The Straits Times, 28 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Stratits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPOItE, TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1896. NO. 18,909.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 856 1 I KAMBHIP COMPANIES^ I OTFICK. Coll»«r Quay. S\ WHiKVM,B.w H.rbour STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, strum for rhlnn, Jnpan. IViiiinjc. "gtSSSuf flee. WjMiiaM, und I PkßMark BIB* f I' 1 1 PU -<1 f r Mail Line. Nil noMicwAßn Juli" H Kwrtla l,,l,.rm«Mliutc Mred Scrviic. antkaMMoMta i,.1,-i..n limi-.l MMMMJWi "I Ml v
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    • 853 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. I \K KoMNKLUKK PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU. i r ei.nt rart with the Netherlands India Govenimont. Ai,' nit at Huiqafxrre SHIP AOKNCT. LATB .1. I>AKNI»BI.» t Co.. t-A, CoLLTBIt (jUAT. Will be Despised for On r.r. Jiitn. lia.avia. ilatavia. Chnribou ri»iu a g. Soun»t>aya, and Timer. 28th April. 00. l.mulnn.
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    • 949 1 J. MOTION CO. W ATCHM AKEBB, J E WKLLERS, OPTICIANS. BBfAIBt FBOMPTLT lIIOWTIm. rpflliifcntfr SINGAPORE tP(JRTING CUJH. The f-'prinjf Manflaj will be kultl ou tlio JKtl,. and :Vith M*y. I* roil rani me. FIRST DAY. Viz.. ./.ii/. May mk. Fibst Rack. THE WAI DEN PLATE.— V.Iue $J5O. A R»tH for
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    • 819 1 INSUKAXCES. CIANTON INSURANCE OFFICE J LIMITED. Capital gubacrikad CMOO.OOO. Amount pai i ap JOO.OM. B* arre faad l.«X>,OI». II -.1. I ll i I, I. II ■■>-! Tht ua-lcraicMd.havuiir bni «i'|«,ii-i.-l A«.i,i4>i t;, ar* preparod tv iftffl atariua Kuiat* curraut >at««. A Boau« v anuualy paid to .11 conlri
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    • 465 1 I INSURANCES. THB BTRAITB INSURANCE OOMPANT, LIMITED B.TAHLIBHID 1883. HBADOVriCB, SIMOAPOBK. Capital Fnlly SnbMrilwd t3.(NM>.UII) Capiul Paid-np 6C0.00" RwwT.Fund* I 2»3,5;20 Baiaiiro of Workinr Account to 31*t D.cemh«r, IS»S $538,337 CMhAaMb.t3lstDecmWr.lB9s. 1 1, 548,54-t GIBSON FERRIER. Arting Eeoretory. EASTERN MOKTUAOE AND AGENCT COMPANY, LIMITED Authoriaetl Capital X1.H00.000. Sul»crihed X (WOJiWI.
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    • 492 1 BANKS. /IHABTBRKD BANK OF INDIA \J A I STKA 1.1 A AND CHINA INCOBPORA TED BY ROYAL CHARTER. CAPITAL $800,000 RESEKVE LIABILITY of Proprietora £900.<XK) REBERYE FUND £325,000 THank or Emolakd. Ilikd. BANKERS I National Bah k of Scot- Th ►'i■ v H v s k Ltd. Isrmi-i „v riXEU
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    • 230 1 NOTICES Singapore Sporting ClubT spring Meeting. JOHN LITTLE CO.. LIMITED. Have just iccoived all the REOISTKRKI) COLOURS in 81LK8 for RACING .JACKETS and CAPS, Mmml ALL OTHER SHADKS 1... tl.v parpen, WHITE QAHMIKHB, KERSKY, ami the NEW WABP SILK ti r RACING BREECH KB. Also, NKW VICUNAS, NEW SERGES. NKW
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  • 510 2 I,ATE«T MARKET QUOTATIONS SiNO&POKt, 28th Apkii., 1896. PRODUCE. <i»mbier 7.52^. do Cube No.l 11.75! do do No. 2, 10.00. Oopra Bali 5.85. do Pontianaiv 5.65. Pepper Black ..ullert at 10.50. 3^o Flour, Sarawak 2.55. do Brunei 2.35. Pearl S^fo, 3.45. Coffae Bnli, (picked) 39.00. Ooffee Liberiaa, No. 1 40.
