The Straits Times, 19 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISIIKI); Ml. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1896, NO. 19,055,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 497 1 VNDKKW USHERS 1 EXEBRATED WIIISKIKS. iratory, Hall, jii.l S'ovember, i-ki (refill chemical analy--1 and 00.1 l Old win-kv (a blend ..I 1 v 1 1 1 1< i« > sampled Jed cassa ready house, sad (md (juality being I and tree IroH 1 1 ia a very lln-l wild
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    • 2443 1 i-i... BUCHANAN WHISKY |O TLJCT DCQT 11 1 M, itk, BOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. 1 L l)KUo, Samkas hi ici.iKii to nil HotsKs of Lonns and Commons and to all good I/indon Oli-bs. ft] \> NOTICES. BOOTOH WHISKY 18 tiik UMtVBBSAL f^h j J ALWAYS UlilNk Mil: |{|;sT.
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    • 690 1 [NSURANCES. lAW UNION CROWN HRE AM) 1.11-K 1 .SURANCE company. i;ol NIiKD 18S6. Bavlßf I- nli 1 1 1 rimrtif»rMis slsn Oimmi UM m mvui i toaawpt on l!n-ir Iwlwß rSbulHsl k>:. i 111 X .1 tIM triff r.,1... I.IKK iNSIIM-.t Pn«*rorAU, in toils "f tl.e Cossßavi imwmrti ui.|ti.l.lP..r rnt««
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    • 753 1 DEBARS CELEBRATED WHTSKY. Nauonai. Oojsjaua, -Win |.i.-:,-.--undoubtedly tbe mod (astidlooa tante." Catkrkrh and Hotel Propbietorb 1 (.a/.kttk.—" Kotad for its lM)U(iiiPt and melluwuaaa, Hotel Nkw».— "We can recommend it Ail OIK' of the lies) »v have met The Horn. Kkviku vm. CusjKM -"A really first-class Kpirit of the highest
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  • 500 2 UTHST MAHKKI UIHJTATIONS. Sikoapore, 19th October. 1896. PR()DU(;E. Uambier, 6.85. do Culw No 1 1100. do do No 2, 8.00. Copra Bali, 6.15. do Pontinnak 6.75. Pepper, Black, 10.80. Sago Flour Sarawak „3.30 do Brunei 2.1X). Pearl Sa«o 3.68. Cofice, Bali, 34.76. Coffee Palcnibaug 36.00. Coffee, Libcrian, No. 1
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  • 119 2 To-Mokrow. IVkan yin ports Lad* iMiujdrn, 8 a.m. Swntiiu via ports Victoria, II a.m. Hangkok Charon 11 a.m. Batill'aliat Ainu Ann, 1 p.m. Deli via ports Sicaerdrcroon, 2 p.m. Ma'lras via ports Secuiulra, 2 p.m. Klang via ports H. Hin Guan, 3 p.m. Muar Main,-, a I'aknn, 3
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  • 102 2 Fkom Ei'Rope :—By the P. &O. s.B. Ravenna, with dates to the 2nd Oct. due on the 2oth instant. From China:—By the M..M. s. s. Natal, due to-morrow. A n«. M. M. Sept. 1 7th .Sept. loth Sept. L'ml P. O. Sept. .t()tli Sept. 28tb Sept.
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  • 212 2 unuiA I'er s. Print Heinrich from Shanghai .M. W, Tli. .iii.i-. ami Candicott. Per s. Malaooa from Teluk Auson via ports Messrs. Taylor, Frascr, Garland, Wilson. Nicholas, and Capt. Wahl. Per s.s. I'.hiiii ruldn from Klang. Messrs. K. A. Swetteiiliam, A. Butler, Capt. Talbot, and Mm. W. Douglas.
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  • 51 2 STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY, 19TH OCTOBER, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. [tSulmcription rate* u>ui lulrerthniuj rates nuuj liefomul on tlui fourth jxuje.] THE VENEZUELAN QUESTION. London, 19th GMfsW. It is reported at Washington that President Cleveland's next Message to Congress will announce the amicable settlement of the Venezuelan
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 14 2 The Dervishes are preparing to make a stand ut Metemmeli and Abuhamed.
