The Straits Times, 14 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1896. NO. 19,001.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 558 1 ANDREW USHER'S i ELEBRATED UHISKIKS. i ,.r at,,i y. ll. ill. 2nd NoveinlxT, l-:-l refuli li-mi, alanalvI An* and < 0U w hiaky (a bland ol w i iskies) -:ini|iled sled aaaj ready rare! ouse, and Bad ni auality being slid (ree Bn It i- I very 'li ordinary- >>r
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    • 2197 1 t_. BUCHANAN WHISKY ■JyMTMPP^^^^^Wßti m A *T II CT aP^ b^\ T SOLK IMPORTERS Int DJC.O I tinman SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DKALERS. */j £>I1 0 Same as 81-pi'i.iEo to tiik Houses of Ix>roB and Commons and to all good London Clubs. ;si ii> (Bbbi v1 1 r 1
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    • 432 1 BANKS. nOXtr )XO AND SIIANOHAI ISA VKI.NO COKPOKATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 81O.000,O1pii. BMKBVE FI'XD «,(X»,ikhi. RESKRVE LIABILITY OKI nnmftm PROPRIETORS J..»10,WJ0,(«m. Cot'HT OF DIKKC TORS A. McCONACHIE, Esy. Ciiaihma.n-. S.C. MIOHAKLSE.V, Esq.-D«ruTTCMAiBirAN T1... H,,1...F..1.1;rM.|KViN,i I .1. KRAMIB. E«q I (i. B. DODWILL. E«q. ii 1:m>..,.S i I M. 11. K/ikiii.. K-
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    • 817 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. RjfftOMl "Will please undoubtedly the most (;i-t mlmiu- taite." I'»TKREhK ami MOTKL PKOPSIETOKh' (tAZETTi. "Noted for it- lx)ii(|uet and Hotsi. Rmir-'WI can recommend it as one of the tiest we have met." I 111 BOOL ItKVIKW IM> CaTJ.RIMJ W..1.11.. -A really first-class spirit o( Hrn li!<.'lie-t <|iiality."
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  • 500 2 LATfoT MAJtKKT UKITATIONS. SiSdAi-OKB, 14th Oitoiier. 189 H. PRODUCE. Uambier «.HO. do Cube No 1 ll.«0. do do No 2 ".<». Copra Bali, «JO. do Pontianak, r > Pepper, Black, 10.75. Sago Flour Sarawak do Brunei, 2.«t. Pearl Sago 3.M. Coffee, Bali 54.7/1. Coffee Palembang, Sft.oo. Coffee, Liberian, No.
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  • 24 2 Straits Insurance Co. Saabs. Punioms. Straits Trading Co. Tmijong Paaar Dock Co. Pataling Coffee Co. SOMK.KVILLK i GUX.N, Exchange A Share Brokuiv,
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  • 133 2 fur /Vr »(r. Tink\ To-Mokkow. lVtiti.inak W. nihe Wkf, II a.m. l',,iitia-iak Sri I'onlianak, Xoon. Malacca Htkne, I p.m. TriiiKKiiini via port* .S<« /(<>//<. 1 p.m. I'YeinantV via ports Xrera, 1 p.m. Ham Filial Sullann. I p.m. BepHg *to Mfta ii. Timor, 2 p.m. IV'iianu and Deli 3
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  • 77 2 KkohKi'KoI'E: By the Ocr. t>.s>. 1'reuetta, due on Thursday. Aug. 22ml X.D.I-. Sept. lHlh Sept. 18tli Aug. L'-Itli M. M. Sept. 17th Sept. lutli Be A. 9nd P. ft O. Sept.Wlk Sept. 2«th Sept. Kill XI. M. Oil. aril Oct. 8nl Sept. Kith P. 40. Ot-t. 13th
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  • 300 2 AUKIVALS, Par s. s. Kh/i/A/ Bt Johm from BomI bey:— Mr, rean. Par S. S, BSSfaM from Tringganu Mr. C. <le (iroot van Knilxlen. Per a. Charon from Bangkok Messrs. living, and Frigge. Per i. 4(>. M Kuhilla from HoafkODg— SfeasrS. H. Mericki, J. D. Ross, K. Inonye,
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  • 61 2 Straits Times WEDNESDAY, 14TH OCTOBER, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS KsTABI.ISIIKI. 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. [•^Subscription rate* and ndeett'using rate) may liefonml on the fourth page.} 1'<MK'HO\V DOCKYARD. London, lJ,th Octolier. It i.- olliciully announced at Paris, that the Chinese Government has entrusted the reconstruction of the Dockyard at Foochow to Frenchmen.
