The Straits Times, 22 September 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: *****. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1896. NO. 19,032.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 450 1 ANDREW USHER'S i ELKBRATED WHISK IKS. Surgeons Hall, llld Nnv.-lnlM-r. 1-H n I I .■li.-niical iiiiiilv- ud <Vs Old hiakj (;> btwd "I liiakiet) wapied n)i I catai md; rrarehoiue. and lad i. ii quality la-inn ,1,1,.! |M I'rt'f from It is -i v,t> ithci witb ordinaiy or h:.i.]> paUtabh
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    • 2353 1 i^^BUCH AN AN WHISKY iHawsaa on PiuiusssMr.i Va# 111 aVanef laweß Va# I KAT7 BROS SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. lVAlii UL Same as supplied to the Houses op Lords add Commons and to all oood London Clubs. 31 U INSURANCES. LAW UNION AND CROWN FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE
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    • 679 1 BANKS. nONCik'jONG AND BHANHHAI BANKING C()R»" (RATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL f 10,000,0(10 RESERVE FUND fIOOOOm RESERVE LIABILITY OFI lnnnnnfw PROPRIETORS 110,000,000. CotRT of Directors:— A. McCONACHIE, Esq.-Chairmax. S.C. MICHAELSEN. Esg.-Dipirr Chaikiia.v. The Hon. J. J. Bill-Irving. J. Kraheb. Eki. O. B. Dodwill, Eaq. D. R. Bassoon, E..,. M. D. Eimiil, E»q.
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    • 872 1 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED, WHTSKY. Kailhav ttrrutx .loi ksai.. Pirhi-t at once as a beverage or n* a medicinal stimulant." APBT»AUAN Tk.IIXN'. WoKI.H As IHT feet a spirit as anynnr in this mundane ■pherc can deairs t.> eonsome." EasTKKN AfHTHAI.IAN" ANI.SoITII AKRIIAN j Journal op Commkkck. An axeeedlßgly I fine Old HiKhland
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  • 487 2 l-ATFKr MAUKKi •iHHAH(>.\S. Sing\pore. iixo Skitember, 1596. PUqm'CK. (fiunbicr Iniyr* (rf. "W. do Cube No I 10.00. do do No 2, 8..10. Copra Kali, 5.70. do I'ontianak 6.35. I'epper, Bliick 11..T0. Siiko Flour Sarawak, :i.lL'.'. do No. 2 MB. l'enrl sago 3.50. Coffee, Bali 33.50. Coffee Palembang, 3A:X. Coffee,
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  • 26 2 Straits Insurance Co. Rnutjs. Punjoms. New Five River Dock Co. Straits Trading Co. FOR SALE. JeUwL Pengerangs. SOMERVILLE A UL'XN. Exchange A- Share Brokers.
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  • 102 2 Khom KiKoi'E:- By the P. «O. sli-amer Mir;:!/)',!-, due OB Sun. lay with dale-, to the iih Sept. She brings repllaa t" tho mails which left Singa |h in 1 on the Bth Aug. pft Singapore Dun in 1...ik1.h\ Arrivei Aii;;. llth M. if. Sept. Stfa Sept.
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  • 106 2 To-Mohrow. Bataviu (Iwlaverii, 8 a.m. Chwibon flfawg &mtmg, ila.m. Bangkok Mtrfiun. Xoun. Batu I'almt Aim Ann. I p.m. I. Amon via ports Muhiccu, :t p.m. ("aliulta via ports I'olauuulUt. :i p.m. IMmg vi» parti fo/dii/iAiA p.m. Manila via [><>r\> BeaM p.m. Itatu i'ahat Aooii Snn 11, 3 p.m.
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  • 217 2 ARRIVALS, Per is. s. Malacca from Tt'luk AMM via ports: -Mon'Me J. M. Allinson, Messrs. PwliniOHlll. ('"iiwiiy, Maitland. Kgcrton, and Katz. iiii.l Mr*. Lovell. Per K.M. Ueeanien from Marseilles— Mc>-r-. M. \V. Mein, J. Reversen, Byed Mohamed AUagoff, and Karl Kirk. From Port Said Messrs. Orner, and David
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  • 84 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 22nd SEPT., 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE NILE EXPEDITION. Established 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. [•Subscription rtite* anil iulierli*ing rates may be founi on tlte fourth page.] AOVAXCK TO l>ON<;oj.A. hmtlon, 22iul Sepletnlff. The gunboats have returned from j Dongola where only women and old men had been left.
