The Straits Times, 7 September 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISIIEI): \m. SINGAPORE MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1896. NO. 19,019.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 626 1 VNDKKW USHER'S CELEBRATED WHISK IKS. aj I ;il. TV. Bwfma 1 Hall, |,|..n_li. L'ml .Vuvi-nilH.r, 1^1)1 i.i" ,i nreful rhemicaj analy- 1 sher and < U w bisk) (a 1.1.-ml oi I ..Hi., Whiskies) sainplgd i il«d eases ready I warehouse, and find 11. Nt iiuality l» in
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    • 959 1 NEW! NEW! KATZ BROTHERS ABE THE FII.ST To I.MI'ORT THK HOUSKI.KSS CARIMAIiKS. T!,,> .ni-t1,,. BafeAgsata Cm the PATENT "f BENZ < Mmi,,,i,,-,,, ThecarrUges are worked by patent oi Motors, the latter bong quit* sileui vi their woddn, and no) giving ofl any heal „,-,,,,11. Tl -.linu'v ,.,..I i- from lv
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    • 637 1 NOTICES. (ml.D MKIMLS I'AIMS. IS7« \m\ JOBMH GnJiMTS PENS oi Uigheet ItaaiHy, ami. having ths Ureatoat Durability, are, therefore, ths CHEAPEST. i:\.\Ks. no\.;k'o\i; I) sil \i;|| I BANKING OOBPOBATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL. «ioimiimni RESERVE FIND liiMiinKi RESERVE LIABILITY OFI PHOFRIBTOM j ..$10,000,OU). Coi d o> DiaacKMu: A. McOONACHIE, Es<j. Chairiiak B.C.
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    • 842 1 dew virs CELEBRATED WHISKY S*TM*IAI I.MIMIIIV -Will |i1..;, undoul.t.-.lh I lip in(,»t fnHtiilrous UiM«." 1 \TKRKK» ANII HMM. I'BOPRIKT'.k Ii»/ettk. Nuti-il fur it- txiuquri vi ii"nr Kiwi. "We eaa raeeaaaMßd m- f he i.r-i i have met." IHI HOTKI IIKVIKW MTU C\TKKISI; »»«m> lynlly lir-t-iliißß spirit of I tllr Dlgn—
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  • 494 2 LATEST MARKKT (ROTATIONS. SINftAPOKE. 7TH SkITEMIIEK. lfWfi. PRODUCE. (in M iii:i- do Cube No 1 11.10. do do Xo-J 0.00. Copra Bali, 5.H.V do Pontiauak 5.30. Fepiwr, Black, 10.30. Sago Flour Sarawak, 2.*',. do Xo. i v 2.174. I'enrl Sago 8.35. Coffee, Bali 33.00. Coffee Palci'iibiing, 32.25. Coffee. Liberian,
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  • 125 2 •W Per str. Time. To-Morhow. SmiUaknu via ports Ranee, rt Ivkan via part» l,ail>/ I,u,i(/<le,i. a.m. I'. DbdEMO Bonbvrt*, \o p.m. lijmyUuk ffydrs, 11 a.m. h'. nltSUg lia purife Pmlnuti 11 ii.m. Sonrabayi via port* Vtnekt, n ajn. Ifadm* vi» porti .S/,«i. I lintu J'alint .l'«<; .l««.
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  • 114 2 lnu.M Ki-koI'K: —By the P. A t). »>. I'ekin, Uie on 18th iti-lnut witli <!.%U>h to tile 21st August. She brings repUM t<> Mm niuil whieli toft Bfagapm «>n the Stad July. From China: -By the M. M. s. Yarm due on Tuesilny. "it MiiKH|H>re Due in
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  • 167 2 AKKIVALd. Por lifneraul I'd from liulaviu Messrs (ileiidinning. Happel, J, L. van Hout.u, Shellabriir. Swan, and Murphy. iiiidU Ku, wpi-iin. the crew of the American ,hip Ottmm. ftru.JT. Valeric from -Mr. J. Cohen. lor f. Aiulraliiul from Iremantlc Messrs. Newman, 0. K. S. Hall, A. CumrntaULS. Maluoml>e,
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  • 97 2 STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY. 7th SEPT., 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Kstaiii.lshkii: IH3I. PRICE 10 CENTS. \SuJb»aript\on rate* ami Mlvertisiuy tales vmy In-fuanil on tlic fourth page.} THKCZAirSTOUK. .\X IMI'KHIAI. TOABT. Leasts*, ?th August. The (Jzar and Czarina haWS arrive.! on tour at Breslau, whore they met with a splendid reception. At a
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 34 2 A NAVAI, UATHKKINi;. A French Squadron has been ordered to the Levant, where a powerful British fleet is already assembled. Sir Philip Currie. the British Ambassador at Constantinople, has returned to that city.
