The Straits Times, 10 March 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABUSIIEDi 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1807. NO. *****.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 770 1 rpnr. Borneo COKPAVT, LIMITSD I" II Uh A.suran,',. I Norwioh r.1,,.,, Pin In i (Kino t, M Beer Compsay 'I" 1 til L in nnaos Conpuy, United. .in.- t1,., Msini' COMPANIES, I) I OWI l-i.I.I.VKK (,M -ay. Cv v u:Vf Nlw llai VM NAVIGATIOK 00MPAN1 ■i- Chiba, Japaji, Pmaho India,
      770 words
    • 2087 1 -ta 8 O I Mil O SUm W I SOLD IT AIL UCUBBD swuit DKAI.I.IIH. KAi/ l)hl IS. BAMKAI N RUB K ti i; HoObV d* Lords and Commons and to all o.k>d I^xdo.m Clum. 3. ii'? -i 111-l.^ i i i m\ i BAL I| 'SPEGIALD-EAM 1 EJIZE IVP9BTEBH
      2,087 words
    • 482 1 15 A N K S. THE NATIONAL BANK i>r <IIIN LIMITED lutbortaed Capital tl.rmo.OOO Hobaeiibed (ii|.itnl I 500,000 HeadOvtici: Hoopl < <il BT OF DIRE! 1 1 >);- l>. i 1 1 Eaq. Chmo Kit Nhag, K.~, 11.81 111. K-.j. <T..» In, I an 11... ('linen K-|. CIIIEf M \xh.i
      482 words
    • 422 1 <>K SALE; EMPLOYMENTS TGI ET;AXI>FM-:R.SONAI«B. TOO, 1....--. I linn; 2mUn.| Srd mea, 10 cant* a line Ufa toflthtlimwa nU a lino; 7th to lim.- :t nt. nej afterttatda,! emit line; bat no i than on* dollar Thm n tkrts .i.iv.rl !--m. nl, cloM Wt, in lhl« tTlM- '•>•*,.. rtedSth
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  • 517 2 UTHfT MAKKKI UI'OTATIONS Mxoapoke. I'M ii Slum, IM»7. PRODUCE. int. bier t 070 do Cube No I »M do do So '2 t*."JO ■o|.r» Bali do l'untianak, Mi Pepper. Black I4M. feffO FlniirSarawak, 2.ft.'J. do Brunei Ml). I'cnrl BSM S 3ft. Coffee, Bali ,34.00. •nfl.-e Palembang Sii.Ofl. Coffee, ÜbactM,
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  • 92 2 IW P'T tlr. Tim'. Mhwv. BaUvia via portt Sttttin, 7 11.11 HongkuiiK Taiwan Xaru. lln.i.i. U.n^Uk Ua.K. MrnlMoa A Un«i HWw 1 p.., Malaga k.-.:. Chow Phva, 2 p.m. Il.itavia via pert! I'm Outnoum, Spin. Iniimiillc Cnilaur, 3 p in. I'ti^iiak \in ports Hun to Sunn, 4 p.m.
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  • 113 2 Fih.m El X..11.: llylh.-r AM M IhM '111 i the I ■'•til inbuilt »itll «l:il-- tin' ■-•j.,'l F,i. Bbabriagira loUm Mil left Bingapora on Jiith Jan. Fui.m China: BtUmF.*O.U UMk di l.i'-bv. Tim i am i ok m uu in Lnft Singapore l>u- in London Inrtrcd
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  • 266 2 IBMVAIA Iv, from Irtiwi. Kiwi PranMß. I: M Little, and 11. httorwo. Pb» m M <"<■< from Kacaaw: Mr. tad Mr-. Sherman. hw from r Mr-Wil-.n. Pet I. r*sM»l Mii.i. Mr. Oawlcr, ami Mi-- WtaeatUy. Per II. from Dell Mr. Allan. 11,I 1 i Sri Hoiu trom
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  • 157 2 STRAITS TIMES. STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY, 10TH MARCH, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established: IK)!. PRICE 10 CENTS [Suhtrriplum rate* nvif lulvrrtinng ntlrt mnxj Iffoumi mi the fourth pay] I I GREECE AND TIIK POWER*. I.HKEK WRPI.Y TO THE I I.TIMATI M. Mtf/i March. Tin- reply ul tin; (iret-k Government to the ultimatum
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 25 2 M ILuiotaux. the Krenrli Minister tor Foreign Affairs, lias promise) to take no mUm towards roun.-iriK (inw*with. nit roriMiiltiiif; tin- Chamber <>f lii-putieb.
