The Straits Times, 3 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, SATIURYY, APRIL 3, i«s!>7. NO. 19J93.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 575 1 mrtMiE BOKNKO COMPART, LIMITED H ri'in; st»n,lar.l Life Asaunuoo. Ronrioh Daioa His [neuaao Al as AHsliruii. S .liipi'. m 'I rhina Mutual St,<t,n N,, M 1 MUTIvIIDB 111 UfsUlOS 'iil'.in J.ilintt'.l I-.. i parti, nlam ..f thess Oompaa full h-Iw -iti-.-.n.-ii ol THE l:.'i;si: HI'AKY, I.I M I I BD
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    • 496 1 k BUCHANAN "Vs .iISKY "•■tf '^jWßi a jj j in fe' ja "t" S.»I.KIMI'..KTKI;s ls> I fit DCO I KATZBBOB soi.u r all uoimi mm dralub, aill J ■"•v BAsIBAI »t I I'l.lKl. 1O THI lIIHSKC OF I.i Xii« AM) CuMMONS AXD T'l AM. GOOD I.OMx'N Cl.inS. M I- NOTICES.
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    • 408 1 IOMPACNIE I'l.^ Ml>~\<;i.l l> V M.\I;lllMI> DE I i:\ni I UcOTtU, 1 1 iimilfli mm n will lei ye Hinga|>on.- Ih. I.i nl ioi .1 ri li Mom Vpl. Vpl. I Vpl 17 1 If. > M Vpl. -i. \l v I \l- I Iliiv l/i I Maj IH June
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    • 167 1 y NOTICE& sAi.\T-i:.\i'iiAi;i. wine. N\H I.M. M IM.III „|V|\. 1-| BEPAIKIXO, |i|..l. -uvi. Tone Will I'l i:\.jii-iii r'LAVot'H. lii. adapt. I lo restore and maintain the forcei ol t 1 system. Hupcrior to preparationa «,f ir- and quinine Pn ribed by the Pacul in cases of aqaemia, debility, all
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    • 411 1 NOTICES. I 111. CUMMISSIONEK.S KOB I 111. rOBT "I CALCUTTA. rpBNDBRfI ire iarttrd, and ill I. 1 >■ iv,-,| np 1,, 11,,- .mil, \p,-i| f. r ih. j supply .jftw. hundred lon» I il.nt n-.:( in. Ii- m in I. i. ranfiing from In lo ft let i i. i
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    • 416 1 B A N K S. Till: NATIONAI BANK OF CHINA, 1.1 Mil Kl' Authoi -.-.I Capital EljHtymu Sul», -riL.-.l Capital t MW.OOO HuDOmci: Honskong. COURT OF I'ICI.i lni;> 1' ..illi. Km. Chan Kit Bhag, K-i. II Stolti rfi hi Esq. < ho« rnn> flhan, X-, Kwan 11. .i i I
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    • 725 1 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; ANDPERSOXALS. [Ist timi, 15 cento a line; 2nd and .Ird times, HI i-etits n line; Ith to «th times 6 1 eeatl a lino; 7th to IHth times 3 cents a line; afterwards, it cents a line; but no i-hnrge less than one .lollar. Thus
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  • 481 2 LATBI MAKKKT UUUT1TKWK SlNCAIOKK, :(HIi Al'llll., 1897. PRODUCE. SamMer I njXi. do Culw Xo 1 I"'O. d.j ilo So -I B.4O. i 'opra Bali 5.H0. r 1'oilt i:in:ik S 40. IV|.|ht, Black UIO. Sa^ro Klour Sarawak, nominal.>. do Brunei I IV.irl Sago 3.40. Coffee, Bnli. pi. ked 3fi.nO.
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  • 48 2 .Municipal Dotx'utures 5 Do. Do. TanjoDg Paau Birmlt Xi-w l'rvi- Hivir Dink Oft run"iin-. BtniU Ke Co. MMVP.inl Co. bob*, Coatribatory, roi sai.k. Hinpipora In-. Co. (In Liquidation). Rtraiti Firr In-. Co. i Do. J.-I.-1.U-.. I' Corpontioa 8h rw. HOHEBVIIXI A (it'NN. EaekMNP .V Shan- itruk.T-
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  • 177 2 fur I'.r ,tr. Mm, Tu-Mokkuw. Raagaoa ria pott* Ptntmktim, lv, JVuaiiiS Ji-i'luli X-.tor, a p.m. Mimr Kirn Yany. 3 p.m. Malacca Ak. SaapktL 4 p.m. Siiiimraiix via port- Ofaay .4«n. 4 p.m. Mil in ok ami J 1 i.uiik /f «'».</, 4 p in. Stidonfc /m* I p.m.