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  • 97 2 F'jr Per $tr. To-Vobbow. Djaiuli :e, Kuin Ann. Hon* uiig <v Amoy. ShtlUu. BilUton* Pontianalc, Can ll';..ifr Sou.i. Kuropo via part*. Ml Kl.n.- Ti»p.;rt«, m §1 11 T ALioa ri« ports. MUatM, tv u .i:i(r. M/iliiiiiu. I'agon. f HM --ur m port., Bm Po'< Guaii, Darvol lay »'.ii.
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  • 79 2 M AILS TO ARRIVE ilu ■onlKitli in»t.. w th <Utn» to the 6th Apl. Fiuiji nui 11, the German S.l r.,,1,,.,. I <lv. 0:1 Sim.l.iv Mar. ih h p. i>. April, lit n Mar. 24th M M. 4p il. 18th A l Ist P. &O April. 28th i. m i
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  • 300 2 ARRIVALS. Per r. I'hya from Klang —Mr. M..1 Mr*. Scott. HMMML [Booked. Uy P. i P> thaieur for London to leav» tttk April. Mr. Md Mrs. P«ek, Mr. Cmnnr. Mr W. ".iini.iii. Mr and Mrs. Oeon, Mr Haytor, Mr. Ccekburn. Mi-is J. Klli», Mr A. P., Chas.
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  • 24 2 I i j Established 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [Subteription rate* and atlvertifing ratet owy be found on the fourth jxige.] TUESDAY, 28th APRIL, 1896.
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    • 119 2 Lontlon. '-iSik April. Mr. G. N. Curzon. the Uiid<r Secretary of State for Foreign Affair*, states that the Russian Ambassador at London, aV^.l'if- lv denies that that there is ar.y secret treaty between Rumia and China by which a large tract of Chinese territory has been ceded
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    • 522 2 Bvrwi.i papers t;> the i'srd inst:mt, furl her fighting in Acheeu. On I tile 1 7 tli inotant, three outposts were abandoned alter a sharp action with the enemy, chiefly oh the right bank of the Ai-Wen river. So difl'n'ull did the country prove ou Mm
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    • 92 2 The following Reuter's telegram appeared in yesterday's SlraiU Time*; "The Dutch Government are sending to Acheeu reinforcements, consisting of two battalions of infantry, some cavalry, mountain artillery, and engineers." That telegram, if it be supposed to be read as reinforcement* from Europe, is based on a misapprehension. It is possible
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 11 2 A surveyor for tbe Negri Sembilan i Government is advertised for.
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    • 11 2 Theuk will be a Philharmonic Society concert on Thursday, 7th May.
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    • 16 2 It is said that the King of Siuiu will upcud three oiuuths on hit Java trip
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    • 8 2 We publish a Chinaman's "ADDe, I Shelford." *PP«"l«nto
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    • 14 2 Thb cloning of the homeward lU a,i v been deferred till 2 p.m. to-uiorrow
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    • 14 2 Th* Hon. H. Trotter and Mr.. T otu. leave for Penang by mail to-morrow
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    • 14 2 Messrs. Gaggino 4 Co. adverti*. (ii infecting acid, and rock salt from ln, m
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    • 13 2 Desertion is reported to be of (r*. fluent occurrence among the Perak situs'
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    • 16 2 Thk German mail itoamer mwmi having left Hongkong to-day at !i a.m due hero on Sunday.
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    • 19 2 Mb. T. Nobth Chrictik writm to v. from Ceylon ab.iit the Klang coffee land His letter is publisbel to-day.
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    • 19 2 Thl Strait* limlgrt was Mtttl -I M noon to-d»y. To-morrow morninit, asiini,u ment will be added for the mail.
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    • 18 2 Gbnbrai. DKTKiKHorF, the Uu- Gorer. nor of Acbeen, was to leave Arbern tor Europe od the 24th instant.
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    • 22 2 M«88B» J. DaendelsA Co. advert^.. tl lt the IMUMC Amboina will he goM hv anciiou at Batavia on the 22tid of May
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    • 22 2 «> Mr. Bert Williso.v's "Great World" circus in du>< here, on the loth pnx. li has l>een performing to crowded houses in Rangoon.
