The Straits Times, 30 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISIIKI): \m. SINGATORIi FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1896. NO. 19,065.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 577 1 VNDREW USHER'S i BLEBRATED WHISKIES. 1...1...iat..iy. fjturgwna 1 Hall, tad Nov. ihlmt, MM ful i-lic-iuical an.ilv- j w in-kv (a btad ti biskii lampled n J..1 mm read] we, Mild liml lieu) uualitj I ana few fr-mi I lucU It ia Vtfjr I iiiei u iili ordinary "i I I
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    • 2280 1 i BUCHANAN WHISKY ■■lit IS THE BEST SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. Btmunmai to the Hoises m Lords and Commons and to all good London Cli'bs. i BUCHANAN WHISKY MMkJL is THE BEST SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. Btmunmai to the Hoises m I-obus and Commons and to
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    • 629 1 .NOTICES. GoTpliKi 'AI.S, PAKIS, IHTS: 1889 GILLOTTS PENS Of Hi«hf«t Quality, and, having the Greatest Durnliility, me. therefore, the CHEAPEST BANI S. HONGKONG AN I) sll ANiill A I BANKING COKPOBATION. I'AID IP CAPITA I JlO.OlKi.lMi. j RESERVE FUND .8 «,uo,u>(>. KKSKKVK LIABILITY OKI imm)ltl PBOPRIETOBB Covn or Dibbotoks: A.
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    • 872 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. Thk Lancet. Tlii* i- :i §tot, pun 1 and liolenonic -|.n ii Thk Hcothman.— »ingul«rly mellow, tlu.ruuKlily nmturud, nntl of tho moot delicate TiieMoknim. Ai.vkktinek. "ThorouffliK inutiircl, t'riiiii :tiit to the note, ami ,i,ni- to the pause." Tilt KICKKMAN'S J (HKNAI I- (Xdlll'lll in quality iin.l
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  • 507 2 LATHT MARKCT UWJTATIONB." SIROAPORB. 30TH <)<TOBEH, 1800. PRODUCE. Gambier, f 7.20. do Cube No 1 ,11.00. do do No 2 8.00. Copra Bali s.Bft. do Pontianak 6.65. Pepper Black, .11.1*. i Sago Flour Sarawak, 8.32 J. do Brunei 2 50. Pearl Sago 3.66. Coffee, Bali, 84.76. Coffee Palembang, 85.00.
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  • 99 2 *W Perttr. Time. To-Morrow Bangkok .Vr><iu<i, am DJamMe ttmtJim, 11 a.m. I'euanK H'athi, ■> p.m. MalaccaoiKlHiig Samla, H p.m. I'cnnng and Deli Pennng <t Calcutta Cheludm. 3 'alcutta via ports Sui .Son./ 31 m Uengkalie Bagan. Tanii, :i > m M. and Paleuibang Rub,/, 4 Batavia via ports
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  • 111 2 From Ei-roi-k: -Uv the M. M. s s UM due on Saturday with dales to tlie!)th Oct' She brings replies to tlie umil which left Singapore on the Bth September. From China:— By the M. M. s.s. (aledoaien, due on Tuesday. Ton Tablk Or Mails Duk. Left
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  • 286 2 AKKIVALS, I'or s. a. R. K Atjeh from IVnaiiK Jlr Davis. I'er s. s. Ummt Maru from Hongkong Mis. Oho, child and nurse, Mr. C Dowße I'er s. b. .Sir«o from Madras via iK>rtB 1 lie Siamese Special Commissioner Mr« 11 J Va E Vn d MrS Keyts
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  • 21 2 Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. [Suhscriptum rtiAe* ami adrertiring ratet rtmy lit found on I lie fourth jxige]
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  • 38 2 FRIDAY, 30th OCTOBER, 1896. REUTERS TELEGRAMS. THE EUROPEAN SITUATION. Eaaim, JMi (fcmW. At it banquet held at Belfast, Lord Duflerin said that the international situation of affairs, more than ever, imposed upon Britain the necessity for perfect preparedness.
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  • 21 2 The Matabele chiefs continue to submit. It is believed that the fighting in Matabeleland is now virtually over.
