrAacsaj and Co. of Biagaaote are reported from Siam to have tak.-n ateae to satabbah braoch aeaae at Kanukok
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  • 21 2 Taaaa will he paperchase on V\ed-ne-day next, sjsaaßßg at the Tanglin I'r.i-s '11.ia.1, at pin and finishing at the Olli.-eiV Mtm
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  • 22 2 Tiik Secretary Of State iof India announces a policy concerning venereal di-,ea-e The neWB will he found in "'ir teli'^iains via Ceylon
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  • 22 2 Thi .Municipality advertise the CUM-inj;.-f part ol Bukit Tlaaafa Road f, r tw,i immths. from Tuo«day next, to admit of wateiwuiki aateaaiaa.
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  • 30 2 Tiik Ki.rat Kailway has began Weil tor its first week On the M instant. there were «i many nasajaagan that it waa t..nnd Meeaaary to put ea aa extra carriage.
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  • 30 2 MOONLIGHT MUSI C. Tut: Land ..f the Kill,- Uri-a.l.- will play at the li..tani. al I .arl, n- onThurs--1 day and Tii.-,1..v. the l.'.th and Wtfa instant, at '.< p 111
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  • 30 2 CO OL. VuiasaMi Morning Inepector FairiHSnl arre-te.l a man in BOUth Bridge X.m.l The man hadjuet taken fifteen feet of irutti-ririi; llwoffi home, and was engaged in rolling >t "r
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  • 41 2 .Mk>«Ks rVirail eYfni asliellisn >sal> ol land and bousei in >•:,:._■-, R id. Booth Bridfs Road,Tanjong Pag i. and Craig Road, on Thursday, the ISth 111 st The land in S. ran.-.,. 1, Road com- .ran acre, with foui it
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  • 36 2 APPARENTLY S UICIDE VaVnoUMT att.Tii, ...11. cut hi- ihroal with a chkeL in a h in North (anal Road 11. wai t,. the hi.-pital where everyi doae to save hint, but be died al midBight
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  • 38 2 Tai J.i.-1.,, Mining and Ti iiiiv Ivertbe a reward ol >;.•■«. 1.1 iiif..iMi.i:i..n leading to the recwerv ol the treasure 1, wntly stolen from them, an' a 1 r amonM lor int 1. ro-ultiiij; in theconviction Or thi.
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  • 45 2 POLLAR D' S OPERA. PotLAßli'i l.illipiilian <p, arriv.-d >,in,,!., y Thej to-nifhi in 1)..r .thy, where little" Alt (iouldii>g;'« perforniance irf Liir, 1 lia^ receivvd high onamesjdation The later arrangementi in be seen in our advertising columns Then i- be a full boose to-night
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  • 72 2 PH I L L IP P IN E RE BE L L IO N. I.I.: i:a-i or P M BRI 9. I'ki\ ti Mai thai the f. Goven I a concilia) i Many hay. i.1.-.i-.-.l fi m prison. An i in the ih- any kin I I a good el
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  • 54 2 <.i vnkrHmi t:-, nee to Kuala Laanpui this «.-.-k m prison warder It inaj ri- that the gall 11 received a watch and 1 ham paid i l.v a public subscription >u^ auee of hk gallantry in jtoj.pinj! a runaway h., r the Esplanade. 11, hat now
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  • 317 2 the ■nwmro oron AT mum Ti\it- am THE nOI !IK. t To-i>av, then »~h brought t. .1 gtnitt IVmm Office a letter f, J Government ol Selangoi to M Bailey. The tetter ia aa fellows Qovenuiant Be, la Kwala Lumpur, S2n, I J Sir,— With reference to
    317 words
  • 55 2 Ton wai a rerycoinplicati d irday 1 1 i i r betw. i mdi and v. ire* living res| in l-!» and 130 B t. ft i- all. .-.-.I as a n ill tl it i dayi ili. I. and three men raatody The quarrel
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  • 68 2 o'ck) k >.■-!■ rdaj t«.. v. i. attn led by i ri.-< from entered, and foun I i in ..ii the t!iir.l Boor pn 1 tak.' a boi away He ha.l a iii his band, ana threatened to .a half if they ap| i II- thi b
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  • 49 2 TOB ACCO. b k MMsj that ike 1.. robaccoComi my hay. »old 1. t at jLMmilders, which enablee them to rl.MI' ..II ,1... ye* ••■•tat.-. Brnhranc and PajanK< I Hi..- pn.,- paid foi the remaining bales ,(Wit«4,tW»,Ao, heuce the profit of the eoinpany during the last 1 11, inthx
