The Straits Times, 29 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABUSHEDi mi. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 189 G. NO. 19,(X54.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 436 1 ANDREW [JSHER'S i ELEBRATED WIIISKIKS., Hill. 2nd November, IMI •,;.l. mica) .m.ilvu d Co "id VVliioky (a bland ol WI kn"-) umplnd i .1-. ready and fiiul being I md In.' 11 mi II i- \iiv r ith ordinary cr irhlj palaUble \i ADAM, I'm in U B. JOHN
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    • 510 1 COMPANIES. \ATS( MAl'll.l. •iiicrl.nids India flcrrmniannti atk J. Daesdels A Co., 2-3, Collvkk Qcay. i ill be Deapatcaed for on i < ■liciilion.Sainaiang.Jt Sourabavn. :Jrd Xov. r. Oleh-leb, Padanft ate. 4th 10tn Cii ).M PAON I E DES M BBBAOEBIBB MAIIITIMKS I)E FIJANCE. TeUormphie isUum Ximntu, Singapore The iiiiil steamers
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    • 584 1 INSURANCES. rp.IE QUEEN INST'RAXCB COMPANY J. KOW MPRrEn I!» TH« ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ITom'* Offices Qvam liisrjßAifri; BniLDnfOi, Liverpool. The nndprnUned. Aeents for the aboTe Company, nre prepared to take risks at current rates. HOOQLANDT «t Co. rpHEMARINEINBURASCECOY.,LTD. CAPTTit SrppcTUßFn. £100 OCX). CAPITaI PAID VT, «180,00 a RimiTK, £600,000. The
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    • 680 1 INSURANCES. LAW UNION AND CKOYVN KIKK AN UH INSIKANCE COMPANY. I^OirNDED Ihl>s. Having bwn appoint. &K^nt» for tlie shove Ctiimnnv «r«. »re n. ur^pareJ to a«O|t their i,fl,»tt IiHB Ixfrs.N, RIKKS at the tirilf r«t.n, nnd Lir» lv-n:u. I KOpOKAT.s. iii t» mi« ol the ''iniptiiy'n WtOtUttH sad table of
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    • 501 1 BANI& I) ITONGKONU AND SHANGHAI 11 BANKING CORPORATION. KUiVVF CAHTAJ |lO,000.(X)O. KEBEIJVE FIND HOOOOOO RESERVE I.IAItILITY OF 1 Innr¥innn ci lIIOPKIETORS ..110,000,000. tin t'orßT of Directors A. McCONACHIE, Eao,— Chairman. «.C. MICHAKLSEN. Esg-DspcTTCHiiRMAx Hon. J.J. ItILLIRVIKO. I R. L KICHAKDSO.V, >M. O. B. Dodwill. Esq. Alii. Ross. Esq. M.D. Eziiiil.
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    • 869 1 DEWARS CELEBRATED WHISKY. Ram.hay Hiitlies Joirsau— Perfect at once as a Leverage or as a medicinal stimulant." AtHTRAMAN TRAMINfJ WoRI.D— A« perfect, a spirit a» anyone in this mundane sphere can denire to consume KASTKHN Al STRAI.IAS AVIISoITII AFRI'AN .Idi-kxai. Of Commkri'e. An excee<linelv Baa Old Highland Whisky." The Kiiioihan
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  • 492 2 UTEST MARKKT QUOTATIONS. SINCAPORI, Him OCTOBIK, 18W. PRODUCE. Qambier, 9 7.20. do Cube No 1 11.00. do do No 2, «.00. Copra Bali, 6.W>. do I'ontiMiink. 6JK. Pepper. Black, IMS*. Sago Flour Sarawak, •'i.:i-'J. do Brunei, 2.50. Pearl Sago 3.85. Coffee, Bali, 34.75. Coffoe Palembang, 35.00. Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • 78 2 IW Pfr ttr. Time. To-Mokrow Macassar via ports McAlhter. s a.m. Cotie via ports Haweaii, II a.m. Malac.-a Klang HfM/knlh. 2 a.m. T. Anson via ports Sri Hnnij Aiii\, :t p.m. Malacca Sri MsJMM, 4 p.m. Bangkok AleUtua, 4 p.m. Saturday. Penang M'athi, 2 p.m. Malacca A Klaug
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  • 112 2 From Ei-rope:— By the M. M. s.a. Saltitie, due on Saturday with dates to the 9th Oct. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the Bth Septemlier. Feom China By the M. M. s. s. Cale itonieii, due on Tuesday. Timk Table Of Mails
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  • 16 2 This morning, at No. il, Dhoby Ghaut, the beloved wife of Mr. W. E. Nash.