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  • 30 2 The French Minister for the Interior has announced that a political programme will be laid before the Chamber of Deputies. The programme includestheestablish luent of a colonial army.
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  • 17 2 The report announcing the cession of Kassala by Italy to Britain turns out to be unfounded.
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  • 602 2 SETTLED AM ICABLY. It is telegraphed by Reuter, to-day, that President Cleveland, will, in his next message to Congress, announce the amicable settlement of the Venezuelan question. It is a question that has excited considerable, and even violent, controversy during the past few months and, at its inception, feeling ran
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  • 39 2 Mr. Ridley, Director of (iardens and ForeMx, lias BUpi>lied, from the experimental gardens at Singapore, about a hundred thousand ramie plants to planters in the Malay Peninsula and tinMalay Archipelago. The largest buyers have been from the Netherlands Indies.
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  • 10 2 Thk Strait* Times will be published at 2 p.m., to-morrow.
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  • 10 2 Thk Stt-atls liudget will be publish cd at noon to-morrow.
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  • 11 2 The homeward mail by the S'atul closes at 8 p.m., to-morrow.
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  • 10 2 Coi.onei. Walker arrived yesterday from Pahang in the New llelle.
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  • 11 2 H.M.S. Hai>il»nr left Hongkong for Singapore on the l.'Sl h ii.-i
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  • 15 2 Mk. F. A. Swbttkxham, the ResidentGeneral, arrived to-day from Klang in the Ernie raid a.
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  • 15 2 The Italian Minister at Pekin, Commendatore Alessandro Bardi, died of dysentery on the Hth inst.
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  • 15 2 Mk. MacCalmmnt'b yacht, the GiraUla, arrived here yesterday on her way to Hongkong from Colombo.
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  • 18 2 Caitain C. F. Mon.D, R. E., formerly of Singapore, has been ordered to proceed from Paull to Hongkong.
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  • 19 2 Thk second annual North BoCMO dinner is fixed to take place at tho Hotel Metropole on Nov. 3 next.
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  • 19 2 The mail despatched fropt Siiigapiire to London, via Marseilles, *m the 22nd ultimo, was delivered on the 15th instant.
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  • 19 2 Thk twelve survivors of the ill-fated lltis are passengers for home by the Priitz ileinricli, which arrived here yesterday.
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  • 23 2 Mr. Fox, of the Botanical (iaid.-ns, returns from leave about the middle of next month. He has gut married, and brings his wife.
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  • 23 2 Mkssks. HoM Teck C^iiyk it Co. advertise an auction sale of land and prtjierty at their sale room, on Thursday, the 22nd October.
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  • 24 2 Aktkr January Ist next, the Ocean Steamship Co. do not intend to carry passengers on their main line, between London and the Far East.
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  • 24 2 Thk M.M. s.s. Xatnl left Saigon at noon yesterday, and is due here to-mor-row, at about noon. She will probably be despatched at night.
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  • 31 2 Thk King of Siam, owing, it is said, to the full in the value ol silver, has raised the salaries of all the Princes holding Cabinet portfolios there.
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  • 33 2 It is understood that the captain of the Penang Cricket Cluh has not yet given up all hope of being able to Bet up a team to go to Singapore this Christmas.
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  • 32 2 Liki -t.-Coi.. J. WuiTLKY, in command at l'einhroke, has been appointed to the command of the Army Service Cups in the Straits Settlements, vire I.ieut.-Col. J. \V B. Parkin.
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  • 38 2 A dinner was given on the 25th lilt, at the Hotel Cecil t»y the retired officers of the Ith Fusiliers to Colonel Cherry and the olliceis of the Ist Battalion, now tinder orders for service abroad.
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  • 34 2 Thk I'etehalmri railway scheme, at Bangkok, uwlertiikeii by a Siamese. I'riiu-e un a transferred concession, in said t.i have come to BOthiag, from the kmp ot Siam refusing to sanction the transfer.
