The Straits Times, 20 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. NO. 19,056. ESTABLISHEDi 1831. SINGAPORE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 189(5.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 589 1 \NOKKW [JSHER'S CELEBRATED WIIISKIKS. ilMratory. Surgeons' Hall, 2nd Novel, ilht. l-'.ll un fiilclii nicalaaal] 1 .hei and Co.'i Old win-kv (a Mend ol „tlier Whiskies) sampled I k in .lid cases i.'.mlv house, and flna nl uuaiity beuaj d and free tram lucti ll is 1 rwfjf it In 1
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    • 1042 1 i^BUCHANAN WHISKY B^- nt BW I un won SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. Same as sittlied to thk Houses of Lords asd Commons and to all good London Cubs. 31 12 NOTICES. TAILORS, UK KKf I IKS MAKKHS, nL riITTKUS, IIATIKHS, iO8UB& Q 3 OKDKUS liV POST McmvßpmoMPT A\
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    • 723 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital>. Paid up Capital *****50. Reserve Fund 678,356. The tuMorsiened. A?.nte for th« Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at oansat mt«a of premium. BOtJBTEAD«C. riIHE S T U A ITS I NS I' RAN C K 1 COMPANY. LIMITED.
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    • 429 1 BANKS. nONGKOVe AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. I'AID-l'P CAPITAI $IO,000,«l(i KESKItVK Kl'NO i (i.(XXi,OOI). BESKEVE LIABILITY OP\ onoon(M PROPRIETORS |..|IO,OOO,(XXi. Court of Dikectobs: A. McCONACHIE, E»v|. Chaikmax. S.C. MICHAKI.SEN. Esq. -Dkputt Craikman Hon.J.J.BBLL-IRVINU. ll,' 1., l.'l. II lUI-..N. I O. D. Dodwbll. Eaq. I Alex. ii.. B*L H. D. Kzkkili.. Esq.
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    • 791 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. Railway hfUi .loiknai.. 'Perfect at once as a lieverage or us n niedieinal stimulant." Ai-s'iku.iav Tradinii Wiißi.ii.— "An perfect a spirit as anyone m kMs mundane ■pnere oan deain to eeaannss." EASTKKN AI'STKM lAN AM.SI.ITII AKRN'AN .loirnai. of Commerce. ■An pxrpcilinulv line Old HiKhlHiid Whißky." Tni. KriioiKAN
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  • 499 2 LATEST MAKKKT Ul (ITATIONS. Sinoapore, uoth October. 18»fl. PRODI ICK. Oambier, a (!7f> do Cub.' No 1 11:00. do do No 2, 8.00. Copra Bali, 6.05. do Pontinnak 5.75. Pipper, Blwk, 10.50. Saco Flour Sarawak, 3.40 do Brunei 2.00. Pearl Sago 3.55. Coffee, Bali, 34.75. Coffee Palembang 85.00. Coffee,
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  • 77 2 For Per ttr. Time. To-Morrow. Batavin via ports tlodnrtrii, 7 a.m. Maeassar via ports MeAlui'er, 2 p.m. Padnng via ports Kong Al/. I p.m. Batavia via ports >;inn<i Ann, 4 p.m. T. Aiikoii via |K>rts Malacca, 3 p.m. Padang via ports .V. PaMnmAli 3 p.m. Klang via |>orts
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  • 98 2 From Europe By the P. <fe 0. s.s. Rn venna, with dates to the 2nd Oct. due on the 25th instnnt. eft Singapore Due m London Arrived Auk. 2'ith M. M. Kept. 17th S«"pt. IHth (fcpt. 2nd P. 4c O. Sept. aotli Sept. 28th Sept. xthM.M. Oct.
