The Straits Times, 7 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1896. NO. 19,04r>.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 370 1 VNDHEW USHER'S i KLEBRATED WHISK IKS. j i.,i,.i,.tiii>. ii, iii. X.1.1.1- :,,-'lclNW"''"-'- I-.M ful liemieal aiialyand Co. 1 OU A!,i-ky Mcnil <.f VVhiakiea) uunpled j, .i-i ready wareliouee, and Bad f „x 11. „t ility being ired and free from ,i \..y ither will, ordinary w highly palatabsD M ADAM,
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    • 532 1 |K)RI>|S( Hi. I'l.riaM.KlM MAATSTIIAITIJ HUH KARA TA. Manufacture.^ of Petroleum Lnbricaiit* Unequalled for stc:im Engines, Cyliu ten, and every class of Machinery. MAX STERN O. Agent*. TUB I'KYK RI?E1 DOCK 1 PENANQ. The ibove Doefc situated in Province Well, -lev. at the ontrance of the Prye Itiver lins lately been
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    • 638 1 STKAMSIIIIMOMrAMES. NOBBDBUTSOHRR LLOYD BKKMKN. The fust and well-known steainent of this me Mill leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates: OiTWaRHS. IIdMKWARUH. to arrive Simjapore to iiirive Singapore For China. Fur Europe. ISM 1890. Mat llrinrirh Ben. 17 /;o.,rr,i Sep. -X) I'rewuen Oct. Ift I Heimich Oct. IH Sarhten
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    • 624 1 INSURANCES. TIIK CHINA TKAIIEK- INSUKANVi: ((iMI'ANY, LIMITED. I'HpiUl Siilwcribe.l $2.'» <►'. Amount l'nid up •> o.ino. Keserve Fund 1.00M.0C0. ll.ii. Office. Honokon.i. The underw^nt-d. Agents for the above i.-i puny, are prepuiwl to ac-cejit marine riaks at current nit.M All contributors of baSßß***, whether or not, receive a retuin
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    • 731 1 HAN KS. HONGEJUNG AND SHANGHAI BANKINO CORPORATION. PAIDI'P CAPITAL $1(1,000,(1(1(1 KESEKVK FUND litxmiiui BSSESVE LIABILITY OF\ innftrin nri PROPRIETORS 10,WW,00(i. Com of DnicroM A. McOONACHIE, Ks tJ chairman. SO. HIC'HAKLSEN, Esq. likpitt Chairman The Hon. J. J. Dill-Irvino. I J. Kkahik. Emi. 1! I wn.l X-, ID. B. SAB6OOX, Kaci.
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    • 876 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The Lancet.— This i« n good, pure, and wholesome spirit." The ■DOOM*. singularly mellow, thoroughly matured, and of the rnont delicate flavour." TlIEM()RS-|S<;Al)VKkTI<KR. "Thoroughly matured, fragrai.t to the now, and delicious to the palate." The FrkrmanV Joiksai.. I- excellent la quality and vitv pleasant thr- taste." Sport.
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  • 505 2 I.ATKST MARKET Oll/TATIONS. 8IKOAI-ORE, 7TH (I. TUBER, 1890. PRODUCE. (inmbier 7.00. do Cube No I 11.10. do do So 8, 8.00. Coiira Bali t 5.97}. do I'ontiiinak, 5.150. Pepper, Blnck 11.00. rtago Flour Sarawak 3.22J do No. I Mi. Pearl Sago 3.5T>. Coffee, Rali ,,34.76. Coffee Pali-niUng 85.00. Coffee,
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  • 24 2 Bttaita Insurance Co. Baaba, Punjoms. Straits TradiagCo. laajoag Rmar Dock c.>. l'ataling Coffee Co. SOMERVILLK a UL'XX, K\. .lianue A Share Ifrokers
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  • 65 2 For Per air. Time. To-MoKKow. Katii I'alial Ainu Ann. Noon. Malaria UorOmnk, J p.m. ISnrigkok Oorgon, I p.m. Bengkalii irWjWw. I p.m. Malmva A- KlaiiK Chmv I'hijx. p.m. Praaag IWarto* 4 p.m. P. ljiut via ports f. 4 p.m. Maclls^iii via ports Tawbvnt, 4 p.m. Bangkok ft 4
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  • 110 2 IKUM I iiixa:— By tile M. M. 8. s. lliiliillu, due on Tuesday. j FkoM Kirdie:—ltv the P. it O. s.s. Kheilhe on the Dili Instant, with datestroaaßareas to the lrtth Sopteinbi'i'. She I.rim;- replies to the mnil which left Sinpipoiv on the 19th aagaat. eft Singapore
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  • 349 2 AIIKIVAI-S. Per M. M. s. Bpawf from rekojaaasa— I.-.pi. 11. Verstneine. rroni Hoagkoaj: M,-.,- Veaniag, ami Osbame. from Saigon: Mr. K. UiiKK"" 1-1-.'i- a, <).„.,„„ fr Baagkoki Mr. (inives. iiii.i Mi- Brown, l'er I.S. from Kadoug :-Mr. Stillwell. Bmßnai r.i lI. M. (.a. Si/iinrii for Coiomi.,):Brotaer Adrian, and
