The Straits Times, 30 September 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 18:31. SINGATORI-; WEDNESDAY, SEITEMBER 30, 1896. NO. U)M).
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 516 1 ANDREW LTSHERS I (ELEBBATH) WHISKIES. in alary, 11. ill, _'n,l Ni.veinl)er, I~:H ireful < li. mi- al analv- .m,| C,,s ii|,l hi-ky (a Mend ol thet lii-ki,-) HaaafM in scaled 1 mm ratal* :n Rtarvl i". and find v llenl ,|iiality i.oing ired .ii'l <ice fr.nn luctl 1 1 BI
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    • 2791 1 jLI. BUCH AN AN WHISKY WHS!!!! IQ THF Ri^QT —i-™™ '^•"o,p>h,.m,i, I W II ll— ImmJ Lmm \J I KAT7BROS SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. IVAlfi k. Same as gvpruEo to the Houses ok Lords and Commons and to all oood London Clubs. 31 I- 1 NOTICE. >'^Z ~<<>T(
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    • 561 1 BANKS. nOKOKUna AND BHAROHAJ BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP AIMTAI fio.miiMMi. RRBERVE FIND aOOOfIOO. KF.SI itYK LIABILITY OF) A. MrCONACHIB, Esq. --Tiuikman. B.C. MK'HAKI.SKN. Esq.— Daren Thaikmax The Hon. J.J. MtLL-lavixo. I J. Keam«r. X.m. G. 11. liOUWtLL. K»q I D. K.Saswmn Km, M. KlKKiri.. K«.| IN A Mebk Kf.i R. fiR»T.
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    • 850 1 DE\\AR'S CEFfEnRATED WHISKY. NvnoxAl QVAfmta. Will plen»,undotibtpdly the m,,-i BsstkHesM tante." •ITKHKRH AM, Bom I'HOPRIKI,,k--(tAZETTF.-j-' H «M Iff it- l.iui, |url and mellowness. llotki. News. We ran ri-eomn.^nd it a- one of the best IN have met." Tn Horn Baami ixn Cjobbbv* Wi.hi.l). "A r.nllv IrsVeJaai -.pirit of tlw blgheal
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  • 86 2 For /W Kir. Ti,ue. To-Mohrow. Bangkok Kant/set. K a.m. I. Briuidan Ltd* Mitchell, 1 1 a.m. Mataeea Uaagi Uehne, l p.m. Sepaag via porn li. Timor, 2 p.m. Fiemanile via ports Salailin '2 p.m. Malacca Klang C'/iok I'hun, :t p.m. Munr* Malacca fnabella. 3 p.m. Itagan via ports
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  • 108 2 Fhom Xi koI-k: By tho M.M.s.s. Melbourne due on the 3rd Oct. with dates to the llth Sept. She brings replies to the mail which left sin,' oore on the llth Aug. Fuom C.hxa:—By the M. M. S.S. Sydney, due on Tuesday. [-eft Singapore Duo in l.oiilon
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  • 323 2 ARRIVALS, Per s. M Hcma Ann Cram Tclak .\u „i, via ports: .Mr. W. 11. Wild. Par P. o. s. Kntmr t gfcsd from Bhanghat Mr J. t'. ])uunt, and Miss (iunard. DEI'ARTUEES. Per r.AO. la. Kaiur-i-Himl for lVnang— Mrs. BafdML Mrs. Cadoll, Mrs., and Mr. A.
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  • 496 2 LATEST MARKET UUUTATIUNS. Binqapore, ***** September, 1896. PRODUCE. <lhimbier, 7.2 ft do Cube No 1 11.30. do Ho No 2, 8.85. i'opr.l H:ili. 5824; <I > Pontianak 6.42*. Popper. Black IIJ7J. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.22*. do No. 2 2SO IViirl Shkii SJiS offee, Bali 84.76. I 'offce Palembang,. „36.00.
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  • 101 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. 30th SEPT.. 1896 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS:. TURKEY AND THE POWERS. ■UMaj WARNS THK BI'LTAN. liuwtlon, 30th Septem!*,'. The French newspapers say that M. Cam bon, the French Ambassador at Constantinople, has had an interview with the Sultan. M. Carabon warned the Sultan
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  • 17 2 The Czar conferred with Lord Mb- bury for an hour on Sunday.