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  • 318 2 ARRIVALS, I'or Sni>j/hn from Klaus via ports— Mr. ami Mrs. Leech, Capt. Dawnon. and Mr. Hutchison. Per a. a. H'be fioui Deli Mr. .Schultze. TO ARRIVE. (For the Far Kiel i l'cr P. A O. s. J'almran from London, Oct 3 :-Mrs: Galloway, Miss Lav, I)r. Judd, Dr.
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  • 21 2 Established: 1831. I'RICE 10 CENTS. [ijulttcripiiun rate* and adverlinng rate* may tie f omul on (lie fourth page.)
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  • 45 2 THURSDAY, 29TH OCTOBER, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THK U. S PUESIDIvV Y. bryan's chances liomlon, t»ih IMolttr. Kryan, the Free Silver Candidate for the Presidency, is striving to the utmost to win the Labour Vote. His success in this direction at Chicago has depressed stocks to-day.
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  • 846 2 Thi; Municipal Water Supply of Singapore, despite the large expenditure which it has entailed, can scarcely bt iaid to have come up to the expectations which were entertained when the great engineering work of the Impounding Reservoir and of the filterbeds was undertaken. It was, of course,
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  • 17 2 Mb. H. 11. Adis advertises that he has removed his business office to No. oa, Raffles Place.
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  • 17 2 Messrs. I'oweli. and Co. advertise an auction sale of Mrs. Day's stock-in-trade on Saturday, the 31st instant.
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  • 24 2 The monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Raffles Girls' School, on Wednesday, November 4th, at 4 p.m.
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  • 47 2 At a Committee meeting of the Rowing Club, held last night, it was decided to challenge the Mh Fusiliers for a four oar'd race to be held about tho middle of November. There will be a pair oar'd race at about the same time.
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  • 60 2 A Chinese pauper was found lying in Cecil Street this morning. lie died whilst being conveyed to the station. Yesterday morning, a Chinaman was driving a bullock cart at the P. <fe 0. Wharf when he was seen to stagger and fall. When he was picked up ho
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  • 54 2 Tnn Deputy Governor leaves on the Sea lletle after this afternoon's Council, for Malacca, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Sneyd Kynnersley. Mr. Sw-tten-ham proceeds from Malacca to Tanjong Kling, uud will accompany Lady Mitchell and party back to Singapore on the Sea llelle, which will arrive at
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  • 52 2 An Association of Insurance Agents has been established at Bangkok to enquire into the causes of lires there. Insurance statistics and information will be collected, and the associated companies will take action jointly in furtherance of their interests. Prosecutions will be rigorously enforced in cases of fraud
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  • 64 2 We have received a copy of the A. Y. Z. Telegram Code, by Dr. Geo. Ager, M..D. This code consists of nearly .ici.iiiHi sentences and prices, together with many spare words, and should be extremely useful to merchants, bankers, and, indeed, to all those
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  • 55 2 The following is the programme for to-morrow's performance, at ."> p.m. on the Esplanade March Here, There, and every where. .Augutte Rose. Syinphuuia Paragraph 111 Suuiie. Bolero Tmicotrin T. Ord Humr. Overturn. Ytaliano in Alger. ..JaMM Aria de Itaritono del 2o Acto de la O|H-ra Trovador.