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    • 22 2 The latent reluniß relating to uniit. mei.t of soldiers in British India Fin t|,. Hongkong regiment is«f\id tobt cu ,i itn% satisfjetorr.
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    • 23 2 Mb. John Eliot, Meteorological lUpor. ter to the Government of India, is a i li way to Penang and Singapore, reiurniii via Rangoon.
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    • 22 2 M. Herman EfIMWUMB, the mm R-l gian Ciinsul-(Jeti»ral for Siam. ttdar (nun Euro|>e at Sin/ipore, by the Kmrittvl* on the 30th instant.
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    • 26 2 i Mbs. Wagen. uce Trail werbai!,, wa, murdered at Bal#via on th- uighl «l the I "I'll imt probably tbro.igh reven^v, m no valuable* were missed.
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    • 29 2 It is t- li^'nipheil that Mr. Qmm! Omh erti I.. Mil". Ivroiniu; ill on bis «»j to Singapore, returned on his fomntt, Md Lai now arrived at the Hague.
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    • 28 2 The Elizahrth Rickmtn, built lor the will-known firm >>f Riekniers, Krennn. hy Me-h s. William, Richarlsun ami Co wu lauiv lied on the Tyn.» on the Mtfc ulr.
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    • 29 2 Mkssks. Powbli. A Oft, alvi-ilifrt an aii.iioii (ale of thirteen Aimtraliau ln»., on Friday ne»t, the Ist May, »t ."i.l.i p.m., at Liinberta stables, under JMtnMliMI from Mr. Dalian.
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    • 30 2 Bocstkad C<>. have rectived a telegram from the general Agents of tin 1 Canton Insurance Office, Hongboug. ini limiting that an interim bonus of 20" bu been declared for 1895.
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    • 33 2 The Nipt'i>n Yus. n Kaisha Ml ti> :..-.i tin ir London hf-anrb office »tior th« EiHti-r holidava, at 9, Fenrhurch-tveaui', which m*y be said to be in the centre of the shipping interest*.
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    • 38 2 Om our back pa(f» will be found (hipping newM, comprising arrivals, departures, PMMit in p->ri, ;ind (MMli expecte I The !j»! named list is v.Tili'd l>v in >«' 'if the ship agents, and will b- Imml »l MmA uee.
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    • 37 2 I. iii iiu'ti', 'ln- New Kl|.liiiistoii !h. itrical (''iiiijuiiv "pt wi'h n*CMI h tM> MtwrwHMeal AMdii or tin- w ...].t. ful Liid|i" to a crowded bouse. To i itfbl. ilhv v. ill |'!.i\ Budremuiictr autl to ■Mr."
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    • 35 2 BniOVM tMi the hutch iuti I. I Hi i MMMtatM Mix k;ul. -on t!i» Arhf.ii out j are cau-iui; alarm MMM| trail' M IVnumr. MR MMMM «itli AcbtM ba» beeu steadily iaOMMg "t late.
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    • 40 2 TH E LEE-METFORD. Kxpkrimcntn carried oiik in bdia with I Id-- Lee- Met lord bullet have, th.' PiaaMf j u.i.lerst iiidf. btM WMMMmM tf»l I [>•■; l*-t wiih Hwetita itdMOg p it; l;i-t MM fnwd tm& thin without tenancy iv atootiiig.
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    • 47 2 CRUELTY TO BIRDS Soxk bovii, living in the n«i«lib<'iirh«>'»l of Middle Road, are in the habit ot nnning themselves by shooting at hinl- ""h catapults. It is a cruel practice, aM should l>e put a slop to. If n l' r iintt..l in lame towns at home.
