The Straits Times, 27 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHEDi I«:J1. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1890. NO. 19.00' J.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 518 1 VNDHKW aSHBR'S CELEBRATED WIIISKIKS. Mill. i r Vovember, INI In inn .il :m:ily- C.- (lid .-kv (a Mend ol i iitkii Munpled .1 cases randy .ii-i-. and find i iuslKt I'.inp md free H..IH ll i- ;i \.IV ordinary N Jilv pnlaUbk M M \|).\M. Pbjjj ii.-.k. h.iu.'-tiv JOHN UTTLE
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    • 560 1 J-.L... BUCHANAN WHISKY SffiiiiL IS THE BEST. SOLD BY ALL LIC'EXSED SI'IRIT DEALERS. IJltUk BtnimimaD to tiik Hoises of Lords and Commons and to all good London Cli'm :il I- NOTICE. TAILOBS, i:i;i-:b iiks .makki;s. tf ouTFirriitts, HATTOB, lIOSIKKS. oi;in;iis BY POST WCCKIVK PROMPT aQ^ QQ M pfj grj, g
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    • 407 1 ocihtisii (i::i i:\r\i. 'BTEAMBHIP O OOMI'ANY, LIMITED. Kki.i i.\k Lvii Bntrsn Bajtocok AM) lIUMIKUXC. I/.. Cupi. alder. BaWtMM Ki.n.l Bmg, Capt Brnater, 881 mi Clium; Cast. Joslin. BsH nsraCAes>iTteo,Oapt.Fowler,l^U i cli,,',, eh,.,., h'l'i,., C.-ipt. PlfOt, l.nlL- I'lmi Namg, Cant. Walton, 1/01 1),,,i,,.m i*t. Ciipt. Clliiis, [fit 3 Cloir lit. Cupl.
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    • 683 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, >TORDDEUTBGHKB L LOYD l| BKEMKN. The fast and well-known steamers of this me will leave Bingnporc on or about the undermentioned dates: OctwaKKs. Homewards. In arrive Sintfai-ore t., arrive Singapore Fou China. Fob EvBOPB. lxtK!. ISiXi. Savluni Nov. Il' l'rm**i n Nov. 13 l'rr until DM. !0 sVtMssn
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    • 720 1 INSURANCES LAW UNION AND CROWN KIBE AND LIIK INSIUAXCKCO.MI'ANY. ITOTJHDED Km H«vimr be-n stvsssM aKotit- f..r Iks »l.ove OosSSSSV, wo are n..w MSfSSM t.. teoapl 0« tl.iir behalf KIKKH at tin 1 t .riff rjl mill Inbueam PkoIMSAI.s. ill :.t*»lH»i.»i;, ,i,f'- lIKJSpOItM ■ml biMi- nf nit. whii-li arc uht
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    • 507 1 HANKS. nOMQKONG AND BHAXQHAI It.\NKIN(i COKI'OKATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL *10,000,(XHi. 1 KESVKVE FUND «,000,000. RESERVE LIABILITY OV\ „o nn nno,, IKOI'KIETORS I ..110,000,000. Ci'lKT (.F Piiiki Tons A. SIcCOX.WHIE, Ekj. Ciiaihmv.v. B.C MICIIAKI.SKN. Koy.-DEFUTr Chairman 1 1. .M..L. I BILL-IKVINU. I I.'. 1.. Hi, HAKI-,,N X-,, S. II DOUWKLL. Esq. I
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    • 785 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. Tiik I'kaititionkk "Ii Mas all tininiirka of a pun- and w.-ll iiiiitnr.-l spirit." I'HK I.IINIHIN MKIIICAI. Kk< IlKllEß.— It is an ueeHeni spirit, and we enn with conftdenee rMoniaead it as a cnotet -pirit fur medicinal purposes, Mkdk.ii. I'kkhk. A wrll-inatiiml -pirit with a captiviitiiiK flnvour an.
