The Straits Times, 9 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. ESTAHLISIIKI): 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 1897. NO. *****.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1007 1 'IMJK HORNKO COMPANY, MMITKO riMIK standard Life Aanurance. N.,,.1,1, I'ni.m Kir.- Innumnco Sooiety. Alias AMuranoe Cnni|«nr (Fin.). ■Jtabl* I.ifn AxKli'ram* S.«-,.-tj. Mutu.-il st.«m Navigation^ Compaa] bteahan Utgat Iti-r Ooaxpsav 1 i Mtiitlllif hi unitlc' I '..iiijij.iiy. I.illlit.-l. I pnituiiUrs of llihha (V.mpanies, see tho fall ad i ullisiiisul ..f TIIK
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    • 776 1 BUCHANAN WHISKY 1 ~T" I I I"" f*% f" O "T SOLEIMPOKTKHS L Mfcakß-fctd aS IO I ME. DLO I KAI7BROS SOLD BY ALL UOBMBD SPIRIT liKALEKS. IVAI/i D Samk as ccrpi.iKit in iiif Horgßg tiF Lords and Common's and td all oood London Cli/m. 81/1- NOTICES. Grokl Meilalß, Pi.iis,
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    • 714 1 |)RITISH INDIA HTEAM NAVIOA 1> TION COMPANY, I.IMITKD. [O PSMAKO, KANUOON, A CALCUTTA. f>neofth<'C..inpiiny's'.t,'amersisintended to 1.-avo XaaJOßg Pafßt Wharf every week. Passenger* kadCarfOara hooked' hy the »l.ove BBBMsar* nt throuKh rates to all ports in India and Ci ion, also to East Afrii-an I'orts, JlnuritUi", or London. TO ADKI.AIDK. MELBOURNE
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    • 714 1 INSriiAXCKS. rpHBaIARINEINSURANCKCOY I.TI> CAIITAI. Sl'IK. lIIIIKI,, tl..»«l.l»>l. CAIITALIAIIH |-.tlNI.I»«l. BBBBBTB, UOOfIJO Tli.' und.'rHt;ned. havtag 1 1 appoint. 1 Ak.'Hl at Nin K »poi.' fort hi- iilm.v,- Company. ih prepared tv ai'.'.pt ri-k< l>> Kn-t Cla--fHaBBaBU and r-nilinjf Vessel KKANK RITCHIE, Afent. rpilE I'HIKNIX taiURAMCK 1 COMPANY Off loMioN (Establishii. in.
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    • 340 1 INSURANCES. UNION INSURANCE OFFICK. X/ LIMITED. c» r sur-crihrf u^on/yn. An,..iiut pni-1 up Son.nro. Kvn-rve fur 1,200,000. IISAD Or>|,'«, If X.11...M... Tta i.-r.i.T,. I l.^.in^ born appointed A -nt- at th« «»wr,. rr-mjaiiy, ar« pr»t.,ii-^.l to itufca Wsas at aaiiaaT aaW a n..nas J wmaaliv i i 1 1,> all
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    • 669 1 B A N K S. THE NATIONAL HANK OK CHINA, I.IMITKH AulhoriM'.l Capital U'mi.ik, Hobacribed Capital t DOOJOOO HBABOmCB! HoiinkoiiK. COURT OK DIRECTORS: D. i.illi. v Esq. Chan Kit Shnu. Esq. 1 H. BtaMerfoht, Eaq. «ho» Tnag shan. Em|. Kwan Hoi Chin-n. E»<|. I Chief JU.nai.kb Geo. \V. F. Playfair.
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    • 796 1 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; AND_PERSONALS. [Irt timi, IB cents a line; 2nd and 3rd times, 10 cents a line; 4th to 6th time* S cents a line; 7th to IHth limes 3 cents a line;>, '2 cents a line; but no charge le«a than one dollar. Thus a
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  • 456 2 I.ATKSI NIKKEI UUOTATIONii J SlKUAMiiip. Ma Ai-kii 1»'»T. PROW CX. 1 rambler 9 ti.lW. do Cube No 1 10.00. do do No 2 8.40. I Vi,™ Bali •■)«•■>. ■In Fontiati.ik B.<iO. i V|.p<r. Black l:i-O. lato Flour Snrnw.ik... nominal MO. do Brunei UO. ft irl Buo MO Coffee, Hali.
