The Straits Times, 29 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 9 1 KSTAIUJSHED; UiSl. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1896. NO. 18.910.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 891 1 NOTICES ,HAKKI> Skin, Pile*, In- «t B.i.k and Btingß.PiUa.rrti. lnn Kmh. Sunburn, Bar aahi', NvmalaTM v«"' Uliiiitiitn I'nillii. lliri.Mt l> Ua .11.1 l >km Ailmiiil" tjircLly ran wd J n-«--1 Cmvm'i'> Cahhoi.ii r .u I-. l-i1.e;,.!, (Kngli'h ral») Cli.iin,:-. uini Stints. K. C c.\l,\ "Klil Manefcwltf. .VIEAMBI.IP COMPAISItt OFFICK, Colljur
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    • 957 1 N'ILAMSHIP COMPANIES. j w. L.i -MNKLIJKK PAKKTVAAKT M AATBCHAPFI J Vi ier e,. r tn%ct with th» Nftihorlanda India lh<r'n,m*nt [tr at Hitiiiap->re Snip Aor>i«:v, i^tk J. 1>a Bat A < !(>. '.'-H, < <>I.I.YKK (jut v. ir Si.-M.ier i. >„..,-.. -I rVoin Will be Despatched fur <)„ .1.
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    • 631 1 POWELL CO., SINGAPORR Furniture Manufacturers. VliiaWM Sto-k of Household and 1 irti Kini.itii:,' always on hanu. Orden in l»> executed for the Ijest dtweription of Fi.r- nituro. Designs ..n I Kutimates Hupplied fn» ofch arj^e. I Tlif 1 hinese Workmen employed at the 1 11 Road factory include several
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    • 781 1 INSURANCES. C CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE J LIUITSD. IJ-piUI SuU. rilssl aUDOUHI Am.. unl pai i p hM,<(*> 8e «r»« fonrt I j...... Ha., n. H isstoay Th.. vi. l<m > Da.l.havin l r Dasn apfwlnton AmrntiaW 11,. I ..iti|-Dj,^r» prrfarnl lv acrapt Mariu* RT«k« at "irivnl i1... A B..UU-
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    • 1060 1 NOTICES. c LABUAN-BOKNEO. COMMISSION' AiiKNCV The Bom« J Mineral* Company, Limited, Londoi and Labnan. are prepared to render apeeia facilities to Manufactnrers and others desiroui «f banner repraaented in the East. m. w. As. v. c. f KOBT. LENZ 00 ART PHOTOGRAPHERS. CORNER OF STAMFORD ROAD. AMD HILL STREKT. HITIINUR
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    • 512 1 BANKS. i (IHABTBRBD BANK OF INDIA j*J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA b j INCORPORATED BYROYALCHARTSR. a i CAPITAL *****00 REBEKVE LIABILITY of Propristors I'mniium resiTrte fund SS'ow hankkks j National Bank or Bc<>tIThk Cut Bank Ltd. IM i XX- t OH FIXBU DKPOIITS For 12 months 3*°/» 6 do 3»/.° •i
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  • 499 2 LATEST MAKKhT QUOTATIONS SIKfIAPOM, 29TH APBIL, I8!»fi PBOUUUL. Jambiar 7.50. do Cube No. 1, 11.75. do do No. 2, 10.00. Copra Bali 595. do Pontianak, IMk Pepper Black ...teller, at 1<».50. Sago Flour, Sarawak i 55. do Brunei i 35 Pevl S»^o 3.V>. 0olf«« Baii, (.icStwl M 39.00. Ooflao
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  • 69 2 For Per itr. 10-MOKBOW. Japan ill port* Htetor, Ion Unak, M Pvntianak, M.I oo». Htltnt, Mai pci 4 KUu« Chow Phya i ulo'itU vi» ports Puriua t'viuoj; Deli, Htbe. har, S^Wb, amur.i i: !K>rt->, (i«i.'; Kkiuay. l>»rrel l.»y Klanir vi.. MM. Hi»ij 11'...,. 1 ra.-jr via i>oru, MM,
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  • 104 2 KKOM KIUOI-L •vtl". li.-r nil. Ad W»r u .In. .i Mt ni-l w tli il'itux Ui i ho (ith Apt Kbom Uttl llj th.- at fisktM, .In Sun. Uy Timk Ttinmif f aii.s I>i k Lsfl inMW I'm- in Lon ion Arrivol it h f
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  • 302 2 AKKIVALB. IVr s. r. Ihbt from Djli i Mr. Vau Rievett. Per s. n Hector from Liver^wol via pirt>— Mr liiuquist. Per r. s. He undrn tom P.-ning M.-.«rs. Tucker, Ehs w ul. h,.|,t-, Leieea'er, J. C. Kiuttol, M.l.. 1,-c-.iii. M Nil..'. Mrs. F .liluian, .n.l Mr. na<l
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  • 22 2 Kiiapi.:3hri) 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [Nu/«:ri;>ii<m rniet and atlvrrtitin<i rain ma.i be/uutul M ike fourth jicufe.] WEDNESDAY. 2i>rH APRIL. 18!«:
