The Straits Times, 1 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED. 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1800. NO. 19,040.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 480 1 VNDHEW USHER'S WHISKIES. itory, SIITL-. II ill urgh, 2nd N'^ 1 ■■''•<•'. 18W Ichi mical analy--1 1., i and Cos I l|, l isk) (a Mend id liinkies) -ainpled to, k in «*!il< caaM ready ,in nareh ami find ll. ni quality iH.iii^r Ire* from II i- a very it
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    • 485 1 WTOvotjove and brakohai 111 BAN KIND CORPORATION PAin-re capita i REBERVE KIND RESERVE LIABILITY OK) ..ZZna i PR< IPBJETOBB j ..$.0,000,0u>. Ml or Directors:— A. McCONACHIE. Ks.,.- Chairman. tvC. MI( HAEI.SEN. K»y limn (.'haibmax. Tliplloh. J.J. Bill-Irving. J. Kkahir. Km. 0. B. 1 »in,. E«q. D. K. Sassoon K».q
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    • 829 1 CELEBRATED K.WI.WAY SIIFI.If. .1,,, HS \I |V||. al 0n,,. bavi i ,n...!i. Atrtnuuui Timims.. Wa U> i»-. t.'tM||'int :i- miiv.hii' in tin- BHMMMri «pbere i iitdeeirejto i .n-urn>-."' K.i-ri i v A i -ii.iii^ ixiiHim in Vmii «v .ii>i iiwi or Conmibci \n nu-n BmOM Highland Whisky." I M i
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  • 79 2 tor rtr tir. THM To-Mobbow. Sarawak IW«rl«, a.m. Batu Pahat Aing Ann, 1 p.m. Bali via ports Han I'uh (Juan 1 p.m. Japan via porU Cam, I p.m. Saturday. Snnilms via posts Han Fn Soon, 7 a.m. Man Ann, 11a.m. Cneribon Jc S'rang I'enang Noon. Japan via
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  • 112 2 From Ei'Roi-k:—By the M.M. a.s. Melbourne due on the 3rd Oct. with dates to the 1 Ith Sept. She brings replies to tlio mail which left Singapore on the 11th Aug. From China:—By the M. M. ».s>. Sydney, due on i-ft Singapore Due in London Arrive) Auk.
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  • 322 2 ARRIVALS, IVr Calyjuo from Deli:— Mr. Adams. Per s. ft, Sumatra from Deli :-Mr. Hage- j doi'D. Per s s. Han H'hatt II in from P. Bran-don:-Mr. Muii. Per s. Sauuhu from Klanv via ports Mi-.- Hiilli|>«. TO ARRIVE. (For the Far Eattj Per P. <k O. 8.
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  • 494 2 LATEST MARKET QI'<JTATIUN& Siwoapori, In October, 1806. PRODUCE. Oambier, I 7.1«. do Cube No 1 tl^n. do do No 8, 8.25. Copra Bali 5.881. do Pont innak, Pepper. Black, 11.00. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.22}. do No. 8 2.55. Pearl Saao 3.55. Coffee, Bali, 84.75. Coffee Paleml-aug. 55.00. Coffee,
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  • 121 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. TTHURSDAY, 1st OCTOBER, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. K'TAIH.UHEIi: IMIII. PRICK 10 CENTS [Sul#<ription rate* ami advertising rattt 1 ,nay be found on the fourth page.] THK NILE KXPKDITION. rOTI'RE POLK'V. London, Jit October. Reuter learns that no advance h«-> ond Dongolu is contemplated, this year. The present condition
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 12 2 A further important gold discovery lias been made in Newfoundland.
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  • 24 2 At tin- date of last mail advices from i Tamatavp. the rebel* in MadapNCM i haM surrounded Antaniwittrii the ■apitiil of the islmnl.
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  • 14 2 The Mash.nia nUh have I.* -n tOOtad in tin; Hum district.
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  • 1225 2 THE GOVERNOR'S ADDRESS. Wk publish tht; QOTMMf'I MUrM tv Legislative Cuiincil. Its lii-i point is t In- discussion of I raili- aiul of finance. Wo find that tlio estimated deficit of •<1 19,000 for the year lfi'J.) was converted into v surplus of $265,000. But that did not arise from
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  • 16 2 Last Hncnu will hold a reception at (iuv< ■llililrllt House at live o'rlodt, 1 hi* afternoon.
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  • 17 2 Thk 11..11. J. M. It. Vermont isi.y rted, I'roni Penang, to have returned I" Icing very w.ll
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  • 12 2 Thk recent typhooai b extensive damage to the Ja| me» cotton crops.
