The Straits Times, 26 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. lXlAHLISIIKl): 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 189(5. NO. 19,061.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 577 1 VNDREW ushers u'l'l'iskTes. >■ 11. ill. .viuli.T, l«9l i ,1. i and Co.'b Old kj (i I l.ixl ..l ktw), I. <l I Jed CUM booM, and timl (lent ijuulity ripinjt ii .1 and tn» from h i- ithi i ith onlinary or I b lii^lily palaUble
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    • 1213 1 i^BUCHANAN WHISKY V^B^SmSt^MßaWssfc If% "T" I I mT mm r^ f mm 4f^ "T" K<tLK IMPORTERS SOLD BY ALL LJCKNBED SPIRIT DEALERS. Same ah siti-i.ied to ti:k Houses of Lokds and Commons and to all good LOMMai Cli'bs. SI I- NOTICES. ALWAYS DKINK TIIK ItKST, AND VI .t I'KKSKKVK YOIK
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    • 628 1 INSURANCES. rpiiE QUEEN TNRITRAVCE COMPANY I I WOW MH?«P!> IK TH« ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Home Offloen Qr/n> InuBAKCB BoiLDntoa, LnmrooL The nndrrnisni'd, Agents for the abore Company, lire prepared to take risk* at currant rates. iIOOQLANDT 4 Co. rpHE MA BINE INSURANCE COY, LTD. Capital Sitrmtoibiid. £100.000. CimALFAiDur,£lBo,ooo.RcnßV>,£Boo,ooo. j The
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    • 907 1 INSURANCES, LAW UNION AND CROWN KIRK AND I.IKK INSIKANCKCOMrANY I^OI'NDKK 1H25. H»vin(t k*n afsaaaM tt^enU fur *b* »Im>vo Coinp«ny, wo are mm prepared tv ,i on their Iwhalf FlKlt Inbiban. > liisKK at the t.rilT ntaa, sad« Inouici PboPOHALS. ill temin uf the Conipiinv'ii jironpertim and Uhle of rut.
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    • 709 1 Norici>'. G(HiI) ML i >AI4 PAWB, IB»: 1888 JOSEPH GILLOTTS PENS Of Hlgbi -t (Jn-lity. snd, having tho Ore:ite»t DcnbiHty, are, therefore, the CHEAPEST BANKS. HCINUKONO AND SHANGHAI HANKIN(i COin'OKATION. PAID-UP CAPITAI flO,000,0(Ki KKSKKVK FUND 9 H,OOO,O(KJ. KKSKKVK I. IAHII.ITY OKI rln(lf>( w,, PBOPBIETOBB J..»io,oijo,<m COOBI OF DIKKI-TOIIK A. M(CONA(
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    • 755 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. I'iik Laxcit. This i» n good, pui-e, mul wliolenonip spirit." Thk Scotsman.—" Singularly mellow, I thoroughly matured, and of tho nio-t i delicate flavour." Tjik Jlorni Mi A [ivKkTi-iEß.— "Thoroughly inntured. frngrnnt to the nose, and deli-i-inii- to the palate Tiik Frekmax'B Joiksm.. N exicllpnt in ipialitv
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  • 470 2 MTEST MAKKKT QUOTATIONS. Singapore. (Wth O-tobih. 1896. Gambier, 6.M0--do Cube No 1 11-00. Sago Flour Sarawak 8.55 do Brunei 2.H2|. FVarl Sago S.6S. Coffee' i 'ill. ml ,v/. BS.OO. Tapioca, small Flak* 3.1 W. do do lit quality S.7S. do mcd. flake „8.45. do small pearl, 8.46. do mast
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  • 124 2 Per >tr. Time. To-Morkow K. l'aliang via ports I'inlnnii, X a.m. Pekau via ports Lndy /,o,iy</. 9 a.m. Bangkok < rnUmr 1 1 a.m. Cotie via ports Una Liomj, 1 1 a.m. Klang via port! H. Hin flumt. t p.m. Penang lM\ Cali/ptv, 3 p.m. Hat u l'ahat
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  • 108 2 KKOMErKoi'F.:-BytheP.A-().s.9.«f(fc«,i». with dates to the 2nd Oct. due oil the 28th instant. Kkom China:— By the I. \O. 5. /Vi/,, due on the -'Tih October. Timk Taiii.k Ok Maiij Di;k. Left Singapore Duo in London Arrived An«. Ktfi M. M. Sept. 17th fecpt. Ititli Sept. 2nd T.
