The Straits Times, 28 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. i:sTABLISIIEI), 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1890. NO. HM-H)^.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 318 1 ANDREW USHERS ELEBRATED WHISKIES. I ..i.n.iiy, Hall, Jnil Niivellllier, I -HI -ntii-al aiialv- d oa.ll <»ld whisky (i Mead <>f i iakies) ssmplsd ii .I'lv in. l find uusiity t..-inp I t,i, In. in It i- \.-ry v ill ordinary or highly pslslahas \i..\M, I'll.n.r.H.S.K. li.inistry. .mI IN LITTLE COMPANY,
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    • 212 1 REMINGTON TYPE-WRITER. f'iffiifflm{sK*.i I M< ALIBTKH CO. SOLE AGENTS lIOWAI.TH KUSKINK, LTD. I SOLE M.I.M MS 1 ill. BOBHBBT-AUOYD KKKOSEXE OIL noma BOBBY A- (.i>. r LDUTKD. r.ntal.'e ajad Statiniuiiv Strain Kii^'ines, Mining Marliiiicry. UHlsil RLKCTKICAL KMGINKKKIN<;co.,I/n>.,(1.0i..1im.) Kl.'ttrie Marliinery and sppUancef* F. RKDDAWAY A 00, LTD Camd IJiami Betting and
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    • 1217 1 NOTICES. Miikmaid CondensebMilk BjjSS^Matoi K "Milkiii-id" Brand is guaranteed :<■ C~~ -^^^^3 oont un ;.il tli- cream of the original milk. In CONDENSED M^ii l i e l- rncess °t Manufacture nothing but water I 3kfe Jfcfyfilafi S removef '> nothing but tho best refined Bw -satsasly sugar added. *&JQ
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    • 426 1 HANKS. HONGKOXO AND SHANGHAI HAN KINO COKI'OKATION. PAID-DP CAPITAL «10.000,0"ii. ICKSFKVK FUND f 6,00tM»0. BEBESVB LIABILITY OKI loftn nnn(i rnoPKiETORs •••• COTRT OF DIREtTOBB: A. MrCONAOHIE, Esv.-Chairman. S.C. M h II A KI.SKN Esq.— Diputt Chairman *****..1. J. IIKLL-IHTIKU. I 1!. 1. Kl. HAKDBON. B«|. G. I). DODWILL, K«.| I
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    • 782 1 DEWARS CELEBRATED WHISKY. NaTIIINAI. (iI'AKI.HV. Will |ilea-.. nn.l..iil.ti'dlv tin- most fastidious tssts.' Caterkks ano Hotel Propriitorm' I Oazette.— Noted for its bouquet and 1 mellowness. Hotel News. -WV can recommend it Ha one of the hekt we have met." The Hotel Rkviku ash Catering WORi.ll. A r.nlly firfct-elass spirit of
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  • 499 2 I.ATKST MAKKKI UKMATIONS. MIXOArOKE. 2>>TII Oi'TOBIR. 189«. PBODTTCE. Hamliier T.l7f do Cube No 1 11.00. do do No 2,.. 8.00. Ooprn Bnli, 6.02 J. do Pontinn.ik ti.«H. Pepper Black ILI% ■lago Klour Sarawak 3.40. do Brunei 2.50. I'earl Sago 3.«0. i 'offee, Bali, 34.75. Coffee Palemliang, 35.00. 'offee. LitM-rian,
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  • 99 2 For I'er »tr. Time. To-Mokkow Kiiantan via ports Qsssssls, W a.m. Kobe Kong—, ut Ma.aeea 4 Muar 1 p.m. Bata I'idiat Atitg dam, 1 p.m. Amoy 11;,,,, Umtf, I p.m. Bepang vis ports H. Timor, -j p.m. Batu Pahut Sultana, S p.m. Malacca Klang Chuw I'hya, H p.m.
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  • 106 2 Fko.m BOBOfS: -By the M. M. ».s. Salazie, due on Satiinlay with dates to the 9th Oct. she brine* "sfilet to the nail which left Singapore on thexih September. Fiiom China: l!v the M. M. S.S. Colt- ■(„,</,„. Tim T.tiii.K Ob Mails Die. l,.ft Bingapore Due in
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  • 90 2 AKKIVAI.S. lVr s. s, Mr Mister from Sarawak :-C'a|it. mid Mrs. Joyce and two children. I'cr s. S, llmlrn from Bangkok:— Mr. Loveland. Per P. 4 (>. S.S. Battnna from 1 don.Mr. H. A. OTtrien, Mr. Melilruin. Mrs. (ieorge, aad Mr. and Mis. Xeave. From Brindisl: Mr. Thomson.