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  • 349 2 ARRIVALS, IVr s. s. Chem I'hua from Klang via ports:— Mr. BoeweU. IVr M. M. a. S. \«1,,l from Shanghai Messrs. 1,. Spieler, and Loss. From Hongkong:— Mr. (i. M. Brimc. OKPAHTI KLS. Per s.s. ftftM gsasrssl for Europe Mr. Scott and daughter. Mr. and Mrs Prver, Mr.
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  • 89 2 STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY, 20TH OCTOBER, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. [iSulveriptimi rale* and atlrertiting rale.--may be found on llus fourth page.] HKITAIN ANDTUKKKY. mk. Gladstone's view. Lmulmi, JOth Ucloiier. A crowded meeting at St. James's Hall has passed a resolution to support the Government in any steps
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 476 2 It may be rc'inembered that from the first we have opposed the const rnc- tion, by Government money, of a light passenger railway to Johore, unless some arrangement could be made to parent the Asiatic population of Singapore being further debauched by the licensed gambling houses of I
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  • 14 2 Sm Wii.i.ia.m Maxwki.i. was to leave London for thc< >old Coast on 6th October.
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  • 13 2 Tills nioriiiiiv. I British steamer passed through the harbour from west to cast.
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  • 20 2 BMMff I'kk will arrive from I'eimrig in time for the |«ast (St. Charles) of Bishop Bourdon on the 4th November.
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  • 22 2 Lots limtssMW says the demand for swift and heavily-armed cruisers is most conspicuous, and never before was bis company so fully occupied.
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  • 27 2 Tiikkk have been three cases of cholera in the last twenty-four hour- one in Hong Lim Street, one in Kallang Itond, and another iv Tanjoin; Khu.
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  • 31 2 Hawaii want.- to equal things uu a bit iv the matter of its coolie innnigrants, by restricting the yearly arrivals and by insisting on equal numbers trom China and Japan.
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  • 33 2 H. M. S. I.'hlhlhih- ha>- arrived at Lalman, and will liriiif; His Kx<<-ll<iicy the Htgb Commissioner back to •Singapore on tho completion of liig ruH to l.aluian and Horneo.
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  • 34 2 Sta Bosom Vine, wlio visited Wafapoiv on behalf of the Imperial Institute, baa resigned bis duties there, in ord r to bo associuteclwith a large ootUIH) I cial enterpruu invlie Coiyuiu*."
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  • 35 2 A syndicate of I'nited State" .api talists is said to be in negotiation uitli the Kussian (iovcrnment with the oUaflt of establishing a direct line of fast steamers between San Francisco and Vladivostock.
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  • 37 2 Thk Spanish rtoam.r Mimilu. with about 100 rebel prisoners on hoard, is expected here on the 22nd instant, from Manila for Cadiz. The prisoners are being deported to Hpain and MOM of the Spanish Colonies.
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  • 43 2 H. M. S. "PORPOIS E." H. M. S arrived here last night at ten o'clock from Labuan. Commander Pelly reports that yesterday, at four p.m., he passed the British ship County of Roxburgh, which desired to be reported all well on board.
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  • 37 2 The Agenda for to-morrow's Municipal meeting comprises eleven items, including the Tanglin Water Supply. At the conclusion of the meeting, a Special Meeting will be held to lay before the Commissioners the President's Budget for \!«J7.
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  • 42 2 Thk first communion service in the Chinese Church of St. Peter and St. Paul will be held ou the 15th November, but the Confirmation service is postponed till after the arrival and consecration of Bishop Fee, on the 22nd November.
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  • 46 2 On the 9th of this month, a man reported that his child had been robbed of gold bracelets worth 5127. Yesterday, the Police searched a house at KautPOag Huggis and found (he Illisaing jewellery. Three Malays, who were in the house, were arrested.