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  • 35 2 Municipal I'.-U-ntiir. I Do. Ho. 8%. i gar B Pryi Ice Co Mayna I; FOB HALE, ire In.. Co. ,In 1.;,u Fire In*. Co. i Do I SoMEKVII GUNS, Bxehaiiaa -v »hara Broker.
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  • 41 2 I V<rtir. Tin.f. K 1 Bfttn i M i i .<. K..i:is M IOa.n II a in 1 p.ii' ■2 fii. i [Mil I p in I i> mi I U 4,.... 4|.in. I p.U. »l.m. MOSDAY -IVY. 1 >; .Mm
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  • 51 2 liibJl i to tin I MM-.- R Feb. 17th I. ,v M Fed i M. M M ,1 i i P (i ir.3uth M.r N I). 1. Apl. Snd M \1 Mar.SUI HI MarSl.t P. ah i i M M \|.nl :«ih on trrtved M lltt i
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  • 163 2 i i |ta an. l Pcnaiiß M M M II ■H I. 8. W M II M Mn Liti Mi tt D TO ARRIVE t rVr V '<. i. »itll I! I VI Ur. and M,- v «r. 1 Uirt ii M.--\I I Ur.. W. C Brown. Rev.
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  • 62 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY, 9TH APRIL.,18 97 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. (tRRBUR. Established: lan. PRICE 10 CENTS [M«rtjaaa raas aadaaaathiaffatßi m.iy Ufmmi <m tli* fourth page.} \i ia i i.i urn aatfaa Ceadba, Ml AfriL The frseh Note at* the Powers toOteece whi.ii Mekstoresaovethe praaeat .lead 1 k. ii made li-ht of
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 34 2 dm aaan Mnnn The in-urgent-- in Crete are ma— mi; it sitia on Use east eoaat af tl"- Issaad IWeeaaaaadat of the IVsaehaaaa-..l-..var than has landed several L'un-. in tea lii"-- lot hn-tilitie?.
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  • 349 2 Tn oHve leal baa baea bretiaal latti the Ark That i.- mi..- -iti-ta.tory and gratifyiag fact that ataads asal eoaepi i-ly in the btstory ef lac stirring eveate of the la^t Ihfee month- n. south east BaMfie. It is aa aaespsi led (aaatare, and i-. lasnfare, the m.,r. \\..|.oiii,
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  • 27 2 Urn Mrr hku will be el beiae aa l jtli. at 4 »."i a. in His ty the K.. Bsaai has signified his intention of beiag peeaaat
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  • 9 2 liv. Russian cruisei knkurf ling t--:- \'ladiv.,-t k
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  • 11 2 llAii.M-r,>\ (mil- i- expected t< ii at Penang on Tueedai nest
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  • 14 2 Tn homeward mail by the I 1 on \v, .in, -,iay next, at a
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  • 12 2 Tin. Bank of Kngland discoaat rat. Ift m i KJ pei m
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  • 15 2 tl Wai ki .ii arrived this mum in.' ii Pen ing, on Imard the I'ala
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  • 17 2 i it Pen tag at 1 1 a m to-day, and in due hen to-morro« n .mi
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  • 14 2 ni« .-,n-a| V-.lunt. i Artillery 'up at I'm: >ng Katoag on the 13th instant.
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  • 13 2 Powell .v- Co. advertise an auction 'I!. Mount Kophia ii the 17th instant.
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  • 16 2 Tin: Kiiil' of Siain i- .x, nd will la id at Johnston'• Pier at 10 am
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  • 20 2 I advi rtisi dtl at tl i Kussiant oa- been reinuvwl to tl H lei dc 1 Euro] (Xo sl-sx)
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  • 20 2 lr reported that the Chrietiaa Bi th< ra at Pi nang will shortly be ed by English and AineVuan Brothers
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  • 41 2 I ox*i i and Uadams Brandt and Mi-> uked to M ir»i iU< bj the Si M «,!l the- L'l'th Mt.-i.- < lam. Hm..-. advertise an freehold aud leasehold lands in i laymore and Teluk Ayer at room, on the j.-nd m-t
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  • 24 2 lid that the Metsageriei Mari tini i Co have ided again to run iniew from Bombay with the steamer of th< 1 8tn instant
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  • 24 2 HMCTINii of the KnL'li-huii ii ..I 1',,, in w eUesley was iiv 1 it Pi .•..Hi. yesterday, to make fora Ball on st <„ day
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  • 34 2 Mi. .1 A .1 u:mm.. Deputy Super- Poli 1. 1- a, i |.ted •Iw Poet ol Inspa tor (Jem ral of I'olii Biam, oa *i,««, a year aud £200 a y< .i trav.-ilint! allowances
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  • 31 2 THE "CANTON S.x of the staff of the Liv.-r|... .d M1- A— i«ti-.M arriv.. 1.. r<their wav to Haieon, where tliey will d'avourtoraL the ..inken i.ii^nie Nationale steamer oaa*M, Tourane Bay.