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  • 44 2 anun and the muiw A s(!tiii-ollicial liennan Note attributes the British naval reinforcements despatched to Zanzibar to fear of intrigues by Said Khalid, the Pretender. The Note adds that, if Khalid abuses the rights of asylum, he will be expelled from German territory.
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  • 127 2 A sEMi-iimi-iAi. Oarsman Note throws light on the troubles at Zanzibar, which have led to the despatch of British naval reinforcements thither. The Pretender to the throne of that State had taken refuge, first, in the German Consulate* then, and afterwards in a German man-of-war in port. Political intrigues were
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  • 142 2 Li Hixu-Chaxo's visit to France has already borne fruit in the fact that the reconstruction of the dockyard at Foochow is entrusted to Frenchmen. That port has already been the scene of French constructive and destructive energy. The Arsenal there, three miles from Pagoda island, and founded in I>B7, was
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  • 163 2 It has long basal a complaint that, although Singapore is one of the most picturesque of towns, there exists no pictorial representation of its chief features. We are about to remedy that. Mr. Wellesley Parker, well known as the travelling con vspoiident of the Australian Slur, has arranged with the
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  • 248 2 I.\ another column will ho foim<l aOSM interesting iind instructive details concerning a company which i- to be. float iml on the London market to work Km laipssj ami most important cotl'ii' estate in iiriuil [wlunie. indeed the largest estate of its kind in the world. The capital asked lor
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  • 123 2 Thekk is talk in Hongkong of numerous changes in the civil service there. His said that Mr. Stewart Ix>ckhart, who has held the office of Colonial Secretary for the Inst two years, is anxious to be transferred to some other colony, and that perhaps a minor governorship will be found
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  • 14 2 Uato MeLDRIM of Johore in expected to arrive by the next P. O. mail.
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  • 17 2 Thekk will be a Service in English at the Presbyterian Church, Johore, on Sunday, at 8.16 a.m.
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  • 15 2 The i'reutten passed Malacca at halfpast twelve o'clock to-day, and will arrive here to-morrow morning.
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  • 18 2 This evening, "the Gaiety Girl," an extremely interesting and amusing comedy, will be produced at the Town Hall.
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  • 21 2 Tiik Japanese budget for the next fiscal year is »aid to provide for expenditure amounting to some 300 millions of yens.
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  • 25 2 H. M. B. OaniaM has betjjj ordered to Manila to assist the I'iginij in looking alter British interest* during the present trouble in the Philippine*.
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  • 30 2 It is understood that Mr. A. Itohr* (Messrs. Holliday, Wise Co.) and Mr. K. L. Richardson (Messrs. Bradley it Co.) have joined the Board of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.
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  • 37 2 The rice crops in Japan this year are estimated to be come HO to 90 per cent, lielow the u.-ual yield, on account of the havoc worked by the floods and storms in the north.
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  • 32 2 This morning, a C'hinainaii residing :it 109, Cecil Street, reported to the police that liis cashier had absconded with a sum of 5 257. The man has not yet been traced.
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  • 34 2 On Thursday of race-week, the Hultan of Johore gives a luncheon party at Tyereall. On Friday, there is a Jclebu meeting at noon, and a Tanglin Club danci' iii the evening.
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  • 41 2 Wiiilk a Chinese coolie was driving B bullock cart yesterday, he fell off the shaft when asleep, and the wheel pasMd over his body. He was removed to the hospital in nn unconscious condition. He has since died.
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  • 47 2 TifitKK war-vessels are now being consiructed in Japan the Sunin. Ur-/,,, and Mii/ilko, of Which the lii-t nain.-d vessel was launched last year at Yokosuka, and is ex|>ected to be completed shortly. The other two are expected to be completed in April next.
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  • 49 2 An agreement has been ontered into I .ei ween Russia and Japan that they shall hereafter exercise a joint protectorate over thi) petty kingdom of Corea and, in addition, the Japanese have consented to evacuate it. This arrangement practically leaves Russia master of the situation.