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  • 214 2 Straits Times WEDNESDAY, 7TH OCTOBER, 1896 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. K-TARI |!-lIKI> ISil PRICE 10 CKNTH. [Sulmrriplimi nite* and lulretiuing ruift may lie fouiul on Hie fuuriU page.] i THE (ZVU AT PABIS. ■UBMB KETMTIO.V FRENCH ANP1BATION8 FOR REVK.NUE. ImiuIoh, 7tlt <Jctu)*r. The Czar has arrived at Paris, where th. -re are
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 25 2 Tiik liomlnuj (inzeite of the L>6th September cays that Hie s>o t-nlled i plague tlierc is only tnnlnrioiis fever with bubonic symptoms and few deaths.
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  • 54 2 The E. E. A. C. Telegraph Coml>:my learns that there lias been a violent dale throughout the West of England tilling considerable damage to the telcl'i\i|>1i lined. Tliat inforination is given to explain delay to telegrams which may pass via cables between Cornwall and Gibraltar and by land lines through
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  • 154 2 Bom iiii|irrs>iuiis of travel in Java in to-day's issue bear eloquent testimony to the success of Dutch rule in Java. That rule stands on principles the very opposite of those accepted in British Colonies. Yet, increase of population and fiscal prosperity follow this method of ruling. The Dutch free themselves
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  • 199 2 CoN(Tkhknti.y wit hour telegram about thc('/arat I'aris. wo publish elsewhere a news paragraph from Shanghai which states that France' and Russia am about to go into partnership in the matter of naval hospitals in Japan. The authority for the paragraph is a gentleman win has "just arrived from Japan." Now,
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  • 12 2 Tin: clea.l body of a Chinaman was found yesterday in Canal Road.
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  • 16 2 TllK coiiipetitioii for the ■'Warren Shooting Shield "will take place between the 18th and 27th instant.
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  • 18 2 Tiik autocar has Maehad Bangkok. wliiTr one arrived, tin- other clay, faf I'hya Surihak. tlif Miaiatar >>f AprirlllllllC.
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  • 26 2 (hint Mi i si/, a noU'il JapMMM i-lali-niian. MM to start on I trip, as lar prohalily M (Nngapom, toaarii utß < k in\ of last month.
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  • 24 2 To make Bud export Japanese pnptanapMw l<> Kuro|Ki ami Anirrica, h cdiiipany i> no* loniiiur i» Osaka with a i a|.ita] i>t :;ihi,iMni yen.
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  • 24 2 Tin- BkmUs UmHUm Jmmmd tmttmi on Saturd.iv Iml the sim mid HUUvman of its Itrttlllg It t-iitfiH upon its third ye.-v under M BHHMgMMBt.
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  • 26 2 It is reported that Urn <-im<liti»n o( tin' liurliour ut Tilok AaMM dwciTM MriOM attuiilitui Tin- river is silling .n tin- tighl bank oppositt! the town.
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  • 24 2 IBOH noon yrstcnlay anil n n to-day, Hixi-aHCKiitVlioliTii wwe reporti I Four were sent to lioupital ami (Im uUiw two wero dUvuvureU uftn iautit
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  • 30 2 The High Commissioner is rumoured to have requisitioned the Secretary of State to send three more cadet c f"r Perak, in addition to the two already applied for.
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  • 43 2 Seven more SikliK w.-re MTCiM in the police force, at Bangkok. i>n the M instant. There an plent\ odiicii willina to join, hut only those; »re fAr- -t •••1 wlui i-.'in i>rodiicc poiM' certificates from the Indian Army or Police.
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  • 38 2 (iKAVk fears are. entertainetl in Toniiuin for the coming rice crops. Tlic Arenirdu Tonkin fears a great increase of misery from this cause, and warns the (Jovernnimit to take i-vt-ry means to meet the situation.
