The Straits Times, 22 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. KSTAHLISIIEI): mi SIXGATORE, THURSDAY, (KTOBER 189(1. NO. 19,058.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 476 1 iNDREW USHERS i ELEBIUTED WIIISKIKS. Ball, •,,.i November, IBtl ii,-,,,i,-:.lan.ily- 1 1 hked ol lu-kic-) iled i i-c- ready use, .iii.i Bad ni iiiiality l.c-iiiL' Erea tram I I I- \c-IV s itli ordinary c.r |j palatable !> A.M. I'll i.i I.- B. I lieniistry jollN LITTLE I rii\|l'A\V. LTD.
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    • 1518 1 I^^BUCHAN AN WHISKY UUaSgSgfa^l^^Pigßfl ap Mtssai pa*, rvm fm* mmmm HULK IMPUUTKIiS -"-'r-™™™ IS THE BLST. .SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. Ail J L liiX\Ji Samk v mffUß to ihk Houses of Lords asd Commons and to am. good Londos Clcbs. :>l II STEAMSHIP OQMPANHa I wl KdMNKLLIK'E I'AKETVAAKT
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    • 595 1 INSURANCES. T!l E QUEEN IVSURAVCE COMPANY WOW MFROKn Il» THB ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Home Offioeg Qvanr limiibahcb Bdildikoi, Liviepool. Th« nnderglimed. Agents for tbe above Comjwny, tire prepared to take risks at current rates. iIOOGLANDT 4 Co. rpHEMAKINEINBTJKASOEOOY, LTD. Capital Bitbscrtbed, tIOOfXX). Capital paid tip, £1 80,000. Rksibvi, £«00,000. The
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    • 699 1 LNSURANCES. I LAW UNION ANDCKOWN rIKK ARI> LIFE INSIKANCK CdMI'ANY. I^OUNI>ED iHi'o. H«.in(r atta ajvstaM !...'rnt- for tic* above OtHSSsy, we are new |>re|mrcH to attSSt their lehnlf Fikb Isscb(N. k Risks at tun tcriflT rafn. nn.l Llt'K Inhukax, Propobaln. in tcrnm of tin- Cuuumj's |iriwpi><-tii-an.l Ulilo of wliii'h an-
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    • 1115 1 BANKS. nllMlKllXd AND SHANGHAI BAN KING CORPORATION. I'AII) I'l' CAPITAL *10,000,UUi. I RESKKVK FUND 0,000,000. KKSKItVK LIABILITY OK) lr)mnnno IKOI'KIKTORS 1 10,000,000. Co*J>f OF Dihkctoiw: A. McCONACHII, Bs%— Chaikhas. S.C MU'HAKI.SEN. K«j.- DavSH Chairman Hon. J.J. Hsll-Irtino. I K. L.Bichakuion, Ere), (j. 11. 1),. i.« km.. Esq. I Alia Ross.
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    • 774 1 DE WAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. liii: I'kaititionek -|t ha» all the marks Of a poM and well-matured spirit.' TllF. LoTDoa Mei.kai. BMOUOb It i- an excellent Rpirit. and we can wMn 1 confidenco nvommend it an a choic;. iplril for modieinal pill III— i Mkdii-ai. Press. A well. matured spirit with
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  • 469 2 I.ATKST MARKET UUOTATIONS. SiKOAroRB, 2ixc itcmnii, IKM. PRODUCE. Gamliier I 6.75. do Oubo No 1 11.00. do do No S, 8.00. t'opro Bali 6.08. do I'onti.inak O-'S. Pep|»-r, Bl«ek, 10..T0. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3-40 do Brunei 8.8K4. I'earl Sago 8.68. CoSfie, Bali, 84.78. Coffee Palembanc ('o«ee, Lilwrinn. No. 1
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  • 45 2 For Per ttr. Time. To-Mokrow. Japan vi» ports Aden 7 a.m. Bali via ports Hanlam 2 p.m. Penang H. Kian. i p.m. Penang and Deli ,Ip.m. Bangkok Hecate. 4 p.m. Bangkok U. S. Ouan, 4 p.m. 6<ATI-KUAY. Labuan via ports asasWl 4 p.m.