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  • 52 2 Tiik Spanish steamer frirfem Vtm arrived yesterday afternoon from Barcelona, and will leave this evening for Manila. She is owned by theCompania Trausatlautica, and is to be employed in the coasting trade of the I'hilip|ijnes. The Spanish mail steamer Hassw left Manila yesterday, Mad is due iicre on
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  • 65 2 Tiik French Consul at Manila, in bin re|Hjrt, says: Articles used in the Catholic religion and devotional statues form the nucleus of a very extensive trade, as the people are very devout here, ;,i,d there are but lew dwellings without a chapel or oratory fitted up with more
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  • 83 2 Skvkhai. large steamers uro bsiag huilt or are about to be built in Japan at the present tun(>. At Taisgßmi, the Mitsu Bishi Company are laying down three, one ol 6,700 tOSS for the N. Y. X., one of 1,800 tons for the Osaka Bmmsj Kaisha, and
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  • 89 2 A.s the outcome of the Japanese wasfaennsn'i strike in Kobe, a laundry is 1 1 be sauted under European .supen isi«ui It is proposed to charge •Ji c.'iit.s per piece, and, when mi. ecus i- assured, to reduce the price to 2 cents per piece, or
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  • 47 2 llamji how was n,,t declareil foreign trade on the nth >. 1 inti'iid.-d, OWTDg to the tifw T ;i regulations n.,t bsittg ready \,Z'T' to be opened on the lit instant < chow was tobeop»'ned t r The Customs repdationi forS,"' will be similar to,. (1.j,,^,
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  • 61 2 Tiik 9*sm rVa rVsaj learns t1,.,, v B. L. Mown*, MJL, late of the Sinn Education Service, and now M „j the Statistical Branch of th, '1 Education Department, j- ,1 East. He has been appointed I nise the education of the Htrait* it] mentc. Mr. Morant
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  • 53 2 In noting the arrival, at Tientsin ft i the Hritish steamer StnUhord, i,,-l tons, on the 88rd September f] Bariiis) tn-Forne— with 8,0 rails and railway material, tl and 'I'iiittsiii nmm sayi called at l.abuan lor the pur) Mating; it is interesting t rapidly that port is gaining in
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  • 73 2 Tiik report to be presented tn h.u. holders of the Cant, in [nautW 1 i|lj, at the general meeting it 11 on the H'tli instant, sets forth t| m t jj Urns been dacideo to dispose of a halaiue to the good of i>».'> Beeonnl of 1105,015 by
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  • 65 2 On the September a Russian soldier was banged outside by order of I court martial II j been on board a traueporl and had threatened to shoot the captain Wli, the transport arrived at Nagasaki, he was banded over to tin' man ..I vm and tried. The war-vessel
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  • 46 2 Tiik following programme will 1, played on the loth instant, al ."> p m „n the Kaptanade March Ldolphe Selectiou ile In opem M :i it .1 < Canto l)e Amor KmliU. Selection From Belllnl'i opera Bonambula SibtU Wnlt/ Stispinnl. I (iavato Teodorii r. n...
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  • 109 2 Tiik other dny, in the Dominion ol Oanada House of Commons, Mi M uwell made a speoeh on the question i,f ChincMi' immigration. The Chinese, lie »aid, 00 ths coast, were taking aw;iv the living of the white people Thej «,i, now making it in British
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  • 138 2 Skvkhai. small thefts were reported to the police this morning. A Chinnman, residing at 80, Sago Street, report thai his premises were entered d iri tl c night and two oats removed The thief, however, was arrested while liewi le»\ ing the place. AwomanlivinginA! leida Street was aroused during
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  • 132 2 The Japanese Consulate al M will which was abolished a few y< to be re-established shortly, and un official in the Commercial 6 Japan foreign Office, will be wni w acting Consul there early Dert month Tin- raMaaa Nipipo gi"** tumour that the Spanish (Joveninieiil is
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  • 246 2 HKASONAM.K UTVIO* II Tiik Shanghai Chamnei dI im 1 baa written a lettei to C I I I' 111 1 United Btatea Minister ;il IVk'ii :»•>•' Senior Member of the Dipluinnti, tl, the ->il..j. 1 ..i tin Increase in the Chinese TnriH Chamber opposei revi ;iriuiii|i:inii(l by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1010 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS." KATZ BROTHERS. SINGAPORE A NEW CONSIGNMENT. HEIXRICH KLEYEH'S ADLKPv CYCLES. .irsT ARRIVED. THE BAGLE ROAD RAOEB NO. 25.*'* l>u..iop pnnamaWa tyres, weight M iii-. wi 1- fa in, hes geared np to oB| laefaee; stasMrsw laenasi tangent ipoEat i.l-1 .lu-i proof bail hoba, PRICK MM. THE EAOLE ROADSTER
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    • 98 2 M. 8. 8. intended for tb« flrailM Tim', ahoold h» written on oh aid* of the paper onlr. Bj tb« neglect of that i. m m»n.T M S. S »r» rr jf t~i tli»t niitfht otherwise t» nulilinhMl. All ».Uiirti«iii» oontr».'t» »r» auliirrt to the i-otnli-liim th»t tlio Man««fr
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  • 186 3 ,ii Mi;ur- n» ,-,ive the thank- of v -et the hall roll- „i (hunbUng al wi-h t.. join ill the I :,l (J,bttl I st i, that io>vei nt „i th. demoralizing I ,1,1. at Johore il »ns iiiore. It irail the folly of those to Johore
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  • 202 3 mi mum iiMi-: upondciil who seeks anting the al ol a will bo interested to illioritiei. lay down on lite i the past show that onfessional can be |i lv the fourth century. i..:- not mad.- universal!) Jaye ul Pope Inno- iith century, rrom re.
