The Straits Times, 15 June 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. EOTABUSHED: 1831. SINGAPORI-; MONDAY, JUNE l\ 1890. NO. 18,1141)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 922 1 siKAMSHIP COMPANIES. on 'i.. i-.niii Quay, <y v WhMtntj N'» llnrbour. STEAM N Wit. A I IoN (IiMPANY. rOI CHINA.. I MAN, I'KS.JCO, (J ,;,v I mm, \r«n;»T.t». Am:*, Koypt, MiaWiiXaS, liniKAi.TAi;. Malta, HklKl'l-l IN I'LVMOITH, AM' I^iMk.N. Xhrough Hill" of l-atling ia«ucd for ggu c*ut. I'r, sis .1 Oastf,
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    • 861 1 If/ \y r y i STK.VMSHII' COMPANIES. I\K KONINKI.IJKK I'AKKTV.'.ART M AATSCHAI'PIJ. Umlor contract with the Netherlan<l» India (Joveinment. Aijr,,lt al Singapore: Ship Aokncv. l\jk J. Daexuelb A Co., 2-3, Collyek Quay. limn Kxpeeted Will he Despatched f,,r On Ililii. .lune l.iih. Taiieh. Ilila. Assahan, nnd Dt-li. |.',ih June a»Oem«.
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    • 185 1 MAKIE BRIZARP AND BOOER 11OHDEAUX. Brandy I 'urai.-no QoatiM. /niwMto Mnrnnrhlno gaplrieure. Liqueur* J Sole AgenU (or the StraiU, (D In. At. MOINE COMTE 4 6>. I'khull trwastgum fuldibb. ij I t M J? 3 2 a 52 s r x SB 1 1 1 5 611 vi; 2 o
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    • 686 1 INSURANCES CTYXTON INSURANCE OFFICE, X LIMITED. Capital Subscribed ta&or>SO\ Amount paid up o 7 Reserve find 1.r00.P00. Hiad Oifici, Hokqkoho. The undersigned, having been appointed A .rente of the altove Componj, are prermred to accept Marine If i <k« at nm™t ratee. A T»mt\t is annually ].:iid to all contributors
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    • 825 1 IiNSIKAMJIiS. rpHE EMPRESS ASSURANCE A CORPORATION, LIMITED. The undersigned haw I icon appointed agents for the ul>ove Company, and are prepared to accept marine and tire rinks at current rate*. at/7 PUTTFARCKEN A- Co. THE BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL I.IKE ASSURANCE COMPANY. TO WHICH HAS BEEN TKASSFEKRKI) Till l;rsiM.,s Of THE
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    • 845 1 banks: HON(fI\ON(i AND SHANGHAI BajnCDra COKI'ORATION. I'AlDll' CAI'ITAI $10,000,000. KESKRVKFIND $5,760,000. KKSKKVK LIABILITY OF I liwm nftn I'ROPHIKT(*KS •WO O OOO Cm XT of DIKaiTcKS: A. McCONACHIK. F:.s U -Chairman. MX MICHAELSEN.Ft -Defitt Chaiemin TlifHon J J.B«lllrvi ;.l 3. Ku>h>i. 4. B. Dodwei.l. 0., D. It Sabboon, K»q. M. D.