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  • 112 2 Kku.m Ki ii'iri.: ll> llif M. M. -i.'miii.t Sutlnty, due on Tuevdsy. Fkum China:— It) Hi.' (ii-nnan s>. nvi.7i- dm oa Balarday. ..•II Miiguiioiv line 111 l.ulKk Fab. mil N. 1). L Mar. fth Feb. !Uli M. If. Mar. M tvw. ITili I. .v Mar. imh Feb.
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  • 128 2 lei Mtduta from Baagkok -Mr. and Mi- (i in iiin. Mi-- Bobertsoa, M.---r-. James, and Cooper, per .V..., ii Teluk An-on vm port! Bithop How, M.--.-. Allen, Alexander VVe»torhout, sad Wray, p,r- from Kobe; Cspt. Vyn-aa M.--.-. Kohler. Niel-eii Bhaw. Capl, Bendixen, M.--I-. smith, and l'liillip. and (apt.
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  • 81 2 SATt'RDAY, :Ird APRIL, 1897 REUTERS TELEGRAMS. THE STRAITS TIMES. Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS [.S ulitrription mien anil adrrrtitiiig miff miy U/lmmi "'i th* fourth p<ig*.\ ORBBOR THK WCUM ItMMMM Lond,m. 3rd April. The extension of the blockade to (truck waters will probably require an increase of the foreign squadrons
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  • 60 2 HI-' "Kl> AM> VACILLATION The Powers ran decido nothing r. '.-ii'ilini; tin- Cretan and Qmtk SjMSJtiOM without lalxirions parleying. IK-nct", tlicri- are iimtinual delays ami changes of purpose hail, M in-tame, agrees to md inure laMfl to Crete, but Austria di -i linc> to do «o. iiTinuiy hM
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  • 15 2 Britain will wmi I nimintain Lattery mi one liiiii'Irt'l and (i^'hty paMH to (.'rrlf.
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  • 316 2 Tiik report of the liquidator- of the Tanjong hMarfjmd Company i- hopeful document The Company now owes only tff/Hrff, and it has in hand >7,' >un. so that Hanoi d. ti. ien. y in cash is a little over IBkjQMl Kurth.r, it owns I.W7,ChiO s.juare fmt of
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  • 165 2 S"MI: tinii' a^'<>, thi' iinolVn ial iiicmiI. r« of Hi.' HoMgkoMf I..^i-I..tiv Coimcil l"liti.i|i..| til.- S,, r.lary .if BtaM lo iMn II. r Majaaty todbattovaa Ovdi nance pMMd by Um olli. ial la.-t yen, ii|>|.i<>|»i.itiiv :i MM r.|wivalciit to s.vintiiii ami I half |><r n-nt. tin- '■ilniiiul ri-vciiiif for the
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  • 13 2 < 'X-iaiilk Kvnn MMM i.i I.,- an ,ili-rt turn. tU will rtfonn tba KspUaadr.
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  • 16 2 Dm. Haui.kv an 1 Miss Lillian make their only appearance t.. oighl a) lb« Town Hall
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  • 19 2 1 1 is said that it is m,t iuK-mlnl to i.ii.-» tba gambling farm eoatradi in tl«" Malay SUtM.
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  • 29 2 Mi>miv town i a- Oft Mmllw mm offtirntoun at tl»« Ruwiaa Cunaulali-, on Saturday mxt, :it 11 nil,, k Tim liirniluri: nivludis a vury valuabk a.sortmtnt of !iine»« curio*
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  • 13 2 'j 0?d is the rate of exchange for the newly allotted Raub shares.
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  • 14 2 Hmmnrs Surprise I'arty were .loirsplendid business in Hongkong at the date of last advices.
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  • 15 2 TllK Spanisli cruiser hi" armed here from (olomho yesterday afternoon, on her way to Manila.