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  • 483 2 UTKBT M AKKKT UI< NATIONS. SIKUAPORK, i7TH O.TOBKB. 1898. PRODUCE. Uambior 9 tM, do Cut* No 1 11-00. do do So 2, 8.00. Conm Bali, 6XKJ. do Pontianak, fi-62}. Pepper Black 1L«). Sago Flour Sarawak 8J» do Brunei 2.«2i. Pearl Sago 8.(«. Coffee, Bali S4.7fi. Coffee Palcmbang SS.OO. Coffee,
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  • 128 2 J'rr sir. Tim,: To-M<ikhow Eorope via ports I' is a.m. C Pahaag via ports /v,-,/,,,,«. 7 a.m. lt:uiHk,,k Crntuur 7 a.m. San.lakan via port- QgmfU, '■> a.m. Saigon Til, r,, a.m. Ainoy via ports Clunny Chtu: X<K>n. 11. and Pontianak 11. ll S.OOll, Noon. Japan via ports Ravenna,
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  • 100 2 Kiio.M Bcßonrs— Bytha l'.ivo.s>. avi,,,,,,./. with dates to the tad Oet doe on ths BHh instant. TUn TABU Of Mails Dik. Loft Binflapore Due in London Arrived Aug. aStfi M. M. Sept. 17tli Sept. Kith SnH P* Q. S. pt. With Sept. 2Mth Ml, M. M.
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  • 94 2 AKKIVALS. Per a. a. Malaxtu from Tcluk Ansoa via ports Messrs. Bnwkwell, slmrliiii<l.(|flik, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. I'nterson, Mrs. Kirk, and Dr. 1111.1 Mrs. Freer. I'.r r/,,«. bass KlniiK via ports: -Mr. and Mra. llonvwill. Mi-. Hat, ,11. and Kcvl. K. Hapti-ta. I'oj I. O. s. 9. Prkiit from
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  • 150 2 (Fur the Far Eatl, l'.il' 40.5.5, /talla.irat from London, Sept M; Mr. .1.11 lialemn, Mrs George Mr and Mrs I) 0. tfeave, Mr H. O'Brien. mi, 1 Mr. .1. Barber. I'er I' A 0. fWewsa from London I>, t Mi- (Jail., way, Miss Uv, Miss Mitchell, Misses Anderson
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  • 19 2 KsTAiii.isiiK.n 18H1. I'KICE 10 CENTS [Hulitrriptum rntes tnul adtsrfWafl HBtBI truiy liefoitivl on Ihe fourth page.]
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  • 92 2 TUESDAY, 27th OCTOBER, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. HISSIA AND GERMANY. A 1>IS( hosilvK. \i;th (Msssr. The Iliuutungcr .\<nhrirlitf,t. a newspaper reputed to be the organ of Prim c Bismarck, says that, soon after the accession of the late Emperor Alexander I the Third, a secret agreement was con--1 eluded hetween the
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 365 2 TllK Iliiiulmi-ijer Xifhriclilru, a reputed Bisinaivki.'iii organ, has aroused int.ii-c sen>ation in Austria h_\ revealing a diplomatic secret. That disclosure hears pertinently upon the existing strained relations between Germany and Rama. The Emperor William vainly sought to win over the Kussian in, march on the lattcr's passage
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  • 17 2 Thi Bbmhm left Penang at lv p.m., yesterday, and is due here at 7 a. in. to-morrow.
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  • 15 2 At Kobe, a Chinaman has been sentenced to a year.- hard lahour for smoking opi
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  • 19 2 Tu Strath Bmdfd was issned, ai i a. to-ilay. A -iippi.incnl far the mail will he isMicd this evening.
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  • 23 2 Hnsam tton ikk i iivi: t v Co. advertiae an auction of land in Confederate ■stale on Friday, llie.foth inst., at their sale-room.
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  • 21 2 An important judgment, delivered by the Chief Justice yesterday altein i in an insurance case, will he found in another column.
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  • 24 2 Ox the Brd instant, the si.'ainer YamaMrt Mom. Capt. Jones, hit Yokohama as the pioneer vessel of tha Nippon Yuseii Kaiaha's new Australian line.
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  • 30 2 lloi'K is expressed at Tciiaii- that the S. ,11 tary of State will disallow the Siiig.ipoie-Johore railway, in favour of a line to conniMt Province Wellesley with the Malay States
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  • 28 2 At a Bajatta, at Shanghai, on the linli instant, the Bcottiah an woa Ike International Bights. There wer ily two crew> entered: Knglish and Scottish.
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  • 31 2 SUSPICIOU S. Labi night, Mr. Mosmlm. who nves si Th.,iiip-on Road, tmtnd six Chinamen lurking suspiciously around bis bouw He canghl two ol them, and handed them over to the Pottce.