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    • 758 1 NOTICES. \(H)U) .\IKI).\1>, IWItIS, 1K78: 1W!I. JOSEPH <ilLI>()ITS PENS Of Hi|(ii»al quality, nml, having th< DniHiiilily; ar.\ lli.-rpf..n\ th. IIKAl'E^T. I)K. A. P. IIOWKS. DENTIST. MPMBl NO. 1.1, RATTKKV KUAll, *P HI I.AWSON, I. VoN <-,, HOBM IIKHKIM. HKsr Citronalk* gran »ill be delivered f«.r 11.00 Cam doc i *t
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  • 464 2 LAIW MAKKKT (il OTATIoNS. si>(.aii>kk, i.)Tii Jon, i«*i. PRODUCE. Gambier 7.:'.-,. do Cul>e Xo I 11.40. do do So 2, li.V). Copra Bali M 6. do Pontianak :>..«. Pepper, Black HJDL Sago Flour, Sarawak, Mk. do Brunei, 141*. Pearl Sag MS. Coffee, Kali, at SH.m. Coffee, LiU-rijiii. Xo. 1
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  • 70 2 tor Per »ir. Tinir. To-Mokrow. Batavin Uoriarerii. a.m. Padang via ports Van Goeiu, 11 Hnngkok Oerbcrui 1 p.m. Klang via port- Juno, p.m. Klnng via ports Amherat, 8 p.m. Deli Ha»iljerina*»in, 3 p.m. 51. rbaag SmZf* 4,, ni 51. A Pbaag fclaitoi, 4 {..'in.' \\'ei>xmi>.\v. I*. and
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  • 108 2 Fkom Kiiioi-k By the P. &o,s. s. Pekin j due on tliei'i'iul June. She brings dates to Fkom China: the MS at s. RuwlUi due on Itith June.' eft Blngapen Due in l.omlun Arriveil Apl. ttth P. «v- o. May Mth May Sttb May ;ir.l K. I).
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  • 225 2 from Calcutta .-Mm. Per s. llrUe from Deli Messrs. Kliulf Peters, and Yellinga. Per >■. <J. (j. iMiuhn from Souraljaya Pereira, ami Nathan. UEPAKTI'KtS. Hooked, j IV, M. .\J. s. Satal for Marseilles:- Mm. A. J. van Heniert, \V. A. Mark .1. C. van dor Pals, J. Brandts,
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  • 18 2 Establishkd: 1831. I'RICE 10 CENTS. [SuhtcriptioH f,iie» mti tulrrrtUiity ,->ite» •jay l*foti,«l m the fourth page.]
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  • 120 2 MONDAY, 15TH JUNE,1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. TRADE WITH CHINA. u>m> "*|ii l l i*i i-oucv. A deputation from the A*«ociated ChnmlKTs of Commerce has waited upon Lord Salisbury to ask for the mpaorl of the Government in making trade routes to China, either by building or guaranteeing railways Lord Salisbury repliod
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 51 2 Li Hung-Chang has arrived at Berlin where he met with nn basoaiag reception, and also had an audience of the Emperor who received him with the highest honours. The (I en nan manufacturers are arranging for festivities in honour of l.i Hung-chang, when he visits the chief
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  • 9 2 Marshal Yamagata has also arrived at Berlin.
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  • 409 2 A dkihtatiox from the Associated Chambers of Commerce has just again raised before l.ord Salisbury the old nuestion of connecting China with British territory by railways. In the not very distant past, when Lord Salisbury was Secretary of State for India, he nave orders for a
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  • 16 2 Lam Mm iiei.l. will hold reetgeita at Government House at 5 p.m., on Thursday, the lsth.
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  • 97 2 Uedi i id Itlajnph rale-, as from July I st. are advertised in our columns to-day. 1 The reductions announced are not exactly uniform, hut, fii mat oaaoi. they are appreciable. Kor iiistane,-. instead of paying Si.-iv per word for a ntamaai to Boagkaagj the rate will ho only *l
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  • 79 2 Li Hrxc-CiiAMi on Ills triumphal march has reached Berlin. The report, therefore, that he had been ordered to return after the coronation without visiting the Borapeaa capitals, was a canard, as might have been ex|>ecteil. Li Huug-Chaiig is now being feted and honoured by the keenly commercial Germans. It is
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  • 153 2 Last night almut twelve o'clock, a soldier engaged a ricksha to convey him from South Bridge Koad to North Bridge Koad. Arrived at his destination the European savagely struck the unfortunate puller over the eye, blinding him for the time being and rendering it im|Hissible for the assailant, who at
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  • 8 2 Wit.usox's Circus is doing good business in Penang.