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  • 17 2 Many happy return- ..f tIM (lay to the Vuii. Archdeacon IVrhnm. «Ik> to-morrow attains hi* lifty-tliir.l fMf
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  • 18 2 OH thf.'fcith March, a Chines.' planter, in Province Wollesley, shot MM I burglar who ha(l?>rulcn into his house.
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  • 21 2 Yesterday, a Kling man fell oil" I bullock cart and, the wheel pwing over his body, he was almost instantly killed.
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  • 14 2 I'ajMr Land Company (in Liquidation) i.advcrtiseJ to be held on Saturday next, at noun
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  • 26 2 It i* MhM, in B— gfclWfc that a level mad right round the UtM ItlOaU be const riirt'i-<l as a permanent ineinurial of the Queeni) Keign.
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  • 26 2 A Chinaman, MnMmg in Wajrang Street, left his house yisterday for a few hewn, and. on returning, found that v sum of SUU had been stolen.
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  • 26 2 ■■MM I'owku. A Co. advertia sale of damaged MWM Wednesday at Taajoag HmM Dock They will also hold a further sale next day, at their sales-room.
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  • 29 2 Ii b] reported that JMMMM MM jm silver pieces to the value of yen >*,6j;{,7u<i are now in circulation abroad, of which yen tfiOOfiK are in Singapore
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  • 40 2 Thk death-rate f'.r the month of r'el.ruary la>t ».i> .11 7- per IhOWnd |mt iiiiiiuni as .igaiu>t 47 in Krl.ruary. l-yii A littl.' deduction uliould |.i- rnadc-fr.-in Um laltir fur ptUMMi of coin(■ari^oii, as ]a^t year was Mf year.
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  • 49 2 Tmmonuaca bach gharry tf< 1 lined two il..|<, <.r in default wren l.i>-. be t^ikiiiL- mp 111:111 at the fed i.i Viivanauli Body, in older t" I"- »M« to |..if7. nviT iliiriny tlic bean *hea im--,iji- i> MUla t" 1 1 1 1 >t y v.-iii.i.-.
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  • 52 2 Ir is ivpuiti-.l that Captain FufgMMM of tin- Kill. Brigade hi- I n (ranted .Hi- .il'-.'M. I. .r tin' in.. nth- i >| April and May. an. 1 during bu abtencr Captain D.k.r'.ul ill I i ti >■ 11 1 1 of the di-tai hnnnt
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  • 69 2 PoluuuVi Lilliputian < >p.ra Companj will ..pen at the Town Hall OH Monday, the ISth. The eoliipany eon-.-BrVetv .1 children, playing a loiij: li-t ol the l.e«t comic opera- Tlie children are admiral. ly trained, they sink' well, and all the production! are complete and in (roo.l
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  • 144 2 I 111- in •riiiiu. Mr Ilallil'.ix s.-nt. n, :i I'hiiiaiiiau to OM Wdtll'l ricorouf mi ;-ri-. ■IIIU4 tit (afti-rwariK reduced to I tin, I (at iinlr, rn. y 1,11 th* bplMMdc resUfday evening. number «,f being aboul CwutaWc Kyddaaul tin 1 man ti»>k ..Illiis I,