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  • 99 2 PASSENGER LIST ARRIVALS. m IV il";' ".'""r" f '°»> Uatavia: Haaata. I. I. <le Meyer J. DinxHalc Steidel L. PatMT, A- V VToilo. W. Oa\mrav[ A. bngeland. and .1, Urenkink Per s. s. lttan from Bomhav -Mr Warrack. Pers. Mpt irom Dfili :-Messr». Mnrtyn.and retlrint). P. r /.mi./ laafdta from
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  • 58 2 Per s. b. Aueur U,r I'l-nanir:— Mr. and Kta. Martyu, Mr. and Mr-. \ViUon, and Mi. OaUina, For Calcutta:— Messrs. Bt. John P. Jur«|uiiii, A. A. Holle. and VV. Oabotaa. iH',.,k.,1.\ l'er P. O. s. AWa for London -Mr. K J. Chuurnpan. For Coloiuho Mr. C. J. l'lillcfp. IVr
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  • 101 2 f fur <A< fur £a«(; l'er I. iV I'al'iuan from London, Oi-t 3: -Mrs. Ualluwny, Mi«» Lay, Miss MiW'lM'll, Iflam Anderson (J). l>r .1u.1.i. Dr. Webeter, Mr. oily.Mr. Barxbaom, Mr. au<i Hit jStenhoust-, Mr. mill Mrs Hutton and two children. Mlm a. Von Foeteek, Mi-. Makrill Bmltb. Mr.
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  • 19 2 Established 1831. PRICB 10 CENTS. [tfn/umpdon rate* ami advertising rules may liefouiul on the fourth pttge.]
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  • 42 2 MONDAY, 28th OCTOBER. 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. TIItKEY. UiDMMM akminu. hoiulon, MM Ocfotiei: The Turkish (iovernment is applyin}; the revenue from the new polltax far the purpose of arming the Mussulman population. The Ambassadors at Constantinople have met to consider this grave measure.
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  • 365 2 The Right Bar. Dr. Temple. Bishop of London, has been appointed Archbishop of Canterbury. The Right Key. Frederick Templo, IX IX, thelnte Bisliop of London, is sod of an officer in the annv, whs born Nov. :to, Ud, and was educated at the (immniar s.-oliiinl at Tiverton, and
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  • 416 2 BORROWING FOR RAILWAYS. O.N fc*ri<lay last, we stated that it had become the polu-y of the Federated •Malay States to l>orrow considerable sir.ii of money for further railway extension. We also indicated that it was Mr. 'Swctteiihain s view that the amount which whs re'|iiire<r roughly, hulf-a-inil-lion -t.-iluiL' could, without
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  • 43 2 liik Strait* lliul.jet, to l>u pttUkbad to- morrow, at noon, will contain tin' full and revised account of tlio ruee nieniaiiK uml of "dross at the MOM." Copiti eu» DM fiiiwardiil, j-oM li. diracl iioiu llm oAot Trier: X) ci I ate copy
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  • 15 2 Captain Andresen, of th# Elitahelh Rirkmen, died of dysentery off Bangkok, on the 13th instant.
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  • 19 2 MEMBB. Hoso Tek Chye A Co. advertise an auction of land on Friday, the 30th October, at their sale-room.
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  • 18 2 Mk. Vkhmont and Mr. Logan will come from Penang to sit at Thursday's meeting of the Legislative Council.
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  • 18 2 H K- Sir Charles Mitciiki.i. left Lnhuan in EMM, Rainlioir for Kuchiiifi, Sarawak, on Saturday evening, 2-Uli instant.
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  • 18 2 THB Chinese iovernment have addressed the Russian (Joverninent with the view of appointing a Chinese Consul to Vladivostock.
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  • 30 2 Thk next of kin of the hue I'hau Cheng San are notified hy advertisement to send in their claims upon his estate to the Registrar before a sp« (Mag date.
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  • 30 2 The marriage of Miss Lausstlaa Antoinette Adelaide van Oosterzec to Mr. Nicolas Godfried Maria I.uykx is to take place ftt St. Andrew's Cathedrnl on Saturday, Uth Noveinlier, at :<:«) p. in.
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  • 21 2 Dikino the last forty-eight hours, there has only been one case of cholera. That was in Bali Lane. C Division.
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  • 39 2 Rimoi k has it that a cotton spinning factory will be started shortly in the parish of Tutuban, Manila. This new industry is undertaken by an English firm. The machinery has just arrived at Manila.