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  • 32 2 It i- uiil.i-^t.xHl that Mr I'lkiiiilm r Inn li:i- «troi>nly |>rnt<'!<te<l »^;iin-t tinTruiiM aal All. 11 Act on tile i:i.-uinl i>f its htkt§ a liri;nli of tile Coiivi'iitiun of l>-4
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  • 363 2 Mk. (.'HAMMKHI.AIN s strong protest u .un-i tin' Alien Law, recently pa»s, d important |K)int. Thousands of alivim hid tlocked to the ILuiii Minos, and had outnumbered the Boer? the original M.ttli is. Tlie relations of tho Transvaal with the British Government are regu- lated bf the Convention
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  • 36 2 I.m.y MmiiKi.i will 1..- "At Home" toiiioiTMH (Tliuixiay), at I ■!."> p.m. The faptMttttt "ill linij.l, ;i! (iniTiiiiitnt HMM Tin- Diainoml',.C.,iiiii,ittn- havr fOUfmmi their linctiiiL- till Kii.l.iy. so tliat thr mmlm in.iy utt.nd U'ly .Mitrli.lls Natytfaa
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  • 79 2 h ll I piiy that the ftmtk DownHunt is weakening in it- Tureo GntfcOMM |M»li.y; for that will eiie.nirapUrn QiMki Hmntmt, Urn poNayora weak <i.>\ Iriiiii.nt1 riiiii.nt i-, alwaya wtak and all Kri'ii. h (invriihi •nts, latterly, haw iM-rn w.-akly WHtai iii |>uw,r II a|.|.ily. Urn Iliilinli QuMMMI is .•-tr..ii).'.
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  • 11 2 II M i. W&kUm is ilue licrc Iron, Pmmmi am Flttqr.
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  • 11 2 An IMMMttt niastir is .idv,-rtis,-.l faf by Urn Vktoria liiMitution, lelMfar.
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  • 15 2 It is iiilviTtißfd that tin-, :e imtti-a will mucton VriUny. iniUaii of lhur§d«y
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  • 16 2 Tuk names of the books added to the tallies Library on the 10th instant are njvirlin"'!.
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  • 14 2 Mkmrk. (i«Tin<iK A Co- IJ"*^ he London iWWMII OwpOWMon, nvite proposals for I.if.' iMMMM
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  • 14 2 IMI Hono Tk om l* CO, j.jlhi Urn iioHw SS Salunlay. th« *Nh HMlk
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  • 12 2 THK Stlaiip>r (iuvoriini.'iit a.lyrti*.'" lures for tlie Sanitary Hoard at KMk i.iiinuiir
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  • 17 2 h i- mU I* to MttM that Mr. ['.■kin, will lfc>Blli Mr Nishl Minii-ter at St lVt.>rsl>urj<.
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  • 29 2 It k UMMm to m* that a fed* U I'artv is about to be formal i :m .urn. With two e« ii..'in >-;■•> "f House of RgpNMttffcM »t its li.nd
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  • 24 2 This morning, a OMMM lb»pfc«i|i»*i mUta* >■' *"<'<'' Ilrill e U T' l V' iMitK, in (l.fault srvcn il;i>- M Imhl nbkWi Mo tho paw <innii
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  • 28 2 Thk Sta. (Vi ilia BmJ i« »>" r It lias l.rok.n up ami if mmOim an now IfHHWI •'lioiit tlic Srltlcinelilr' ;»M(1 tin- Nativr Stat.-s
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  • 32 2 Mh \\timnisZ lravesthe MagMarial Bench at Hi.' .ii.l at Hi-' month to take in tin' l'oxt "f Ofli. ial Assign- H" ■MCMMt M tin- Brncli lias not yet been i|i|iointetl.