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  • 45 2 Il is reported that the King of Han will give a gold cup to l>o competed for .it tlie (iyiukhnn.i Sports on tlie I'tvniane (iroiind, Bangkok, in lteei-inlier next. It is said tlie cup will lie devoted to tlie encouragement of pony-racing.
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  • 46 2 MH.J.ti. Ma<TA<;<.art, la*t nitiht, lirat tint 'l':uii;liii Cluli record at howling. The following is hin score No. 2 alley, 9M, No. 1 alley, 2(17. No. 4 alley, 191. Xo. 3 alley, Total, 012. The previous mrord was 861, also made by Mr. Maetapuart.
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  • 56 2 A company lia9 been formed in ■Saipon to begin working, in the neighbourhood of Kliniiiiuoun, tin mines -:n.l to be very rich. These mini's have been worked for a long time by the nativrs. hut the metal produced is said to hi- <>f worse quality than
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  • 52 2 Tiik .ShumjUiii Daily Awn is informed, liy gentleman who lias just pniveil from Japan, that a law I'lancd-Itu^Hiiiii naval liospital is shortly to I>e Ixiilt at Yokohama, whilo it is also intoiulod to i'iil;iri;i' the present Russian hospital at Nagasaki for the purpose of uitoiiiihudamg
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  • 50 2 Last ni«lii, the Willarcl Ope* On* Elilayml Pinafore. to a fairly house at the T;ui<jliu Barracks tre. To-night, they K' Vl variety Concert at tin- same place. On Thursilay, they play (ieiitieinan Joe iindrr the patronape, anil in the preseiue, of Nfajor Buchanan and tlie Fusilier i./Ih-.t?-.
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  • 65 2 RAI LWA Y CONCESSION. A LHIUI railway concession hu l«cin granted to Mr. Kewauw, by the flitmwir (iovcriiment, fxteiitliii^ from Hattninliimg to I'ailin, in the ruliy i»ine» district. Buys the Sium Free Arm* Ht BUtjr bt noted that the concession is entirely in the French zone of influence, and that,
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  • 56 2 TllK (Innn Mail fiirnUhes details l>y :i correspondent in Formosa to show JapHMM larlmrity in itifHng with the r«l)ullion thm liKlisrriininal.--slanclitcr, without ifiatinction of ■M iiml sex, iiK-liuliii^ tin- liavoiiinttinnof little childrni. i« xai<l to have marked the mpyMMM of the firing. The devastation of the ratal ilistiids b
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  • 81 2 Tin* nt'ti-rnonn Mown. Hoas Tat Chye Co., siiliinitcd for uk by auction the freehold bm^alow, No 146 I'yali Lebar Road, Sinnpore tontbw «itli:ia. <.l!ai,,|. That lot VMSokMor •*-ni'.'>. They also afltoed two piecw of land in Vie toria Strc.-t, and Sainl.awa Uoad loataiiiing an areu of 2,0-10
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  • 74 2 Ihk tar ulterior of Kriiich In.lo- < Una is inhabited l>y savaps called Btienp, whoannotod for ferocitr. The otlmr day, twenty Aiinaiiiitr went imh tlicir TJIlagw wit li iroodl lor barter. l), lr i 11); a draaken carouM] tli«' sti..n K s, ,.xcitc«l bv Um UuapHng
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  • 90 2 A llviAMlmy n, the awptoy of Mr. M.-r.-Nvrtli.-1-Jius iv|,,, rt f, the Police tli;i, early ycst.rd.-.v Morning, he ni miking along the road, mother llylni.i !,„>• hu Dft ai.,1 began to MMchkbpodnto. Mked 1 1,.- i,,, v jnutba was about, and tka bo* aaid ta *m Marching
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  • 162 2 SHORTLY Mure live -Ml,,, k TMllllflai aftamooa, U.K. Um (i,,v,r,,,,, pamed by Lady Mitchell, wrived -,t Johnston* Put to po off to II M S £2**" llis vi>ir Ubwn ami' BoniM. His Kx,,l!,n, v was Um IVr i, y tiu, ColonuJ s., ami tliero wan also on
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  • 317 2 A RECENT FIRE IN RAFFLES SQUARE. action AOAISRTHI BOltm BRITISH COMPANY KAiIMJEE THK TUXTIH. Tci-iiav, iii tin- Svprerae Conn i t1,.. rhicf JuMi,,. a. T K: Bombay trader, whoso pn n Kiiillc^ I'lacc. wen burned dowi i March, wed the South BritM I" and Marine [nawaace Company Zealand to recover
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  • 28 2 a r.M.criTA telegram, dated -nil September, (tales that a native trooper has run amok in a village in tbe Jh.lmii district (N. \V. India), killing ten )M'(i|ile.