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  • 33 2 T HE EXPEDITION. The Nile railway has been re-opened for twenty miles. It was ratoid within ten days. Toward* tile eiul of last month, violent rainstorms destroyed the Nile railway s.mtli of Sanaa.
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  • 575 2 It would appeal tliiit tin- eetiaaatai made in Singa|K>re, botli by the Munici- palitv ami the, (ias Company, as to the saving BaWOfl of the Welsbach luirniT. I arc open to ipieFtion. The Wclshach burnur lias also been a subject of riisrtis- rim in Honajkngi tni tin' IfoiKjkouy
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  • 19 2 hi;- iPiujiosod in Cal<utt;i to rivet, next yar, a oolokh.-iI st:itiir of MujCHty, incomimiiiiurutiuiiof ln-rlcii; i li 'I roigu.
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  • 211 2 TllE Native States Iti'i<idcnts, in their recent oonforeiice. <'ispu??ed, our UtlllM (Hindent informs us. the advisability of a junction of tht; telegraphic system of the Native States with that of Burundi through the Malay-Siamese territory. Such a junction might hay. very important results. It would facilitate inter-state cominuiiicatioii, and interstate
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  • 6 2 The Aastas 1 nmBIBIM m to-morrow
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  • 9 2 I'llK Straite lladijet will be published at noon to-morrow.
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  • 12 2 iM^MHiO France is to spend on the approaching visit of the Czar.
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  • 13 2 The homeward mail by the Yarra will close at 2 p. 111. to-morrow.
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  • 17 2 Tin: St. Cecilia Band will play at the Uallles Hotel from ."> to 7 p. ni. next Wednesday.
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  • 14 2 (In her last, trip from Bofcgkong to Sandakau. the Meiuiwu encountered a heavy typhoon.
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  • 17 2 lie.AisK of the death of Mr. John l.awson, there will he no H. C.C. toiirnauieiit play to-night.
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  • 23 2 A Chinaman at Penang was lined two hundred and fifty dollars, the other day, for heinir the occupier of a common gaming house.
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  • 22 2 TliK .">(>.')7th year of the Jewish .ra liejrins to-morrow. Jews will keep holiday and elans their office" to-morrow and the day after.
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  • 23 2 Miss Ki.sik Alan: is now in Honolulu, and may he expected in Ilmiukoiic with her company of entertainers about the month of November.
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  • 19 2 K.XTiiK.MEi.v hot weather still prevails in HongkotML In Shanghai, Tientsin, and North China generally, the temperature is also ahiiorinally"hi},'li.
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  • 37 2 On our Lack page will be found shippiag news, eomprisinn arrivaU, departure.-, vessels in port, and vessels expected. The last named list is verified try most of the ship agents, and will lie found of much use.
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  • 30 2 (iKNKKAI. JoXEB-Vai li II A X lc-avcs Peaaog for Binfapore in the Csyfon. to-day or to-morrow. The hiqilßtlnM of the Troops at Paaaag took place on Wednesday last.
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  • 35 2 Jin M. left Saigon at ta. m., on the utli iust to mar ha nperted here on Tuesday, about daylight. She will most probably be despatched at 4 p. in., the same evening
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  • 34 2 I'knami rumour notes that Lieut. l.e.ieh will take ilown to Taipins, some iime 11. 'ii n|n|ith, 1 riekel and football (emus. Tho foothall team will lie from tile Detachment, 6th Fusiliers.
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  • 37 2 li is reported that a latter from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, lhankini; the I'eiiaug Chinesu for generous donations to the Free School there, has been circulated among the tubscriben to the School.
