The Straits Times, 24 November 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 1896. NO. l J,O<sii.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 612 1 ANDREW USHER'S ELEBRATED WIIISKII-X i-al laboratory, ll, ill. i ..-1, 1 November, i*:ii ireful lirinii'.-il an.-ilv-I ipi and Co.'« OM ,1 Wlii l.v (.i blond ol 1 liiokiea) sampled k in -,:il>',l cases ready an house, and lin. l i| 1 11. ni uuality being d hi I free Ir.-m
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    • 3149 1 i^BUCHAN AN WHISKY fi n -I- I 8r f^ HOLE IMPORTKItf IO I nt. DLQ I KATZBROS. SOLD BY ALL UCKMBI) BPIsUT UKai.KKs. .^A.MKAS M ITI.IKD Til Illl: HoI'SKS 0» I.tIKDS AND CoMMONS AMI I AI.I. GIMIII LuxiiDN CLI'BS. l INsriLANCI-X 'pin:\i \i;im iN-f;\\i ki mv i.m. I'AI'ITALSI l:-.JIIIIl;|i. I.I
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    • 904 1 H A N K S. THE NATIONAL HANK OK CHINA I.IMITKI* I have tin- day lak.-n M the II Ajfeney ill Singapore of this Bank. nib November. Ihhb. IB 11 TIIK NATIONAL BASK OK CHINA, I I.MITKD Authorised CapMal t\/mfloo -nl. -.-ill., ,1 Capital I .vm.imii llkah din. > rJoaffkessf.
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    • 898 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY.I'IIK I'KAi TITIiiNKR "It 111 111 l 111,--marks of a pore and mil-matured spirlt." lllK I.I.SIKIN MaOIOAI Kkhikl.Kß. It 1- an sxcellent sphit, mi m e»n with confidence recommend it a* 11 enotos ppirlt f,»- medicinal pnrposes. Mi. in. v PUas, \u,11 in ,1,1,,, 1 .pirn i 1
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  • 476 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. tnurai 2»th Roman, i* l TRODrCE. (iiunlii.r i H.ll'>. do CIM Xo 10,V>. <lo do No \>,. T..V. Copra Bali, MO, do Pontianak,. 6.25. I'eppcr Black 11.00. Sato Flour Sarawak, S.Ofi. do Brunei 2.86. IVnrl Sago 3.60. CMm, Ball 36.0(t. C«ffee. I'aleinl.anK WSD. Coffee, Linerinn. No
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  • 128 2 /■"i r.rtlr. Ti,,ir. TfhUommm. IMM port- Kk«H»l >i a.m. BtMfMMjn lle/"li n.m. S»Hto« via port ViiUnin. X a.m. Itnlu i'uliat Aims Ana. 1 p.m. Klang yin porw ]l"vn Cm p.m. T. Alison via ports Mntarcn, 3 p.m. H.n K k a lis ,V ftiiL'a:!. Ho Ttln,/. I p.m.
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  • 95 2 Kik.m K.i ii.. Ik: By Hi" If. If. Hagka lie*, .1 11 teturdai with date* to Mm 7ili SJov bar ten miiimi»iiv Pin' mi i.nti inn Irrired Oct. I lili I 1 A 0. N.a. loth Nov. nth Oct. l!Uli N D. I.. N.ii. Ilili Soy. lath
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  • 209 2 AHIIIVAI.S. 1..,-. Mmlaetm from Taluk Amos ria port*. Meaara. .liiliu-. Unger, Bradley, Van der I'i.i-, Mi- BpooMr, and Mr*. Lutyan*. KM '»M from Klnhtf via ports: Meun. l.nuiii-, an. l llaslicl. I', i > Boa Soon from Pontianak M,-i- Brand, Md D.-.-ay. I.i /.mill i.i., ..1.1,11 from Fikiati
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  • 18 2 KSTAHI.ISHKI) Is.) PRICE 10 CENTS [Suligrriptiint rule* mul wdmrtilittQ MMI may l-e/uuiul on tit* fourth p<ige.\
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  • 50 2 TUESDAY, 14TH NOV., 1896 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. TURKISH i'INAV i:. IM s-IA tllttm WITH lIUM I tsasfsa, MM ATewsaW. Russia ha-s rejected a proposal made by Prance to establish an intcrnaiiontil control over the Turkish Finances. The propo-ed control was to he ailili- lai to the system followed in Keyptian lintii.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 676 2 It is -aid that Mr. Meyer will not ■gala stand for re-elc.tion as tin- Municipal iiieinl'cr for the Taagfaß ward rhc r.a-on sf thi-. 11l II ■■ll■■ U to bs, is that Mr Meyer BSM Idl (t) India upon I visit, and perhaps he is not \,iv