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    • 142 2 mi: CIIAMUKRLAINH nTATEMKM IN PARLIAMENT London, :mk April. GMmml Rhudes. Mr. LioDel Phillips.Mr. H •■■ii.■ 1. .vi.l Mr. George Farrar. who had 1.-i i. t'ouud guilty of treason against the J TranvM] Ooverameut, at Pretoiia, have been sentenced to death. Mr. Ch::uV>rUin bus cabled to Pr.-»i- Uont li.u^..r,
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    • 598 2 hoi K ot the R.form leaders ol the Hand haw Keen convicted of high treason, and have been sentence.] to death. Simultaneously, we have the news that oue of these leulcrs, Mr. Hammond (who is an Ameri- in citizen) has probably had the death IMMn
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    • 84 2 c.utiu-encj, however, fortunately doe» B ot need to berli«cu««*l »t present. There is :iot the slightest rea*.u Wmuppow tU«t tho Boers have any intention ol" executing the ileatli sentence upon |ImM genllemen. But, undoubtedly, very grave questions may arise a* to what pnci*c sentence may be *üb*titutod lor the death
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    • 15 2 ,Thk M:tUvan coffee crop lookita^ i». lnis year, it will be smaller than pianl.i* uprcted.
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    • 54 2 Thk Gernniii Press, anoordin.' U> tba telegrams of the Haras agency, ac< ute* Britain of bbavin*u n iusiigatod the Ma'abde rising iv order to have a pretext for wilding troop* thither! Truly, <>i>e in glit apply to j lurnalis s. the wo.ds of Holy Writ Why do the atheu rage
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    • 11 2 A supplement to the Strait* limbjtt, I wu issued to day.
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    • 12 2 Th« Spauinh cousulate has lieeu removed from Oxley Road to Lloyd Road.
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    • 11 2 A draftsman and surveyor for the SeUngfr Government is advertised for.
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    • 13 2 Our Pekan uoriespoudeut nays that vt«aiu-ship coinputi'ion is ou the Pabuug coast.
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    • 19 2 Thk King of Siau., it is reported, will leave Bangkok for his trip to Batavia on tlie 9lu May.
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    • 19 2 Thk i .ii .ii Government at Bangkok are said to be meditating the ioriuatiou uf 1 Sanitary Board there.
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    • 27 2 Thkki: will be a meet iug tomorrow at Woodst hor|>e, Orchard Road, at H p.m. <o bid farewelltothe departing missionarie*: Mr. and Mr*. Munson, and Mrs. K*lso.
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    • 27 2 Mr. Mubbat-Campbbll of the Korat Railway leaves Siam for Londou early in May to be present in p*.-rson at the arbitration proceedings iv couumcliou with that line.
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    • 37 2 On our back page will be found shipping news, coinprisiug arriials, departures, ve.s.el- iv p>rt, aud vessels expected. The last iiiiui-'.l list is verified by most of the ship agents, aud will 1> found of much use.
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    • 19 2 It took nearly three hours yesterday to dispose of Municipal summons MM in the Seuior Magistrate's Court.
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    • 33 2 DEA D IN A MA NGROVESWAMP. Yesterday a Chinaman «as found dead in a mangrove swamp at Selitar. He was v true-feller, and a tree had evideutlv fallen upon him aud killed him.
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    • 32 2 Mi. H. Abbamd .tlve use- tive race hordes for sale, and also a consignment of one hundred and eight horses ex s. s. Lalpoora. Particulars will !>•■ fouud in our advertising column*.