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  • 49 2 A roCM Kurasian. named Taylor, a shopman in the employ of Messrs, .(.ilin Little and Co., Limited, pleaded guilty .111 Saturday, to criminal breach oftrust, in reaped to three cuilinj.' tonga, valued at Wit-flits, thcpro|ierty o( his employers. 11.- was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment
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  • 58 2 Tv Penang Aaeise* open to-morrow with a calendar of twenty-eeven cases. The "lily important case is that against the late storekeeper of Messrs. Bonn Meyer Co., charged with criminal breach of trust of a' large rom 'of money. A Sikh stands charged with attempt to inuider, anil a
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  • 67 2 Tiik Calcutta CoriK.ration have resolved almost unanimously that tin: evils of rais-gambling are so br-reaching and disastrous in that city as to warrant legislation for their .suppression. A hup- uuinlier of Indians in the Straits are said to invest their dollars 01, this form of gambling, which consists in
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  • 76 2 THE BOMBAY RACES. I'll.- Proaßnilut oftlu- Hoi,, i,i,y Baeea. M»7. announces tha inmHiiiii ham 80th ti> nth Krliniary. Borne of the stakes at tins meeting an exceedingly good the Bombay Derby, and tin-' Bombay Gold Cup 810,000 on the flrsl •lay; tin? Turf Club Cup I{j,.'.imi and limns Stakes
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  • 80 2 Tiik Htm^ttmg C. haN received an iiivitalioii from Urn Shanghai C.C. to i.-vow tin; interpurl mntriTiaa, ami an ati'inpt is Mag inadt! to gal logathai an aiftan to represent Hongkong at ehangluu thii autumn. Crieketors in Bioaa|iore would be gkdtoaeea revival of the Interporl iwatohaa, afcd perhaps something
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  • 112 2 . It has been ascertained rc|,ondei,t.t.h.n men, who have f,,;.,.' reason been dismissed ll,e Muni,;,"" service la one department an to,,' the same servi. c in „r inent. This m certainly not '"nee. thing. The Municipal X nee,- has lound W( L'put forth a otoasdat warnin.. subordinates against emplovio
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  • 130 2 The continual clian K eB taking „1.,,,. among the subordinate staff Municipality are, says a Correspondent tobe regretted. Sonic men leave 1,, „a n the salaries are low. others reaun owing to a tendency v,,. Bupenntendenti to hector, more acain are dismissed for faultn conuniui The remedy lies
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  • 181 2 Tiik scarcity of rubber, and i|,,. advance in its price, due to the I in cycling, are direct inn the attention uf investors and company pr ,>|,,, new fields for the exploitation of tluit valuable product. A company bu m,| 11 1 formed in London, eallr.l t
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  • 203 2 . -1 bsjb rilK unuut Tiik niat.-li between Su-.~.. x hii.l Hie Aii-tralinn.-, as noted in uur IssiM "I BslU day, l-cKan at Briahtaa, on the lath Angnsi Bnwci wentm Brat, sod in*dc total ..f Ml. 'J'lie inrtmliani then weal in .in.i, ..ii Hie 14th, completed Ibeir iimlngi for
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  • 211 2 PERAK NEWS. Is a cricket match played on Baturds) last, Dr. Foi retired after reaehiiiK thi -eutiiiy. His nor« Included on,, six. eleven fours, three threes, and fourteen twos. Ml. \V. 11. Scotl is Wtd 1.. IMVI applied fur long leave, and prOlwwilto proceed home at the beginning of October
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  • 278 2 Fi'fml 11 I 'iuW's/i'initrnt Ijikkk was a neeting of liriii-h R»i ili-nts hi!l(l iii Kuala Lumpur lail The Residents spent several long "lay* consultation ami it is believed thai 111 result of tin- conference will 1 arttla— t of matteri of vital sequence to tha welfare of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 743 2 NOTICES. TAILORS, IiKKKCHE.S MAKKKS. ovnirnu, UA'ITERS. W^ BOfIBPA f/\ OUDEHS BY POR KK(KIVKI tOMn COMPLETE ATTKvn,,s OUTFITS jt V BPBCIALITE GOODS !N STOCK. sultablk fo;: Oiiiiay A 1.1. 1.1 MATES. NOW SHOWING NEW GOODS y.x m g. 8. IiOUNEO. j NOTICES. LQOT 1.\st evening, While walking from the j Hotel
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    • 556 2 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 8HARE8WANTED. strait- baaniM Co. Kaubs. I'linjoni-. Now Prve River Dock?. straits lee Co. Straits Steamship Oo. FOR SALE. Tanjong l*Mgur B per cent. Dt'lieuluivs. 5 per cent. SOMERVILLE A GIXX. Share Brokers. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOK l'EXAXli. RAXGOOX, AX1) CALCUTTA. riMIK Company,' Mr. I'EXTAKOTA,
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    • 7 2 H>K IiKNEKAI. HIUFI'INU HCWM, ■-I-.I I-M.l 4.