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  • 39 2 INDIAN FAMINE FU ND. II" SI I I VN Of M 1 Tim Bolun of Belangur, havin. •>«|>o»iti :a.r,;r-. v i,,,,; 1 r>MHl,ad..nnti..iiof "1.i.1, 1-,,,,!,. .,,1., •IWfromll II ain,.u.,l>» 1 |]1.,. ,M V| RcW •hu.evi-u al tli. plfivnth I
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  • 21 2 D R. EIT EL. Kma, a missionarj who, lor inanv years, had be, n In '"•■«■■•'••">• ■mm...-..,' 1 the X.1,,,,,,,,, t .'c-'i:,;:;;::::
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  • 45 2 BULLOCK BUSS ES. I PAVIXti Blm.M hKU I I' 1 hay. lieard ol the Porak I: Company and > T"' """..I out to 1,. ahareholden arc twenty •"•> draw a monthly d\vi""d -■>"•■ I3peri-ent T1,,,,. over the State conne. tine 1 «»nt station I^2^^ TapL h «**iu»rt w
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  • 38 2 In i:i have been arrested in Colon,] 1 lltl hi.. s,,, c wfe, naturaliaed BritUh ,"lVu K >''' 1 had jeweller,. j"':"t-" H-ad anditw a11,,, a he*.hoi,e.tlj appropriated of v.,1,,.,1,1, preciou. .tone, and fe^r/^wiu'tS!^ (ronOolooibo r-.^n,,.
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  • 11 2 i i 1 Hind i- lain.-J thai irly, ii
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  • 21 2 A CH INESE FUN ERAL. i 1...... mi.!, l.v '•■>) Worked The I an I Lam »v,..| i o a thviu 1
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  • 52 2 RIKISHA'S AND CH URCH- GOERRS. ru thi ci •mi I vinh to bring to tl i ...It. :.i the feat. i Ii ..ii the y ii i ti,, "'-I' 'he pi, with the make n uuite impossible foi I -Mat will tak. I y Week, th< I and I trust
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 604 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, Ll). Manufacturers of I DYNAMITE GELIGNITE GELATINE DYNAMITE BLASTING GELATINE DETONATORS EXFOBTKRB OF All ki!<i>s of SAFETY I-TZE BLBCTRIC > BLASrnNO APPARATUS. liiE abovk KzrLoaiVßs, B*an *i.i. sunricnnwD in QunßiiTii>,ui madk TO TAf,^ THK Hit. ll MAM. U.I, Ol IIUITV anii bai-ktv mn iMPoaxo bytri Butuh
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    • 28 2 rtli >l luril ii i: l i r. i l.v the He\ II ll ii n Clarke Capper i»i Con. »tas.e A i it ol th" late M
      28 words

  • 2383 3 THE MA IL. \n|l> M.W- \\n RKPORTB. mituni WRUttrBHTi Mao iation. our 1.*****..11 correspondenl writM: It has b. en decided that the annual itheiing of old colonist* in London, tlii- -hall tak- the form Of a rxazione in place ..1 dim ha- 1 11 tlm CMRtom hitherto. This en
    2,383 words
  • 1515 3 HIS MAIKSIVS KKCKITIOX IH SINIiAI'OKK. IMItJUWrt K..VAI. MOVKMENTS. A I-IT Tn TIIK BUMIIAL. 11l- M -ty tin- KiiiL/ of Siam arrived in sin_ i|, m y.'-ii-i'lay morning from Bangkok, on lii- way to Europe. The 1: .1 >a. ■lit.tln- il.ih'.it -hul.; arrived in tii.' Roadl at
    1,515 words
  • 44 3 I.atk mi Paturday evening the police found tin* body of a CMaeM female 1.i1.l at tl oiii.-i- of Tl i|.-"M and Kampoof Java Road The child i« ..niii.'d to hare ili.'.l of«yi4iilis. The deadbodyofaChineae male .lull wai f.iin.l in KiinS.-m; Road yMtatday
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  • 58 3 A tmoKI coolie, belonging t" .1 coolie 1 depot in Siniili >tn ot, w.i- broughl t.. tin- Police station yeaterday mfferinj fr.iin a frartlll.ll jaw He -ail -"in.--1.0.1v gare him a playful |»u»h and h* (all out of tbe window. Tlie I'.li- i.i-li.v.- thai be -ii-iain-'.l hi-
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  • 104 3 Ar the .'utK-lu.-u.ti ol KM Cii.k.l mat.-li biilwaau Ihe Boyal Kiigineeci ami the Singapore Recreation Club on Saturday kat, inwhicn the latter won by ou mo, Colonel Bogle on behall ..I' the Si of i!,-' Royal Enginaeti l-i. a beautiful silver cup to the
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  • 109 3 GIRL CUT S HE R THROAT. A Cium iranl girl, -ii'l tliirt.'.'ii> ..11. iii Hi.' employ .-I Chinaman liviugal Sa 1 X,1K ,1 Road, vat al Hie uackofthehu me with h.-itliioa'riii al halfi«a»( twothismorning Khe lh-i of all wid -1..' cut bet throat becauM -1..- had iiuarrelled with -„|i...