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  • 58 2 Vkstkkdav afternoon, i man »va< I found lying lin the verandah uuUids the Straits Steamship Company'i uffieo. Ili- helmviour was so peculiar that passers-by thought be was mad 11. W.i- taken t.. the Police Station, l:n.| there it was (bund Iw wa» mfferini 1 cholera, and
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  • 76 2 AN tMPBMAL DDCREE IMK>RTANT AUTHORISATIONS (S/ifrinl Maajnasj Is ///<■ strait* Tim -nth Qthkw An baparial Decree lias just 1 1 issued at Peking which appoints Bheßg Taotai to he Director-' '.emral of the newly formed Railway Itureaii. with the rank of Viceroy The Decree also authorises the
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  • 637 2 .HIXi.MK.NT VKSTKKDAV Yksikkh.w afternoon, at the Supreme Court. Chief Justice sir Lionel Coi gave judgment in the case of A. T. Kasimjro versus tho South British Kirr and Marine InsuraiKc Company of New /oalund. This was an action by the plaintiff, Bombay trader, formerly
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  • 63 2 M.uou S. K. Mooiik, <il the Army Pay Department, died at Hongkong, on the :Mth instant, at the age of thirty-nine Major M w. who held rank In the South Wale- Borderen, was appointed to the Army Pay Department, in Hongkoaf- in MBS. He was well-known
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  • 72 2 Yk-tkhi.av. a Chinamaii. named Tan Lee, a cigar maker, was walking along nelegie Road carrying two boxes of cigars when be was met by four Klingn who said they were going to search his bouse. <in the way, however, they changed their minds! and, taking the I man's
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  • 87 2 TUB monthly medal of the Sei..,v 1.",.- (i,,if ciui, Hiii be played for on Saturday next, the :ii.-t in-i'. and on the same day. a gold medal will I.ecniI'lctc, for by the winners „f monthly medab during the past year. Play for 1 "•"'ii ship of
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  • 110 2 Tin: match, yesterday alter betwew Mr y WOmrit UAra, and Mr. 1,,/ c- resulted in an easy win tor Lubra, ridden by Mr. Acton tapt. Warren officiated as starter anil when the Mac fell. Mr Maxw.ll on'*W h£, went to the front, and all the Wai aloag the
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  • 1073 2 TO TMK BM 0> THK "uTRAtTS ttMU Sin, 111 IhrStfiiiln liitilijrt ,f |3,l October! I noticed ;i reproduction ..r ii i r i.-]«- penned by Mr Kitin-.i "Stweewof Dutch RateuiJara/ "n M gentleman, I am mn to aajr, ha '■'■nlii-cl n..ti f tin. Hate things
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  • 47 2 Tmk Hongkong Voluiiterr* l>i ,iln|, ;ll Sloii.tiiUii- inlall'l ITth instant. In the nfti VoloßtaMi took pad in fire'lni tin' evening, the whole ol di I with the men Xl varioui pri* i were ofll red t"i i mi open .in cononi «a? p** o
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1514 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. REPORT ON YVKARI COALS (LtJMP SHALL). CHINA MITI.AI. S N (O.S S S "jflNfl CHOW." HaSSS esasai fJSJTS laMfftd at MOsKHUM M hmwi this nhip. ami were ].ut into difVeient bunkers in order to lio worked against Tak.isiina small RESULTS *iw'*sfi m it Mil LOUT, I li. I
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    • 34 2 BHABBB WANTED. Itaubs (l:i/H) pai.l.i l'unionis. straits Trading Co. Tanjoii); ragar Dock Co. FOX SAI.K. liaul.s (tally pnid.) straits [asufiaee <'o. BOMBBVILLB GUXX. Exclmnp- A Basra Brokers. lOK (iKXKKAI. slllli'lNO NEWS HU I'AOK 4.
