The Straits Times, 8 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The St ra its Ti mes. ESTABLISHED: \m. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL a 1897. NO. *****.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 951 1 rIVIK HORNIiO COMPANY, Ll-M lit Ti '■VIK StAstUrll.ifu Auuranos. I Norwioh Union Kir» Iniuranoe Society Atlw Assurance Coinpanj (Fire). aitabis I. iff Amiurancn s•ti Maiine In -urarn'e Compnnv. Mutu.-ii Btsam Ravlgaß> n Company iiliiim 1.m;.-r It.- r Ooan I mfmj, i'.iinit..l I ulam .if tli^im OgsSßSa**., SM tli« f.ill advortisanuat
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    • 600 1 OCEAN BTEAM Mill' COMPANY EAST INDIAN OCEAN sIKAM SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. AXl> NKIiKIiI.AND.-CHK BTOOMVAART M \.\im H.MT'l.i OCBAAB, The Coi.,|.aiiyV ilnamifs ars deanatened from Liverpool outwards for lite Strait-. I li ilia, and Japan, and from Japan Inn ward- for I I v.iy t.-n .lavs, nil haw accommodation for third
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    • 680 1 INsniANCKS. 'piIKMAIiINKINsrUANCKi (>V.. l.lli ('AfITAI. Sin- 1.i11K1.. 11..NN1..11K1. C.vriT.M. I'aii.i i-. tISO/UO. Ki.-i.iivK L' Th.' und.-r-inn.-.1. BSWiag I n a|i|ioint.-d Agent at Singapore forth* above Company, i^ pr.'|iar.-d to n.-i-i'|»t risk^ I.v Kn-t t'hi--Itnmm and railing FRANK Kin MIL. Agent. THK r IKK NIX aMVBAirCS Cn.MI'ANY tiF KiNImN B st
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    • 329 1 DWURANCE& /MM o» IB 80 i: A 808 i yy LIMIIKD. Cart $2.WM,f\r>. Am Mat aaM up s^./r^ E<«. r»« fuu I I.:i».nua. IIIAI. Onwt. II .M.IK.-X.I. ea«snj|gns*\ lT.irsr hr»n app>i'>""l I L ?H4l* of tlu» ahoTO -IT .nt'r»r.» a I:, a annually to ell PirHiMitoni of ha in.
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    • 509 1 15 A N K S. IHK .NATIONAL HANK OK CHINA, I.IMITKh Authorised capital ii.nm.iim Capital .VKl.mii 1[ K A l OH I. K llollkikoliu. COURT OF DIRECTORS!— l>. Oillirx. Esq. Chan Kit Knag, Bsq. j FI. Stolterfoht, Esq. Cbow Tung Shan X-,. Kvv.m Hoi rhtien. K-|. OkO* MiM.IR Geo.
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    • 781 1 FOR SALE- EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; AND2ERSONALB. I -i Tfsri, lo rents a line; 2nd and 3rd times, 10 cents a line; 4th to Bth times 6 e.-ntH a line; 7th to IRth times S cents a line; afterward*, 2 cents a line; but no charge lens than one dollar. Thus
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  • 276 2 I.ATKST M.\i;Ki:i OKiI.VUn.NS. Brmuroai -:<■. Ipro, Ml I'isoDrci:. aambisr j t;.L-:>. do Cube Nn 1 10.00. do ilo N.i •>, Copra ISuli do Pontianak 6.70. l>.-pper. Blncl 1880 Baao Flo >•■ do Brunei lm Pearl Sn^i IM Coffee, Bali, pi. Iced 98.00. Coffee Falembsog. pi ked lIjOO. Ooflse, Libert
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  • 35 2 SH ARES WA NTE D. i>... Da B N-u IVye liiv< i Ik) 1 1.. Co. R I'tii; -A IK. ire 1 i., (In Liuu I. 'I ,1-. I 1 KOMKRVILLti OUXN Ex. I i
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  • 42 2 MAI LS CL OS E. rm Prrtlr, T,,-\l Him I' i i Ki in ii >rti PeiuuiK I Dell 'I B I |..,n I |M,i :i p 1 | IS I pjB D i. Mum I i'IiI I|"M I I' III
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  • 39 2 i 1 1. I v M M li N IV I th M. M. r. ah i \u n,-.| V |Hll, M !Ml, M tul. Brd Mai SUI I ***** I I- h 1 27 th
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  • 66 2 IVi M KKIVE i i I™ I i; i; Mr in i i Ml. I M I! non Mr K H i M i: i il nnd Mr. C. P. nnwting will) tin' Mi \l II IIKI Mi I M.1.1 I Mi J Hand. Mr. .1. f.
