The Straits Times, 10 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times IvSTABLISHEI): \m. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1896. NO. 19,048.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 529 1 V.NDUKW USHER'S 1 KLEBRATED WHISKIES. 1 oratory, ll.ill. N ml.or. INI rel I chemical a»alj I -hei and |iinky (a Mem! hiskies) sampled m il.'l canes ready 1 ,1. house, ami Bnd iiuality l.eiiiL' d tree llotn ,'t i- vi ry it with ordinary or liii lilj palatalrie \i \I»\M,
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    • 547 1 nO.\(iK(»\(J \X SIIANOHAI BASKING roßi-ou.vriON. I'VID-IC APITAI *H),ono,(«iti. L'KSKUVK Kt'.M) nflodflOO KESEKVE LIABILITY OK) lftnftni¥ PROPBIKTOBB ■■•l°>«».*«>COI'KT OF DIRKfTOHS: A. M.COX.UHIE, Ksy. Thairman. SO. MICHAKLSEN, Esq. Deputt Chairman The Hon. J.J. IlstL-IpviKo. I J. Krakir, Kk,. 0. 1). [iiiiiwru.. Eaq. I D. R.Sasmoon BK M. D. JSUKKL. E.g. N. A.
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    • 835 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. Kaii.vv.iv Imua .IoIkNAI.. Perfect at once ii» a beverage or as a medicinal xtimulnnt." AtHTIIAI.IAN I'KAIMM. W'oKID A> |gf, fad I -pirit nil anyone in this MNMHM sphere can deem to eonsone." jUltl— APS— ANIISoITII AtRKA.V .loiknai, of Oobwbmb.- An sxceedinglv Hne Old Hißhland Whisky." Tmk Kikoi'Kav
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  • 493 2 I.ATKST MAHKKI QtiUEATfOm IMMM, lOn Oitoreii. 1896. PRODUCE. Uambicr, KWU <lo Cube No 1 11.00. do do So 2. 8.00. Oopm liili, *).»7j. do Pontiansk, 5.60. Pepptr. Black 'ILI-'J. Saio Flour Sarawak,. 3.22} do nruni'i 2«0. IVarl Sago S/A Codec, Bali :tl 7.".. 'offee ral.-mli.iiig 1 3.YOa Coffee, I.ilm-i
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  • 22 2 Straits Insurance to. Kauli.s. l'nnjoui.-. Strait, Trailing Co. Tanjong Fntr<ir Dock 00. P.italiii({CoifceCo. SOMKRVILLE A OU.NN, Exil.anvv A Share Brokers.
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  • 124 2 MAI LS CLOSE. hor I'e.r sir. Time. To-Day. DaU Sumatra, :t |>.in. Malmia A Klaiif; •N'ri/'/iAo, :i p.m. PeaufilMl CWmmo, Bdjb, Bangkok //».<;; :t p.m. liidriif.'ii'i lltnuit. I p.m. llali vi.i potta p.m. M.11.n.a Brf Tnmititimt 4 p.m. Colombo Canlim, 4 p.m. .lapan via port* ./<i^«n 4 p.m. Svilnev via
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  • 111 2 KUOII Kri.,.l i;: By the I' .V <>. gj, Kli.ili,, ..n ilir nth inatant, with date* from Europe to the l-th Beptonilx r. She brings replies i<> tli" mail which I'll Singapore on the M'lh August, Kkc.m dm*: By the M. M. ffrWWn dv Tuesday.. MinMpmv Dui'
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  • 241 2 AKKIVALH. ivr >. >. Ami,<i»i bom Taluk Anaonvia port*: tfeasr*, Winter, Quins, ami Mr, and Mr-. Oreen. IVr Carolina Irom 1'alembang Mr. E. EaMell. IVr Calypso bom l*.li M neu, and Clark. Par from Bangkok: -Mr. Paul. Per*. I. Kuttane fmm Hongkong; Mr. Qatierrea. TO AlililVK. I
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  • 68 2 Straits Times SATURDAY, 10TH OCTOBER, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Kstahi.ishkii: 1631. PRICE 10 CENTS. [Suliscriptimt role* aiui advertising raiet ssay 'f fuainl Oil the fourth page.] ZANZIBAR. UKKMAN HOSTILE ACTION. London, luili (Meier, The UihnUtur a first class twelve gun cruiser, has been detached from the Mediterranean Squadron to Zanzibar. It
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 25 2 Mr. Cosehen, the First Lord of the Admiralty, has ordered the construction of four new cruiser-, measuring eleven thousand tons each.