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  • 105 2 Fkom Ei-rope :—By the P. &O. s.s. Ravenna. with dates to the 2nd Oct. due on the 26th instant. From China:—By the P. &O. s.s. Pekia, due on the 27tb October. .11 Singapore Due iu London Arrived Aug. 25th M. M. (Sept. 17tli Sept. ltith Sept. 2nd
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  • 382 2 AKBIV.MJ*. Par s.s. saewas from Klaag via Ifasaeaa— Houlile C \V. Sneyd Kynnersk-y, Mrs. K> nncrsley, Hon. K. K. I»enionger, Messrs, Meßean, Smith, Lyons. Hone. Foster, and Careen*, Per s.s. Sri llonu Ann from Tcluk Alison ua ports:—Mrs. and Miss van ttanlenberg. Per s.s. (lorgun from Baiajlrea* Bei
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  • 132 2 STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY, 22ND OCTOBER, 1896 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established: IKil. PRICE 10 CENTS YSubacripiivH rote* and adeertifing rate.--■nuty lie found on the fourth page] TRAFALGAR DAY. ■■KI.KItK.MIoNS IN LONIH>V iMndmt, -Jrliul (A-fo/wr. The anim tiki it of the battle of Tra- falga'was widely celebrated in London under the auspices of
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 33 2 Thk Committee of the Sporting Club 1 at their meeting to-day decided to add I a money prize of three hundred dollars to the Governor's Cup to be run on the Third Day.
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  • 34 2 Fairy Tale having changed ownership* on the lir.-st race day will be run to-day as Chua Soo Tuan and Cos. The colours will be pink and chocolate stripes and not those in the book.
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  • 171 2 Thk Chief I'olice Oflicer has drafted new rules for the regulation of traffic al < the Supreme Court, aud at the Town Hall during H-tiormance.B and assemblies. Hitherto, conveyances have been allowed to stand in the road iiiunedi--1 ately outside the Supreme Court. In I future, they will, while waiting,
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  • 8 2 There is be a Jelebu noon, to-morrow.
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  • 10 2 Thk Sultan gives a luncheon party at I Tyersall to-day.
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  • 14 2 The American Tailoring Coy. advertise the opening of business nt 81, Brass Bassa Koad.
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  • 16 2 Mr. MIKKAV-CAMrBEi.i. is understood to have left Europe en routa for Siam on the loth instant.
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  • 19 2 Mits. A. Cimmixu is among the pasI sengers expected by the Kainar-I-lliml, I I due on Sunday, Mh November.
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  • 19 2 H.M.S. Farptm left this forenoon for I Colombo to escort from there the tor- j pedo catchers Handy and
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  • 27 2 ItEl'oitT has it that one of the medical gciitleincii of Bangkok is about to import a complete Kontgen apparatus, for the production of the X-rays, from Berlin.
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  • 28 2 L*anal are invited to note that such accidental errors probably printer 1 errors as may occur in Drc.-s al llic Baeaa" can ba etiwetad for the Strata Itmlijii.
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  • 22 2 THE "ESMERALDA. 1 U Selaugoi yacht tk aWI an ired tins iiioiinng *****1 Klang with Messrs. I Rogers and Belli, -1, 1
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  • 31 2 CAN ON GREENSTOCK. The Key. (anon (ireenstock, the I Aii_'li<--ui Minister at Bangkok, arrived here this morning in the (10,-<jun oa liis way to Europe. He leaves on ac.ouiit of ill-health.
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  • 40 2 Thk Ar,;,: r tkt TumYm states that a branch of the Baaqoa da rindo-Chine is about to be established at Bangkok under the title of the Banque Colouiale. A branch will be al.-o estahlilhed :t Battamhong.