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  • 58 2 THE STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 8TH APRIL, 1897. REUTERS TELEGRAM. K'TABUSHKU: I"*! PBICI 10 CENTS. I -.-r.j.1i,,,! rwifli ndn-flinng rulft mat ">> 'I" 1 f rll > P"?" 1 (JUEK'R aaiiiaa tcntm. 1,.,,,,/.,,,. Mi Apnl It i- denied that Britain has mad.pacific overtures to Ol i- -t it. d that Britain
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 35 2 Ho ■lII.IIIK- KVI-K. TED. The whole ol Ike Turkish army on the frontier waa attdot arm', yeeterday, in tog tat ion of aa attack from tlw (ir.'.-k (ami then at any moment.
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  • 46 2 sta w. iiAinoi sra uonoji. Mr. A J. llalfonr has refus.-d to li x a day fur th.- daMaoaioa ol Sir William Bareourt't motion r* Qneet and Crete. aalaaa the motion wai fattoadad at a rote of ensure, Sir William Harcourt i^nond tin- baUenge.
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  • 27 2 Lady Mjtchbll will bo at borne oa M ni..>. April Uth, at 4.4ft p. aa. His Majesty the Kin^oi siam baa atganled hi- inti-ntioii of li.-inp pr.-sent
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  • 56 2 Tiiuoi ..n Mia Daabeay, ..i Kuching, Sarawak, am barn In slay received ftJOd for the Indian Kainini- Kuril N.. It should bo )vm,.|,i!,,i,..| that the object of the Fund i-. partly, le give •nnVren a bath atari; se that, evca though tho actual teardty be alwalsd in India, then is
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  • 68 2 The Consul (saaoaal for >iam at >m- pore has thia aaoraiakj aaeeiveda telegram, adviatag Iha depattan from Banajtok >, -t.-rd.iy. 7th in t of HiM.ij. -ty iii.- Kiiif ofSiaaa aa beawdaf hi- ya. lit. in.. Mil,, CftssWaM, farSiaf. aooresa rsasV farCahtabo and Europe. Ii ht i- than fan to arrive
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  • 163 2 "i n lALadvieaa faoai Manil.i reatoti fresh ant aoaaa over the r.-1.,.1> in th.province of Cavite. (in the aaahoarai t wre, the Goveraaaeal fanaa katva just taken Una brtaW plaoss caled N*ovaleta,CaviteVieJo,aad Hiiaacajati >v In. -day last, iha Mi fan a atori I Baa Ki.m. bee da Mtlahaa, Iha seal
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  • 198 2 The Municipal Cotaaaieaioa atel yeet.rl.iy with Mr Rgawtoa far Hi.- lir-t time in the chair, aa lbs depot} of Mr. Cieatle, now aa leave. It i- 1.. be aoted that the matt. -i- hesWu Iha assetaag were run through w,th ast iditioti and a hnaiuaaslifcs daefasck that had n .1
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  • 288 2 M« lim-i a very properly rafti to -.t i day for tlu- motion of wukli >n Ui Hi. im Harcourl gave notice, mil.-- ii Bhould be made aspe. ifk'vote ceaoare \nd. IbrMMth, a vote uf what (in the Cm, -h<.^ 1 i a Uting it-h with the other tin
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  • 517 2 Raoru «r» asttrng wll .v i" 1 pubuc banquet, .>r other form ..t public < iplim.nt. is betag oflend to Mr. Bhelbtd bafaa bieeVpaifre. The an w« is that such offers hare bee* made, and hare been refased A propoaal fc>* public !|ii.-t ram.- I" BOtlling, bacMM Mr sii.lioi.l aaked
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  • 25 2 (»K« result tbe protHwed chanp in the currency of Japan liaa been, it iMiid, the almo«l total .li-a, .nm. ol Japasnes y.n from Hongl onj