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  • 135 2 a eoanwMMun paiati Ml tij ;»t ptOMCUtiMM Ml fri'.|ii.-iilly iu«tit:iti-il ■fpiMl |»r:-<.Ii> f..un.| in poMCMtoa "f iic|n..r, m i'i>- s,.ti.,i, Iteaf Oriliiiiiiii i- X ..i IBM nil la I"- <i>iitc a nn.-s|,|,..| w l,, r llMMMlh II pfOTtdai |iain- .iml pouUtiea fur them vhoara lUemlljr in
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  • 225 2 (Um tf Qmmtk IKAI/Mi lia^ ;i[.j ;iri-il in tin- N/,-,,,', Tim* of tli.- Mtk Mm I, (the day u/.,r. Um nu-.tiii- .-t thr dub), wiii^ii .u-uls »itli Um propoaUian i.y n iiu-mii.T of Um Ulafapori i. -It dub to raise Mm monthly •ubecriptioa ;m<l to ini|n.rt fr. •in boat*
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  • 245 2 THE CIVIL SERVICE AND THE DOLLAR. THE DOLLAR. rvnMM uroamaam tu i un rcwti ntrnw*. (i:irailvrl)'- < l"<tc l >f r Dounin>l Mr"t, r,lh U Sir,— I have the honour to Inform fOo th.ii I hare doektod that in th- uBian who after Ut July n.-xt the service of Hongkong,
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  • 165 2 Mh. R. L Koe. Mm Mattfcl 0 Kuala 1'ilah, reports that, OS the January, he held court for the trial a Javanese and three Mnlays, charged with killing I Chinaman's bull.., k Tli>- •in-t WON (ioverninent r ,i cootie*, Bring at Bukh BenaUns I Chinaman was
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  • 105 2 :'mi iml Mil II Mabuott, Cadi t. tut appointed Acting Superintend* Education at Penang Tlir Chi.t Police iiilU,-r. at M i notiSet that the wluil tin- i n-.-. 1 than "ii Goretnineni roo !>iili- Municipal limits, must nol than thm utchei in breadth notification laket effect in J
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  • 243 2 THE WRECK OF THE "GLAMORGANSHIRE." IMF. I CM R t UQI IKY On tin- rrtU alt., Marine Inquiry w.i> beldai Hongkong tu into tM ■ill uiti-taii' CODn< I tin- torn "i il,,- i Jrii i~li tteamsl mmft Tlic Boding of th< (M m ioDowi \V- lin.l that tl ti>h iteamei
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  • 277 2 to imp ami ,,t niB a muuTi n*ic &n, The iafartnatto* tendered i the public by jrom r t .,.n.l. nt »n ru|(anl t.. Tt-luk Aver, is, I think imbfif, .,,,,1 do barm I buildings erected ""■"'■"'"•'I ground arealread in. thai bad material has I,.. which
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 787 2 NOTICES EDISON'S KINETOPHONE. K [NETOSCOPE :in.l Phonograph com- 1 bined— to-night "Gaiety Girl-, 1 isi.-i. k-niiii- .vi crate. Phonograph record! 10 orate; last day*- owner tearing. Machines niii-t i"- soM; rarecbaacs ttt I enterprising Mian. Waverley Hotel, after S p.m. 3/4 BINOAFORE OOLF CLUB. I SPECIAL GENERAL MEETISG. A .Special
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    • 770 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I TOWN HALL Jin. HABLBY, SEVERAL rear*' Entertainer at the Cryatal FUaee, Bytfenham. HtM'ii ki^i. CoMOMB, VisriiiLuyrisT, and i'k hi. Pnaonra. KM LILLIAN. Oniirom iiM-i-t. llvpuolist. MnKinth Uttf, MAi.VKLLor's 1'RiKiRAMME, NllV NoVM. Kf.HXF.Ii FtXNV. I'atroni-e.l by (Tory one of not.- ill Europe ami the'EaM. '.Inly ln«t. -p-'ially tngwyj
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    • 7 2 kou i.knkku. uurraia kiwi SEK l'AUE 4.
