The Straits Times, 1 April 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAFORIi THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1897. NO. \\)M.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 878 1 rpHK BORNEO COMPANT. I.IMITKP ri-iu: MaasVl l.ifr Ainumoo*. Renrtok Dataa tin buanuxx s«-irty. I Ire) i: inital I- I l*ti Marine laanraao Cosapany Mutual st.-Hiu Narigal -,n C< mpaay I I nl i.,—i l;.- ii I Hi: BDR.NKO ri XT) -..i;' STEAftSHU 1 ('(tMI'AMHS. .In I < OLLI IK
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    • 1202 1 4^ BUGHAHAN WHISKY I "T II LT IO CO T™ SOLE IMPORTERS v i i ii— k^ i- w KTZ BROB BOLB by AM. LfOBHED sfIKIT PaTAI— Sam. a- °t ti'l.ikii to ml Hdibks of Lords and Commons and to all good London Clcbi Sl/Vi NUTICiis. ;il SMOKE "HELIOS" MANILA
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    • 700 1 INSURANCES. 'IMILM HIM- IN -I KVXC'K I 'V.. LTI) i\iitm. Bußa ribiii, i'aiii it. i-Aii.t i-. ilsi,(«Hi Resebvi tt/OQfIOB I lit? iin.!. -r-i^ii.- I. ha*ina* I en appoiated Ak.-hi nt Hingapore for the above <>mpanj Is prepared to areepl ri-!. by First Cla i-'UANK l.i I'lilE A.-i-nt 'p :i
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    • 231 1 INsrHANCES. CIAM'JN INBDRANOK OFFI'K LI Mil ED. CapM-i SnNicrih»d |J.600,0tX). Amount p»id up 6nn,nnn. K...... f,,. l 1,200 AM. II mi. Ornra, Bn»no»». The nnH(.r.i(rned. hurinif bwn appoirf I kitmr- nf ♦>■- -»p n ..j), ptrw.r«u ,o »-^pt M.rin. Ushs »t curr-nt r.». is annnally MM t.> all o.«itribntor«
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    • 595 1 NOTICES. I KELLY* \VAI,SII, LTD. THK BltlllSH FI.KKT. l.y Cuiiimaii i.-r Bobinaon 17« THXBBRAT «"Al; OF lr« MO CONVES IIoNAI. I. IKS OF MODERN CIVILIZ VI lON. by Mai irdan MM N.U'oI.Ki'N \M> lIIK I \li; -XX 1 bf Maason tM MOD'EKN CYCI E8 I HHIi in\ BTRtjCTION AMi RIPAIB,
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    • 790 1 KiRHALK- KMPLOYMENTS TO I ET; ANITPERSONALS. Iht timk, ir, -out" a line; 2nd and 3rd times, 10 cents a ftne 4th to (ith times 6 eenU a line; 7th to IMb times 8 cents a line; afterword*, 2 t-pnts A line; hut Ho -hiirge li.kb tlmn DO* dollar. I'hun a
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  • 476 2 COMMERCIAL LATKW NAsKKI UUOIATI6X& >IN..M'i.HU l»l \l'l:IL, 1807. I'IiODITK. NunUer I "»-'i do Culw Xo 1 10.01). do do No i MB. Oopra Bali '•-•">• do Pontiaaak 5.40. Pepper, lilack I4»:'i. r jtomiaar.. Utt do Brunei 2.BJJ. l-earl »sgo •-•I-.- Bali, picked 3«^io. loflee PsleiDbsnsi picked 41.50. -off.-.-. i.iu-ii,.u. No.