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  • 28 2 Db. C. K. Si.i.iuk. the Prin ipal tal Olli.ei in Sarawak, ilie.l al Kiichin on thetfird Man li 11.. had held the appointment lor only t».. v-
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  • 26 2 Ma. It P. I>k Suva. ieweUer, High >v. rt, advertUci the loving of hit e»taMialimenl on the I lih ami 13th in-i.. being the KingluU. —V«
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  • 27 2 Ii i- iukWsl i Hial Mr Kra* i Actinn llriti-li Consul al Canton, wili be appointed Consul al NV'uchow-fu on tIM W.-r Itiv.-r, just opened to tratfe
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  • 29 2 Thi: P. D. lines at the ten and a jiuarter milestone, Kranji Road, were burnt down, m identally ii is Miev. .1 lay. The building wa roofcsl with atap
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  • 33 2 Tm: Matang Kstate in S irawak wai put up for sale, al the Court house then on the -Hi Uarch Ai no bid thee»tate roverted to Uovern.aei.t tt the u|-.t prio I] I,
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  • 22 2 Xa'sasaki ..,'.i,,|.,,i,,,v .tates Hi»ttheJa|KU.B|«iie|l. l i,kha«r...eived ■> from N.u V.,1, all I' ll "l »Hv« the anli.i|,ati,,n thai Japaa n,i, to li I
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  • 32 2 Tin N'urih Boriiw, T.iri Club »'H 1m! 1 on il,. Bth .1 ily „..«t, a Sumlakan. There will be > 1 includin* tbe eoiwolation >..■-. all of which an foi Borneo and B.UII |.m|.i,-
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  • 39 2 MALAY STABBING AFF RAY. rw«.,v- i, ;1 < hi „,i 'I'wmllwl M njgi,, Ml c|| m| ll 1 111 woman Liuar -t,,i.i.,,i »itli penknife, in t1,,. cli sttiuui wound Tl,, woundml was taken to the hcwi.ital, and I wasarreeted
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  • 35 2 CIVIL SERVI CE LIS T. Tmi strait* S< ttl. '1,, M bear, the mark of careful ha. been brought up to ,1.,,.. Iwudior from il i,.is»io.i im iiti.resUnj( „,,ii., ,1,.,, 8W1 llk 'I" l"v edition.
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  • 54 2 THE YOUNG MA N WHO DRIN KS. ■M..1.,, v,. V 1 "«.> ann.aked ug uui»opular und disgrat-uhil rounn me,, you can utterly di lanceall drinkiug in your u« you bold i n [nan who louche, the ou,, ■""V 1 1 MIU, Whod "< besafelj trusted with the hap, hal m«r)
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  • 78 2 SARAWAK TRA DE. i urr 1 1 m; riui i.i blUli, 1.., 1.,. i million 1 I- '1..-li-t.,i rilO..XlH,rt Of <l<< s .-,1, tlml ofooal uu I Ikhihl.l in. *'H roiimiii im». rk.-.i «7»i»«Ju plant k -i.,:i.-.l 1 "Itjvited produce, ....i.., ..,,,1 »w latter of liich u,.t,. i, :ll
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  • 49 2 On;.y two ties in UMB.C.C. Teni Tournameni wen. decided yesterdaj the Municipality besting the Prest tbe Profeseioa I'airs and (iad beating Basket i" tho" 0 .lass siiiL-l,^ stopped play at an early hour, and having continued Intermittently sine. tin re «ill be no tennis this aftei
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  • 61 2 Two conetaUei c.n doty in Gaylang Road, la-t ni^'lit. saw a man lurking > about the houses. They watched hin and, bearing a board btoken at a house, went the spot They then (bund the door of the bouse had been opened, m i the man they were ihadowing