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  • 88 2 A c ABLKiiKAM from the manager ol the Pahang Corporation ghrea the returns for the month of August as follows: ".Tciain Lump, mv mill In 25 days, of 24 hours each, iflfX tons ol stone were crushed, produeind 4l' tons of black tin; 2() head of stumps running;
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  • 85 2 Tiiekk was again a ImmMf booaa at ilarmnton's Circu.t last night, and the prograninie waa received with every mark of appreciation. The public are reminded of the matinde to-morrow, full particulars of which are given in our advertising columns. The performance at these matinees, another of which will
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  • 90 2 Thehe was n bolil attempt made yesterday to swindle Mensrs. Boust.a.l a:i.l Co. of a sum of fiftoen tliousand dollars. The B. I. Bteainpr l*«sta«*as «m leaving, and a Chinaman MHMfjad to got from the firm a reeii|it for ten bales of nilk, valued at
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  • 459 2 akkivai. ot noon. Thk Manila gives details ot I events in the Philippines up to the lath iiihtant. At that date, the rebel i bands in the provinces had bees (Hsi persed, save in the province of Cavite. where military operations had been, to far, confined to
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  • 37 2 Oi R sporting lorrespondent thc.s "gives, ti.-day.thftprobau,'.,,.,,;,;,": as I. Hows nr Maiden Plate, ikiiici. First (iritlin. mikiif. Second (iritlin APOLom The Derby. u» kv <Jrand Stand Cup. ThoMii..,, Sultan's Cup wnv not Roadsters' Plnte avkxtim
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  • 113 2 Tm. Pretoria correspondent of n r,U,,r,, v 1, write, TheVolkwiid has paaeed the new Prest Law ;,n,. r exciting discussion, by the caslimj vol. of the chairman. The measur y, the President the privilege „f tartan,," suppressing any newspaper in the country. Moreover, it decrees
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  • 304 2 To TIIK KDIToH OF TIIK -IKU, Sir,— What is tin- nutt. i »ii|, ijj,. Moralist how can we please him (i m day. we are told that yon ought i,..i make such an MO almul coffee, IxicaiiM people in Singapore arc not in |h< habit of planting
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  • 590 2 TO TUX WMI OK TDK RTSAITI I I'llSik, Anti-Clrriciil" cliargw me with invlcv.-iiicy. In point ofaiTUnrjf and truthfulness, the chargeol iirei eai would be just as applicable. My "irrelevant matter" the simple corollary ol his hy put hesis--" bas obscured the point at issue.'' Possibly;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 544 2 NOTICB& NOTICE OF REMOVAL \\-K iinvp iwawvaa ..ur offl.-o. chop >> 1.1 OS., lilt to No 111. South (sn»l KolKl I Mt A 11AM HIM. li in An.-ut-. OaasHaaaXsasaif |Xi H 11)8. .1 I). A. PEREIRA. HORTII fI.TIHIST ASH FI.ORIST. Oauaoroa and Exioutkk of Orchids. Orden- foi How.|iii.t S|ir»ys. Ac,
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    • 800 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS.. "THE QBEAT AMERICAN STEAM RIDISQ OALLEBT." rOOI <>K K«>IIT CANNING (Opposite to High Street.) on kvkkv HUIM M 8 P.M. TO 12 P.M., SUNDAY." EXIKPTEI). IOCKKTB A i:iDK TO ALL A iie« .iii'l splendid organ will play choice "elections of new ami popular mu»i< Innii.' tli<- whole of
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    • 98 2 M. S. S. irit-n.UI for Hi. Mr,,, 1. Time, nbonld b< written on on« «i.lf of the P »i»r only. By th» neif l.^-t of that (<oi,Hition. many M. S. S. an r«je<;l«d that mif lit oUirnriae he puhliihnl. All adr i.rti«inir "Hitrart* are nbirrt t<> th» ponlitu.n that the
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  • 756 3 "The cull ivat ion of •.imiied in the rritei discourse* about Bn d Hrsi bloaeom, jluwing extrai ta i, ,tt. r in pUatiaa; I* 1,, Hal land thin I, trouble; .ni draini chaia* and small ham. lliun into Hockt chain wide. In hoWrtw Uw h i, Hi.
