The Straits Times, 31 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 18:J1. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1896. NO. 19,0<)().
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 572 1 \NDHKW USHEBTS CELEBRATED WIIISKIKS. ii mi. I _'n,] Noreiaber, 1-: 1 tni, -lieiiiicalnn:ily--1 -i.e. and C...-8 Old A isk] 1.1et1.l „1 W I iakii sampled Ji ,1 mm ready a nwliimae, aad and Hi nt quality -my i and tmk boa ICtl It i» .1 MTV i, ordinary or I
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    • 2500 1 mLJ BUCHANAN WHISKY Ja^itmWg^^fflt^Mlli I sa—sa» a1 Ma twm^ s»— msbsbsj SOLE IMPORTKItS w I n cl dLw i KAT7 BROS SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DKALEBS. J k Same as IXtppuaV to tub Hoi-sps ok Lords asd Commons and to all good London Clcbs. s1 IXSUHAXCES. TH E QTJEKIfHKSTTRANCB
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    • 513 1 HANKS. HONOKONO AND SHANCJHAI BANKING COUIOBAtION PA I D-UP CAPITAI .f10.000.000. REBF.RVK FIND (1,000,000. RESERVE LIABILITY OF\ .innmnm PROPRIETORS |..f 10,0(10,(100. ("OI'RT OF DIRKCTOHK: A. McCONACHIE. Efo.- Cum man. I IIMHaWLStX. K«m»M<ti .^iubman. Hon. J. J. llill-Ikvinu. I ir. I. r.i. kaki,»o». K»,|. <i. R. Dodwili.. Esq. I Alii. Bobs.
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    • 808 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY V The FaUormona It ha-, all the marks of a pure and well-matured spirit. The 1.«m«,.\ Mei>ical Recoedkr.— It ih an excellent spirit, and we can with confidence recommend it ns a choice spirit for medicinal purposes." Mkiiu-ai. Prksh.-" A well-mature.l spirit with ii captivating flavour and
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  • 484 2 LATEST MARKFJI' uUJTATIoNS. SIXi.AI-ORK, 318T OITOBKR, 189tt. J'RODI'CK. Oambier 7.20. do Cube No 1,. 11.00. do do Xo 8.00. Copra Haii. 5.8f1. do Pontimak, 6.M. Pepper Black IMS*. Sago Flour Sarawak 8.31>4. •To Bninoi 2.80. Pearl Sago B.H». '■offce, Bnli 54.7.'i. Coffe« Pnleinliang, 37.011. Coffer. Liherian. No. I S4.*i.
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  • 151 2 Her fW str. Unit. T(1-I)AV. Malacca Kiting Sappho, 3 p.m. Penang and Deli llebt, :i p.m. Hongkong I'heludru, p.m. Calcutta via port* Mleaf 3 p.m. IVnanK .V<i»i Feaj :t p.m. nengkalis Began, Tan,/,' 3 mm. Bengkalis via uorts Fur/nlla, 4 p.m. SI. and Palembang Ruby, 4 p.m. Batavia
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  • 112 2 Fkom Kii.-oik: -By the M. SI. s.s. Salozir, due on Saturday with dales to the 9th Oct. she brings replies to tlie mail wliidi left Singapore on the «th flupteaber. Kko.m cimxa: By the SI. SI ss Cob- dae on Tin-day. Timk Tabu Oi Slaius'l>i-k. Left Siii({ai)or(!
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  • 216 2 AKRIVALS, Bar s. .X.rlmd,!,, (raai Calcutta via ports: .Mis. lianseii, Miss Stark. Mr. .1 Eliot, Mr. 11. A. Meyer, mid Mi>. f. (ialiiirdo. Pars. i",:nu,l l-rl from I'eniin^: -Mr. ami Sir-, llaniis. Mi-. Van Delden anil Mr. .le Meyer. Pbi ilw I I (roni Tatak Aasen via ports:-^SIr.
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  • 19 2 KSTABI.ISHKI) 1801. PRICE 10 CENTS. [Subscription ml.* mul •iilvrtixingraief muy lie found on the fourth page.]
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  • 41 2 SATURDAY, :31st OCTOBER, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. BRIGANDAGE INTURKCT. 1.t,,,'1"n, .i/tt OsMsr. < i »t i i 1 1 .Mnrriott of the Norfolk R»g(inont has been captured by brigands near Smyrna Thu ln'igamls d, luand a ihiisuiii uf ton thuusand liuiiuUs t'ur him.