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  • 109 2 Tan iir-t number of a new nagaaine, i" be published every oths nth, ito hand from HoagkosNj It is entitled ■Od I- and Knds, and is chi.d l.v M, •I P. Itra-a, I ino-t al.le and talented JKNUag l'oltili;ile-e lemall. Whose literary uufts are wall known in the K.n K:i-t
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  • 126 2 Khom a rivate letter received l,y o-d ay's ma. l. we learn that on the I Itli iltimo. Sir William Maxwell w is at Las Talmas, (irand Canary. OB hi- way lack to the (iold Coast. At that date j lis leave had not qullr cxpirid, but illan- at Accra
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  • 173 2 Kkam k ha~ vi-ntund to advi-c Kus-sia how to lighten tin- linanriiil einbarrassiiientsof Turkey, and has been met by Hat refusal. TaM Kri-nrli idea is to apply to Turkish linan. i-s that systini of iutcriiational fiscal OOastlDl wlii.h Ilal ii in force as regardi the Bgyptfati tinaiiit-s since I9SO. That
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  • 10 2 An assistant ina-lrr is advertised t..i by the Kastcrn Bchooi
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  • 10 2 liik rahang Qorernmenl advertiwca loriln- Audit Ollice at IVkan.
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  • 17 2 Tiik spanisli man nf war Marf« arrived ben yesterday from Cadiz on Ik i way tS Manila
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  • 15 2 Tan Smoking CojK-erl lub will uiv.- a aatfansMHl on Monday n.xt. tin- :i<itli November.
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  • 15 2 Thk fflhaisa l(mi,H was pNhhohed al aooa to-dac, A mail supplement will be issuci^mis evasnag,
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  • 20 2 Thi MM s.r. 5.,,,1,,,1,,-,, I, ft Colombo at J»|. in. yesterday, and i-. due hen on Hatiirdaj mxt slwwsl noon.
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  • 19 2 H. M. 8. Of*t*rio» teavea for Singapore on the I'lith in-i to return to Hongkong after briei stay herai
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  • 16 2 List r s s Ki.owkk of the Northuiiihrrland Ku-lli.l- has bMBI idcd for special extra-reginiental employment.
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  • 24 2 AKi is,, won,. hi. at Kasnpong Bharu, la-t night, u|,-it a bsssa in her room and was frightfully burnt, sin. is now in hospital.
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  • 23 2 It i- r.|K.rt,d that th. IVkin author rii hare isassssoal t.. sehaasM bf tinlevy of n stamp tax on all kin,!- ot d.xuni.'iitg.
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  • 20 2 Thk pOkr-boMS will be h-ar.-d BMtSSSag in tinu- for 1.-ttrrs aosted duriiiL' the aighl se catch tho llomi'wai.l mail.
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  • 26 2 Tiii-. Municipality of Singapore advc i tise the conditions for the sale of town sewaps): they also havite testdacs brtbe Mssfsl of s|..'iilii'.l MW.itfi' matt. r
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  • 33 2 Tin km .I/...V learns that the W -t Vork-hir.. Renmeal will be stati I it lli.iiL'konu' fol only a y, ai. wh.n the) will he removed to Kingapore to relieve the Risk trigside
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  • 36 2 1 1 i- advertised that the Baslra Library will be dosed during the flrst week in Decetnbnr for the examination of books. Tin' Museum will be closed on Ih. lid. Ith. and .Ml, 1 1, i,,h,r
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  • 30 2 Tan laws Kegri BeosbUan include ■Mi an na, tiiimt lor tin- employment of I'oli, i- Kori-.-iii the State, ami an enartment lor tin- prevention of frivolous and vezatioua chances.