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  • 25 2 MM MASSM KKs. The Kurds have attacked and pillaged the Armenian quarter of Eijuin, in the district of Kharput. Six hundred Armenians were killed.
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  • 884 2 Foil-all the paqpHl of loyal re.-.ig- nitiun, we may assume that to-day tin 1 Queen i- attaining to the. longest reign in the history of our country. If her lift*- hi preserved until niter midnight 1 to-day, (or. in local time, until seven o'clock to-morrow morning) Her
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  • 149 2 Tiik Nile. Expedition has now advanced lO Dongola, and the Mahdists have lost another stronghold. There, tin expedition rests for the present while dissensions undermine the Mahdi's Bwvar. The Mahdi springs from the Baggara tribe, and hitherto has striven to aggrandise his people and crush other tribesmen. Disaffection arose among
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  • 15 2 The closing of the homeward mail by the Hayhalien was deferred to 6 p. to-day.
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  • 15 2 Uajaii Buookk is expected to-day or to-morrow in the Zaltora, which is to be docked.
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  • 16 2 Thk body of a stillborn female child wax found in Telok Itlanga Road yest, rday afternoon.
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  • 20 2 Tiik Straits llmlyet was publi.-hed :it noon. At five p. in., a supplement will be issued for the homeward mail
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  • 18 2 Thk electorul lists for the Singapore Municipality are advertised to be nowopen for inspection at the Municipal Offices.
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  • 23 2 Thk .Spanish steamer Mouhen-at, which is expected here on Thursday, is bringing out eighteen hundred troops to reinforce the Manila garrison.
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  • 30 2 Mh: K. H. Hki.i., the Chief I'olice Officer, left to-day for I'enang to sit on the I'awnhroking Commission, of which he has been appoiiged a member
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  • 38 2 Tins morning, a* landslip occurred at Outram Road where some exc-tva-tions are in progress. Two men wen; killed by the tall of earth, and one man wae injured, and has been sent to the ho.-pital.
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  • 39 2 M.VJoit J. W. Malet ratJWO -.tired pay ('apt. (i. M. Harding is gazetted to he Major, vice J. \V. Malet; Lieut. S. H. Kndcrby to be Captain, vice A. (i. M. To^er, whose promotion has been cancelled.
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  • 39 2 Two Malay boys were playing in a pond at the two and a half milestone on the Uaylang Road, yesterday. One boy got out of his depth, and was drowned before his companion could obtain assistance
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  • 35 2 Tiik laws of Britiefa North Borneo have been added lO bjr Proclamation No. II of ls!)<j. which p'lovid-s for the extradition of fugitive criminal- from Hongkong who might take refuge in that Territory.
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  • 33 2 Sycd Mahomed Alsagoff arrived from Marseilles yesterday in the Ommi**. Among the passengers to lvave for Europe OT mail this evening are: Mi-, and Mrs. Heard, Mr.C.O.M. Deakorougk, and Mr. t'r.e Maitland.
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  • 39 2 A fir—ltl broke into a howe in Holloway liini' last night, and Itole efeek ami half a bottle of whisky. Unfortunately for him a detective met him as he came out, and promptly removed him to the lock-up.
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  • 42 2 I'm: annual cricket tixture between the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank and the Chartered Bank of India. Australia, and China was played at The drove, I-ordship-lane, London, on i'-'nd ult., and won by the former Bank by 4~> runs.