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  • 52 2 l'.i P. a o. a. s. rsSH for London Messrs F. .1. cliHpman. 11. Mitchell, and 0. Ashworth. For ColomliO Mr. J. C. Priaoep. Fur Bombay: Mr. and Mrs, Deterding. For liiindisi Mr. I'ertile. Per P. O. S. s. faisilllS for Hongkong Dr. Lazarus, Mr. J. AUton Dr. Lucring,
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  • 153 2 (Fur the Far Eaitj IVi V AO W.i»h,i from London, Oct 3 Mrs. Ualloway, Mi»s Lav. Dr. Judd, Dr. Webstar, Mr. Oily. Mr. and.Mm Stenhouse, Miss A Von Posesek, Mr. aad Mrs. Lawbun, Mi. Palmer, Mr. WUliaais, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson nnd child, Mr- K. Choi),'. Miss Btenbonae,
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  • 20 2 Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. ISuhtrriptum ratal and advertising KBSSS ltuty I* found un tin- fourth p<«/c]
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  • 83 2 WEDNESDAY, 28TH OCTOBER, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE U. s. PRESIDKNCT. A NEWSI'.M'KH FOHKIAST. Imiuluh, 2Hth (MssW. This /Km York Herald ha 9 published a forecast of the result of the approaching Presidential contest. Thisforecastjgive9 KfKlllllJ asa««a— against 134 votes for Bryan, with 65 doubtful votes. A large majority of the
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 515 2 Tiik special tasegratn thai w* psjhlished yesterday from our Hosjfkoag i-oncspondent hears upon the face of it Sin kmpaftsssOa that we fear is misleadiiiL'and fictitious. It stated that an Imperial decree has just been issued at Peking which appoints Bfcojuj Taotai to he Director^ ieneral of the
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  • 14 2 Mn. Him. asiad ftl.nnfidsj hiaeo&e eslalci-, of which he asked i.'T-,(iOO in i cash.
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  • 62 2 It is sugfaatod that, when the home- ward mail closes at an early hour in the inorniiif;, a collection should ba made at the rural district hoxes at v late hour of the previous night, in order that residents out of town may have an opportunity of landing their mails
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  • 100 2 Tiik meeting, of Urn kfunioipal Cominissioiiiis, this altcriioon, is a coiniuittaa nsaattasj and is, ihareibra, prirata. With refaranoa, however, to an item in thai agenda wagardusa, a proposed tan tion of hicycles, it may be stated thai there U not really any intention to I tax hicycles. The proposal is
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  • 10 2 Mb. MacCalmont's yacht Giraltfa leaves to-day for Colombo and Suez.
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  • 14 2 An atlvertisemeiit calls attention to the advantages of Blundell's School at Tiverton, in Devonsnire
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  • 23 2 Tiik M. M. s. s. (MWI left Colombo at 2 :i. in. yesterday, and is due here on Saturday next, at 0 p.m.
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  • 28 2 Thk Spanish transport (Ussl due from Barcelona to-morrow, with lieavy reinforeeiiients for Manila, is al>o <ai,l to carry on board one or two .Spiininh p'lierais for the Philippines.
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  • 27 2 To-mokkow, at MO p.m.. Messrs. I'owell A Co. will sell at their salerooms, by public auction, the Waverley Hotel, and, also, Xo. 50, Hill Street.
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  • 32 2 The s. Ms^UMsr, Captain Smith, which arrived this morning, reports having passed H. M. B. Rainbow, at anchor o^f Pulo Point Light, Sarawak Rivor, on the 26th innt.
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  • 32 2 Tiik Hongkong ami Shanghai Hank and the Chartered Hank of India. Australia, and China, at Manila, have each contributed SoCKi for the :>id company of the Manila Volunteer Battalion.
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  • 43 2 T 1 1 1.;. K were two cases of cholera yesterday in the Kochore Roud Division. One was that of a Javanese in Palemhaag Road, and the other that of n Chinaman who was found in the livefoot way in Crauford Street.