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  • 113 2 Mb. WbUUR I'arkkr is ptliiiK to tin- mi of his work in Sinnapori- and, in pbm of na \mrgt sheet of rfcnra of Singapore, then will bi^thrce large ■heals. These will br priafd in rolouis at home, and imad as gratis supplements with the Bkwik Tlmtt and with the Slrmh
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  • 146 2 The rebellion in Matabeleland broke out last March, on a false prophet arising among the natives, who were then in an excited state from the strict enforcement of regulations against cattle disease. The smallness of the military force there led to the revolt spreading, and, soon, the Mashonas joined the
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  • 168 2 Thk tiovcrument are convinced of the necessity of dealing with Urn copper coin scandal, but the Deputy-CJovernor says they need "an impulse." Mr. Shellonl has suggested a capital "impulse,' that is to pay «he Financial officers of Government in British North Borneo coin for the space of six months. Seriously,
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  • 214 2 AlMMia the ptopomlt by the Committee on the Kstiniiite... we observe one to the etl'ect that tlie >alary of the Raglltiai of Imports and Kxpofti shoulil be in. leased by decrees to two hundred and iifty dollars a month. It is a most reasonable )iioposal. Vastly j more att.'ntiou is
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  • 7 2 o.m.v dm eamofmoiwi was rapectod tins inoininji.
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  • 11 2 Two xaß lamps weni out in Outram Koad again last ni^ht.
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  • 13 2 Till: I'rciuh Hakerv advert ihes a «upl>ly of bread made in' home fathion
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  • 28 2 CAuGHT IN THE AC T. At one o'clock, this morning I* c caught and arrested a Chinaman in tl act of breaking into a mm at Taniom Katont;.
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  • 17 2 Diking the week .'iiilinK Saturday. 171 deaths were rr X at Mafapnra, iaelvdfaig twelve n eholen
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  • 28 2 It baaHttad that Mr. DbJu«'i of health is such that he will not L able to take up Urn appowtnipnt ,"f Deputy Coimfaiionw i,f th,. Police.
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  • 26 2 ACoKEA.\,whilewalkinj;a|,,i, k ||„I>i.i Street last BUM, Wat robbed of h watch, valued at lUO A detfetire arrested the thief, and neavem] II watch.
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  • 36 2 Maaaa. Powsu A c t advertiK auction of Mr. M. M. OreenberVi furniture. OB Saturday, the 7th Movembci at Mount Sophia. On Monday next tin •ell a canoe, and a copy 01 Marwlen Malay DieHtmttrg.
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  • 43 2 At the Kinta Aadaas, theotherdat Malay waa sentenced to ten yean ruo. rous imprisonment for attempting in murder Inspector Brewer of I; H ,k 'ii,. Inspector, on arresting the pni f O robbery, wa= stabbed by him in the urn,
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  • 45 2 (in.HEKT nnd Sullivan's Comic Onen "Thelirand Duke" is to be performed by local ainati-ur- at the Town Hall un Monday, November loth, Thurid-iv the 19th, and Saturday the Slit. 1i,,. cast nnd other particular! will b* fouml in our advert isin^ columns.
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  • 49 2 THEFT Yestkhdav morning, Mr. Bmmoii who lives in Tank Road, 1. It his cat knifing up in Urn boOM :m<l .ml mil 3, his ntan the coal wm bumuw logatbei with wstcfa and chain, notw! and qwetodet, trained in all Tm potto* hare M hi only recovered the coat.
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  • 58 2 In place of the usual tveuong ;it tinCathedral on Sunday evening, then will be an unpoaing me rial ten ice !"i tinlate Archbiahop of Canterburj 1 1,. instrumental araak will be unpphmerited by the lull band ol Ilia sth Kusilicru, 'and the choir will be joined by
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  • 65 2 Mb I'aui.ak, junior. Awiitint ßay intendent of Bm Municipal AUitti»ir Ml Imm.'ii arrested on a efaarga "I i-xtorting money rrom various butchen. The scandal in which, it i^ allegeil, the prisoner and other employes al tha Abattoirs have been involved bat In some time enKap-.l the attention of
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  • 91 2 Two mm named Midensah mid '1 innf, in the employ of Meun John l.ittland Co., Ltd., were recently iiinvicted at the I'olirr ('(.mi it being in mi, iwful poaaaaaioti <>f goapewder, and nl ■> al removing gunpowder without pao, (in tin- Drat charge they were lei irnced
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  • 162 2 Tiiks. 1.,,,,,,j once the Rajah Broeke'i yacht, and wld b\ bin some time a^<> to Hewn Wee Been 4 Co., went out for a trial run yeiti rdaj The vaaaal lia™ bean entire!) remodclW and altered, and new boilen ud engines fitte.l, by the Ktw Harbeof bock
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  • 248 2 Tiik writer of Sporting N'olc tli« China MttU wy»: Practice i I" 1 int.-rport rifle match ii pruceedin manner which cannot bul em Hongkong marksmen. Tin II tciun hat not yel been lelectcil, I"' 1 than arc wven or eight nun »l<" riraadjr dose ao well
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 737 2 NOTICES. BAST (OAST ETCHINGS BY Hl'OH CLIFFORD. lIMITIMI kKMUENT AT TAHANO. PRICE: TWO DOLLARS. '|>O Ih- had (post free) from the Strait! I TTmm Office and on sale at .1. Little A Co. (Lim.) and Kelly and Walsh (Lim.) AM tales deal with the life of the Malays of tnc
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    • 1394 2 LATEST _A_DVEKTISEMENTBi "GOLD LACK 17 AT 7 DDAQ Agency or niAMI'Afi.NR JVA I L iJllUij. A grand Wine. Ci tlek Halmek Co., very |>opnlar in ::(o):: Lond.,ll Lover* of I^iMhiK, good (bai.iitt.gne WINE ANl' SPIRIT should give it a the Leuding House in ties, quarts. DEPARTMENT. the Wine Trade. CHAMPAGNE.