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  • 35 2 TIU P tt <• -itiami-i .1 i^ allege. l by Japanese vernaculai papera tn have run down a Japanese junk on the Slat October. <in.- of the junk's crew is said t.. Itave I n drowned
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  • 32 2 Vk.-ikki..\\ saoraaagL the bedy of duaaee hoy was found on the lieach al Tanjong Katong The swim waa very tightly tied round the neck, and death had evidesrtl) resulted tr..m atrangula tioll
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  • 45 2 Thb chartered troo|iehi|i L'rukiU with tin- Ist Battalion ol lh« I'm.. ol W.,1.--iivm,(\\.m Vorksliin) Kcgi nt from (iibraltar, awl othei .1.i.u1-. arrived at Hongkong on the 16th iiiManl Tlie Kill.. Brigade were tv leave Hongkong foi Kinga|>ore in the 'ephalmia yesti r day.
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  • 47 2 liik examination foi V 1 v and (iovernment S.h..|.ti-lii|.. i->is. ;lll for ih.- Cecil C Snuth Kcholarship, l-n--»ill be bead in December, I -:>r, in s '"-.'l and Punung, uuder the r«gu latktasofthe I'niventity of Cambridge HI the local ixaminati fol ih, si'iiior at wassail
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  • 58 2 liK-iii.K- l ln.-, rtaasnma. the KsmissVmm *>»■*, and Hukaia, which are bi-ina buUl for the Nippon Yusen Kaisha in KiiL'land. an. l are expected to be com pleted in the course oi a few nioutlm, ti ere kre nine steamera also being constructed for the same t'ouipauy
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  • 110 2 iin the I'ith mstant, la- Japanese who win- mi tbr Utmiji l/uru, whttn she went authors on the Panui la, were brouKhl to Hongkong on hoard the Sieyfrieil It v nut pz|iected that the -traiid.d -t.aini'i will be saved. High -.a.- have been running -in, a£e -tin.
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  • 512 2 i.\-r nm.hth naromiuiii Tmk "Qraad Dake"wM again produ. Md la-t tlight at the Town Hall and a Dooel mcceasTnl pufufiuam c ma ted tin' aeeoad weak ,;i the inn. Thi boom «us not quite so full m on pre vioneoecatioaa, but thai mnel kuw c been •slat*
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  • 218 2 In bonour ol Bishop Kee i-oiinerni ti.ili, an WIIIWIIMIIIIWIII »;i- niven in 11,. ('..nvriit yesterday afternoon, which took the form of a play, in Kn-m li, in three acts, entitled "Jnifd The I'l.iy was admirably tli,. jrouaNj htdiei who took the p i pal parts, acquitted
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  • 145 2 A iii i j.i.'-.m from i libraltai o<-t. n, sayi A draft d Engineer* from t 1 arri n In left board the I' and 11 I Samii for Coylon ,i .1 Hongkong The death i- aiui..uu<««l i.l I£< Admiral Waltri Stewart.C U H< in tin-
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  • 81 2 liik Ilii' I i aimed ul It) tin Bill woiUd have i,.en foi paiiietl if the Rale ..I ouiun I ii,- „ih, i than Cfiini-M- Inul it— l l Kti-.1. As Ii i- no* take thechaiulu bi iiiuan I 111- 111 Mil ■••lit* 111 Malaya an. l other* freum
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  • 43 2 111- (.1;,.. (Ill) \l. lllllMhliP ul ■In riy ;m.l 111- 1-onUliip '1,, i iai.-.| Bishop i M tliortly to M;.l. «>i '.l it>lebratiii# llk Ii Xavier, ill. iMii-i, iinl there hv|«rati< nsfurtl lit i il,.- Jiytini 1., ii,/ i, ,;>.!. ill Mai
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  • 13 2 >w.....s M !.lw..- nii'iiii' Bruhn, was undei arm d niuue)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 836 2 NOTICKS. IkERPOKM \N' EH OFQILBERI AND s| 1.1.1 VAN a NEW COMIC OPERA. THE GRAND DUKE o|< lIIK BTATI TORY DUEL, mv h anrn in nn TOWS BALL THEATRE, BINOAPOB I OS NovmbtrUth, Tkmnday, Woiwmosr WfA, ■""> THE FINAL PERFORMANCE (I-. 1 1 i;i).\v KOVEMBBB Ml, i in Saturday next,