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  • 37 2 I'iik Rev. Kather (fain, of Singapore l» expected shortly to take charge of the Chinese Mission at Penang, in place ol Kather Marietta, who goe. to Taiping o relieve Father Renard who is transferred to IVnang.
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  • 41 2 lUX Dents<he-Asiatis.l,e Bank is about to open a branch at Calcutta. Ihe bank, which has a capital of 1 s. ,,(KHi,(HH), eoinmenced business at Shanghai in 1 WO, and now has branches at I i.-i it -in and Hankow.
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  • 52 2 Ix the bank case at Batavia, where one Mimro stands charged with forging a cheoue for 9,5(10 guilders on the Netherlands India Discount Company a Hatavu,, the police have arre-,,, 1,1,,. alleged •mninal. He had escaped from Batavia. but fell into tho hands of the authonticH at Sourabaya on
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  • 97 2 Thk annual general meeting of the riMlay. 1„• informed the ui.-in.crstliat the financial position of the( lubwaslughlvsalisfaetorv and the report and accounts were adopted The programme for the Annual IU, Meetmg January next wa- consider. The most important change* were: horses entered for the it Race
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  • 150 2 The Singapore Municipal K»tj for l«97are published in the Umtrnrns (M-.i-tt'. The revenue is set at •*****0 to which the asHcssincnt butes, »U2,;VJO waterworks Sir v,' market? «U 1,500; taxes SlOi»'v«i glaughter houses, «42,000 fees, ](J(p beMM other smaller Items. Bstiii'iatJ rcci.veralilc ovJataadiag, and m,,]'. li.ilanccs aecoiint for
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  • 55 2 BURUPEAN CHARGED WITH ARSON. SlftHUa Hakt, commission ngenl at Shanghai, has been eommittca foi trial on a charge of setting fire in hit premises with intent to defraud the Mci.ji Fire Insurance Company. The premises, an ollice and private idohm on the second story of I house m Foochow Road
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  • 50 2 Mr. Wei.lksi.ey Parkkh, who ii ;i charge of the coloured supplement fin the .Straits 7'iiiic.t, has received Uu patronage of the Governors of Queen* land, New South Wales, ami ttailth Australia, the preeeut Govemmrni n| New South Wales, Presidenl IM.. of Hawaii, and many other headi o| Governiucnts.
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  • 63 2 Mh. S. R. LutKvrn, who bad been British Consul for Java, with station .it Batavia, since IMM, died then- un the lath instant. Mr. Lankester was head of the firm of Maclainc Watson A I'o it Batavia, and had resided in Setherlaiidi India for the
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  • 58 2 Thk latest news at the Colonial Office as to the West (,'oast of Africa i- thai Cooma.-sie has settled down complete!) and moM satisfactorily under ItritiMi rule Sir William Maxwell, (iorcnuK Of the Gold Coast Colony, was u| the Colonial oilice on ttndiJept., and had mad-.:
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  • 56 2 At tin- Penang Assi/.-s, on tho Mtli instant, there was tried the case against a Chinaman, named < lefa Nai Pi, charged with attempting to forge four tiv.dollar bank-notes of the Hongkong sad Shanghai Hank. The defendant was caught by the Detective Police in tinact of forging bank-notes.