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    • 36 2 SHARES_WANTED. ■ami ii.;;in p.'.i.i.i Punioms. Straits Trading Co. Tnujong Pagar Dock Co. FOR SALE. Kiiulw dully paid.) Straits Insurance Co. HOMERVILLE A OUNN, Ex.'liiinj;.' A Hh.n v Hrok.-i'.-. FOX OENERAL SHIPPINU NiW, BEX K\ i.t 4.
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    • 93 2 M S. 8 intMMM for tb* Ftrnlti Timet nhmil.l U writtoa on oo« aid* of th* paw only. 11/ tho Mflrnt of tiiat oondition. many 11. S. 9. an ri.i«-.lf I that mirfht otherwin* hfl pnl,li«tir I All *dTi>rti«ln* contractn ar» mbieot In th« MOMUon that tht Mana(*r nay leare
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  • 6377 3 fgt-BBsUT Wm OCKMBm rRESIM mc ii...... i. A. Bmm li.-Ml-nl 'oiincillor i ,«d Kyanersiey, BasManl Utorney-Oeneral. Colonial li.-.'i-ui.i i i±r23S?o- K..,i, V.i.i.'.l.t--taacß kerlm aUteneD, H i „,i looas VuiiKlmn. rroops. FAPBBB. QoTsnvon broogbt ap Report l.y the „f Couiieil on the 1X97 foi Singapore, and „1 -|,c,
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  • 91 3 The Spanish transport < ohm, with heavy reinforcements of men, cavalry, artillery, marines, and sappers ami miners, and a large stock ofmunitiont of war, arrived yesterday afternoon, and, hiving taken 600 tons of ooaL left during the night for Manila. The Vtkm is the largest steamer of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 848 3 F< )R S A I>E I M P Y M BNTS To LET; AND PEKBONALB; These advertisemenU will l.c found on the right hand column of I In- drat iiuo (title pase.) (iUVKHNMKNTOF BRITISn ffORTH BORXKO. (iOVEKXMKXT OF LA HI AN. 'pKNDKKS will rweivod by thr 1 Swrctary to the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 251 3 WKATHKK KKI'OUT KmNMVWJ Kerbnu llmtpital, 'Mh IM. IHttti. U ;i 11 1 p.m. 9 p.m. KemauKci. Bur. u>!i.!).",l> SUJOG ai.!»i4 Temp aM mT.O TMii 4 w.rfn, riier ;:.i 7!>,'i r.v« >.^ liir.ofWiml W. NX. (aim S- Max.T.;nip. <'■> MiD -:>~ Max. in Sun ISftfl Tssr.rad. 7).n Uainfall Nil. M WKATHBB
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    • 92 4 V nder this beading the followingabbravlalions are nse.l sir -learner; sh.-slWp I bq; Urit. -British I". S. Tinted State* Fr. French Oei. Cierman Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— Johorc; k v.-.. (i. General eareo d.p.— deck passengers; I I'neprtnin; T. V. \V.— TanjonK l'agar Wharf; T. P. D.—
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    • 1220 4 ABRIVALB BINCK NO»)N OF YKSTKKDAY. Arjumt, Dut. soli. 2HI tons. Xacodali I'lMli Oct. Prill Ijiiii|ioiik, I'.'tli Od (i and ■'> d.p. For LampoiiK. I' -K<l». Ch.l.iilni Hrit. Mr. I.o7) tona, Cap! OMB, JOtbOd From I'alciitta, -'Ist Oct and 20 d.p. HoUbtcad Co. For Hoiifkong, :tl»t-\V. Colon. Spa. tra.