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  • 1927 3 vat anas ...I", the norther,, bulwark I. but lardy visited by any ol who make holiday no «hita. The llok',,,,wii p.ihaps. by itooU Ye/o.i- very l.caiih- „v ,-il; but it offers i.,, travellers who I, it and 111 o ,-,1,e people of the I okoh.'lii.a ixlan i
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  • 159 3 TneCauton [nsuranoe OOoa heW its it in !i ordinary grheral meeting at 11,, Kong on Ihe 19th Instant, with the H 1.1 1;. 11 Irving in tha Chair. The |,airman said that 0i« Company would „,v tlie same dividend to shareholders and bonus to contributor! as last year,
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  • 1485 3 THE HINUAPORE AUTUMN MEETINO. A point of interest in connection with the meeting just concluded was the commencement of racing by H. H. the Sultan of Johore. His father, the late Sultan, was a keen supporter of the local turf, and, with Mr. Abrams in charge of the
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  • 1967 3 MI.VITEIi OF I'KIM'KEMSCiR OK THE Municipal ComUHKOTM at ax Ordinary Mektisg on Wednesday, the 7th October, 1898. PIMUI: The Prfiii'iii. Alex. Gentle, Esq.; Col. lViuiefather, tin- InspectorMeaeral of Police; Tbeo. Snhst. Baa.; 0. T. Hare, J-:«| Tan.liak Kirn. Ksi, The Hontile T. Hlielfonl. r..M..i. mid 11. Meyer, I.SI|.
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  • 104 3 Date Yl.--1 N 1*1: PLAOiBIO i IH v^ 111 I IS \l |n\ h I'onanii U illmouth (;«lyp.o Millati Ban Poh (Juan II n Hin U urn gri Tringg«uu Ceutaur I'.M'lMl.a farolinfl ia Uio n IMIm-opboii l'.'klll Brit.itr rtr. -ii. rtr, rtr, -lr. -li. -lr. rtr. Ml. I >
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 28 3 Sore Throats "You sasjasi better Kai'Kle ih..,. CONDY." .S,, M,.,1l M..A. mut.M.P. "The Throat should be gargled with diluted CONDY. in rwiis S>^—. Condy's Fluid WUI, nwt U«ukolUlr.vllun^
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    • 901 3 NOTIOEB, CQAIJS THE HOKKAIDO TANKO TETBUDO KAISHA. (THI HOKKAIDO (DAL iflHl AMD RAILWAY coMI'AW.) capital m\»fi(mjm OmOES: TOKIO, JAPAN. 'ih'.H Company owns th.' railway pyatom of the llokkai.lo, mil the VIHAKUI sui:achi. PORONAI, and [KUBHUMBBTBU cod I ivoiluci,,,, *****0 lons per annuiii. I lie Company are also Iteamabip owtieri !.'ri
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    • 711 3 |''>usau;;i:mi»loy.\h:nts to let; and person al8; Iliesc .i.lvcrlißenicnts will be found on Ihe right hand column of the first pfißO I 1 Ie page.) TULLJ BROTHERB. queen Street. I IST received largo stock table Claret tl Bordeaux: (food table Claret doz. qts. $2.00 si. Jullien Medoe $2.90 pints $1.70 >t
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 222 3 WKATIIKU BKFOBT. .■..ih-/.i,i./ Kirlmu Bwpttai, tttk Oil. 1896 ilajn.3p.nij9 p.m. l' BUM 4 iiJSH :..:..:i cinp. 5.1.0 k;.o 77 (I W. It'll. Ther 7'.M> 77..-) 71 > i--I'ir.of Wiml X.K. K.B. N. -?"S^ Max. Temp. 87jO tßi Mm T.\A .Eij: Max. in Bunl6*jO >~ Terr. rail. 0OJ& S 3 liainfall
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    • 148 4 SHIPPING IN PORT L'lidertbis beading the following abbreviations are used: rtr. steamer; th. skip bq.— bar.jiie: Brit -British I S Inited States; Fr. French (icr. -(i.rmau Dut. Dutch; .loh.— Johore: Ac., (i. (inerale •argo :d p. deck DasaSßgers; I' rncer-li-in: T. I. W. Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D. Tanjong