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  • 47 2 The Siam Free Press states that an excellent harvest is expected there. The rains this year were early, and ploughing was commenced in good tune. and planting was pushed forward. During September and the beginning of August, the rains wore constant and heavy.
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  • 46 2 1)k. FkKKK has arriveiW.olll Malaica to act as Resident Burgeon at the General Hospital here, and I >. Croucher has gone to Malacca to aot, as Colonial Burgeon. Two medical men who arrived from England lately, have been posted to the (Jeneral Hospital as house surgeons.
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  • 54 2 It is rumoured that, on the return of Mr. 11. A. O'Brien, on Wednesday, he will act here as First Magistrate, relieving Mr. Anthonisz, who will proceed to Penang to act in a similar capacity. It is also said that, on Mr. Trottei s depsrture, Mr. O'brien will
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  • 53 2 A chi.ntinu, residing in l'rtiisep Street, awoke early yesterday morning to lind a Chinaman in his bouse. When he got out of bed, the Chinaman tpeatnl] decamped, but he took with him a quantity of clothing, six gold hairpins, three krosangs, mid two rings, of the
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  • 55 2 H. E. l-l HiNo-CiiANO arrived at Tientsin on the 3rd inst., and m received at the railway station by tinforeign community, tin- Chairman ol the British Municipal Council (Mr. K Cousins) delivering a short address of welcome. Li looked in excellent health, not the least jaded, and M
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  • 62 2 Yestekday, by reimest, the Singapore Police arrested, in Johorc, two men suspected of liaving balangtd to a gMg of three that recently druggeil a woman iii Arab Street, and robbed her of 51,7u0. Kecently, Mr. I^andau lost a gold watch. The Police have recovered this from
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  • 59 2 The Spanish mail steamer Antoniu Lopez arrived yesterday afternoon from Manila, and left this morning direct for Aden and Barcelona. The General commanding the military forces in the Philippines returned to Spain by her. I >art l v <>o account of ill health and partly owing to
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  • 64 2 Ng Ah Oka*, a member of a Secret Society called Ihe Teoh Tliean Soo," against whom a warrant for banishment from the Colony was issued in IMCJ, has just been arrested by the Police, at I'euang. llu has been evading the I'ulice all these years. The
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  • 47 2 THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR'S HAT "Wao'l that in tlm hat r Ktiid a steamshij) passenger at Saturday's race-meeting. "Ishe a. betting man That is the CJovemor. Come now, who are you getting at f "That is the (iovaruor -OeputyGovernor. "Well, I'm d--(l. What does the real Governor wear
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  • 74 2 CotOinL Van Vliet has been appointed to be Civil and Military (Jovernoi of MW About the iniikllo of last week, two regiment* and the armed police pursued the .scattered bands of the enemy far into the mountains bordering the valley of the Aehcen river All the .settlements and fi.rtiucation-
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  • 94 2 Tiikkk «a< mi owrtluwiiiK hour..' Nt Hamilton's ('inns OB Saturday innhl.. when ih.Mun.-lii.lin^ p—*TTl»fn oftho visit WM niven. A special jumping 10.-t loi lueul ImMM was held, anl was watohed with the graalaal Intojoal Di Dod.l cairyiiiK „ff tin; trophy, v lian.l aoaw spirit htiuul. To-day, the Circus
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  • 342 2 At eleven o'clock, yneterday Borniiu At the Cathedral, under the mom m,,,,] cious circumstances, Mr. Bob Lov.. Kri united in marriage witb-the fair pro. prietress of Harmston'g Cfanma. There was a very large congregation, and t1,,. tasteful toilettes of the- 1a1,,., lf the Circus BMfokad the