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  • 36 2 AccoKiHNci to the lt«koHg,tbe French are aln.ui to extend the Baigun Mytho railway to Rachgia, where the) aba contemplate Improving the port Thii scheme will bring Saigon within tw« days' steam of Bangkok.
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  • 61 2 A r midday-yesterday, a liinesc nho|>keepet in Market Btreet reporte<l to the Police that, on the previous day, hit collector went oul to collect n y. Ha did not return ;;ll day, and, <.n inquiries being made, it waa found thai tbe man had, it i- aUeaad
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  • 59 2 TBa moraine Chinaman wai arrested in Selegie Road in -~i,<n "f several metal candlesticks, of which In' was noabla to give sati hi. torj accDiint. Later cm, a man living t So 10. Queen street, complained tl ill hii noose bad l«-.-n broken into nn I Hie candlesticks
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  • 54 2 A Uoyai. decree baa been i- dat Bangkok appointing Prince Ralii. I'll a Kraiaee, and Mr. Kirkpatrick -|„i.,| C miasionera lor the different provinces to iiiaiicuintc Ilir new Civil and Criminal Procedure Codes for the Iri .1 i NM The H|>cciiil CommisftioniTH are alsu empowered t..
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  • 81 2 A hina.max aamed Lee Chon Kuan •eat mi board the a. i, Olanggi y »ter"lay. with a view of going to M liar While on| I nplainml thai 1..--bad bean robbed tfs64, A iean-li nu made of the people on board, nnd i Chinaman was noticed sneakinK
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  • 110 2 It ia advertised that ticketi r»i approaching race meeting an- nhtiiinal M taara. John Little A Co Uli< tkJteta may be obtained, free, un ;>p| e:.ti<.n in the Secretary of tlii> < Ladies' tieketa i bear tbo nnim' tin' bearer, and the signature ul 'I introducer. Bntriet for
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  • 189 2 At |OHI ■.■■lurk -1.11... lift I I Police ronatabk 62 wan c.n liukii runali Road, when lie inl'iM iin-il by .1 1 1 i i > 1 1 > i 1 1 1 111 1.-it ■■(liniin; wan going on between I'avenagh 1:...,,| and K Java
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 884 2 TOWN HALL. OCVOMB -Tii AM) h»th. I 111 I'trKnVAliK OF 111- t\i U.1.1M I sihCuvklkk HII.I.KN Mit< iiei.i.. ci.r.M.o., \mi i.aiiy Hmnu. AM ATM I! l II KATUN Al. I'KKHiKMAMK IN AII> OF I Mi BOLAI SOCI ET Y. OMOMV is 3 acts, BY Mi-->.- II r stkphindok A W.
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    • 939 2 REGIMENTAL THEATRE, TAXGLIN RBWmBm "K MAJOR 111 I HAXAX. (Commanding .">th Fn«ili<i- i THE WILLARD OPERA (o Will giw two MM pi-rfoiimin. -I—. 7th nnii Slh TO-NKiHT. WKItNKSDAV. A OUB Vahikty Com ekt. Thurmlny, Hill Ortohrr. mOmg (kmmmti Sight I'n'Ur thi' Patronage ami in the Presence of MAJOR 11. Y.