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  • 51 2 Municipal ItrUMitiires 6 Do. Do. 6 Taniong Pagar H..n.i». Nn Prra Bver Dock Co. I'nni.inn. M raits lee Co. Msvrsrd Co. Baubt, Coalribator] Koit > jr.. Bingapora Ins. Co. iln 1.i.iui.1.-iiioiii. Sii-Mi- Fire In-. Co. I Do. t .1. 1.-l.n-. Pahang Corporation Shares. tmMERVIU X.v- (iINN. Bacaaaas v
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  • 125 2 I fur r.rntr. Tim,. IMfeaaew. asaghek <■■■■■: h.ih. ll.umkuk Tunhntkiuhl, X a.m. Hutu Panel Isaaaa, I p.m. T. Alison via ports N. Ann. i p.m. Mal.cca KlaiiK M fW^aSMII, 3 p.m. Bicsiis and Began Saltaa, 8 p.m. B*gkslls A Bagsn, B* Tina. s p.m. Bangkok h<ir,,n. 4 p.m.
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  • 115 2 PaoM Bcaors: By the Oennaa etsasser lv PrUUT. I- 1.. M 4 lll\(: Bj llie licrill.-11l >-„,.:, v ,i. .li ii >„lnr.ia>. 1..-ft Sinuni>.iri> imp in i.dii. l.; K.I. Mil K. l>. L Mar. Bth K.I. wii 11. If. Mar. M Feb. ITtli I', .v 0. Mn.
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  • 237 2 AKIiIWI Per /,V ti .n, I'alenil.ang Mr. and Mrs Crosby. p,r- Stcuadra from Madras Capt. r. r.a. Mi- Close an I Mr. MMJleton. Prom Negspstam Mrs. McCaooclne. Fr Penang Miss Hro«n. Mis, (khuck, an.l Mr. shuck. IVi s i. Puttakoti from Rangoon:— Mr. ■ml Mr-. Nearasnn, Rev.
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  • 207 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY, Ist AMKL, WW. REUTERS TELBGIUMB. Kstabmsiiep: 183!. I'RICE 10 CENTS. [Aatea^aJfoa mul tulrrrtuiug raiff ■say '•<■ f'lmul mi the fourth jHige.\ i hMtnv; in OUSTS. on im mum m '•■> irndrnt, M April. The Cn tan iMWfMtl havi 1 ruptured ilu 1 hti at Spinalonfta, on
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  • 24 2 Tin l>uke of Sp.irta (the Crown I'rinrp of Qreaee) has .i-ui I esasaasad a) i the Greefe forces ea she frontier.
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  • 349 2 I'hk cur f sraate in Crete has ehaaged be the wesee, aad aY I'uw.-is tin, l tin-in-. -Ive- .nli .in- d by the need to am fores. They had give*, tin- Turki-h .vernia.ut aetlee t.. „uit Crete, but the TaaUsl sarraiaas lesaeJaed aatfl thi 1 >weri euuld
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  • 100 2 W I 1 mi thai tin- two Chinamen. eoavicted of iadeoaal eiposare ea she Espssaada, have t,, prieoa in default of payment of the lim- Imposed. With refeie,,,,- iotas remark appended by our report. -r that the esteems penalty had b.-.n imposed take it that, it need be, in other
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  • 133 2 Tut lelegnun from Bii fiaaisi Maclean, that we t.idav, is a circular telegram sen) to rarious persoos or local authorities throoghoul i1,.--world. In Hoagkoag, il goes to the Chief Justice aad, ia Australia, to the Mayors of towas. la Canada, il L-u.-.-t., the Viceroy It« tat further famine
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  • 83 2 This afternoon, Messrs. Crane Bron., by order of the Supreme Court, put up for public auction the steamship Jjouita 11, otherwise called Kirn Lun -Uk. The cteamer was sold for $9,6<X». \T the approaching meeting of shareholder* of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, the Directors w, 1
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  • 74 2 This afternoon, at llie meeting of Wt 1,. .Native Council, the Actin^C.-lomal Secretary moved, in accordance with a suggestion of the Secretary of State, thai n was a.-irablc that the Colony should take part in tl.« di-play of the armed foresaofthe Crown at the I Ttn!.,,,,,in K Jubilee c.-l.britiuns. He,
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  • 12 2 RjM -ilver bearini; land i- repurteii to have been diecorered Bear Krata,
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  • 17 2 Tiihki: uf the ringleader- in the t nt aistarbancee at Kuala Lumpur have .a .v rested there.