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  • 48 2 On of a crowd of gamblers amattd on Sunday, upon being taken into custody, threw away the Mini of 54;,, which he. had in his [maafssiuil at the time. The sum was subsequently recovered, and, being forfeited, goes to swell the levenu of the t'olom
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  • 44 2 Tin:iiK wm Ibjm Mdieueoal ilnpopularamuao 1 last night, and the attrai tive itenu of a new prugn were well iv.-.-iied; smur „l the acts were distinctly novel, and the Squeetriunlsni particularly evoked heaity appl.mse The show is worthy ol a repeated visit
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  • 471 2 SAD DEATH OF MRS. AUSTIN. \V"K NgJPK to record tl „I IU Mrs. Austin, wife of Mr. A. of Messrs. John Little ft Ua Ltd death occurred M Mr. Austin's ho la, "i Orange (irove, last erening, circumstances. The itliniaeid hxlyhJ been Mftring from 18-health fe™ consid.'iable time, and hairre
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  • 63 2 A i;oituKsi'oM)KXT note- IhatthsMil one police cyclist attached t" each division as a messenger. It would, Inthinks, be of advantage to the force were there more of these mounted men employed. The corporals who n" round at night could do their duty much more effectively were they cyclists.
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  • 76 2 Under the heading "J.i (lanesi't'reiKl.: Rates," the Ammo? Aurusl L'fitli publishes the following telegram i. in its Singapore cor.opondcni The resent agreemeul i" refos« carp b London at a less pries than 18s, b« ssas hrehen up by the Nippon Yuseu k.i-im i.lapan Mail flteamshln Cnmnnnyi Ih«
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  • 99 2 Mk. E. 11. Bkli. has made a ban \mm gift to the Cathedral, a Lilt that valuable and more esteemed ba iw is Mr. Hell's own handiwork. Koi i k»«| time tins little red bain NT n 'the organ has. been an eye-ore in lbs
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  • 95 2 Thk mail rteamnr Kr bH Colombo at I p in. yi'-terilav, Mill MJ be ejected here on Sunday next B brings London datei to the 4th iiwtoni The following is her passeDger li-t the Kar Bawl Mr. and Mn D Uutllelford. Miss Ke.inei. I mouth, Mr.
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  • 98 2 The following notification in the OrUitk NorU Bar the Ist instant With reference U> the seote paaead upon JEnropean »l>" 1 tequentl) dismissed thi Court ..f" Director! have »ignlfl«l Mj opinion thai In Imposing 81 t the three offieiiil. who heard If"-' erred on the side ol le
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  • 133 2 A CWMM dniggUt, na Poh, leeiding at No. 16.1, N''' I Road, waaehaiged in the trate'i Court. ye-ienia\. i- 1 nnainninii of illicit naerplua Sunday. The defendant ,>- -guilty, and said that the pill prescribed in oatei of fever, poaed of li^uorbse, rhubsi corn Boor, and onions.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 656 2 AUCTION SALES. AICTION SALE. TAN IKK CHYK. I pSftMt in the mi- -i -iiriie. I h'rin, ha« roceived I nt tractions to m-ii by PUBLIC AI TION. \i i heir Batee-swaa, N<>. i". 1 Kafflps rime. a,, nv,/,,,.,-,/,/ (IftM {Maaafar, MM, at II a. „i. M Breeeh-Joading bhiii.; lfasa*s-laaaUasj |aas
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    • 821 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "pacific cmcrsT TO-NKilli LAST I TMHaHt TO-NI6HT iut TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT ()X K TOXH.HT Of niK BHKUFOBI season A PROOAMMB W MiVKIIIKS. I X( Lr Dl WQ Madame Annie Whitii. Hit' laafieM ami 'hiring. who will lie accompanied b) I'ItOFLHSOR ACADIE tn enter THE TIGHTS ca<;K. ADMIsMoN AS ISUAL.