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    • 36 2 Tut Freuch chartered transport Cachar, with li civil passengers, officers and 190 v ii.. "iniiii.sMti. .1 officers and soldiers -.iiue in yesterday from Marseilles. She will leave for Saigou and Haiphong alter coaling.
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    • 42 2 Thk Empress Eugenic in her will has MM| herself the godmother of all the Inl.ii. -ii born in Frame. >v thebirthdavnt' the late Prince Imperial. The cuiulw'r at pieaont ainoii'ita to nearly four thousand, ill of whom are remembered.
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    • 45 2 Yestkrdat afternoon. Mr. Williams, of Parsee Lodge, lost 144) guilders which he bad left locked up in a drawer. The drawer bad been upened liv a false kcv. aud Mr. Williams tusp'-cts one of his servant k. No arrest has been mule.
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    • 48 2 Before Mr. Saunders in the third Magistrate's Court y. sterday a Chinaman living at Tanjong Pagar, charged another with stealing a bag of money, amount unknown After hearing the evidence, the prisoner was dis^har/ed aud the prosecutor :ni' .I Sl5 I'H making a false charge.
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    • 43 2 hH Balls should fall at Fort Canning aud Pulo Br.mi daily to indicate 1 p. m Singapore mean time, corresponding with ti hrit. 4ru. :5.1s mean time at Greenwich Fort Cauniug i Fell correctly. I'ulo Braui i Faile.l.
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    • 50 2 Thk Sanitary officer*. »a,yH a correspondent, appear to be on the alert at preseut juueture, aud have a considerable uini'Uiit of tedious aud dangerous work to get through during the day. and in many iustauees till late at night, disiufecting mfected houses in several parts of the towu.
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    • 51 2 OnnH immigrauU have arrived here in unusually large numbers of late. Duri mg the last ten days about six or seven thousand have landed, and on one day ulone the number reached three thousand. The majority of these immigrant*, who ar« mostly coolies, have gone to the Native
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    • 72 2 Mb. Jambs Comminu'i U>y. souk- lew week* atfo, decamped with ITOO belonging i.i bis master. Yesterday be was arrested, but no iii<>in-y was recovered. The Police,' however, found a puper on the prisoner! from which it appeared that the prisoner bad ti'.niHuiiii, d the money to Chiua. through the
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    • 85 2 A i Uongkoug on the 22ud iu.Uut. a i tire did considerable damage in a nue shop i injured for $5,500. An examination of i the premises by the pulice showed couclu- a »ive s'gus of uiceudiansm. Quautitius of 1 kerosu.c MM lying about as well as
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    • 38 2 o.UA*A.snnt otnu H. E. the Governor has (W1... i k»H to be an infected preval. uce of cholera them All tbt from that port will be detaioed i tiue until released by the Health ugj*
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    • 44 2 M. Kkcniau has receive) Pau| Dupuot. the Pans SffJ^,* for his Requwm." Thi, i» ,i m amount that the late M. Gounod V. 22 from Messrs. Novello Q Mom et ViU," and it ii the m**Ju. given tor a sacred work.
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    • 46 2 Thk German chartered tranupur, w. mar with new crews for the Arena l" Ka.ter.iind Kormorant Mt this morn (2 Nagasaki. A large number of c .l, naval seamen were ashore yes-erdav tl..- r or.ler.y behaviour shows the c.m,uZ! discipline to which they are subject.