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  • 9 2 The .S'rrui'/* Hudqtt will be published at noon to-morrow.
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  • 10 2 Aiikk*ts for disturbances at. lohnstou's Pier are becoming very frei|iient.
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  • 17 2 A I. aim il will leave Johnston's pier Tor the Swimming Club, at 5 p.m.. next Thursday.
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  • 15 2 TIIK dend body of a Chinaniau, name unknown, was washed ashore at Tanjong Katong yesterday.
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  • 18 2 Thk St. Cecilia's Band will play tomorrow at ."> p.m. at Ihe grounds of the Chinese Recreation Club.
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  • 19 2 Thk Htu IMte leaves this afternoon for Malacca, conveying Sir Lionel Cox who will try two Assize cases there.
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  • 22 2 Tiiiikk Chinese were arrested on a warrant on Saturday in Sago Street for receiving stolen property, to wit clothing valued at $7.50.
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  • 22 2 A Malay, named Balugee, described is a wandering lunatic, was arrested in Orchard Koad on Saturday, and "cut to hospital for observation.
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  • 24 2 Mr. T. H. Kkiisiiaw, the legal adviser to the Federated Native States, leaves for Kuala l.unip.n on Saturday to take up his new apiHiintinent.
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  • 26 2 Mil. Ciioa KIM Ki.vr gives a garden party at his flower garden. Balcstier Itoad. on Thursday, the Mm at ."> p.m. The Sta. Cecilia Hand will pla\
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  • 30 2 Thk M. M. s. s. Xutat left Saigon at 5 a.m. yesterday, and is due here to-morrow, nt daylight. She will probably be despatched the same day at 4 pm.
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  • 37 2 Ox our batk page will be found shipping news, comprising arrivals, departures, vessels in port, and vessels expected. The last named list is verilied by most of the ship agents, ami will be found of much use.
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  • 28 2 It is reported that the IVrak <;,,,,. r Farm for the six months tl, July next has been sublet j n districts at a considerable lediicti,,,,''
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  • 37 2 S.vnm>\v. the Hta i,,st M .j,,., anniversary of the Aewwion of M Majesty the Ciueen, t|, (,c lt cause a Royal Salute g,,^) tired at IS noon on that date, f r b Canning. rl
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  • 38 2 ham Balls should fall t m Canning and I'ulo Brani daily t( v? cate 1 p.m. Bingapon mean t;,,,, oomepondingwhfa Shra. 4m. 8h time at (ireenwich. To-day: Fort I.inning: Fell correctly. l'ulo Brani: Failed.
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  • 54 2 'I 'kam» representing tlifStall'Scr.', and the S.V.A shot h, 1( Shield Competition on Saturday 1t,., noon at the Tauglin Range. W1',,,, scores ot all the teams have been collected froa Penang, I'erak. and Khun pore, the results will lw duly publi.h,, by the Garrison S|«.rts Cotnniithv Till
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  • 59 2 THE NETHERLANDS BANK CASH IER. In the I'enang assize ambemViaeiil .use against the late cashier of ti». Netherlnnds Trading Society, the crowexamination of Mr. Marmebjtaui iraa concluded OB the Mil instant. Mi Mull one of the assistants in the Netherlaixhi Bank, was then called. The nain'mt tion of this witnt-ss
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  • 81 2 AiioiT half-past live on Saturday evening, the lower end of Waterluu Street was in quite a commotion. n|,, three Cbineee were caught in the art uf removing a tpiantity of clothes, plaeml on the grass- in the rear close by to .In. a- the Kling ■Ihobies are wonl
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  • 81 2 IMhini; the week ending :'7th May -ays the KoSMT of the BOtfa of M«y silver to the value of Its.lii'l.iKMi received at the Bombay Mint on account of the British dollai 'coinage. Dujjari worth Ba.aOi,ooOj wtn Iranaferrad t.. the Custom House for expert, ami lt-..">o(i,(MKP worth of
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  • 80 2 Tiii.Hi; a crowded I mbl tinabove theatre on Saturday niglu. ami ihe perfo nuance was, :1 usual, cmchlingry good. To-night, the tampan* »ill play a new drama entitled Iliuischandra the true," which hej sever been played by any other company in Singapore, It i- mid that
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  • 251 2 i UK mm i i.iii c rp. Tin iiuiipi'iiticui took place on Hatar* day, iobm iiftv-t.nn plajren taking port, Seom J. C. D. Jena 17 11; in »i .1. I). Mclntoah .VI 4x U »7 w. lluti.m H 47 h T. k. K.i rii- 1* in m
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  • 27 2 BcrWJMH noon on Saturday and noon to-day, three eaeei of rholpn were reported. Of these two were discovered alter death, and one was -cut to hospital.