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    • 88 2 M. 8. 8. intended for the Strait. Tim* written on nm .id* of the mper only. l>y Ui« of th.t -on*tinn. m»nj MTs.S. »r. rej^ted tb»t mieht i.1liprwin«. 1m. pabli.he.1 All»rti-in» «mtr»rt. »n ..ikjort to th. tion th.t th« Manner n; Ifm'* th« oat of the p*P er n
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  • 0 3
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  • 186 3 I m LV, Kuala l.illiifxu 1.-, indeed, the hn-f rity <,f the Malay Peninsula* Your description, Mr. Editor, of tinpalatial pile, in which the business "I the Sclangor Government 1- to be con ducted, is calculated tv make t1..--liovernmenl of the strait.- feel small Vet after all,
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  • 135 3 And, talking of magnificence, 1 may mention thiil the Angel „f mj ol ane v toque. It ii not an ordiIt 1- b work of art, whow nut intended to burst upon publii :..i/,- until the forthcoming .1. R» c Meeting. But, in thi inraiiliine, 1 1- a source of
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  • 218 3 Prom toqi'os t,, onion- 1- a cp Bt cent. nevertl 1, s, 11 happ, ne thai the pii ■>• of onion- is the only that, forth.' 1 .-lit. distracts the 1 lion from her toque It thai -h' has bi en scandalized by Ihe frequent 1 id constant r,
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  • 139 3 Which again reminds me ih it th N'V.i.rV- rime*, with it- usual beneficent "i,-id.taiioii for the aspirations of itreadcre, ha< supplied them with an sia'i liv description of the fashion 11, men's necktiei These, as I ind.T-t.iii'l it. are now purple, the handkerchief being embroideri d with the royal colour
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  • 109 3 A- 1 understand it. the seller forwnrd iiißuran ibexes at shanghai, Hongkong, and at Singapore, is, 1 1 l, 1 ic.illy, the same person It is grati fyiug to my Singaporean pride that a humble broker ul Biligai ore s 1 luld havi [.roved him-. It sufficiently sharp kill, ,1
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  • 107 3 Von ar,- i". in".l.-t. Mr Editor! Turning to your i-su,- of Thursday, I r.- .id The telegram from s'u Francis 1, 111 .1 ein ulai ti legrani to various persona or l"> al autlio ughout the world. In HongL m, ,t to tlu Chief Juutii c; in 1 tralia, to
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  • 138 3 Company are to be ■•.I ii| thcmingli d liberal itj .md wisdom with wlii. h they have th. 'ii raw- westward from i, ip r, The reduction will, no do rbt, had i" an increased flow ol buw i -u. -b reductions usually do. No reduction linn beon made home-
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  • 230 3 I am nurprised and gratified al the number of entries for the 8. C. C. I iiniainenl Kver since 1 arrived .1, whii his now many, many yean Singapore has been growing and keener upon physical When I Hi' came here, ihun wai ii" golf, there wan no cyi-liug, mil
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  • 135 3 A Goll ('lull dinner storyl A gentlem;,' who bad dined well, and was raffei perhaps, not little therefrom, home it the early hour of three, 1 hit boy to 'ak.- off I boots, which, al any rate, suggest! that be v. .1- nol -o ill a- ho mi| El I
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  • 203 3 The Golf Club, I notice, are holding a s| ial meeting shortly t" consider their Bnances. A g I many of us should do th,- same, but. I fear, with jest satisfactory results. The question before the Club is a perfectly simple one. They want money at once for the
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  • 119 3 s. V. a. beware I I bear there is to be a great raid mad.- this year upon the iiiiHi.ients. Go, hide yourselves, ye trembling inefficients, or meekly come forth and lay your peace ottering of twenty-live dollar- upon the shrine! The S V. A. has new and great commandant