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    • 90 2 M. 9. S.jnten.lrd l->. \u» Mk Timt ihrnild hx wrlttm on of the paper only, llv th* t.p(fl»ct of that .on.lilion. niany M. S. S. «ro nyertml that rairht othenriw he pabli>h»d. Alt Mverttxiiijr contnvrtii are -u1...-it to the that the Manager may leave tho adrertiwinont not of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 78 2 WEATHER REPORT. Kiuulaiiy K'rlmu Hoipilal, till, Se,,t. a.m. 8 p.m. 9 p.m. Remarks. liar. MUHBM.TOIPMH Temp. K5.1 88.3 j H2.9 4 W. Bwriiei- 79.0 77.U 77.4 te>C I>ir. of Wind s.s.K. S. 'S.K. Js .Miix. Temp. 88.6 X Mill 77.-' SfM»x. in 8uul«.» i^ Terr. rad. 72.9 llainfiill Nil. 2
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  • 615 3 . ,..,-> .i ;i >« 111, Championship ind i ini.»ii being i tii,' monthly nwdal umoMH 1 1 1: mi lie ba •< >j >n l;ir I,., n |,la\ini: v.iv good Iim round lwiup I ,,h,|<t i" and then dm be IIk mint, hi. If, in the Club.
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  • 60 3 ALLEGED ABDUCTION. J*'. Hukieaa. named Laa Ah Qnah 1 Hw I I i, MM .barged M Saturday, with attempting noniai named Chua Soon int.nt to compel ho to -t her will. Mr. New Und thecase for the Police, and 1; "wwliead Matthews defended. Mr. the Poli.'e Court. lying been an
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  • 114 3 the )mm week. s;i\s a corres- lias been quite a Dumber i mini false Malta, ™i 'U"l measure*, in the public lias been suggested that, market, the Municipality I I standard set scales. i....,-,,,.-. to be in the market -keepers, so ■lasers, baying reason to they
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  • 256 3 si 1.1.1 V. OK Sl'Ai K Kill BUpfJmW, to Tim MOOT OT thk hthaits timi Sik, In voui issue of the 4th instant. I notice paragraph re extortion from cootie poaoaaget*. AaoUafoaaeai of a tilen line ateaaajar earryiajg paooaa> ■en north ami soulli each voyage. I may
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  • 908 3 SEIUOI'B STATE OF AFKAIK-. mmm ok natives mrnsrifiit Tukkk is serious trouble in Manila. Exactly what it is, by whom and for what purpose it was started, and how It will all end, air things over which then- is a mysterious veil. A gentleman of Bpamsai blood
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  • 400 3 We ragrat to announce the death of Mr. John Lawson, which occurred last night at the Central Engine Work*, Viciniia Street. Mr. Lawson was attacked by a very malignant type of remittent lever about ten days aaja, and he suceuinbedabout ten o'clock yesterdayevenin^'. He received
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  • 31 3 Bam— noon yesterday and noon to-day, eight cases of cholera were reported. Four were discovered after death, one was treated at home, and the other three were sent to hospital.
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  • 308 3 THK < I STUDY OV WI1.I" ANI.MAI.s. A M.u.lsritATK's appeal case the Supeiinteiideiit of l'olico i: Dennys bearing upon negligence in keeping wild 1m asts. came before Mr. Justice Leach at lVnang, on the JlUt August. The appeal lay against a Magistrate's order whereby he dismissed a charge
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  • 445 3 A HONGKONG VIEW. It must have been apparent faf some conatdenbk time to those engaged in the genera] trade of the Colony that Hongkong, in sympathy will, oilier >:ii ts of the Fir net, is Mflferuu bub -tii^ii.ition nt trade. The shipping ugclitl li;iv«- pi-riiai^ tin- nmst reason
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  • 588 3 TWO DAYS I.ATKH THAN BY MAIL. Umilim. Wh Aw/tut. Yestkkimy, thecereniony of the initnllation of I/)rd Salisbury, the Premier, as Warden of 1 1 if Cinque Ports, «>■ performed with the en»tomary pomp. In a speech after the function Lord Salisbury referred to tin' Kastern question, and
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  • 42 3 In the second and third llagi»tnuW courts, during last month, them were )iO2 none, in which I.;VW prnonert figured, dealt with, ill addition to a number of postponed eagM held over from the previous month. Crime h materially increasing. Corr.