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  • 41 2 Amonk the arrivals by mail this iiiorningwere: the Hon. A. M. Skinner, the Hon. J. M. Vermont, and Mr. D. Logan, from I'enang. Mr. H. A. O'Hrien and Mr. Meldrum from London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ncave from Hrindisi.
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  • 48 2 Tiik Qaassj of the Netherlands, say.IVafa, is in delicate health, and she will leave the Hague early next month with her mother, the Queen Regent, to spend part of the winter in Itnly^ They may noasJblf proceed to Egypt if the weather heroines cold.
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  • 38 2 An oiitiixn to the Nord&tmboht MlsjMassjM ollicii-.l ini|uiries hliow thai there is no luuiidution tor the ivported ill-treatnient in (ierinan New *oiinea „t the Javanese workmen who recently returned to Bssssansjg I'rotn the (ierinuii Colony.
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  • 36 2 The following telegram appears in the HaMS "Singapore, Sept. 29. The Judicial Commissioner of Ihe newly -federated Natives States invites lawyers to practise in the local Courts, which hitherto has not heen allowed.
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  • 56 2 The Lord Mayor, at the .lose of his mayoralty, intends to visit Japan, where he has relations, and probably India, and he will be away from London about six months, for which period a retiring Chief Magistrate is accorded leave of absence prior to the resumption of
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  • 71 2 A lim ■lUtesi by Mr. MKinley in l^!)u has just been publi-lnd and is widely ij.ioted and commented upon by the tree silver ''regs in America In this letter.Mr. M'Kinlevsays: ha\ cahviybaasj in favour of the free and miliiiiit <'<) coinage of the silver product
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  • 69 2 JAPA NE SE STEAMSHIPS It is repurtud that a Japanese shipping syndicato has recently given out orders for steamers to the following builders: Messrs. A. M. Millan A Sons. Dumbarton, for two steamers of about :t,500 ton 9 each Messrs. J. L. Thompnon A Sons, Sunderland, for two steamers of
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  • 68 2 The P. and <). mail was delayed through having hi-.n detained in.piaranline at Colomho. She arrived at Colombo from Bombay OB Sunday, last week, aad was detained in quarantine then until ten o'clock on Thursday morning. Had it not ban for this delay she would
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  • 75 2 A Japanese man named Yah 800 Kaj W'a, who h:lt by the mail this morning for Calcutta, found, on overhauling his luggage, that he had been lobhcd. He missed a gold chain, a light blue porcelain pencil, a Waterbury watch, some clothing, and a box containing
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  • 66 2 TsM Hritish North BoRMO Company dm proeund qoaatity ofHavanna tobacco seed from Culm, srbicb will be despatched for trial to North Borneo The Government will experiment with it on its own plantation at Bapong, and Intamh also to distribute a quantity to carl, tobacco aatate in the
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  • 122 2 Tiik Ist BaHaHon Northtuabarlaitd Fusiliers, which hat bean stationed at Portsmouth since th« close of the Neu l-'on-i in:iii.i-iivri-- in IMO, wat placed under ordan to ambark on the Ist mil for Gibraltar to relieve the Ist Battalion weal Yorkshire Regiment, ordered to Hongkong, (in arrival at Houzkona
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  • 176 2 JAPANESE COMMERCIAL. JAPANESE COMMERCIAL RIVALRY. Una the title "Japan m merclaJ Rival," the Tkm an article from a correspond! in Japan. A great deal has latel heard about Japan comjn tin* ou^lv with European industnw practically drive British I [be Par Bail The Bactsi the article go to show thai
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  • 56 2 The OaajMf of mh ult eoata notice by the Poß ,if the issue of a on and from Oct. Ist, parcels ii',. lv subject to tho provisions of the iaM warrant, he transmitted by J )Bt between the United Kingdom and Japan, either ri'i Canuda,
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  • 56 2 It Is stated that the Japan (iovernineiit has decided to despatch |0 Manila the l'iiii boat Kut>,i,,,,,, the best of the so/oadroa now 't Formosa. Mr. Miura, who has been appointed Actiag-Coaan] at Manila, t,, repoit on the rebellion and afford protection for the Japanese resident, there,