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  • 20 2 THE LIBERAL LEADERSHIP. .Sir William Haroourt is generally designated as Lord Rosehery's sueeessor in the leadership of the Liberal Party.
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  • 17 2 Sirdar Sir Herbert Kitchener and his chief otlieers have returned to Cairo from Dongola.
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  • 242 2 TbBBS is further trouble bvswillgal Zan/ibjir and 11. M. S. OssmaW, a powerful cruiser of 12 puns, 7.700 tons, and 12,(MJ0 horse power, has been sent from the Mediterranean to strengthen the British naval force in Ihe vicinity. Now a disturbance at Zanzibar, as such, is a
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  • 122 2 .Mr. Gowlion. tin- Fh>t Lord of the Ailniiialty.lia- onli-iv.|foiir in w cruist is, nrh nf dnrnii thomnnd tons. That is Imt n part of the programme ttt naval expansion tuwliicb tht fimrwnwwil ua pledged. Lord Salisbary has ilctcnnined toincnaaebuththipaaiMlpefMMMLThii year OvetbouMuid men Iwva baaa iddad tolbe«ffiBotiv«slwngthoftlM Navy, and in .nI
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  • 228 2 sik William Habocn kt, noeorduNj to to-day's telegram, is generally designated as Lord Kosebery's successor in tin' leadership of the Liuerul I'arty. Tliat be will be Lord Bneohnij^wmwueui. as pointed out two day* ago, is alm<.-t beyond doubt. Than is no other man available at the pfWIBt moment and, apart
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  • 7 2 We publish the entries for the bee*.
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  • 6 2 Laky Mitchell leaves for Malacca o-day.
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  • 15 2 Thk bCUbVm left Pmiang at ii p. m. yesterday, and in due here to-morrow morning.
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  • 18 2 Thk free port of Macassar is tlirea ened as is narrated in our Nether- j lands India news.
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  • 19 2 Mh. .1. Altos advertises board and lodiling to be had nt the New Market Hotel from the 15th inst.
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  • 16 2 Thk Federated States propose to pa-s i very stringent measure to prevent thefts" of plantation produce.
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  • 20 2 Mr. W. Lazarus, the oculist-optician, advertises that he may be consulted at the Raffles Hotel for a few days further.
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  • 24 2 Tin; Willard Opera Co. rive a variety entertainment at TaDgun Barracks to-night, and will open at the Town Hall, im Monday, with The Gondoliers."
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  • 36 2 Somkhody in Perak has invented a bicyle with a seven foot wheel, in the centre of which the rider is to sit thai is the rider is to sit inside the circle of I lie wheel.
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  • 35 2 The Rev. M. Basil died at Calcutta, mi the Nth September, at the age uf M Msm, on his return from Singapore to Persia. Some fifty years ago, he waa the Armenian priest in Singapore.
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  • 24 2 The Russian transport l'etershu?<j arrived this morning from Odessa with 1.150 soldiers, 200 pa»6enger!>. and 1.">2 children. She leaves to-morrow for Vladivostock.