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  • 243 3 in me h i mamma UAZI HI kill I'.y '_'i\e me .-pace in cry one whom and I. .rail, that I linn party of lady tern here at Kilheeraii- rumour has been person or persons better to do than ■■■•diu'ii and misrepresent a v they know
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  • 50 3 „d. „t ..I Ih. 1 1..U, r. kin I I I--H.-I 1 liilMnetu a,1,.|.l all l-rofitaUe to them from fhii-li they and ih. I■' will profit and. if to unite will, ntilini-e. which ■'1 to Cl.ina T' 1 hj il.e imrtiiig 1 ii Xli 'i so Emperor
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  • 80 3 Tn Secretary of Uss funjina Mining Co. has received the following cable from the mm, giving the result of the >. ptember .lean up:- "The mill ran 2n .lav-, crushing 1 16 D tons of ore, yielding .-,7n of smelted gold. Fifty tons ..I concentrates calcined yielded 80 oas.
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  • 98 3 AKKIVAI. UK TR(HI|>» 1 lie Ist instant, shoal l,BootrooM ai i at Manila direct from Spain. th< lit, -t advice received. Their arrival at once restored conQdanee la and private circles, and trade showed -i:n-ol improving, l-'ur-ther instalments of troops were expected. There can I c linle
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  • 240 3 m 1..U1Y SLAVEY." Tin- not t oheient mii-ieal omed) was presented by the Willard Company laat night, and was found hy a moderately large audience much to their taste Mr. Hall played the Baitig Beeari verj funnily, and na'aong "The tears lolled down his cheek' had a
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  • 753 3 nil UNK-I ESTATE 1N IIHA/.11.. It is a long time since British investors have been invited to take part in a purely industrial enterpriM abroad on -in -li large M-ale a< the Dumont Coflbe ('.■inpaiiy. The object of the undertaking it to buy and work a
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  • 524 3 ALMOST all the hoi-e-,1i,l fast work this morning, but tho time was very slow, and hardly any did a gallop wortii recording. Rtgalia (Mr. Acton) and 'alsats (Hayes) were among the first to go mil on thcoourse, and galloped a milo in company. Caloola seemed to have tlio
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  • 478 3 Pakis, 7th October The Czar on landing at Cherbourg e\pre-sed his happiness on visiting France. The fleet was then passed in review, after which a banquet followed at the Arsenal. President Faure, in toasting the Czar, expressed the regard of the Republic for the welfare of the Imperial
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  • 628 3 THE BBOOND QUARTERS FKUREs. EXPORT IXCREASK. TnE returns of imports and exports of merchandise in the Colony for the second quarter of this year have just BON issued. Excluding treasure, the imports during the quarter under review come out thus in comparison with the corresponding quarter of 1*95:
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  • 1077 3 The latest ones suiting the women ol Mell.ourue in the parting of their hair on one -i,lr. Like most other similar fnshioii-. it was set l>y an actress -who in this mm i< Mrs. .lames Brown Totter. So prouoimee.l is the rage that one of th- Melhourne paper-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1103 3 NOTICE. CHRISTMAS TB% PR.ESE.NTS FOR. HOME. JOHN LITTLE CO., LIMITED. Have received fresh suppliesof the Mlowing Indian and other ondiments Miilahle for t'hristinas pi.-eni-. and will luive pha-ure in selecting and despatching carriage paid if desired— to any a Idr ss in Kngland or elsewhere, such supplies of the following
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 225 3 WKATHKR BIPOST. •V.i.»/un(/ Kerbdu Honpitnl. \:\th (>,t. IHUH '.i n.m. p.m. p.m. Remarks. i'.ar. 30.01:2 2H.MJ7 2t(.!1K3 Temp. tftU BU Hl.B ij A. HlbTher TH.i 7&8 77D B"l Hii. of Wind S.E. 5.,., v. s.E. >.|>,x. Temp, ssi: iMiii 7.V0 "5 Max. in Sun b">L'.)i Terr. ra<i. 3 lUlnfall Nil.
