The Straits Times, 9 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED, 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1896. NO. 19,047.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 588 1 VNPREW IJSHER'S ELEBRATED UIIISKIKS. H II Mali, nd N« bar, IMI ml, liemicalanaly- I'-her and i.1.l «k) (1 blend w liiskies) sampled aled cases ready irehouie, and Bad 1 I), ni uuality being free Iri.iii liiett It il IVI iv -i with ordinary of 1 lii lily palatable v MACADAM,
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    • 604 1 NOTICES. j(K)I.I) MKDAI.S, PARIS, 1878: 188!" JOBEPH GILLOITB PENS Of Higheiit Quality, and, having the Ureatest Durability, are, therefore, the CHEAPEST. banks' HON(iK|ONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000. REBERVE FUND f HOOoomi RESERVE LIABILITY OFI ||nm ft PROPRIETORS J ..•10,000,000. COI'RT OF DIKKCTORB: A. McCONACHIE, Esq. -Chairman. S.C.
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    • 843 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. Natiomal Oiakdian. Will please undoubtedly the nm-i fantidiouii taate." Catrriks" and Hotkl PRorniKTowt' <>a7.ette. "Noted for its bouquet and mellowness. Hotel News. "We can recommend it imone of the best we have met." Tub Hijtel Kevikw and I'aikkim. World.—" A really fir»t-clas» spirit of the highest quality."
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  • 483 2 UTKST MAKKET UIfITATIONS. Singapore, 9th October. I«X>. PRODUCE. Uambier, I M| do Cube No I U-UO. do do No 2 COO. Copra Bali, »-97}. do Pontianak, 8.00. Pepper, Black 11.12}. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.22* do Brunei P.-«rl Sago 8.56. Coffee, Bali 34.7 C. Coffee Pa'ombang, 36.00. Coffee, Liberian, No.
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  • 23 2 Straits Insurance Co. Kaubs. unjoins. Strait* Trading Co. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. I'ataliiiK Coffee Co. 80MEBVILLE A GUNK, Exchangt' Share Brokers.
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  • 107 2 Kkom KikoI'E:— By the 1'. s.s. Khnlive on tlie 11th int-tant. with dategfrom Europe to thi' lftli Septi-mlier. She brings replies to the mail wlnrh left SiiiKiipore on the 19th August. From CniXA:-By the M. M. s.». Jluhilla, due on Tuesday. ■ft Singapore Duo in London Arrived
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  • 125 2 AKRIVAI.*. jVr t, 1, lh,ul»\ from Sandakan Mr. Stivi-ns, ami Mr. •mil Mrs. I'ryor. I'rr Tringgmm from Kelantan via Triiißgiimi Mr. I". KnavUiakiT.-*. IVr s. s. I'iniiinn from Calcutta vi» parti:— Mm. IVII, Mr. Hui-doi-k, Mr. N. B. ile Conri'v. Mmlauie B. ilc Thuy, Madnino Brnmlt, Mi»» Bandar,
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  • 99 2 For Per >lr. Tinw. KinnAnn. IVnan K Km* Deli Sumatra, Malacca A- Man;; Sappho, taUUM A Doli Cnlypno, I rut nil: in He,, nil, I'alcTiil.iiin; Srndari, ('olonil)O Canton llan-kok Japan via portx Japan Sydney via ports Clitut yt. and Falembang Ruby, Bangkok Apennule, MOXDAY. Calcutta via ports
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  • 69 2 Straits Times FRIDAY, 9TH OCTOBER 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTB. [Subscription rate* and advertising rates may be found on tlie fourth page.] PRESSURE ON TURKEY. THREE FOWKRI COMBINE. London, »tk Ocioltr. Britain, Russia, and France have agreed upon the immediate despatch I of a vigorous Note to
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  • 31 2 The .S7. George, a twelve gun first class cruiser, has been ordered back to i Zanzibar from Capetown. A reinforcement from the Mediterj ranean Squadron has also been ordered thither.
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  • 30 2 The city of Guayaquil in the South Ainericdn Republic of Ecuador has been almost destroyed by an incendiary fire. The damage done is estimated at six millions sterling.
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  • 32 2 Mv Hi dso.n 'will shortly return to Penang, and will resume his duties as Assistant Registrar there. Mr. Garrard, who has been acting Deputy Registrar, will go to Malacca as Assistant Registrar.