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  • 44 2 HARD PIOHTINO. A telegram from Fort Salisbury in I Mnshonalnnd states that serous fighting took place for three days on the Mnzoe river. One engagement lasted ten hours, when the troops were fairly hemmed iii by rebels who were well armed.
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  • 302 2 Tiik Sublime Porto has< had many warnings in recent yearn. The Commander of the Faithful has been told, with painful iteration, that his time is far -pent, and that the hand of Christendom is upon him. He has neglected those warning. He has succeeded with Oriental .-kill,
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  • 15 2 Lady Mitchell will hold a rucoption at Ciovernment House at five o'clock t '-morrow afternoon.
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  • 120 2 Next Wedaeeday, Mr C. \v HawgiU, advocate amd solicitor, will leave Singa- i rwre for Kuala l.timpur. Mr. Hewpill's intention is to apply foi admission to i practise there and h« proposes straightway to remain in order to begin business in Kuala Lumpur. It is said that Mr. F. j
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  • 163 2 The Pmpuft is to be (.laved on tho eighth and tenth October for the benefit of the St. Nicholas Society arid the Society greatly needs funds. The object of the Society is a good one and Mrs. Leach, wljo is treasurer, hint." that, unless enough money be obtained by the
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  • 8 2 The fair A. L. O. S." says far.«,ll.
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  • 10 2 A PEAKi.-KiHHi.VG gtoood near Sun:bawa Island is adveiHsed for sale.
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  • 13 2 Mkssku. J DAtxunij and Co. ■dre» lisa the Anvtn for sale at Hongkonn
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  • 704 2 Th« course was nice and dry this morning, and some fast work waa done by several of the horses. The Hetty filly, ridden by Hayes, went twice round with rxyrti of thf Men, Pierbux up. They did fairly strong work, hut were not fully extended over any part
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  • 22 2 Mu. N. Lazaris, oculist and optician, adVertiSM that he can be consulted iit the Halrles Hotel until the loth i,f < >ctober.
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  • 26 2 An Baetara Extension Telefrraiili Company notify that both lines to Madras are now working well. There is no delay to tr.illic on either side.
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  • 26 2 Over a thousand dollars were added to she revenue of the Colony, yesterday by the imposition of toe* for bread,,--j ol hanitary rules and ■MgnlatioßS.
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  • 29 2 Tm Wagisttar of the Bapreaae Court advertises tho date at which the parties eonoßfoi nan send in i heir claims rwthe action Kssra the V.,h Hi,, Qmm
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  • 61 2 Vkstkhdav, there arrived in Sii.L'apore the sailing vessel Lillian I. Bob&m rjj Yarmouth, V. 8. A. She left New York on the Ith Juno, 1X95. On her jouroej to the Kast she fell in with a typhoon and was dismasted. But she finally reached Saigon, and she
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  • 61 2 Tut rrmismaliuM of the B«t. Pstluf Vaa, as Bishop of Malacca, will take place or, the feast of St. Cecilia, the 22|i(l of November. The consociation will -c attended by the ArchbiSop of 1 omheherry, the Bishops of Rangoon •nd oaten. Bishop Bourdon, andthe whole of tlio Roman
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  • 89 2 JAPANESE ntl, Thk fjhllllfll ShSmlmn, a JapancM. newsjiaiHT, says that, in the ev'nt the Philippine [slaodi dedaria. their iTlanoaflaaoe of tho Bpankh Qovern nipnt, Japan ahoold srmpatbiee with their eftort for lihertv and in,l,' peaaeooe. "We might take it MndvefV 1 our contemporary -i support the islanders,
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  • 599 2 RF.BEL DEFEAT*. MASONIC COMPLICITY. i.awyeks nrruttnD. of the ObsMnie received tv i contain news from the Philipi let.iilinn events fr.>m the 16th i, n Slat instant. Tlip thirteen rebel ehlefi shot t Cavite, on the 12th instant, are said liaveabjuroil. in their last inoiu, teai'hinfjß ofinasonrv.