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  • 73 2 Tiik (iovernor has appointed Mr. Swelleiiham to be his Deputy during his absence from the Colony. The Secretary of State has confirmed the suspension from oaVeofCho Yeap Bee, late Clerk and Shroff. Police Courts, Singapore. Koi tin; fourth Quarter of t»»' y-'< lT 1890, the rate of
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  • 113 2 A TIDAL wave broke over Pbrl Weld, as usual, on the 6th instant, causing Mood and much damage. The village was surrounded with water some three feet deep, and the railway KM at the extreme end was sunk to a depth of several inches. People bad to cross
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  • 598 2 ACIIEEX. Thkri; is now a prospect of MM continuity of policy in Achecn for a little while. A telegram from tlio Hague intiin.-iti's this iimcli by listing mat tin- Minister liii- the Colonies and the (iuvrrnuMii neral have decided to go on with llic present syateni of Operations
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  • 93 2 QUICK BVPPRBMIO!! n.HTv Haiiu km. i. in Brie»M,«M 0 Tin:. ln,;, says: Ki^ln ..I K :~t Lombok have risen in rel-in US M\ MH. h>n.h,\:,l |„.,i Tbjeece»pongi,includingGandor,Kin liaiin and Kountng were burnt down in rebels killed. l were taken prison'ei in. In. liiii: tour he. ds of
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  • 78 2 Haumstons Company, we notice Bra winning golden opinions from r»n a and public throughout Java sad thi j 1,,. iii-cii rewarded by crowded tent li.itavia, they .in- ii. nv in tli<> si\i|, tinal w«eh of Hi. season. They »iii anivr in Singapore on Friday Ori 18th, by a
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  • 191 2 .UTAIKS AT 1 STASMTI] L Advhm regarding the revolt in t>, Philippines, ghren by the Okina show thai the rebellion is practical!" m ttandstill. The rebels, hai In fox themselves a strong position in Cavil.', ilo not desire to ii-k ;i eonfficl with the Spanish troop* and
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  • 713 2 SELANGOR PLANTERS' ASSOCIATION i.1.1.1-I.AIH.N Mill Till: Ilioii., riO 01 ritonicK. A <..• Meeting of the A iatioii waa held at the Bebngor Club un Ui i''itli September, with Mi. E. V. Cue] in i Im Chair. Tin- following resolution *ai pruj I l>y Mr. Qibson, and Beeonded by Mi Carey:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 598 2 \oTK l> NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Manulwtiii, 1 DYNAMITE QEEJGHITE QELATDIE DYNAMITE BLASTING GELATINE DETONATORS EXPORTERS OK: All Bi SAFETY FUZE AM' ELBOTRIC BLASTING AFPARATU& int. Aiu.u. Bmoerraa, seam tv mis! MUtliaail in' Ukkat Hkitain, ai:k mauk 1.1 lA-- int. hmbj srunuao «i mm vM.-ui.T, rests iswoaßa inn Hkitish Gevaaaanr,
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    • 270 2 NOTICES. KATZ BROS. RACING SADDLERY OF All DESCRIPTIONS: UtX BIDMJ& KAiK STIRKII'S. I!ACK nBOF I.KATHEKS Spurs, Stump Irons, Stirrup Leathers Martingales, Hridles, Bitp, Whips clippers, Kaae Caps, Head Stalls, (iirtlis, liandagos, HorseHcrupers, li'u iiisln is, Mane Combs, Anil all utlitr Stable and Kacing Requisites. HARNESS: slNdl.K POKY, coll, AJJD HORSK.
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    • 632 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THK HKTI lIMMi hAVOIKITKS. lIAIIMSTOVS (IRANI) CIRCUS. Are now (m lKlllldllMJ thslr Triuinplinnt Tour vi .Ihv«, ami wilt strive by spatially ihartorfii stnemfir on Friday ■October 10th. iRAND oPEXIN(i PERFORMANCE (Mastbt Evmtimg, OWaesr \~tli. Box I'lnn «t attXLT \si> \V\i.sii-. LriUfßS TOWN HALL. THK WILLARD oI'EKA Oft Mnpilmj,
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    • 95 2 M. H. S. mtoj 1M for til* Ktrnitt Tiwuu ahonld b« Tnttfn on oih wide of the p*T* r only. By 'f> i«»l«!t of th.t oanditinn. m»ny M.S.S. an rejeH*.! hut miirht clherwine 1,,, pnbli.lied. All »<l> rrtixmir nontracU ar* «uhjo. t t.. I he romliiun Hint tin- M.iiiHt.T may
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  • 612 3 know why tl produce The irHh »v, M, i I iv. and by no 1 1,,, time and (rouble it the a." I M -iini^ we mn i U,c i.i.t thai Hiint) Miy I n rather mud i you! I .in I. i ne, there Kow things
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  • 916 3 MAMALIGHT'S CAREER. Rt'WIAN ADVKN II UK- l\ 1 lI X MAI U IK 1111K1.A.10. Tin- trial of Maligan OT Mamaligi, Russian, nndei indietsneni for abetling «.u by lalbseM against the Dut. h in Lombok, began before the < < ..mi at Suurabava on the LMih September, and is expected to
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  • 35 3 \\V Jiatiendi, d at .\ledan (Deli) nY 3rd instant, in his 4«th year. Mr 1j.,,,,',, was formerly editor of the Petunia Times, Bnd latterly broUfChi out tome tr;«i-lations of Dutch work-.