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  • 38 2 Nativk silver dullar, ha c m „,m ,l at Tientsin by we ol foreign machinery in the Arsenal, and the V,:. r..v. r,..,..^ ..1.-.-a with bn.ici,- n..,s „f the silver .o.n-. nite.i.U t,. order large owtpwt.
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  • 34 2 ißifji twilled daalhs swi leajstnrr 1 jnßingai last month the ratioper i,,,u-;u,,ut latarta 1,-,,,!,,-S3 sixty bW deaths w-.-r.^ diiriug the week ending on last Saturday. with a ratio of 41 '31 pt> llw-ttd
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  • 36 2 AJAia— BisiiafirKarosthal cinortation of cotton crape has oJ late neatly increased. It was first senl t< Hongkong, shanghai, and >w^^ ■boat seven years ago, and In low ai maefaasyea 1,000,000 worth "f H exported,
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  • 42 2 Tiik oil man who «a- toiin.l tying un.uii-rious in Bra- Ha-a Road <.n Thursday, and who died at the Tan TockSeng Hospital the same evei han been identified as a i>ensione.l ward.-r naiii.-.l Savage. ThS d- was a Knropean.
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  • 43 2 I'm mati. tyrselbroaniafsaars mi ing into u«hi.',ii. Hy their use s much Ughter carriage can be used and viDration is eomphttely done away with. While the V.-hl. le IS r.-IM-T.-.l ah-olu .!> noi-.-1.-s. Th.-v are already 10 I in India and C'eyluii
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  • 52 2 I I'.-r i)r». d nutifiiatinii announces I that, iii eonssqsw t quarantine 1 r.-gnlations, the parcel poet h.-t«.-.n Bombay and Fran, s i- suspended. Also. p.uvel- for Ike Continent ol Europi containing wearing apparel, bedding, wool claws, cotton textures, hair and similar article eaoout bt fcfwatded fr .in
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  • 81 2 MILITARY IN TELLIGENCE. UiRiM. the abeen I I i. Commanding at Penang, t:,. Command of the station will devolv< on Lieut-Colonel J. d«T Bogle. R E A (iuard of Honour fr in the Rifle Brigade will, together with the regimental band, be formed up at li, i. ready to
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  • 63 2 BULL FIG HT. POt R »IKN K11...H, A lI.'KKIHI.K Lull flj^lit tOOh M It to..k mountain animal- i that made the largi •pectaton rild I {hi The first bull that snten U the ar. na ol the nghtera to death An I was killed by I] and th< third capped
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  • 89 2 ...\E MAN MAO l.v. eight, at J Cbiaamen attai Ic.-l I nii-ii wh., wen -utiii.- lie depot in Pag I of tli.- asjnvsauri liad a i. and all of then attacked th. ir unofleoding countrymen with g i..— 1'..1i. t Constable ll:< the leea* i eded in ameting
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  • 236 2 THE U. S. CONSULA R SERVIC E. Tn l'n:!,-,l >tat,- BeaaU Foreign i .ii!t.-.- has r-: Urn BUI of Mi Attorn* of Pennsj ton i-. m\ 1 i t« Reprecentativt >, and an offi the Department of St.v. Th. (anizatton coven all offic in the <.i\!. c Consular clerks are
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  • 163 2 DATO SHELFORD, C. M. G. urn Johore eaireepondeut under >. tardsVi daU «H« I'.H th, of Johore antertsined -.he Hon. T. si,. t ,,i.i. c M t" l'ui,'lir,>n in the Utai and at MOB, t.-.lay. i ivetted him wit), the Order of the Crown of Jobon elsH His Highness proposed
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  • 111 2 jmillTT NAV.U. BASE. in v -.iy.- th.- wastbenewi received in naval that tli.' Admiralty have definn arrived at :i decision t, adopt a- hi f,,r transforming the Hongkong blishmeni int.. :i i"u-t l:i naval commensurate with th,' unportai colony has assumed in the light of i recent chaagei in
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  • 90 2 >„mf cmc i MUMCtad with the A ir, V;m baa. it i- alleged, ju«t i method of greasing I merged portioni •■< steameri v which then- -i incn ased twenty-five per reni invention n wid to be irai] li pensive, and cowist* of a i which envelope! the
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  • 31 2 A OUBTOHOnT, made by the P Board at \A I when md i entrant- to, an jht be allowed I ■trictly i ace that mile w.ilk will I