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  • 77 2 Tiikhk are several competitions shortly to be in progress in connection with the Singapore Golf Club. The first it the monthly medal, which is to be played for on Saturday next. The play for the President's pri/.e is to begin on Novemlier 14th, one. round, handicap match
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  • 91 2 HOUSE BREAKING. Several attempts have recently been made to break into Xo. ViK, Outram Road, by digging away under the house. Last night the occupiers sat up, and, when they heard the men at work, they slipped round the house by the back door. They saw three men in the
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  • 85 2 L>R.HBNRvTKiMKS,who,until recently, had been Director of th« Uoyal Botanical Garden in Ceylon, died then- at I'eradeniya, on the fvth instant, .it tho age of H. He was well known to many Ceyli in planters aud other* in the Malay Peninsula. He was director of the Botanic Gardens from
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  • 91 2 At a meeting of the Manchester Chamber of Commercß, on the.'tdlli alt it was reported that the India, China, and Colonial Committee had recommended the despatch to the I'o>t-miutrr-Gcneral of a letter Baling that, in tlio new contractH for" the conveyance of mails between Kuiope and
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  • 141 2 The Annual Installation Meeting of R«ad Lodge No. i',:t:t7, was held at the Masonic Hall, Kuala Lompor, on the *6th instant. Wat. Brt>. C. E. F San derson was duly installed as W. M. for the ensuing year, the retiring Master WOT. llro 11. I'axon performing the
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  • 93 2 CVCLKB WILL NOT DX TAXED Thk. Municipal Commission wet Committee of tlio whole Boaj dity afternoon to consider the draft estimates for 1N97. The details ol Revenue were fully considered, an. l the Committee will meet again to-murttm to consider the Expenditure Tho Commissioners, dealing with the powet
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  • 154 2 Last night, Chief Inspector .1, nings, with whom was constable MacMurray, made a raid on a Kami.],,.,. house in Kampoiiß Java Hoad. Ki^li teen arrest? were effected, iaehlding the owner of the premises, ami, among the prisoners, were several towkays, kranis collectorß, and others of
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  • 789 2 SECRETS OF THE TRAtiK. The Manrhetter Sunday OkTmtieU ascribes the decline in coffee consumption in England to the elie.i| sa „f tea. London used to be the centre oi the coffee trade; Imt now foreigßen import their own coflVe, ami tl [porl from KiiKtand has Ktendily
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1496 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "GOLD LACE" rwyrw T\T%f\Cy Ao«»cyof J\XI.JL^J aJXiv/kJ. Ci-tleh Palubr A Co., A t'ranrl inc. miv iMipnlar in l/oxnon I, ni,, lover, of WINE AND SPIRIT u-onil (li.impapne the Leading House in should give it a HfPiWTMIi'VT trial, tltlln— lint l'w"A» J ->lil<-> the Wine Trade. ties, quarts ::(o)::
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    • 37 2 SIIARES_V\ r AJS T TED. Kaubs (13/10 paid.) Punjoms. Straits Trading Co. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. FOR SALE. Rau>>* (fully paid.) Straits Insurance Co. SOMERVILLE A GUNN, Exchange Share Brokers. FOX GENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SKK PAUE 4.
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    • 78 2 M 8. 8. intended (or th. Ktnilt Timtt nhonJd ba written on on* ltd. of th. papn only. Of In. &ss%£^^**»^ AH adnrtuiac sewtnste m nMMt to tlx oon'lition that th. Manacr wmf \tm tKV tAnMmmml out of tIM papof in om« of pnn of Matter, tint nnt oftener than
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  • 1084 3 v HgIHOAL MBOsW. OH USJQfI TIIR u,i: ICT«X Death lone in Singapore. Una Boo" Keng and been laid before the "misMM The rep,,,. mtli the local conditions health Theinvesi lin v six weeks, instead originally Inteo- t he death of Dr. Jan-z. showed that the
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  • 507 3 FINANCIAL. The Municipal Progress Report for September gives the revenue collections from January to that month a3 8092,.'«»0 against BM$4OO in the corresponding period of 1896. The President describes the new pis contract as a stop-gap for the short period of two years in order to wait developments
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  • 267 3 Them: is no end to the ingenuity of the Chinese swindler. When one little fraud is discovered he speedily invents another. The latest swindle the police have unearthed is one more closely affecting themselves. The day before yesterday, B respectable Chinaman 'bought some floods at a shop. He
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  • 40 3 In connection wRh il"' CUmm Christian Association, Mr. Bom One Sioug, 8.A., 1 ..1. "ill give a lecture on ••The position 01 iUtUi of the Chinese women in Singapore." lit tlie PrniH-p Street Church, on rnday.the JOth inst., „i \>
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  • 1237 3 It is related of a certain prosecuting counsel that, in enumerating the misdeeds of the prisoner in the dock, he spoke of him as this naufraugious ruffian. After the conclusion of the trial a brother barrister asked him what he meant by that mysterious adjective. His reply was
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  • 43 3 At this afternoon's meet ingof Council, the Deputy Governor brought up the report of the Acting Colonial Engineer on the statistics of traffic passing over the Singapore- Kranji Line of Road during the year ending 30th of June, 1896.