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  • 65 2 M». KiiANKKi.. Furniture deals! ..I Victoria Street, asks us to state llial In 1 has not assaulted tin- Police !> bsdm that a furniture dealer wa« lii. I ir doing bo, and Mr. Krankd 1.... thsl the misdeed may be attributed t» bim. Mr. Frunkel I'lid not assault
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  • 73 2 HiKi.M, the last twenty-foul liuon, there have been three cases of rliakn in A Division, one in Hunt; Street, one in Anniy Street, and uni Street. In the Rocbore Division. ll»« have been two caacn one in Kocliore Road, and on.- at the Beaih Itosd Station, when- a
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  • 87 2 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANK. It la advertised that Mr I! L Bii li^.l Hin, „f Messrs. BndlejrA Co., .in.l M< Alex. K»hs, of Messrs Holliday, Co., have joined the Board ol Dm-" of tbia Corporation al Hongkong tin following is a li-t of names on theprestmt Board: Mr. A. McConai hie
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  • 240 2 A KAHIMONABI.I-; galliclin at the Cathedral of 'l» Shepherd, on Saturday »ft<-n ■cc the marriage of Mr. W K ft to Mi>- Henggeler. The cathedral' prettily arranged with pi ntsandll''" 11 The bride entered al 3 13 ihe ar .1,.- Consul I Hungary (Mr. Brandt) charming In a rice
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 666 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMKXTS. I IT K GKKAT \MKItH AN STK\M BIDING OALLBBY." K..OT .If KOKT ANMMi T (Opposite to High Street.) lIS KVKKY ITMM FKOM 6 P.M. T'l 12 P.M., sr.NDAYf« EXCEPTED. 10 CENTS A RIDE TO ALL. A new and splendid organ will play choice select ions of new and
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    • 847 2 LATEST A I AUCTION SALE OF SALVAGE. he unden-igued have received ilmtructlons to sell by ITBLIC AVCTION. AT THK iMIDOWS <>K OCAS WATT CHAN, TANJONO RHl'. In nweaaft ■i-fruHOetober, H'.Xi. iO a.m. I 4 OIAXTITV of salvage recovered ;V from the wreck of th« Rajah Brooke, iii-i-i i MX of
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    • 89 2 shares_Wanted. straits Insurance Co. Kaulis. Pimjoms. Straits Trailing Co. Tanjong l'iinur Dock Co. I'ataliiiK Coffoe Co. 8OMERVILLE 4 GUNX. Km'Ihuik' 1 <& Share llmkri At So. 3a. Orchard Road, on the lMth instant, the wife of Alex. Fox. of a daugh- Rowland— Hkni.i.llek. (In the l"lh Octolier, at the Ciitheilral
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    • 93 2 If 8. S. iat«nd«d for tria Straitt Timrt nboul.l l» written on one ride of the paper only. Bjr tho nofluc-t of that oomlition. many M..S.S ar* rejecU- .1 that might oUierwiiw b< puMi'liol. AU adrertiiunf contncU an anbiect to the SSBB> tion that tb« Hanager maj leave the adTertiwmoii
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  • 1403 3 |TE»K»W U ITMN 111 MEBTUNI unom Mjcmom I H oasM IOMINH RuuoiniiMli X, M.enng. at k* pla.c on the last ueek (Sth and looked forward to than usual, owing i meeting held under regulations, which i pted The -11ui\c,,,n,,.,|, s teit, at the „i Java, and one Ii
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  • 690 3 \as DKB Cal'Kl.i.en CtJP.- Value (..VM. raea for all bones. Distance U mile. Bintensorg Konsie't SkrajmtU !M. Mb. I Mi. Drchion !i-t.n]b. > Mi MsaalnkV Etpenuua ttst OHm. SplendtUia teemed t.. the most fancied, though all the three eventually placed had plenty of backers. When the llai:
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  • 143 3 A Copenhagen artist, Mr. Hugo V. Pedorsen, has lately arrived from Deli, He brings a collection of small oilpaiutings of Eastern types carefully selected, two fine charcoal drawings, and large decorative painting, which Mr. Pedenen has had sent out from Europe, with a view to finding a
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  • 299 3 Tiikkk was very brisk business at the club on Saturday night, the Ignres throughout running very high, notably for the iii-t grillin race. 11l some cases, the presence of the owner, with an evident Intention of buying, made the P iV.-s n|, very <|iiickly and 1 don't think
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  • 444 3 I >N Satunlay cvrninu', in tin; large tent at tin* jiiiict ion of Tank and River Valley lioa:!*. Harinstons opened for a "sliorl stay. It il not very long since tlie oompeny liaci a very successful run Inn', and it is only the cireuinstanee that Singapore had to