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  • 137 3 A mm, ln trial m held al Kuala 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 la r on tlie 6th inatant, I. t r. Mr <i.imni->i..ii. 1 Jackson and a jurj Hadji Mil' SalK-l. wm charged with the mur ,1,-r of one t»l«yinan, and Mat 11 1,1 wm ,1,
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  • 198 3 S. V. A INSPECTIO N. Tin Bi>l uarl "I 1 1 K A nunual iniiiectiou t.»'k place on Hat unlay afternoon. The Battorj fell ia al a uuartei i-i-i three, iindur Ihoi-onnuand M :i|,,l Ci 111:11. 11l- 1 lilt l> .1.111. 11 l 11,,- othi-r ..Hi.. 1- -'Hi wi re
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  • 60 3 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SA IL. Java |iort« i*i iiu.- i'.'ih April, B»u»teiul &Co ..i i"-'H. April, Born v Co Cab niia via I 1 iiril, 11...n-i.I 1 .n-i. A. i i Co Hoiigkoiifl Sm a .In- 18th \|".l I!. .ii-l. 'ii. l A Co, HuiiKkui duj -l-i \|...l 11.-l.v Ueyei
    60 words
  • 912 3 (9nm Im „f i Turn, Mm Hatch. Tm *MMM MMbM hMMM r.-vivi-.l in MMaaaajMM ai M. Arton haviriL 1 in.-i.i--somi- fr.--h iwl IaMH Tm authuiity ha- 1 i naked of Urn (mmm >.f Dep* tii- t-i piemuli UM. Raa^at, Marat Bild B.iy.-r. Mfc Marth. TheConimiii.-i-oi th- fTwiMf M
    912 words
  • 358 3 S.C .C. TE NN IS TO URN AM ENT. BAI I l;l>\V B PLAY BAvnommr. MB X.-..1 Utt K..rl. I i Ml -IN 1 il Wlnt.- I tart ffirtim I** n lam M i Southain -,n,. lr. l:.i i ra 3 (po t pon.-.l i sr.-vi-n- owe S I'l ptoo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 6 3 yon GKNKKAL SIIIII'INU NKU--11. I-M.l 4.
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    • 110 3 TIIK YKTOUIA HOTEL. Xl \l 1.1 UPI I, 1 -II SNI...K HIM 'i V- \"M\|\;,,i,\||,,Y i:\« I 1.1. i.M •>! vl;l.l\<. Tha II. 1 1- la ii.. Railway Stati ■■< nml in 1 eat ral p.. -in ..1, I ll:>i 1 LASS 1 l ISIXC. Mlts. >l I I li
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    • 570 3 PORSALEjKMPLQYMENTft TO LET i ANDPERBONAL& i-TTiMK, Meewfci n liiw; kai aad .ir.f limes, 10 cents a Hne; ith lo Ma Umes, 6 cents* Una; rih to isth Manas, :t eentaa line; after ward*, -l .-.-nts n Nae;ba4 no charge leas tbaa one dollar. Thu-. n awwwih advertisement, •-!#>-«> s.-t. latMatyaa
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 159 3 \Ki;AN<.KMi:\rMoNOAV, I2IH Ai-i.i 1 llil-Ii Water, -lip m Hindu Si Vi 111 l'.,llar ICo Town Hull U Lady Mil bell Al Hoim The King ill' Siam will by pri I I. Itiilliannoii 1 Imii il I'uUanl Cv Town II ill B Tl I -I'AV, 111 II Vl'Hll Iliuh Wat. 1
      159 words
    • 73 3 i:\ilii.u RKPUBT V.1H.f.1.W ll'- I, IS'l. 1 m mi 1:1. -i \i.kitar. raaaa, I 1 7s».y \V. It'll, lii. 75.1) T-'.i T-.o liir.of Win Calm Max. l.'i.'l > s Mm To-. If Mas. in Ban l&! r T.-rr. 1,1.1. J;T WKATHIi: TBLBGBAM 10//, April IKiNGKoMi Kiro ler !>u. lion