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  • 236 3 THE WAVBRLEY HOTEL SOLD. This afternoon at their sales rooms Messrs. Powell Co. offered at auction two valuable properties. The first was a piece of lease-hold land in High .Street, Singapore, held under Government lease'Xo. 124, for a term of 99 years from the Ist April, 1839, and
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  • 366 3 A despatch from San Francisco reports that two trappers, Hiram Uood and Sandy Young, have killed the entire remnant of the Mill Creek tribe of Indians, numbering 202 men and women. On returning from their work ono night a few months ago, they found that Good's wife
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  • 1077 3 Speaking of the revivnl of I.a Dame mix UsSßfltaS," the I'nris correspondent of tho Chronicle mentions the following astounding fact To-night the venerable but sprightly Mdnie. Docbe was present at a creation which actually preceded her own.™ What a wonderful old lady! An epitaph as curious in its
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  • 90 3 HEAD tjI'AKTER OFFICE Singapore, October. 1890. I. Orderly officer for the ensuing week I.ieut. C. J. David. Orderly Sergeant for the ensuing week Sergt. L. A.M. Johnston. 11. Gunner Whitlow is granted B months' leave of sbSSBOB to proceed to Kuiope. Guniiei' l'itt Is transferred
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 23 3 TO SPEEDILY CURE Sore Throats Indigestion, Hoarsenens, Diarrhoea, Wounds Burns, Condy's Fluid CnnDV Mt re kill, of London, UtigUtiJ, u« (be only maker*.
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    • 853 3 NOTICES. BOARD AND LODGING. fpo be had for a married couple or small J. family. Situation close to town, v.c. Apply to R. H. c/o Straitt Time*. BRASSERIEBDELA MEDITERRANEE VELTEN'S BEER. Sole Agent for the Htraita. L. MALEHEKB, v. c. 89, Robinson Kond. THB TANJONG PAOAB IMK K (OMPANY. LTD.
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    • 467 3 for sale; employments tolkt;aM)l'i;ksoxals These advertisement!) will be found on II the right hand column of th« first ii.ige (title page.) NOTICE, j MH. N N. A DIM gives notice that he thi« day remove- hi* bastaSSS office from 1!», Raffles Place, to »A, Knfflox I'lace. His private residence will
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 254 3 WEATHER REPORT. !\'andan<i Kerbau Hospital, -.V(A ()<■(. 1896. :i a.m. p.m. p.m. Kemabks. Har. HJtM iit.^lT I'H.ittil Temp. K3..'! 83.2 78.H >*s \V. B'lbTher 7<i.H 77.0 75.H Dir. of Wind wnw. N.K. Calm Ml Max. Temp. 88.0 Mm 74.8 #S Max. in Sun ltW.9 Terr. rail. 71.2 Kainfall Nil. g
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    • 123 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. I' ii. lit this heading I lie following abbreviations are used str.- steamer; sh.— ship bq, barque: Brit— l!riii-h r. s. United ■itates: Fr. French (ier- Germ:m; Put. Dutch: .lull. --.lohore; Ac, (i.e., QeneraJ •argo d.p.— deck pass -tigers l\ Uncertain; T. 1". W. Tanjong Tagar Wharf;
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    • 1108 4 A kiiiv \i s Sinck Noo.v OF YwmaaT. Win II halt llin, Brit. str. HM tons, Capl Coysli, Mill Oct From 11.I 1 Brandan, Bmb Oet Oil., ami 3 d.p. Straits Steamship Coy. For V. Brandan. K— R«l». JThifiifciwahel. Boa, tra. «,4 ;J *oaa. Cajrt Troyan. iOJIi Oct.
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    • 517 4 Name, port, probable (late of arrimi, an<l name oj agents. A. Apcar, Nov. 10; Siukies and MomAchilla* Liverpool, Xov 4 KaaOalri Aklhiu. Dec 80; Raatenbera Aiifere. Kut,li.noi/u. No»l m. it. Kdibi Australind, Fremantle, Nm i; Bouitaed Bellona, Hiiml.urft, Dec 1>; Knutenb. -r X Benliiwers, London, Xov. ll»;
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    • 94 4 Flag < VBMi/gNAMS. 4 Tons. Captain Kin Fuou Sailkl. Co««u*» CM {{"i'r 1 Brit.str. MM Rnn 88 Me- Muster nt r uw Smith H lln Whatt Hin 7v. IM "vKh 5" V ol o ",«f 8088 Courmdi 5 rrill 8K n v »tr. Ml Wi11,,, k H Wuotan Oer.