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  • 47 2 THE M UDA BUND. b is reported at IVnang that Mi Calloott, the Deputy Colonial Kmiineer, has been making a thorough and searching examination of tho Mmla Bund witli a vi,w t.> reporting nn tho recent breaches in it, which an said to ■a sixteen in number.
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  • 48 2 At Bombay, up to the lith instant, 1 there had been 2U.'> cases of plague with lU.') deaths The epidemic was declining On that day, cane of ujagtw oceurrud at llowrah, aji insanitary nil tar of Calcutta. Thik case hak oou .1 ooneJdanbU ixcitement thvie
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  • 40 2 (Mr eporting corrpApondent, Xantho*," gives, to-day, the probable winners M follows First Griffin Handicap, -apomioy or I KciNA Socond liritfiu Handicap. Room. Kx»adsten>. koi.i.cttb. C'lub'Cup. mni.timi. Tanglin Cup. -phi Laos. Read Stakes, why not or". Intermediate.- ena.
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  • 24 2 1 ThkKE were three BMM of cholera yeiterday, one at :«< Tanjong I'agur r.oad. one at I'nlo Brani. and one at 64 Kochore Koad.
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  • 22 2 Law night, there were stolen from Sergeant Mercer's quartern, at Tanglin Barracks, four parrots which the Sergeant values at $«0.
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  • 60 2 On .Sunday morning next, at the Cathedral, Mr. Bob I.ove, of Harm ston's Circus, will be united iv the bondof holy matrimony with Mrs. Harmston A reception will afterward* be heli! at the Waverley Hotel. Doubtless there will be a large crowd to witness «■> interesting a union,
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  • 76 2 James Welfare, third cook on Mr. II MacCalinonfs yacht Uirubla, died of cholera on board the yacht at two o'clock yesterday afternoon. The fuueral took place at Itukit Tiiuah at half p;i-t gcven this morning. The yacht is in quarnn tine, but will leave for Hongkong
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  • 96 2 Thk papeivhaße met, yesterday, at Orange (irove. After a brisk run of about three-quarters of an hour, the riders finished at Molyrooii. jumping four hurdles in Holyrood grounds There were about a dozen Ban A large gathering of In He- ar.d gentlemen had been invited to partake of
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  • 103 2 Thk Japanese Naval Coiumission in i Kii^'lainl has received tenderß from five of the leading shipbuilding firms of the Kingdom tor the construction of 11 battleship. The firms were:— Sir William Armstrong. Mitchell, and Co.; Messrs. J. and O. Thomson (Limited), Clydel.ank: the Thames ironworks anil Shi pi
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  • 119 2 At a liieetin^of tlie Kincru'encv (.0111--mittee of the National Krce LabourerH' Association, at 79, h'enchurch-strecl, K. C.,c.nSept.2l,Mr.('olliii!>oii,theSe,i, tary, said that in tho event of a strike any number of *****1 could he concentrated at t lie point within twenty foui hours. Knim IM7O to 1888 tbere
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  • 119 2 At Triestf, thivc cxpv.riinc.d dn.i> are ungagud ujkhi a highly ialaiwalilia task. In 1811 a tcnihle explosion took place in the harbour there, the causes of which have never been explained. Much loßk of life and property- was caused, and the Jjniuie, a naailll frinalc. was sunk. The
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  • 115 2 At Hampton* eirMM, thin miwing tlirn- will !,<• prrscnted a complete WBMIgB of pHHTIMM. To-morrow, Mr U>ve, th« popular MOMf of tlio < ompaay, will Ufa a banam and oa thai or,asi,,ii, than will be included iiillMM I|(lii.1 lii. iivpr<, K i:iiiii,i.. 8 ,-v..rali,.,v,i. bet that iav, not