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  • 31 2 >m,.KAvv Tiiomp-on, of the KuroiM-an ■„,,ti..c m. ;>ii.l fan— fly of the Irish I 1 ..n-tiil.iiliiry, lias hmm appointe.l M lii^pcctcr in tlie Srl.incor Police Force. He leaves imincdintely.
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  • 54 2 It is stato«l thiit Urn wtWwthwM "I 111.- treaty U-tw.rn Japan ami Hra/il NRH bt int«r«li:niK'-'l rYUuary ll'th. It i» sai.l tliut tli.' (iov.-niiiiriit nf Hruil will :t Miuist.T PtenipotVntiary iiml tlirco (MMli to Japan. itml aU" that it to import MM tlir>.' million Japanese labourer*
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  • 60 2 Kaki.V tbis morning .1 Ilvl:un imiihml Koli Ti Tt-iißand anrtlur man MMd All Chin, living a- ISI, Aui..y Sl.v.t. MMfriM Ti T«*t hit lli'- tli<- lii-inl with .1 WM <>f liifwoo.l. u< l All Cliin. in pMHBg him away, pu-linl Mm into a cauldron of boil&M
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  • 59 2 TliK nielli Mm la*, tli.' lion*.- N.. MM, Nortli Itri.lp' la«L IM Mm inl.p, anil tw.ntv s. \rn MW worth nl |.r..|Mrty Molfii lii«]«m tor K;iiilmi-t MMckad a lion*.' in Victoria strut. ,i, u|.i,-.| l.y f'Hir l'hint>«< ami two M;.l.i>>. NlHMid a Imth. qautitjr M -[..l.'ii im>|HTty inillilinc
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  • 60 2 woxus's MmUL i hk yuei-n Victoria Sliillimk Fund.' to which ewry woman in Victoria (Australia) will be askftl to eOOtriboU, is to be opened at Molbuurne for the purjioso of establishing a lu>«pitnl where wonifii will roirivi- trcatnu-nt iniii<l> from iircff9sion;il Makn nftlit-ir i>«a sex. Hrn hospital
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  • 75 2 Mk. Koiuzki MSI that In- hM 'l-li nitfly ilispositl of Ml oil rum ••••—ion to Mr. T. C. Bogaardt of Sin f ;;i|>oro, b* liini-flf rct;iiiiiii(;, liowiv.r.ioii.'-cit'litli share in tho eoncesnion. The nt'ceniiary capital will bt fniuxl liy Mr BagMvdl A conceesion for uytonag ami workint: mineral oil
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  • 122 2 A Malay whu was r.-. ■nntly .li»iui---,| fniiii the I'olire /one has bin lev) ing lilackmail on the strength of hi- I'uniu-r connection with that boily. IK- went, ten dayH ago, to an eating IMWM, MM said he \va- aHMBiHMMM hj tli.-si-i--ir<-ant major tn ius|x-, tUrn lieaae*.