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  • 55 2 FATAL ALLIGATOR BI TE. A CiiivAM.w. named H.> Co Hung, was fishing at Pengerang. Joh the ISth of February, when be attacked and severely bitten in the leg by an alligator. He was brought to th, Pauper Hospital in Singapore, and transferred from there t" the Gen. i Hospital Il>'
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  • 65 2 FI RE AT SHA NGHAI. AsoTHER destnictive fire oci urrstl i Shanghai on the 26th March, a larj theatre in the Canton Road, an 1 Mil,, i- buildings, being totally destroj 1 and twelve bouses so badly damat I be practically a total loss, i nt of the damage is
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  • 76 2 )i has become noticeable thai solitary individual! go about armed with a tin Under about ten inches long and an lnrl'i in diameter, li contains thirtj Bye iliin sticks, numbered from i to :a Poracenl or two, a child is permitt. 1 t.. draw
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  • 81 2 AN OLD MAN 'S DEATH. An old man. either a European m i Burai iin. who has not yel been id, til ii. ,1. W.i- found lying unconscious in t;..Bye foot way in Bras* l!.i--:i Road la I evening. He wai taken to the Tan To It s.-iil' Hospital, where
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  • 75 2 ACC ID ENT. Mil ll.viivKv. the manager of th« Borneo Company in Sarawak, me) with a teriouß accident there, on tl,<- 27tL March. He and Mrs. Harve) had entered :i tram »:il-::. -n when the li..i-. drawing it bolted, and left the rail* Mi and Mrs Harvey were thrown witli
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  • 135 2 Ykotkkday, an enquiry was held li) Mr Wilkinson with a view to ascertain how 'rikUha puller, whose license i..i i ■•■> I. ii I. .1. and the number plate removed from lii- vehicle, came t.> be ii possession of them, and plying, before thej w<-r.- handed over to him
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  • 129 2 POLLARD'S LILLIPUTIAN OPE RA COMPANY. ill amount ..t int.-r.~t i- l«ii in the approachinu "ftue ii at the Town Hall, when the above Coni|iany will I I-..H.1- ..ii Mondu) i, .XI with < Ilier'a Comic Opera Dorothy", to I hj oth. i Comic perai |H>|nilarity. In every par) of the
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  • 124 2 CO REA. i«» uaa I rolteu out at r, I I" Japanese „iv licl. c*l'«ive l.y the rebel*. In Eikar, Hi. refuses t., protect the Japan l 1 ill their seizure Th. >fti>rwanlii tak«n l»ef..r. »lli«-ial ii im.-d Eikan. ami cai tain of a H boat, and is ■'••"I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 685 2 NOTICES.* TOWN BALL POLLARD'S LILLIPUTIAN OPERA COMPANY .">() PEUOBMEM I 111. lIM.Y .IUKMI.I. (II Kin CON] INV IX (I] '"■<«"/ Xtghl MONDAY, Al'l.'ll. l:'TII. IN Their irorld -renowned prodnctioo oi Oellior'a Great Comic Opera: DOBOTHY. i followed In »La Maacotte.' "Vm Cloi bei deCorneville,' Pirates oi Pen* an 11.
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    • 534 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. \<)Tll Iv MIX un.i. raigned raapectfnUf inform hi* dUtomafi ■I'"! il>'' bubllc in ml that, on iccoant of the Singhalese v War. hi- EcUblUbment will Inclosed \|.nl Mih ud ISth. It. P. Dl SII.VA. .1.»,1|,,. 0 I High >ii i M)i (CHINA STKA.M NAVIGATION, COMPANY, I.IMITKD. FOB HONGKOBG.