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    • 1365 4 TRADING VESSELS Akkivals Since Noon ok TMHHT. //an -ran, Dut. str. t;m tons, Captain Koppeschaar, 17th Od From Bandjerinassin 2:\n\ Oct. (i.e.. and I K7 d.p. Daendels Co. For Bandjermassin, I— T. P. W. ll.tit Fo .S'.-oii, Dut. str. 2^:t tons, (nptain odink.'.iith Oct. F.oin PonUanak,MtbOct. lie. ,v .lod.p. Lim
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    • 477 4 port, pnbabU ilm. „i armat, »»4 turn* A. Apcar, Nov. 10; Barkien »nd SJo A.lulics. Liverpool, $0\ I: M;im-li. Aglaia, Hamburg, Dec SO; Bautenb i Anjer-. Kutchinotxu, $o\ i; M. li I Ausiialind. Prenuwtle, Ho* I: Boil i «d Bellona, Hamburg, I Bautcul Itcnlaweis. London. Nov. \J I'
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    • 110 4 I Vi.--u., N in,. Xl Al. l*< B W UI Xl >%1 Shi kl 1. 1 W 01 luciu Han K» Boon,, l' 7 Btiwoan -'7 Puk.haii W ri...u Phya rt 11, -'7 Cnwnthu iff Chuaug Chew 117 It ii-i -it wo BarwiM Bomkana Ocl »W M .Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 420 4 NOTICES, ,1 AM ES W ATSON (OS 800TCB WHISKIES Mil lil>l M.I I IN Till: MAKKKT: n s i IjW m ask. Don pad V V. (>. SPECIAL I!I>KI{N K. MM«I IKK ASK. I.tTV lAII. POMINIE, 10 VEARSOLD. *iaMwmatm,mmrtm 081 lIH \1 1 1 1 BOM KM Ml IM mm:-
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    • 319 4 GRIMAULT'S SYRUP HYPO-PHOSPHITE of LIME FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST All sufTtmi/ from Catarrh, Con- sumption Obstinate Coughs or j Colds ami those affected with diseases of the Chest, Lungs and Bronchial j Tubes, Inrjld lake j GRtHADLT'S SYRIIPof HYPO-PHOSPHITEnILUE PlMCribedb] Jin- leading medical autlio- ntus ii .ill ooontlfot for
      319 words
    • 417 4 NOTICES. M C ALLSTKR ft 00. Breed] Loading Double-Barrel dSiing. I>AA< UOLLIB SON BIRMINGHAM hm|Ml to $<"■.<» each. <;i.\ casks. Si.lid lliown i.. ;ilh.T»lKW.»oli M ailbßg Cam.!- 8.00 GUI niVKKS. Will. l|il.n,f Click pattern •J.UUeach. (iI.N I.\lH.|^:.\TS. AMKIJIi AN BUGGH& BE< 111. 1 I; .Mil. ...niplete. with hood, Mdnta, and
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    • 193 4 ROBINSON CO. BEDSTEADS. 0250. I I <;.(> x ;;.<; (!.(> x 4.0 (».«> x 4.<; <U) x .YD > (jo SEWING MACHINES. SINGER'S FAMILY HAND MACHINES. "■till ackowiedged to lie the liest many imitations no rivals. I'RICK WITH COVER *:!.Y Less Disc, 1 NT POB ("ASH. ■OU .UiENTs, ROBINSON CO.
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    • 928 4 NOTICES. ARCHIBg. 3. D. A. PEREIRA. HoKTICI-I.TI-RIHT AND K|..,KI«T. Collkitor axi> Exiiikter of Orchids. Orderti for Boui|iiet Sprays. 4c, 4c, Carefully anil promptly executed. ClicH|«--t House in tho Tra.le. NUBBEBY, OXI.KY KOAD. i. c. Addrcsa Af-18, Orchard Ro»d, Tanglin. DORDIS< 1 1 K PETROLEUM MAAI'SCHAPPIJ BOUKABAYA. Hannfactnrnni of Petroleum Lubricante.
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    • 45 4 NOTICES. ROEDERER'S CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNE. Belt Agent; BRINKMANN A Co Ktail, JOHN LIT ILK Co., (Lid.) BENSDORP OO.'S ROYAL DUTCH COCOA. entirely [Mire and nn l.lnltcrate is the bout value ill the market. Sole Audits, HRINKMANN 4 Oft Retail, JOHN LITTLE A Co.. Ltd. v. c.
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    • 51 4 NOTICKS. J. MOTION 00. WATCHMAKERS JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. BEFAIRB rROMPTLY BXBCUTBD EASTERN MORTGAGE ANB AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED Authorised Capital £',000,000 Subscribed OOo'.L'W Advances made upon Mortgage of holds, Stocks Shares and other approval securitiea. State. Muni.ipal, an.l other Public Loans negotiated and iitued upon the London Market. PATERSON, BIMOXB A Co.,
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