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    • 39 2 lUlls should Ml It PjliCtaMW and PuKi Brani daily to indicat* 1 1' Sin«a|~.r<- mean lime,' MtfMfoading H hr«. 4a 85* mma time at Qimhw* T..-<la» i Kor'i Chasing I'ulo Bnai Fell eomrth
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    • 53 2 Ah usual, on Saturday nijjlit. aWI corre«pon<lcnt, a disturbance to»L hi Niwrdiu htmt, ill which a Sai"l*'"" Islander and sjuie .Manila BM l 1 v active part. A hue and cry was rMJ«< for the Police, aud a Portuguese. attempted 10 pour oil ou the waters, got somewhat severely
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    • 71 2 TimiHT. at ikMri t l 1 iiiuii ar .1 with I MaboO itiek, WW* was split at one end in neh w act n* a MM* iii.v.t.-.l the MM lhr ut: I the bars of a window in OmMK 1 Street und Mind m-i al awttate* waR
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    • 84 2 Thb Secretary ot the Strait. U weut Company" writes that the Ji^ have received luformittion Im .(D been foun.l on th* PkbMgTinCou ami that a M»»M th.- rt r sU |t examiued and assay* J. witli i that it hait Ihkmi WW** .1 t" I' 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 870 2 NOTICES qiHI BOBKBO COM PAK T, LIMITBD. M. 9 maß Staadar^Lif. Anoratus*. X Norwich Onion Fire laiuraoo* Society Atla* ANnrano* Companj (Fire). Ta* Bquitabl* Life Aomitnoe Society. IV* Oomd Mario* hiMiiance (,'ompany. Ta* Chioa Mutual SU«m Navi(f»tn* Coapaaj. TV* TotUohna Lac** |l Company. Ta* kfaritia* luuiancn Company. Limited For particular!
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    • 1043 2 NOfIOES The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any er in Asia, British India ezcepiec. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Mi.lay Peninsuia. id Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. i No other Eastern newspaper, has j
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    • 790 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PARSEE THEATRE. RUSH-KUABUB. The N. E Theatrioal Oo of Bombay Will play to-night. The moat attractive and Tali-manic Play, entitled i BUDREMUVEKR v BENEZRER. With marvellously painted new scenes and dresses. NEGRI SEMBILAN GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. A fully qualified Surveyor in required by the Government of Nogri "Bembilan. Salary
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    • 58 2 mK».nU«< u+vuprtmkt. By O* **U't «/t««i ■■MaaM* AU «i»»niiii| rji>lr«ot» ar« nJ.jKt to IH» •■:mtlit»« i Id. «<uwMylM« lk» .d-rtV.-™..!" m.« I~>W w oomtifjfrmte/ mttUr, i,ai n«l »A.w» lk»« to'" i*w «Mk •»■>-•> The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. I No
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 103 2 •v r.Ai HKIi BEPOK'I Krolxiu Hotjntal, 27th April. H! 6. 9a.m. 3p.m. p.m. BikabK'.' Bar. red. SZ Fab. 2J.8b7 29.7X4 29.342 Tump BJ.» M.O 79 6 W»t Bulh Th»r. 7*o 7>.^ 77 4 lit. Dir. of Wind W. S. Calm t'-'-l Mas. Temp, in -h MS mill Mia.* do
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    • 778 3 lit mi: IK THE HTHAITO TIMES IK We are k,'lad to find that Mr. tgaia a awabrr of the liegis- i.ncil He was the Lading ►pint u,,.v, ni.-nl wliich culniinat, .1 ia .ol Kinkrupi. v iiinetnlnietit ta parted vhea H h'.nie tliroilwlioiit tin- ■ariag frosj want ai noa.