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    • 746 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, MASONIC SMOKING CONCERT. MesMtaf „.-.t. SOU Vmmikm I IpmuMMS 9 i*. in. flmrj'. 11..S Hi;... C.W HANKS, is the ham:. A I "MISSION: in TICKKTStt, IN< 1.1 l'lNi. RKFBJESHMEKTB PROGRAMITt. Solo- l,y Messrs. Kilk. Ki.msi.ik. anil olh.i-. BseJtala uj i skMsamos, Man.lolin.' Sol.,- l.v \V. Si THEIIIJIM'. Humorous
      746 words
    • 52 2 BUABEB WaHTBD. Muni. |m| l»,lM>muiv- Do. I)<>. I I'unioins. siinits Trailing "'>• Tnnjong I'.u.n DMfe Oft l>o Do. Dab. BeMtC KM BALK (tall]) p.ii'h. Do. (IS/10 |i:ii<h. HOMEBVILLI .v (iI'XX, Kxc luiiit.')' «v Km fcwMft Vi Ureea Kank. aa the Nth bsstaat, 'he w ile of I". T. BVATT,
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    • 91 2 M. S. S. int»nHM for the Strain Tim,, ahouM he writtt'ii on oni> ni.lp of th« |.ap"r only. Hy the nfifloot of that soattha, many M. S.S »ro rejoct»'l that might o'.horwi-.- SO SsHaM. All ■xlTprti^mtr contract* >re«ul>jn't l« Ha ...uli ti.,.i th»t the Manaifcr may lf».o the<Tti»<..ii..!,t <.ut
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  • 596 3 OCTOBKH i1,., -tions from January I 1751,546 against *|ionding months watek -1 PM v. nontli, the military i instructions froi 1 T., vine the draft water supply to ..I w i 1 1 1 tic- »..ik. I Mil by Commanding the 1,11-- 1. .11.1 ing has id- boon
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  • 86 3 tile late Ml < ill.'W. d on the lib instant returned the following \\.,it,i Raymond lon the 22nd Oft il Naval Hospital, from nil but by wl, the U'llllihl-!. I. d 'thele i- 110 lo show." lie verdict, Kuntleinen 1 -.-n verdict 1. i.i.-. 1 d -111.-
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  • 1067 3 > MAT II II Ml;. HlliltY. Tilt; recent I ewhal rein.'irkable ii-e in the ralue of Raub securitiM bat created considerable intent! in the Btraito, where a huge proportion of the sharei i- held, and, in view of the important meeting which is to be bald
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  • 147 3 At ihe meeting of the Btraiti Settlements \-o.iation on the J>th ultimo, ■mion-st the-übjecls for discus-ion wall,, Government propotalu for freeh iiniaui. m- rorforU, 1. ut. a- the informa tion on the subjed wat by no means ,I,. w.i- decided that 110 u-dul „,,,-poge could beaerved
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  • 68 3 Tin. re, cut marked rine in thn Hterling value of the rupee is calculated to have an important inlluence on the COttOfl industry at Shanghai and aleo. possibly, ob tin: China tea trade. It has given I severe ►hock to the Indian yam trade with China. The
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  • 58 3 This morning, luspeetor Kateimui prosecuted a Hvlam shopkeeper, rosick ing in I'enang Lane, for usit^ a quarl and ii putt meattire W&mi had been tampered whh to the detriment of purehatert of rice and other grain. The m.iiiwa-lined 810. Doubtlest. the poore-t l.i-s. sutler much from this dislioiiert
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  • 62 3 Tiik New York Insurance Co ol whic'i Meeen. Puttfiuckaa art the Singapore agentK, have appointed Mr. Maicolm Bean their manager for the Southern Division of Asia, with re-idem c at Matavia. This management Cacililate- the Company's business by avoiding del. iv- in referring to the bonM office. Mr.