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  • 56 2 Two Chines.' were arresled in Beach Koad on the night ol the I lth instant, for offering an illegal grat ideal ion to a eoaatabla in the aw el ■tin' a lUfl* •Mai in coppers. The mata-mata was indignant, but when the case was called on Saturday,
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  • 47 2 Thk date for the inaugural ceremony of Federation has been postponed, anil will probably be at tl ml of August or in September. The Uesi.lent-Cieneral is expected at Kuala Liimpor early next month, ami will probably use the (iovernment Secretary's house as his residence.
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  • 45 2 A iii.KiKX, named AngTiellok, was arrested early on Saturday morning at Teong H;,,-,,', near the Sepoy Lilies I'olice Station, for preparing illicit ehandu. The prisoner has been lined several times lor similar offences, ami be was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 57 2; is going on pretty briskly on the l'eiiang Hace-eourse every i ning, quite a number of horses being at work. Collins, as usual has the longest string, but Wall and the rest of them have also a leak in. Some of the recently ini|w>rtcd thoroughbred griftai
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  • 58 2 Mil. AioisTitoxti, the accountant of the Chartered Bank here, proceeds to Bangkok in a few days to take charge of the bnTnch there. Mr. I). T. Hobeitson.fiom Calcutta, has arrived to fill the vacancy Mr. Kobertson enjoys a bug* reputation as a vocalist, anil will doubtless be
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  • 60 2 Dan Ait Km,! Hailam, was arrested on n mm on Friday evening, for being in posse- ion of illicit morphia at Hq. AW, North Bridge Hoad, valued at Tlie morphia turned out to be chandu the prisoner pleaded guilty on Saturday, said be was a now coiner, and
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  • 344 2 Thk annual miwtim <>i the Rauli Australian Gold Miinii. Cuni|*ay, Limited, »;i- held at Hd-Imi v tl'' 1 ttk May. Than wen- |iii>. -Hi. i" nonally mm by proxy, Bfty-flra iiirniii'iMr. IS.-11. who occupied the chair, nakl: I do not propoM (odiacoM the re| and balance-eheel already in jrotu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 857 2 I'm -TII.WTS TIMKS" tUM mi. i LARGKHT CIRCULATION or any nwmm a AHa, Human India i Iv i iti:i>. It aacCLATM is Sixoapork \Mi PnUJNL TIIHOIiillolT AI.I, THE Pwnoia Status ok tiik Malay Pnoncu, in siam. Boksko, m NkTIIKHI „\\l>- I.MMK-. TIIK I'IUMPI'INK*. UH> KkkXl -II !NH<>-t"HINA. No OTIIKH Ka-ikhn
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    • 707 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. II ill flmrtlft IMMf HIK A FEW NKJIITS.OM.V. INK XO.l \V||.|..\lfl> OPERA UMPANY. Director, Ml! CLJI7OBO WII.I.AKD. Date of opening in future Imm, TIIK LAWI HALL ADJACENT ADELI'HI H<UKI, Vtm/kt, Mimilmj. Juneif.lh. IKf. I TIIK I'.\TH<lX.\<;l; J)K I.IKIT.IOL. GSP. HARr DYKE, AND OFPft'Kliy. NMirriUMiiKßl.A.vh PWttilMt