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  • 20 2 Culoiwl Ugbert and a party of (iermaii Ogfcßfl sail .shortly for China, to organise the Chinese Army.
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  • 22 2 Thk M. M. mail had not bean sighted at Malacca at ll).:«) a.m. to-day. The mail, thcruioi'c, cannot arrive until to-m irrowi
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  • 105 2 Another leather hood was eat lai-t iiis;ht from a carriage, this time in the coach-house of ii bouse near Tanjilin. The CUI was made, a- usual, in a neat, clean, and workmanlike man ner. From the steady continuance of those robberies il is clear that some ono U making a
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  • 167 2 Thk nmrommenl propose to bMild a I fourteen-mile railway across tho Island of Singapore. The figures on which the proposal is based seam remarkably sanguine. The railway, including rolling stock, and aciiuir ition of land, and the creation of numerous stations, and everything else, is to cost a sum which.
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  • 11 2 Kb. Km YmmCtaam advertises the dismiss;,! of Abdul l'ompie, his trainer.
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  • 15 2 Mlt. 9. M. Dam advertises that ho has resumed charge of the Bureau Veritas here.
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  • 15 2 Messks. Powki.i. Co. advertise an auction sale of liiiuors, etc., on Monday, the 2nd November.
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  • 17 2 Mr. and Mrs. Arxot Reid leave today by the Sirisang for Calcutta, and i thence to Daijeeling.
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  • 18 2 The dead body of a Chinaman, supposed to bo a pauper, was found in Albert Street la-t night.
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  • 16 2 At Monday's mnetinu of laa Lagh>> lative Council, the Supply BUI will be discussed in Committee.
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  • 23 2 I'litKWooD has so risen in price in Penan:: that measures have been taken then for a supply of refuse tar as fuel instead.
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  • 19 2 On Monday, Messrs. John Little and Co. will display their new Christmas and New Year's Cards, and Calendarfor 1«97.
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  • 24 2 It is advertised that "The Crag" Sanitarium cm Nnaag Hill will be doted on Qaaambec :Uht next, and that it is now for sale.
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  • 23 2 Last night, a watchman caught a Chinaman Breaking into a bouse No BflS, Beach Road. The thief was handed over to the Police.
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  • 25 2 Maajaa, Powki.i. Co. advertise an auction of Japanese goods on Thursday next; also, an auction of wedding and Christmas presents on Monday, the Bth prox.
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  • 29 2 Mk. Mcikam from 5j;,,,, j. sxpseted shortly in Perak on appointment by the Secretary of State to re-organize the Education Department of the Federated Native States.
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  • 31 2 <>\ recent \i>it to itukii Mas Distrust Magistrate of Batons PuJa i round that alaceforwrface working was being opened. The stone is not rich but it is easily got at
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  • 34 2 lUX all, -ed tSgue is decreaeuiij at Bombay Ihe plague returns on thu 16th instant, -how fo«t» n ew eases and eight '-tlis.hat day. The*«Nai «fi that date .cj, ,a-,- and *Ct deotts.
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  • 30 2 lukiii. were two cases of eho'era in tueSochore Division, one found deud in a house in Sheik Madana Lane 1 tbe other found lying iv wuy in Jalun sultan
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  • 33 2 A match was commenced yesterday afternoon between the Oflicers of the Garrison and the S.C.C. The latter went in ftrttt, and, at the drawing of stumps, had made 61 for 0 wickets.
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  • 35 2 Tiik new Spanish Consul for Singapore i» expected from ManasHee in the Meit, Mr. Villar. the Mting Consul, will leave by the OeMsMMll OH Tuesday tor Marseilles, on promotion to Hayoiiue, France.
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  • 38 2 Lady Mm iiei.i. arriveil in the Sen It'll' from Tanjong Kling at nine odoek last night. Her Ladyship WM aeoonapanied by the Dapeily Oover nor (Mr. J. A. Swettenham) and by Captain Herbert, A. I). 0.
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  • 46 2 SEPOY LINES GOLF C LUB. I'tjiY in tbe mixed foursomes for Mr. Finlayson's prize at the Se|>oy Linewill commence on Monday next, the 2nd November Medal play, tWO rounds of the links; scores have, tv be handed in not laterthan the eveniiu; of the Mh instant.