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  • 76 2 Si v William Maxw ki.i the Governor „f the (iold Coast, was to lean on the 2nd inst. for Antwerp, t,, p r j by the steamer AU»rt,-ill<> for Accra on his return to the colony He wsj to 1 accompanied by Lieutenant Henderson K.N., who
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  • 97 2 Tiik following is how a home paper sets forth the value of the Singa;>ore dollar. It is in a way true that ths dollar in always of the same vain, i Singapore; but, yet, it is ouaintly untrue: "J. K.T.,"Redditch. Thesilver M. dollar (4n.> is the standard
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  • 119 2 A CHINA MAN STABBED. AtlibU paal one o'clock, thit morning, a Chitiaiiian, named ons Hoo, was brought to the Central Police Htntion by native sergeant No 10. He ni „ii lering Irom sereral m ds, and win it Oll.e removed to the (ielieial where Ik^ now lies in a critical
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  • 122 2 A DiNNKit, attended by the University and Civic authorities, as well as I.y many well-known cricketers, was niv.ii at Cainbridg i the u'Ulh nit., to KB, Kanjitsinhji in recognition of his hint achievements in the cricket Held In replying to the toast of In- health, proposed
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  • 148 2 Tiik Government's programme of naval construction for next the Kmct, will include Mires eruiaen of an unproved I which arc to he built at Devon urt, I'lirtsnioiilh. and Chathani. respect i ely The new tretaels will I"- I 980 ft in length (10ft longer than the '/'"//.(.0, .">4ft.
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  • 172 2 Kastkkn trade, and the Bon pany in particular, has to regn death of Mr. Richardson, one nl tl,. pioneer- of the o 1.1 school who havo done so much for Britain's c merw sj a home paper. Francis Rieuardwii -ailed fr Glaagoi to Manila m l-:tr
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 651 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY. LI). Manufactui. DYNAMITE GELIGNITE GELATINE DYNAMITE BLASTING GELATINE DETONATORS ■irOBRM OF: All kir- of SAFETY PDZE AM, EUCTRIC BLASTINO APPARATUS. Tll« AIIOVK KXI-1.0-1V1..-. IIKIM. AI.I m»m mv in. 1 raQasal Hritaiv. akk milk 1 IHK 111, .11 -MM.AIII, of rUBJTT aiaaijui issis iMiiiaaii sttms Bsmsa ruiiimii.
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    • 998 2 NOTICES. I Hi: GREAT AMERICAN STKAM RIDING GALLBRY." FOOT Of FOKT (ANXINO i(ipp,,-it.- so High Street.) Jora i:\khv ram raoej 6 p.a. TO \J M -I Mi.iVf XXi KITEU. 10 CENTS A RIDE TO ALI.. neu and splendid organ will piny le, i, -eleetimi" of new MM popular music ■luring
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    • 778 2 LATEST A DVEBTISKMENTa MRS. WILLSOK, Medical Surgical, ami Monthly Nurse, London CertiHcnteo, Midwifery iiiplomn. Address 11 STkAITS HOTEL, SinKnpore. NOTICE. K. N K. AIMS «he,- aasSSS that lie lTi tin- lav removes his Im-in..-- office from 19, lUifn-s Place, to 9A. Raffles Mace. Hi- pmate rssMsajoa will la future tx>
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    • 32 2 SIIARE.sVvANTED. ■isjfes (l.'i.'lOpnid.i ruuioius. Stinits TnuliiiKCo. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. K)lt SALE. l!;i ul,- (fully paid.) Btt.llt» llisinanee Co. BOMSBVIIXE A GL'XN, BaehaasJS Share Brokers. FOX (IKNLKAI. Sllll'l'lNU VSWI HEH, I'AUU i.
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    • 78 2 M. 8. S. intniM for Ih. Flrail. Tim,, .bool.l b« »ntt«n on one .i,)« of th. paper only. By the •HXrleot of that condition, m.r.r >t. S S are r.ji.-t».l tb»t miiht otherwiw he pnnliahr.l. AU ».!> ..rtiamc r^ntraot. are tolij^H to the cwnilition th»t the Manairor mar laare the
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  • 494 3 MR. HILLS COFFEE E STATES. prospectus appean „,e,v,,l by ...UVs h-l »i» "I" W 1 be, and doss at sr rjday, October*. omp niv. under the ('•Mil- i itpiul 1 1 <« >..«»•. ent. eiimula- „l Li each preferred u. Dividend, and „1 li each. ited i..i 80,000 -of tl
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  • 93 3 A.i- associated with the Newmarket Kii>t w. ..ii the Ist instant m* pan] present included the and the Duke of York. i- witnessed, and no UM m-veii horses competed in ■m- The Jockey Club 1- was the chief evenl of tght ..hi ten starters, and ■I.