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    • 47 2 (In Hs4 in-lanl. at tile ('uilic.lral ol the Oood Shepherd. Wagilinill. by the Ki^lii lU'v.i. liishop ISonr.kin. asaaaMd iiy the Kcv.l. Canon DelouettS, CUHBM Leopold Ee-Ciuantßur;, 10 Makik Cum (LUy) in: Ka. iei. iliinghtt'r of the late Henki M Ru-iki. for onriRAL uaprnro nwu stE MB i
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    • 91 2 M. B. 8. intended for tli. htrailt Tim,, tbemid b. written on one iid« of the puer only. 9f tb* n«ilert of that condition, ninny nlwtlil tl.«t might ntlwnriM. lx- pnblialMd. All advnrt i«in|f contract* in rahivnt to th* rowli tion that tho Msiupi may lamra the»rtin«mit out
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  • 580 3 i IefIMBMNaV I urn M -tin-- tii.' i»* on tb« Ani|Miit Road, on turned wit be I nil- iipil.'. ni.iirr.l only ra in luwai i- the ikw n Mi- K\. .ll.ii. ■> ih. miiwinnnr „1,,,, ,,.-,.1. -langor.tlie I: in .r. whole l,-i ..t-tr,,,,.-,--nentiun tl..- imv toilet' tl,a.
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  • 110 3 NARROW ESCAPE OF MR. O'SULLIVAN. I named Han I. nan Jil, a term of tame years' impri- the gaol, wh charged before l(: v -i ■mdei-. vestcrdav, with atteinpl- ttaaull Mr. O'Sullivnn, the tor of Prison-, on the 18th .-t. when in the execution It transpired, in evidence, rii
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  • 115 3 named Kirn Bang, ■> »er- \ Mis-i urj from roeeeding to Penang for the recruiting his health, was Mi Baunde«,ve*terday, '•inn in noteenaion of Bye -mall piUUI |.ill-. valued at SI, oil Surtli Boat Quay, on Satur- B -t. d.n, .i,t made in curt „.,|.,,,a,i.
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  • 1118 3 Kan YokksinKi mil dny .ricki't WH MB*lU* at TonbrMge oa HondaT, Aogoat Mtfa and the i~i t. .i compiled 184, Kenfi Inningacloeed (ort& There wa* n'> play on Tue-ulny. Vorkahira on W*dpeeday ooeided to dee* 1 1 1 ■i aeeond lajniag* at 124. and getting Keiii out for
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  • 93 3 Koi v cases of cholera in A Division, t»o caaaf In C. and one case in D l>i\i-iuu were reported to the Police |„-t night. I) was that ot the third engineer of the Dutch tteamer i i Europeaa. When the ship urrivt-d yesterday he tH taken to
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  • 75 3 DESTROYERS FOR THE CHINA STATION. 1 Idmiralty iaaued inetrui tiuui for tlie i" U rpado-boal dertroyori 11.i.i Lieut, and Commander I!. V. Tyrwhitt, und Handy, Lieut, and Coijilaandir II Bku kett, commi»»ioned for rviee on the i hina Station, to leave Chut ham for S!i. -on JTtli Augiwt. 1 1,,
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  • 608 3 (From thf "Time* of Crylon" J Pan*. \Oth Srptrmbn. A most destructive cyclone took place here thin afternoon, which, though only of a few minirU-s' duration, did immense damage. Trees were uprooted, hargen on the river Seine were Hunk, and omnihuses and eahs overturned by the force of
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  • 2160 3 lUX ARMENIAN IlluTS. DetaDi have been received of the reeaarfcable out break of tin- Armenian* ill Constantinople. It appears that tile seizure of the Imperial Ottoman Bunk a wioftillj planuei) plot, which was curried out ia order that the Armenians Bight force the
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  • 49 3 A Chinaman, named Tan Hock Soli, aged 4U, committed suicide by hanging at balf-past twelve this morning, at 4;i, South Boat Quay, where he was employed. The deceased was a coolie. He had been suffering from dysentery, and Urn Hon. Dr. Boon Keng had been .mending him.