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    • 48 4 I'ASSI Date. \s. i>' B I DA STRAITS > '■i: i raoHVaimi Dwrn< makki "lILISi. ATIUN Ipl .I 1 >■ a Htuekmsn liar SI Batavia KMUnlwii 1 UN.-a Voik A!,;-r f..,. Fr»iiiatitl.- II gl \v Anttmlia Batwria b H~ Itotiunlaia HHtavm X.-i. l6N°ca*tU ten 1 rag Krlok lan BOEaitLoo
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    • 77 4 I>ATE. I HAHI I I koAKI (.AKTIIS MRnutwi p| in ICian Yang 10 WiltO'l 1') 11 I 13 c I.' ll'.- I IS A I It 19 l" 18 H 1 1 U to M IV) II Cniulinu Uut Mr. s B Hhepherd ii Milir in .■.in ria port*
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    • 154 4 SHIPPING IN PORT fnderthi.headingtliefollowingabbrcviaDut.h, Joli.— Jonore. *c. ,-arco d p.-dck amsMaaan I l n r aTn TP. W.-Tanjong Pagar Whart V R-Tan,on K P»(?« Rek: B.W.BortMO CmS.S month current ii undentood. Mkx-of-Wak. aa«M WK'h.i.. Captain Toxi.t. Wh Apr. 1 Kp,!" VolomU. Sd Apl. French Coowl K a r ."" ton.
      154 words
    • 1008 4 ABKIVAU. r*l!.CI NOO* OFSaT^ A mm l»ut. v h. HO ton?. N aro.iah II M Vpnl From Sinkawang. «th Mar. He:ig *7g£!L I-ut. Mr.l,V>4. r AteeVei I lth Apl From Air-toniim. Bth Ipl U.-.-.' .!p W. Man-fieM* Co. For Batavia. |:«h-Kd». liMi ti.T (tr. l.»-ton-. i iptM llil.
      1,008 words
    • 155 4 dnl' nrr. name ot a.jtntt. i I t: V. A i > April 10; M I I remantle Apl ft; I 1 H ng, Apl 22 j M I: I6;P.S A II M.. 16 M Hods \:.I M; I' 0 Cirn: N ■> 1' I 30 :B i
      155 words
    • 130 4 5 Vit*.iiL'» Xamic. 4 I, s i_ Mm. A|.l S WlM r Bc.f,S,iU h HO Na.,.,1,,1, lisa. 1111 Baa saS »i« m,i..,, 1 i K ii Bu.h. I! i II Ru«i i... is. i I. •i. i ||,M Paon tuiua v r in. l o Bji-rmnoin X -1 i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 345 4 NOTICES. ®1 Jr^ Hit W ,G A I: l'sawy '< 'sk Xss nsaa,an»paln, r i>^ ?*flj- ii l.uiWs Q <M It- Went Ijj M..-t ,;L'. DO >■ {ifZ^'/jryn feel run M down? Take ILJr Sarsaparilla. OR. J. C AYCR a CO., UwtH. Mm U I. <y. r-» rill,, Mild I'itt
      345 words
    • 293 4 .NOT I <IX Relieves the sealdin« r ain ot once EasHfßcLS2 WmT%vsf cures a l.l discharges !rom .^^^■^l^bbw^ the urinary orMjV»y*; in either lysort \>||»my 43 HOURS Muiv Unlikethesdi. ja. ifflJll^l*'' C Bazart.i;... IT pen ..r t.. ''""B^VVs^^HCystitis ptlbi.'. Vl/afll^^aT or In]..and iij'i ll no inc..'.. Beware ot imitalionsfft^^^KVA
      293 words
    • 642 4 _NOTICES. ")R. A. P. BOWES PESTIfT removcil his offli-e to Xo. IP. t i CeOi I THK \N(iI.ONKTIIKRL.\M>S WXKVM ASH ANALYTICAL iiKKHE I.M. 1.»|..| V. H"l STKII.I. TV** OaVt i- r.n^..l :il. Itaffl.--|-i to -2-2.ll'ijH" Q—r, reWraph Co, whaw all e»a»s»wnfcat»an» should Ik; a<Mre»i«Hl to K s. aUOOHBV. NOTICK tirEkwM
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