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  • 164 3 Him- in the I'hilippiucs ih,,,; Ttkgrapk »l -in i.iiy. and than to fear that the suppreeUion i- impossible until I troops are placed in the .1 lived troops are said i icruits. Bight thoui rep irted to be strongly Imu., in the province of have been shelling the
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  • 1605 3 TKLBGRAPHIC SUMMARY. h'rnm Hi, Tlmm <•/ t'eijliin." I.umm.n. iiih Oases** -ii M. Hi. k* llea. h, sjH-nkintj at l>«r lington yesterday, denounced the coiiniNMaeJ the Sultan and the Porte at the Int.- MMMM, Imt said ■ll—ia. fill man), mid Austria Ml determined 1., uphold lha M« fw in
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  • 1345 3 (Via Australia.) London, 8th October. mi: i.iitKii.M. Cou«iderabl< esctyemenl waa manifested iv political circle* when it beenrae known that Laid Boeebery bad forwarded l-u.-r to Mr. T E. Bllis, M. I. tor Kerioaethillire, tin' chief l.iheinl Whip in the tJoaa* „t '.mi v, rmignlng hit po-ition m leader of
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  • 282 3 At tin- ordinary meeting of the baud nt director! of the Manchester Chamber <>f Commerce mi 30th ult., the board approved the tariuaof latter, prepared l.v tin' India, China, and Colonial Comlaitii,- for deepatch to Lord Salisbury, on the MilijiTt nt tin- Chiiii's.' import duties and
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  • 240 3 The following telegram appears In the Timet:"Hagjapora, Sept. SOth. IfeeAddre ofthe Governor of the Straits Settlements forecasts this year a surplus "I 5200.000 and next year a deficit of half a million. He proposes to encourage Indian immigration by granting as«ist< d passages, and announces that the
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  • 507 3 THE I'OSITIOS IS AIHEEX At the date of despatch of tho mail the Beeoad Chamher of the StatesGeneral was assembled in Committee to consider the State and Java Pudgete, the reports upon whieli may he expected .shortly. Regarding Acheen no further reporl has been received, (nit the
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  • 824 3 WHAT IS THAT ONE THING r in- like an absurdity, ret it i- true nli [he name. I mean that yon might linve n ci :inriull of wood nnd oonl sad still shiver li cold nml you would if it were not f..r o; thing. "i>j;. thai i- M obvious."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 826 3 NOTICES, REPORT ON YUBAftl DOALfi (LUMP* SMAU.. china MUTUAL s (u.s s s "M\(; ('MOW." These coals were received at MOROKW on hoard this ship, and were put into different hunkers in order to lie worke.l aaalnei I'akasima -mall RESULTS A,h. ÜBARI LVMP, I. H. P. 1.0.V. at U lbs.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 237 3 WKATHKR RIPOBT. ifinj Krrhmi Hu*i>ital, UN Ost /S*tf '.I a.m. y p.m. p.m. Remarks. 39.059 39.864 L»(Htl4 1 nip. SJ.O $ii.-l 7M.ii H IHuTber 77.'. 7m.0 76.6 > Kir. of Wind N. wxw. Calm MiucTomp. S7J Mln ~:r.i M.-ix. in Sun 158.8 v 1 .r*. rail. BtU ItiinWl Nil
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    • 119 4 Tnder l lih heading t he followfhgabbrevia- tionsnre used: sir steamer; »h.— f-hip Ik}.— bar. uc: Brit -Briti.-h V. S. I'nited States; Fr. French; Gcr.- German; Dut.--Putch; Joh. -Johore; Ac, O. c, Onerale cargo d.p. deck passengers V. I'ncertain; T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagur Wharf T. P. D.—
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    • 1231 4 Arrivals Since Noon ok Yesterday. Emit), Qer. Htr. 2,377 tons, Capt Oxtermaun, 27th Oct. From Yokohama, 3rd Oat (i.e. R. Schmidt. Co. For Marseilles, 31st -W. Hydra Brit. str. i I > tons, Capt McOill. ttthOct From Bangkok, 23rd Oct. G.c, and B d. n. W. Mansfield and
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    • 515 4 Name, port, probablr date of an-ii-d, an<l name ol agent*. A. Apcar, Nov. 10; Snrkie- an.l Mom Achilles. Liverpool. Nov 4; Mniisli.M Aglaia. Hamburg, Dec DO; Rsutenbrrg Angers. KutcWinotzu. Nov 2; M. 11. Kaiths. Australind. Fremantle. Nov I BotuttscJ Bellona, Haml.iirg. Dec 8; EUutenlx-n Pawls w*. London, Roy.