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  • 33 3 ■•c vired the Hi- (trace Morweigneur Vn l.i.i-i,,,,, ol I'ondiclieiiy. ipore on or about tlie ration in the t'atheKhepl,, „i Bishop 22ml November. Nothing lu-tlier the Bishop* of un L-oiniug.
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  • 42 3 POST OFFICE THUMB PRINTS. tt ii.-.v Postuiaater- lupted the -ynpn -i, .ii- in place of li ;.n tii, purpose* I s Office orders employed in 11,, thumb'l i ,ie been introduced for M in Shj niiienl n-i,,|iel-. 1" fjffice la a ne«
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  • 707 3 A r H clock, last evening, the following wen the serai, hint's Kor .ill rajajH ZVJasn, Braaat, Bataaaas, Fi11',,,,) .1,1. and It,, ror the Maiden Plato: jfsjfsiw Kor First (iritlin Race: i'arriiKjt,,,). l.form, SmfUt, 4jaalsfy, and Beitie. Kor Second (iriffin Race Itoiji', Osrriiisim, bsJsjSMßa, Meals, PaalathnaMS, and Ttj
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  • 201 3 Tim; MnueitMter Qaardituin London orreupondeul writes: Tl pen comuetiiivc examination for the higher branrhes of the home Civil Service is now held limultan sly with the Naminalioii for the Indian Civil Serrice < re-nil Ibis year has I n that ,n Asiatic, Mr. Ardeahir ICaikhorhra I'. u,ia. not
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  • 130 3 A CEYLON PLANTER ON TOUR. TliKinail t,.ok home, tl (her day, says the Timet -t (Mm, to Sir John Uuir r report from sir. I. Davidson, a planter, on hi* recent trip to the Straits „,,1 Java, whrtber be went, on bebaU ol M, I- ,i,l.i>. Huir A Co., to
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  • 74 3 M I. KM rol inll ln't Willl >ilij.l the porU of Weatera Auatrah on the increase, and, with ritm ,1 further developinf the trade bet-w.-i'ii these I' a otw rtft*tnfT| the Ctvlaardie, is being buill at boma, and Captain Talboyt, late«rf the Audralind, hai gon« i" I
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  • 599 3 (Hy an Occasional CorrneporuUiii Many in Singapore will hear with regret of the death of s. r. Latakeeter, the British Consul in Katavia, who died on the evening of 18th October, fron the effects of an unsuccessful o|«.-ration, which it had been found necessary fir him to nnderg
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  • 359 3 OtmelCt Family UafatUu ahrayacontaina much interesting and readable matter. sadSeptembera number ia no exception to the rule. -The Cyclmg Academy" ia a bright up-to-date little tale, and the "Spectre Ship" is aelever ■hurl atory by M P. Bhiek. A pleasantly written erticl Taplow Court, the country seat of the
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  • 91 3 1 1 ia slated in the last Kw Bulletin thai the i"'«' rubber industry in the Wed Coaet of Aftioa is still expanding rapidly, being exported tlience at the rate of about £80,000 WOfth a month. The industry owes its existence tO I wild plant which wae
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  • 97 3 Amonust tin 1 imoiiitkm of civilisation adopted in tin- construction ot the new r. and < liner, tliu India, i*a marvellous peaking tube. Hitherto speaking tubes mii steamer* have been of limited ungtb. owing to the fed that the vibration w tin- A>\\< has Interfered with
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  • 843 3 Tim; appended ap|wal to the Kreneh people from Mr. •iladstone, appeared in the Park r,<jn,»»n Sept s.i, in reply to the following communication from M. 1-eiidet "Mydear.Mr.dladstone, -Therewould be some disproportion in tlie fact of a modest French journalist BaUneaiag the nrratest Christian Ptatesnian
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  • 71 3 A I -inht „"cloekla«tevenini;.a Bengali, who ha* I n employed M a watchman in s Dutch iriand, went to steep in the iiv,-foot «ay in Rochore Bond, puttinghu baju, in which lie say? there wen •106, under his head. Karly this morning lie aUegea that a Javanese named
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  • 55 3 A MOOMUOBT >ereiiade will be given tO-mOROW, at >.-W on the Ksplanade. The programme runs as follows Beteetioa -Frooi HanaawMrt opsw le* Clocbes de Oorneville. Waltz Love Btar flMe Botdtr. Ccvatina >!<■ Tiple de la opera l.mia ili Lainiuorinoor. DonUtHi, .loin Xl duo da ta Afrleana CabaUno.