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  • 145 2 A OMMMH Mfl ni»|lhiMl rtl« lolllj ,111(1 MMMM Itll.. 11l tin- MTV liipli price uf href i,, the 10r., 1 market Ni km U-un lir,.ii B lit .ilmhii owing to ill.- MMMM of riii.lcr|ii-t in si ,in ■MM tin- t.ulk of the rattle v* ilrawn 1m this
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  • 168 2 Mil .NAIMKII's VIKU Mk. Naimkh. a iiu-iiilmt „Ith,. ]„■<-lative Council of tli<- Btnitl b i.tifni ing to Sii, K a|,,,n-. says t y f Mm q4 M March. tfUi Mjouni 2 Hatt.ii 1 ai ll IK,.war iKliy for the benefit 'i ins liealth. Commenting on the lone
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  • 63 2 a pkieht's death at pkxash. Ll, jiii Omimf** Ptiiang, WtdttttAnf, 1-42 m. Fatiikk Lkymet dio.l last night of bydropbobta. He liad been Litter. rightMH in.intliß ago. IBMMrVM has n-c«ivr>.l a t •I uram from Penan*, announcing the deatl. of Ki.ti.-r l^-vniet, of B-TtattlfWon j,.,.. [a I letter winch
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  • 467 2 rOUt SUPPRESSION. The NafafJM gives further particulars of the Kuala Lumpur riots, which show that trouble with the ChiMM there had U-en antu.pated 9 i,,ce the OUmM New Year. On the sth. the rioting at Sungei !ie-i took the form of furious •tone-ibrowing lo 1.«.t shops,
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  • 303 2 mi. aTßAira innuiniTa ikbtaxi-bd A .I.U'ANKsi: n.-w-i api-r. 1 1 1 Nicki NiehL dm ■Urn adoption of Ilia fold stan.lanl in Japan on tli.- ground that Urn n-sult will .mly be to disturb monetary condition* .-v.-iv tinir the 1 >rice* of gold and aUrer riseorCalL Ii then |
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  • 289 2 stj K-~Aia in South BOBMCO Tii k lint,. i, A.,,//, UtrmUhu 1 <" say |..r Urn branding" uf eooUe*, in noting tint. Urn oth.r ilay, Urn lagirirtha Council ;i t Bfatjapofa took mmm mahial ti,,. l.ra.ti.,-. In Hntish North 15,,, tli. m ■iillcii 't,rai)iliii«" c.f eoatiea i- kaMgad
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 919 2 NOTICKS. I NOTICE I rp»K K I w i Show Committee have fixed I the dates for tlic forthcoming Show i In the Town Hull for the ISth and Uth I Ma\. For further information, apply to iii.' Hononn secretary, 1,,., H. N. RIDLEY. NOTICE. f|i||K bHIW hitherto i arried
      919 words
    • 793 2 LATEST ADVKKHBKMKNTB I AT IK.NTK 1 1 1 K "MIMi KVBHI 'OSITIVELY IHIIKI I'KKH.II HIM I ONLY. TU n,,i.. />,.,,,,/„„. i,..>,, S;l i,,, itlli. I,'Hf. end mmlm Tut. toawii i. i»d <>■ iv 111 -iniN's m -him M-. men. 19 ST.Wi ARTISTS l». liitiiHu. mi? Urn nii-rri. -I and m..-,t
      793 words
    • 78 2 MSB. inWadori Jot U» Mrattt JVm« writtM on on. .id. of tb. pwwj <«*T "7 n«rl»rt of that .vmditimi. m»iij 9.8. n)«rua All J..rt.-ii.if .-alwt. »r. .ahj^rt Ito tW lion th»t tl.e Jhupr m»jr 1«t. th. »H»r rti-«.»">« oat of tl,« p^»r in M of P"~ of "»tt«r. k«t ..ftener
      78 words

  • 648 3 «H lll.'Alil.KV MAKTIN US') DUM 1.A1.1. ffi >'. IWA i;',n,inj Mil- Maiitins dress i 11. riven ln-i niL-l.i .it the Waldorf I! .i.i. liad social importance "i ii own ami a factitious importance dm to ;i .urietyol cause* There can be im i| ied th«
    648 words
  • 394 3 I I- i.i UIEKUI l\ I 'm >n ATI! of Iho will lias lM>en pranlwl in Lumlon, mul |MM><>iinl estiile valued 'i i -!i.; i liiin Imm'ii lofl l>y Mr Ueorge n|, „i Cuinlin Ice liate, B i,.r i.l lip- l/ondon Joinl Stock I'.iuk. ili.' Kanteni Telegraph
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  • 39 3 111 Kmperoi <>t Japan i* reported to rred the <1 ration wMM ler "I the Chrysanthemum <>" lent ol the French Republic, coration <>f the Grand Or* i Ki-iiij; Sun on M. Hanutau*. m I. Minister for Foreign Afl'airi
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  • 2075 3 notbs, nkws, and moan TIIK (lIIIHH Of ENGLAND. Bnum in (1..- Lower Chamber on a motion by Mr. s. Smith lot the .1,--eatablithmeni and diemilusjiiimt of the < lHjth in England and w 'ah Mr Half., in characterised the debate alittle leu than i shaaa.