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  • 158 2 THE LICEN SING JUSTICE. A mkktiv. of the I. U.i- held j Colonel Pen aidod, and I I'r Ellis, and Mi E li Low E« K ad, ,i; plied for a third- I Mi Cai If of tin- I on the than «m already ieni it Tan Seng Chew granted,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 428 2 NOTICES. TOWNHALL POLLARD'S LILLIPUTIAN OI'KKA COMPANY. IKHKdKMKKS. I'll K HM.V .IrVf.NII.K lIIKKA OoxrAin ix mt WoKLi,. Or A. MONDAY, AI'HII. UTH, IN Th. ir worM renowned prodocttoa of tVllier'- Urcat Comic Open DOaVTHT.* To be followed bj "I Miwiotte let Clochet de Cornevifle,' 1 l'nat.- of PeniHV a II- M-
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    • 890 2 LATEST ADYEUTISEMENTS. \i- \N I ED foi i Gold Mining Oonpaay >> la Pakang two inUabta fawptaa Mlnen aocustomed i i Umberin andOorin-:, punip- Apply i,y 1-tt.r only, arith I teetlmonlala, an.l statiiiß salnry i x P i. .I to Manager, t 0 ByaM i Co., Binaapore. II i MiJHK
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  • 775 3 lo TIIK KIIIToK Of TIIK "-IIiAII- TIMK" Sm, There are all the making! of a very pretty little row iit the meeting of the Golf Club this evening; and memI.els Will be light it they tll.lke sllell il low iis to cause the Committee to n The
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  • 371 3 LA DY STRANGFORD HOSPITAL AT PORT SAID. M'l'K.M. I' I: I < KIM U h lilTllll H sll AM- I INKS rninn of the l-ady Strangford llospiI till :it I'ort Said, together with a copy of I ln itti report on the hospital h.i I- 1 and to state that
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  • 89 3 10 1111 11, non ok mi: "fDUISI mtaß." Sin. Have any of your n idei observed marked bcreaae of rats, of late P My bouoo bii- i.c.ii. until recently, singularly free from this vermin they have now' com.- in numbers, notwithstanding the presence ..t two very good cats, who
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  • 548 3 THE YOU NG MAN WHO DRINK S. To rill KIIITOH OK 'I UK -THAI, IIMI;Sin, In yesterda] i-- 1 .f your widely-circulated journal, tin reappeared ii paragraph quoted from the Malayria Ifwwiow, iii which it i- an inced to :ill whom it may eon. .111. that ihe young man who
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  • 240 3 RAILWAY i:\ll..s-|o.\. Tiik Deli Couranl of the !*rd instant -ay- thiit a railway extension scheme there is oil the eve of being .allied nut. The Deli llailway Company pro- |K>sestoexti ml its lines b) branches runfamiiin,'. Langkat, and Berdang Th.-.. hranehoi will open up the northern district! of
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  • 284 3 A MUN ICIPAL PROSECU TI ON. 1 1 Kirn B 111: kKIXcI Tub further bearing of the charge of receivin ill. .1 f rntilk-ations, instituted by the Muni.ipid COlllllll--1011. 1-.,...1111-1 Sanitary In -p. 1 tor W Won teil-U, was l'.-uin.'d. > e-lel .lav. h) Mr. OSuilivon M> 1ir.i.1.1.1l 0p,,,.. 1
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  • 240 3 LORD HA RRIS ON BOMBAY. A- one well .|ualilie,| to de-.-ant UpOB -11. h I theme, Lord Harris MMCtod Bombay "u the subject of 0 lecture In- delivered recently to members of the Chamber of Ooauneres Lord Harrio, at theoirtset of his remark?, took occasion to speak in the highest
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  • 1017 3 IT- I.ATKST IKATIHi:-. In the Ntm rFieaw llbbbmH i- an account of the i-fl'orts made by the Etueaian Qovernmeal to bring thework--11, ii engaged upon the Trans-Siberian Railway within the reach of Cborch and tin- ministrations of the i "Tope. or ordinary priest of the
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  • 63 3 Tiik Ilotifkonj: Odd Volumes Society heard .1 1.-.ture (.11 tin- X Im" by Mr. P. Browne, on the.'tlsf Mar. h At the close of the lecture, the rays were experimented with among the audience. which included the Governor. H I was one of the many who indulged in
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  • 88 3 Turn funeral cortege of the deceased wife of Mr. Lee ChenK Van will start from his house, No. 13, Cross Street, on Monday, the l^fh, at 11 a.m peering through Ipper Cross Street, New Bridge Ko; I, Hill Street, ViotoriaStreet, Middle Road, Balagai Road, and Seransoon Road.