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  • 874 3 In the Highland*, even yet, -the la^l rilei and SStaSßaaaleS* are looke.l u|ni:i an excellent aaeaM for eopioun refriMh infill. An Inverness-shire farniei «n.l his man were both invited to n funeral. Beth, however, could not go. so the fanuT aid to his man." I'll begaun' <loon to
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  • 108 3 Path. VlMBL't N \Mt. FImAK:--tIAITAIS pi miiATini (i.t I.i Kalgan Itl Kriiont Bllliona SO Bultan X) Sri l,iii««..i.u iti Becundra ■_'(i NingJCbow iii Nettor •.ti 11.' i.-.i !■<• NaUl ■jo Modaverj :v UaroUna ■-1I bwaerUucruuu Iril -ii. Dut. >ti MM itr. lint Itr. Mr, Ml. fir. »tr. MM n
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 40 3 Condy'sFluidl Used in all MospltaU. CAmiE.LO HOI, INJECTION Z |-,r 5.,, c I l> p'lUj-rl,, L, Wou.iJs, Soc. I L-crj. C, i; n»:.t>. «nl .hi J-t^ »H f cb.riC Also j...kc bites. t> Condy's Fluid jj With^j p«B« Bookul l.irectlu.".
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    • 728 3 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SAI.K <>K BALVAOK, Ihe undersigned have received in-tru, tionto sell by PUBLIC AI'CTION. AT lIIK SJODOWI Off Of AN WATT MAM, TANJdNU KHf. n,, rii, a *,i'< a. fJ*j«T.oe*s*«r, lwKi. m io«.w. VQUAirnTV of -alvagc i ■•covered from the wreck of the KajaA k>aoSi consistingof Pi aaa
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    • 872 3 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS TO LET: AND PERSONALS; These advertisements will l>e found on the right hand column of the first |>»ge (title page.) SINGAPORE SPORTING CLl'll. Al TI'MN HACK MKETIXd ftssJay NO, IWasWf -i->,,it. ssa* SMavaasj MM OMssW. I Isketl of admission to the (irand Stand can now be hart
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 82 3 WKATIIKK REPORT. K;ml,«>,j Krrbau. Hu*,,iln>, -I>th Ot. *JMßKs 8,,r 80XM559.*****.9M Temp <*■»•* 77ti c W. It'll, The. 7H.1l ;-..m 75.0 57 v Dir.ofWind S.K. 8. Calm ff J Max. Temp. «i.l» v: Mill TM 553 Max. in Sun 1.T0.M E >.'i Terr. rad. «i».O Rainfall Nil. \VKATIII-:i{ TKI.KtiRAM a.