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  • 108 3 M M til Utl'l liMlKl.l.luN. Vi ill.- and of la»l month, n.-r w.^ received si Bandakan from Sm dab Tingtf who, «iili naiivf loi.r. bad I started iv i>ur»uil of »b«l ll: Kalleh who had loiis defied the Goran ment. The Nacodah and hi* wen had nu
    108 words
  • 684 3 IjOrviun, MJWf, IStt I'il-rnarv A niOHt important tvp MM i- K.niir li.-ard l-ofore Mr. Justice Komer. It ia the old, old ntory of itifriDßi-mi'iit of the I)uiiloii-\V<lrli patont for wind-OS IJIM. Dcffiiilnnts liavi- MMI iMvMg har'l lo prove tlint Hip wir«d-on mcthoii of atta'hnieiit liril \>eiia
    684 words
  • 574 3 Oamn Vauito, Mm mmH >•>< i i^in* Meaiaa n..v-ii-t, ami mm "f Urn tpwmd aM in. 'ii of aar«Mit,«MMMMi thai Bfc pi lisf haalaadnatad him in nwn\ -whi. bfcawMM liav- i.i.-vm.ii-Iv <l<- I'ir-.l imp ..— c Lord PtaMkOoMpMaVkiMi baeMMM ralli-r a sinKiilar il-l.ut in tin' vi- mil "f
    574 words
  • 141 3 At tin' Vulcan Shipbuilding Yard. Bredow, near Stettin, wheretlieCliiri. torpedo gunboat Fei 71m was built in 1 ->y">, three protected cruisers for the Chinese (iovernnient are in hand. They are sister ships of 2,950 ton-. fect long, with 41 M beam and 16 It. 6 in. extreme draught.
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  • 105 3 THE TOIHNAMENT. KKSII.T OF YESTERDAYS TIE. ■MIXKD DoIHI.E HANDICAP. MM Salzinannan.l Sir. 11.,, m >.t. Mr. '"if Hn. A'lanis ami ('apt. rar~.ui-, nwo 15.3. (I- 1, 6-5. I IK POI TO DAY. LAI>IK.«' iM.flll.K lIAMIUA' Mr-. A.lam- an.l Mr-. friMLm Ift.l. 1 MIIiWIII *****1 l 111
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  • 401 3 THE ANNUAL BWIWI THK r. iV <>. MAIL. IVr ft 1',,,,!,,,,. Itttli March: -Mrs Iliu-h.t.Mr an.lMr- Butt and Mr. Darby, fnm Baas*: Mr Mads, Mr. Treloar IVr- s 11.,1,;i1,,, ITthMiiivli: hilfM MM Morris, Mr. and Mia. Black and "ainily, Mrs. Shepherd, Mr., Mrs. ami Mi- Kra-.r, Mr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 557 3 NOTICES. 'IT LI, I imoTIIKKS. V" 1 tffcwf. I MX received Inrgo »t.i.k tal>l« Claret »l Bordeaux (food talile Ctant del at* St. Jullivn W.-il.k- »i'.9U I'inti. $1.7(1 St. 1.-t.|,1,.. ,tH. f.1.H0 i-Mit- lisa Also, fr.^h ttovlul aroui, i....f •Utfar, French sonp, tomato uiiikp, DM |u;i«. trufle"* naiad oil, VlratfN
      557 words
    • 365 3 PORBALE;KMPLf>YMENTB TO LET; AND PERSON Al.s. tIMM lulviTti^rmcilN Wtß bt on the right hand column of tin- flnt |wg* dull' paf*.) BAONALL &~MLEB IMPOKTKRS OK ELECTkUGAL AM) STKA.M MAI'IIIXKUY. onjni x<>. ttk, lan I'i.n N'l. li, YOKOHAMA, JaI'IN, \<>. 1.'., Col KTLANII ST., taR YoKK, V. s. a. i'l/r,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 272 3 KATHKK VPOKT Wm*m* A'"'«« n.» v ,ud, M Mm. m:: op.m. BbmaUU rtw. WMI» Ml l.inp. MJ IM k iV.BMbThor 7-.". T9M HUU IHr.ofWind x.k.e. Cain CUn J Max. Tamp I Mm T.i I i>-r Uax. In sun l".l H Rainfall Nil. I WKATIIKI: Tll.l.i.llAM h .t r.