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  • 479 2 ACIIEKN. AcIIEEN wltklM report i-xpcil tiontitn the flirthwt limili of tin- en iny'i territory oa Urn 7th, Bth, Mh, ami 10m instant. Tim troops entered district* hitherto wholly in the enemy's land*, and mailo such head thai wvenu cliiefs submitted. Two oJ tbi reached the Dotcfa camp closely
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 710 2 AuI'HJKS. KA-SKHIE.I DX LA MEDITERRANEE IXTENS BEER. Sole Agent for the Straits, 1,. MAI.HERRE, N», Robinson Road KASTKRN MORTGACE A AGENCY COMPANY, (LIMITED) I > i.i. |.ar.-d to receive propositions for I st.haii.ini; money on house-property m the Protected Native States. Apply to PATERBON, SIMONS <fc Co., VgenU, Eastern Mortgage
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    • 891 2 LATEST ADVKKTIaEMKNTH TOWN HALL. OCTOBER Bth AND 10th. I'-oier the PMMMM op Hid Excellency Sir Charles Rcllkk Mitchell, <;.c.m.<;., 11l Lady Mitchell. AMATKIK THKATHN'AI. vsuuousa IN AID OF BT. NICHOLAS SOCIETY. "Till: PASSPORT." A COMEDY IS 3 ACTS, BY Mi-ii- B.C. InHM A W, Yakdley. RESERVED SKATS: St. (Can be
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    • 25 2 SIIARES_\V r ANTED. Siraiis Insurance Co. Bsnbs. l'unjoms. New I'rvu River Dock Co. Straits 'I'rading Co. FOR SALE. Islsaas. Pengerangs. SOMKRVILLE OUNN, Excliange Shure Brokers.
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  • 632 3 .IN.IAPORB ART CUB. \in.itour Photographic proof til .t nrv nut |f,,| of tlio km nits. ,-i denying the good doing, I would it ion "f tin- „|<l Vt Clul', which 'li'l SO iimh-Ii nt dI drawing and id col Til.a Ih'm ili.- l.ii' k. nu the energetic
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  • 24 3 U twenty-foui l,.,u,-. liave been reported Ul these occurred in 51 et, and there ri were, aUo, three B Divuion, tod two in
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  • 42 3 raopu, Mi KH.tiraiit ating-club outrigger riw ua w.i- lumpy, and iteamer added to outrigg« capsized Bii gapore Club Mi. L.i- boat and, •»mpan man, bailed it icktotha boat-h ate Lheen of tome of l0 ««*ng in the vwaudtJi el
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  • 1113 3 The dark evening* and the end of tho cricket laaaan, wMi its constnnt ncriex of Ipriaat and s.enB»tion9, are close upon us, and soon the willow and WhkaSS WtH l»- relegated to the .orner.niid the football will be brought out. Yorkshire have finished their gamut hi the easmty
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  • 66 3 Tin. afnaittr Ymmuakirv Maw will b« the lirst rtnamnr opening the Xippon Yueen Kaiaha'i Australian line, which ireeeelwil] be despatched from Yokohama for Melbourne, Auatralia, via ports, ..n Saturday next. Aa there are three tteainen on thin service, it will be notrii.le to keep an monthly running
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  • 168 3 AwniKit [mnnimtir tyre hai been »i-. .n^rltt ciii t>y an inventor, who leeki to overcome the unplewanl conjequpnee* that follow tli<' siTMiinrl.v inevitable punctureethaiaiakecyclingleM alluring than ii would otbanruM be. Tbia Unw •,1,, 1,1 oorereadooei Briton inner tutx which liet next to the rim, and ii subject
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  • 1298 3 ITS CULTIVATION IS MEXICO. A report on the cultivation of coffee in Mexico has been written by Mr. F. Strongi*, Secretary of Legation in that country. We publish some extract" from the report: ISTRODI-CTOKY. The cultivation of coffee in Mexico rtnte« from the commencement of the prc-cnt century, an.