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  • 112 3 THE SUAKIM CONTINGENT. It is understood that no intimation regarding the return of the whole or a portion of the Indian brigade iVoin Suakiiu will be made by the Home authorities until after tin- occupation of Dongula by the Nile column, which may not take place 'or another month owing
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  • 771 3 II Mi. Ithodiw be pteead m»a bta irW, it will be t first time for '.'I year- that criminal proc Magi have been m -t 1 1 m <-.i n^iili-t ii ini-iuU-r of the IVivy Comic il. In |MV», 1...i<! Melville, hettet linown M the H s;lil Hon.
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  • 437 3 SATI UDA V.S RKS I I LTS. CHAMrioNSHII'. v. P. Owen Ueai V. H. Faaree, A. Ii Lintou Uat A. It. Doyle. A CLASS SIXUI.K HAXliliAl'. Hciips Kir. v. Woodward ree. i*. J. (J. Mactaggart owe i beat V. 1). MactML'gart rec. J. 0 il. \.-s
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  • 38 3 TaOH Balls should fall at Fort Canning and Palo Brani daily to indie.ite I p.m. Singapon: mean time, ,'iiTespondingwith Ghrs. 4m. ais. mean time at Greenwich. To-day: Kurt Canning Tell correctly Polo Brani: do.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1072 3 NOTICES. POUSALI.: Ii.MH.OYMKNTS: IDLET; AND PKUrjONAIA PfiWYQfIY At fVVC These advertisement- will OT found on IlWnli\nUl> tX IAJ. IO theri B ht han.l chin,,, of the hrstpagc (title page.) ANNUAL CASH .\l cnofl BALK, CLEARANCE SALS. 1: Tkwtitf, /"Hi Sejrtssjasr, lx:ii-. ■•i Wp rpHAI -übstßiitial brick l>uilt-.l».llin^ 1 house. No.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 106 3 AKKASGKMKNT> Monday, 7th Ski-ikmum: lli.'h Wuter. |..iu. Sew Moon. T.:i>i.ui. I'liillimnioiii.- Cbotf. o..«). Tcksdav, Bm taminii. High Water. 10JM a.m. MJI pn. Jewish New War lifgilis. AatiM*. 11. M. M. hiuiiewiiril mail oiOMM. S. C. 'lVnnU Toiiriianifui. Wednesday, Uth Skitkmhkh. Hi(?li NVater. 1 l.lo. a.m. UJtpjB. Muniiipal CovuoiMioB. 2.:K).
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    • 190 4 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used »tr. steamer ah. ship bq.— barque Brit.— British D. 8. United States; Fr.—Freni-li ;Oer.-- German Dut. Dutch Joh. -Joliore Ac-., U.i-..— (ieneral c-arco d.p.— deck passenger* j IT.—Uncertain ;I. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. p. D.— Tiiniong Pagar
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    • 1401 4 ARHIVALS SISCK XOON OK SaTI'KIMY. Arthur Head. Hi it. atr. 1,887 ton-, uplaiu I .ciuianl. 7th Bant. From Boinliay. 2iitli Auk. (i.e. and 9 d.p. Wee Bin and Co. Pat Hongkong, 7th.— lMb. Autlmliml, Hrit. sir. gM tOM, Captain Tall.oys, tlth Sept. From Freinantle. 2Otli Aug. O.e, mm
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    • 455 4 ,V.1 part, tl«ltftfl Ol n,n I, name <,) ajsills. odour, Saigon, shorily If. If. Aflata, Hongkong, s.-j.t. 1-.- Rnute rg Bawpan,BandjermaHln, Septet II Dayern, rTkong, Bept. 30; Dehn Mi Beularig, H'kong, Seirt. IS; P 8imo! Biaogno, Bombiiy, duo 5,,, i 19; II M yrr. Cadiz. Manila, Bept. 9;