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    • 79 2 Thk law of S 'lauator have |*y n kt rive nvuUtious kmni I i,, v OH. IVy deal re,;,rtiv,.|v with d«Ur mg th» l;iw relating to »Uui|, v liieiiNiiiL' and management of „m ;m. nd in. Nt of the law relatini; t,, m r riag.; of persons
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    • 83 2 The Blackburn Chamber of Com,,i tr T h*»e inaugurated a subscription whi. h go* amounts to between £2,0G0 and *»jfni to provide sums for the purpoßeof mdin» out a commercial ex|iedition to (.'hm» Prof. R K. Douglas points out in the Tim,, that, if the expedition
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    • 87 2 Thk first -class armoured Japanese battleship Fuji was launch.'.!, ou Mare'i i\»{ from the yard of the Thames IrouworU Company, the naming M-reinouy tteniir |ifr. foim.-d by Mad.mie Kalo. the wife sj tliJapanese Minister. The vessel, one sj tb f Royal Sortfiijii type, his a .ln|il.i., mu.t
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    • 121 2 THE OREL." The Kusm.iu Volunteer hltel|». r Onl, which came in on Suuilav ali".u.N.u. from Vladifostock« with v.-ar 1 v J.m<" people ou b.*rd, was due Led »l T.uj.i;.' Pa^ar on Monday uioruiiifc f.jr hMJsj and painting. The Orel i» aliuf tmkl but the tvl'Tily with which sb<- was
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    • 103 2 Thk April mon lily molal ma !i *v |.|hv..l mi SuMrdav aoj eoJel .nt (m between L'dpi. Parsons r Mr. M. i( klwm with nett scores of 88. The luoial wu Kubsei|ueutly won by Caul. IhnoM witU a lull ore of M. Rodesse !t:J C«pt. Puniouß
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    • 94 2 Thk match for the Indies' Cliauipiut•hip of Peuautf was.'.'Uriu.l.-i M tie Ml in* taut, and *M won by Mn. J A. Brown after a very close fi<b"t with Mr* DiuV The score* of the eight comp'titon *r* appended, but it should be mentiond tin' the lai' four
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    • 132 2 TH ESELANGOR GARDENS AND GOLF. TM r.|H.rt on the I'nlili <iv -BeUn|<or for IH'X, mMm thai th- ft* LiuLs then- has km .xi. ml. 'l »i"l proved, thr tfkmp haxiajg teed by a niimt.-r of MM phyr* piiltiui{ yicut arc uot yen j.'ixxl. uuproTiug. Thialiaii it mm priwpwJ bf u.h.s.
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    • 134 2 At tha lurtui k 'hth w-.uu, PlM.l Muni.ipalitv on the M*****' the effect that tli.> Bttri MWib MkMVMgMBt »< ll rraiirnl bj Cut. Aadanoa. *"5 a member uud A.-tiuu I'" I >' ul the earnestness auJ iiup»rtialit» i, him .11 the ■■fciMint >■■ Mi. Imi^l that it mv
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 904 2 NOTICES mHI lOBMSO COMPAK Y.UMITBO. fWXBM Standard Lire Assnranee. JL No»«ich Dnioo Fira loauraaos Society Atlas Assoraao* Conipaojr (Fire). Tha BquiUble Life Assuiaoc* Snclntj. Tk* Ocean Marina ItiMiiance Company. Tk* Chin* Mutual Stuun Navic^tioo Cosipaay. Th* Tottmliu La««r Bod Compuny. Th* Mantua* laauntncn Company, l.imitud > Tar particulais of tluan
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    • 1025 2 NOT ICES j \i gnt circulation of any newbiai or in Asia, British liuiia exceplou. it circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected Statet- o! the Mulay Peninsula, in Sam. Borneo, the Netherlands Incies. the Philip•jines. and French lodo-Chma. No other Eastern newspaper has ao widespread a circulation
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    • 1110 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PARSEE THEATRE. Grand Marvplloua Mght The N. E Theatrical Oo of Bombay Will play t '.-night, Their mint wonderful opera, entitled FASANI A.I IB ALIAS OANEALUIf A ANJOOMANARA, With marvellously painted scents A oo,tumw. S~B L A N G O rt GOVERNMENT. WANTED. A Draftsman and Surveyor is
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    • 72 2 M.K.s. m-m.,1 It, n, ,i,,.|, f,.i>.IMIUMMIiM •> "J. ISifi^jr.i, l:yH»««(l/,l-'!UI»..'l» 1 IWUM. U.h.H m* r.^ri#» Uwt wU lIUWI I* I .1 ...r r. If If n th* >..iiafft»i i«M.n. *4e* fun if 1 «i *h' y*V* y*. 0/ nwtlrr. I'll ul ».«.> la«l <•— *Wfc <Mhi h The Straits Times
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 100 2 WKATHER REPORT KanHami Knba» Hou*tal, 2m h April, li: ii. 9 a.m. S ;i. in. 9 p.m. Burnt.; Bar. red. J2 Fau. 2 ■> sT:I V.IH OIJM Tsinp 85.9 7.i 8 j> IV :>. Jb»T. 77.S 77 Di- i f Wicd... N.W. B.W. Calm t '2 >. M»t. T-n.,..