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    • 867 3 1" till H,||oß OF THK STKAIIs lIMIM-. attention Ins lie-n ilrawn te a •Uletwol made in the 1.-hlmlh at vnu-us inn.iiio gardiagtbe KkaK bud, •hi 1 ll appciici! in >"iir issue of lli.--">tli I -ii oorraapnodMl italai that be „.,1 1,, ,1, -ill-list, at. tin! I ihe
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    • 74 3 On the 2oth inataut. a lad of twelve wais „t a«e, the son of a Mu^is woman, living at Pulo Takoag, 1 1,-se to Chaui;ie, went into the river to l>athe. Some fifte.-n iiiinules after, his inothtr. upon haifiag bin taoafJag for aMiataaea, aval aateUi of
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    • 73 3 Mi. Makks. of the Skatinu Rink, has arraßaad a boiini; maaatitiaa tor tinilt hiii islnp ot the Straits Seltleni. -i.ts. The- couti-st will take plic- M May tith. iiu.l wW lie toaght lietweeu Charlie Mork'ii". champion Ikixpt of th# Undaunted, and Corporal Woudleii, af the
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    • 95 3 TtU Acting Collector Mt Port DiekaM reportt that, last motitli. Mr. R ili-rt Eiiu'ler applied to him for 3iK) acres of land for coconut cultivation there, and, ou the ttadaad -1-M, went with him al.uitf tl,e OMai to tiud suitable land. The puM •li last talagtti his a
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    • 86 3 The Very Bt* Oaaon [Mou lieaniiouuicl on Bnndaj ihat. vi Mm laataiw af the men, l, is ot the I'inllisriuonic Society of St. Cecilia, a solemn r. i]iii>>m hitfh mass for the ii shop O.isiii.-r fMII bt c.-leiriti-l la tat Oataaaial of ika Qaatl Sliepherd
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    • 107 3 .v riiiii-osAi. liiis ben pal lorwara bji llie ,uit hoi itie* at the G.-u. Po»l »lli to awba Hoagfcoag i la-- taraiiaal poiut of tli- "Imiwr nl kiil sidit*. .1 anil mi vice ta tliKir Baal it ad "t Bl mmlsu. Th ■uggeatioa Ins ken emlioJi.-d ia a
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    • 137 3 An attempt turn on Baturdaj eveniog by mo Mains, to .■(!.< t an illllill, cc 11, 10 I liollse 111 WiltelliMi Street occupied l»J Mi A. J. Judab. As.ivant. bariug oeoama tv w> out teriag tb« „1... i.ii- ..i ins lairtrr pnt padlock oa :u.- dour. Upon
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    • 159 3 On Suii'l.iv. this least ams ,luly arl*> lum-c.I ,n .vi. ii.- X. mi iv C.itlioiicCliiir.-ucs. hi ill.- PuftagMM Cnureh it was ol sr\ed 1 with u.ucli Til- a in. MM «.is rim-,! bj llie V.iv Kol. Fatlier b*»tii ,i. ;i -'-"t"! r ii i«m
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    • 50 3 In v Court at Penang wis to deliver judgment yesterday in the matter of a Singhalese, named Moody, whose extradition j was demanded by the Perak Government. One point raised* is that Moody, being a British subject, is not extraditable, because the Penang Court has jurisdiction to try him.
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    • 74 3 Wh«h "Goschens," as tho new 2% pur <ent. Consols are termed, touched 110 the other day, a good deal of attention waa i directed to the circumstances, swinj that it is a rate a good denl higher than was ever realized by the old 3
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    • 60 3 The subordinate officials at Singapore, says the Perak Pioneer, have again laid before the Governor another memorial on the exchange compensation question, with figures grouped to show how high the common n.-c. usuries of life have risen here in price within the last ten years. The memorial is
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    • 90 3 Thk re|n>rt for the twelve months, ended I De-ember 31st. states the net profi'o, I including £B,ssshrougt't forward,amounted to £24.818. There has been paid an interim dividend for the half-year ended Juno 30th at the rat* of 5 per cent, per annum on the A shares,
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    • 84 3 The annual general meeting of the Philharmonic Society was held last evening prior to the practice. The report and h iii ii. m! statement were adopted, and the committee aiid officers re-elec-Ud as follows: President, Captain St. Clair vice-presi-dent. Mr. J. F. Craig; treasurer, Mr. J. S.
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    • 114 3 KiiiHT aasjsjsji Vkht«ri>at. Mr. Hare,* Protector of Cluue&c. visited a tiiinih r of hous-s in hTaiii|H>ng Maiaoav Kreta Aver, aud Hong Liin Market, and arrested several mm IH-longmg to stK-ret societies. This morning ;i' 4 lock, Mr. SU-wart, Acting -lit of Police, and Chief Inspector Jeun.ngs,
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    • 192 3 Thk report to he presi uted at the first autitial meeting, on April li>. states that tin- realisation of the assets of the old bank is progressing favourably. The position of the bank ax r. girds the public on Dec. HI I ist, was Liabilities,
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    • 214 3 '..lltlihlltril. I Ttth aliove theatre w.i.s crowded on Situnhv iii«lit, when a new play entitled Lal-Goher was produced for the first I time, ami was favourably received by the i amlience The Jewish "com in unity with I their families were present in Urge nuuii ban, .iii.l
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    • 283 3 AN INTERESTING POINT IN CRICKET [•> THK KIMT.ilt lit THK "DAILY MM Sik, Snui'-ol' \ouj- readers may remeiu. ber a rather curious incident that occurred in a ni'i'. on the Hongkong cricket ground during ill.- past season. C ipiaiu (iritu.u, R.N., playing for the Plains I The Pe.ik, played a
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    • 34 3 Beoinmikii with Kri.Uy evening and i > every evening, during the mouth of May, j (except Sundays) there will be the usual services in the Cathedral of the <Jood 1 Shepherd at 7.