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    • 54 4 I Vk.-klh Na.kk. 4 Ton... Oaptwn Klo.m feUU Kio *j Bull.noutl, Brit m,: UK l-avi,» MByn>< |SK SS.£:!' I 2SSS w '.Ss 1 SS 2 Sjg" MOttr: MMB Mr,,-, lt i,, cm ii- ">« hi Hnt.str. 619 MeOUl Bangkok Ucl i»« J8 Hon K Lcong 9tr „71 Mpp FtoS^
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    • 85 4 I>ate. Vehhm. 1 Xane Fi.*..AKig' Cait.un Phtuiatiok I A"hle> licit sl| Out »tr. Loviu H .Malacci Btl i)..,.. K k Btr' H,,,!,. H HnmPpn gtr Main g p rfo£: r^ Hrit.»tr. Uorrii H liatiiviiT 1,,,, S s>^" *S EST r h MM.btr. Qngon M llB H|>a «tr. (Hani/ N««
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 701 4 NOTICES. JAM ES WATSON ik COS sm'ivn WHISKIES kit THE His! All i: IN INK HOT; I "in IKK ABE, IHTY PAID. <». srKcjAi. i:i->r.u\ B. s^nM-iA.A^unvpAiD. DOMINIE 10 YEARS OLD. n*M*mc*m,mm*tm. OffjTAIKABU TWO* BRAIL I'l. M.VM*. oil McALISTI'iR ik nuiaam COALS. Ill E HOKKAIDO I*AN K( TETBUI K) KAISHA.
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    • 362 4 NOTICBa H C AUSTER 00. liivcfli Loading Doable-Band (inns. IS AAI HO LI IS 6i SONS I'.IUMINi.IIAM From 5.T0.00 to JW-VOO each. i.l (ASKS. MM Hrown ueatber|M»caeh. HattagOaavai 9 Ml GHJJi OOfEMB. ,t.i proof Cback pattern UJO each. GUI (MPLEMEHT& ),.r -I $8.00. A.MKKH AN IHG(iIKS. SK( III.Kl: AIM. e,,ni|.lete.
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    • 881 4 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERB, OPTICIANS. SBPAIRB PROMPTLY UMOTH). THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY t „1.,,«1 Id the '■■mUnmUl Hoptttla by Bteocd, K..1.U. Jobe t. V«lpa»n. ,*h«r«. oMnbuK. d lk« ■l ..l.i.U i.» b- xntbtiin aedidMaflkakM. tod vryU,m»hit'i»rto «l«flo7«d THERAPION NO. I. in d»7« onl^ 1 .-.i, .11 4i«l>arc» tr.m
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    • 1025 4 NOTICE& IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF NMUFOM 1096. Suit No. 217. Between The Owners of the .-t.-.i n i-li > Xeera Plainti/ and The Owners of the mcamshi //in (iuan and Ai. 0. Henry and other-, the Mas to ami crew there and th
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    • 69 4 NOTICES. ISMAIL AND RAHEEM. MANVrAtTI'HINO JKWEM.KHS. Under tht moit dittinguuhtd Patronage of H. H. the late Sultan of Johore. BAFFLES HOTEL. I>KEClors stone* of all descriptions always in stock and setting in every design under personal supervision by skilled workmen. Repairs executed at moderate charges, and I .clow thine at
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    • 98 4 NOTICES^ "TIMES" AND "BUDGET. Strain Time; po»t free, M 0 a r t->l a month, or ten cents a copy. Hlnit, Budyet,'post free, tM a year, or $fl a '|tinrtrr or 40 cents a copy. The a<lvertUii,K rat», are fir»t time, 16 cents a line iw\ and 3r.| times, 10
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