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  • 20 2 Ham, Horn TMH Chyi I Co advertise an aoetion of landed pro jwrt) in Singapore town ami countn', 01 Wednesday.
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  • 23 2 Wmni livuiiat ,V Ctt ailv.rti- thai all orden for tbeii Aerated w ihoold now be left at their h No. V-t, High .Street.
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  • 21 2 [Mraoioi UiiitiKN lias taken -i. of rfumlang Karbau police diviiion, and Inspector (juin is tran»ferri I the Central station.
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  • 30 2 Tat monthly sewing meeting ol ii" 1 Church Work Association will >•■ heM ai the Baflkt OirU 1 School on W« -I'- day, October 7th. at 1 pjn.
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  • 26 2 11. M. B Fbrpot* arrived from Peni this morning, sin- »ill »ey_ n the Gorernorand High Commi on hi^ approaching visit I anil l.ul.uaii.
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  • 31 2 Dtmim last night. «ome unknown person entered Mr <.osl ngV stall' 1 "Onage Grove," Tanglin, and cvi aw») nboiit a iqaan yard 01 the hoou ul t.isliiiL's carriage.
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  • 27 2 Knit giving la!-.' evideno Chief Justice, in the Supremi the 3rd ultimo, one PengaMmy 1 1 has been committed for trial bya< ■■> of two Magiatratce.
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  • 31 2 Tan hoekay nurtch between the Si an. l the 6th Ku-ili.r-. which hare been phwed thin aiu-i 1 n pMtponed, owing to t'"' u fthewjnioi N C O.'softhi- W< lion
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  • 86 2 Uuoiuuti work »«i 'i the honei thii ning, I"" Caldergive tWamlft t tlier over amile. Flie mare to be going the rtrongei ol 1! the dm lii furlowgt "«>. DUI had the advantage at the fin and I'kilson al»o -lul a lin but there mm nothing in sent
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 939 2 LATEST ADVI-KTISEdh.Mx CHRISTMAS 1896" PRESENTS FOR. .HOME. JOHN LITTLE CO., LIMITED. Us0«lB)f liuliiin and other Coiidiinents !:ive pleasure in .seleitiiiß anil deppatehMress in Enghinil Of elsewhere, mu-Ii :red by Constituent x. AS PRESENTS V OLD SINGAPOREANS), the under--1 n grateful ac eptami-. < ANTDX RICK BIRDS II in a tin.
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    • 327 2 UTEST ADMIRTISEMENTS. I REMIN&TON TYPE-WIUTIR. M< ALISTEK ie CO. BOI.E AQEXTS. M^ALISTER 00. HAVE RETEIVKD A SHIPMENT OF MOET AND CHANDOX'S DRY IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE. W Diy topensl 1\ L*OtT_&_CHAKDOijI As supplied to the Queen's Cellarman, and Connoifiseurs will now have an opportunity of obtaining regular supplies of this celebrated wine.
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    • 34 2 SHARES_V\ T A\TED. Straits Insurance Co. Baste, I'unjoms. X«w Fiji Kiver l»ix.-k Co. Straits Trading Co. FOR SALK. Moßas. l'ungcrang». SOMEEVILLE A UUNN, Exchange A Share Hi ..k.r-. j'uit oeneual amiV'i.Na NKW.s StEE PAGEk.
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  • 2049 3 THE GOVERNOR'S ADDRESS. id* Usplrtivi ftcrn -"i I I ivii you the Brtimsrfes f« I avail iu>--lf -I n I ibleful in •■!tl,.hi lie judgi 'I fr the i. Jew plaoa you. And li „1 to Ik- nMe to inform lrli.-iff... into rarplwi having I n nditun ol J-tl".-I--ilto I
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  • 45 3 (By Telegram.) Pewiug Ut October.— Swee Bock and Low Chang have both been found guilty in the embezzlement case of llehn Mi;yer"s Storekeeper. Their Counsel moved for arrest of Judgment. The trial lasted seventeen days— a ri cord for the Penang Assizes.
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  • 29 3 ('ihxamax, carrying on business at !i. Bochore Bold, has alleged to the Police) that his partner has bolted, taking with him $74U belonging to the partnership.