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  • 231 3 A FAMILY POISONED. There was a terrible aflair in Orchard Road last night, three members of a family of four dying of poison. In a market garden, near Claymore," theie lived a Chinaman, and his wife, and their two sons, one aged seventeen and the
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  • 142 3 Rk It NJnMs 1 Mr. Kriili George writes in his Hongkong Stan &M to-,lav (Octohcr Kith ):-< In receipt of the splendid crushing news for last month 1,150 tons of ore crushed yielding 570 ounces of smelted gold, am 1 5o tons of concentrates calcined yielding so ounces smelted
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  • 169 3 TraJVsw rer* BsraU remarks iliat the people of the I'nitcd Stales are surprised by the unique event now liciiig celebrated in Kngliind. and loubtless this explains the delay in the comments on the subject. All the articles that have yet appeared are sympathetic, and none is i
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  • 228 3 THE PROVINCE WELLESLEY FLOODS. At the date of last Wednesday, the Hooded country along the river Muda. in Province WeUealsy was still submerged, but the wafer was steadily subsiding, and it waa hoped the land ■vill -hoiily be dry. The Malaya have -übmitled to th.ii- fate, and are ,'oing about
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  • 296 3 liik S. C. C, met the S. I! on Haturday, with the following result S. l(. C. K. Te-.ii-ol.n b Ainslio I K .\;—.n l> Woo. Ir. .He 17 II s l ii. k c'Ainslie b u/oodrofla 4 K. Z-li.i.ler. -uiidb Ain-lie < K (iomc- -I Port b WoodroUe
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  • 1066 3 (FroM Ihe Timr* o) Ceylon./ I'akis. 9th October. THL Press attach the great .-I importance to the visit of the Czar und Czarina to Versailles as emblematic of purifying it from the pollution attaching to the place after the proclamation of the German Empire there. A grand
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 602 3 60VERNMENT0F BBITOIH NOHTII Bonrao. QOVESNMENTOF LABUAV. 'PKNDKUS will be i.-.ene.l by the I Secretary to the Governor, Sandakan. >r before :«)th November next, for tl.e following Revenue Farms for 1897: Opium Kami. spirit License Parm. I'awnbroking Farm. Customs Kami for Norlh Horn mly. HamMiag Bestriction Kami for Norib Borneo only.
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    • 518 3 POR BALE; EMPLOYMENTS TOLET; AND PERSONALS; These advertisements will be found on tlio right hand column of the firat page (title page.) 'pHE undersigned have rc.oived h nmsll I consigniiH-nt of Bordeaux White WineiSauterneß) guaranteed bottled at thn "Chateau des Rochoni," (Domaine dv Marquis de Rolland) Vintage IHHI $|ai IHBI
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 211 3 WKATHKR REPORT. h',,.,,1,1,,,1 Kerbnu llotpital, Wh CM. IHfm a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Remarks. Bur. ..30.01H2H.HU 20.989 Temp. HB.0 8J5.1 i 79.0 >. >. \V. BUTIiar 79.D 77.8 77.0 -g 5 Dir.ofWind 8. Calm Max. Temp. M6.9 "g Min... .73.7 ftf* Max. in Sun I4H.4 Torr. ra<l. (19.2 BXX Rainfall
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  • 115 4 Date. VaaUL'l Nwi.. ri.AiiAUio Caitain 1)KSI I NATION Oct 17 Lad) Longden in Hong Wan 19 Ainli.i-i IB I-: 11l lit Hye Leong ll> Pentakota 19 dm Sang ll» Albioo iw I'linx Helorich 19 Baa to Boon 10 N^nlluy* 19 I. IU U w k 5.U011 Lull Hut
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  • 153 4 I'ASSKD SINDA STRAITS OR AKRIVKD Mil: OBDEBB.; Date Kkom DhtdT- I!k Date, asp Siiii-s Name. I'u.mmandej!. Of Whekk ation nakkk Rm. Buuao. M "Il'il -li. All.uith Wyni'st Beat Lil.S.nnaliaya K. ("tic ssw. r N.-ii -!i..i. Fraucuiw Bleeker 00l HSamarang Delagoaßay 7 Itiii. -h.c.ofFuvl.uiyh ItucliHii July lO|Peu*rth Binnpore r.Ni"l
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    • 170 4 i: nder this heading the following abbreviali.ins are used: -If -I. ■inner sh. ship bo, barque; Brit-British; 0.8. United State«; Fr. French; Ocr— German Dut.Dutch; Joh. -Johore; G. c, General cargo d.p.— <leck paeseagen; U.-l'ncer-tnin T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagnr Wharf; T. V I).— Tanjong I'ftgar Dock B.W.