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    • 483 4 Name, port, probable date ul mrHtat, mi name uj Bffmtt. A. Apcsr, N.,v. Hi; Sniki,- and 0 Achillee, LirerpooL X..v I; HumHi il At;laia. Uamborg, Dae 80; Rautenla-rg Anpi>. Kuti'liiiKitzii, N«i\ -J: M. U. K ii-li.i. AiistniliiKl. r'rciniintle, N..\ I: BoMmul Beltona, Hamburg, Dec Raut.-nhrn I! iihitvMix London,
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    • 150 4 KI.AU I Vessel's X a jik. A Toss. Caitun Ik.i.i Suu.i. a Km Oc-t Spa. m,. K a,tr 1i,,,., 1,,,,,, Oel BK*HHini»l lA BrUrtr. nil M,,- Djambie Ori !»\Vi W Radnorshire ttr. 1888 Itavien London Bep( »0ou»t«a<l fJ'J H» 1.c,,, z Muutok v,' KBLimlJii>i«'"" '2 IJ l i"" t
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    • 70 4 l)wi. 1.--1.1. s Xank i- 1 mABn miain tiITIOU tot :»■> (il<MiBliiel U KbofM ii> si i Tringgana H Ooiaa SO Bwujulii 3U Sri BoOfl Ann :«i Lad) Mit. li. 11 .'*> Doike aickmtn »> KlHtO ilrn.Mr .1,,,,,., Mr. UlM>n sir. Wi11.,, k spa. Hr. Unrta Bnt.Htr. Bdlan Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 718 4 NOTICES. JA M ES WATSON (OS 9COTCB WHISKIES in mi. hn rill t in iiik market: U y (l >1 1 ibi l-l-.1l A-K, IHTY I'AII) V. V. (>. 81'BClAL KI>KKN E. I!1H »■>' TV IAI DOMINIE, 10YEAB8OLD. Sl6O0 PEK tABE > DITV IAI OBTAIN MIL r nOU CKi.MI. DBAUtBS,
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    • 471 4 NOTICEB. W. DAI.I.AN. JOGKIT. j. DBALt in Craabed Food, oau, fhafl Hor-es ar.fnllv shod under personal inaenleliiii Iliirn.-s- saUitl.ry. neatly repaired by nperlenoed Miaiuea from India. Only the beel of Euflieta Leather used. I'ri. es mi, 'l. i .it Soak 1 Hoad. off Orchard Bead. a I!. LAMBERT t 001
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    • 209 4 Sweet Scents from flowers, RIGAUD'S WHITE VIOLtTS. I RIGAUD'S white noti. RIGAUD'S WHITE JASMIN. I RIGAUD'S WHITE LILAC RIGAUD'S white im«. j RIGAUDtC', ran,*™,. VarteJ BRASSERIES DE LA MKDITEKKANEE VELTENS BEEK. Sole Agent (or the Straits, J.. MALEHERIS, v. a. 89, Robinson Road. DORDTSCIIK PETROLEUM MAATSCIIAPPIJ SOUKABAYA. Manufacturers of IVtroleum
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    • 693 4 NOTICES NOTICE. \,|K. N.N\ AIMS gives notice thai hi ITX tlii» day removes hi* business office rom 19, Raffles Place, to 9A. Raffles Place. His private residence will in future be No. >. Sophia Road. Singapore. Oe'ober 28th, 18*1. .11l NOTII K. NETHERLANDS CONSULATE GENERAL, BTSAITB SETTLEMENTS. 'pHK rcletting by
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    • 67 4 NOTICES. ISMAIL AND RAHKKM. attiroFAUfUBUN ifnusa. Vnder the mott dintinguinlted I'alnnuige of 11. 11. the Utte Kalian of Joliore. RAFFLES HOTKL. I)l:F.('K>rs stones of all descriptions always in stock; and wttinif in .very design under personal supervision liy skilled workmen. Keimirsexeeuledat nio.le rßte charges, and helow those nt any other
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    • 102 4 NOTICES^ "T1MB8" AND "BUDGKj Mt Th»r*, post freo. ftOayi 9-i ft nionlh, nr ten centu a copy. Bfc^, liud ,f, post free, a y mKf m%f) q IHrU! or 40 cents a copy. The adverti«in K ratrJ are: first time, IS cents a line; 2nd i:,<| 3 r ti s,
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