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  • 1307 3 N0TB8 FOR HOUSEKEEPERS IN SINOAPOUE. l Hy <i Lady CorreM/umdent.) H«|li t»r the week ,.r'i i. hnl it will be beet to niwt with the pleasant glance, and think all ure true, ami nerer trouble trouble .11.- tlliulllf* Mill." Baton BIMMiiag further in describing lk« duties the
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  • 343 3 THE UOVEUNMENT AMD THK MI'NICirAL PCBSE At the meeting of the Municipality of Penang ou the 24th instant, a discunri >v t.Kik place in connectiou with a letter received from Government This letter contlined a copy uf a proposal from the Singapore Com mission*' rs. suggesting the appointment
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  • 155 3 Th> shafOM 0. underslaiids thai the \l ulras Itulw.iv Company, iv conjunctiou with th U I. P. Railway Company. an- prepmiug asdieuie which will probably hive c iiiM.leral'l.' intliion.c ou tlie fiitur- 1 of tli'- King. ion mail t.-ivi.c The Mi. lris it i.iwat propus. t..
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  • 195 3 The Standard't Berlin corresponded telegraphs The Treaty of Commerce which has baM concluded betwovu U. riii in v and Japan is for a term of twelve years. Il does not fix any Japin. s Uriff, ami ..iiiv in a few OMM lavs down the Uermin Custouis duiic-..
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  • 212 3 THE P O. COMPANY. I'iik I' sV O C.iiiipaiiy liav.- .nt. i.d into ..tit i a.ts for four mail sltMinotsof tli.bit;lieai I ii-s. Kiniilai it; type to. but large* thin. (be I'll.'l'ini.i. A lift nil in. au 1 Hiinnliii/.i. n.iw roaaiag la tbe BaMora sarti ami 1H1.11.1.-.1 to accommodu'o al..nit
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  • 357 3 1 1 appears, aceofding la some aeoouats, China will hive to tliauk H E. oaaa« OhbVtaag i"i tl" 1 c.-tablish-ni.nt of a t-.-iiii'.ir (J'H.'ruin.ut agatai arr* vi.c H K r .c-iiily -suit I spjtch to the OksMM Foreign OIK o ot Tsuuj: i Vain.'ii.
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  • 332 3 (Frvm our Corrttpondent.) Tbe District Officer, (Mr. Chtvallier) arrived from Port and took over cbargeof tbedistrict from Mr. Cazalas, who^ has heenactiog for him since the beginning of »he year. Mr. T. H. Bath arrived from Singapore on Saturday last (11th inst.)and proceeded immediately to Ounong
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  • 816 3 the aaaaaVMaaaaVsli i From Our Correiiiondeni.) Thk Residcnt-Oeneral, Mr. F. A. Swet-t.-iiliaiii. iscx|M-cte<l toretu.uto tbe Strait* by a Ixiit laMaaf Ijondon next week. THB RKHIDKNT The A.ting Resident with Mrs. Itir.h uml'il BriaMar last wwli, travelling to Klanif in 'he 3fcmi He rturned overland n.i Tavjaag Malim, and
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  • 88 3 Tiu. cinu.s' oaaiaai at aaxMartiafl corpse* to be t»r».ir.l.-.l tn Chiua for butial I leads to luitlicr the spread of cholera at BsUgkok Tue Uumjknk flncfl of the 23rd n| Apr.l this by noting that, ut id.- Chin. mi-lory, rcccutly, large Hailwri of 1....1iiM
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  • 639 3 (From our Corraptmdent TIN AMD C»PrEE EXPUKTH IS KTANTAN STEAMEB ENTEKI>KIBF. Pekan. 25th April. Insi'Ectok C.idl*v of the Perak Sikbr, who has been appointed to act for Inspector Sumner of the Pabang Police, will proceed direct to Ulu Pahang, via SelanH'.r, and Inspector Sumner, will go ou tiltifii
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  • 424 3 Mr. W. W. Douolas, the District Officer at Klaug. iv his re(H)it for February, thus notices the coffee land controversy there I— During the month. Mr. E.V. Carey for one block of s<'t> acres on the terms of his agreement with the Government, and four