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  • 18 2 Tun piagoe is reported to be dying out in Bombay an.l at Kuiracbee. but gaining graejM in l'oona.
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  • 19 2 Ir i- that Mr. J. O. M ictaggart joins Mr. Latham, the tinn 1 .-.l Latham A Mactaggart.
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  • 17 2 TIIK Calcutta Tort Coiiiini-Moners invite tenders for the supply of spot ifled i|uantity of Daroo wood battens.
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  • 22 2 Th at at eeeapaajri 5.... BgJkn left Colombo at li am. to lay. and is due here on Tu.-.lay u.-xt al daylight.
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  • 23 2 liik National A-.-.)ciation fur -upplying female medical aid to the women dT In lia has i-sae.l it? twelfth r.-i>ort, dealing with la>t yi-ar
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  • 27 2 Mu. H. \i:i...k. Secretary to tie Sultan sf Belaagoi is expected al Binga■ore ia a Ira days to senate foaf hoasel tor 11 II state" c. lach.
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  • 29 2 Taa uiuiithly -ewini: meetiag of the Church Work A--., latnm will be In d at t ,c Haiti.-- Qiria' Behees, oa Wedaea- Liy. April 7th. at I p BY
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  • 28 2 Me-.->us Donaldson and Burkinshaw aaVertsN the antes at which .1 timi ,j,iii-t the estates af the late Khuc ■ag Taaaji and Kh.>o Cheag Taeej an be sent in
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  • 29 2 •VooMBOM to latest retams, tl ■amber of electric lii:ht companies n lap in i- :ti. tin -n [imili capital l,ein.' yen uvir.i'.M. and the t.-t il ih.ihbar i:_-ii' ii".:i;i
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  • 33 2 t Ai this nfterajoon's imnitias; of tUe Lsgjslsiire Council, Mr Boeyd K>n-uer-ley took ti i- ,t h \-tin. f ilonial Secrrtarv. and Mr II A. O'Brien was. »v.uru hi BS AcliiiL' Ccil'.nial TlWeilllllf
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  • 62 2 it is to OBtend the 1 fore.L'u trade and to t.,1».- in by en iraging exports, in carrying out i the standard proposal, the Japansee Government has, it ia said, nearly I cum.- tu tin- decision to abolish export ilutie-. and i- reported to b. intending nf.irei-
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  • 547 2 mmCr»,,m A HAM r. ;>\ the BSsiUsßgP that. .1 ir ing v. ry r.Tent years, have hew raised I Tesak Ayr Reefanutioa, leads i.i:..\. eayeciaJsy straogsr*, t.> woodei aoej it evei i bbjm abotel that th. y w. re erected, ltwoiill lii-dilli. ult, ii.iw. tu lind iinu
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  • 165 2 SPECIAL lELEORAiI. The following telegram has been received to-day Frwn Sir Fmncij MaeUam [r)atf Juitice of Calcutta) to the Editor u f tla, "StrttiU Times" Calcutta, 3 1st KoreA Onbeha'fof my Committee, myself, and, I am sure I may add, the famine stricken people of India, I
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  • 470 2 iUKDKKENCKOKTHKEMPIKK Thk hue Karl of Carnarvop reader some service to the nation in the m ter of Imperial defence. Few n n his time exerted themselves more lay tare to the people of Englai, 1 I vital importance of suitably Jet. the outposts of the Empire tl.r.. out the
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  • 41 2 A uc^riEM high mast foi lette will be celobrated Cathedral of the ii 1 Shepln 1 Tuesday oexl .it 7 aan. 'hi the 81 will be another requiem high n the Cathedral, that being the renai) ol Bishop UasnieVa death