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  • 115 2 The despatch of men-of-war from o>|M Town and the Mediterranean to Zanzibar points to further trouble at that port. The recent assertion of British authority there, and the flight of the Pretender to the throne, had appareutly restored tranquillity in that quarter. But elements of mischief I go abound there,
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  • 149 2 Thk incendiary fire ;it Guayaquil arrests at tent inn by the damage done being set at nix millions sterling. That the chief port of the petty Republic of Kcuador should be worth so much may goat somewhat M ;i surprise to the average man. Hit statistics show that (Ju.iyai|uil h;i-
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  • 210 2 I Astkaxuk Triple Alliance now threaI tens Turkey. Thtaa I'owers Britain, Russia, and France require the Sultan by Rota to devise reforms for the safety of tin? Armenians. Tim Sultan has of 1.-iti- been accustomed to sueli Note«, and has ban none tfca worsts fur them. There is, perhaps, additional
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  • 13 2 Thk hnwill mail by tlie UuhMa closes at 1 |i. in., on Wednesday.
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  • 13 2 O.nly onu ease of cholera was reported to-day. It was discovered after Math.
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  • 13 2 The Wilted Opera toy. will not play to-morrow night, at the Tanglin Barracks.
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  • 16 2 Til Kin: an- now thret; tlatses of beats for "Tlit; Passport one, two, 01 three dolUn.
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  • 14 2 Tub Hongkong Jockey Club ai building mw stables, which are ted to cott UH.-J^i
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  • 14 2 Fi.MT Paymaster Bremn<>r, of H. M.S. Ceniur.-n, died at Hongkong, on the 20th ult.
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  • 19 2 Diking Christmas week, a combine 1 cricket, hockey, and Rugby football team is to visit Madran from Coy lon.
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  • 21 2 A Chinese femalt' child, iilx.ut six nii.ntlis old, was found last niglit at TionK Bahru. The child was sent to hospital.
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  • 22 2 Captain Shi'iikk.-k. R. M., serving as gupernumorary on the China Station, has been appointed to the VitdnunttA, in place of Major Hadley
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  • 27 2 To-moruow (Saturday), the SkrmUi Time* will be published at 2JK) p.m. The delay, of half-an-hour, is to enable us to give all the entries for the races.
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  • 29 2 A sailor, belonging to the Spaa iah troopship Antonio Lopez, came ashore yesterday, and got a sunstroke. Ho was removed to the hospital, where ho died.
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  • 29 2 Tiikhk were- 193 deaths in Singapore town during the week ending with last Saturday. Twenty-six spjiear under the hoad of cholera, and fifty-six under that of fever.
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  • 25 2 Owing to the alleged outbreak of pLigue in Bombay, the medical authorities in Colombo have placed vessels arriving there from Bombay under special inspection.
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  • 33 2 Tonqiin coal has been imported into San Francisco by a firm which intends to put the article on the market there at prices below that fetched by Pennsylvania and Welsh coals.
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  • 32 2 At half-past three o'clock, this morning, the house of a Malay clerk, mimed Sally, at Telok Blanga Road, was broken into, and one hundred and thirty-two dollars' worth of jewellery stolen.
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  • 33 2 Thk daily mortality in Bombay from the alleged plague is estimated at from fifteen to twenty. The doctors consider the liisease is due to the filthy condition of the drains.
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  • 33 2 The Negri Sembilan Syndicate, a tinmining company, is being wound up. A correspondent writes that tbe company's business has been taken over by a Chinaman for ten thousand dollars.
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  • 37 2 A Chinaman, named Kirn Tian Seng, has been taken into custody. He admits he is the man who deceived Drs. Galloway and Highet, a few days ago. Kirn Tian Seng has previous convictions.
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  • 43 2 The excess ol revenue ovei expenditure of the Ceylon (iovernnient Railway for the year 1»95 wus R.'t,:J21,044, excluding now work* Winding th. whulo coil of the railway to date, viz. 115:1,169,981, this works out at a profit of 025 per cent.
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  • 43 2 Mr. A. H. Cappbk, Protector Of Chinese at Penang, who has been confined to bed owing to rheumatism and rheumatic fever, ih making progress towards recovery. He will not be able, it is said, to get about lor some weeks I
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  • 48 2 Rt'Moi'R at Hongkong has it that Mr. Lethbridge, the Superintendent of I'riftons there, is to be transferred to Sngapore; and, if that b« so, the olli. c of Superintendent of the Gaol at Hongkong will probably be amalgamated with that of Captain Superintendent of Police.
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  • 50 2 Yesierday afternoon, while a syce was driving a horse and gharry along North Bridge Road, the shafts became detached from the body of the vehicle and the horse bolted. A 'rikisha coolie, sitting at thu side of tho road, was knocked down by the animal and severely bruised.