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  • 50 2 Ha, (itNO Pmil left by the /V/.i,/ on Wednesday morning for Brindisi on a short visit to Italy. During his absence and pending the return of the Marquis da Qoyxueta, the Italian and the l'ortuConsulates arc in acting charge of Mr. Reimen, the manager of Messrs. I'erlilo Co.
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  • 55 2 (In the tith inst., a couple of Chinamen were arrested in a house off liukit Timah Road engaged in, it is alltged, extensive coining operations. Itotb men were brought up at the Police Court and committed for trial. lj«st night, one of the prisoners, the occupier of
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  • 61 2 Nora of the new crop has been placed upon the market, ami the price ashed is high. The Bafflers are doing not bin;; in forward sales, but sonic speculators have sold for the first. <|iyu£er o(next year at prices from Us. i:5O to Rs. 29.">. steamer
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  • 81 2 It seems probable that tin will be added to the list of the mineral products of South Africa, though very little Uas bo far been -aid about it. Tin ore was discovered in Swaziland three yaan ago, and tbe production is gradually increasing. According to the
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  • 81 2 MA LAYA RAILROADS. I'KNANii opinion Inclines to consider tliat the Bessdent-OesteraTs extenaive railway scheme for Federated Malaya falls short in not providinn for a line to connect with I'enang and the I'rye River. It i<< alleged that Penang llarU»ur is the finest harbour that can be found from the Irrawoddy
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  • 98 2 A man named Sens; lleiit; (ivan, Uvhsg at Nu. 2:t, Kirn Seuj; Place, has been the victim of a bitf theft of pild jewellery. Three days ago, the property was safe in a cash box which was k, t in an alnieirah of which Heng Quan's
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  • 99 2 At the special service to-niorrow evening, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, in commemoration of tho lute Archbishop of Canterbury, the hand of the Fusiliers only will accompany the musical portions of the samea. The organ will not be used on this occasion, ;ie it is thought that the
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  • 100 2,Av. Maaan. BoagTek Chye 4 Co., auetioiieers, 1 V M able landed property on the Confederate Estate at Taajoag Katong There were eight lots, all situated between th* propertiee of Messrs. Lee Cbeng Van and Tan Kirn Chug, and opposite the sands. There was a bum attendance,
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  • 200 2 An Order l.y the (iovjjrnor diiv.-ts that 1 1 "ttwi>ntv-fiv<M.-tits-li;i|l be charged fcr«reryoertiAcate issued by the [ntpei j luiul lVtroli-uuiin respect of Petroleum <x|>ortc<l from Penang to Punk. Mr. (i. I). Kivrr, i«:i|.|,,,ii,i,.,l Colonial taqgeaa, Malacca, to be Acting Colonial Burgeon Resident, Singapore, with i). ft i,,,,ii
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  • 1046 2 CHINESE WOMEN IN SINGAPORE. I.ABT NIURT'R LATI-HE. AT tilt! llH'i'tillg ul t|,,. (1,,, tain Association, which was held tl I'riiis.-p stifi-t Chapel, las) Souk <"'>! s ''"i;'. I! A., 1.1. li, paper em "The Position 01 Qumn Women in Bingap n pcoeeedlna. to rand In- paper, Mi Hang mentioned thai
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  • 30 2 At tli.' Popukl .-hi: la) garrioe," In the Uethodim i in, -now evening, tiierta M will dtouM ion f the, tho Uuy wider the subject the Pot"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 708 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ■THE GREAf VMERICAN STEAM RIDINQ QALLEBY." K.»)T Of FiiHT i ANNINO (Oppesits to Bifk streot.) urn nat mytmam nsM i p.m. TO '.I 1 I M -i IDiTI EX. KITED. in i EKTB BID! 10 ALL. ii. n and -plendid organ will play i boles -e|e. lion- of
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    • 620 2 LATKST ADVERTISEMENTS, VBDUL FOMPIE. hitherto „r itataer, was .lismi.M',l from my service on the L>xth inxt. 6/11 kOH YK\V< lIKNG. BIKKAI VF.HITAS. INTKRNArioNAL REGISTER OF shipping; NOTICB. IHAVE ie-unied ehargi' of tin- olfie,.. r. M. DA KKE, Surveyor. i Mappasa,tMOat,MM) 6/n SAMTAKIIM. THKCHAC I'KVAN.. Hill. 'PHIS e-l»l,li,|lllM'llt Will 10-e.| on
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    • 31 2 sIIAKKSWAXTEI) lvaul.s(l;t/lUpai(l.) I'unioms. Straits Trading Co. Tanjong I'Hgar Dock (^o. FOB SALE. Banbl (fully paid.) Str.iits Insurance Co. HOMERVILLE ie GUNK, ExohanKe Share Brokers. Foil UKNKItAL Hlliri'JNi. NKUs SEE I'AUK 4.