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  • 133 2 Ith rep Cillll. v,. I,, A, -11,111. lit h1- I.— IV. 1 thi ,i luhmenl of a naval d< Xi i hao in Boutin m sli I he dei i»ion involves the i of an dry do. k and tl •I fortifii atioo of the Baj I
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  • 171 2 Ai Urn Supn i.i. Court this Mr Justice. 1..-.,, 1, delivered in Uw cue of AJsagoff and C Hi and t The motion 1' '"'ill was calling upon the W ■■■Main monies under :i wi hi.. a The Sheriff had i-ertain property ;it N.. Boat v »nere
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 581 2 NOTICES, Btmna is this I'artii'l-lvu Line. I>k. lI A HIE V, HUMOURIST, Conjuror, YentrtlcMpuifit, Facial I'hcnomenon. Mi-s LILLIAN, Cluirvoyante— Onciromanci»t— Mft(rn('tic Lndv. Town Hall, Saturday.. lrd April. Honk at W. RoniNHos's Music Store. EDISON'S KIXETOSCOPE AND PHONOGRAPH. Warerley BisfeL frtm ■> V BOOairts, Extk( RaooaDs, (o Carts. Machines for eak'—
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    • 1016 2 LATJBSI Al)\Ki:ilsKMKN'l'S. \y 1».\"1.1.AX 1 '"-""■>• >> from ;-t Lpril, IDB7, lat w*ll b» redaction in the price of Omab»l Pood, Cmsked Barley, IndtsaOata, taJtas Bras Hiid Paddy. nonce. IBAVE taken Mr. Jaasss Oataris .MacUwgart into partnership in mj basl ness of sn Exchange, Share, snd Prodast Broker, which, In
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    • 70 2 M. 8. 8. inland*! for tft. strait. TV*.. •*°M* Litton on on, .i* .of th* -n« only^ £7^ n»»l~H of tlmt SOSeWSa, ™»nT Jr£FZ SSaafst a» l,»" tC. a- sal "f tlm paper in ca»» of pn-« of m»tt»r, bo» n uftoner foar da?« month. Si "STRAITS TIMES" HAS
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  • 2121 3 A PALAI lAL lit'il.iMNC I 1 It. DESCRIPTION. iin hands new ss3ovemineat Kuala Lumpur are to bs "iili befitting pomp and .n--on Saturday, which will bs tete the I-'.- .1 Capital. To publish fioiu our special oomsponKuala Lumpur, a full descripthe 11. w
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  • 160 3 rWO MOBg -IMI llll. "UN "II N Tni:i:.-i'l. Nt (.ei.-ial" till, Fodoi ited Mala) Mat,- iiotiti. uudei date a:»rd March, that any advocate who ba- 1 > admitted to prn< n- in the Court .-I the Judicial Coinmimiionei will be al 10 |k i milted to practice
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  • 839 3 THE TELEGRAPH RATE To EUROPE. K1KTHKK IMPORTANT REDUCTION. The correspond* nee, which we publish In-low, between the Telegraph Company and the Cliarnhr-r of Commerce, conveys the welcome intelligence tliat, on and after tha 1st of .Inly not, the telegram rate from the Strata Settlement! to all OOObMm we-'ward will be
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  • 43 3 Mi:. ALEX \NHKi; FOBBYI II li if affirmed that, according to I hi mortem oxamuiation at Butterworth, Hi.' death of the late Mr. Alexander Kowyth, the planter. *m due to natural oau«e«. lit- death under Kiinpiciout cireumttancei »> noted by ih. the otliei da)
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  • 55 3 Bakokoi rumotu hai i( tha.1 for the opening ceremony "t Koral li illw:iv, last week, a ffilUed and .1 §ilv< rplated 1 ill would be laid The •l>iku«, uliicli sould be of the Mine inetaU, v» ,ul I 1. driven no( only by the King, ,1 ,!-,i bj
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  • 181 3 pa wwj i obu'i i \i -iM.-n.N. i Till Malay Mali ifivoi f -i particular- of Dr. VVellford's adventure with an elephant The doctoi wen) out elephant-sl ting with Mr C'lwrter. ll, ev -ml li-nly can,- apon an elephant on turning corner. Dr. Weilford fired, the animal churgod.