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  • 54 2 It is reported that Messrs. Behn Meyer Co. have commenced civil proceedings at l'cnang against Kboo Swi Bock and Khou Low Chang, claiming from them the large ma of about «2H0.000. These wero their late storekeeper at I'enang and his accomplice, both now under sentence f,, r
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  • 59 2 Indian exchanges report that llmin and l*o,iiihu are expected to run at the big Calcutta Meeting in December Isonidax was reported to have been bought by a Native States turfite, who left for the Colonies a short time boo. But the horse hag not yet arrived here
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  • 72 2 I'he harvest of the lucky bulls of the Kungoou rice market is likely to be a stupendous, says the Ifaajauui IVaut The king of the bulls is expected to make some 15 lakhs off his own bat Of bulls of the first rank there are only four,
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  • 149 2 Further particulars are to hand as la the recent sad death of Captain 1,,,,,. K. N and throe seamen. The Captain. an ofhoerofnianties, a midshipman and aix men were returning from a Bahins exp.-.l,tioi.near(irossevit( lia, which ison the I- i-h Kiver, Gulf of Tartary very strong
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  • 43 2 Licit. Leach, who to 10-<lay and to-morrow, i, r T k to have got tonther a ttrona 1 nation. The f0110w,,,, „-M V;"t wnd to haw OonawnWq Mr. Frank Swettenliau, -i'l awn Kred. Talbnt, G ',V A. H. Huubaek, LDouta], v SecJg^'
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  • 88 2 On Sunday next, tlie football of the Btnite Chinese Recreation n? will leave Bingap rorJol t lb the first team of the JohonFoS Club, in koompatition for thi 1 ChfJknga Cop. The Straiti Ke. Nat 1. .11 Club hflt |„.J'" two of the Johore football tea,.,.
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  • 93 2 At hall-past aight,laal night, a Chin, man named Tan Bin was 1, r .,n..; lt the Tanjong Pagai Police Station. Tbs man was |Uite unable to ipeah ibJ when removed to the hospital, he wu found to be sulVerinp; from itrren internal hemorrhago. ftappea, the afternoon,
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  • 103 2 TilK (iovernnient BaOlllllllsUll on t|,,. working of the Mints is pablianed in Ihe ItajMsM <!<• e<te. During th, ycir 1806-C, the net imports of gob] n. \-JJMS.i ounces against (isit.dTn ouncei exported the previous year; 11,1 gold WM coined at the Mints during the y < ;i
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  • 243 2 The iiritish Norn Bcrtm HtnU, in urging the ciieoiiraKeiuent of JapantM emigration there, tli<. reason why previous local experiments with Japanese liiivn proved failure- 1- that the men van of the WTOM otaas, ami thtit they will not fike kindly to cattail forms of work. They
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  • 523 2 I'l'tin W'niiUlH." IVi-haps a vrlteeaabesl Imnsove bei tml.and by tir-t Improving nenelf: il her standard of life, moral-, and intelli-d l« high, hi« li Insensibly raised. Bfai a i make his home to h;i|>|.v even If ha 18 inclined tO a. tual dissipation lie
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 295 2 NOTICES. I .1. OTOMUNE CO. LPAVBU CURIOS STORE. BY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 26, Hi^ Stbbet, I HINOffORE 10/10 RABHERIEH DE LA MEDITEKUANEE vp:ltens beer. Sole Agent for the Straits, M L. MAI.EHERB, 89. Robinson Road \STKRN MOKtQAQM .UiKXCY COMI'AXY, (LIMITED) H prepared to receive propositions for ad\-ancing money on
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    • 748 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KKGIMEXTAL THKATKE, TANOLIN. K1NDPKRMIMIO3 OP MAMI1 Rl'CIIANAK. (Commanding 5th Fu-ili.-i-.i < HK WILLAUl) OPERA Oft (Manhy, utih OMafcr. dt BY UWOUL DMOHL I THE KKEAT Ml. -I' M. COMEDY. "TV LADY SLAVEY." Price*, S3, g<. and*!. [Hilary. Half Price to Second and Bask Seats. 10/10 1 TOWN J1ALL.
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    • 32 2 KSYCIIO CYCLES. >i m.i i Bros.' Niwbct .Shapes. PNEUMITIC AND CUSHION TYRED. A stock always on hand suitable fft' t I.ADIEB AND QENTLEMK UILKY, HARGREAVES Co., IS, BArriKY uuih. B>. W. I.