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  • 53 3 Altkhations in the Programme for iliis month's Race Meeting are advertised. The conditions for the seventh not mi the second day have been amended as regard- entry. The fourth race on the third day is to be for the liivernor's Cup— a piece of plate valued at
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  • 62 3 Dibino the last twenty-four hours there were two cases of cholera in A Division, two in Kandang Kerbau Division, and line in the Koehore Division. The Municipal Health Officer .■•ports that between noon yesterday and noon to-day, eleven cases of cholera were reported. Seven were sent to hospital, three
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  • 114 3 A ItfilM newspaper notes that the principal mining products in Japan in lbl>4 were coal (over 9J million </''<i)i copper (over 5J million), silver (nearly 2^j million), gold (over three quart«n ol a million), and iron (over half a million). The coal, copper, and silver have been
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  • 149 3 BmOnBBM Klphinstone, ltart.. has taken up another 500 acres of land for .■.ill.-.- cult i vat iun. It is situated at Bungd .Siput in the Kuala Kangsar district. We understand Mr. Vane, the State Auditor, I'erak, now on leave in England is an applicant for the post of
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  • 149 3 Tut-: Cliinii M'lU is informed that it is |irnliali]i> tho Ueitmrn and the TerriUe will be added to the British squadron there, along with the llnwhj and the (two torpedo-boat destroyers). Tin 1 Aurora will relieve the Owyaiie, this „w relieves the Spartan or tillKotus, and the
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  • 189 3 Yi>tkiii)av. in tin- Su|)i-i'iin- Court, tbe anumenta, in Ihe aupliMtkNi In aat Mide (In 1 receiving order in tun caaa of M.iiiiui Roooa Kana clu-tty, wwu .-on-tini..-l. Mr. K.irt, in opening tin 1 oaae „v btthalf of tin- Hank, xii.l Mr. Napier had bean Itwmwiatenl in his
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  • 96 3 iikai) ojifßtntT? tm k. Waaayat*, I*' Oattiar, If".*;. I. Marl] officer for the ensuing Mat; I.i, ut. t'. J. Davieo. Orderly Bargaaal tor asiaaiag w.-ck: Bergt. I l Hilton. •j. The following gentlemen, having boon duly .1.-. led, arc poated t.i Bub-dlvlsloiM bi follows: Uuiincr 1.. Duninan
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  • 794 3 A RIPI-HUCAS MOVEMENT. Private advices have reached Hongkong from Manila showing the serious nature of the insurrection in the Philippines. The Government has discovered incriminating pni>ors which are alleged to disclose that the natives had planned all the details of the rebellion, and had even appointed the
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  • 64 3 Thk Singapore Branch of the Char tend Bank hat received the foßowins information by wire from its head office: "At the approaching nwvtins ofaharehoHen of the Chartered Baal of India, Australia, and China, the director! will recommend a dividend for the past half .war ended Kith .Inn"
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  • 81 3 Thk Church Work Association, of which Mrs. Bell is the active honorary secretary, holds a sale of old clothes on Saturday, at the Soldiers and Sailors' Ilouie. Mrs. Bell has received eleven large parking rases of .ast-off garments and then will be some excellent bargains. The -ales should
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  • 161 3 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. A Si'Ki jai. General Heating <■! the Singapore Insurance Company (in Liquidation) was held, at noon, {..-day. There were Dreamt! Messrs. John V. Craig (in the chair), J. Frus.-r. ami J. P.. Joa.iuiin (Liquidators), and Mr. A. (iunn and Mr. Moaaa, Mr. Craig, in presenting the report
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  • 1943 3 (Sixth Article.) CULTIVATION. hat article puMiflied on 29th I ugtut.) For tliere is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease." Job. DAM a clearing has lieen provided fur in the second