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    • 91 2 M 8. 8. Inuxbxl for the MM. Timt. .honld be written nn one «i.le of the paper only. Br th* r.eitlert of that wnliti-m, nwn.TjTs.S. are rejected that mizht otherwi>e pohlwhed. All ,«ini{ ooutracU are mhient I" the onn.ll. tion that the Manager may leare the a<lrerti«-m<- ,1 not of
      91 words
    • 41 2 VMMtU ADVEKTISED TO SAIL, •at Hea|t«ag, WamemLtm Wth Joae, HoUslr.,,l A CO, Pennugnnd Caliuua. Pala,,i,vltu, on I7ih June. Hoii-teml A- Co. China and ,Ih|«mii, o*l>urnt.dne Itnli June l'lilei-on Simons Co. Psnaug nnd Chliuuh. .1, Afttr, due lwth Juuo. barkliik i, Jlu.c
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 84 2 WEATHER REPORT. Kandamj K'erbau Hotpital. Hth June, JSStf. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Bar. iit.Kua jii.hki *,.*J2 Temp. 70.0 77.8 I 74.8 W.Bll.Tlier 75.0 76.2 78.6 Zx 11 Dir.of Wiml S.E. S.E. Calm i I Max, Tomi). 7&| s ;<; Mill 73.O Max. in f»un HO.i ""B J
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  • 868 3 CUSTOM REGULATIONS IN THE PHILLIPINES "Irul. MHCaastf 'If Custom- ml.- and n- in China are of llic HMiaal tli in the rhillipiucM I -ttingciit.and. in ti -I. (or r "I 'hat. 'l"> are ill.- attsa n:-li parta all the world over. 1r! „i rrsaeis to M.-uula ii| Hi.- neiL'lil...uriiig inlawls.
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  • 85 3 urn, Ii to be said in favour of r.unily Magazine, the April "I May numbers of which an before 1 lii- in,i^aziiic. Ueaed al (he ii ol -ixpiuce. is replete inn. Ii l; I r.-adinj.' matter and •trations. lnchnicl in tlic eOBi- -dial atoiT of much i BnMhM
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  • 84 3 il ..r India's .1.-p.n.h i n 1.1 tlie ordinary e\poi-i--11 i-uutinxenl h«u»K«lefrnv«d I'll Kiiaia on Ihc iOld 111-laiil. J .■oniaius the exnauntive ml., r. it Council eoii■ling strong ezi>rrssian< "I .in-t the pr,.|H.-al. il W the piiii.ipal military MM) Mr .h,1,,.- Wc-t1.111.l I■* '|iiiic uertain
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  • 96 3 ACCIDENT TO THE SULTAN OF JOHORE. <>N Saturday iiiomin:.'. ii« lh.- Sultan ofjafcora WMdrirtng bit mail phaeton ■lnwn ti,,. hin QMw^h Road, om ..f t „,,ir ..f lior«..sslii,.,l T1,,. result was Ml Hi- |,1,a.-t. m mh (>V( .rlurn-.l i» tli,- ,lii,|,, lM sultan was —m tin- kmtgt, altlioii^li alijilit- 1~
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  • 81 3 MUM*. Beott and Co., (ir lock. have launched the screw steamer raw, for the Ocean Steamship Company (Limited). Dimensions: Length, 48* ft.; breadth, Wft; depth, :114 ft of 6^oo tons groaa, and a carrying capacity of «j«00 tons. Tli piipnient of the includes U sti-iun winches and
    81 words
  • 90 3 Acask brought by Captain 11.i.-tr,i|.. against hi- cook for assault, at I'enang, l- reported to have brought to light the fact I hat the servant class there are under the impreaaiua that Uie employer b.i- no chance of success in a prosecution at the Ponce Courts. The cane
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  • 108 3 THE GOAL AUTHORITIES AND THE POLICE. K a cue brought before Mr. Blagdan, Second Kagistnie'i Cam, on day, two Chinese prisoners iran Imnighi up mi remand from tin- pn\i..ii, day. :Iml they wore wnt to the Criuiina] Priaoa hi ascertain if they I 1"* n had any pivviiMi* c'onvictioui recorded