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  • 100 3 < i.\ her last trip to Pnhnna the s Lady T/ongami go( agroual j»t the Kuala Pahang b:ir. The sea was high ;it the time, and the big wave-, striking the aide of the steamer, caused her to ship water, which created a panic among
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  • 166 3 Caboo ft the British barque Uohlnnt was disposed of by auction. yesterday, by Meeara. PowaOA Co. at the godown of Meeen BriakmaanA Co.. Campong Baigon. There waa huge attendance of buyers, and very j good prices wen obtained. About I i'.imki picult of -crap iron realised tXJtfi to
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  • 275 3 A FAR EASTERN DINNER AT ZURICH. A /1 im 11 eorrcspondent, who si-ns himtelf Old Straittman," aaadatothe hi-preu the following interetting uooimiiiiicatioii Tv,o years ago. 1 reported on the lir-l dinner of the Swiss iner- chants and former resident* in the Ka-t. and it might be of internet toaoaaeoi your
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  • 371 3 \.\ll\i; rI.A.NTINIi ■"UuoMIM. Mv W. Ski:at. the District (>llio«i .1 Kuala Langat. 111 hi- report f..r September, considers thai the (real feature of the development of the .lift ri.i at present ia the marked activity in planting circle- at Klanang, which may i.c daacribed as booming in reaped
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  • 895 3 (Wnm Urn "Timm afUeghm') LoNlioN, lltll Tin- situation in Crete is becOßttag worse. It le taaertod that complete aaarctiT premiil- ill I lie interim. The Iti'VolutiiiiiHry Cotmuitt teat Kniiipoion Sun<lay to protect again*! tbedelay in ti»> execution of the |>iomiseil lefuiHM. Korty miles of the Uganda llail«-ay
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  • 85 3 Us Sunday next, the -iMh iu-lanl. football team rupreeenting the si nil Chines,. Recreation Club, captainnl bj Wee Siew (dice, will |.a\c Sinyapor. for .IOIIOIV to meet the lii-l team of the Juhore Football Club, lor a Baal match. T«iee before there have I v matches between
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  • 608 3 EASTERN EXTENSION, AUSTRA LASIA, AND CHINA TELEGRAPH. MAl.t-VKAHI.Y MEKTI.NO. The Marqait of Tweeddale pnetded oaOetSS, at WiachMat Ho— a, «.t the iirdinary lieneral inectiii};. The L'li.-s revenue for the half-year to June 90 last was t'3i:i,Jll4, an inercaso over that of the eorrespondint; period of I of Ii t»,77fi. The
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  • 54 3 TllK p.iiyranilne tor the peiloi main c OH Thnr-day n.\l. at ."> p. in M the K-planade, is as faUowi: March. Baaartera A. Overture jtampi .U. SiboM. Wah/ lii ..1. 1 UmdridJ—rpt Mttmhr. Rvmpbonii Hobre umHlto d« Variai bnwai .1. />■".' s.-le. ii..n From Ii Umtamr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 VKssKl.s aOVUTIUD tOsVUL Pai l.n.ii 1. Oaa/s, aas gaia N.^.. 11 irnao Co. Hongkong, Buuaay, dueMth X<a Boiu lead a Oa Western Australia, Saladin, on :i;in N..\.. \v. MansHeM 4 Co, r.-uuiiK an. l Calcutta, Liyklniay, .hie I'iiili Kov., Barkiea a Moses. -Mm. v \ia ports, .l/./i'«. .lue 1-1 Pw
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    • 13 3 SCon Jy|a Pluid LMettnM I il, .1h.r1.. KS lily's Fluid Ivw m fcaßalsaaaasaa,
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    • 487 3 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS CHRISTMAS 1896. (HKISTMAS TOYS, Have |>ist unpacked I very LARtil ASSOKTMKNTto caooat fr. indu ding many NKWA.NK NoVKI. VAIMK tub. rVwklag bonat. 'iirts and horses. Building L1... kOardao tools HoOpS Doll's'oniot ive* I.iind rarts. Bathinc rinlti Triinipets. Tops. I'.ll.ketTool boam Magic l.iinternSteiiiu liailw.ivs Kin>: faaaaa Summer
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 288 3 WKATIIKK KKI'oKT h mm r«raas Hssaf aM MM ■..-I 1,, .1 p. in 1* |> in. Ban u, kItni iS.miW.tWOiii.xUll Temp. 1 7s o 77.ii r--, h W. It'll, flier 77,, 7.-.S 71i.1l lf-J Di, ...f Win.l X.W. N'.r:. N. 3 Max. Team OTjO ;?e^ Mm n* r«i Max. In
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    • 114 4 L'nderthi«he«dingthe following abbrovialion- are used; atr tteanwr -1., thin baruuej Urn. Britiah 1. S. United ~t:it.-- Fr. French; Oar. Herman; Dut. Dutch; Jon. Johore; A-.. O.e, (i.n.-rnl earajo;d.p, deck paaaengera; V, Uncei tain; T. P. W. TanJong ngar Wharf T. P. D. TanJong J'.-ipir Dock It W.