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  • 142 3 Tna Following ii extract from a 1,"',r,;,-i M-frsßraddeU Bros ukl Matthews. Ihe letter (ol whi.h ihe following is only a part) ii wTitti ii by ;< Chinaman in Kuala i.umpor, in the ordinary couwe of WMinees. j, mv) i,. taken at evincing areal desire for the -till
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  • 659 3 At ii usually the ea«c O n the rwrrnriM of tl Btries. there WM I big cro\V( down lv watch the gallops. A mist hanging oxer the Hat prevented thoet on the lawn and stands from scrum] much of what was being done on the far side but
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  • 387 3 The (iviniiiMcal Qtuttte publishes the draft of a revised Code of Public Instruction prepared by the Inspector of Schools, and submitted to the Ooawntinent for ailoption next year. Bchool Managers and other persons interested in public instruction ale invited in send their criticisms on this draft, I
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  • 71 3 fot raoaog and Bombay, Bitogno, due l Oth <)<t., Ittlni Meyer A Co. Hongkong, Onfannj due l-ili Ootobsr, Boustead A Co. < ii.uit.i riaporU, rmotts, m ii'ihOct.. Itouttead A Co. Hougkoag. Kntyht of si. doe l.'.tli Septomlior, Haterson EUmoni A Sydney vim ports, Ktrtto, dm lOtli
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  • 1201 3 KIKST DAY, TUESDAY. 20th OCT. I'ii. -i Rack. THE MAIDEN PLATE. Value A BaM for WltllMl Horse* -Weight as per scale (lOst. 91b.). An allowance, of 21 lbs. to horses entered for the Intermediate Races only. An allowance of 7 lbs. to all other horsesentered for Ran*. No.
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  • 572 3 First Rack. OPEN GRIFFIN HANDICAP. -Valu $300. Presented bf the Secretary. A Handicap for nil Griffins that'hav started at this meeting. Kntrtinc $10 anil a Sweepstake of S5. Th Sweeptitake to go to thr second horse. Dianaee, R. C. Ir. H. S. Tann's Uogic Mr.
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  • 540 3 KirM ntnhl—n "Tlmt dm ICjt nli:i in gatl "I" <>( M n ii I •li';i-;i hi position Malar than liny fellow I t-vi-i- win." HJ Ditto: Doaa, ahf" V.-. II. I i true (taadtaig talking togatber abort nn i hour ng<; wlici) Ki'lilcr. wlm lias a m I.hKv.
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  • 274 3 TOMORROW'S. CHURCH SERVICES. (Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity.) CHI'KCH 01 KNGLAND. St. AsmtKH's CUtHXMUL Tn. in., Matin-. r.:xi a. m. Choral Eucharut B v. in., Malm- and Srrmun. I p. in., School and Kit. I. ci.i kJD p. in., Evensong and Sciinoii. St. MaiiiikhV Cmn. U«p> in.. iMMNfmI IMW KOMAN
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 29 3 NON-POISONOUS. Condy's Fluid v Uc.lro). all I uul saiells. kill. Illuue Derm. I'urlllca Air ami Wstar CltlcriK. and KllUn. A I.UIUiy In ,1,, Hath, «lc. 1 Condy's rl aid
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    • 475 3 FORSALE; KMPLOYMKNTS TO LET: AND PKRSONALS; Ihcw advertisement* will >in found on tli. mkM linnd column of the first pnf* 'I'Mh QMerMfßOd hnvr rccrivnd a small I iniiMi(fnm<rit of Bordeaux Wliit.-WiiH-iSautcriin^HuaranU-ed Iratth-d nt thr <!.iit.-nu .Irs Rocliitk," (Domajne dv M.-i..|ui- dr Kollnnd) Vintagp IW)| $I 2» 1879. $-J0) l2l)01 <!»••