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  • 169 3 Ma.iok K.vscii (Baaex. s. X.) asked the Kirst Commissioner of Works on 21st May whether he would consider the advisability of excluding horses and carriages from thai part of Hyde Park frequented by cyclists between ll)n. 111. and ll'. Mr. T. (i. Bowles (Kings Lynn asked
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  • 247 3 liii: above case, which lias caused much excitement among the Chinese, came on for hearing in the Senior Magistrate's C t again on Saturday morning, it having been jKistponcd from the previous Saturday. The Court a- packed wit hChiu'cM'.and peons had to he
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  • 271 3 TH E DERBY. A sri.. lALtekfran to the Ati*n givos the blowing details of the race for the 1 1. 1 1 iv The eleven wcrcscnl away aft it ■oiuedeht) to a capital start, tin- lii>l to -how to the front lie'ni;.' Toui—oiid followed by BroaVaoKlM. On settling down It"
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  • 362 3 TIIK < lIKHIHAXO MINKS. (Fftm Our dorrenpoiuleHt.) KaaJi Mat, 10th June. Thk Uesideiit amved here for the i Harl Ifciya H H ji and visaed Tiiiiku Muda Chik at tin; Istana, Ampangan Tinggi. He also went to Johol, where he saw the Datob. The Malays in the
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  • 390 3 I'ktkk Jackson, the Boxing Kangaroo. ;ind bis trainer. Proiaasor Harqaet, gave their first public |Mifominncc in Singapore on Saturday night, in the hall adjonung tlie Aileljihi Hotel. There was alaiveaiiilienee. towhonithe novelentertaiinncnt protwd very psaaaajrahle ami Interesting. The Santa Cecilia Band wa-. in atlcnilaiicc. There will be
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  • 202 3 Al. nn. 1 en tint earnings of the Indo--1 hina Steam Navigation Compuiiv last year were not unite so good v* in I*o4. I the favourable turn in exchange in.parted a better appearance to tlie accounts, then hning a profit on exchange of £1,407 in place of fl
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  • 214 3 SERIOUS OUTRAGE AT TANJONG PAGAR. SIKH I-OI.ICKMKX STAMBKI) ItY A SI'AXIAKI). I.a-t nucht, at twenty iniimr.- 1 ten o'clock, there wa« :m uflVar iif Kepl'il l!oad. Tanjonjj J'agar, which will, prultnbly, end with fatal consequences. A S|i,ini:ir(l. MMsd I.u/.on Lope/, who is a Kailnr on hoard the stenmghip ll<mvh,,i,i, had
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  • 253 3 IHTWir iiakhac k.- r. b.< This match was commenced on Friday, and coin-hided on Saturday, the Club winning l'y a margin of S!« rung on the first innings. •Scores TAXOMX (Ist IBIUHW.) R. M. Biii'ny b. .1. U. Mactag^ut 11 l'vle. Mnthews c. Orinan b. Maetaggart .3 K. P.
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  • 562 3 Thk list of honours eonferreduu tinoccasion iif the Qneea'i sovanty-aeventli birthday ra nwaed oa the l'mh May. It bakwgi ,«Bdeootetoa the following nnmta which an veil known in tin public aarriea, in paUsiaa, in letters, in aits, in science, commerce, and intinicipallttc: Prer>. The afanwiin nf OiaahT.