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  • 377 2 Mk. J. W. Davunoh, the, dent of the Hongkong Daily /V»«, hai returned thither from Manila. vhHbai he had BM to lind out how inatten stand. The siispiciuiisiie-- ..I tlie S|..i nisi 1 Government, and the lying 1 liarac ter ol 1 In- natives, hampered tii« .|n.-i
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  • 73 2 The 'rikislia oooliet at Hoii koM struck on the morning of Ihe i" instant, on the ground that thf l"' :l1 tiet Inflicted at the Police trivial l.rc.iclio .it regulation!, not waiting at the propel itaml impeding (raffle by moving slowlj ibtmi the streets looking oul for fa
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  • 90 2 Tiik afUnoon ol Satnrday, th« l (l October, iritnnwnrl one of thi! i' santc-t Qymkhanaa ever held liatu Qajah RaceCouwa Tli was line, and the attendance wellni' the average. The racing m» some of the Bniahet extremely The prizes were nven away h) Oaborae, the wife
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  • 87 2 Mil. M.viniN, a "aider at the Pri went lo bed last night at one. At two o'clock, be wa« l,v- a noi.-e. but did not gel up, and, oelockoliri-ill-.Kelul- -e.h. tainftwallhi. clothe and otlw Shortly before nine oclock in waa fouiTd by the police, a,,l
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  • 73 2 Via Btmgkok i Lo*do», WthO TIM Kmpeior William >'■'• I'" lo Hi,- Qaw at im-l.idi Lord BaUabury. In replj <■■ explain tl»' position ol ih< with reference to the Armenian MgNla t ii:i> in- i" nnabl beeaaat Qioal BrlUln li nol i" 1 1 Isolated action m Btamboul
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1740 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. COALS. Till; HOKKAIDO TANKO TETSUDO KAIBHA. (THE HOKKAIDO GOAL MINK AID RAILWAY COMPANY.) CAPITAL SI 2,0<)0,000 UIWCMi ToKIO, JAPAN ,|..iiiv OWM tin' railway system of the Hokkaido, and tlie VI'BAIUU. -uUacim. POBOHAI, uA UttiBBOMWnVB cmi mines. PmJmUm «uo,ouo |'„n- i —mini Tl><' Company are also steamship own. •>-.
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    • 26 2 BHABBB WAHTB). S 1 raits Insurance Co. Kaulis. I'lllljOlllS. Straits Trading Co. TanjonK i'liuiu- Dock Co. l'atali ng Coffee Co. SOMERVILI.E GUXX, befcaaaj* a Share Brokers
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    • 92 2 M. 8. 8. MmAti for the MniU Timn «hoiU'l tw written OB on* aids of th* papm onlj. Ht th* n^loot of that oondition. many M. S. S. an r.p^twl that rniffat othnwiM b« pnhUihrd. All ad»«rti«in» oontraota an rabicct to tha oon'lition that Urn Hana««r may laaT* the a-lvmtinenn-nt
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  • 1389 3 111K n hmn mriM ulHl.Twl.irl, th.'th. Aint ,i,v- netai "f 'I took place .-..uld n ll|ll ri v ,.,l A f-'lnri.. ■„,,,1 U. |,,..H tin- aft.T.i...., I what!, laj experience, the I to L-rumMr al 1 1 nwrn.n.v TIM ■tt—lfall I Urge, and, when t nethraed siujaslliewi lowill
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  • 637 3 i;V tURHt h'w.n hki> liv tin 1 best of weather, the racing on Batnrrtny m m jjood m oould l,e desired by tM ino^-t exact in:: of tportamen. The course wai in retjr good condition, and tlio heat in the early part of the afternoon was
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  • 1404 3 Thk lawn, on Saturday was as a lair Mower garden, where tlie flowers could walk, and talk, and smile. The lovely weather brought out all tlio ladies in their best array, and, in the soft afteriinuii light, the variegated colours of the gown?, blending or contrasting
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  • 66 3 Tut fojlott-iiiK table ahowi the mounts of thoee joikoys who pasted the post in the first Uum: Pint, liecoml. Third. ("alder T Campbell •> I Mr. letoo I HajM > If r. OarUnd <• o Hnlli-y I 1 Kirwan I Mr. Qamlater 1 1 Mr. lUxwell I 0
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  • 155 3 .The ,Str<iit.i Budgtt, Iv U- puNMed l(,-nwmjii;ul iiofiii, nill mvliiiii the full mul liri'snii BOfMMM tf tin' Paw meeting mul »J "dremai theraem." ClsjHstoaa I* forwarded vod fit*, direei fovm Hie Office. Prilt l<> cent* /><•,■ lOpff. 11. M. TUrd. Mr. II. 8. Taim •"> Mr. D. 1».