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    • 140 3 ARRAROKIUEMTB TOMOAY, I'OTH OcTOBBtB. High Water. lOjB p.m Races, l-'ir-t Day. Banks closed. Noon. Slraik 'ii,,,,.' issued -v 2. If. M. homeward mail close-. S. Hannston'i circus, i. WIIISIIIT. iI»T OOfOUBB. High Water. li."> a.m. KM4 p.m. Kull Moon. 111-' p.m Municipal Commission. 2.:50. Paper Cbase. Orange Qrove. 6.18. llnnnslon's
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    • 1506 4 I' mlcr tins head ui(J 1 lie follow ingai. itcvimtioiis an' u-cd -tr steamer nil (hip 1,,,. baraaej Hrii -Itnii-h; V. B. United Slate- Fr French tier- German Dut. Patch; .loh. -Jonon; *c, O.c, General emo d.B.— deck paaaenaara; U. I n. r tain T. V. W.-Tanjong
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    • 429 4 I Name, port, prolmbU datt of tirrifil, thi't MM oj Hl». Achillee, Liverpool, No> I; Slants I A.i.n. London. Od 21 t A 0 \l moon, Liverpool, Oi 1 23; M Igapantbue, Antwei p, 1N 1 P \L-lai.i. Hamburg, 1 10 A. Lopec, Manila, end ol Ocl II
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    • 93 4 r nmiui 4 Ton*. Captain Km H V£BetL'B.NAUE. Itiu 1 XI.M Mill;' Oct rU> Bwd Mr. MS Hatlbeai £"J2 n »hr. Big Maddo* r^ ,".^'"> »ti-. IM D»vie. hMM 7K Manila Oel n« M Saigon Del IBBi'hn Movei iDdrwnayo Del 17 I K I" gamartnji Dei IftWee I s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 851 4 NOTICES, MILKMAID V* BRAND -7*^ Condensed Milk Tin' "Milkmaid" Brand is guaranteed to BaBSBaW contain nil the o;:m of the original milk. In CCHfDFNSFTI Mill ICI process of m mufacture nothing but water y£ %tJm lX removed, n< hinK but tho best refined wk KfJaM Riigar added. ijj Avoid* low-pv.
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    • 377 4 NOTICES. 6RIMAULTS SYRUP HYPO-PHOSPHITE of LIME FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST All suffering from Catarrh, Codsnmption, Obstinate Coughs or Colds an. l IMM aflected with diseases of the Lungs and Bronchia] Tubes, bbMM lake UIIADIT S SYftOPifHTPO-PIOSPirrEifLIU Prescribed by l\»- laaMag medical authorities in all eoMtfte* Tor the last
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    • 510 4 "TIMES" AMI ISUXiET." >/,«./, Timrr. |k>m km, S3O a year, or ?-'i a mi.Hili. or ten eentn a copy. Mt Hwt.i'l. |M«t frecy, MO yen r. or «."> a quarter. or im -:i „,,,v 11,',. a'K ■ili-iiiK ratean tn-i tun". |."i <-*>fii h liin- ami ami .In l t i
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    • 763 4 NOTICES. COLDS, COUGHS, INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Gk W ill relieve tlit' most dis- ir.-sMnu e*agh, Mtfct the imiuiiird iii.-inbriiK', ff\^J loosen tlic phlegm, and EKJeSI imliii'i' r. In-lnn^ sleep r*r-^l For the cure of ClMft Q Whooping Coiiffli. Sore Q Throat, ami all the |>»1~m I monary
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    • 37 4 NOTICES, FRENCH^AKERY. HOKUKAUX CLABBTII SPI,EXI)II> oc'Cß»ion for IwaswMMßsM K<khl tatilc (Ilirit fully i.rkol hi,, l properly lalwllcci IVr doe. ,|UBrt fUO. |)int»L'.-n IhitydcfliK-ted tor S>fOrt.ThsjM rin-n :ui- (in t-a?li only. Kniicli Bakery. -Jitd'-Ji'i. 'rclianl I,'oad. 1.. IiEAL'I.IEI'.
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    • 36 4 NOTICKs. W. DAI.I.AN JOCKKV J K ;y r s (>^ l 1 on II- ,-lir.-flllly Ibod „t,.|. «ii|HTvm,,M. l" r -',n»| Haroen ssjddlery, nsatly r..,,»,,,,, -xiH-ni-ii.-1-.i workaaen from tbebwt ofßnglieh U»tbern«e!d °*> I'li.-.-s,-. Koek'n Road, off 0r,.!,,,,,,
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