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  • 604 3 in tmmqmmea of •the forth ning mjmgmmi »f CfeMMg o*— ■capital, To<>li>'« Tlu-at re. mill \hr rooms of thf H.-.-f-t.-:ik Club aliove it. in King WUMMH. ftreel. an- ti> In- |iiilliml .lown. Tin- llu-inn-. formerly known n* tlii> Clmriiiß CM*, had liocn from |m|k tl haael »»<l homo
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  • 401 3 The '••niiHiiiy i- to be lon Ito Mwttira !, "The Weal Austialiaa 1V..-| ting >vm,iiiUi "all their dale ami Interest in t tn- 1;.n.i~ in t i>i~lii.-i ..t'l Im- \\".--t PUbem CM.! Field in Western Aii-iialia Included in 1 n I N<>. |.~> in -n.-li Di-tti.t which c
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 124 3 Till: LIST OK APPLICATIONS W11.1.8K UPBKKDON THI'KSDAY. THE 4th JTNK, InHH, AND CLOSE ON TUT US DAY. THE i.Vril .HNE, IrtHl. THE WEST PILBARRA (-OLD MINK, LIMITED. (HI ST I'll.llAltliA (.111, 11 1 111 HKsIIU.V Al STUAI.IA.I (To be incorporated uuilertlie "Conipallie.- 1 Onlilian.-c. I--'.'. camtal noo,ooa ia Kl.lMMl shares
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    • 518 3 1 NOTICES. ROEDERER'S CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNE. Bole Afenlt, BKINKMAXN A Co. Btiail, JOHN LITTLE A Co., (Ltd.) BKNSDOUF (O.S ROTAL BUTCH cocoa. I entirely pure mid iiiiii<lulterHU-d. is the In-st value in the imirkot. sole Agaaaa, HKINK.MAXX *to. Kotail. JOHN LITTLE 4 Co., Ltd. v. c. THE HORSE REPOSITORY. SAIiDLKKY DEPARIWHT
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    • 848 3 FOB SALE- EMPLOYMENTS TOI ET;ANDPERB<)fNALB. In TIMK. |."i 111- L'll.l mill .'irrl iiini'«. JOecnUallav; lih loath time* A cents n line; 7tli 111 Inn, Mine- :i.i-nt!.n line; afterwanta, S eeafti I m; i.ut n<i Inuyc 1.-.- tlniii .mi- ilollar. riiun a thrrr n*r ■dvi-rti-.i'iiH'iii. clow Mt, ia alria type cnnbeinmMlci|:Siinic-
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 141 3 AKHANtiEMEXT!?. Monday, 15th Jine. Iligb Water. 0.18 p.m. Philharmonic Choir. .Y:;u bub. Horse Sale at Clarke's Stables, ."i.l.'i p. 111. Boxing Kangaroo nearAdet|ibi llon-l. B.U and 10.16 p.m. I'lKsllAV, IUTII JIXK. High Water. U.4U a.m. S.I p.m. M. M. homeward mail due. Band. Chinese Uecreation Club. .Vl.-.p.m. WIMHaBUT, 17th Jink.
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    • 1416 4 Lnderthishcadingthefollowingnbhrevitions are wwd Mr.— «»«-anicr »h.- sntd ta^taniuc Brit.-BritiHh U. 8. rn.ted States Fr. -Frem h (i.-r. CIllMWl Dut. Dutcii: Joh.-Johore 4c, (i.e., Oeneral cargo dp. -deck passengers I I n.-r--tain T. I. \V.-Tanjon& I'ligar Wharf 1 1> Tnniong Pagar IVk :h.\\. Borneo \VI arf J W,
      1,416 words
    • 437 4 .V«"i.. prataaa ilm? aj ai in ililnte ,I'lfntM. A.A|>car, H'kong.June 10;Sarkie«4 V Agnniemnon, China, July 2; Maiufl. m Illiaaail. Bntnvia. June 24 Da lei. Bayera Bmrope, Aug. DO; Behn M. v. Behalder. Hkoni;, June III: 1". >„, ISenledi, Hongkong, Jon« 18 P Borneo. Europe. July 2 P. Jt
      437 words
    • 204 4 B Vixskl'.- Name. 4 Tons Ckitviv a n>(?. Jue 13 (io.iav.Ty MM. Mr. k|.-, |>„,t,i L 9 Drayton Brit. sir. li>.",y Irvine II .Victoria Swd Mr. KIM Hellbent 13 st MariHK-k Hrit.str. uc.l slirinr l.'i BaadJanuMia Mr. M Raaaa 14 <i. (i. l.oudon Dut.Htr. MHO Battering It Btipalrtefc ißrit.str.