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    • 93 2 M. 8. 8. inland*) (or the Mraitt Timn nhonld t» written on on* *v\- of the war only. Bt thr neglect M that srmditinn nrnnj M H. S. «r» i» jwtM that might othorwine be pnbUnhed. All arfrertiainir oontract* »re imbWwt to the conJitmn that the M«n«irer may leave the
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  • 686 3 at the Town Hall Theatre wHHmn, api>eamu:for jj, Nicholas Society, ptoManilYardleys entitled "'The Pm» 11, known, "Tl.e li,- h ..r, that ih.iniiitiK a Wife." B»t the so clianniny indeed, a pOOI -.1 plot, dclicient disjointed in action, and loost the novel, an Ain.-n n.. the Russian frontier,
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  • 636 3 I'iikke was t1,,. k mist on the coin stilus in, .mine, which quite prevented IM from swing what was being done on the Inr suit-. Thagofan] was very pood Mfci some „1 t1,,. batUM were srut along .it their best. l,,it mostly for short ilis [MOM only and
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  • 367 3 A l-i:.\.\N<i VIKW. The Vina "j Gtuette thus couuaenta on tin- Railway schwn*; We arc -oinewhat at a loss to uiider--lan.l tin- piiorelainis and iiuportance of a line to -ueli a minor State as Joliore. Indeed, it will be seen from a reprint of a letter
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  • 251 3 Ooa-arurrnopLß, urtii Bealemhsr, The Sultan has sent an autOK'iaph letter to the Emperor William. The Sultan, in reply to an add res* from the Armenians, baa (ranted them pormtedon to el. ri u.-w Paariareh. LoMMiN. ■JTthScplember. The Japanese paper- deny the statement of The Time, that Russia and
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  • 106 3 By the P. O. mail, due on Sunday, there should arrive Mr. Evans (the Protector of Chinese) and Mrs. Evans; also, Miss M. H. Collyer, niece to the Attorney-fieneral. On the 25th. there should arrive Mr. O'Brion and Mr. and Mrs Neavc. On November Hth, thereare due Archdearon
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  • 1090 3 Lady Ha» anyone called during my absence, Jane r Yen, ma'am, Mr. Charles." "Mr. Charles! I don't know any one of that name." Perhaps not, ma'am Mr. Charles called to »cc me. Edith Have you heard the news about Charlie Hinks and Mabel Buxton?" Maud: -No, what is
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  • 152 3 Kurher particulars of tlie murderous attack on Cap-am Ross, at Edie, show that he was master of the steamer I'egu, and that the attack happened on the 2nd instant. While Captain Ross was walking from tl<e landing place to the oflfice there, he was accosted by
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  • 1275 3 Hants* of IMaMM on the Mvm-<-IPAL COMMISSIONERS AT AN OBDlkaky Meetino os Wkdkksday, thi 23rd September, 1896. Pkksent:— The President, Alex. Gentle, Esq.; Col. Pennefathcr, the InspectorGeneral of Police; Theo. Sohst, Esq.; Seah Leung Seali, Ewi.; fit T. Harp, Esq.; TanJiak Kirn, Es,, the Hou'ble T. Shelfor<l, r.M.u.
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  • 852 3 (For the Far Kant, Per P. O. s. s. Arcadia from London. Sept. 11 Mr. O A. Main, Mr. Burdekin, Mr. J. If. Maekinnon, Miss Gowenleck, .Mr. Henry Hogg, Miss K. S. Benislingc, Miss A. Smith, Miss Herman, Miss Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs. Evans. Miss Oliver, Miss Ferriman,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1278 3 NOTICES. "CHRISTMAS 1896" PRESENTS FOR. HOME. JOHN LITTLE CO., LIMITED. Have received fresh supplienol' tinsuitable for C'liristnian presents, and will ing carriage paid if desired— to any :i supplies of the following as may rei| TO FRIENDS AT HOME (ESPKCIALI mentioned articles arc certain to meet wi CHUTNEYS in quart
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 233 3 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerban Hospital, M ML l*><i. I) a. in. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Remarks. Bar. 2H.W1 1 29.803 Temp. 86.0 87.2 82.0 W.BMbTher 80.0 77.8 78.8 1 >■ Dir.ofWind W. W. 8.E. !|T| Max. Temp. 88.2 »A J Min 74.3 -g u u Max. in Bun 148.8 S'S