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  • 1035 3 poafwana dockyard. The Admiralty h:ivr- lo. i<l.-.l at lenpth to extend the Royal Dockyard at Port-mouth by enclosing sixty-two MM of adjacent laajd during the coming tiiutni-ial year. At the HMM timo the long-talked-of naval barracks will be commenced, by which means accommodation will be |>rovided
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  • 24 3 Mn. Wii kiv-.n t"..k bii -'.ii the i.. nch of tli.' 3ud MagUtratBi Court prCCIMly •it I", )lii> im.iliin.
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  • 72 3 I INUKCKNI V <>N lIIK I>lM.\\ \H. 1 YBanuui .\.-niiiL' Constable Kydd .ini-ti.l two Chinamen i"i indecently ,-x|,"-ni- Hi. in- U.-- "ti ill'- Esplanade, 1 i n <t\tm .-I a number of ladien whu were I, 1,, rani. I-.- Thii morning, Mr ll.illi fax iii.l m-iii -M" 'a. I', in
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  • 481 3 S. C.C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. VRJIUaUTI KE9LLTS. A CLASS BI.NQLKB. KRi-rton awa 1 hml Owen if. Raid s tar, taal OaM m 1 .< v >.+l Fort >ct. v. Doylt- rM, 1 (unflnithed). White rre. r>U'at KUiot owe 8. B CLA«;< BI.NOLEB Slmrp no r, 1,,al Knight. Major icr. s..,tt rec.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 34 3 NuN-POIbONOUS. ;Coiuly'sriuid BjaBPSPSSII I ."'I JaMBJh IM MmoH SHSSSSi I l>urillr« Ait „,J W.l.r mtiias. md nu." t A IaBSBJ 1" IBS 'Ulh. ISS. < Condy's hluitl MSbiaasp ifc~iv»i MsasHaas, I m 11 a-*-* i
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    • 1129 3 AUCTION SALES. SALE OF VAI.IAItI.K IInISKHOLU Fl KNIIIKE, 4c. The Pkoiikty ok Mks. Janhz, At Isaaanrt 11,1 SB, No H, II ii.l, ■sJknlsjy, M Apr, l. „1 lym TIIK iinderiiniied are init meted l.y Mr*. Janez. to kell liv nui -tion. Nt Hartfannv ■aaaa, Oxl.-v Hill, OH Sntnrdiiy. M
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    • 516 3 FOR BALE; KM VU )YM KNTS; K > LET AMI PERSONALS. Uttimi, IS cents a lino; 2nd snd M times. 10 cents a line 4th to Bth timon, cents s line; 7th to 18th tiun-s. I eenm line; afterwards, •> cents a line l.ul no .liargp less than une dolliir.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 302 3 VriATHKR BKTOR Vi.e/.m.; K'rtM, 11..H,.i1a1, .11.( Mar, ...i 1 Klmakkh. | i9.M4W.M3IIV.tXM ho -7,1 7-0 >a \..leu.ih. 1 7"4 7-0 7..s !-ir. of Wind I'alm 8 Cain j,~?.~uM ax. Tamp, gOjO E t •im. nt Tl r| lax in Sun 163.0 J TetT.rad. MJ 11* i.':iinfall -1- R-f KATIIKK
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    • 186 4 LliidortliisliPa'linL'tli^followini.'aM.r..v.i--tionoar.' u-u-.l sir. tie* r, -It »nip ir Brii Brltlataj r. >. 1"-'-' BtatM; Fr. Fr.n. h ("T., Dat. earn :d p deck paiaengwt; U. -I erSEfJ'rT.W. ■rinj..n«r»«;.rwi«-;r P l>— Tiini'inir Pagar V<x-V B. W H"""'" I V,. irf .l.r I in-V Wharf ;N II 'A
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    • 1007 4 AUIVALB 8l»c« Noos of TMRasai i tmlm tomt, Caal Bemmet. I Ist Apl From Beorabaya, asth Mar. O.c 4 f rTjMiriH' tm nimti Hi". H"t. .tr. iue urn I Olson, 3Nt Mar. From PMltianak, «>th Mar (i.e., and L' 3 d. p. BtraiU Blfam«hip Coy. f-Dock.