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  • 111 3 Imi aaMarM Goveruiucnt has drafted a hill Ui regulate |>awn broker's shops in Siam. ml hate 1.ii. 1 Ihe eim.tin.-ut BCiaM the PWaajM ltepresent-dti»es at 1". ii._'U"l The Siam Obiener shows the i ..I tor the lull l>v pointing out that, in Haugkok. evrry pawnbroker's sh.>|i is
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  • 120 3 Parit, »lst April. The. German I'rww ia bitterly hoatilo to Great Britain uu the question of South Africa, nud openly accuntis Eugland of instigating the events iv South A fries, and of having pr.ivokeil the Matahele rising iv order to have it prctci' for M'ndiiig troops to the
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  • 162 3 TO THE EDI«» OF THE "STRAITS TIME- Sir, Thecase against the soldiers wlio raided the Australian Hotel and treated tie liv.l lady with so much violent* wasdecid.-d yesterday in a manner somewhat stranpe. Apparently, it is criminal to rob tlie bar of a few bottle* of liquor,
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  • 135 3 The ingenuity with which prisoners attempt to defend themselves often causes I a hearty laugh in the Police Courts. Before Mr. BUgden yesterday, a Kling was charged with cruelty to a bullock. The defence set up was that, the constabU asked the prisouer for ten cents, an.l
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  • 378 3 Wednesday, 29th Armi Hi«b Water. 11.20 p.m. Philharmonic Choir. Ml p.m. Hockey. 3. C. C. r. S. V. A. Esplanade. Parsee Theatre. 9 pm. Thursdat, 30th April. Hitfb Water. 0.27 ».ui 11.57 p.m. LeKi»latiTe Cornell. 2.30 p.m. Auction of Plant* at Powell's, On-hard I; m.I p.m. Foutbull. S. C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 312 3 SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA BTBAM NAVIGATION OMPANY, LIMITED KOK I'KNANIi. KAXt.OON. A. I'Al/TTTA. The Company's Rtoamer PURKEA' I UaVtaaa Csptain M. England, will be des|«tch«d for the above ports on Thursday, the :«>th inatant. For freight or passage, apply to J9/4 BOUSTEAD A Co., Agents TNDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO LTD. FOR
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    • 579 3 AUCTION BALES. B OOWAKS, ALEXANDER A Co! In BAifiauncT. The undersigned have received instructions to sell by Public Anetion. st No. "ti, Brass 1 Bassa Road, on Friday Ist May. 189 ft, at 11 am Household and office furniture stock, consisting of Chemicals, Beer Bottles, Ac, Ac. Also, 1 Van.
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    • 1015 3 FOR KALK; EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; AND PERBONALB. 'Isttijie, 15 cants a Urn; 2nd and 3rd times, 10 eonto a lins 4th to 6th timaa, S easts, a linei ~th to 18th times, 8 cents a Has; afterwards, 2 cents a line hat no cnarga lass than one dollar. Thus, a
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    • 90 4 I (Juder rhia hmdinir tmi fon.twuu' >hrnv tioni are n<»l Hr.— iti*">«' «•!.—•<hiibq.—barque; Brit— Britiali; U. S.— Hnit-I SUtea; Fr.— French; CJer— German. Dm Dateh; Joh. Jo'iore; Ar.. <;.«•.. t.iii -r* oargn d. p.— d»"k paaaenirer* U.—Uncertain ;T. P. W.— Tanjon»f P*«t»r Wharf T P. D.— Tanioug
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    • 1199 4 UiuUtmUd. H. M < rroiftor. UN ton. Ml cr..w. 12 gum, 8.500 h.p. C»pt. Hallifax, :M'li If ar. From Lahuau, 28th Mar. Senior Naval Officer. C— Kd» ok* Belle, C)l. atr. 500 MM, M craw, no ifun. and 14" 1,.n. Capt. Thorp-, 14th Apl. From Malwt* 14th Apl. (!01.