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  • 459 3 HKSTALU CONBTBUCTBD J.vmimlisk-o ,ui\\iumi-:i:i. BAILD lt»l H M ,i mtm mm mdmL) „.i,i < <TtMi uAmU ■.•itain |«< •l>l<- In QorenuMri to m .;i.,l \\ Aii-I „ii. lei "I this faith ii for rmihrayi abouM t thai the Royal Rail- -i faring ili«--,11,.«,-,! to oonalraet u«
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  • 68 3 CHIN A TRADERS' INSURANCE CO. LTD. i 1 1 ii.i i ting Of llir iii the China Trade™' i,|..uiv. Ltd., m held al ilu-dbtbult The linir >11l thai lII.' net ivsull ..I king wm ;i balance *of rtori recommended dividend of 80 pet liare) v laai year, the l the
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  • 118 3 "ami* so, me of the Siamese •.'1,,-.,t1,,T,1av.0nn rU Prini t Damioag't ith m taken unmeStraite Settlement! .1 tour of the Malay won "\.r by the "jvcnior, and tVinoe Damrong btl it Tin- Rajah of 1 |>rerailed upon by Prince Ban^ok, where tba .•I, boooun. Thai i :i --mil-
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  • 1475 3 -"MX facts relating to |]i>- •.'l'Dwth ami tod* of the industry, which now Jbrik •-in >l< iviin iit for .-in immense amount "I capital and work ftir many thousands of artisans, will be fond kntorartag. FMuui Hirmingliam lias dour niiirc to popularise tin cycle tli.ui any other
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  • 169 3 Nativk journalism in Japan is hardly of thirty years growth, and dates from I he time when the Mikado overturned the old order of things there in IS6S, and reformed the Government. The Japanese press did not dare to venture into politics till 1873 but since then
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  • 494 3 SOOCMI Of DITCH KI'LE. I'm: IVmei tflwUm of the 19th Septeniher contains impressions of travel in Java by a Mr. (i. A. Kittredge. What saenu to have most impressed him ig tie 1 luxuriance of the vegetation, the wonderful fertility of the soil, and the -iiccess of the Dutch
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  • 389 3 BaIMMM A t30.1l Market H«-|H.rt lor tin' month ending MMn Baotainbar stales lliat l.dllddli yii|i|ilies of spot <>> 1 1 '< < 1 1 1 i■ 1 1 < on a very small scale, and have again consisted I'hiefly of ColomI'ian growth, mostly of liiid <|ii;ility. Tin'
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  • 709 3 THE "BRONZEWING DISPUTE. .H'DUMKNT. The evidence for the defence in the case of Seah Kng Kent r. Abrnms was concluded yesterday. In this vase, the plaint ill' sued the defendant for 11,400, tbe price of the bay mare lironzeicing, alleged to have been sold to the defendant. There was a
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  • 496 3 K.\t\ again interfered with tin training on the course this morning, and nothing much was done, though most of tlie horses were out. The liivt lot #>t round all right before the cloud* IHi ike, and 1 saw the tivtsij lillv. now named 7V nfiniif do a good
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  • 812 3 The mining manager's Report for the four weeks ending 30th September, l*i>6, runs as follows:— MINING. Haul, Hole -No. 2 Shaft South. Thin cc. t ion still continues to look very well. In the intermediate drive, going south, we have paused through tbe main ore chut.-. and have driven
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  • 157 3 "THE PASSPORT" T O-MORROW. We give the cast of The I'assp.ut to he played to-morrow night. There will beaniutervalof twenty minutes between Acts I 11, and of ten minutes between Acts II A 111. That is to "set ihe. stage. The furniture is lent by Messrs. J. Little A Co.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 203 3 WKATHKK KKI'OUT. Kuniiaui Reraaa llmpital, nth Oat tut, Hn.m.:i |i.m.H|).in. Kkmarks. Itar. iH.HKi iH.Ttiti WMt I'cinii. 7».i kh.O Ki.O W. HlliTher 7-|.-> 78..-. 78.4 l~>.--l)ir.,,f\Vind W. S.E. S.E. g M -=J Max. Temp. Hii.l! ,|J Mi,.. 72..". Flls Max. in Sun 147.1) «4 I'err. rad. BM o (fba ICainfall L'.O9