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  • 810 3 "*****1 HUI.isA." (MKTHI KN AVli.., Mu. W. K. N units is bf BO in. mh- now hand at the art of Iction. aii<l li'ateriMof DeTonablreUnare weU-kßown an.l conliallv a|ipieci;.tcl. Althonga not at the top of tin; tret-, lie has mail.- his way to the BMHJf lnanche-, an.l lii-
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  • 1040 3 1.,.r.| CardroM i- In the aune rather ,ii,i,.ii- pie.ii.iini.iii a* K. .--i in. the great oui| r, Be wa« I K- -binary HNh, thai tin- rearhe hid no birthday. In iii. i. altliougli ni- lordahip i- in the prime ..I life, tofai In- I, a-. .uly had lea
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  • 227 3 S.C .C. TEN NIS TO URNAMENT. TIES Kui; TO-DAY. a i.a>- -1N..1 i s. u.'i.i ewel v. l'.-ai..-. ■HNMkMJ re. ft v. Fiv.-r II I.A— -1N..1.1.- LAM -iv.. I M X...1.--,- Khelfonl re. I. Pat. inn r. Buttar. K.llin v. M. K. n/i. a LAW I". i MJB, Anil i-/
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  • 173 3 S. V.A CAMP ORDERS. Head Uuaru i Office, Singapore, Mil April Ih. B. V, »ill w into caiup al ran na Katung .mi rhunday, 13th till Monday, I'Ml, m-t Parade i I the Drill Mall on rhuredaj al Sp m. I khaki uniform Hold eapa, faiton I brown leathei i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 734 3 THI TAHJOMO lA<iAK I AND COY, I.IMITKD IV I I'/l ll.llloV >'„! Ill: 1- 1ie. .1.1 (hwa ii gBBMBI me. linrol tbe ihareholdeni of ihieompany will be held at tl Bee „1 Mi li. Derrick, :i\. Kaffl.- 11.i.. Sat,,, day, huh April. 1 -■-•r. at aaea, 1 Hi -im
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    • 1106 3 F()]{ SA LE; KM I'l/ )YM KNTS; TO MT: AND I'KRSONALS. Isttimk, b"i cuts n line; sM nn. l -Ird times. 10 cents! line; Ith to mh times, fi c-ntKn line; 7th to |Hlh times, .1 cents n line; afterwards, -2 eeat! n line hut no charge less than ooedoUar.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 257 3 WKATIIKK KKI'ORT I 1 aTeBMBBJ CsMH aTsSBMSf, "Ih A r l. /W,\ H ii.m .1 p.m. I) p.m. Kkmakkx. ltar. -ji ..c.ij -JV HM«| Tump. 71 :i Till -J W.FlbTher 7m 78J 79J8 'i > Dir.ofWiM.i s.s.w.K.W Calm -~~"i Max. Temp. 7».0 Mm Max. in Sun t».» =3 M
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    • 180 4 t;nderthiBhcndinßth.>followinsaM'r.-Ma lions arc usod str. -steamer sh ship ll,»e; Brit.- British -.rsrint-l Btatas; Fr. French tJ..r.-O«rrnan: < nut.Dutoh: Joh.-Johoro; Ac. Oc 0.-neral ,ar K o .1.p.-deck pas«eng.-rs Dg-J >}<''', tain- T. V. W.-Tanjong Paw Wli«" p. 1. Tanioiiß Pagar Pork :B. W. BoTBeO Whar f .1. W.