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    • 468 4 .V.ewif, /.../7, I'inh.ihir ihilt o/iirm-nl, and irime of ogentt. RunM Mm, Lmmm, «l>«nt May U P. A <>. A)r»m»moon. L v»rpo>l. May 5 W. M i-»fi«M. A^i. Cardiff, loft Mar B B rnt«*l. Aim. Liverpool, Mtr-A: W. MansfioM. Alb >in, Bimhny. M«y Borneo ConpanT. Anstr linl W. Australia,
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    • 160 4 •j v «h»»L'» NiMl. a T..KI CAtTAM. C. Bio ii liMi Brit bo,. :.12 Hall :8 Sri Pontiauk Dut »tr .111 Di b« T«V.rto. G«. atr. 1:178 .'ornßlHen iloyiiton Brit. itr. 1630 irring Hector tr SSO6 Ha.r le.biwur itr U277 Swra.dn' ,tr. 1601 hrwu .-t Boutld 1984 rieinent--19 OiucAnn
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    • 73 4 I*Tl VUBIL'i NIMI. Ki. a Kio I'Ali Als D«HTINiTIOW. J. 28 29 M ¥9 frocM Brit «tr. B.rry Tibr. .Jrezory Boyirou brit «tr. Irvinr H>n Souir Gutu »t r ii,»i> Ki.nAun ,tr M.,. v Wh»tl «oou Mr. D.lin ,r« S lut Ronald «tr. i'l.uj.ih, >i« »t r Dab
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 442 4 NOTUJIS. I----'--~- > a ■>■»■> m ■> j THE MOST REFRESHING DRINK IN INDIA. JntONTSE RRAT 3mt LIME FRUIT JUICE jfliljj [Or A Ia :o CORDIiVI>S rC^K* "»K N Jhr LAHCFT saus -"We counsel the Public to drink I i Pl^Wm^^ Montttrat Lime Ja:m whrnrurr and wherrver thru lift It
      442 words
    • 225 4 o. w. A s. 11/6 A. FHAXKEL' Furniture Dealer and oiumu, i on Avent, !Im 'i md hit large and MMMfJ I'remitet. w... VICTORIA STREEI'. HOI US OF INSI'EtmON: Ik. W. to tP.M. At I lie above a.l«ir*>~~. _\,,n oau see I lie UrgMl BMM (f MMMMM ami Offit-e Furuitiire
      225 words
    • 601 4 NOTlUiib. CO "FAIRIiANKS SCALLS. k afatJM i" li'M. hv giv. n that uml. r power of attortiev dat<d 12lh Decemrnr. l«f>">. M.ssis. E. '*T. Fairbanks A Co. of 8t Johnsburv, Vermnnt, U. S. A., appointed Francis Warrnck an, l A »a l<l> r Cuntming, SinjfifHjrv, jointly and pererally to be
      601 words
    • 435 4 NOTICES. I llM*^ i-4I)J |k wjtk K mm! taf*^ vJMSmV^ adM^MMM^ "San'itas" Disinfecting POWDER ..'ECTiPU FC!». USE'S A -""i*s" NWItl Ol MXssMHn 'rnr^oi- *Z* 'xy'*£?ut\'t arena* JjalUiriil Tapouriof I in. u<l KoealT^ ••-Mac, ia oerrt i,.. room-*-«*p ut übl.-.poo"'" 1 •nanber ut;n«iii «»«P a tin for BM I n .very
      435 words
    • 516 4 I*U. .civft. 1 THIPBTI RITIR DOOI J Pimiiii Ta* a>H>*« Dock aituatod ia ProriaW«Ueal.- 7 at th* entrant* of taw Prye Binr, ■-M lately in-n l*Brth*a«d aad de*paa*d an ia no. of th.- following dinawoaioa* I Lenn, m M the block* MO law*. Brcm.lUi at aatrano* 10 Owpth ol water
      516 words
    • 150 4 NOTICES, t THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY SadSmi tib. iSll to ■MdKaMofthsktei.axi Hiain i r"-.-f t >mplor*d. THEHAPION MO. 1. in a few days only. 1 mum all OstbariN from th* urioaiT onus, rfJ^fHiavdiiif ißjHttm ta«asto(vliWidaai I SSSSL^!-T^i ta, '^d.ti«jof *r^« aadoiharsttfcMadftaast*. In dyfS«««Tjril«a 1 Inttattoß «b« ota«ir^BlHa« KBolie* ha™ twm
      150 words
    • 51 4 NOTICES. l^y >■ fi i 5 i OiMOTlar Bawma! («*yp." ';.V'" lh '<■ ti, li.-»|.«- OM* in tli« T-, M- -SK,Y. OXJUIY Km,, m.c. *<« >H )m. rHianl H.»rl' THK lil j BOONS AND m ,Kss| X<;s 'I i-< '■■> -..I ah T'i- li.Urick. .1.., 0*1.,,, d w "|5 M
      51 words