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    • 37 3 A new Japanese postage stamp it to be issued on the Ist of July to commemorate the victory over China. The stamp*, to 'be printed r~ 250,*****0 tw.>-sen stamp*, and 250,000,000 five -sen ttatnps.
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    • 37 3 Turn Norddeutscher Lloyd sUatner Wei- ntar, which arrive this morning from Bremen, is under charter with the German Government. She has on board a new crew for the German men-of-war on the China station.
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    • 36 3 THE ELCANO." The Spanish mail steamer Elcano, in connection at Singapore with the outward Hnd homeward French mail steamers Caledonian and Yarra, was fixed to leave Manila to day. and should arrive here on Sunday afternoon.
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    • 42 3 Mr. J. Stanbury, the champion sculler of the world, was at Colombo on the 15th instant on his way from Australia to Knglaod, whither he goes to row a r u-e against Harding who has challenged the Australian for the premiership.
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    • 57 3 The M. M. steamer Yarra with the homeward French mail leaves Hongkong to-morrow and will arrive here on Tuesday morning, the sth May. At Colombo, the Varra will traush'p her m.ids from the Far K ist for Europe into the AuUralien from Australia for Marseilles where
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    • 48 3 Weather p»rmittin*, the Santa Cecilia .intl.i- to-night, comineiicißg at 8.45: March Kelreta Eymnola V. Z. >\ mplioniH Ur la Opera ton*. Cesar Ferrwtsi. Walt«...//»m.«-i ff <U bt i>a»,«i« Wnldtenfel. Duo .1.. Is Afrie.-ms Cabe lero. .lotta La Ettudiantina S. Ervito. Polka Cnrwn M. A.
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    • 132 3 OrrictAi. statistics show that 235 deaths from cholera took place at Calcutta during the week ending with the 1 1th instant. The epidemic coutinued to progress on the 15tb, when the heat proved no e.v-essive that many msesof sunstroke and lie t apoplexy were reported, thirteen of
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    • 111 3 The undermentioned officer having arrived by the s.s. Minapore on the 25th iust. is taken on the strength of the command accordingly i Lieutenant C. B. Harvey, R.E, Subject to confirmation. Lieutenant J. A. C. Somervill*. 2nd North'd. Fusi. lier.i, is app< iute<l Ginison Adjutant, Siogtpore, lr>ru Ist
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    • 217 3 The report on the Saving* (Sinks for \S'X> is published in last week's Govern, inent (lazette. It shows that since the Savings Banks weie established in the colony, 8,611 accouuts have been o)>ened, and 38,601 deposits received for an aggregate sum of $1,516,228 Th- withdrawals total to 15.685
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    • 320 3 Thk objects and reasons fur the Ameudm,' Muuicipal Ordinance Bill are net forth I atMMMMiftfc in the last number of the I Government Gazette. One of the amendments aiin<> at qualifying the occupier of part of a house for election as Commis- j siou.-i. provided his reutal reaches
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    • 46 3 The Mitsui Bussan Kaisha is reported to have obtained from the Japanese Government the contract to control the monopoly of opium in Formosa, and a responsible man is to be sent to the island shortly to make the necessary preparations for opening business.
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    • 38 3 H N. Ms gunboat Lombok. Lieut. Commander Casb-udyk, left for Soerabaia yesterday afternoon. The steamer Lucifer of the Netherlands India lighthouse service. Captain Droop, arrived here from Deli yesterday afternoon and left for Batavia this morning.