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    • 94 4 Dm. Vksskl's Same.£Kiu Ci.ims I>l.-.|INUI"> Hipt ■> Mrdusa llrit.str. Kyfo •■> Hongkong »tr. I'm.., .'> s n Wongae Out. Mr. Mampe Rmm Brit Mr. Baker HMfWio -i,. huton Aihlm-im rtr| ainunen i l.aily UDBgden Mr imu. l-»l.clla Hr. 11,,,|..,i, »tr. 'I'linur Ktlrii kilal.- »tr. m,. W iiil 1
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    • 306 4 K t'LM. 5 Vessel's Namk. A iToss. C apt .in Kkom Saileh. Coxsic.nkks. Ria laj I Kirn Kan Si-iii; lint. -rlii 188 uiiiak Auk WtUongWhaM I lloiiff Wan Brit -ti. I Ruxlon I'likim Stft X Wop liin .t Co. I Ainherst atr] 10S Shiiuini'ii T. Ansor Hept
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 741 4 NOTICES, I M( ALISTKR Co. MAVK JIST UUBIVBII A KUKSII SIIIIWIKNT OF »ATBUN*ro.-s /t^^^^ V.V.O. CELEBRATED /C>#V MlmmM ?/'i**± s V^\ 1 RKE $1 FI£R CABE whiskik> r>>f 'fp^il^M Hi tv Paid \.OM»J»Vr& i <o Mo A LISTER <<: (^o. •TIMKS AND "BUDGET." Bra* |h,-i s»> a fear, ar tt.
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    • 365 4 I lieves the *callaC^iiAfirA once Bffimjr CURES all discharges Irom Jf^^^/^L urllldl tl /^^Vl^pAL'ji.sin fiihcr mt JUinmM 48 hours Samal-Midy j Unlike i _^^H^^ is a dal j^flJlTll" I'^'1 1 B« ai o^^U4 for paiba,(l \I/Mm\^kJ or Injccti and cause no inconvemen Each I :c /liinv\V(.| bean ih r,,mc V
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    • 303 4 NOTICES. MCALISTER&CO i (Autjtruliun I'roduce Department.) HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT FttOM AUSTRALIA. WOOD O.'S I'KI.MI Al ITKALIAN BI'TTEK, THE WELL-KNOWN COW BBANU, in lib. tins &J cents p«r tin. in 2lb. tins Sl.lSpertin. This butter can be had from our Mil.- Hgentß in Penang, Bangkok, Saigon, Deli, and
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    • 439 4 NOTICES. nKUSHED FOOD. Try it and you will be hatisfikd. I I I. K. RKI.ILIOSIH-gs to inform the pnl.lii; that hia Factory for preparing Cruohed Food, at 34, Belilioa Koad. is now opened. I Crushed Kood. $330 •> bag, cash. Indian Oats $8.40 Bran isuii) To be had at l'.t.
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    • 473 4 NOTICES. SALT BEEF! SALT HaWI r> my numerous customers nnd friends. The Inte shipment of Halt Beef htwtng become exhntisted, the a, B**M hnfortunately!ht me a further supply. K. B. LIN'DSAY. Wholesale at 14. Rotiinson Koad. retail at H, Wilkie Koikl. SliippinK supplied. v.<-. EASTERN MORTQAGE ANT AGENCY COMPANY,
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    • 64 4 NOTICES. ISMAIL AND RAHEEM. MAM KAITIHINfi .IKWKI.I.FHS. Viuler Hie moft difliiiijinnlicil I'ntroniuje of I the Me Sultan ofJohnr,' RAKHLKS ■HIM 1»KK('I()l!8 -ton.-- nf nM descriptions nlwnys in »todc; nml laUlPg in •\.-iy desiKii under ponoool Bwpamatoa l.y skilled workmen. nepni'--exe.-utcdat in.Mler»te OOMfja*, nnd below those nt nny other place. All
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    • 41 4 NOTICES. THE AUSTRAUw HORSE KKPOSIiOi.y P. DAI.I.VN HOBBK DEALER, TRAIN KB Has now raajmwd to his oommodioug prefnises in Koek's i» attli« i<;ir of Orchard Rood m p l" Tanßlin ■■"'J"llv brokoa nnd Ir rne-s. Conimilrioo iml i stable,. llv "7
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