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    • 158 4 U Oder tbUbmdlngtlM following wtrtmmstii>n«nrc u-i>-<l Mf rt— HWTj iK 1010 1,., banraa; Brtk— Britkb U. Can.' l iulwj Vr Praoch; Oar. Carman; l»n' Dutch; .loh. -Jobon; A 8.0, .i.t..i cargo d.p.—dack pnuengsrs; V. -Uocortain; T. P. W. Irmjo.irf P.«.ir Wtvui; 1 I' l> Tiinjoi. FUH Doet
      158 words
    • 1122 4 AHkIVALD HISCI NIH>S M Yfc-TKKI>AV. Mm Wtatl Brit. str. I!*' t.m-. O ;.iuse. -»tli Mar. Proa rWlaaafr, Tin •Inr. Que- nn.l .«> il.p. lln i Baaff. l"iMillion an. l I'oMii.inal.. Bda. Brit Mr. :'-."n", toot Captain I ,1 k< r 1 11, Mb Mar. Pr Bombay. 26tli ,-i
      1,122 words
    • 409 4 i ]>>irt t pruhiiUlf ihilf of arrint tuti nnmi ot wjenl: I ■■„:..n M r P. k i>. I irop>, M ir U. It. Kaitlia. M Mi i >: Hinnekindt. Sc m York, I'll Jan SB; M ru M Mm \t\ M. l: Sakha. 1, in. Molu i
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    • 6 4 M« I'lfun Him a».l i
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    • 79 4 Ul K,,..v.;,.. in Malavi i lr i",,,;.,! >■"■ I" H.-:,|,. tr 111 l"l/:lkii r I" Rlettin !2 JKM? &S: i:: 1! ir.uWHland l'ui.i.^i.^.i H.iK McKitchic H'aitv Wilkwk Wi|«o n W. -.1. Dawari I'm. I Ui. hi.., In k») llllM'M H Witk" l( i ell Dmu tnoi J 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 321 4 NOTICES. /JLANGOiDTwOMEN imi.i: CMMMKN old wane, nmiUM YIN CHAPOTEAUT (CBAPCTFAITS Mi OF FEPTOSE A MBJCKMJa mrnuTrfß sIIMII. I.YT I Th ihmrnlirjr win« 11 'l-ilv Mtaßtfgd «hrfl Em 4 h.II i ni,n on th< I «^V' '-»«H, llMll. I Ijjfl i-HAPOTEAUT it JoH*?* I'Aum THE NEW FRLNCH KEMEDY 1 •IS-; Of
      321 words
    • 315 4 IT TL-SCnißf. <ng ILc hair is bMB dandruff, l. noon, tad j.rc- i When thin, faded, or th« original mlarMl i.i i.ud vig. u-.-'l. Avert 1! 1 Othtf dre» ilh- favorite ■ndgcutkamiaUha. M£C.K*U> I C| Lcwcli. d G2LO MEDALS ;.i r.t MftOM bpNaam HoLI H M.I. a I 1.1 Ml
      315 words
    • 807 4 lIMKS AM) "MIMiET. BM4M |">«l free, R» a yenr. or 121 a month, c.r t.-n cent* a copy. Strait, Bmiget, vaA tnt,m%jmr,9twt*qm**** oTSTc leopjr. Th.. adwsMag rate; i-f: tii-t time 1.1 rinUa line; '.'nil and 'trd tin,'- 10 i-iiih Has; 4th to Hlh times, 5 all 7th la I nth
      807 words