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  • 986 3 The owners of the Goiness patents and rights, regarding Rhca, are advertising the disposal of such of those rights n- remain unsold in a large number of foreign countries and colonies. The Straits Settlements art; marked with an asterisk showing that the patents and rights for those
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  • 94 3 CD. write* »o th- Agriemkmti of July, Nth:—] seethat somcl'i'vlmi planters iMfOB growing 111...... ami nlso tluil tin' iperatious of the Rlim Fibre Tn-atm -it Co. imvo teen attend. .1 wtthalarge Mara of ■■i«<m I may i tlontbal wit liin t >■ hi-l mi lome DJOOO
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  • 91 3 Mu. I'ykso, of the Tokyo Drawing Co., left Japan for Germany on Sept. :(ri! to "tu'lv tlif brewing DuafaMM in thai country. Ob the occasion of a braveO dinner ghrea in his honour, Mr. M;i'j"slii. manager of the company, declared thai the brewing business has developed
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  • 505 3 MINITF.9 OP PIOCCIDINOB OF THE MUNICIPAL COMMISSIOKBRB AT A SPECIAL MEETIXO ON WEDKMDAY, THE lliTil September, 1890. I'REREST: -The President, Alex. Oentl.-, Esq. Col. Peuuefather, the Inspect,,, Meneral of Police ;Theo. Sonet, Esq.; B.T. Hare, Ksq. J. P. .b.aipnin, Esq. Hon. T Shelford, c.M.0., and A. C. M.>-es,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 139 3 HOWARTH KUSKINE, LTD. SOLE ACfENI ior the HOR.VJJBY-AKKOYD KEROSEXE OIL ENGINES. UOBKY A 00, LIMITKI). Portable and Stationary Steam Kngines, Mining MMchineiv. BBUBH BLKTBICAL ENUINKKKIN(iC'()..LTI).,(London.) Electric Machinery ttlid appliaiueH 1. BKODAWAY4 LTD. "Camel" lirand Belting an<l Rubber (Joods. ill i;i;s, "LIMITKD." Dtiuag Boeana, Doors. aadGrillea. M I M COBD, A.
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    • 446 3 NOTICES. NOTICE. NETHERLANDS CONBULATE GENERAL. STRAITS SETTLEHENTH THE rcletting by tender of tin- Gamblin ami Porlc Farms, of the dMrlt Karimon. (residency Rhio and Dependencies) for 1897 and for IH)7 and IxSH, will take plnreat Tandjong Pinang, (Rhio), on Thursday, 22nd Octolwr n"xt. J. J M. FLEURY, Ag: Consul-Qeneral for
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    • 738 3 F«M!SAI.i: I.MriOVMKNTS; I\> LET: AND PERSONALS Tho«e advert iHcm.riU will be found on tho right hand column of tho first pom< (title page.) ~U. OTOMI \tt AfroT JAPANESE CUBIOB STORK. WHoI.KSAI.F. AND RETAIL, No. 2H, Hum Sthekt, SINIiAI'ORK. 10/10 SALE OF SOILED Ml'SllT' I ASH C, KOH S| I.a ike
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 98 3 WKATHKB EUKPOBT. Kaudainj fnftaa *>'* a>pt MM a.m. 3 p.m. !l p.m. Kkm u.ks. Bar 2H.1127 L'lt.KVJ '-JU.UU3 Ten>p- *"''3 ft 79 cl W. It Iblher 79.a 78.0 76.8 Dir. of Wind N.x.E. BAB. < aim -f Max. Temp. (<i>.i v,-=' fe Mm 73.S g%S Max. in Sun 147/J g-r
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    • 123 3 ARRANviEMKNTS. WEDNE9DAY, 30TH SEPTEMBER High Water. '2.47 p.m. Moon. I-ast Quarter M.XJ a. 111. Feast of Tabernacles. S.poy Linos Golf Club Meeting. 6., Ist October. High Water. 4.40 am. .'{.57 a.m. Furniture Sale. Chinchew Street 10.30 a.lll. Singapore Insurance Co. meeting. Kxchange. Noon. Legislative Council 2.1J0. Baal Kstate Sale.