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 SANTA CECILIA'S BAM' Thk following is the programme (09 the perfDdnanee on Friday next, at S p.m., on the Esplanade March (io heart H. V. Melts. fantasia. .Theesallan </../<• T%tar*. Waltz Wedding Baraa. Poloneisa-. An Ke|K>s 7Vii/i. Selection-. Irish Airs ....T. Martina,,,,. Polka Nsh <'• VBBBBLB IDVUniIO In sail. for
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    • 1082 3 NOTICES. EASTERN MOKTGAOI AGENCY COMPANY, (LIMITED) 18 prepared to receive propositions fur h'lvhik ing money on house-property in the Protected Native state*. Apply to FA I KRHON, 81MON8 Co., Agent-, Kastern Mortgage Agency Co., Ld. v. c. 'IV IK undersigned have re.i-ived a small I sigsnawal <.r Bordeaax White wln«(Baolenies)naranl
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 228 3 WEATHER HEI'OKT Kitndniin Kerhau HmpitiU. 30(A gajA lhH>>. U a.m. S p.m. 9p.m. Remark*. Bar. MM7 20.842,29.890 Teinu. 85.2 81.0 j 80.0 \V. lniiTlier 79.S 77.2 77.0 ~JH Dir. ul ■Win.lE.N.E. c.h. Calm M& tl Max. Temp. Kf.. r > 11-9 Mm.. TM 1 -Z Max. in Sun 14».f P^
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    • 127 4 C ,,.1.T Ikia healing the foPowiux al.i urcd _str.-«t<-inier SB. snip Datek .1.,1,.-.10h,,r.-..V... (i.;,.. M.l t -«n, o d.p. -deck paH«-n((.-rH I I n- tain T rVW. TanjoiiK Tag.ii- W harf ;1. I* I)' Tnni.inif Taear I»o.-k B W. Born.) SI iVf V Vanlin.--- Wbarf; N. U»■
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    • 1294 4 Akhivami Since Noox of hMMT. Kirn Hhatt Ilin, Brit, -n Mtoaa, Caff ,-,,v-ii. SMa >•■!■'■ tnm V Braadag MM s, -j.i. i ill. 4<> <l.p. .Straits Steamship C oy. I" KdMHkr, lint. -ti. -I.; t..n<. (apt Bobart,80th Bept Prom Koti- via port. Sept. Qjc-aad U»d.p, W.-.- < C.ti,-
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    • 590 4 .\.i.... pert, swsoeNi '<«'■■ arrival, aad ■em .i..-.,,i». \.i B I ion. IU; 1' AII tgapsutbus, Intwerp, Out. v 8; P. >mii..h-. \j;i\. I. iv, -i I. Oct. U'; M.iii-ln-l'l \uteuor, Liverpool, Oct. I Man-ti. -l.i. A. 11.-:. .1. Uoji, ihortly, M. I!. Kni-h,,. i Ueuledi, Loudon.Oct. M;
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    • 168 4 h Vessels Name. A TOSI Cait.un Kkom feUiLXD COS a HiKfen H,, Nor »tr. JBO3 11. Cardiff Auk ISBel M 80 Conch Itnt-tr. S3M Si,,, k Manila Sept iHßourteed »n«l W> Han Wliatt llin Mr. 180 Coy»b P I: inS«-p( Uip < SO jteppho rtr. SdO Bbepberd Klanß Kepi
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    • 69 4 l)Alk. I- 1 i Son FuoAßn I'm his Dhti*atio* Bepl :m I >:, in.' [(•belli Chow Phyi BulUn It; >;il...|m 1.n.1v Mitchell KoagMe Vorwierta l;,llull.i Kirn Bwet 1.., itr. K-i-k.-Brikitr. Hudson ttr. JeUi il r. Baker itr. Johnwn It. M 11.1..1.1 ttr. Ulbc-ii IM.I-.MI lid dr. <. i« lint
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 661 4 M. AIJSTIIK cV: Co. HAVK .irsl RECEIVED EREBH SHIPMENT OF WATBUK ii".> iS^^'^vX V. V. 0. f^ir te I> Ks ymCA v.'\v T* *"^1 Theßnvi.taii'l U-i »'»^^K. If jrj lur«d Whl.k) to be W H Im| U IM)AIIMV" had at tn. y l»l U j IJE" IJffl Guaranty 10 Years
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    • 966 4 NOTH 'I-:. IS rHEOOODSUK IIKINKH II K A I.IK XX. -Dtmmmi. rf_Kl n.iti.o that lYnLate of th-- Will „f Mm in. Mr. lIKIMiI' II KAI.IK XX. wii- urnntcl l.v tin- Supn Court. Singapore, to hi» widow, M'tt.i Maria Kalhcfee. and any person or prnums having "J -Uini- against the K«l«t<-
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    • 539 4 AUCTION SALES. I lALI OP VALI'ABLK fROWX LANDS HITfATKIi OS TKLI K AYEB RErI.AMATIO* rpilK UMclrr-iKii.-.l have lieen iii«lrurt.-d I by R. V Bland, K»i|..Collcct<>r of Land Revenue 1.. -HI I.y auction, at their wle Thurflnii. IM Mat*, «l IMpm. HFTF.KX VAU AHI.F. HI'ILDIMi AI.LOTMF.XTB -it iim 1 on Link
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    • 929 4 NOTICES. KICK MILL TO I«K I.XT UK Rl SAI.K ThcCHol.oN STEAM KICK HU (prcvious-lv A S|m...ik r. M. liennrd Co.), situated on the )>nn\c of tIM river at Cholon. near BAIQOS in X'"" 1 order and condition ready to work. Ml |irc>dui ■>■ ii.-vii pi-, of Cmrgo Bice 10 par
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