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    • 147 4 Tnder this heading the follow ing ahbrevia- tioiiß are used: str.— steamer sh. ship j Iki.— barque j Brit.— British U. 8. United States ,Fr.— French ;Ger.— German; Dut.— I Dutch Joh.— Johore Ac, O.c.,— General cargo d.p.— deck passengers I'. Uncertain ;I. P. W.-'lanjong Pngar Wharf
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    • 1206 4 Akrivals Bikce Noos or Ykstebday. CAaron, Brit. str. LJBftajeja. I'ant Payne, lath Oct. From Bangkok, 9th Oet 0.6, i'2d.p. W. Mansfield A, Co. U-Rds. 1 Allow IVim, spa. str. gw ton», Captain linibert, l.tth Oct. From Barcelona. 9th Sept. tie.. K. A H. Hinnekindt. For Manila 14th— B.W.
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    • 549 4 Same, port, jrrobablr datr „f <inim\ nut mmm aytnli. A.ien. London, Oel j.' t A 0 Agapanthus. Antwerp, 0,-t. £i, p, g \j«\. l.ivei|.,,,,i. Oct. it; Mansfield. A. Lope*. Manila, end ofOcl Hinnokindl Arthur Head, htojl o, t IT; U. n Ksisha Appear, Calcutta, OoL l& BarkieiA M
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    • 69 4 v Klau 5 Vuwki/h Name. Tons Captain Fko.m Sailki. Oomiwm Del gag--- adaspg- SE S 7 t c r l« Nicol Dill, i,, i lilH 4 \»iii Hill-" Bomb.) Ocl IRS iXrd,., Btr l:v> lUn Hongkong Ocl »B 4 te R l t Slr N«cotl«h Tringgaou Oel 10. 4
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    • 37 4 D..TK. VEMIL'a NAMK. Klag&K... OtRUI PWIHIll"* I; R l l ll i" il MOttr. Ook ll'lllk Alll-Oll Malacca vis Bangkok 1 Bangkok Knantan iria porn Palembani Pttnang, Colombo a H 1 port) BoDimbaya Uonakou. I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 866 4 JOSEPH BAKER. I 'iiMU TIONLIt ANIJ VIKSSA BAKEh. HBM t« inform the I.adios anil Gentlemen of Bbajapere that he han apeaed a Confectionery and Vienna Hnkcry, at No. t;, Victoria Strtwt, next to the Convent. CAKKH ami wedding Cuke- at moderate dlHfe*, »i <l all other different kiuds of cake*
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    • 873 4 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the 0.1 Revised LisU of persons duly qualified to be elected Municipal Commissioners for the town of Singapore, and of I persons duly qualified to vote at Municipal Elections for the several Wards of the *ingai>ore Municipality, have been published in the
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    • 1396 4 NOTICES. J. M01TON&^00. WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERB. OPTICIANS. BKPAIRB PROMPTLY KXBCOTCD. i t r "TIMES" AND "BUDGET." I Straitt Timm, post free, $30 s >ear, or *2Janionlh, or ten cents a copy. Strait* t Butloet, post free. !i0 a year, or So'a quarter, or 40 cents a copy. The advertising rates are:
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    • 54 4 I NOTICES; NOTICES. IM>Rl)Ts<:iii: [•CTROLEUIe fk»OHiD«. MAAiSCHAITU Aa.pTrkiiu fIOURAMAYA. HORTICUWDBIST 4KD FLORJrt ?S£S% r k SZ£XZ£, I'll™"*Unequalled for Bteam Engines, Cyhn Carefully and pro ra tl v I c -den, and every class of Machinery. BheapJel Hou jZ W<] MAX STERN &O. aSH&X S^S Ro^ iftati. a. o. Addiw*
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