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    • 146 4 fuder this heading the following abbreviaions are used str— steamer sh. chip ki.— bar<|iie Brit.— British V. S. Itates.Fr.— French; tier. Herman: Put. )ut.h .loll.— Johore (i.e.— General fo;iia. imtfmmmg—i a, UaM£ain:T. t. W. -TUJOM NgV Wharf i T. 1) TiiiijoiiK ragnr Pofk \V. Horni>o Vhsrf;
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    • 1031 4 arrivals Himce Noon ok TMMMT. All-in, Ilrit. »tr. MOtMM, <apt Ritehie, ■lull s. i.t. From Bangkok. l'.'.ili Bept. <••■ BorMO Coy. For Bangkok, fWJ Oct.- Bda. 11. I. Qu'aii, Brit. str. r>7r. tons. Captain ■ilrntlon. sftth Sept From Mmmt, Sad ■w-iit (ii- ami 114 il. p. Wee Bin
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    • 485 4 Name, port, probable dale at name oj agent*. Alien, l.on<lon, CM -2i I' a c> Ainx, Liverpool, Oct. 12: Mansfield. Antcnor, Liverpool. Oct. I MansfleM. A. Head, Moil, shortly, M. B. Kaisli Benledi, London, Oct. IS; P. Simon Bantam, Sonrabaya, Oct. 16; DaendeU. Caledonien, Hongkong, Nov S; M.
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    • 120 4 H I ll'. 5 Vks.iKL'B Naml. A Tons Captain From Sailed O Kit?. ■h Brit.Mr. Hii." Barry Mat. mum Ann S«8) Kirn <iiiitn Lee Kb 106 Na.-o.lnl, P. giantan Bepl HI Ong Hai X i -i. tae Olwn Bangkok Bepl iWlTan Hay V V 1 "11 »tr. 640 Kit.
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    • 97 4 111 l I Kl. NAMK hi 1.1. C'AHTAIN I) teptW Darwin M TrocM Niini CUM Katwr-I-Hlnd :'!i Sri I'i^nlnn :*> Nan-l.iM, M Jan 8U Ohelydra 80 Malacca (liiuiK Anu •■l Sri Tringganu M l'ak»n 80 U.Tinanin 3>> Brl \V'on){»io Brit.Htr. Bdwi »tr. Bam Mr. taUth PiOatr. Dani.l i>iu. -n.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 307 4 NOTICES. i MCALISTER&CO. (Australian l'roduee Department.) HAVK I US! RECEIVED A SHIPMENT FROM AUSTRALIA. WOOD CO.'S I'hime Australian Buttkk, th*. WELL- KNOWN COW BttAND, in lib. tins 62 cents per tin. in alb. tins Si. ls per tin. This butter can be had from our subagents in Penang, Bangkok, Saigon,
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    • 274 4 NOTICES^ KATZ BROS, j a 6 RACING SADDLERY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS: IKS gtfUl race HOLtOn RACK BBIIUP LEATHERS > Spurs, Stirrup Irons, Stirrup Leathers Martingales, Bridles, Bits, Whips Clippers, Knee Caps, Head StalU, Girths, Bandages, Horse Scrapers, Burnishers, Mane Combs, And all other Stable and Racing Requisites. HARNESS: SINGLE PONY,
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    • 1016 4 NOTICES. I JOSEPH BAKBK. COUMNIMI AM> VIKNNA BAKEH. BKGS to inform the ].adi«-« and Gentlenien of Singapore that he has opened :i Confectioner)- and Vienna Biikery, at So. 6, Victoria Street, next to the Convent. CAKES and wedding Cakes at moderate charges, and all other different kind* of cakes of
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    • 113 4 NOTICES. DORFI'SCIIK PKTliol.Kl :M MAATS< lIAITIJ BOIMtARAYA. Mannfactorem of IVtrolenm I,nbric»ntUnequalled for Steam Enginee, Cyhn den, and every class of Machinery. MAX STERN CX A co d to. "TIMES" AND "BODOW." M,n<(« fhsa% IHivl free. |M ii venr, or f-'i n inonlli, or ten cent" n e.ipy. SrnsMl Hwl'l't, post
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    • 82 4 NOTICES. THE HORSE HEPOSITOI^ BADDLKRY F>Kl'A|{TM KM Y"K\V nml weond hnn.l Bilii|i L j_. 11 on hnn.l, also, ml kindnof n S I riillex. mnrtin«me«. At A-,., t N'm- aansaai made on Ike otm Nenlness and <,uality ((iinraiit, mo.lernte. H. AJKAXs THE HOBSEJEPOSITORT MX. A IIHA MS li»,, 10 .u
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