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    • 383 4 V.i M. jir.'"l>,lr dnte of am VI. -n. BoagkoSkf, May l' 7; I. A< >. 1 Cglaia, Hongkong, Apl 9: Raut< lenor, Liverpool, April 4 MannnVld. lind, Fremmntla, Apl 19; Bo emmon, Liverpool, Apl Ma M \|'i .1 I vri. April 2, DaKDdrU. i. Europe, April 1 Behn
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  • 72 4 1 1 J W-.kl'hNamk. t 5 torn* .s Bai i M.. N Km ,t, SI 1Y.,.1u... N ,.r •"•I Hock ICUn i! SI I v;, Hill -ir wi,,tt Hla YVym, I Brit Mr 1 >•• un.ii.-i i, i >tr I KIM lint IU 100-j i I- M I K
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  • 62 4 I'M.. VUUI N VMj I I I Al;. r>, v .N M. S A|.| 1 P., K 1 v'»l\|,.,, > I kti) I ong>l*n 1 Ch*« ii 1 Will Oil b w in I K,l, Bu.k' l (1 irgon -kjuKl 1 I I 1 M,!;.,.,,,,.;, All~ 111 M Msvldok
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 824 4 NOTICES. ELLWOOD'S patent AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS A HOUSEHOLD WORD IM»I Won n mi ftun n ux Awamwd Tiik OtT» iI Tali Gotß Mi.l.m Tnr< ivii.M:hvi. k:hi.l iiii:C,,. a.«kmi j I il E., I/MTOOII, IBM ELLWOOD'S patent AI.ICHAMBER HELMETS ,1 AM KS WAT SO IS ik COS SCOTCH WHISKIES ABE INK BEST
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    • 289 4 i |BCHIDB, i H. PEBEIKJ II I :-i kSII PLOMST. COLLEI rOB XXV EXI 01 II I. w i )K< 111 l Orders tor Bouquet »prayi i Carefully Bnd promptly exo. uted. I' iposi Hou i M RSKRY AM' I.EBIDI Si i oM.IV ROAD. EASTERN MORTQAOF AND AUt.NCY CO.MI'ASY, LIMITED.
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    • 322 4 NOTICKS. Pureßlood is the source of good health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Mnkrs puro blood, strengthens tho BOTTOM, Bharpsjna the appetite, removes that tirocl fvellDK, and makes hfo wottk living. Thousands of people have testified to the healing virtue of Ayor'a Sarsapurilla. Their letter« come in every post. There's no attempt at
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    • 264 4 NOTICES. For Constipation j and Biliousness! I A aid and tafa rtmtdj for ladi» tod h.ldr.. to I I a t b\il n ;-'r upoo th« live. •■< raaih .r. I I I >nr. HM I'rtitl Jtili-n curt* ha' lual, I I JULIEN. 8, rue Vlvlenne, PARIS Kt.. «n
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    • 274 4 JUICES. 1> 1 n s o N" s jVATcin.K LOMatl H11.1.. f£SS m MAKER TO ILM. THE yU BEN. <„..,i,i|ly n,.iimfiwtur.-.l and I for ii-'' in th« East. Bnsox'a si'k<ial BraajioTH -FIELD" WATCH. A 1 Ksjytasi KrufH-ii BaHOMHi Vij N"~.'.N s LUDOATI" WATCH At..r..-< .mrt,rlM»t,Kngl,^l..v..r „I .V ompensated. Silver,
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