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  • 50 2 'Via trnftrnkj I.oni,(jn, V|||, "trt t h M the ..ue.tion of K«ypt. l >l UahOaaakar. Dr. Kav.. 1, Director 01 n,,. nu 1 \:r;:zT «^>2y?BS! turn, Hiih OBtaaw i BuaJa and fcrttaarknd haM tkaMela '"•«'vuit| 1 Kn 1 le,,1 e,,o 1 ,n,.in K the Tuni- I -i«n npitulations
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  • 54 2 ■BAB it vktilß ormt. ■Siii i<iimie, -Jiiul October 1,.,. Ordirly offleer for t lls ljllK k CaptW. a S,. OWr. Or ly U2Zi ti,,,, i i 1 rtv k E PaMdaai Mwatlaj. Ui a n m«n.. MdrilL \VV.,,, 7 lav Si.uadn,, Kn^ k-, ni lv
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  • 604 2 On Monday, the 19th, Mr J M 1 of Singapore, exhibited hi« n«»lv ted Liln-rian Co.Tee Pulpor *n s, KMa.e, Kuala Lumpur! before M ,2* •need planters and r..pre-,,, tnti M nngiiicenng firms. Amongst tl seat were: Mr. Carey, the Chairm.r, Mr. Ton, QW -.1,,. M,,n 's
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  • 315 2 1 /■>../,, 0m QorrmpondtiU KOOTIIAI.I. Thk linal tie for the EUeMenl K".,i ball Challenge Cup wW |'l.n I mi Saturday, the 17lh inst., before 1 imsll attendance of ■peotairon Kiwi basl the Kuala Lumpur Asiaiir- I 1 ,ur snail to one, a ratlnr easy 1 tory, ThiH was
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  • 1513 2 Thk Qetobef number I Journal" U most interesting uii'l able I'M.'. Their I V IliallV CleVI I sketches and articles. Oui old "John Leach ill the huntil fully illustrated. There are twu v tionally line full page illustration Fugitives iii I. ril. l.v Wallei Day-dreams," an exquiaiti
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 23 2 S1IARK8W ANTED. Straits Insurance Co. Kauta. I'unjoms. .straits Tra- ling Co. Tanjong Pajtar Dock Co. PntaliiiK Cuffee Co. SOMKRVILLE&UUNN, ExohaiiRO <t Share Urokoi-b
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    • 93 2 M 8. 8. intonded far th* BBSMiB TWuu .ImuM W wrHton on aim rid* of tb* p*a*r only. Hv Urn MfUrt of that oonditiom. muny M S.t). an rojfcUd that mi, ht nth«rwiM b* pabUak*.). AU adr.rti.inir contrmrta an mbwet U> th. aaarik tioa that tb* Manager may lasr* ttia
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  • 456 3 Tiik next Penang race meatiag i? Bxed for the 12th. 14th. and 16th January, 1^97. The proposed programme comprises three dan 1 racing, with seven events on each day. The racef and prizes are Kir?t Day.— The Maiden l'liite, for maiden Uorsea (per Rule XIV. of the Straits
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  • 1180 3 more or less degree to all districts of the X. public where soil and climate are suitable. The port of Maraeaylw ships annually MM :«»,(KK> tons from llic Aniline .States adjoining Coluinliia, Puerto Cabcllo about 7,000 tons from tlie country round about Valencia, and La Guayra from 12,000
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  • 457 3 The handicaps appear to be very good, and. although it looks as if several of the first day's winners will score again, yet they have got their work cut out to succeed. There are six left in the first griffin handicap, and it will he a very close
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  • 1404 3 Mrs. Qnivarfnl (sternly)- -What was going on in the parlour last uißht r" Ethel ( -Only my engagement ring, ninmmn,." Hediaal Examiner— What would you order to bo adniinistcrod to a («:r*on who had swallowed a large dose of araaale r l'i. ,n- Cimdidnte infter a pau»e)— Erctreme
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  • 61 3 HoßSkooß, A. A v ,nr. due ii(ii<l <>n.. BarUes A atoaea. Penancand Calcutta. C Apear, due Mrd Oct~Barkias A afoaes. For New York, k'oitou-, duo M><\ <>■•«. Rnrneo Co. Java lMirts. Bslfirs|itsa, on -'"th Oet, W. HanMeU A To. Peaang and Calcutta, l.induln, on Mth Oct..