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    • 91 2 M 8. S. intondod for tho Htrail, Tim- «h,,u!.l b« ■rntt*n on one nidft of the paper only. By tbo neglect of that condition, gnnt M S 8 are reieotnl that iim-ht ..Ukt-h... be pnbliiihed. All anrertiffin^ mtm.-t* arc Rahject to the ron.lition that the Manairnr may leare the adverti'ptnont
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  • 983 3 U lIUI. ingemente, and ] m.lit- be has ,l||to lae.'tb. «o,ld; led ■in- ,t, in the Malay t. I think that the i ir.Companv, if it be .tune to the Mala] ,11 li,,p- that -oiind-i--apital "ill be ultivation in Malaya i. ji. M. d that 4 iii)
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  • 180 3 Tin. Consular reports from East l'ni«-i.i for 1806 just issued show that the lowei ing of rates from the Silesian coalfields to places like Daattig, Konigsi berg, and M-inel have Mriously affected the trade in British and that complaints are being made by Ihe local merchants,
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  • 257 3 OFFBB-growing i- making bead in Berdang. This was Instancea by a sale of shares in Bwitaedand, at Bowthum. Among them, there happened to be two shares in the Swiss Sumatra Company which owns the Ban -on l'urba e-tate. Each of these two shares I were valued at 5,000
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  • 360 3 It is officially announced in the Gazette that her Majesty has been pleased to approve of the promotion of the Sirdar of the Egyptian Ainiv. Brevet C6I Sir 11. 11. Kitchener, X.c.M.c. (I!. U.K.. to be n majorgeneral. Sir Herbert Kitchener was Loin June -.'4, 1860,
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  • 872 3 ACHEE.N OOUMB vax VuETha-beeiiappointeil l.ovenior of Acheen. He be»rs the reputation of being an able and experienced officer, strict and soldierly in the extreme. He undertakes a difficult task, the accomplishment of which depends upon thorough co-operation on the part of the Governor Genera! and the Commander of
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  • 272 3 Tuk QM Goad Mril,.Ji4 km* trim I the aredulity of it^ readers with the following marvellous story A male -hild was born lure on the •it li inst.' the parents being Adwna Donkor and KuUna Attu. Vary strange to -ay, as I ias the child was
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  • 1430 3 THK JOHORK RAILWAY Itlll was laid before the Legislative Council, on Thursday, a report by Captain V. J. Anderson, RE., Acting Colonial Engineer, on the statistics of traffic passing over the Singapore-Kranji line durinir the year ending 30th June, 1896. The dictanej- from Kandang Kerbau to Kranji is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 300 3 TOMORROW'S. CHURCH BERTICE& (Twextv dmxmo&CMDAi trai Imam.) ALL 9AIXTB' UAV. CBXTBCH OF ENGLAND. ,-r.'s Catiiiujiivl. 7 11. 111.. l.itanv. 7.* jo a. 111., Choral Buchariab il a. in.. Parade Service. (Hoi) Com munion and Bermon). l p. in., CbUdreo'i Berries and addrasa "i.:to p.m.. Even soni; and Sermon. (S|