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    • 1020 4 AbbivalbHini-i Noon of IBTOMi. Ar./ull, Brit. str. l.xnii ton". Oapl Ward, tfth Apl. From I.iv.rpool. a-tliF-1.. .iii.p. P. sinioiiHan.i Co. For ntoagaawg, B«>i';*-'<'i», Brit. «tr WtaM Oaf* BjaHarm, Mh Ai-I. From MaBWOm, 7th Apl A v d.p. Wn Bin ami Co. For Malacca nn.l Munr, t»lli -K<U. C.
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    • 548 4 IfaaM, ;>or/, probutilf iliitt of mrrival, i ■MM nt aiientt. A.l.'.i. Hongkong, May*7; P. t 0 Agamcnimon,LiTerpool,Apl II; M tglaia, Hongkong, A| ril 1- B Inn Calcutta, April 10; He il lustralind, Fremantle, Apl 19 B Bayern, Hongkong, May i Behn Meyer Benletii, London, Apr I 16 i
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    • 30 4 5 VtggKL'gSiiis. A Tons. Caitwx Ki,,m r,imi n.,, Vh Q Rio I<INM( «er rtr. 11<M» ChrUtenacn Swatow v.l Kin, 1 ,-,,i WwilWi HT4 MM WinUvUnk Cakuttli Mar SB.BoiwUiid an
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    • 68 4 Daik Vkkokl'd Nimk PIMAHh i ii i vis l>MrulATl<Ml •Vpl v Lady Long.len 11 Cmlvi,»,. Mcivury ii Btrrtu SultlUl I M.-,lii>n I Villain I Hi,, tt l.iurl.. Brttttr. Uanh&ll Mr. M.tiili -n DinwlaU mi. 1;,..-,. Itr. I'm- Mr. K.'ilph M M 4ndWMa ii,r Mr. L'briatoatan Hut. sir. Ki'aiy Pkhani
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 171 4 NOTICES. Sweet Scentt from flowers, RIGAUD'S WHITE VIOLETS RIGAUD'S whits nosi. i RIGAUD'S white jasmin. RIGAUD'S WMITI LILAO. j RIGAUD'S whits mil. RIGAUDsC', mmmm, Paris v, i J BAGNALL lIILLKS IMI'OHTKHS OK ILECTRICAL AND STKAM MACIII.NKKV. ornoBS: No. 30A, Kaffllk I'l*. k, N<>. li. Yokohima, Japan. No. l. r >,
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    • 421 4 NOTICE& The best prtjj.-.-M'.'on fur prescrvinu, restorint;, WA tisuiiij io; the hair is Ayer's Hair Vigor. It baSfS tlit alj fiom dandruff, h..,'.s UUllilllSlliai humors, and prevents iks linir (k.iii f.iiiiii« out. Wksa the h.;ir beremndrjr, thin. Mesial gray, it ISStulll Ike orlgiai 1 culor anil tcxturp sad pn BM«SS
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    • 594 4 "NOTICESr" KELLY WALSH, LTD. The "white Hose of Arno, '•> Bhoscomyl Aukcl of the Ih.-Tolut.on, kf 9. (irifllth f 185 Sin hy (irdiit Allon IJo .^:!;'A;;'he;,l,;ra:s,.,vK.rrawford» 1J» ieentH of dares, hy S. K Keiifhtlev 1Three Daughters of Night, kf Derek Dnireen 't.v F MM Mch.i- 3 ZtakT Sfew Novel,
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    • 68 4 NOTICES. TULU MOTHERS. Q,ue<fn Street. JUST recciTo.l large »to<-k tahle claret Bordeaux Good table Claret doz. qts. S t..lul.ienMedoc gj stWph. g» Also fresh stock of macaroni, loaf su«ar. Freneu bohp, tomato game, green poas, HSR .alalloil, Vin.-i.jre IVOrleans, etc., etc., and a large quantity of corks. $4 The price
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    • 121 4 JAPANESE^ CURIOS il OTOMUNK CO, 9s, llujlt Street. HAVE always on hand a lar(,'e K to,t of Japanese Curios. "TIMES" AND "BUDGET." a**** Timri, post free, ?.1O r y,. r r $.'J a monl h, or t»n cents a copy. .S| rai(| Huil if I, p"st tree, S2O a year,
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