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 205 3 W'KATHKH RBPOBT iii./an./ Mm lli«t},iliil, \>th (hi. /■>.'/» :i a.m. 3 p.m. it p.m |:ir. .3fl.M8S9.MMH9.88i I nip. pU:( *<;.:i hi. 1 1 v fnliTber 7ft9 7*.o < Z*:1 I -.r.ofWin.lw s... \V. 8. |35 Mai r«ni>. Ts.s Jx. i Mia... 7.t.-i 3>-i U«K.ia8n)4Hj| v -it. nui. aej 25— l.iinf.ill
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    • 113 4 Under this heading the following abbreviation* are used: str.— steamer sh.— ship bq.— barque Brit.— British U. 8. United States Fr.— French Ger.— German Dut.— Dutch; Joh. Joliore Ac, G.c.,— (irn. nil cargo d.p. deck passengers 11. Uncertain ;T. P. W.-Tanjonglagar Wharf T. P 1) -Tanjong Pagar
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    • 1090 4 AKKIVALB BINCK NOON OV Yf.sTEKIIAY. Amhrrtt, Brit. »lr. |O8 tons, M Sliiininen, lOtb <M. From T. Aaaon. 7lh 0.1. G.c, and 184 d.p. Wee Bin anil Co. Kot T. Anson, 12th— Rda. A«wi«n'.v, Brit. «tr. a.-.".!:! tons. C.ipt Mm ray, 10th Oct. From Xow York. -JOtli Any. 0.c.,
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    • 544 4 1 If— >, port, probable ,1,,; MHM <i.;./iN I Aden, London, Od M 1- ,v v 1 Agapanthua, Antwerp, Oct. 18; P. n,,,,,,,. Ajax, I iv,T| I. Oct. ]■>; Munafipl.l Arthur Head tfoji Oct. 17; M. B. Kaioha 1 A. Apcar, Calcutta, Oct. I.. s.,,ki. m.. 1 lt:i
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    • 180 4 S Vkssbl's Najik. A Tons Caitun a Bn, Out 8 I«M Brit. l.(|. ."CO Wiir 8 Hong Laong Htr. uri Krlpp 10 Amlicist M Btr- i( W 1(1 Siiiidn |tr, i,, L > Choper.l 10 I-alwlln r k4 Hudson 10 (iiioliim Dv! »tr. IBg| Deloiaso 10 Bone Wan
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    • 113 4 Dam. Vemkl's Name FlaoAßm. Caitai.n Dmhhai 10 Aswanly Brit.str. .Murray H'kong, Bta Teresa M k Manwflle* via v< J O t-l'tus rt,. i-,,,!, Bydnej 0 '°P»^ Mr. Bomiu* 1.,,,,,1,,,, 12 y u I"'"/-' Muntokandttil."' 10 Lady Mitchell Or! Ifogfonl B»igon 0 (enorcliy Ml Calcutta v, n J\^? 9tl KormM
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 632 4 NOTICES. "7AM ES WATSON COS SCOTCH WHISKIES HI Till: MH Fill B IN IBS *****: Hl.OO RB CABB, DOrr FAD. V. V. (>. Sl'KrlAl, RESERVE. UM*tm9*m, Mrnrtim DOMINIE, H> YEARBOLI>. twa*)wmam,*wK*»)m. OBTAIH ABLB nK>M UTAH ÜBALBBfI, OB McALISTER Co., nVOUAU KKHNKD XtAI 1 r^aL< I' aaaaetfM aaaßftadM (rath dear. V^*
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    • 886 4 NOTICE. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST KEITTATION EVERYWHERK ESSENOK OR rZwj~lx »cvVi- RED VaMAICA Estd. j '^i* t\ m l£\, ""in"), Y*f*^U/vv\ rror.oi; ..d oy lua KICHEBT V iTcil. authOrTticb tj^^Jl^Bßl^aßl s^ty yeaiis Reliable Remedy T6IPIO v.'a, DEBILITY ATTENUATION OF BODY, ERUPTIONS. LASSITUDE, And nil IMPURITI IS ot the BLOOD INDISPUTABLE EVIDE
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    • 733 4 i NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPOUTING CLUB. AITUMN KAf'K MKETIMi TaW«| Mli, Thumthy •irinil, nn,l S./lnnlmj 24th (Mat«r. Ti'ketu of aJllllwlUß to the (irnnd Stnnd t-an now lie had of Messrs. Jons I.itti.k i Co., Ltd. Daily Thkkts S2. Bauaos Ladies" Tiekotu Fire on application to I the Sceretnrv l.v Menil.ers of
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