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    • 1392 3 NOTICES. "<^n,i) i.ACK" 1/ irny nnag -town '4 Sampagnr i\AI.Z I) Kilo. •r -rand Wine. (1 n.KK I'ai.mkm .V ■> very popular in ::(o):: London. Lovers of I. o\i >..>,, c good C'l.anipa-ne WINK AM) SPOUT 1 should give it a l|lr l-cailing lion-- 111 trial. Siiiil../en l>ot- Msa.qSMrtS DEPARTMENT.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 241 3 WEATHKK RKI'ORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital, SOih OML 1896. U a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Remarks. liar. 99.999 l".i.7»ii ;».i.*7r, Temp. 87.4 K>.B W. B'lbThcr 77.X 7«.H 7(1.0 J«! Ur.ofWind nnw. X.W.Calin a M. ix. Temp. BU t£~ c JliD 739 3 *J Max. in Sun 1.59.7 ?>•>. T.rr.rad. 09.9 R:infall
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    • 93 4 Under lhi«awtKllßgtbatolkrwlagabbr*rialions ure useil sir sti Bluer nh. ship bq. liar.iue Brit.— British V S. Initcl Slate- Fr. French; (ier.— (ierman Dut.- Mutch .loh.- .lohore; Ac, O c, Oeneral cargo; d.p. deck passengers; U. I'licei-. • T. 1\ \V. Tanjong Pag r Wharf; T. P. D.— Tanjong
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    • 1416 4 AuiiiVALS Sikci Noon of Ykstkiiiiay. .i.nhrinl, Brit. »tr. 10H tons, CM Shim men, Slat Oct From T. Alison, I'NIIi Oet 1i.,-., an. l hit .l.p. Woe Din ami Co. Koi T. Anaea via ptHa.M Rot— Bda /•■.l//..//.1, Ita. itr. 147 ton*, ("apt Qaggino, SOth Oet F.em llagan. Oct.
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    • 566 4 \,,,,i,, /,urt, probeAU U.iir ot arrival, and mm "i vmO a. Ancar, Ko». I"; Barfdes and M \.1u11.-. |.iv.i-| I Nov I; M.-ui-l. 1.1 \jlin. Hamburg, Dec 30; Uaiit.-iil..-i-Angers, Kul binotiu, Hov2; M. II K.n-h:. Aiiatraiind, Fremantle, Nov I. Bmi-teml Bellona, Hamburg, IV-c ij; Khuli'iilktr Boolawen, London So\
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    • 131 4 h fua 5 J.-.-U NvMI A T,.NH. CIRUI XXI.M -vllh,. 00«81U» Km Dot 80 Wajhi lint-,,. M,,|,|, A KS^g „a.V^ l.^m li. W WiUOtbaWkp Mr. Ida 'Taylor rriDg^nu Ocl »T«nP S:, ni i.ifl Ku, 1,,.. 84A8 Creptovitch Vlvoitock rtepl ißorn BOiNerbudda lint Mr. 1900 II;.. i Calcutta Ocl 17
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 470 4 AUCTION SALES. ADCTIOS SAUL tmi Nev- „i j.:v< r m 1, A ll'-. mil ...ii'ie. iii fintt rate order. U ngtn 1- f.-.-t. 2. Acopyol M mi-!, ii'- MatajrDictioaarjr. 81/10 POWELL a- Co., i1 in Iliiaas— SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD ri i;mhi:i:. a.-. Thk Paoptamr in hL v i Qmuaanka,
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    • 375 4 NOTICES. DORITI S< 1 1 K I'CTROLEUM MAAT^HAPPIJ BOURARATA. Hannfactarers of ivtroleum LubricantUnequalled for Hteitm Engioea, Oylindan, and every clasa of Machinery. MAX STERN k f>, Agenta. "THUS" AND "BI'DCJET Straitt TimrM, post free, $30 a yesr, or t-2\ n month, or ten rents a copy. Strait* Huil'/'t, post free,
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    • 680 4 NOTICES. PURE BLOOD Is the source of good health. AyeKsSarsaparilla IMatM Pure Blood, Strengthens the Kerns, Sharpens the Appetite, Remotes thai Tired Feeling, and take* Lift Worth Living /\ig2££p^^^ f rom indigesiV'VxjiTO^^lV tlon, general I I *^rr v debilit >- Bki I*l QQ I llsl I Vj> PJJJ'\i lany other
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    • 54 4 KANANGfI of Jaoar I wK TOILET WATER Appreciated (or it.- delicate perfume and the reeling of comfort k" W and frestinew which it imparts to the skin Kananga Extract MB| a dki.i.jol's exotic MM f.>r the iunxkkbc mx? nCC or m S r ""'f"l «nd pcr^iMenily fragrant 0..0..T...Q RIGAUD.t C»,
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