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  • 87 3 Tiik other day, at Tampin, in the Xegri Sembilan, a man was accused of having a familiar spirit and of having caused it to aftiict several people the Penghulu of Bapah wished Mr. A. Hale, the district otKcer, to punish the man, but Mr. Hale could not see his
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  • 342 3 A OBUS mining suit, which had s-ve-ra! limes been heard and decided, came off on appeal before the Judicial Commissioner on Thursday last, and tinappeal was dismissed. There i- a ciiiioiipoint in connection with this eaee. Lpeiji the plaintiff, applied to his Lordship to be allowed the a-sislanee
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  • 62 3 Ox Saturday morning, a detective constable was in a pawnshop at Kampong (ilam when a Javanese came in to pawji a bundle of clothing. The i unstable asked to examine it. and the Javanese immediately ran away. The constable pursued and caught him. and discovered that the clothing
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  • 162 3 PLANTING IN ULU LANG AT. A 320-acre block of forest land, adjoining those already granted to Messrs. Parry and Feilding, was alienated during September in favour of Lord Denbigh, forming, together with those blocks, what is now known as the Belmont Estate. A further area of :t2O acres was also
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  • 213 3 In reading the story of the outbreak in the Philippines, many of our readerare unaware how intimately associated India has been in her time with the islands. It was the East India Company, in the beginningoftheseventeenth century, who fust thought of approaching the islands in the
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  • 254 3 In Klanu. during l.i-i naoatli, -i.\ applications for land for large estatewere received for 1,880 acres in il!. Five of the?e applications were made by Mr. K. B. Meikle. two being forSM acres for Mr T. N. Christie and three for 960 acne for Mr. L. Davidson. The
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  • 54 3 Kamlany h'erbau llotpital, gM OM, IM'> 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. llEJiAKkfi. Bar. 49.V7J UBtd ili.'j7 1 Temp. P.-U 7f.f MJ >.jj \V. BMI.TIht 77.-J 7(>.0 ,74. r- 7= i IHr.ofWlndlN.E. N.K. iiilm t8 *c If v. Temp. w.9 :< Mill 7(1,". 'S Max. in Sun Hi)..-,
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  • 42 3 A. A 0. IWajrapk c,,., ■S>il, n,i. HOMQKONU. Ifaroineter .iO.'L'. I'inetioii of Wind K>.i;. Force of Wind SU.\. temp, in Shade M. MANILA. Ti.l N.K. I. :«i. Tin. Standard time Lull- at Fort Canning ami rul.i Brani fell correctly to-day.
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  • 115 3 Monday, I'iiin UcTonUt. High Water. 0.18 p.M riiilli.ii'inonic Choil SBO TIKSDAV, -7 IH OdOMI High Water. I L"ia.m. 0..".l p.n, WkUNKSDAV, SBia OiTollKK. High Water. 1.1.-.a.m. IJBpjB. P, it I), outward mail, due. V. ftp. homeward mail closes. 8 aan. Municipal Commission. 2.:(0. Thi'bsdav, High Water, a.m.
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  • 51 3 VES SELS ADV ERTISED TO SA IL. Par Panaag and Calcutta, Wndnto, on I'iitli (t.i., Boustead >v Oe. China sadJakao, .V .in.- nil No> ItorneoCoHoagkong. Cii»<ydro, due Wtli October, 11. .11-1. -Ml <t (\l. C'alcutUand »<-n\toy, MOIh ii.-t.. I'at. r-.'ii Si7>oii- it Cv lVimi,- unil Cnli ntu\| ie»Mh Oct.. Bon-'ti-ail
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 802 3 NOTICES. MiTICK. NETHERLANDS CONSII.ATK (iENEKAL. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. nPHE rtrh-tl iiijf l>y <>f I h.- Salt Kami 1 cif ft—gUll* ftlt one mid three Venn-, will tnkc place on Thursday. I nth November next. J. .1.81. FI.EI RY, \g. CoiiKuMicncral for the N>lhi'rluii(l>. s. s. Singapore, L'-ird (Holier, ltf»H. I