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    • 116 4 (,'ndcr this heading the following abbreviations are used:— str.— ateamcr; jh r ship iKi—lmmue: Brit— British V. S. I n.ted States Fr.— French (tor— Gorman Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— Johore &c., 0.c.-Oen >ml cargo d.p.-<lcck passencors Oj-Oilif lain ;T. P. W. -Tanjong Vagar Wharf T. l» U Taniong
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    • 985 4 Arrivals Since Noon ok talllMT. ■mlmSm*, Brit. ate. 800 toaa, Cafri Lyona 7th Oct Prom Bangkok, Brd Oct (iV.. iind:«d.p. Han S.-i;-. I'-HM". QjUf.Prll. ftr. IKK) tons, Capt Mortor, Bth Oct. Prom Bangkok, 80Ui Bept. Q-c^ .1 p W. Mnn^Hild mid Co. Koi- Bangkok, D Bda. BrU air,
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    • 503 4 v.,.,,,. port, pmbabh datt oi arrhal, nad //.i/,,< „i ii.i, \.!.-n London, Ocl 1' 4 <>. VKopnntbun, AntWHrp, Oct. S3; I' Mimon Ai..\. l,i\. rpool, Oct. I-'. MsiiKlialil. At linn 11.m.1. Moji Oct. 17; .M. II K-.i-li.. Apt :•>■, Calcutta, Oct. I".; s.ul,n M,, Denleili. London, Oct. 20;
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    • 90 4 v Flau 6 Vu»tV» Nam*. 4 Ton,. OUfUM O Kig. Kkom lUiuo Uomioiii Jet •> <«>rgon n,i, aOO UorWr sy<lney KM.rtr. iiv<i Auberl v Illno Brit itr. 4m:( Iforria 6 nterttt Uer Ktr. I."i7m Cornelieu 7 M Hoiik Ann Itiit.Mi' KM Boiella 7 Han Si-hr (ivan Bt r. MS
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    • 102 4 Dm IATI rs. Vkhhilh Nam. lusUm i ('Aims Dl MIN.UI.i* -•t >1 Sri Woum Dut »tr a KrUmhfld <„.,. itr. i K. Atj.-li Dul -I. «',Vlll .i.- |t,i( <i Vuidobraa -i, 8 Maim,,,,, Out! »n! ltmMi iilalHicil v t, 7 Han Whnll Soon gtr 7 QtucSMg Mr Ilullii-o B
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 859 4 NOTICES. CHRISTMAS 1896 PR.ESEJJTS FOR JOHN LITTLE CO., LIMITED. Hmm- ri-..-iv<-.l li. -h -np|ilies ot ill. lollowing liidbn and'i ('..ndiments •uit:ihle fii Chriatmai urunmti. and wBI l..nv plaaaura In wbtntiiii and despateli- un.L'. I 1.1 iieaired to an; eddreai In Bnglaod eUewhwe. such »u,,,,1i rthe following a. may l«-
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    • 304 4 NOTICES. IFALISTBB 00. Ufl ItI'KIVKIi A SIIII'MKNT Of lIOET AND riIANIKJ.YS DEY I.M PKRIAL ■HAMIWISXK. Djyltrpenal H t«BtT&CHAW*« I IBM As supplied to the Queen's Cellannan and Connoisseurs will now have an opportunity of obtaining regular supplies of (bis celebrated wine. PRICE 944.00 per Case of 1 Dozen Quarts. (47.0(i
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    • 368 4 NOTICES. piBUtHBD FOOD. I iiv ir ash \ur will bk batiBFlEl>. I. K. 8F.1.1 I.IOS bap to inform tho hih Kiiitoiv for |<r.-|>:n ■inij Crunhcd Food, at RclifioK Roail, is now opened. CriiKhed Kooil.. $3.JiO 9 Uhr, cash. Indian Ohls J3.70 I Hr«n $2.".'> To l»- had at 19,
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    • 445 4 NOTICES. /-VBCHI DH. J. I). A. PEKKIRA. HOKTICOLTHRIRT A!«D Fl/>RI«T. OOM.KITIiK AMD KXPORTKK Of OKCRIM. Order* for Kouquet Mprayu. Ac. 4(X, Cun'fully and pnimptly executed Obeapoel House in tho Tradn koad. lc AUdn-s-.ii-H, Orchard Ro.-ul. Tangl.n. INDIAN r.NCIM.KKIVi, Ax li.i.istkatkii Wkkki.v .loikxal. THK RKCO(.NIZK|)ORIiAN OK TIIK I'KOKKSSION IB
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    • 115 4 NOTICES. BRASSKKIES DE LA MKDITEIIRANKK vi;ltens bkek. Sole Acont for the Str»it», L MALKHKRH nil. Robinson Road, SNIPE SEASON, 18%. E.CSMOKBLKSS (Ain'KIDGKS. j TOHN LITTLE k <o LTD have just received their Season supply <•! th.- above. KSI'KCIAI.LY |,OAI)KD KOU TIIKM BY TIIK WKI.I- KNOWN raOt Di KLKY BUOS, LTI>.
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    • 124 4 NOTICES. J. MOTIONMX) WATCHMAKERS JKWRM.KRB O]»TTr:TANs' REPAIRS PROMITI V RXR0 C 7y D (J f H. LAMBERT ft I'IIi'TiMJIUfHKKS. B} Special Appointment to 11. at TIIK KIM ok MAM m 11. 11. TIIK SI I.TAN OFJOHORR |Je«.oal.lloull.-.-tl,:,l v mi, „r,.,,i now nil then- portraita in the COI.I.oIUON RHLURIDK I'lu.. i,
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