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    • 1488 4 Akiuvals Since Noon of Satikday. Irlkar Brit. str. 1887 tons, Captain Leonard, 17th Oct. From Mojl 4th Oct. Cod M. B. Kainha o— Rds. \lh,,;,i, Brit. Str. <WI tons. Capt Kit. hie. |Bth Oct From Bangkok. IMb O.t. Timber Borneo Coy. For Calcutta. Kith -W. Bmlaii, Itiit. str.
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    • 389 4 Name, port, pntbablr ilnl, m uiriinl, and mime oj w,,,,t.-. Achilles. Liver] I, Not I; 1.1 Aden, London. 0.-t 21 1' A 0 tganiem Liveri I. Od ffl; Mmnfield Agapanlbus, Antwerp, Oct «8 P, M n Aglaia, Hamburg, Dec 80; Bantenberg A. l.op. Manila, end of Ocl
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    • 27 4 Handy 4 Hart, shortly from M Aurora, .-ii Devonport, Sepl II VmirMonomacbfrom Cronstedl(Buvi«ii I Cuba, (Bp.J lefl Spain Ocl Rainbow, lefl Hongkong, Ocl 18;
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    • 72 4 Aoeona, New V..ik. I fi Aug 19; Aniline. Barry, 1.-fi Hepl 18; An-iria, Barry, left Sepl 10; County of Peebles, Barry, l"fi Aug I". County of R'burgh, Penarth, I'll ■I"' 1 Krwin Bickmers, Harry, lefl Mi June l»; Francesco, Shields left July ft; .Mn. lei Bickmers, lefl Cardiß,
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    • 255 4 Flag 5 Vessel's Name. 4 Ton.-. Caitain Kkom Baiuui. Itojwiusiii Rio Oct 17 Irene Ger itr. -'147 Bchudar Hongkong (hi IS Kauti-uUm Authur IK'ii'l Brit.str. I**7 Leonard Moil i t HI |:h-:m, K> 18 Hecate »tr. 807 jWaite Bangkok (HI ISVV MarotnoM 8 <<>ngkali>. sir. BO Marshall Muar 0.1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 550 4 NOTICES. .1 AM KS WATSON (OS 800TCB WHISKIES \i:i llli: BBR VAU I IN THE kUIKEF: y '"I I'l.ll i ,\s| in n I V l l > V. n. SHB I \l. i:i;si:|{\ I.. MMmc*m,mmrui>. ImiMIMI l(> EAKB l)Ll>. > MI r**cjuu, dcti paid. 081 HXABLB 1 BOM BRAIL
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    • 1002 4 NOTICES. BINOAPOBE BPORTING CLUB. \l I IMS BACI MKKTiN(i TiitfUtij Mil,. Tkmtimf ">,'' SsJawsat Mfl OMsiar Tieketa of admission totbs (irand Maad can now he had of Messrs. John Little A Co.. I.TH. Daiu Ticxcrs fc. Bkasoi sta\ Ladles li.-k.-is l-'m- on application to rj v sfeasban of tlicClut.. 10/10
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    • 119 4 NOTICES. SKHUAVALLOS KKKIM CINOL'S QIIXINK The Great Au»FTB trian Tonic- 01 PeruMvJ vian Harkand Iron; lvi over .'l"' medical E*9 eertificatos notifying EiJ i- groat Btrcngthifll giving properties, U^H and, at the game lime. Leing of an KxQtisiTE Taste. Aisfl A F'BICE: Per Bottle: $1.00; mkjggaet^a ivr<w, F3PQBBtsWB Buttles: $l<o.
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    • 471 4 NOTICES. I "BsW Relieves the scalla^filff^Bm d' n K P a n Ilce *UiFmP cures all discharges Irom obtained the cpit from iaWJHM^ Ur lai y the cilhcr best MH BM stx mn \/I¥*m¥ 43 HOURS wo N < ij v is a dal oil ol th. S I
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