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    • 64 4 CLEAR ANCES. I>*tk. VwsEL'a Namk. JFlaoAKiu. Oaitain 1 >i.- I V I l.'N S Vv Slllin IJritstr rtr. 1 lor ,"'>" »tr. .1.11 i > S&m u;;-r;:: V,:::;,; |ri PeoUn Dut. sir. Cr»ig ll: l ;i «tr! Koppesciieiar Pensog H'kong, 8w»to« anJ Hongkong andAino) Malacca and (Clang Mii.ii Harawak Kuantan
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 515 4 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON (OS srnTcil WIIISKIKS mm mi; HH ai.i i: in mi; .makkkT: til iK I'll. CAM, DOT* I'AII). V. V. O. HPBC/1 *L i;l>r.i:\ K. naMma**,mrruo. DOMINIE I<> ITSARBOLD. ntMwmam, aennn nlilMN Mill. IKiiM KKIAII. I'lM. Kits. OR McALISTER Co., REPORT ON fUBARI OOALS (LUMP* SMALL. a. b.
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    • 258 4 I IJABTERS MORTGAGE AN D 12i aGBHOT COMPANY, LIMITED. Aataorlaad Capital <KXt.OOO Bobaeribed ootu'.'iO Advances made upon Mortgage o f FreeDOMa. Stocks, share-, and other approved •eearltiea. State, Municipal, and other Public Loans negotiated and issued upon •he London M.ukcl. PATKBfION, SIMONS A Co., Agents, SOCIETY FOB TIU: I'KEVEXTION OF
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    • 307 4 JfOTICES. I For Constipation and Biliouanesa\ I A nice and tab remedy for bdlM and childrr. to JULIEN, 8, nn Virlenne, PARIS Renown, i Pby.Ki.n. fM* Grlm.ull Metico Chronic [Ji.that,,,. 'Tl.e Cp.ulc. un°ke Copaiba, MATICO INJECTION M used in r.c.nt MATlCOCAPSULESmtbemorechroniooaawa THE FINEST BUTTER IX THE MARKET. GUARANTEED TO BE
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    • 539 4 NOTICES. DORmsCHK PETROLEUM MAA TSCHAPPIJ KOI'RABAYA. Maanfactornni of Petrolenm Lubricants Unequalled for Steam Engines, Cylinder*, and every clan of Machinery. MAX STERN O ROEDERER'S CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNR Sole Agents, BRINKMANN A Co. Retail, JOHN LITTLE Co., (Ltd.) BKNSDORP k CO.'S KOYAL DUTCH COCOA. entirely pure and unadulterated, is the Seat value
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    • 949 4 NOTICES. TULLI BROTHERS. 7, Qiieen Street. FDST reeatoed large slock tal.le Chiret linrdenux Good table claret dot, <ilh. $1»..V) St. .Inllien Medoo »2.110 pints »l.7(» 1 >t K-!cphc „ts., ts j.-t.iKi pint- iJ.M Alr.o, fresh -lock of inHcnruni, loaf Mignr, French soap, lomato sauce, proea paaay truffe's, salmi oil, Vineigre
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    • 66 4 NOTICES. ISMAIL AND RAHEEM. MANfPACTrRISO JKWBI.LEBB. Uiuier the mott dittiugninhed Patronage of 11. If. the Me Sultan of Jolurre. RAFFLES HOTKL. 1)REC1OU8 Btones of nil description* always in stock and getting in every design under personal mpcrvision l>y skilled workmen. Repairsexeeutedatmodenite etalflßa, nnd I.clow those at any other place. All
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    • 85 4 NOTICES.^ "TIMES" AND "BUDoir; Strait, Tiir*,, post fre«, $.10 y f2i a month, or ten centu a < v Hwlget, post free, $20 a year, or 85 f lr or-JO.rntKacopy. The ■OaiUabM ratw are: first time, lfi cents a line time*, lOeentnaline; 4th to titl, ti,,,,.'/--centg a line; 7th to
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