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    • 1344 4 Abkivau Noon Of Ykmkknav Bm 9mm, Dm. sir. M laaa, Caotain i.liiik, l':)i-.I N..v. Krom Pontlanak, ttnd Nov. :in.l :to .l.p. Mm >■— m Kor Pontianak, Mtk li.l<. Baawan, Put. str. t;i<i ton-. Captain Koppeschaar, ilth Nov. From Baodjermaaain Slat Nor. <».. an.l ta d.p. Daentoll Co. K..r
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    • 513 4 ;...r(. probabl MWI ayanta, .den, Hongkong, De< 19; P. A O. Afiaia, Hamburg, Dec 90 Rautenlipru UfoneoXlll, B'eelonn en 10l Voi 11 kin.l .ateaor. Chin*, Dee a MansflpM Argus, Calcutta, !>•■, I McAlislei BanUin Moluci on, Dec 10; 1 i I'.iiyrii. Europe, On IS; Behn M< Bellona, Hamburg,
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    • 122 4 j'h Name. I'llNS. ('AI'IAIX PaOH SAILtH. Km W US Itla tie Cuba ■to KarfalU Mom,' Leoaa L.i Mm, h.'W *3 Malacca Lad) Lonotlen '.i Carolina -M Ban Foßooa Jl HlWl'llll U Vk-toria W Chow l-liv.t Jl Kbetllva >|.a. in. lOM Chaeon Cadii Ocl I»| Itnl itr. 147 (lag
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    • 66 4 I'm i HI L'l Na-MK. KLA<i A Kiu Captain DaniiiATiOT s\,v -.<;( Barpetloa Hoii- 1. Slialli.l,'.' HulUtl Hong Wan Hebe Ban Mm Uuao Haiphong Van Die 11 Ml.', Brit itr. MM Mr Km itr, Bar. Ur. Uriel ll,' tol Ponyth SSK" lukttei Bcotl EtoiboUli PaUi Moore I. nil. loll
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 508 4 NOTICES. ,1 AM KS WATSON (OS scotch WHISKIES \i;i-. mi |;|>l \l.l 1 l\ MM. MARKET -I lonpn a-k. L.i ii PAID v, <> m i:( iai. UEBER> lla ii: a in |IAI |«»MlMi:. 10 YEARS ll«.oo na cask, oow paw. OBTAIN \HI.K FROM WKI Ml. l»l ILEBU, OB
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    • 359 4 I Cure DYSPEPSIA. I Cure BILIOUSNESS. I Cure CONSTIPATION, I Cure SICK HEADACHE. Are Purely Vegetable, Are Sugar Coated, Are Mild but Effective. Good for the Stomach, I Good for the Liver, I Good for the Bowels. THERE ARE NO OTHER PILLS SO COOP AS AVER'S PILLS. Highest Awards at
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    • 653 4 NOTICES. GRIMAULT'S SYRUP HYPO-PHOSPHITE oi LIME FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST j Ail suffering from Catarrh, Codaumption Obstinate Cough b or Colds ami those affected with diseases of the Chest, Lunga and Bronchial Tubes, should take GRIIADLTSSYR'JPoIHTPO-PHOSPHITEeIUIE Prescribed l.y the leading medical authorities in all ooaatltai fur Hie last twentyHvo
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    • 337 4 NOTICES. TULLJ BROTHERS. (Jam Mrwf. Jl>Tre.-eive,l |ar K e Rt<K-k table Cljir-t 1!0i.1...ix: Q I lal.le I'lar-t .to/:. „i- >:'.^i i St. Jullien Mem 12.W pints 51. 70 st. btephe gta. pints ti.-JO Aiao, In- Ii -to. kof niiMHioni. loaf sugar, Fr.-n-li soap, tomato anuee. gNafl peas, trulles. .alii.i oil.
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    • 20 4 NOTICES. JOSEPH BAKKB HK«.S to annoim— that at inppUaa CHUISTMAS and NKU VKAK CAKES, w.-ii and ni-.-iv ilimoislad. ll.e.
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    • 6 4 NOTICES. o/llu wetUt m.,,1 r ,lit,
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