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    • 42 2 LAND SALE ou ..ft, in Heasra II m T;k Chve offered -„1.. i. v I" floasehold land i., IVi, having an area nl j If"' :1 dwelling I,. I,- l.uili n,,.,,'.,,,, The l>ru|M>rtr waa knu.-kml down t.i \h Wat l"-i,--( licak foi
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  • 2174 3 MUN ICIPAL COMMISSION. Mil BQEBTON TAKES in K CHAIR PABBWELL To un. SHBLFOBD. MKi:nS'i of the Municipal Coramis- ionera wa* held yestei lav afti moon, Mi \V Egerton taking the chair, ali.puty President, for the lii-i time :ni ur- There were present tho Hon. I Shclford.i m Mi \V Evans,
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  • 41 3 THE FT OF JE WELLER Y. Mil. KvAN».of till' It'll report thai Ilia hoy hue di np|iean d. and. al lln -■on,- lime, he I ip»y rind rt ith three diaui nnotlmi >\- J ring adorned with coral,) a,,,l othel artii lea
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  • 1288 3 FACTS AND FANCIES A BOUT JAVA. NO. 11. -OI.IMI'SKS Of NATIVK I.IKE. < 1,, ,,1,„ (BY mi-- ai«,i -ia ih: wrr Bom who know the taatai of the "orang Uaadah" have brought Bowering plants to market, mostly Malntaiann anil tiny Japanese lilies, just dug up. the earth -till clinging to
    1,288 words
  • 1319 3 ITALIAN TKAHE. A Consular report on the seOSMUic .and finamial situation in Italy just i--ued states that the horn.- tIMM isteadily increasing Ln importance, for. whilst the population ami consequent requirements are augmenting, thr importation of agricoltural prudncM does not sensibly increase, and the importation of mannfactured articlea
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  • 435 3'AM-l, IN Bj DM AMI Tll].C..|..||y..r<iil.-.1.-1at..11,a-a\:lil.'.l iUelf of it^ right t.. eatabli>h eoaa> merewl relationi with Japan on Urn baail of the Reriaed Treaty with <. i Britain. Tba ■< r I"' I'-ll-iii- th,' Protocol, ami com nti H folknra: It will 1 banved thai Japan pled| c* iti
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  • 93 3 S. V. A. CORPS ORDERS HEAD >ji ua Kl. a I I IBOT. I. "i.i. Mi rfol Ii .fUHuing vi «k 1 1 tLI it. Milton, hi. i. rlj Kergganl for tinpnauinii ».-.k >. iL't K i rollowinKßvntlfmi I hat duly .I. t."l ai. |„.-i",| loSu Division* ai 4low<i: Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 15 3 1" IPUN I > i li ISore Throats Haamikssa, MantMM, J \\,,unJ:. Boras, Condy's Fluid
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    • 762 3 NOTICES. rtOTICI rnU ship hanll., *Ui re DOSI 1 ness, fonuerlv enrri.-l „n bi M n Dtrieki Baa (a, m Batavi* »ill '"lit. ii l then Hi.- an.- footing i.\ the widow of the Int.- Mr Diricki Mr. .1. A. Ukken I* authorised to sin the tiim l.v pro in
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    • 403 3 l( >RSALE; KMI'^OYMENTS; TO 1.1-ri': AM) PEKSONAI& Isttimk, IteMt* n Km: tmi and :tr.| time*, lOesntsa line; Ith to Bth times, fi '"lit- a luie;7th to Mlh tim.-s. .3 cents ii line; afterwards, I e.-nts n Hne;Ml no marge less than one dollar. Thus, n ihr.rUn* n.|verti-eiiie,,t, cloM Mt, In
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 240 3 WKAIIIKK REPORT h'.ln.l.w-l K.rl.n; HofiM, 7(4 I. N*7|> an RmABKS. Bar. 29 1" m W.7W a» HBS l.'lilli. -JO 700 VV. ISil.Th-i -"o 7 .ii 7i:o r:i Hi,.,. 1 Win N I Calm Mn\.T p. Mm.. 7".0 IB Si. -> rerr.rad. lUlntall M WEATHER TELEGRAM i .i i,.,//
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    • 163 4 rn ,|,.ril,,,'ll,efollowin.:aM>revi«--,i,, S are MSd:- str. -steamer-, -h. IWP 1,,- l.anpie: Brit. -British j 1 S. n led -tales; Fr. French; Her. i-rm-.n I».U Job .lohore; \-e. O. 0., Uml tl l P. D.-Tanionc I'nttnr Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf;, I. W. .lardine>\\harf N.ll.\V. New HarLonrWha f;