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  • 121 3 Datk. i. -i i N \m. Xl M.Alilc. 1 > vl i UK I>l I N Mh'V oil ii ChMOf Hjre Teng 81 Agapanthu> HI A-|M-t,iM 31 11.hh1.1. Muhan tt I.iilm-llii ■JJ Mbelle •_>•_• Benledi ■11 C1...» Phyt U Hong Leon« ■ii Clio L'-.» (iiiuiK Ami JJ Bittora W
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 SNIPE SEASON, 1896. kCSMGOLEBB CARTRIDGES. IoIIN LITTLE CO I/n>. have just received their Baaantl'l supply Of the. above, KSI'KCIAI.I.Y lA)ADKI> POI Til KM BY THE WE1.1.-KNOWX KIHM Of EI.EY UIIOS., LTD. The whole are put up in h.-rineli. -ally sealed tins, containing .VKJ rounds each, as follows ii> boi- ttgrs.
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    • 1198 3 NOTICE." COALS. THK HOKKAIDO TANKOTETBUDO KAISHA. (THK HOKKAIIM) COAL MINK AND RAILWAY (O.MI'ANV.) CAPITAL SIJ.OUO.WU OFFICES: TUKIO, JAPAN. This Company owns the railway system ol the Hokkaido, and the V I HAKKI. SORACHI, I'OROXAI, and IKI'SHI'M UKTSI' coal mines. Production 600,000 Tons per annum. The Company arc al- -teamship (tm
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 108 3 AKRANGEMJCKT& Till ItsDAV, ttVP OlTOHKR. Hif-'li Wiitrr. RaoM Sim. .ml Day. L'l-V i:.a.k- doaed. Koon. Uannaton'iCimu. '■>■ I'lill.AY, HBO <>< TOIIKK. Iliuli Wat.r. IO.Ma.IW 1 1.40 p.m. TansUn <'<'•' i(t Home. Jelebu uieoting. Kooo. Drbata. Prin«ep s *'•■>; 1 llwrmaton'i Circiu. B. Saithiiav, Mn OcroiiKit. High Water. L1J1 ajn.
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    • 95 3 WKATHKU KKI'OKI' K'uHilann K,d,nu llotpital, -Jl^l Oct. lH'lii II a.m. :t p.m. 9 p.m. Kkmakks. Rnr. 29.983 39.881 89.978 Trmp M.o *<4.(i Tis.o d j W. li'l'bTli-r 77.5 711.0 7. r >.» j^dS liir.of Wii:«l n.n.w N.K. .aim 5x Max. Tamp. 87J i^_ i Mm 71-. .M:ix. in Sun 165.9
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    • 1487 4 (•ii.lcrtliislioa.liiiKtli.followin-iil.lMovia-tioMßta used: sir. llMlWirj sli. (Up In Uaraoej Itrii.-Itriti-h U.S. United stat.'-; Fr. Freiicl); Git.—tt<-rman Dut.— Dutch; .loll.—Johoro; A.-., (1.,.. (J.-mial .■argo il.p.—deck pMMOaan; D. rn.-.'i-lain; T. P. W.-Tanjong I'agar Wharfi I. P. I).—Tnniong Pagar Doi'k B.W. Borneo SVhnrf; W.- -JardineV Wlmi f; K. 11. W. New
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    • 417 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, port, pntmhU datt MUM <•'/< AeklUea, U*ar| I. No* I;, 1 Agamemnon, Liverpool, 0.-I 23; \i Aglala, Hamburg, Dec SO; Knu'i-nli A. Lopei, Manila, end 1 Hinn /LApcar, Calcutta Ocl 28; S;ni > M Aii-tralin.l. Pranmntlr, No\ I: lion nl Bawean, Baadierraawin,Oi-l !4 I' Bellona,