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    • 118 4 Under this heading the folio .vingabbrevia- lions are nsed ».r.— btoan er sh. ship Ixi.— barque Brit.— British U. S. United -*iate- Fr.— French Ger.— German Dut.— Dutch Joh.— Johorc 4c, G.c,— General Largo d.p. deck passengers U.—Uncertain ;T. P. W.— Tanjong ragar Wharf T. P D.—
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    • 1093 4 Abrivau Since Noon of ehteroay. Ai>enra<lr. Ger. str. 010 tons. Capt. Ipland,. »th Oct. From Bangkok. 2nd Oct. G.c, and 0 d.p. Behn Meyer and Co. For Bangkok, U-Rds. A»hle<i, Brit. str. I,soo tons, Capt Webber, 9th Oct". From Moji, 23rd St-pt. Coal, I. Simons and Co. U-
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    • 538 4 Name, port, probable date of arrival, an.t iHlui? ot QfJtHtll. A.len, 1.0n.10n. Oet 21 P. A O .\K»i<nntlnis, Antwerp, Oci IS; 1' Rimoni Ajax, Liverpool. Oil. It; Handbill. \rlliiir Heail. Ifojl Oel 17: Vi It. Kiiiaha A. A pear, < 'nli-ul t:i. 1 1. t. 16; S.uki. Moan
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    • 157 4 J XI.M. h Vksbki/s Namk. 4 Tun* Cai-hin Fko.m ftuUD 8 liiabclla Urit.Btr. Hi Hu.l»on Miimi- 0c( 7 UV.- .".■"■>' 8 Kimi Ann Btr. 101 M u> Djambie l)cl 7Wee Bin»"' cl 8 Kul>y Btr. 149 D'Cru/.' Hantok oc< 7Weeß 8 H.;<-uh« str. BH BuKtekmo ><■< IW.N 8
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    • 76 4 Datk. ViuwKLii Name. KlacAHh. Caitain DwnaiTi"* M Antrimr H Clio M Fnrfalla B Propontl* B Sri Hoiik Ann B Kuiii Ann '■> QiMg Ami TVtartos it Itun Ko Soon iMtdarU :< Vvn.-r Brit.Htr. JaokMin btr. \Vli\ic Itnl str. Qunino Brit.atr. hrmul »tr. Boiella Btr. M,,s. »tr. Donlop <"i. itr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1160 4 NOTICE. NOTICES. A MKS WATSON COS 800TCB WHISKIES \i;K IHK HOI VAl.l I' IN THK MAHKKI: (I Si 1.00 FEH «.ASE, DUTY TAID. V. < S I !-;< I A I. It KSKIIN K. $l3o PB tABE mTY 1AIl) |M»MIMK. 10 VEABSOLD, 9UMrmcim,mraru^ him \i\ \lti B I i;i'\i i:n
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    • 821 4 NOTICES. X)ltl>Ts< UK I'CTROfcEUM MA AIM lIAITIJ I SOI KAIiAYA. Manufacturers of l'ctroleum Lubricant Unequalled for Steam Engine*, CybV en, and every class of Machinery. MAX STERN O>, Agent*. EASTERN MORTGAGE Ajfo AQBNCV COMPANY, I.IMITBD. AutborUed Capital .£1,000,000 Subscribed 600,380 I Advance* made upon Mortgage of Freehold*, Stock*, Shares, and
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    • 1070 4 NOTICES. I ART PHOTOGRAPHY. iOBERT LENZ CO. j PHOTOGRAPHERS special appointment to H. H. THE KING OF SIAM. GUARANTEE PHOTOGRAPHS AND KM.AKGEMENTS of the very best quality. Sittings from 7 a. m. till 5 p. m. THECOLI.OMON-CHI.OIUDEand also heplatino process are the only ones we an recommend for tropic climates.
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    • 718 4 NOTICES. ISMAIL AND KAHEEM. 1 MAMHITIKIMi JEWELLERS. J I'iiilrr the most dwtinguuheii Patrtmage of H. H. the late SuUan of Johore. RAFFLES HOTEL. g PRECIOUS stones of all descriptions always in stock and setting in every d(*»ign under personal supervmion by skilled workmen. Repairsoxecuted at moderate charges, and below those
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    • 86 4 NOTICES. I gENSON'SJV ATOIIR 0 Manufactory, Luooatk Hill, I.onhon. MAKER TO H. M. THE QUEEN. t Ipecially manufactured and rrcom- I nonded for us« in the East. Benson h BPECIAI. Strength "FIELD" WATCH. A Gold Keyless English Half Chrono ueter, £26. i BENSON'S "LUDGATE" WATCH. A three-quarter Plate English Lever
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    • 104 4 NOTICES. /-IRUBHED FOOD. Try it and you will bk satihu. IRBELILlOSl^toin,^,,, I hat his Factory for prpparins rJ V food, at W, Bclifiog Ro»<l t n "w J' I Crushed Food. ijjo i i Indian Oat B.. Ja^ I Mh Bran $a 7To be had at IH, Raffle* Pl»^. P
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