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  • 93 3 Tiik Military Departnu'iit of New South Wales has issued a general order, cliivctin? that niemborsofthe volunteer hcaai there must not take part in or institute meetings for party or political purposes. Major J. J. Swinton, it. A., commanding No. 2") Co. Southern Division, at Singapore, who is accepting
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  • 108 3 A Iwi Book is issued giving statistical tables showing the progress of British trade uiid production from 1854 to I 1593. During that period t ho population of Knjrland and Wains increased from eighteen millioni to ihirtv, and that of Scotland from ihree to four millions. while that
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  • 139 3 Tub Manila Trailing CoßUtanyfLimited) lias been mfwtwed at Ifaneheeter with a capital "I CSSfiOO in 410 shares, in carry on at Manila and in Man-.•liiT-ter tint business nt COtSMI spinners. miujufiujtuitnr*, dyers and flwahert, whoml ii.nmiissiun agent*, *c. Tin- direcutraare: H. J. Andrews, R. H. Andrew*,
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  • 137 3 Yi>ii:i:!>\y. ;i Malay, walking alonfl Etplanade.MwaCbinamanpkdi up :i bank "<>(<■■ The Chma—ji U «:n a liuiulri'il dollar note, and, at iiiiinu'iit iumtli-r Chinaman sum on tcene. He I"' :IW nofi' picked up, ii»«l ou^il to have ;i than. The Malay* UiMmipoß, deaaandad a dun aba That*
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  • 232 3 Nothing of much importance was done at the course this morning, most of Ihe horses being given slow work, :ilt lioiiirh some of the griffins were hustle.l along a hit where the going is good on the back straight. One or two showed fairly good style, although, of
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  • 52 3 HEAVY KINK AND IMI'MSoNMKM'. WkYkoChai, a Hokien, whowasfined SijOO a couple of months ago, was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment, yesterday. and also lined Sl5O, or, in default, another three months' imprisonment, for being in possession ot illicit chandu. valued at Slsi, in Church Street, on the
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  • 73 3 In the negotiatiotiH for v new and necelerated mail service hetween Australasia and (treat Britain, the Colonies objected to the employment of coloured lahour on the V. 0. Co.'s mail steamers. The Duke of Norfolk, in reply, tajd the argument of the Colonies was indefensible in connection with
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  • 88 3 NKWsi-ArEH report has it that the chief leaders of the seditious agitation in the Philippines reside in Japan. They there aim at exciting the Mikado to seize the Philippines, and indeed, some time ago, presented him with a petition signed by twenty thousand inhabitants asking him to
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  • 72 3 YESTERDAYS TIES FHOFKSSIOX PAIRS. Ik II, Mai'DuiiK'ill ami M— ll Tel.. Doyle anil EMM, Army I. l'arsons and Ainslir heal Mar. II. MaiDouKall ami Kainnie. A 1I.AS8 SINGLES. KgiTtim far, to Wooilwai-d. Woodward beat Ainslie. TIES FOR TO-DAY CHAMPIOXSUIP. KgtMlOU V. IIi'Mp-. B 81NOLE8 (filial.) Writflil
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  • 63 3 For Australia and N.-u Zealand. Barf**, due Hnd Bepl UcAlUter t Co I'enang awl Calcutta, Kon^r*, dm 22nd Sept.. Sal kit-.k U Calcutta via port*, Pnlameotta, on Mrd >epi.. Bouateatl a Co. China and Japan, Trent,,,, .lue 241h Sept.. Borneo Co, .lava port*, MenM, due L'"itii
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 26 3 Sore Throats You cunnol u>< a btttar Kargle thmn CONDY." S,rM°,t.l MmhHiie.M.D. "TheThroaUhoul<lt»(*rKl«d with diluted CONO V Si* Cmtt •>'/». Condy's Fluid With v r«> Uoukol UlracUon*.
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    • 836 3 F( HI SALE; KM PLOYiM KM V TO LET; AM) PEUBONAL& Thoße ndvertisements will \<t> found nn the riKht hand colnnin o( tlie lir-t nam (title page.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE BTaUITH si;iTI,KMKNIts SKTTLK.MKM Of HHOAPOBI MHweoa Alma Koona \|....n;i McMitiah •'liit'v liamlir, and NaraMinan Ihitty Defendant >rOTICI
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 211 3 WEATHER REPORT. ranrianj Kerbau Ho*pital, >ut iaat MM 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Remakks. Har. 2».!HW 25t.K72 2!t.()2!» Temp. H4.2 KS.9 I «0.7 W.BMbThcr 7it.O "4.9 176.9 Ss^l Dir.of Wind S.K. S. Calm -r-°-Max. Temp. H«.9 Mm 71.11 =r. Max. m Sun U'.Mi Terr. rad. liti.2 s itninfall 0.07
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    • 120 4 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used: str. steamer; sh. ship bq.— barque Brit.— British I. S. United States Fr.— French Oer. -German j Dut. Dutch Joh.— Johore Ac, O.c— General cargo d.p. —deck passengers V. I'ncertinii; T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D— Taniong
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    • 1332 4 Akrivals Since Noos of TamaMT. Amiga. Ger. Str. 772 tonn, Capt Heminet. 22nd Sept. From SaiKon. l»th Sept. Rice Wee Bin and Co. V -Rds. Borneo. Brit. str. 404 tons, dipt Smith, 21st Sept. From Tcrnate Bth Sept. (i.e., and 24 d.p. Low Sum. U— N.H.W. Houick Hall.