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    • 819 3 KORSALK; EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; AND PERSONALS Tlicnn adverti-enient- will Ija found on the ritflit hand eolnmn of thf fir«t paffc (title page.) BOAKI> ANI» LOnoiNC. fty> l>e had for a married rouplf or nmnll I t.iinily. Situation cloko to town. lie. Apply to It. 11. e/o Strait* Timn. HOARD AN;i
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    • 109 4 I'ASSED 81XDA STRAITS oli AkRIVEI) FOR ORDERS. !■<»'■ Date From Date, and Ship's Name, i Commanded ok Where Rio- Sailini.. Dmot. ATION Ke■MABKM. Ott 16 Brit. 8.8. Stratliulydc Walton 18 s.s.Sevasn HuUHton 1H s.». :KeiitiK<'rn Kairwoatlu'r Itf »h. Falls of Garry Lawrence 19 Mad x.s.Salak Brouwcr 19 Brit kllGloozcup
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    • 32 4 I I Dv MtautlM FlaoAUh. Quui tamuaoa HM U-ong ,tr. Rdilie T. Sea via poife HI L'n.fula ,tr. Withe., ful.-uttk tin i\ WilHon Bangkok 8 £te£ir IsLs S&T 1 SEs vi
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    • 145 4 l.'ndrr this heading the following abbreviatioim are used Htr. steamer »h. ship lH|.-baroue: Brit Britinh I. S. I/nited MUtes; Fr. French; Ocr— Ocrnian Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— Johore; Ac, U. c, Gnerale cargo d.p. deck passengers: V. t'neortain T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.— Tauioug Tagar
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    • 1487 4 Arrivals Sikcb Noon or Saturday. Antonio Lupet, Span. str. 21H3 tons. Capl. (larcia, I'Sth Oct. From Manila flat 0.-i. (i.e. E. AH. For Barcelona 26th -I. t. W. Ilullnwulh, Brit. str. 2607 ton.-, Captaiii Davies 26th Oct. From Batoum -.'.Vh Sept. Oil. For Hongkong to-day -B. W.
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    • 487 4 uinnf ol n<irnt: A. apcar, Km. n>: SarUeeand Hosea. Achilles, Liverpool, N..\ I; afanad m Aglaia, Hamburg, !>.•.■ ■>); Bantenborx Anjers, KutchinoUu, Sort; M. 11. Kninhs AustraUnd, Prentantle. VJ.v I; Bou-tciul Haw. -mi. Baodicrnuwain, Ocl ii; Uw-ndela. Bellona, 11.-i urn. !>■■.■ Rautenberg Benlawers, London, Nov. it; P, Bimos]
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    • 150 4 5 Name. To**. Captals I Kkom Baiuo. Oct M flrl l'oiitianak Dut sir. Sll 'SKSi M (h-rtiinnm „>. i-, S k:;::: io a* BsSsr 5 oi«rS«- «g Kyf. i i^/i I W M..JH U« l^mrd J Pvoanf Ocl II 1 1 i Cotl* Ocl 17 Wee Bin i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 861 4 NOTICES. .1 AM KS \V AT SON cV COS Sdi'lVll WHISKIES Ul III! l'.l>l I \|i I IS 1111. MAKKKT: V V f) MIV PAIU. V. V. (>. SPECIAL Kl>Kll\ 1,. m (.«!!> m n paid DOMINIE. K> YEAKS OLD. **-> OBTAiXABU raOM BRAIL i-i:\i.Ki:- "I: M« ALISTIIK (>.. ■OLBAOBW*
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    • 381 4 Relieves the sealJini; pain ji once \3i*jSf CURES liarf "in MHBji i in JUMMimW 43 HOURS ial-Midy j L'nlikcihtf.>.n, is a Bazars. mi. lor paiba.i. 01 Injections, and causes no inconvenitn.x Etch n:i> Capsule/^~J\B(^| b«>r> ihc nime\W/Kni|Cß 8, RUE VIVIENNE, PARIS THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY fliia mi 'iv-tiul .lit 1
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    • 450 4 NOTICES; BOLK AGENT: Breech Loading Double-Barrel Ciunw. Isaac HOLLIfI son: IiIIt.MINIiUAM Ki.,in UOtlM la B '..(X) each. BUS (ASKS. Solid Clown lx.-ullit.-r *IS.OO KaDbag Dawn two i UN <OVKI!>. Waterproof (heck pattern *i.i»i .a. h. GIX IMPLEMENTS. per set |».00. AMERICAN' KUUIiIKSi. ~K< HLER CART, complete, with boo. lamp
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    • 864 4 NOTICES. DORDTSCIIK PETROLEUM MAATSCHAPPIJ SOirKABAYA. Manufacturers of IVtroleum LubricantUnequalled for Steam Engines, Cylin Jen, and erery claw of Machinery. MAX STERN O>. Acenle. i ISMAIL AM) KAIIKKM. suaanwtvaWHi imuw Under tlie most dinlintfuinlieil Patnnwge of 11. 11. the fair cMaM t/JUUn RAFFLE." HOTEL. PRECIOUS stones of all descriptions alwiiys in
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