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    • 1117 4 \knitau Since N<>ox of IsMBMT. |m 1.,,,,,,, Brit. str. 1.171 ton-. Captain Fr.pp.7tl! Apl. Fr.m Bamarang, 4th Apl. Bumr Wee Bin nnd Co. Fof PongirniH Mh K.I-. Ki.i'hiu Man,. Jap str. MM tons, Capl 5..,,im..r. 7th Apl. Yokohama, l«h Mar. d.p. P. Bimotu t Co, L'— W,
      1,117 words
    • 438 4 1,-, pert, )-ri>>U date of arriial, tmd yiatti* of QfjtntA, A. I- Hongkong, Miiy 2-; P. A H i :;l \-j: Rautei I■ April 10; M.-AIM-r. mantle, Apl l!>. B \.mim. m moo, Liven I. Apl II; Bl (kODg M iv 3 l!.-h:i M. r 1!.n1.-h. London, April
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    • 127 4 Vkk<kl's Xamk. F»WI tUIUB i A|.| 7 New Uuinea 7 CtlyM 7 Heti rebura 7 Tellui 7 Sri 11 7 Kinahiu Mam l 7 Hoof i 7 Vorwarti 7 RulUn H Kun Ann Nun Voni I'ak-lmn ISlit.Ml. 1100 I I I Hr, Sas M Gill Rut. -lr. .IL' .i
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    • 94 4 Dati:. Vk-i.i- N uu i-i mj an I'l >ii\\i wa 7 Beano I'.naiii; Hong Leou« Bun rniHMin L'now Hhy« Nam Yona iubeii. s Brl Trlngguu K Ban h. cj I mi h>oti«nak OiwU H I.:. I I .111. '.I «11.1 1,,1.1, Brit -ii >„: >tl Ml\ Mr, -iiu iMa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 716 4 NOTICES. ELLWOOD'S patent AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS A HOUBEHOLI) WORD INDIA. W(i»!« in the Bast ny ah. Awabmd The Ofkh kiih. Tin: QoLS Mkh.u. TatriTit. Service and mi: i:m i 111 K,l.".m>".n. ISM ELLWOOD'S paunt AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS FRENCH BAKERY, 206 200, ORCHARD ROAD I. i.-TV-DAY, FRWA V. 2nd APRIL, BODA, M K
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    • 60 4 I'l; p, BOWKS. Dnrur. Ulfl removed In- oOm to Ko, 1!>. Batter) Road. Above McAusns n |^|Ai;il-: BniZABD AMD KODGEB Brand) V" i^ualit* i£ue"u!; -"l^ieure. lh iIOIK B ■oMXE AOo. QADTIOa TO silii',,\y.\EßB AMD ■UHTJENH SMI hu-linq COMPOSITION iv!!- I s'-',', r e",'; l ';r 'ii" ol url K ln
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    • 220 4 NOTK "ES. I For Constipation I I and Biliousness I A Ski Ufa r-m- 't for MSB in I .hilJr-a to la »--n but promptly upon xht lirtr. ttoßaco In 4 I JOLIEN, 8, ruo Vivlenne, PARIS H-.. «n» i HssUssi r ■->■''- SrisasM M.n.-> innofTentivc rfmeiv in ihe treitment
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    • 393 4 NOTICES. Indigestion Loss of Strength And Appetite. The testimony of Mr. R. Dennis, Adelaide, South Austrniia, who was cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilln, is like unto that of many thousands of others. He writes: It hi WltS. rerj nrn-h pleasure that I testily to the gnat lien.lit I rcceivwl from BStng
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    • 1097 4 ~X(H'i_ces. (ementigut. V FAINT brrawaeiog th.- taaipenwr* up.l.r Mlv.inized iron roofing and on of BuHdlngl A protection .^'am-t hip and lon temperature*. A pr.-erver of all kinds of Timber againet in-ecN. UW» tructlMe Paint oa Iron, Brieka, Md e%er> des. ripti'.n of I'la-tcr. l.iine. or Cement. For further particulars, apply
      1,097 words
    • 51 4 NOTICES. TULLJ BROTHERS. ijpieeu Slrffl. irsTreccivod large stock table OsVM Ooo!i' r tabi" Claret dor <|t». W-™ Ht. Jullien Medoc > pints |I.<H Btfclfftii 9** pints BUO \Uo fresh stock of macaroni, loiif Ugar, French soap, tomato sanee, w'" i" :l truffe's sHladuil. Vlneigr. frorieana, etfc, etc.. nnd Inrge (|tinntity
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    • 91 4 TIMES" AND "BUDGij Ssraasl nas**, post frcp, J.iO a year •ij n month, or ten centß a copy. Srroli lluilyrl, post free, tM a year, or tr, a '|n;i rlf r 4 „r jo cents a copy. The advertising r^ nre: lirst time, 15 centsaline; 2nd m,,| !r lines, lo.e.itx
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