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    • 76 4 J VMWL'kNaME. A tOW.! QitTAH I ROM SaILKP. Del BS2S 1tri..,,,. 1!.;,s ii,.,,,, N< B Yu 6P.Mmoi>»« S rfSa s |s 1 Swidiion Cronetadl Bepl I P Hii ■"l'l' h SBB Shepherd Klaus <>,V 30 H Rteanwl M" S S&tV 1 v Mojl" 1 1 I' a. i •.<•••>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 413 4 NOTICES. ,1 AM KS WATSON CD'S SCOTCH WHISKIES 111 Tllr. lIM U.I I. IN Illl: MAItKKT: y < gll I"' rt:ii CUB, I'l'TY iaih <>. SPK( lAI. ÜBriEUVE. 9UMrmatm,wtmttM»k DOMINIE. 1«> KARB OL1». »m mib rrSTAIRABLB MOM 1 K I All. i l U. 1.1- <n; McAUSTER 0.. -ka i
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    • 651 4 Tl MES AXD "BUDGET." Strafe HaiM, post free, .<3O 1 year, or a loonlli. or ten cents a copy.' Strait* C.intiji post free, SJO a year, or Wa quarter, .■i Ml cent > a copy. The adverlisiiiK rates are: lir-t time, IS cents a line: lad Rnd Brd Mines, 111
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    • 335 4 NOTICES. PURE BLOOD It the source of good health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla IHakes Pure Blood, Strengthens the Herrtt, Sharpens the Appetite, Removes that Tirod Fooling, and Makes Life Worth Living. from indigesf V Vl dt;l lityi kin 1.1 i&f^C I idisease-,, or V \y V/ l ivi > tll<Tiil XjC^StPHRwfeJ ment
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    • 564 4 NOTICES. I For Constipation and Bilionanesai I A „1, rmr i, h, |,j, t n J chiMi.a lo I act gem It bui promptly uron the livrr. »loaMckaad aH»!,iM. I run Jullrn ..i,c. I.i- :j«1 coottipitioa, brolh md >iA-bc.Jnh- JULIEW, me Vtrtenne. PARIS RrnvwnJ Phjriicicni prrKfibe Gnmault Mitico innort>n.L\c irrm-
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    • 341 4 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. BEDSTEADS. 01S0. I c.c. x :j.(j <>.(> x 4.<> (U> x 4.(5 M x "».o <).(! x «>.O SEWING MACHINES. I NINGER'S FAMILY HAND MACHINES. JSt ill ackowledgeU to be the best many imitations no rivals. I'UKE WITH KIVEK *15. Less Discount kok Cash. sdl.K UiKNTS, 1
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    • 42 4 NOTICES. BRASSERIES DE LA MKIMTKKKANKK VELTEN'S BEEB. Sole Agent for the Strait*. L MALKIIKKH. Wl, Koliinson Uoiul. DORDTSTIIK I'KTHOLKUX MAATSCIIAiriJ SOUKAr.AYA Hannbctamr* of I'etroleum I. ul, Unequalled for Steam Engines, oyln deta, and erery class of Machinery. MAX STERN (V. Agent*.
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    • 70 4 NOTICES. IJI'.NSOVS JAK in s m uroMotocr, tmmm Hiu, !..,>,, makki: iv ii. K.fHaOOBK> Specially manufactured and Hi.-ndcl for us,. D Mm Ka-t. ItKXSON* SfKI HI, StRKNV.TM "WELD", watch ""liKNsoNs -LUDGATK" W\n v Athr onarter Plate ßnglUh Levei compenaaM. silver, Special tiMs and make* for Chlnosi t i order. A
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