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    • 100 3 It is reported that 37 Sikhs who were recently brought to Hongkong from Calcutta to join the Police Force have refused to sign article*, alleging as justification for tin ir action that they have been brought under false pretences. It appears that these n en ex|*>ct«d
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    • 117 3 At the Police Court to-day, Samuel Wilson and James Spooni, privates iv the Northumberland Fusiliers, were each sentenced to three weeks' rigorous imprisonment for stealisg two bottl?* of brandy and two of whisky from the Australian Hotel, the liquors being the property of Mrs. Leonard. On a
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    • 570 3 THE HITI'ATION IN AMiAM riKCAI. FROMPECTH. Thk Cnurrur if Haifhuny dwells upon the political dangers in Anuam, a Suite ii.lri li. in h prott-ution. Frenrh iuflueuee here is still ou an insecure foundation, ■■.vii.g to a large party among the Amiauii'es being hostile Ui the new order of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 13 3 j Tender Feet V Ho«Fs»t,Tir»dFs«t •I I tl>M«l,ll> KIIKVCI A Concy't F|uid. icond/sHuld
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    • 878 3 HOMEWARD PA3SENOERB. Per P A O. a* Canton, to leave 11th May. for Lnndoo, Mr Wm. Davidson, and the Misses Alleu. Per P. AO. s. s. Ptk in, for London 13th I May. Mr. and Mrs. Jamas M llei, child and infant, Mr. Allen. I Per M. M. a. s.
      878 words
    • 988 3 FOR HALE; EMPLOYMENTH TO LET; AND PERSONALS. [Ist TIM, 15 cents a lino; 2nd and 3rd times, 10 cents a lino 4th to 6th times, 5 eenU, a line; 7th to 18th times, 3 cents a Ha*; afterwards, 2 emits a line j bnt no charge less than one dollar.
      988 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 156 3 ai:k.\NGKMKNI's Tl-ksuay, Jhm Ai-aii, High \V,it.-i I" 1 1 am lUII.I Ks|ilanadc H45 |..ui. Parse.- Theatre. p.m. Wkunb'mkay, l".mi, Ai-kh High Water. 11.44 a.m. 11.20 p.m. P. &O. homeward mail doi-ps. 2 p.m. Furniture Auction, 106, River Valley Baal, Powell Co. 2 p.m. l'liilimrmouie Choir 5.40 |> in Thubhuat, 30th
      156 words

    • 199 4 Under thia hi-wlinir th» following abbrarl tiona are aaed «tr.— •teamnr sh.— ahip bq.— barane; Brit —British D. S.—^nit- I Stato* Ft.— French; G«r.— German i T)ut Dntfh; Joh.— Jobore; Ao., G.p..— G<>nor« eanro; d. p.— de*k paaaenjrnrs U.—Uncertain T. P. W— Tanjoiw Paaar Wharf I p
      199 words
    • 923 4 AHRIVAI.S SINCK NllilN OF TISTERUAT. ifa/arra. Brit itr 405 tons, Capt Paly. 27th Apl. From T. Aiwrn 2.Mh Api Tin, (>r«. 441 dp. Htraita Bteain-lpp Oif. Ltd. For T *.niioii ria porU, 2!>tli RA» FaiUee. Bri'. »tr. 98 torn., Capt Pall«tt. 27th Apl. Fnin Kairaii. J'.tli A).| Q
      923 words
    • 522 4 .V.i,.... p „l. jr-,1>,i1,1r ilile nf nrtu-i', and •MM mji'iilt. STKA-.: M -II l.ll'l > a>H>>t M« 12 P. 4'• Ak-»"1 i" l< v«r .1, Mnv W. M« „6. AjfK'. a-.litT. Mar. ii; \i v.trail. A;ui. I.iv. r,.....t. K*ytt; W Iml I 1 All) ii. I! ml>iy Mny
      522 words
  • 113 4 f\»t.U >t MIA ,MKAll> IK AKKJVbIJ f »K Pi. a.. UiTl Diti. and Ship's Nim Commaniok K»«>( Wb*«i Km. hum Apl |U(i»r. rb Coloml.un s. 0 ~J»n I lit la) l."> Ned Prim F..rlu;.i Apl 1., ht>« HXirt, 1i,,-i, OhM Mar .<> IU .i-k.ik Brit, bq M..y A.