      204 words
    • 113 4 Date. Vessels Name Flag*Kio Captain Pmiimith Junel.i < 13 13 IS I IS 15 I li si Ingi-aUii Oer. «tr. I>i.-,lrichsen Sw.l.M,-. Hellberg Bi-lliMophoii ])ut. str. Heinn I Sri lVKiitan sir. CraUr M M»in<Kk H.ii ,n. Skriiu''™V'"" Mr. Irvui Wr *tr. Bulli-n Bri Hong Ann B tr. Ko/.llne*!* -lr.
      113 words
    • 121 4 FASSED BUHDA BT&aJXB i»u .\KMi\t Flag l'*Tt Datk. and Siiji-'s Xamk. (Om.maxdli:. of Rig. Sailing. .v run Fuom WIIEKK UEBTINATIOS RkMAKkb. Jun<> .iXed. ».s.(Jelderlan<l De Goedc I 8.8. Smeroe (iuthrie 8 U.IW. V. O'hoorn 4 I tal. tk.jß.Vaan; cinoz/a 4 llrit. liq. Low Wood iTlmilwi 4 Merkarn JBerKrmaun 5'
      121 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1025 4 NOTICES. M< A LISTER Co. HAVE -II ST HKCKIVKI.) A FKBBB .SHIPMENT OF v v 1-KI.KBB MXL /Q/^i) *'^W»\ WlllsKlK- £+JpM \«Bb\ \^a%>L af^H^i* I'itv Pail. M A LISTEN Co. I R e cves !hc sc4 la>l?l?tfVBfA d ng al once I l^laafjMH^B a n j WJpZf CURES all discharges
      1,025 words
    • 337 4 NOTICE. j vftALISfER&CO. JUST LANDED, EX BA rUTI s AND LAI.VOnUA AI'STRALIAN COMPUBBBD FORAGE, J4.UO ftt <wt bale. Australian oomaasKD RACING FOUAUK, JM.oO i>or. cwt bale. AISTRALIAN OOMPUBBKD CHAW foragk. «y.*o per cwt bate. AUSTRALIAN APPLES. in 1 1 1 1 < li< 1 condition. Mr mm HJ9O per basket
      337 words
    • 308 4 NOTICES. I •'OCANDINAVIA* T)ATENI OOLID W-OVEN "V/TACHINE T>ELTINO is specifically, theoretically, and mechanically the best driving belt oo the market For the guidance of users of belts, J. M. LYON Co. beg to give a few convincing facts relating to their Original Solid Woven Belting; the following genuine extract being
      308 words
    • 780 4 NOTICES. RILEY HAKGRMVES COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. ELLIOTS SAVKS OF VAUIOUS SlZtr ALL UTTH) WITH Clll lIBS IxXTj;«. WEIGHING MACHINES. FAIIJBANKS AVKRY'S Weighing pounds catties, and kilos. BELTING. Lancashire Rtibher, Leather, and (SnndVs of First Class Quality PUMPS. Rotary, Centrifugal. Kluometer, Steam, and *****111. FAiiINES. PortabTe=4, H, 10 III.) Vartical=
      780 words