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  • 93 3 Why did ii"i the Governmenl propose i" -.lid I, Mm,' a detachment ol the S.V.A toth.-.1n1.i1. eie-tiviti.-:- I wouM havegone,badl been a brave, bold volunteer artilleryman; and I know beans of volunteers who would have jumped out of tin ir regulation boot* and gaiten with joy had the chance been
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  • 97 3 bi bju off* im- soanowKD Hi i;m.\ i- 1,.-- iinL r the recruiting ground for Biain, Two years ago, Mr. Sl. i'l,-. f the I.-i i.,iv-t oili'.-is of Burma, wan Icnl to Hiani 1 .am-, a tor.--i service and forent conservancy Within ih- past few months, a large number
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  • 507 3 UQI'IDITOBI aBPOBT. .■tl»i Monk, lKtr. I'm Liquidator- of the company now place I'.-f the •harebolden an audited ,lateinenl ofca»h receipt! and oaymeuU i,, 1 the uli- list alaj to BUI l>,v. IMWt) tli.- liquidation baa 1 n la their 1, from ill.- published Ogurea, 11 will
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  • 833 3 KARKWKLI. HaVtUN TO MB. AHlt MISS I'HII.UPB. Tiik Chinese Christian Association opaaed the present year's session with a m kal t, a m,-,-tinr. at the J'rmsep Street Chapel, last evening. The occasion was taken advantage of to «y farewell to Mr. and .Miss Phillips both by
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  • 105 3 I'iik Municipal Bnginnar in hb report on the water work*, included in the Prograai Bapori tot February laat, gin 1 analyaet of 1 1 water lltand in tinleveral Blten al w"ik Theae analyaea, he -!>'-■ show that the filtered water w.i- of a buth -tan, lard of
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  • 186 3 Thi general report preaented to t Im--11,,,i-- ofCoi 1 recently in reference to the coal production of the principal ilnr- of the world s.-t- forth iii a -inking manner the unrivalled poaition „f Oreal Britain in thai branch ol iadiu trj Turning, in the Aral pUca, n> the
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  • 901 3 In.m a I 'nrrrtpoiulent. On Sunday, the 21st inst a memorial service to the late Mr. Martin Lister was largely atternUd at tlie i*oremban i Church. The service was comlucted by 1 laymen. The Judicial Commissioner with Mrs. Jackson and several barristers arrived by the Malacca and
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  • 326 3 Ik the I'iHli ull. Mr W M.i- 1.. Jl gave a lecture to the Bteaibeci of Urn n.1,1 Volume* i.iy at lloiixk ■>< on The Chinamaa aaaaofcber. Major („li.l:.l 111a.k|,1,-i,le,|.|.illillll.»lll. in^ the 1,-, tur. 1. -ai I thai two easinent »ritei>,.inea|'oliii'-'l'' "iioini-t ami the otli.t
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  • 53 3 Tin: iii>i •hi|tmenl of Siatu rii c, ihu t teaaon, Uaa been 1," eived al Call utU It Ii preferred to lha Burma Brain .->- I being of finer quality Shipment* I t Kaioon am alao eipeetad. Than 1t hiill a ntaadjf deinaiul ill Calcutta 1 lor
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  • 177 3 YESTKHHAY.- KKSI'LTS. A CLASS SINGLE*. Linton trr. v. Di'lnv rec. 1 (unfinished 1 Sohwabn rcc. I Ual Maetaggnrt, J. <i •M 1 irr. l'earce owe 1 brat Dennyit rec. 4. B CLAS9 PINUI.K9. M, 1 tan uw hrat UayaVThaanM tar. Sxutham owe 1 bent Nanson
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  • 92 3 VMSBU APVKIMISKH in.- AM Foi Cliinaaad Japan, Kai—m, 'in.- 3r,|, Borneo Co. W.-i.-.n Auitralia, >i-/'.,i. on Srd Ipril, Boun.paU A Co., or W. M»n»fiel«l a Co Km'. -I-'. 80c** 1, -in- :ir,l April, Baha Uvv< r .v 1 0. 1.-iijin-- anil 1 ;il, ni Im. 1,.: ir. 1, due
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 276 3 TO-MORROW'S CHURCH BE* VICES. Kiktii Si \mv is LbVT. CHURCH OF ENGLAND Si AM'l.l iv's Mlltl'll VI. 7 a. in Matin*. 7,.« i n. in.. Holy EurharUt and Sornion Ba. in. Quay and ll, lv EocaarU) 4 njn. Children* Henrice. :».aui>. ip.. Bveasoag and Benaoa. St. Matiiii.w I'm 1;, 11.