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    • 466 4 iVamc, port, probable, date of arriinl, and name o] aqentt. Aisl»i», Kffngjmwr Sept. a Ranisabsrg Ajnx, Liverpool, Oct. 7: Mnn»lielil. Autenor. l.iverpo,.!, Se[it. L' 7; Haosfleld. Benveime, beginniiigOct. from Il'k.-n^, I.H. I. cii.l. hi. Oct. lfi; P. Simons. Uniitnin. Sour«l.:iya. Oct. l.j DasndeU. Bayern, H°koii){, Sept. 20;
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    • 109 4 Vessel's Nams. A Tons (Aftain j R 'gSep -'I Ri" iGor. »tr.! 110! l Davids, n -'I Oceanian I.MM.str. aono Bchmiti -'I Tuucer Brit.str. 1802 Rilcv ->l Malacca Htr.| 405 Daly SI Bherard OtbonM itr. 878 Dumnnll -'1 Boi gtr., 404 Smith -'1 I'uk-liin »tr. li':vi St. .Mil 81
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    • 138 4 Date. V&wEi/g Name. Flau&Kig Caitain Dkhtinatjos L-pt II Nnm Yoiik II Kllen Bicb i i'l Bun Kn Soon JJ 5.. ni.clni U Hall Hin (.11. in Km Bang 8S Toll Ann S* on Bang L'J rakiin L'^' Howi.k Hull *i Kan Whalt llin BaghaUan JJ Ori'imii'ii ■jj QodMwry JJ
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 712 4 NOTICES. M( AI.ISTKIt Co. HAVi: lUBT XX( KIVKD A FKKSH 3HIIWIENT OF watsux^ .-...■> /l^?^S»yX v. v. o. CKI.EBKATKD t^g^ i-^s\^\ /v i 3 it ""CiktV^X Pri< K peB CaBE WHi SK l> Mm!m fIH-* 8^ VMLm tured Whisky to bo W iv-sM TiAATTVTtM? h»l at the money Ifjpl Til
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    • 311 4 XOTICKS. M^ALISTKR&CO. (Australian Prudooa Department.) havk mart ikhvb a shipment FROM AUSTRALIA. WOOD Co.'s I'HIMI. AIBTIULIAS BUTTKK, THE wei.i.-known Cow Brand. in 111. tins 62 cents per tin. in 21b. tins $1.1.') per tin. This butter can be had troin our subagents in Penang, Bangkok, Saigon, Macassar, Deli, and all
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    • 486 4 NOTICES. i "TIMES' AM) ■'BI'IWVKT.' Straitt) Timu, post free, S3U a year, ..r C2J a month, or ten cents a copy. Straitt Kwtiirt, post free. *20 a year, or &">"a quarter, or 40 cents a copy. The advertising rates are: first time, Ifi cents a line 2nd and 3rd ÜBMS,
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    • 792 4 I NOTICES. iiokdtm in: ruruoLELM MAAIS( UAl'l'lJ KOUUABAYA. Uannfactursra of r.troleum Lubricanto Unequalled for Steam Engines, Cyliu j ders, and every clau of Machinery. MAX STERN Q>, Agents. MAKIE BRIZARD AND ROGEB BORDEAUX. Brandy Curacao QualiM. Anisette y Maraschino Bup£rieure. I.w,ueurs Bole Agents for the Htraits, to th. As. MOINK
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