    113 words
  • 107 4 h»il'« Nam*. Tom. Captain. Ria Kkom Siiiml CO* kpi. 27 I»m i 27 Hcuif I ■>{ .'7 A-hrown n Pithau 27 i 27 SwuMk-cnion I 27 llr.nli-. I 2? M»U.i« 27 K.nt.--27 Lucifer I m ciiow im.>» i 28 Hvl* 28 Weima- < M -v. m Omen 1171
    107 words
  • 89 4 I>A I VlBllßl.'B .Vim. Xi i i:i Captain. (■■n* ,|.l. 27•ll I Victoria 2S Aunt ali-.ii M I Claui A A|H»r > A|f»l.authn M Pathwi SB AmluT-t M Kal.vier W Kuw Y»..g 28 lan Liouv 28 s«nJariK M j Albinfia M Wuur tS Vy.ur W I triaJiai Hnt.
    89 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 227 4 NOTK'IS I McALISTER Co., HAVE JUST KECEIVEU A KIIESH SHIPMENT OF WATBON&CO 8 /^J^^SW^ V V O oblkbratkd M^M*S *•< Price 111 per Case Whiskies <Bstim vSA I>tTT Pai "IPICIAL RESERVE, ft 1^ J ]HmM had at the monoy %W«V% W-^r mSSm l irn l ll(1 V'Y \JSgC^ |^a<^?s/ DOT¥
      227 words
    • 855 4 GRIMAULT'S SYRUP ox* HYPO-PHOSPHITE of LIME FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST All siiflerinK from Catarrh, Consumption, Obstinate Coughs or Colds and thoM ulTected wilh diseases of tbe Chest. Lungs and Bronchial Tubes, ihoaM take GBIIiIOLT S SYfiliPifHYPO-PnOSPfIITEifLIME PretiCTil.-'d liy Hi.- loading medicar authorities in all in, tries lor Hie last
      855 words
    • 623 4 NOTHJBb. MCALISTER fcTcO 'FAIRBANKS SCALES. Notice is li.-n liv given that under power of attorney dat»»d 12th Decemrxr, 1895. Messrs. E. AT. Fairbanks A Co. oi St. .1 -id i.«l him Vermont, U S. A., appointed Francis Warned and Alexander CunimtDg, Singapore, joiutlv and sererallv to be tbe true sufficient
      623 words
    • 248 4 j NOT ICEB. KATZ BR()THEM Have just unpacked toe following: I >.-►■ I K I.IVi-n. Dessert i..i,,*. Deitsert ru, k-. Tea S| .i-.iis. Mustard Salt Spoons, ■m Ladles, >i>ii|. Ludles, i Klin. -p.. Pocket K „iv. Nail Stissoni. Xl K Krupp's Rczor Paste Taldo KniTfH. ThMi; Sp.K»n», Table Furks.
      248 words
    • 1012 4 KLEY HABGREAVkS COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. ELLIOTS SAFES OF VARIOUS BIZEB aii. kittkii with Chubi'b Lock*. wkh;hin« machines, fairbanks aveky's Weighing pnund\ cut ti«.<, and kiln*. BELTING. Lan. >>-!iir.', Rubber, Leather, and tjaud/s of First Clan* Quality. PUMPS. RoUry, iHotrifuga), Flnomrter, strain and Hand. EN(JINES. Port»l.l-=4, 8, 10 HP.^ V.rtical=lriHP.
      1,012 words
    • 79 4 NOTICES. "TOONO HlNOr Carpeaters. Art I nmltiirr Munufu. tarers, P«lUtaers, and nntlgnera. FROM MNOPO. House Builders. Contractor*, and Fainter* of Eignbotrd*. Now Opii I.U, O-rhard Road, NMfM Household »nd ()ffice furniture nf antfl description. Artistic D> sign, and unrivalled in workmanship mado MHHMM to ordrr from thp bost'seasuued Ti-sk only.
      79 words
    • 44 4 NOTICES. ONLY Ajx>|.|. A ii. Ommmi m»Jm Y. ur m..»scng^r MM l.riag tl» moil v <-«unot get the enveloiies. S«wt Fault By To^t: H. 40. BOBT. LENZ r 0 ARTPHOTOORAPHKRa CORNKR OF STAMFORD ROir», AMD HILL STREKT. BITTIW.IS KROM 7 M TO r > P
      44 words