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    • 443 3 NOTICES. FRENCH BAKERY, tW OWCMAMD ROAD HKI'.VI, KM TO DAT, t'ltlh I)', tan .i/'/,'//, soda, ICK CUAM, v.wiii.Kli Id CUBAN TO-MOBMQW, N.i 77 7,, M .{I'HII. KIHS( lIUASSKK SHKUBKTS. li'K i |;k.\M PKAI.INK SKKVICKS ()|>KN rSOM I am iv 11 i-.N,. Altol.K HTKRNBERU, I IIIoI.STKKEK AM' DKAI.KK IS XllW ISP
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    • 530 3 1 n)RBALE;KMPI/)YIfKNTB TD LET; AND PERSONALS. Ist ton, laeants a hue; gad nmi trd MasSS, 10.'.-nt- a hii,-. till to fit Ii ti 111- -i line; 7th le IMB liaies, i esati n iii,-; after da, -j ,-,-nt- 1 Hae;bnt ac fharga less than ooe dollar. Tims. ihr,>. Urn adrartiae
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 278 3 WKATHKK RJCPOKT. Bnataaj K-rUm n.,,,,itni. Bad Aft. I'm. a.m. a p.m. tl p.m. Kkm akkh. Bar. i9.»33, -Mm" Temp. MJ m 7« (OJ M| \V. BII.TIIt 7«.0 79H I&J II,; Dir.of Wind -n. MIW. Calm t >-? Max. Temp. »7 It S2 Mln lii Z'-t Max. in Sun IM.I
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    • 156 4 I.Tth,-1..T..1in i it1..-foll..WM,U':ll.t'. -V'^ I ft. Kr.-n-li; <i.r (i- Dutch Job. Jol .v. <i..;.. <■'.■>••'■>>> j deck psasengers; I ncep tain; T.P. W.— Tanjong I'"-'-"- v h rf; Tanjon, r»~ Dock ;B.W Bon Wharf;J.W. .T^nlin--\W.:irf.N lI.W. i Harbour Wharf ;K.H.D. Jew Bar- p.B l-.i- r-r.i.i P. 8,
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    • 956 4 \kkivai- sis. -k. (too* or iwiwh, i>ut.sti i From Bourab ndCo i Botat rr, Brit. str. ll« ti.n-.« l: ipj. Froni Kotie 27th Si and .l.|'. We* Ha an, l 1 k F.. ii. Tnm. I,M tout, Oapt Apl. I rom Baigon. SM M,. WO d.p Boostead a
      956 words
    • 290 4 ./.if. ((A am, I H M.iv 17 P. 0. II g Apl RaUti \|.i.l 10; M. A Vnlcnor, Liverp pol, ipril 1; U mantle, Apl 19 B Liverpool, Apl H Hawean Hoeraliaya, April -J Da \t;:v 2 Behn M Bcnl<vli. London. April I I' I P. 40. iilkj
      290 words
  • 195 4 a i I n,M -WIKI. i 11... i, Hooa Ho Bril I- Irene Uei li -I 14 Hch i.lei liianfl 1„,•, Jin,,, Sor.Ktr Hull i Ymh,,i.,.i Kirn I. Kmil Imt iti *UU de Liv id OH I BaUrier Britttr. i S MedoM a iMbeUa -ir- -i HoUobj ii,
    195 words
  • 85 4 I'wi.. i --i r- Kirn I I >. UN a itios A|.l i Y;if,.-l,ul :t Machew I Aim I Kutaan|| :i I'. nl.ik.ii i Xi Bappko a sikii \nn :i I'hi ;i i. Keator i bun kmaguchl M«ru :t N. .1.1 < Rus li Bril itr. Mr. i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 797 4 NOTICES^ JKfINAHGR of Japan TOILET WATER Apprwju! paftw nd On f'-'-lmq ot Mmfort Ifea skio Katanga Extract :ef RIGAUD iC c due Vtvtenm, PARIS A M US WAT SON (OS BCOTCB WHISKIES ARE llli; liiyi YAP i; IN UN: MARKET: y V II 1.00 I il: aU, Dl iV PAD.
      797 words
    • 312 4 NOTICES. I Pure, Rich Blood is the smi in irU k BOBti l:f'-, I. faith. strength, happlneta. The soil of the blood can bate nedortaap*»aihfcal Uks any o*hi r toll, and eaa be. fi-rtil-Iccdaiia nonrtahed in tttnßai waj. Vyu ran «.-t back 0M "lit spriiifr and snap. You can enjoy
      312 words
    • 790 4 NOTICES. QKN SON'S WaKII l.s Mai .in Bill, Lorn ns. MAKER IO H. M. I Hi: I)UEKX. tp .1 and recoani v-,- in ih. i BEXSOK'p -11.11 l -Ikl ROTH 1 ll. in WAT( H. i- H :,rot.o BE.NSOX'S ill-; mi; WATCH. A thi r> I'late K iglish Lever :"um>
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    • 1036 4 AICIKiN SALES. BAJJtOf VKUY VAI.IABLE LAND ranmM wi Dawarai niv.i:. nn m Jmtfsi iiav.- iwalrwi laatrMtloM t., tail l.y PUBLIC AICTM'N. At N". fafl** PtoW, On Tkrnndaf.Ot* ~<h Ayr I. U*l, ai -If ■■< Vi lil I sllotmeati ..f freebol I hnd situate in the district ofCLMmolu in
      1,036 words